Sunday, September 19, 2021

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oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] praise the lord everybody good morning good morning good morning good morning welcome to the ramp church online my name is brother rob and i'm selena roberts today we have the privilege and honor to welcome you to the ram church international today i'm excited today i am super excited it's already very heavy we have 9 30 prayer corporate prayer going on and and the presence of the lord is here yeah i encourage you if you are in the lynchburg area when you come to the service come to the 9 30 prayer service as you can see we are reporting live from a fire today yeah behind us there's a whole fire going on behind us absolutely the secret to our church has been indicated that it's been prayer minister juanita francis said that the secret to the rapture international is not the brace break but it's consecration yes consecration is a lot of people's favorite time of the year speaking for myself consecration is my reference point consecration is where i got filled with the holy ghost yeah consecration is where i got baptized in jesus name so yeah it was amazing yeah it's an awesome time it's a time for clarity a prophetic moment a time for you to seek the more of the lord if you need an answer from god i encourage you to press your way uh to consecration if if you are coming to our consecration i want you to put in the comments right now and say i'm coming i'm coming yes i'm looking forward to seeing you and even if you're able to join online whatever it is that you can do you need to make sure that you are a part of consecration this year yeah who do we have online here today we have tanil robinson crazy good morning to you all tamar daniels praise the lord jermaine sharp lisa jennings praise the lord good morning everyone good morning good morning miss papa armstrong good morning to you listen i encourage you to guys today just to prepare your hearts and minds to receive the word of god listen there are some there's somebody right now that needs to hear the word of god today what i need for you to do is to share this live share this live and once you shared it i want you to put in shared so that we know that you share this live it's not it's not so that we can uh it's more so that we can reach the as many possible as the ram church international forum why we have people all across the country yes that have been joining us live faithfully as far as south africa and they join us live so there are people that need to hear the word of god today and there's something else that's going on in our church yeah it's the men and women bible studies yes go ahead i've been a part of the women's bible study and it is amazing sister nicole rule one of our praise and worship leaders has been leading it out and she has been doing a phenomenal job it is not too late to join but it has been amazing yeah how about the next bible study these bible studies have been amazing too listen if you are a man of god and you want to encourage other men tune in every wednesday at seven o'clock when is the women's bible studies uh thursdays at 6 30 yeah and if you are a woman of god you want to join us we have a zoom link that's going to be on our page and you can join us and um so i encourage you to come every wednesday and thursday yeah and listen um today is a powerful day i need you to join in with a service so when we are worshiping god get up out of your bed get up out of your seats clap your hands if you want to shout go ahead and shout uh put on whatever you need to do get what you need get what you need get what you need i put i encourage you to put it on the big screen in your house on your big tv and join in with the services as loud as possible we don't care about the neighbors yes yes so we are ready for this if you are excited about the service put in the put in the comments i'm excited and i'm ready i'm excited and i'm ready we love you guys i love you guys let's get into service amen amen [Music] thank you [Music] all right yo it's good i'm just learning to pace myself and take my time yeah yeah just you know bring that brain that excitement it's hard yeah and it's praying like prayers going forth and i'm trying to be calm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on let's stand to our feet and begin to magnify the name of the lord jesus for the name of the lord is worthy to be praised his name is to be exalted his name is to be glorified and we bless his holy name and we give him glory and honor for who is like the lord our god who else can save us who else can heal us nobody but jesus so this morning i want you to join me as the scripture says and oh clap your hands all you people come on oh clap your hands all you people and let's begin to shout out to god with the voice of triumph for he's worthy he deserves our praise he deserves the glory and he deserves the honor come on let's decorate this place with his praises let's decorate this atmosphere with his graces the scripture made us a promise that god would inhabit the praises of his people so i want you to make room for him today make room for the king of glory make room for the lord strong and mighty make room for the lord almighty in battle lift up your heads o ye case and even lift him up he everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in he shall come in in power he shall come in and strength he shall come in in deliverance but we must lift him up this morning we must magnify him this morning come on we love you jesus we praise you jesus there's no god besides you there's no god like you father we love you father we praise you father we give you the glory we thank you jesus we thank you jesus for your worth your praise you are worthy of glory and you are worthy of honor come on let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so you have a right to praise him you have a reason to praise him oh that men will praise the lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works unto the children of men i don't know about you this morning but i can testify that i have received his goodness have you received his goodness i said have you received his goodness then what is your response today my response is hallelujah my response is thank you jesus my response is lord you're worthy hallelujah thank you jesus i give you glory i'll give you praise hallelujah come on hallelujah i feel like we're almost there come on hallelujah hallelujah this phrase is for me but i want you to magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his holy name together why for the lord is good for the lord is good look across the room and let somebody know that the lord is good hallelujah hey lauren and jesus hallelujah [Music] i'm a hallelujah of his goodness i am a recipient of his mercy i am a recipient of his kindness i am a recipient of his saving power i am a recipient of his delivery power so my hands go up when i think about him so my hands start collecting when i consider what he has done and i'm not here to pump him blindly today but i'm just here to remind you that the lord is good i'm just here to remind you that he's merciful i'm just here to remind you that he's a loving god that he's a faithful god that there is no failure in him hallelujah glory to the lamb of god i bless him this morning it feels so good to be in the house of the lord hallelujah i know i say this a lot but the scripture said this i recall to mine therefore have i hope that it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed and they are new every morning i want you to shout out great is your faithfulness yes shout out again great as your favoriteness hallelujah i'm ready to praise the lord this morning let's go to the 145th division of psalm the 145th division of song and the word of the lord declares i will extol thee my god o king and i will bless thy name forever and ever every day i bless thee and i will praise thy name forever and ever great is the lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts i will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty and our wondrous works and men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts and i will declare thy greatness they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness the lord is gracious and full of compassion he slow to anger and a great mercy the lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works all thy work shall praise thee o lord and thy saints shall bless thee if you're going to make a promise today that you're going to bless the lord i want you to look across the room to your neighbor and tell him i'm getting ready to praise him come on tell him with some further i'm getting ready to praise him if you're watching us online i want you to join in worship today and we're going to magnify the king of kings and lord of lords together [Music] all over the sanctuary [Music] great [Music] is [Music] things will change things will change [Music] [Music] i [Music] i'm oh [Music] [Music] things will change oh [Music] [Music] you're good and we won't stop crazy oh [Music] oh say you're good oh oh [Music] and we and we want some praises and we is crazy we [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we be good to you this morning can you just say something sweet to him you're worthy of the glory you're worthy of the praise before i sing this song i want to talk about something i read last night and then the praise team discussed this morning but i read in matthew chapter 14 verse three through five when jesus was in bethany with simon a woman approached him and she began to pour an expensive oil on his head and simon and the other people that were with the jesus got angry and they were saying why would she pour this expensive oil on your head this is an oil that we could have sold to the poor for a lot of money and jesus said why are you attacking her she has done something great and then cassie said something that really stood out it was her boldness that she was able to walk up to jesus not ask him can i pour this or not you know ask him to forgive him for her sins but she just began to pour what she brought upon him and when when cassie pointed that out it spoke to me and it said sometimes we're hesitant to bring god something because we feel like we're not good enough or we're not in a certain place but god knows our past he knows our noun and he knows our future he knows when we fail he knows if we're innocent and he knows when we're going to fail but he will never reject what we have to bring to him so this morning whatever you brought don't be ashamed of where you are don't feel like you're not perfect enough bring what you have and pour it on him this morning because he loves you he is waiting for you to pour whatever you have it is good enough he will receive it you are good enough so this morning we're going to allow our worship to be poured upon him with no hesitation amen because he's worthy to be praised he is worthy to be praised this morning [Music] here to there worship is filling the atmosphere now and then songs of our praise will never [Music] and now [Music] [Applause] [Music] love for my lovers [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's no shadow [Music] coming after coming after me oh no matter where i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] my love all alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i've got an offering for you lord be pleased [Music] worship how many of you know that through your praise of worship that god receives it like a sweet setted candle he receives your praise and worship i hear the spirit of the lord say sing o daughter of zion shall o israel be glad and rejoice with all your heart o daughter of jerusalem the lord has taken away your judgments he has cast out your enemies the king of israel the lord is in your midst he is in the midst he is in the midst can you feel it today can you feel it it's in your praise and in your worship daily every second of every day in your mind your body your posture what you say it's in your praise and worship he is in the midst do not fear zion let not your hands be weak the lord your god is in your mind the mighty one will save he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you with his love with his love his reckless love and he has a reckless love for you today he will rejoice over you with singing and i heard the spirit of the lord um communicate this to me when i did not know what to say today when i'm trying to get my daughter ready my husband out of the house to make it to church on time well the reality is it's not perfect [Music] but god is and he has an abounding love for you a reckless love for you and it's not so much of being perfect like sister alicia said it's not being perfect behind the makeup or anything he wants you to come as you are he's crazy about you and in saying that i will bless the all [Music] times i will bless the lord [Music] magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i'm sorry i have to be a little churchy when i enter an atmosphere it's our business to recharge atmospheres it is is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah how do you know when your plans are interrupted when your plans are interrupted by god when something's calling your attention because of his reckless love for you because he sees the whole image of you that you were settling for something that he says no more i see greater in you because i know you before you were born because i knew you because i am the one who was in the beginning that created the earth without form or void i am the author and the finisher [Music] [Music] yard what he's done to you this dream [Music] so so [Music] so the more that you're praising the more that you're shouting every time you clap your hands you are breaking down your children your children's children [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hallelujah i don't know about you and i don't know what you're going through did you feel that something broke off of your [Music] of his mouth [Music] it's bigger than you [Music] [Music] that's revival no you bless him and you pray [Music] until you got blisters [Music] and by the way we serve a very intentional god so that praise that intentional praise [Music] it's settled [Music] is [Applause] with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] y'all what an honor and a privilege it is to be in the house of the lord today i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord for this is the day the lord has made no matter if you're late no matter if your hair is on point this is the day the lord has been and so despite our situation we will be glad in it where does that glad reside it's not on that contingent joy on the stuff on the dress on the car on the position in your job it's on the courageous joy the resilient joy the hope that is jesus so it's an honor to be here today hallelujah good morning to our online viewers that are watching that's quite an introduction [Music] but we want to welcome you to the ramp church international we're recharging atmospheres manifesting purpose and reaching as many as possible in jesus name [Music] now if you're praising go ahead if you have some things that you would like to to worship to the lord that is more than okay with me but at this time [Music] it is offering time in the house [Music] and you'll see that the ways to give are on the screen but it is if it is your week to tie if you will please stand with me [Music] hallelujah god loves the cheerful giver [Music] and if you'll declare with me when you place your tithing in your right hand i place this tithe in my right hand as a symbol of my trust in god knowing that he can do more with the tenth than i could with the 90th my tithe is given not to keep me away from a curse but my tithe is given so i can please god thank you and if it is not your week to tithe if you were like i was in 2017 with a bag of change you have a heart to give if you have anything and you have something that you feel led to give today will you please stand and declare over your finances with me [Music] thank you jesus i have because i give [Music] and i give because i have therefore i shall never i shall never be broke another day in my life amen praise the lord everybody if you have a tangible offering you're able to give it at this exit right here and we're going to continue to give unto the lord our choir is coming amen we're going to sing an old familiar song wonderful is your name if you know it you can catch it and sing with us amen [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh uh this morning [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] so oh [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you will serve him for the rest of your life if you've experienced too much you've tasted the bread of life you've heard his voice you felt his presence [Music] you know too much [Music] he's been faithful all of your life so my mind is made up no matter what happens on this journey the one thing i know that'll be consistent is my god [Applause] the one person i know that to be faithful that won't turn away from me is my god so for the rest of my life i'm committed to serve him when it doesn't feel good when i don't have the answers through storm's trials of tribulation i'll serve him for the rest of my life because he's been that good to me [Music] he's been that faithful to me [Music] he found me in some mess picked me up turned me around planted my feet on solid ground for the rest of my life i'll serve him for the rest of my life i declare no matter what happens my mind is made up i've experienced too much to go back now i couldn't go back if i tried to i've tried different things i've tried different people but i nothing can compare to our god [Music] we welcome you we welcome you to the ram church international where we are reaching as many possible [Music] [Music] so [Music] battlefield for the rest of my life we welcome you i know too much i've tasted too much i've heard him too much i've seen too much in my darkest moments he was there so for the rest of my life i will serve him we welcome you we welcome you to the ram church international no matter what [Music] i don't know what tomorrow brings [Music] but i know my worst day with jesus is better than the best day i've ever had in the world [Music] we all go through things but i'm not going by myself [Music] i'll take my chances hey i'll take my chances with him [Music] because that's a sure thing hey he's a sure thing [Music] got a lot of guarantees in the world but my god [Music] [Music] he's a sure thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do i have to do what do you have to do baby [Music] good [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] sacrifice something and i sacrifice some people but i count him worthy of it and for the rest of my life i will serve him i will serve him through it all because he's worthy of it just take a moment and grasp in the midst of his glory and count him worthy of it [Music] count him worthy of the sacrifice [Music] worthy of the fight worthy of laying yourself down [Music] you're worthy of it jesus you're worthy of jesus [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] made [Music] now [Music] fade away [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] thank you lord [Music] [Music] if that's your testimony [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Applause] [Music] through my dark place she she [Music] oh [Music] [Music] raise the weight the one who became the way he made it away from us he made a way for us it's just giving my hand praise [Music] we welcome you to the ram church international where we are reaching as many possible we welcome our visitors today but welcome our visitors that are watching online and the visitors that are in the house when i call your name you can uh just wave at us isaac liv from forest virginia bless you sir we thank god for for you being here with us today right after service um at either uh exits we have a small gift that we want to give you um we want to meet you and get to know you isaac next sunday is the first day of consecration [Music] for some of us it's the week of confrontation so uh make sure you guys stay tuned we're gonna give information about the restrictions and um the church is open 24 hours and we're just expecting to go even higher this year amen uh this wednesday there will there will not be a men's bible study but we will be having a movie night outside so we invite everybody for that that'll be 6 30 this wednesday and the women will have their bible study on thursday at 7 00 p.m at the rci business center and at this time let us stand and receive our very own bishop that's why younger you know i don't i don't have to be preaching i don't have to be singing i'm just glad to be in the service of the lord today i'm glad to be able to worship the lord lord i thank you because the present is the gift that you've given to every man that's in this room every man every woman every boy and every girl help us to unpack it that we don't miss what you're saying and what you're doing in us and through us in this place lord we ask you to be glorified be glorified in our hearts let our ears be so close to your lips that we can hear you at a whisper today even if it's something you want to say to us if it's something you want to show show us lord just help us to be open that we will be able to perceive for your words as he to have ears let him hear what your spirit is saying to us in your church and so lord in these next few moments i declare that we're alert we're sober and we're willing to obey your word it's in jesus name we pray everybody say man and i know we've been clapping and dancing the whole service but is he worthy of just one more hand glapper praise amen [Music] he made [Music] well i believe in intercessory prayer but i also believe in intercessory praise [Laughter] let me explain to you what i mean when we do intercessory prayer that means we stand in the middle for somebody that we go before god interceding on somebody else's behalf so then intercessory praise is when you stand in the middle of somebody else where you're praising god on somebody else's behalf well today when i got out here i decided you know i have so much i can praise god for me personally but i decided to give god some intercessory praise i i want i wasn't just dancing for me i was dancing for a member of our church by the name of siobhan jones uh chiffon was here on last sunday she's a faithful member of the church she serves all the time it was her desire for her and andrea baker the young lady does sign language at church they were going to meet me in maryland on this weekend for church well chiffon went to the doctor this week because she was having some pain and she thought she was just having some back issues and when she went to lynchburg hospital they they did an examination and they found out that she had a tumor that was wrapped a mass that's wrapped around her spine and the doctor said he could not believe that she was able to walk she said i had some pain and some numbness but i was still able to move but the people at lynchburg general said they had never seen anything like it they said we can't do anything here they sent her to uva and uva said all the hospitals were full but they had one bed and they gave it to her i'm telling y'all his favor and the whole testimony and so siobhan has been there at uva in the hospital and so last night i wanted to call her to encourage her and um she i sent her a video where we were singing the storm is passing over hallelujah she says bishop you wouldn't believe that i just posted that video on my facebook and she said i can't get up and jump but i'm moving my feet i'm moving my legs in the bed the doctor says how this mass is on her spine she should be numb from the waist down hallelujah they say before they do any surgery they need to do some more tests to examine this situation [Music] i said chiffon i want you to know i'm standing in faith with you she says bishop i'm not scared she said because last sunday i came to the altar for prayer and elder louis prayed over me and said to me that whatever it is it's already done she says the lord told us that god is gonna heal you isn't that something that god sent the word before the situation she says i'm holding on to what i heard on last sunday so i told sister siobhan i said when we get to she's i'm going to be watching online i said when i get to church i'm going to dance in your place so sister siobhan even while you're watching right now there's no distance in prayer i speak now that god is trusting you with trouble and we speak to that mass that's around your spine right now in the name of jesus we command it to begin to shrink by the power of the holy ghost we come against any paralysis anything to believe her immobile god i'll ask you to raise her up for a testimony for your word said that you are the god that forgives our sins and you are the god that healed our diseases lord you were wounded for our transgressions and you are bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon you and with your stripes we are healed send your word lord not just to shabon but anybody that's watching online anybody that's in this room anyone who's suffering from coronavirus any lung disease any heart disease any tumor on the brain any tumor on the spine we decree and declare from any cancer in the blood leukemia and breast cancer we speak it in the name of jesus lord your blood is more powerful than anything else that's in our bloodline your blood is so powerful that it can break the back and the curse of the enemy sin your word lord see your word of healing and send your word of deliverance lord we raise our faith up together for your word says whether it's two or three of us gathered in your name you would come down to the midst that you would give us the power to buy and you will give us the power to lose so we find the operation of the enemy we bind the forces of the devil we find the spirit of infirmity and we loose the spirit of god we loose the healing of god we lose the wholeness of god i need somebody in this room to come in agreement with me we speak in the name of jesus that it won't be long from now that god is going to raise you up with a testimony everybody that's under the sound of my voice we have that a testimony is coming out of this test there's a triumph that's coming out of this child saving the blood of jesus is against you for god has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of power and the spirit of love and a sound man somebody threw up your hands and shout i believe god somebody shout i believe god come on pray like it's your mama somebody shall i believe god [Music] testify to somebody and i want you to make this confession either said to somebody or said to yourself say i have no problems that are bigger than my god at this time i want y'all to sit with authority because some of you need to look at some giants say i have no problems that are bigger than my god oh magnify the lord with me oh magnifier come on let's make amen diagnose the lord with me and let us exalt his name together thank you lord amen [Music] amen thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus there is no problem i have no problem i have no problem that's bigger than my god hallelujah thank you oh glory be to god i have no situation that has taken my god off guard there is no circumstance that has caught god by surprise thank you lord god thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus god is a good god i say god is a good god god is a good god amen you all can be seated in the presence of the lord this is a kind you all are the kind of people that i want my family to call on if i get a situation on me you are the kind of people i want some people that are jump up right in and pull back arrows and start praying y'all remind me of the people i grew up around the older people i grew up around hallelujah they knew how to jump straight in and pray yeah some emergencies may hit your life i don't need to conjure nothing up i don't need to warm up prayer i don't need somebody saying let me go get my prayer book and finally find a prayer for this situation i need somebody to reach down in their belly [Music] joshua chapter 7 is where i'm coming from as we are on our uh days of ascension we are ascending uh to our spiritual jerusalem we're ascending to holy consecration the week where we come together as a church and fast and fast and pray to seek the face of god uh it's not a ceremony it's not a conference it's not a convention it's consecration and it's what god has used down through the years to preserve us as individuals and preserve us even as a church we will be having a fellowship as we prepare uh this week on wednesday we should be outside for a movie night if the weather allows so please keep abreast with what the church is doing on our social media platforms and then on today we'll be heading to pastor bill russell and harvest city church celebrating their fifth church anniversary let's give god praise for them and that service is at five o'clock you that are watching online from the dmv area they're still church at the ram church dmv at 5 30. so service will still be going on in the presence of the lord i tell you i feel good in my soul you know i'm going to i'm going to always praise god i want you to understand this i'm going to always i'm going no matter what i'm going to always praise god but i'm thankful today i can praise god with my breath have you ever have you ever praised god through stuff but you it's almost like you were holding your breath all the way through it uh hallelujah but everybody just take a deep breath and thank god that all things are settled you know all things are your whole world we always talk about god the world is in the lord's hand and it's we can't even wrap our minds around that right that all of the cosmos and the galaxies are in his hand but what you need to really understand and receive the fact that your world is in god's hand come on look at your neighbor tell your neighbor my world is in god's hand come on declare this my past my present and even my future is in god's hands he can handle it y'all he can handle all things that are you you're complicated especially to you because you know all of the aspects and the dimensions of you i'm but i want you to look up to what heaven says thank you thank you lord because you can handle me you can you can handle all that i am you're not overwhelmed uh by my my challenges my strengths my fears my secrets my flaws and all you're not you're not overwhelmed by it all he can handle all of my world my whole world my whirling is encompassing my family my marriage my whole world is in god's hand because if you if you try to handle your whole world how many have been overwhelmed when you start thinking about all of the things you need to do come on all of the things that need to be accomplished how many ever get overwhelmed with people's expectation of you you know and you start thinking about it it becomes overwhelming i told somebody the other day you have to realize my phone rings all day every day it really does it's my phone and if i cut my phone off if i cut my laptop on then i'm gonna get it on emails and it's not a lot of how you doing i'm thinking about you it's crisis it's tragedies and those things can start doing laying in the undercurrent of your subconscious causing you to have anxiety and you can be in a good moment waiting for something bad to happen glory be to god but tell your neighbor my world is in his hands my world is there i want you i really want you to see that i say it all the time but i want you to get it that when we see jesus he's seated on the throne he knows he's not anxious he's not pacing back and forth he has all things in control so last sunday's message and this message before that are messages where we're coming into the our days of ascension as we are coming up to our holy consecration so this is that message joshua chapter 7 verse 1 through 11 i'll be reading it out of the niv but the israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things a good sin of karma the son of zimmery the son of zero the tribe of judah took some of them so the lord's anger burned against israel now joshua sent men from jericho to ai which is near beth haven to the east of bethel and told them go up and spout the region so the men went up and spied out to ai when they returned to joshua they said not all the army will be necessary for us to go up to ai just send two or three thousand in to take it and don't be don't worry or overwhelm the whole army but it's only a few people that live there so about 3 000 went up but they were routed by the men of ai who killed about 36 of them they chased the israelites from the city gate as far as the stone quarries and struck them down on the slopes wore them out at this the horse of the people melted in fear and became like water then joshua tore his clothes and fell face down to the ground before the ark of the lord remaining there till evening he prayed and cried all day to nighttime the elders of israel did the same and sprinkled dust on their heads as a sign of grief and desperation and joshua said a lost sovereign lord why did you ever bring this people across the jordan to deliver us into the hands of the amorites to destroy us if only we had been content to stay on the other side of the jordan i mean excuse your servant i'm not trying to be disrespectful lord what can i say now that israel has been routed by its enemies the canaanites and and the other people of the country would hear about how bad we got hooked and they would surround us and wipe out our name from the earth what then will you do for your own great name lord said to joshua get up what are you doing down there on your face i mean i'm praying i'm talking to you because it's your fault that we lost no no no israel has sinned i know i said i was going to read the niv version but i decided to read mine i'm sorry they have violated my covenant which i commanded them to keep they have taken some of the king james version says accursed things they have stolen they have lied they have put them with their own possessions and all of god's people said amen just tell the person beside you tell them losing battles for about 15 minutes if you give me your attention i want to talk to you about losing battles you know uh i have to sit through people reading my bio on the road i have to hear my bio being read either by somebody reading it from a piece of paper or some sort of video presentation multiple times a week as i travel from church to church and conference to conference it is one of the most uncomfortable moments throughout the week not you know the walking out is a little uncomfortable because i feel like when i walk out to churches and they don't know you or they see you for the first time they're like looking you up and down and then i forget how to walk i'd be like how do i walk you know because if you overthink something you do usually it becomes complicated and so but the other awkward moment is when they say bishop s y younger was born and i was like oh my goodness how was you know how do i supposed to look when they do that do i supposed to go like this or do i supposed to say yes that's me or do i be real humble like don't call my name what am i supposed to do right the reason why i don't like my bio being read because of the attention of course but um my bio is incomplete it really is now everything that's in my bio is correct but to me it comes off a little dishonest because my bio is filled with all of my accomplishments all of my victories all of my triumphs right but the truth is there's a whole lot of stuff in between those lines my god that's not inclusive in my bio it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't look good for me for me to tell you they tell you in my bio that i graduated from gretna high school but they don't tell you that i graduated a year late my bio says i attended liberty university it never says i graduated my bio said i got filled with the holy ghost at 12 years old but they don't talk about the moments i struggle with fornication from after i took out the holy ghost you don't talk about that there's a whole lot of stuff between the lines a whole lot of stuff between the lines that make me see that bio sometimes is fraudulent and it's not important that everybody know all of your details i know there's a difference uh in being secretive and using discretion and transparency don't mean you tell all your business to everybody i'm just being real you can be real and wrong you can be strong and wrong you know i'm just being real i'm just all right all right it's not important that all of them know what's really important is we come and we ascend to consecration is that you know what's between those lines it's it's important that you know the whole story it really is it's important as an acknowledgement that comes from you because you studying only your victories does not ensure your future victories i'ma say it again you just studying all of your accomplishments and shining all of your trophies and dusting off all of your certificates does not secure you for every future victory if you really want to secure yourself for future victories don't just study the footage of all of your accomplishments but you need to study the footage of your failures you need to go you need to say okay where did we go wrong at in this game okay i know we're in the locker room and we're ready to blame everybody and we're ready to blame who didn't do what and who didn't block and who to do but we need to go over that footage and say hold on where did i go wrong here so not to condemn myself not to beat myself up not to walk in condemnation condemnation and shame but i'm studying my flaws because the more you study what's what happened between the lines you will start to discover the pattern my lord because some of us always see things isolated you see everything is isolated that one time that one time sure because everybody make mistakes that one time because what you keep on doing you keep isolating situations isolating relationships why because some of you psychologically you don't know if you could handle if you stood back and you looked at hold on no no okay every okay every six months uh okay every six months ah every six months after a while there's a pattern to your dysfunction and so when i learn my pattern i know when i come up on this six month mark i need to be sober i need to i need to realize it could be different characters but the same enemy tell your neighbor there's a pattern to my dysfunction and that's what the enemy don't want me to know that he don't want me to acknowledge that as long as i blame you i don't have to be responsible as long as it's my parents fault i never have to deal with it as long as it's the church people's fault then i don't have responsibility to change so i settle myself in victimization because i don't want to pull back to see hold on same plot different characters same spirit different presentation so so how how do i how do i lose battles well what makes us lose battles for all of you that are writing you need to write this down you lose battles when you use the wrong weapons you know what second corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 says if i started you know it for the weapons of our warfare are not what stop right there just stop right there because we say it but when we get in battles we reach for what's carnal well we end up in confrontations we started we start fighting spiritual warfare with carnal means and wonder why we keep losing the battle if if the enemy is fighting your children see uh listen no no no no be be careful now with me now i believe in discipline and i believe if a child slaps you amen i got to be careful what i say i know i'm streaming live yeah my mama used to say i'm going to get you where you did it but let me tell you something at some point though when you discern that what your child is dealing with is spiritual you can't beat a demon out of a child y'all got to hear what i'm saying to you because some of us end up abusing our child and feeling validated when you have to realize the weapons of our warfare are not carnal you've got to sense it in the spirit with something else that's going on when there's been a portal hallelujah don't you know there's something that you can carry in your blood that does not manifest in you but manifesting your child you can carry a gene for red hair and you don't have red hair and you produce a child with red hair and some of our children are dealing with things that came through us and manifested in them and you got to have a prayer like you ca come on you got to use a weapon of choice you got to use an intentional weapon when you're dealing with spiritual matters you keep you know when the enemy is fighting your marriage so you start using your mouth to get even they say something with you so you dig up something on them and then it's go back and forth and now it's supposed to be covenant sleeping in two different rooms god didn't bless y'all with a house and now the house is full of tension the weapons thank you to weapons about y'all covering me the weapons of our warfare are not tell your neighbor the weapons of our warfare are not carnal you you lose you lose battles when you try to lean on the arm of the flesh for your victory when you stay in your feelings and you stay in your head it causes you to never get in the spirit you got to see it for what it is all right number two one way we lose battles is where we lay our head at night where do you lay your head at night what's coming into your ear gates at night what's coming through your eye gates some of you pretty good in the day because you stay busy but what are you putting in your spirit at night what vice are you yoked to at night what thing has your total attention and not i'm telling you see we do pretty good in a day but is that maintaining at night when we get by ourselves that maintain it at night when loneliness creeps in we start using things and using people to numb our loneliness it's at nighttime tell your neighbor it's night time it's night time i i'm busy during the day but if the enemy can't get me at night he'll try in the day he'll try to fool with me at night and where you choose to lay your head at night can determine what kind of outcome of your battle in the morning i got scripture for it anybody ever went through a nice season of your life and you mishandled it anybody ever went through a nice season and you mishandled your nice season and when it was time to go to battle if samson was here testify and he'll tell you i had strengthened my hair until i laid my head in the wrong lap and some of us the enemy got his fingers in our minds manipulating the way we think manipulating our thought pattern thinking everybody is against us manipulating our thought pattern thinking every every time someone near you is on the phone they're working against you everything your spouse is doing is potentially cheating on you that since an enemy will get in your head make you think the church is against you he'll get in your head then make you wonder does church even work should i even go anymore he'll put his fingers he'll put his fingers in maybe i had it easier before i got into it he'll start putting his fingers in your head and then when a battle comes you'll shake yourself and find yourself with no strength to fight ask your neighbor this question and y'all don't have to answer and i hope we all got the same answer but we don't look at your neighbor tell your neighbor who's controlling your mind who's got your mind who's got your mind because your body is here but your mind is not who's got your mind i'm sitting across the table with you at dinner and we sit here at the same table eating the same meal but my question is who's got your mind to the point i said one thing but you heard something totally different who's got your mind you're hearing everything through a lens that's polluted that's contaminated because somebody got your mind so you got to be careful about laying your head in the wrong lap why do we why do we lose battles and i'll end with this one because we carry things from the past into our present what is it that you're dragging along not for real what is it in first time in chapter 30 david was very wise because when they got back to their city ziglag they realized that the city had been burned down and not only had the city been burned down adrian their wives had been taken captive and their children and what happens the men began to cry and when a man cries publicly the men began to cry and when people get emotional they can make some bad decisions how many have said some things you wish you could take back how many have done some things in your emotions you wish i know we said we don't supposed to have any regrets but i got at least a few of them the men cry and then they says we should kill david because it's david's fault david had to encourage himself in the lord the lord says david pursue go after the enemy i'm going to give you victory so david goes toward the enemy but david made a wise decision he said hold on y'all this group right here listen yeah we're gonna go we're gonna go uh get our families but what i need y'all to do stay here with the stuff now ironic pastor escape when you read first ch to samuel chapter 30 the bible says everything was burned down so what stuff did he have them covering in other words he was giving them a courtesy assignment y'all stay here with the stuff we'll go get the children we'll go get the wives why did david tell that group to do that because they had cried so long that they had lost their strength to fight you can keep crying and getting drained over stuff that happened in the past so long that you lose strength to fight for your own future [Applause] so he said y'all stay here because he had he had an understanding if i take them with me they could cause me to lose the battle if i take them with me not only do i got to fight the enemy but i got to cover them and many of us lost battles because we were fighting other people's battles some of us lost battles because we were trying to fight for other people's assignments some of us lost our minds because we were dealing with other people's insanity i knew it was something i had to change i knew it was something i had to change because i'm going to tell y'all i in our church the standard of our church is that we don't engage in social drinking um we don't do it because of our assignment and it's a slippery slope and some things is better for us and not to entangle ourselves in then entangle ourselves in and get consumed by it oh don't y'all get tight i know who y'all are in here don't get tired it's all right i'm just having a conversation but i found myself preaching against it and then carrying on the assignment of the people to the point it came a moment in my own life i said hold on i need a little something oh y'all want to read my bio oh no no i'm telling you what's between the lines no for real i started trying to figure out where can i get it and nobody sees me then i'm like well i go to dc all the time and the the there's always a fragrance in the atmosphere there so i don't even know how do you supposed to walk up to somebody and ask them um hey hallelujah you know how do you you know because i'm a church but i don't i don't even know how to ask for it i probably would have messed up and said something outdated do you have an aretha i mean anything outdated come on old school you know what i'm talking about and i almost felt justified in okay well it should be okay i mean because you know but then i said hold on what about the standard that i preach now i got to live that thing i can't be intoxicated by what i supposed to be casting out [Music] [Applause] so i said what about then i said hold on but lord i can't keep doing i'm getting overwhelmed i need something to sedate all of this stuff all of the stuff that i'm hearing every day all of this stuff i'm experiencing all of this stuff that i'm working out every day and here i am finding myself about to engage in a vice because of other people's battles and then the lord finally spoke to me and told me i didn't tell you to take on all of that [Music] i told you to lead them to me not for you to be me i told you to teach them that that means it's okay to pull back it's okay to unplug and those people who are not okay when you unplug is because they are trying to drain you to make you be something that god never called you to be then when i started pulling back then i realized i said oh i don't need the liquor my victory is in my obedience my shalom is when i'm in the will of god so anything when i find myself losing peace that means i got to take some people off of me losing peace i got to take some stuff off of me and when i take it off of me god is still god what makes you think if you stop being the hero of your family that means god will stop being god what makes you think if when you stop trying to be everybody's rescue that god will stop being gone here i am at my age going to the doctor having all of these ekgs and then i said hold on no no no no and i got one more test i got to go back for but i told him i come after consecration [Music] so somebody somebody told me well what look like to me you should stop preaching until after you get all your tests back i said no because my preaching is a part of my own deliverance hallelujah i know i'm a live through all the way through consecration to the point if i fall out on the stage y'all come and tap me and say no no god said you're gonna leave oh my god hear me so what happens when you drag people and stuff from the past and to the present you'll start losing battles to the point the children of israel they come across the jordan river and they're looking at a 45 oh man man i'm passing the time y'all give me three minutes they come they they come against a fortified city a superpower joshua whitaker jericho walls are so wide the two chariots can drive by them at the same time two-way traffic on top of a wall walls so thick that people got their houses built into it with their own businesses like rahab fortified walls big city how in the world are we gonna overcome this city i got a whole bunch of nomadic people who've been slaves for 400 years and now been in the wilderness for 40 years hallelujah waiting for the lord to feed them every day out of the sky and water coming out of a rock now how in the world we going to overtake a 45 city through your obedience hallelujah look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor i found my weapon for victory tell them it's more than my shout it's my obedience i'm a preacher y'all over here tell your neighbor i'm going to obey god so i can live come on look at somebody just tell them i'ma obey god so i can live [Music] and my instructions is walk around that wall hold on you go to that ramp church y'all fasting i'm gonna say y'all do too much i'm just being obedient i mean does it really take all of that yes it takes the instructions of god to give you victory and maybe i'm doing something you ain't doing because my victory is different than yours [Applause] i got some stuff that's been fighting me i got some weapons that's been pointed my direction evidently there's got to be more to me than my mistakes there's got to be more to me than my last name there's got to be more to me than my skin color that's got to be a purpose the reason why the enemy is doing everything he can to push me off my post so walk walk [Music] seventh day walk seven times so that means uh one time each day that six days so they walked around six days up to the seventh day they walked seven times so that means they walked a total of 13. did i get that math right so 13 judges in the book of judges that was raised up every time that enemy tried to overcome them god raised up a judge to overtake their enemy so the number 13 is a sign of god breaking cycles and so what happened after seven times they shouted and the walls caved in you can go to jericho today and see the excavation of the site walls caved in and they came in and got victory god says i'm going to give you the victory all i'm going to tell you to do is don't touch nothing in jericho don't carry nothing with you because jericho's stuff is cursed they look good but it's cursed jerry jericho stuff is like like the milk in your refrigerator it's good as long as it's standing the place is in within the time that it's designated if you take it past the time is designated what was good to you can make you sick and so he said just don't touch nothing but what we're going to do with all this let it be a tithe unto me whatever i asked for in the beginning just let it be a tithe unto me okay on to the next victory yeah we got this yeah listen listen joshua it ain't but a handful of people there so sister sister army just finished with big jericho let let the army rest and just center a fuel over there because you know ai ain't got no walls and they ain't got no chariots got a little handmade tools and and bb guns we could just take them and all of a sudden julie when the when the israelites came in kind of cocky and competent because we got god on our side we got god we got god walking in disobedience we got god operating in rebellion we got god see see we always brag about the fact that we're on the lord's side but when you go to battle you better make sure the lord is on your side and the bible said that little country town the brakes off of those israeli soldiers i mean knock the brakes off them to the point they took off running and you don't ever suppose you know israel has this thing you don't turn your back to your enemy all of our armor is on the front breastplate shield of faith it's all on the back you don't turn your back to the enemy you drive forward but when they saw they would lose it the bible says 36 of them died there was a casualty because of somebody's disobedience how many people have suffered because of our disobedience how many people have suffered because of our pride i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor you may not be perfect but you better not be prideful who the bible say god gives grace to the humble i haven't did everything right but i stayed humble before god you know what the bible said the bible said that that uh when they got back josh was like hold on slow down what's going on no you wouldn't believe what i almost happened they killed 36 of our men what what oh my oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness he gets down he started well he's like hold on somebody's saying why joshua you you are you being dramatic no he's not because they got more cities that they got to conquer and joshua says if every once everybody find out that that little small town of amherst come on once you find out the appomattox enemies can't get up if you're from appomattox we love you hey once they find out that a small enemy defeated us everybody gonna rise up against us he said y'all don't realize what this is see many of us have downplayed some of our failures but you don't know what's connected to it some of us uh it's just no no no you better see what it is and the bible says he began to cry he got on his face and then all the elders felt thought fell shoot with him and they started crying and everybody's been oh god why did you let this happen why did you let this happen god i disturbed you lord i worship you because that's what we end up doing we start making an indictment against god your arms are too short to box with god it's god's fault why did god let this happen lord let him get it out and then the lord says uh get up though you got to reach me say get up you're not impressing me get up he said it ain't me you got the curse thing in your camp you lost your battle because somebody among you brought something from the past into the present [Music] because somebody connected you keep on dragging old stuff and repeating the old stuff dragging the old system the old way of thinking old relationships things that god brought death to you trying to drag around a dead body and dead bodies in israel they bury you within 24 hours because they don't embalm they don't preserve dead things y'all know y'all know funerals in america is big business we got to get you in a nice casket and we going to brag about all the flowers no in israel they put you in a simple casket and they get you in the grave within 24 hours because they said diseases spread in the camp when dead bodies are left lying and many of us have left our dead works lying not buried but just lying around at some point you're going to realize there's some things this is this is the story this one tell you why we know it's dysfunctional there are some things we've conquered and we still carry them what happens when god has taken the desire now and i'm going to say something some of y'all told if you don't if you don't connect with it it's okay and i hope you never have to connect with it but what happens when the temptation is no longer there but the familiarity is and now you don't pull it in anymore because it's tempting you pull it in because it's familiar [Music] oh my god till you start doing stuff out of default you start doing stuff because it's what you are thank you for not leaving me up here by myself you start doing it because it's what you've always done and you have an emotional memory connected to it you have physical memory have you ever drove to the church and it won't even sunday it's almost like your car knew to turn this way and you said why am i going this way this ain't my work day i shouldn't be going to work but you start moving out of default it's like an autopilot on the inside of you takes over and you look up and say hold on how did i get over here to the school i don't even have class today it's like my car knew shh what am i going hold on what yeah somebody brought the curse thing so he said stop talking to me you need to address it he's addressing because you're gonna either address it or you're gonna stay here and so they uh they found out who it was it was aching it was aching he said yeah i saw it and i know i should have you know left it this is a crazy thing two different dispensations two different dispensations you know what happened in that in the dispensation under the law you know wages of sin is aiken confessed i mean once he was found out and he said i was sorry and joshua said yeah you shouldn't did that and you know what they did they took aiken his wife his children his animals and everything put them in the valley this is a part of the gory parts of the bible that we don't like to deal with and everybody in israel stood with stones and stoned them to death why because they were trying to remove any remembrance of aiken out of the camp it's only in our culture that you get a legacy for wrongdoing we make people popular for being toxic that's why no really this is why some of us stand off of social media that week is going to be good because i see even some of our young people they start acting out reality tv show personalities i mean i see some of the young girls in our church sometimes they're trying to act like nene and all of them is that her name nene yeah i know y'all left me out here like y'all know i don't know i don't know what they said we want to remove any remembrance of it as we get ready for consecration i want you to start gathering things tangible things intangible things start grabbing things i don't care if you got to put it in a bag and put a knot on it and lay it on the altar we don't just need water and oil on the altar we need to put some stuff in the valley this week some stuff that says no no i want to remove the remembrance of it i don't want the residue of it i don't want to keep rehearsing it i don't want to keep going back to it i got good news under the old covenant achan confessed and still had to pay under the new covenant we confess and he already paid will you thank the lord for the hedge we just thank the lord for it though your sins be a scarlet i will wash you whiter than stone all right you don't have to stand or we want to dismiss you just by your heads jesus thank you lord [Music] you jesus thank you for having mercy on us [Music] thank you for the grace you bestowed upon us [Music] lord we lost some battles in the past because we used the wrong weapon [Music] we got distracted by fighting battles that were not our assignment we laid our heads in the wrong laps and we tried to drag things from our past the lord jesus in this moment help us to make the hard decisions to get the right results [Music] today lord we danced in your presence [Music] we sung songs into your ear [Music] we ran in victory around this church [Music] lord help us to give you that next level of worship and that's obedience whatever you're requiring for for me to put in the valley i bring it before you lord [Music] i bring it before you lord draw me close to you [Music] never let me go [Music] i laid all down again [Music] to hear you say that i'm free [Music] you are my desire [Music] no one else will do [Music] no one else can take your place to feel the warmth of your embrace [Music] help me find a way to bring me back to you you're [Music] [Music] you're needing [Music] help me know you [Music] lift it up with your voice [Music] oh [Music] today what we dismiss if you need prayer someone will be at this altar to pray for you and again if you're visiting with us today we have a gift in any door if you need to be baptized or join the church as well any of the elders at the front will be ready to receive you now may the lord bless you may the lord keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you to him be all glory dominion and power forever and ever all of god's people said amen [Music]
Channel: Ramp Church Intl
Views: 2,969
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1sD4EyaQCBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 15sec (8535 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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