June 23, 2019 [Sunday Morning] Min Shaquille Forbs

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much fat on early vine so she needs per that's Marva Findlay the central village community there's a flare-up and someone was shot this morning or killed this morning Rita Anderson she's in the hospital with a heart condition and she needs healing dearly gray she has a high fever she needs healing paula McLeish she needs a financial breakthrough mr. Cecil Prince he has prostate cancer and he's in a lot of pain he needs pearl and deliverance our own deacon nelson he needs pearl and healing sister Carla Dixon she's not feeling well Tiffany Nicholson she is in Ward 21 and he's a divine touch she was given the wrong medication so she needs her sister Antoinette Dixon she's in a lot of pain so gallstone problem so she means per ricardo recharge and Anton Harvey they need salvation and were praying also for each other that love will abound that unity will abound best alert everybody and we're gonna pray believe in faith it's morning hallelujah great God we look at this movie we exalt you mighty guards we come before you great God Lord God we have no one else to call on but you this morning great God and so this morning we bow before you empty Lord Jesus with the cup hallelujah of healing deliverance oh god I love meekness before you this morning for you to pour down it this morning Great God Lord God as we put every name that's written on the paper and dough swab and spoken request this morning Lord God Jesus we know that there is nothing to art for you God and just by mentioning your name this morning God and so this morning Lord God it's we Oh God believe that it is done and well this morning because God whatever we take to you God whichever way the report come we know that it is well because it is for your glory and so this morning God as we Eva put the unsaved or God at our passing by the unsaved that our Hotere those who are evil 19 their right mind those who are in the hospital this morning oh god the Box lightest God whether they're hung gonna take this morning are their hope dear Lord Jesus mighty God I pray that you will speak to their heart this morning and whatever mighty God that they love out in the world God you will kill your appetite hallelujah for the things of the world this morning right now dear desires hallelujah for the things of the world it's morning Lord Jesus and help them to come back the altar to say Here I am Lord mighty God this morning we put our leaders before you O God our Bishop and his family or what he comes this morning Jesus we present our own Deacon o so before you paranoid even though you are doing our work God because God is your servant this morning God upon the choir the praise team has been minister this morning Carla pray God on the altar this morning and say yes Lord I am here card to see Eunice morning this morning this morning [Music] this morning Lord Jesus pray for the moderator that will pannier this morning you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning and don't even speak to someone art show someone that individual that they can't bless em Lord Jesus mighty God as we look to you this morning and as we give you tax and we say God we have God I want my to call to Jesus we thank you for dying on the cross just like you to perish and hallelujah this morning as we lift you up this morning Great God and as we say we love and adore you this morning as we come to you tomorrow high your great made me small here hallelujah it's not our will but your will be done this morning Salinas [Music] turnover bother to do - Robbie 20 and we gonna read from we all gonna read halleluiah shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God blessed shalt thou be in the city and blessed shalt thou be in the field Blay shadow would be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground and the fruit of thy cattle the increase of thy kind and the flocks of thy shield blessed shall be thy basket and I store blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in and blessed shalt thou be when thou voiced out the Lord shall cause them enemies that I rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face they shall come out against being one way and flee before these seven ways the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses and in all that those set is thine hand on two and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee the Lord shall establish thee and holy people unto himself as he had sworn unto thee if thou shalt keep the commandment of the LORD thy God and walk in his ways and all the people of the earth shall see that though are called by the name of the Lord and they shall be afraid of me and the Lord shall may be plenteous in goods in the fruit of thy body and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of the ground in the land which the Lord swear unto thy father's to give thee the Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure the heaven to give a grain on to the island in his season and to bless all the works of thy hand and thou shalt lend on to many nations and thou shall not master The Tempest is raging the Hobby lows are tossing hi [Music] how can I wait movement so badly [Music] a man Oh ha [Music] me [Music] that's the anguish of spirit I bow my Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] master [Music] [Music] maybe [Music] nor cutsie party by [Music] No Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord Jesus wonderful becomes our storms in our life he calms the troubles in our lives even when they are not yet solve but he give us the insurance to deal with it what an awesome God he is a God to be praised into the worship and I just want to give him thanks can we lift our hands to him and tell him thanks thank you great God thank you God that you have kept me alive today you have woke me up in my right my and Jesus Lord God Almighty do pains are in my body but Lord God I'm alive and I'm in my right mind Jesus God and I still have a desire that you have given to me to serve you God and I want to thank you great God that's you God I still kept me alive with your desire to live for you God thank you great guide your wonderful Jesus your wonderful great God your wonderful God praise God praise God praise God can we clap her hands up on to the Lord for he is good praise God praise God praise God you know Wednesday night we prayed for Deacon Elsa and today we just want to give God thanks he is here with us he's here with us to give God thanks Caesar sitting down on the lower level because he's getting some breeze and so he wants the continent to enjoy the breeze don't you so we thank God that he still keep him alive for another day it still keep him alive still keep him alive I've never nearly dead I've never nearly did it never nearly dead I'm just going to a lick of sleep and didn't realize what was happening and so we give God thanks because in all of our situation Jesus is always with us always wonderful wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] one wonderful [Music] wonderful one wonderful Jesus [Applause] water [Applause] wonderful everything [Applause] I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God and can we clap our hands onto him wonderful God save us geeky boss he service he keep us and as david say yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death when we all can you see shadow you must be in light so it means therefore that even though I don't see God God is there that's the reason why I could see the shadow of death lurking around but it could not harm me because what Jesus Christ is with me can we lift our hands onto the Most High God and so I tell you as a Christian we can nearly die because we walked through the valley of the shadow of death and so therefore we fear no evil thank you great God this is a wonderful day to be alive it's a great day to be alive and it's also a good day to die praise God do you believe that is it a good day to die today if you are baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost and living right it's a good day to die and if you are repented this morning it is a good time to die because if you die now oh great God you will make it in praise God keep standing everybody I'm gonna be asking us all to stand just stand on your feet praise God and I'm gonna be action bishop you deal it to come and greet this congregation and talk to us about what's on his heart praise God come on come on we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord again can we praise the Lord again put your hands together and give him a clap offering of praise because he's worthy he's worth is somebody shout you are excellent Jesus somebody shows your excellent Jesus look on the person beside you and tell them press along press along turn to the person of the other side tell him press along the person behind you press along the person in front of your peers at the body in front of it press along press along a man give the Lord a clap offering of praise again he has given us the energy and it strength to press and to keep going in spite of the obstacles in spite of the challenges in spite of the issues can I challenge somebody press along so that I love that one but you know which one we're going to yeah you have the mics there you know that all one has a press along since press alone in God's own way persecution we must face trials and troubles in our way and to the extent that the battle gets hot the table at work you're troubled everywhere you have neighbors troubling you but if your neighbors trouble you what you must do love them and live for God and pray for them and as the battle gets hot you watch and see how God is going to step in and so as we sing this song I want us to encourage ourselves in the Lord I want us to encourage each other as we just press along in God's own wings shout a praise to the king one more time show - praise to the king one more time show the praise to the king again show the praise to the king again showed up raise to the king again come on sing us a song change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] the [Music] ooh sorry but fair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] that's right [Music] [Music] we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have hopped this far and even if we find Falls one with another I can find no fault in here and so I encourage your saints of God press on press on press on press on press on don't give up don't look back donor round to the person beside you I want you to find five persons and help them walk out of his seat right now hi in a popular folks not less than five unhook them just hug them tell them good to have you in church today and just tell them to keep pressing on keep pressing on [Music] praise God as we walk a road I do it [Music] what's that Mike what's that Mike over there sister that my sister Marsha the song says I'm pressing on the upward way and pursue walk around are you pressing are you pressing are you pressing [Music] are you pressing don't give up don't give up don't give up [Music] yes yes [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh yes oh yes oh yes on higher higher I'm here to encourage somebody to keep pressing on seeing that Singapore single again [Music] Volvo retook Ahana [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day yeah [Music] Hey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please I need a brand new toy [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God praise God praise God oh I feel so good I'm happy I'm happy to be what's the word encouraged to press along amen even agreed every visitor I greet every saved all the online visitors I greet you with the wonderful wonderful name of can we put our hands together same for all the visitors that are in the house and for all the saints that are here put your hands together one more time we have a special visitor also and we'll be hearing from him in a little while in the Forbes all the way from Connecticut in the USA and we will be talking about him in a little while we welcome you sir good to have you in our midst today can we put our hands together amen for elder Forbes just visiting with us today it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and if you're being pressed don't groan as I encourage you to press along you know how you press and go when you worship Him when you're pushed on you can't imagine you're going on that and you're going down and you're saying hallelujah you know you're saying glory to God what it looks like you are you're down and out and everybody's saying what's that madman new query is a look where she is and instead of just cursing and moving on like what some people do you're doing on the ground going down and saying God is good how can God be good when you around the grown and you're going down and don't but let me tell you something God is God and he always will be God he's God when the lightning flashes he's called when the tunnels roll he's God when you're on your knees going down he's God when you're on your back and seen that you cannot move and in due course he's going to burst asunder for you you feel at your door you get you're gonna be up can I tell somebody that is don't to get up right now get up in the name of Jesus Christ get up you're a victim not a victim and I speak that I feel a little feel that I must tell you that you're not going you're not dying you shall live and be clear create and powerful things they take your job I know you're without a job you know what's even know that God was setting you for a better job your daddy your whining and crying stop crying stand up everybody one word under your time but kind of one more time one more time and in your Valley right now lift your voice and glorify God in your situation right now lift your voice I'll glorify God I'm giving you the remedy to keep pressing glorify pod back to fight Jesus lift him a little higher hareton Jesus all hail Emmanuel King of Kings Lord of lords right morning star Oh glory be to God glory be to God if you're done' you don't know what to do and who to call and with politician to call for help politicians can help you the boss cannot help you only the Great God Almighty the king that shits above her he will send help from the throne and higher and he will help you and so I encourage you keep pushing keep pressing keep forging ahead in the name of Jesus Deacon you shouldn't even be tell me to do that since I was taking up a Bible it's not my fault it's not my fault it's not my fault but I encourage you one more time and here's this little chorus next time just SEC greet I can put the Bible so there is a little chorus the verse just you feel like going on I'm talking about the person that is under your fee is known you feel like going on one they are going to tell you some secrets you won't believe you won't drop data well not there we will jump our fears I'm going to tell you some secrets but for now I can tell you some of us some of you you children the children pass tip and then put a step in your feet and we won't greet them just before I stepped on the sack knowledge then but look here some folks don't even know what will be the next step [Music] come September you can't even you don't even know he will reach work tomorrow you do I've got body you don't know how the children going to school you don't have no money you only happy that them pass pimp but that is the story and you're near worrying and worrying stop worrying a man stop Merman a man stop fret no matter what it seemed as if there is a red sea in front of you and you're you're dead no you will not die for God has a wheel parting red seas and the body of a Red Sea situation anybody ever XE situation it's Robin it's not moving that messy will you at work and at school and wherever and it does call me like everything is just I you said where is my god singers encourage the people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just enforcing the verse again all our youngsters all just came out of pit every if you are here just just copy right here some part of some Bantam Queen sometimes I did some banter alpha I think yet everyone I think one all soft wet Oh norm I'm on Maggie a champion college st. and your high food my lord a person look at them look at them look at them look at them by God and I'm and they hide appearance threatened them friend and friend and friend till I lose weight but that resort go appearance i my my mind my past surety and every one of them is that it taught me was dropping off not to mention sister dearly and they all look at them these are all that took and everyone them from later group to talk to champion told our dental mother to this to send angel to alpha to immaculate to normal manly oh come on we put our hands together and give Lord a hand clap of praise it and they were worried that it will make them end up not going anywhere stop worrying use them as an example that came true alright they know how to pray you don't even know that these young ones were praying I said god help me to get true can we sing and encourage these children and I encourage you to through this song to understand that no matter how it looks dark there is always light at the entry point and guess who the rises Jesus himself forward theorem the core of goobers [Music] [Music] and courage them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great powerful children you can go back to your seat that we pray to God as he continued to favor you in school that you will still true to him and let nobody tell you that God is not real because you have proven him to be real okay god bless you these are our great future leaders and we are going to pray to God that God will keep them an annoying them wouldn't it be nice to have a holy was fill water baptized in Jesus name prime minister of this country wouldn't it be good until big great to have the Prime Minister sitting down inside church and on a chooser when the assembling parliament he stand up and clear the name of Jesus and the anointing of God take him and he lead a country in the path of righteousness would that be wonderful is that too hard for God to do it's not since the June you're ready with the announcement and I am going to ask you to do the announcement and not to say what's on your mind because I did that with Bishop Adam are Northbridge [Music] can we exalt the name of Jesus everybody come on Timmy eight so the name of Jesus hallelujah one more time hallelujah for he is good for Jesus is good I'm his mercies endure forever what a wonderful day to be the house of the Lord this morning can you just put your hands together and give the Lord some praise because indeed he is wonderful he's amazing hallelujah I greet us all in a precious an exalted name of Jesus I agree to our online family members thank you family members so much for tuning in today I did that you'll never see again and I'd say a perfect day to give God praise all of the regulars on the line god bless you heartily I don't remember all of your names those of you are tuning in for the first time there is a very special blessing here with your name on it if you're stay tuned you will be blessed now before I get into the unknown sment sister just Shana Campbell where are you sister - ina Campbell yes no going praise the name of Jesus today is just a canvas birthday beautiful people are born in June amen god bless you richly in the name of the Lord Jesus now these are your announcements for this week please listen carefully and govern yourselves accordingly Monday Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. will be morning prayer meeting now on Tuesday at 3:30 will be visionaires at 3 o clock before before that at 3 o clock those children who are involved in the skit you have rehearsals today on Tuesday at 3 p.m. if you are involved in this skit rehearsals is at 3 p.m. then children sign language will be at 4 p.m. and general sign language will be today immediately following the service amen everybody on Wednesday our pastor [Music] so on Wednesday is our corporate day of fasting and prayer we start in the morning at 10:00 a.m. then we come back in the evening at 6:30 for prayer meeting and Bible study on Thursday at 6:45 before we get to 6:45 at 4:30 p.m. will be children's choir practice this is the final core practice children you must be in attendance at 4:30 p.m. then at 6:45 will be combine choir practice for Friday 6:30 p.m. the 28th of June 2019 first 20 listen if you never get excited is today giving away manifest 2019 is on this Friday night at 6:30 p.m. I cannot begin to tell you what will happen on Friday night heaven will touch earth as a sense begin to lift their praise I wanted a Bible saying if you lift his praise if you stand up his presence here what he'll come down and he'll draw all men unto Him now guess what you have to be we have a special admission for Friday night you must bring your praise you cannot leave your praise at home you must bring your praise you must have started inviting what if you don't start today as an exchange invite everybody you see on the road on the post at work tomorrow at school to manifest this Friday night at 6:30 p.m. and you must bring I love offering if you're not bringing it to love don't bring it but bring it to now when you get your the logo just blows up on bring your offering bring your praise and bring our friend to manna-fest slave to 19mm everybody all right Lord Jesus thank you for praying for me those who are and in other unknown Smithsonian that of line was dawn there's a new number and it goes like this eight seven six five three zero eight seven four nine if you are trying to get through so the church offices the number is eight seven six five three zero eight seven four nine you must call you must not what's up are texts you must call a man if you want to get through to the office now I have some thank yous here brother Vernon East say it's a very special thank you for praying for him for his minor surgeries as you can see he is well amen everybody also brother the Nikko Clark thanks everyone who supported his barbecue on Friday god bless you richly food tenseness don't eat my own taste nice god bless you brother D'Amico do it again soon so we can support you amen next week Sunday June and searches is doctrinal and double attendance dried a very special Sunday school awaits us all as we come on out at 9:00 a.m. no guess what if we do not come empty-handed we will have a prize but is the person with the most visitors before 9:30 there will be a very special prize for you come on out this Sunday June 30th for doctrinal and double attendance day today immediately following the service will be house-to-house visitation meeting Team B you are in charge please ensure that you meet over by number 2 at 2:00 p.m. online registration for apostolic camp experience reopens just for today now if you did not register online there is a day of grace just for today make sure that you see a member of the youth committee to ensure that you are registered online also if you have the camp fears okay also if you you have the campus you may start putting your dog payments for camp Apostolic camp experience 2019 is going to be a blast take it from me we are all ready and raring to go and you must ensure that you are registered all Apostolic camp experience volunteers please remember that you have a meeting with Bishop today immediately following the service it is very important that you meet with sir today okay he says over by number two all is volunteers ensure that you meet with Bishop today now in somber news I have two funeral services here to announce the funeral service for Pauline Thompson who is the niece of sister to Laura daily she has passed away and her funeral service will be held on July 6 at 11:00 a.m. at the Red Hills Baptist Church please as many as can go please support our sister then also the funeral service for brother Gordon's brother his name is Emanuel Gordon it takes place next week Sunday June 30th at the New Haven seventh-day Adventist Church interment follows at Marist those of you who are interested in attending and supporting our brother there's a bus leaving here at 10:45 only five hundred dollars to go and to take you back here alright so if you are interested please ensure that you see sister Pamela Gordon for the funeral service for her brother-in-law sister Taylor Adela is not here but you can speak with myself afterwards if you are interested in going then on Monday the 1st of July let me hear all the men say praise the Lord come on man praise the Lord mail order like that men's meeting is on the 1st of July at 6:30 p.m. all men men shall come on out next week morning not tomorrow the following Monday at 6:30 p.m. then on Wednesdays brother Matt talks deaqon you want to help with this one on Wednesdays there'd be soup provided for all right so uh Scott faith apostolic ministries a Scott is trying to raise funds for some of their youngsters to go to apostolic camp experience and so they'll be selling soup every Wednesday night until the deadline so that they can also both us kind of wondering you so both as Curtin here for to raise funds for our children to go to camp amen everybody that clear you want me say it again so every Wednesday night there'll be soup I'm seen and the the proceeds will go towards sending some of our young people from in host faith apostolic ministries and over by a Scott to attend council please give generously and support so that all young people can go just before just before sister Romain comes with an announcement for Sunday school my people are you're here my people say praise the Lord I don't know where they keep putting me in this precarious positioning on all married men and engagement please stand if you are married or engaged officially please stand man when my darling sister man sure alright so guess what the Family Life Ministries has something very exciting for you and trust me your webs cannot complain when they hear this so the family life ministry is having a day that is called cupcakes for her Sunday yes madam awfully crumbly no cupcakes for her Sunday now we are asking all our men to walk with only $200 next week [Music] only $200 man account you think you can manage that next week ah $200 only two only two and if you're not married not supposed to be talking to me only $200 right and his cupcakes for her is not for the kids it's for her so she can't complain say you don't we are not be sweet don't it so only $200 men as we support the family life fundraising mission purchase a cupcake for your cupcake amen god bless you may be seated you may be seated as a hell of a typist Alec ministries and honor wonderful set of people now those of us who had borrowed books last year to go to high school our new papers are oh no and the pep students that came calling and peppers but there oh no I didn't need the books to borrow so please if you have any of the books in your possession bring them back to the office so we can share with those who are going to high school no amen and one last thing before system armament comes the International Organization for the advancing of the body of Christ which is spearheaded by our own brother Andrew Richards they'll be having a fundraising concert at the Stephanie Hall Auditorium holy childhood hi on Saturday October 5th and if you are interested the cost for the tickets are only $800 if your wait until you get there is $1200 I would encourage us to purchase them No so this is a fundraising event for the IOA BC it's gonna be on October 5th if you are interested I have tickets on sale these are your announcements god bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Jesus so see stuff come to you so where your fearsome that clamp on it so well you mean a way for God you don't know about make 2019 what I mean Oh picnic 2019 is here so if you have nowhere to go for someone when I am giving you the opportunity on the first of August to come out to picnic 2019 some persons are looking at me strange you know they wondering what is not lame are you ready you need to get yourself ready sir Stan open take a stretch know you're ready what you don't want to see sir well it to a 50-meter - I would like to see that you know sir guess what start the preparation process from know so start get physically fit you know bodily exercise profiteth about we're needing right this is the pull a train over it there so we're going to have so we're gonna have some nice activities for you so there'll be AmeriCorps own boats about netball football I'm a currently sort all of them so guess what's you need to come on the first of August 2019 to jeongmal courts complex hulls Hall Clarendon for picnic 2019 so fula you don't stretch you're ready ready ready oh you're getting ready all right you ready to you know so let's go out to jump Marco Sports Complex for picnic 2019 see you there so picnic with a start on the first or so picnic start on the first when it ended because she said I'll somebody drove anywhere to go picnic it also though and then if we go and start the first unhandy seven you're gonna start the first in the morning and you're going to end in the evening potatoes okay praise God remember I told you I'm not bright so after him no praise a lot everybody also on a side note our own brother Kenton he has lost his uncle and so we want to remember to prefer over a Kenton he has lost his uncle okay praise the Lord everybody and as Deacon L suits say it's time to call it God's money can I hacked the ushers to come please come horses while the oceans are coming I just wanted to or want to reinforce what sister Jun said about that special offering on Friday and manifest we should have done it before it had slipped us it eluded us we should have put you on notice before that we will as per usual take a very special offering on that night and we are as in the past we would you know suggest that we come with an offering a special offering of two souls now one so is not whatever this time around I we will not ask for two thousand dollars as a special offering if you can give to if to we've all put a figure on it but we would ask for various alfrid I would ask the oceans to have envelopes from today so you can pick up an envelope today you can pick it up tonight you can pick it up Wednesday and what we would ask that all our seats give especially and when we will explain later on and show you some things that why it is so important but we ask that you give willingly give as unto the Lord and we won't put a figure but we ask that we give a good offerin comes this Friday it is for I can tell you worthy cause god bless you I just looked across and it slips me earlier Amen sister grizzle sister daily I greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus the newlyweds amen it's good to look down and to see them there most of you might not know sister sandy when I just recently met her her husband but sister sandy resides in the states and sister sandy determined that nobody else but nobody could conduct her marriage except brother dearly and this young lady was dawn on me from she's over there that you don't get this nice yet you don't get this yet when you go get this make sure you gets it before June and she go down the line and down the line well I didn't get it yet but I could have done it standing beside somebody with it and we conducted it and it's good to have you I'm not there there they are not members of this church but her mom is here sister Jude and they are in the States but they decide to get married here in Jamaica I just asked them to stand you know they look a little different but at the same time they are they are man and wife and [Applause] we thank you for requesting us to conduct your wedding and the Lord bless you both real good god bless you God bless you God bless you amen in the name of the Lord Jesus sister Carolyn Blake is good to see you wonderful wonderful I see you brought visitors also that's your sister good to see I see the mark my real is good to see you the Lord bless you Amen sister heaven good to see you in the wonderful wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord don't remember if I saw anybody else mother Lydia good to see you and go to heaven church today in a wonderful name of Jesus bless your heart in Jesus name Amen brother Mattox god bless you in Jesus name [Music] praise God praise God but I'm a Quaker I'm gonna be asking you to run up here sir I'm gonna ask you to minister for the offering but a Carlton McGregor one better McGregor one I know you can run oh yes that I pray I do this now Melissa nester you know what is that every time instead of him you know I learned it fully angry yesterday might be you know praise god I've got to access her to appear for the offering and administer everybody our heads everybody Father in the name of Jesus we thank you know God for this awesome wonderful privilege as a stand-in your house on Annie this tent this is the house of the Lord where the presence of the Lord is to lift up your holy name Jesus Christ father Lord God we've already felt your presence in this place and we know God that you're here to grant and to bless father Lord that which have blessed us with today we are about to give back a portion to your kingdom for your glory we answer to sanctify and bless it Let It Be Lord God for the furtherance of your kingdom and for the glorifying of Europe in Jesus Christ for we thank you and we offer these offering unto you and we give you thanks in Jesus name and everybody say Amen praise the Lord everybody if you love the Lord leave your hands and just wave it to the truth I mean I love him if he's been good to you don't want to just tell somebody on your right on your left that psychologist made good let's tell him how good he is [Music] I mean scripture said if it had not been for the Lord with our side praise God father none of us would be here today be singing a song just to glorify and lift up his holy name if it were to sing it to me I put this as a prison worship team just give us some help but as they want to know what surprised [Music] Justine and all the earth returns and all the earth Rito here [Music] Todd let's try to the triple that is horse the trample a TiVo how great [Music] hey he's not laptop in his hands became [Music] the air the head is one he the father the spirit and the son [Music] it's hard [Music] oh hey he's got time wrapped up in the game became a that the air beginning that the third hand is one he's the father the spirit and the side [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] one more time pretty great oh great his heart Oh it's like [Music] how great is our God sing with me how great it's our time and I will see how quick [Music] ha it's all kind [Music] I wish I wish I had the voice like I could see but you are here moving in our midst Jesus I worship you and worship you a word [Music] [Music] it's [Music] come on sir what time do I yes when I was I was our words I'll ever marry somebody put the ring back for the cut a little bit of the universe's in the house right now I wish yes and he's a great car I worship we [Music] my god era ninth are dead [Music] [Music] to you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was happy [Music] singing wait wait good night if that darkness my god wait here uh work abroad is tiny the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] there - my heart was the blood applied glory to his name we're digging [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] better cheaper save me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a pig [Music] today ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Amen I love that somewhat of the hymn book you know I just love that one praise God glory to his name no reason here and you know fee that the choir should sing one more just one or I know the time possible I know the time has passed but come June though you can be this one to call you're wasting it is so [Music] we can ask another leader to come so another him another human song I was your sing and we just worship and glorify God we have we have enough time we should not be here beyond four o'clock today and then we're coming back tonight can I invite us Bridget and invite us back tonight for a brand service amen evangelistic service I invite us to bring our friends and those in our neighbors just get somebody here you would be surprised that that one person that you bring might be the one getting the Holy Ghost in church tonight well can we praise the Lord can we praise the Lord so we invite all of us to be back old the fellowship to worship God to receive from the minister of the choir to hear the servant of the Lord again ministering tonight and just just glorify God [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Halloween [Music] you know I still see that the choir should sing I get thoughts when we attend tonight's glory to God this is ministry hallelujah this is ministry this is word in song hallelujah this is character heart so that we can understand through the combined voices hallelujah the goodness of God hallelujah the goodness of God towards mankind Oh hallelujah at Calvary at Calvary you know I really have to war but it's quieter tonight tonight tonight' graduate comecomecome and worship at tonight and let the choir minister to us and have us to continue to live praises to the Most High God glory to God as I can we stand everybody they're gonna invite preacher at this time just before he comes and what an atmosphere to announce a ban of marriage I pronounce the band of marriage between Belinda Miller and Patrick Scott amen Belinda Miller and Patrick Scott if anyone knows of any just reason why they may not be so joined in matrimony you're asked to declare praise God oh can we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord everybody it is a good thing to give time so to the Lord it's a good thing to glorify the Most High God and do you know his name today what a great God what a great God it is our delight and it is our privilege to invite to come to this podium amen and deliver a word to us the people of God a word to impact to strengthen a word that can break change it was the scripture that said when David was writing and he needed a torch a transformation and he needed healing you know yeah that's that the good Lord above sent His Word and healed so a word today can heal can break she can encourage a man can lift up can strengthen and we thank God for his word and we thank him for ministers men and women that he has over time used to transmit this word to us a young man certainly loves the Lord God seen from it was six years of age at 17 he was ordained a minister in church and so today at about 24 years of age 23 years of age this young man continues to live for the Lord love the Lord serve the Lord and to dispense with what the Lord has placed in him in respect of the Ministry of the word and he is with us today all the way from connect courts in the United States of America he was under the tutelage firstly of Bishop Webb over there in may pen and then later on Bishop delayed Bishop Gardiner from the bell born-again Church of Jesus Christ apostolic Amen I know he he resides in the US of A on the the leadership of Bishop Lloyd Faulkner and so he's here with us today and at 23 we normally give our men like these a lot of work to do at 23 my pastor while we were on the way to attend service that's pastor grizzle say oh by the way brother daily you're preaching today on the way to the tenth service and so I suppose sir why didn't help before no man you are young and you have the word inside of you and then when we're in church like this and it was almost time for the preacher and said oh I can't do it this morning you could you just prepare yourself five minutes from now to preach and guess what I was 23 and I had to do it so chuckle Forbes being 23 we will give him work to do and so as he is here this morning I don't know if he had any plans for tonight but at 23 that is all my pastor trained me and I'm not your pastor but we still can give you training so gear yourself some somewhat young man but I invite you to come sir saints of the Most High God a young man that loves the Lord please make welcome to this for you in the faith chapter way [Music] Eldar Shaquille Forbes and the holy wars receive him in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] come on clap your hands and give the Lord a praise in the house come on clap your hands in that's an applause it becomes a praise when you open your mouth come on somebody open up your mouth and give the Lord a praise come on all over this stand open your mouth let God arise and let every enemy be scattered hallelujah come on give him glory give him glory right where you are just lift your hands and tell him something good something authentic hallelujah from your spirit we bless your name Holy Ghost we worship You God we bow before you you are worthy who shine you are worthy Lord you are worthy you are worthy Holy Ghost glory to God we worship you we praise your name in the name of the Lord Amen three Scott clap your hands of Victor this mornin [Music] praise God amen please turn with me Amen praise God to the book of Nehemiah chapter number four praise the name of the Lord Niemeyer chapter number four then we'll be going over to Joanna chapter number two praise the name of the Lord let me take the time to greet him and the Lord Jesus Christ who is our life the Bible reminds us that we are dead in our life is it with Christ in God when Christ was my life shall appear I shall also appear with him in glory let me greet your word the bishop and pastor Bishop Amen Garfield daily come on give God a praise for the man of God Amen come on you can do better than that give God a praise for him a man into his precious wife Amen sister daily - minister come on paterns together for her or say something to the Lord for her give the Lord of praise for her Amen god bless her she's so there's such a grease on her Amen praise God amen - minister Martin and to all the ministers here and the workers Amen in the vineyard to the lovely choir amen - sister small amen praise God bless you sister Marcia alright you don't know me but I know you Amen praise the Lord Jesus I have been blessed by your ministry and sister June they're a blessing to the body of Christ locally and internationally and we want to pray that the Lord will keep his hands upon them a man and to all you my father children greetings in Jesus name Amen Niemeyer chapter number 4 let me read verse 1 can we read it together from verse 1 to verse 6 then I'll jump down to about verse 8 let us read it together after three one two three but it came to pass that when sanballat heard that we build the wall he was wroth and took great indignation and Mock the Jews and he spake before his brethren there Samaria and said what do these three will choose will they fortify themselves with a sacrifice would they made an end in a day will they revive the stones out of the Eve's of the rubbish which are burned now to buy a the ammonite was by him and he said even that which they build if a fox go up he shall even break down there's the wall their stone wall here o our God for we are despised and turns their reproach upon their own head and give them a pre in the land of captivity and covered not their iniquity and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders so built we the wall and all the wall was drawing together until the earth the earth for the people had a mind to work I'm going down to verse eight and conspired all of them together to come and to fight a fellow Holocaust hallelujah and conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem and to endure it nevertheless we made our prior unto our God and set a watch against them a and night the cause of them I don't feel like we'd enjoy it anymore when I got the invitation to come here the Lord gave me this work I know nothing I know nothing I only visited in your church once over the other building I know nothing about you know fate chaplain and but the Lord gave me this word and I tried to turn to something else but the Lord would just have me right here slip your hands in your neighbors and let us pray father in the name of Jesus God thy words are already annoying Ted we thank you for the fulfillment of this our Lord this gonna catch you by surprise before the foundation of the world it was designed God that I should bring a word here today I pray for an anointed shovel I pray God the Lord you will be exalted God you will be seen God I must decrease so you can increase flex your muscle in the South today Keshava rabbika la Ruche at I arrest every Jezebel mondo cosa arrest every demon go to Shia I know you're here ma ba cosa - Rafa hire every spy illegals feel my help touching me bless this house today in Jesus name in Jesus name come on give God a praise you've got a praise give God a praise before your sister sent me preach my word touch your neighbor real quick and say neighbor anointed to build a new one from whole stones come on tell someone I'm anointed to build a new one a new one from all stones your neighbor didn't have enough holy ghost our to someone and say neighbor I am anointed to build a new one kosher from all stones and though the enemy is trying to enter it but I am anointed [Music] [Applause] I am anointed I come to play in every devil I came on an assignment I am making a declaration to hell you are watching my age I am anointed to build a new one from all stones clap their hands and be seated [Applause] Amen stay with the new dashanzi man amen praise God and know it Ted I've never preached this word before but it just came in my spirit that I had to trying to get something together anointed to build a new one from Horse Comics I bring you greetings from my precious wife of 2 years a man missionary Forbes amen praise God is back home and she sprained a man that the Lord would have his way also brilliant witness from my pastor a man who sings back home 3 Scotty send their greetings the Bible says this scripture that we've read just now the man was talking about a man of God Niemeyer the background to the book of Nehemiah is that 90 years earlier the Jews returned to Israel from Babylon after being there for 70 years as a judgment from God a man they built the temple or they rebuilt the temple priests card but their city a man in ruins their city remained a man praise God open a man praise God in their City a man a little by little the sins that brought the first judgment amen they were creeping back in and taking over a man caught sense two men a priest and a layman to bring with - I want you to know brothers and sisters that the Lord has sent a man a man in your midst amen in a person of Bishop daily to bring back revival I don't hear the church a man and God sent a men the men to bring revival to bring back amen a second chance he sent extra the police Andy Meyer to laymen as well arrived 13 years a man earlier than a mile and they joined forces a man and their second chance was successful Nehemiah is the story of their second chance Lima is a type of the Holy Spirit the namely my aleene's comforter we may was grieved that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down a manly Maya can also represent any believer always in harmony with the will of God purpose and desire of the holy spirit for the church the wall represents the standards the power the strength the character and the integrity of the church this fear is no one Shabba you got cushioning a wall amen thus two things it keeps things safe inside and it keep things out are you with me it preserves keep safe and keeps the right things inside and it protects and keeps the bad things outside amen as Moses his mother place them into a little basket she smeared with slime and with this was this was the Moses inside amen and to keep the water outside are you with me Amen when God told Noah to build a heart amen the last thing that we did when he finished amen feeling it amen he pitched it within and without are you with me amen to keep who was inside the arch safe and to keep the water out are you with me so we understand that if there is no wall Amen then we are open to the attack of the enemy and I feel like I don't even need no more notes are going from the Holy Ghost amen and we understand brethren that we're living in a time of praise God where we are under attack the church is under attack you know you might not realize it but the church is under attack because there is a war that is going on amen and not because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not going on I can see later in my spirit but in this endtime generation God it's strategically raising up some people amen - let the devil or a man that we won't just sit down amen but we go on in our mouths and we're gonna say some don't touch the t-shirt let me let me pick this up we understand that we are under attack I want you to know I'm 23 but I am a warrior I am going to be your radical but there is a devil that is coming after the church but is just sit down that Evaristo kill you but the devil is a liar look at Oliva cinema I'm anointed to fight her but even if I am a warrior huh I may not look like it but I am a warrior I mean I feel like it but I am a warrior for great you see that isn't me I wish she was ready for it ha ha greater is He that is in me that is he that is in the world shake somebody honest anybody ready huh get ready get ready huh it's war time huh I will not be robbed the devil instructed the church the devil is coming in our churches ha ha Lord God Almighty ha ha I stole your choice crap I see the anointed appear ha that is a fruit of dumbness ha the moderator is up here telling you open your mouth ha ha ha you've got to sit down dear ha like them like dog on the cool in her sit down you're not in your head ha ha ha ha ha the devil is a liar huh I tell you somebody huh that evidence of mine you're coming to church huh the devil doesn't have your ways in your hand ha but evidence of mine you're clapping Damita ha but when you all pick up your mouth ha ha what you're hoping of your mouth ha give me something like I might attack Lord every theme ago tiara when you open up your mouth ha you put that devil other half this Tara worship I'd say Chapel ha ha is there a warrior fatal ha ha ha ha ha that I am blessed ha ha ha god bless ha ha no magic curse ha ha ha ha shake somebody honest a neighbor ha I know you're looking good huh I know you're in your chest your best dress huh but it's not time for that this is war time but I will not I will not ha ha ha - ha ha ha but say you are a warrior ha right that somebody huckle to arise ha ha you're a warrior ha ha discouragement ha ha you are a warrior ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Shia the Samaria a warrior [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I cry here but you won't I lean forward stir this do I am a warrior Saye [Music] listen to me we are in a war pardon me if I am not your ordinary preacher my papa pardon me if I don't behave like anybody else Osama acaba ha God is gonna use your powerfully let me tell you no devil no demon no assignment I don't care where they bring your name I don't care what they try to mix your pin no weapon no weapon no weapon listen to me brethren whatever that we are warring at ease is an angry devil young people don't think this enemy is your friend mother shut eye yes one assignment don't care to steal my gosh to destroy in this war fear timeout for a church but casaya if God be God don't mix me up in you today it's God be God Milton sons of God be God serve God these attacks are in the plan or music Kenya one Monson can't stop the victory in the church harmony remember a club [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no this heart God is warning you satella bukoza Xhosa give that a play plainly anointed don't play because we're still full play the spirit so we can have revival I'm sick and tired of the condition of the church spirit infection [Applause] [Music] we are the watch man in the house while the Watts Ben Smith shot that man crapped it all up on each other [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Osia must love God [Music] [Applause] [Music] while you're busy having up your sister the enemy's mashing up the players and you can't see it [Applause] nobody told me nothing God sent me here I can't preach I want to preach my daughter Marcos in this washer bathroom there are 3ds 3ds the enemy wants to do to you first he wants to distract you forties France he wants to distract a chopper you represent an anointed vessel and this is you brethren unlighted and on your way to heaven powerful in the spirit father but the enemy water is strong the community the enemy wants to kill the anointed because when you are anointed the animal rears of people jealous people [Applause] some are in some battles no and it's because you are anti Ted shut up they don't like you on the job they can't star you because you have an anointing Adam are some dope upon them [Applause] even in church and the enemy has been watching you going about she can whom he may devour and he's watching he allows somebody to talk bad about you and you get distracted the first thing is he wants to distract the church the brother this just represents your anointing brother keep your head over distracted the shop so God is moving but you're destructive the enemy is warring but you're distracted Hacha and the enemy come don't take it off because listen to me when the enemy is stripping you you don't strip you one time [Music] when that demon is stacking or anointed you don't take it one time little so you still feel something are you still teacher anointed some are you in this house God say are operated of past glory you used to be anointed but something happened you lost the glory you are like Samson Samson said I will get up and shake us other times but when some Sugata bud shook himself see I know I can there was no I know anything so you're still coming to church still speaking in tongues well your daugh realized that the enemy's tripping you shocked atossa and he come back again and he strip your own and you're still annoying that him still playing music still singing in the choir still or Shirin and you're so distracted you don't even remember are you not to realize it the enemy come and intake it Shia LaBeouf's I and the Brotherhood anointed there's no longer anointed last of power that's right some of you can't do a Prius car seat on strip your Prius Sabah you come because of a ritual you come because it's Sunday morning God's a aware with the formalities I don't want the formality I want relationship don't come to church because of formality and because people expected to be here you need a relationship it's a he dwelleth the word was means to live here you mean you're living the secret is you don't visit only on Sunday morning shunda you live in the presence of God God see I wanna live in I want you to live in my presence because Iman is tearing up your family and I wanna show you but I can't show you because my presence so God is calling about the Warriors so first he wants to distract you then be shopping the next thing he tried to discourage you discouraged meant is a universal thing where the enemy use can I tell you I have been discouraged sit down y'all if you want let me tell you something this courage man comes Jenny wants to discourage you why bother why bother stay faithful when it seems like God don't love you and situations are not working out and God don't like you and people at church don't like you I didn't come to see people I came to see Jesus can't get no help from this choir had you know come to see nobody to see Jesus shut up a higher so the enemy was curvature and tell you what kind of madness in here and tell the people here till when nobody hates you because the devil don't tell a full life can I tell you something the devil don't tell a full life because the devil knows if he tells us for life we don't know so there were twists one word in the sentence and change the entire thing and gives you an ass Ruth hallelujah so he wants to distract he wants to be storage and he wants to be able I just disabled Minister Martin I took this anointing if you don't have an anointing brethren the enemy DC area opening a more time talk if you don't have no idea the anointing is a weapon in this war fear you need the anointing the fight is demon you don't only need the anointing you need a double portion of the anointing because he'll have created its weapons dearly so yesterday anointed God signed put 80 months you're not saying nothing look at any bus anybody need a double portion look at somebody a semi you need a double I know you got some last week but you need a fresh touch there's a weapon the enemy uses with the church satisfaction you to satisfy brethren just satisfy which is our you're satisfied with your sump pumps satisfied we just committed retention I'm going back home I need a double portion I need to layer and shake your testify about Paul and John what about Shaquille I must demonstrate power series of thirsty people there are some thirsty people in this church who desire more there is more to that than just stones they're not talking to me bathroom there is more to her than just dressing up coming up in here there is more to God than just singing Hallelujah there is an anointing in God that when your lamb sick there is more to God that when your water in an atmosphere where D - D my muscle leave the room when you come oh you are all equals villa oh come you so anointed aunty my passion of your house like it or not how come you are so annoying tell aunty might come in your house and the hot spot on your lid on a ball you are low health to be roaring over you who are in and you sit on breath and crying you need to get up on a robot to get up on her or bastard I let that demon know that I serve mando how come you're so I'm going today and the enemy destroy your marriage destroy your children how come you're so anointed and you have to be walking in back way when you're going in late in the night we thought you're free that dopey Shabbos close up there was a demon in my host one day when I went in because when you have the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is like a sensor when you step somewhere and something arises a look at our notification you'll get a signal oh you have already cross on your Holy Ghost so dead that look your hand on your belly I said we're Capponi I feel like preaching lay on your belly we a cop oh you're so annoying Ted but you're just applying I went in my husband shop I can't preach I plan to say I mean I wore fear and when I went in the house holy ghost appeared something arrived question the door caboose become when you're all across the authority kiev Warnock was unfreakin see a rat who only costs no work together in the spirit of fear but let me tell you feel chopper you have power no demon knows what was a walk-up in your host I only adore not sleep with that that honor your paper in German ah Katya I feel not a mercy I wish I was in the right church today so my assassin or demon speaking in these woolly patterns no Harlan it is Authority satire look at the person if I what you need is Authority you're not even need prompt all you need is the authority of the Holy Ghost [Applause] you have Holy Ghost in your belly your commander d-money and guess what you don't even have to be here you can change the world in Canada Jesus I wish I was talking to a radical Church system asha you can send the word in england aunty - to respond to the word without the word you're sweet they are spirit and life when you open up the more breadwinner you gotta destroy the blessings of God Oh hope you'll have the Holy Ghost and you're sweet so back to your children that's right and a pastor good school shot liar my cousin love my wife cousin wife pregnant I couldn't get pregnant dr. Stoller no hope just have fun no but I tried to do nothing because there is no hope and they called me to pray because Norma crazy because listen see it does not deny the fact see it acknowledges the fact but first I have a card who is bigger than the fact talk to me so the fact is she couldn't have children system healing and they called me and you know mean on me mad because if God says you are tied to a water this is my year too cute some are you - are you - educated you have your PhD permanently damaged you're too cute I feel like preaching in here so when the Holy Ghost come it's God said sure this family head I don't know why God is to it but I can't throw it on the head is you're watching country is it not your business I don't care what nobody wanna say [Applause] and I went at the house and I put around the bed he turns out the family who equals I gotta lotta that's why you eating miss vertex Norman a mix I'm not talking I'm apostolate but that's why your God can work for you because you love him up in a box your program your God and his car don't move that's where you say it's not bad but every Shabbat so God said get about the water SonicWALL that has been told we're sign on one that's me to come back in the church I'm 23 but I got some and I saw some signs I know Kuniko said Jim some this amounted to scan for a to Hunico said change some I drink it Bullock was a giver to change now put me and in our spirit cosas who liquid say you won't be a bit down in our spirit and when I gave her to drink she said alright I said by lecture at this time if you don't have a beer before I kill me because when you know the authority of the Holy Ghost it's not high risk oh you speak the word and God Almighty will perform the word can I tell you I was away preaching in Canada or someplace and my wife sent a picture of the invitation be able show up it's a boy so on an understanding you don't understand me chuckles I'm telling you about telling you about Authority but you have that authority not because you're not idea somebody waiting to be called evangelist and a weird you better get up and do what God said to do when I am a title or not some are you looking at me funny the truth is most and the people in the title don't have the mantle and some little people nobody no recognize they look early anyway clean the church but Shia powerful when you get this anointing you have to keep this anointing you can't allow the enemy to rabbit and so the wall was torn down thank you Niemeyer would have set in a spirit because the wall the temple was rebuilt but the wall was to endure and even though the temple was rebuilt if the wall is not up the enemy's gonna come back to unit I'm sure about knowing the temple so before they even built the temple it should have first built and he sent to the king go ahead go build up Jerusalem but how many of you know that when you're annoying Teddy and when you're doing something for God hell is gonna break loose not everybody's gonna be with your ministry you're gonna get that in your spirit not everybody's gonna like you're preaching as much as system are I think I know anything I know people are like it sometime come on I taught him in a bedroom no matter how you're anointed people not like you you don't have to do people nothing that just has something about him arriving I like him I want me to do your melody or not so never feeling up at the wall but here come the shock Sanballat started to ridicule him first he said who gave you permission to go bill you disappear in the king he may have to 20 but Niemeyer said the God of heaven will prosper us therefore be his servant when I rise until God is gonna bless this church your heart no but you're so cool I wish I wish I had some people you see this is the next thing I'm trying to teach the church you can live at sea level you have to live above and I'm not talking about SDA I'm talking about ste you have to learn to live above sea level about what your high seas because all summer you see any happiness and repent but I see a big Ephesus I am seeing above sea level I feel I'll se habla me somebody I wish I had a church man wish I had a church school and all China something the shop is gonna happen though the season Terry Turner fits on Terry ah I know you don't see it yet but it's God says oh sorry it's summer it's our job to pass [Music] balcony and all Samba cosa cha da Bahia your heart no just one beer or the hotness is he so calm she's as a feel card I guess what they're eating whatever temper gara gara story double [Music] so guess what he's not only one see a chopper he's not only one majestic Templar were not Scott but this coming fear Chapel my Fiat apostolate ministers in the US Canada oh you're not looking they look at me all funny we wrote in him plan because any time the devil fighter ministry it means the hand of God is under ministry [Applause] [Music] and hoc in the remedy spirit I see God water bus stop opener to hand me some I see car who open God who up and I stop I say it is approved I don't know what it is gotcha it is a truth God set us worship just worship it is already talking I don't know what so odd but it is it is a boost God sure it does not prove they disapprove choir worship [Music] let the worshipers arise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there were some Sanballat and Tobiah trying to enter the process but god says stamp it approved look at universities approved look at strawberry estates is approved I don't know what it is MacArthur see a chopper you have been I'm coming down don't watch Sanballat and Tobiah bisshop that's a sense of watchman on the wall said some watchman the look of a Sanballat discern us God is within you again for some spies are gonna come to spy out the work you have to be a deserter to see them they try they don't come like some pastors but your mana fish up under here passed away call me you're on with your ministry cata Busa God said don't be fooled and you'll know it already bishop not everybody will come and kiss your wife mean your well somebody must shun Balaton tamiya but they have an agenda but a mosquito [Music] the answer your assignment start with Minnesota start with me anointed to build darlin impart and swim with silica bill and I'll whenever fight win with Stella Bella shuttle Abu Hafsah undergo city's Church and when they compete in the world I must go come shine way I wish I had some Holy Ghost be freedom honor start with me hold on to your neighbor hand up closing stay with me mr. Schneider you're all in our to the hands of a warrior Sharda the heads are holding our tool that's the end of a warrior the Bible says we Maya put up watch he had one on building and one on the sword cosa give me a give me a give me a war-cry that's a treble just a treble shaaka God is stirring up some warriors the hand you're holding on to is the hand of a warrior they had never sleep in Watchmen caboose and God is saying arise squeezer never had and the squeeze that I'm open up the amount I believe there is a stone in the search reduce something yes yes sir charies are anusaniya arise warrior yes that's it that's it that's it take it take it release it wire rattle of evolution yes yes yes young man young man runner on massarone I want some men I want some men I want some warrior men March our own ministers lots our own but release warrior sriracha [Applause] whaaa that's all gonna come up to relive something the devil is a liar no well part Pharma tells us every treasure every satellite where time is up your time is over Yaya resides on internship resides I will restore the years [Music] squeezin in aha squeezin shakily bah release an anointing shake it shake a river until you feel something shake it Raza rupal sir there is a problem here is a poet a school you know is that power reduce receive warrior spirit of a warrior I like that I like that the fight calabasa warrior Raj our eyes take a star arrived [Music] [Applause] special anointed special are going to satella bosom the go preach the word look at me son look on the bridge god save our [Music] find another neighbor stop right where you are [Music] naturally about two hands CSM [Applause] [Music] two hands CSF [Music] the spirit of our warriors in this church prayer warriors are coming back alive Watchmen you're coming back alive [Music] shake the liver Han say I am a warrior you are a warrior i'ma call war Tutera the devil will not have you the devil in Italian ministry the telephone fight and fire I'm fightin fire [Music] there is a soul shake that tuck I hear trades breakin generation curse it is rocker your plan is rocker [Music] this is Reviva revival is not comedy revival is here open up the vault yamazaki fresh anointed fresh and orator fresh fresh [Music] and hallelujah [Music] my place we bring y'all all right now we activated I know until I'm in a mighty name of Jesus Christ we put it down we put it down [Music] I saw star award from heaven submarine here your boys in prison Shanda and he's in there innocently calm if you're the person called Jesus Christ it's not here come give god I worship Richard that's you that's the woman I got it that's your saga that says pulling him out I wish I had I worship like you know L love Moscato so God is gone pre at the bar gotta go through the prison cell ha ha ha I wish I had already tried church time aside your weeping days are over your boys coming all we are is a church [Music] created by Jesus [Music] come on I'm on I'm on a statue Nicole Kyle how might we time one two three pilot in the spirit they don't move I was ahead of Aria Citroen Citroen somebody's gotta pay oh this is what the churches are both Oh plan your mouth is any participant in that think up is enough uptight store [Music] if you're not yet baptized Scott [Music] satella boosah for this a war going on for your soul Shandi I feel god she's mean a different realm No Marcio all of you honey's are not baptized if you're not baptized in Jesus name hold up your hand [Music] you know up desert beloved appetizer come come up here shot a lava Kusa coming up Baptizer to the in Jesus man just a back in the whole church important excited when once will a conquered people get excited mighty God cata Yassa release Holy Ghost is an a baptized come here is what I wanted Jesus Christ separated where is mr. Marshall the Saturn I'm addressing a Komsomol she's a threat every factor comes in us cheese aspiration [Music] this is the church it's a pretty strong church and he said come on us in us [Music] lift up your hands George [Music] Tasha back inside the politician look molestation that has had about four years I just got break it [Music] but also I hope you take us at the heart of the Lord by DeRosa encouraged me it's all a real-time season [Music] come here yes [Music] my mother took [Music] we are going to have whatever you put the hot stove it will prosper it will bless life [Music] let alone it is fine it is coming by the way to learn it is fun well your honor on our belly release Aphrodite come on church worship I release a fresh how are you the life will never be the same there is a transformation here is an impartation as the anointing calabasa cosa [Music] yes it is Wilton cephus sees us she's earth [Music] the water I struggle the call of God is a new summer holy that's it good [Music] yes yes yes good Sun the Spirit of the Lord is upon me is unknowable preach the gospel [Music] not Lisa [Music] you baptize it is about tensley if you're baptized what are you the water tanks trouble that one your today you ready you ready for baptized today lifter hunch come on that's one [Music] right such worship God I didn't come from America to work terrible so you're ready - who else ready you're ready for that - but it is already water caught was it sir whose are the lights identical the shop mortar continum eyeliner my ready to baptize I love this you are ready to give up you ready today no y'all got string on some things okay yes what will baptize the last well it's about Artie we're supporter today is that your god voice don't harden your foot don't stick your neck let's got it caught you off you no one got caught you off [Music] you're ready pretty girl look like so pretty God's grace is a Shanda you're gonna prophesy in the church man it Cuccia you're gonna be a woman of God church worship got it you've got priests not by might nor by power sing sing sing just about second time I can't see something it's not by might not by power it's by my spirit everybody leave just roll up your hands like you've got one more praise I receive your Bishop receive the Shepherd and look here man I said come to my spirit heuermann on Schiavo cosas as long as Aaron and her and the boys is on they can't see tree but when they put it down the please parish supports a pasta god bless you [Music] from all we see how about we do it took enough hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] load [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before the road it's [Music] and seek [Music] No [Applause] [Music] No [Music] be [Music] [Music] quit down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] the way the angels you are praised as you should be Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] where's a lot everybody all the persons who are volunteered for camp masa dailies ready to meet you too next door behind the test for his guard [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 8,161
Rating: 4.6869564 out of 5
Id: aW3usV0t9WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 58sec (12178 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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