Bethel Sunday Morning Service October 6, 2019 Message by Pastor Micheal G. Lewis

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he shall set me up on a rock and now he shall my head be lifted up won't about me therefore will I offer in his stubborn anger sacrifices of joy I will sing yay I will sing praises unto the Lord here Oh Lord when I cry with my voice I've mercy also upon me and answer me when dosia Sikhi my face my heart said unto thee thy face Lord will I seek hide not thy face far from me and put not thy servant a win under there was been my help leave me not night of a save me O God of my salvation when my father and my mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a plain path because of mine enemies deliver me not or for false witnesses are risen up against me and such as breathe out cruelty I had fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living we thought the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait I see hide not they face far from me not a servant away what an assurance this morning what a comfort this morning what a great assurance this morning hallelujah that our God is ever present he is a Veniero's he will not hide his face from us he will not put us away in anger he will not leave us he will not forsake us in fact says I will be with you Oh hallelujah even until the very end of the age no wonder the psalmist could say that he is a present help in a time of trouble because he's ever-present jehova shamma the Lord who is present he is a Veniero's ever present his ears are ever open hallelujah unto our cry zammis as I called on the Lord and he heard he heard he heard the squeezin even said Jesus hears Jesus hears he knows he knows he knows his present is present he is ever near is ever near he is a present help can we show hallelujah can we showed how to loo yeah one more time hallelujah jehova shamma the Lord who is present join with me as we repeat our mission statement and our pledge and if you were visited to our church and you're not familiar with our mission statement and our pledge if it's projected on the screen then you can join us in repeating our pledge we are never to love obey and serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advancing of the kingdom of God on earth under the direction and power of the Holy Ghost and with an empowered people we will foster unity love and fellowship with in the Apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build God's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelists pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and mission and prepare believers for the glorious appearing can we show her lelou you our opening song sin can never enter there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we found out that away has been being the vein of his flesh ha de Lune when his flesh was ripped open the blood came for the cleansing of the nation's are you a recipient of a divine blood transfusion today are you grateful if you're grateful just slip your hands up in his presence and now we can come boldly before the Lord to worship Him and he accepts our praise and worship not because of anything that we have done but the blood has qualified me to worship if the blood has qualified you to worship will you join me this morning just lift your hands and just give him glory hallelujah thank you that the blood qualifies me to worship your Lord somebody help me look into the face of God this one say thank you for the blood thank you for the divine transfer thank you for the way made out of no way thank you for a hope and a future thank you for accepting me to the beloved thank you for ministry thank you for the baptism of the Holy Ghost thank you for the revelation of Jesus name hallelujah thank you Father bless her church hallelujah for the church hallelujah thank you for a sanctified life thank you for cha thank you for peace thank you hallelujah prosper in my soul hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah Thank You Pauline ooh oh my God Almighty my soul has escaped the destruction of the world my sound is on its way to my heavenly home thank you for the rescuing of the Lord thank ya hallelujah for the lifting of the Lord thank ya hallelujah you lose my feet for the miry clay thank ya hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus we love you we said thanks Lord we say thanks I feel a worship this morning hallelujah hallelujah thank you know you should have dealt with us worse than bahamas god almighty you should have wiped us out but merci merci merci see mercy said no mercy said one more day masses have one more chance Mercy Mercy Mercy hallelujah Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy he wrote my life we really want to worship in this you want to lose our mind for God this one you want to give him every ounce of strength give him overtime without you [Music] without you hi sure [Music] [Music] [Music] two more times without you without you [Music] one more time without you lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah may be seated in the presence of the Lord hallelujah to read from the word of the Lord today Hebrews chapter 12 verses 12 to 29 we read with brother Frederick Darby in Jesus name mr. Lord mr. Lord mr. hallelujah we haunted the Lord today by reading his word in his sanctuary stakin from Hebrews chapter 12 reading from verse 12 to 29 and let us worship as we read we read in our usual manner we're for lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees follow after piece follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meal sold his birthright for ye are not come onto the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire nor on to blackness and darkness and Tempest for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the mountain it shall be stoned as thrust through with a dart but here come on to Mount Zion and unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel whose voice then shook the earth and now he has promised saying yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also heaven [Applause] wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God except to me with reverence and godly fear we read together for our God is a consuming fire may God had his blessing to his word crystal auto repair song this morning tell it to Jesus we're gonna ask missionary Marlene Hinds he doesn't end in intercession and the saying of the last verse will all stand [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] such [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] who art in heaven hallowed be thy name our secret keeper hallelujah the one who we can tell everything the one who knows everything you are awesome you are mighty you are the one who lay the foundation of the earth you are the one who puts a door at the boundaries of the sea that it cannot come over you're the one who plays the stars in please the Sun and the moon hallelujah you are the mighty God you are the everlasting father you are the Prince of Peace but most of all this morning you are our God you are our God you are our King you are our Savior and Lord you are our friend hallelujah this morning God what a privilege it is to come before your presence and so God as we stand before you this morning let's God we are aware that we are undone we are aware that we are unworthy mighty God of Kenya we pray this money that you would pour the oil on us this morning we pray this morning that you'd pour your blood on us this morning the blood that is able to make us whiter than slow mercy god of Daniel we talk with reference this morning Lord knowing that there's a great judge hallelujah knowing that you're the flood when you judge no man can open their mouths no man can see your judgment is not right and so we repent before you this morning we repent of all our weaknesses we were paid this money in Holland we are everyw secrets in this morning we're a pet before you Lord ever opens scene before you this morning Lord gotta make sure we cry for mercy because we are coming before your throne this morning we don't want anything in the whole purse this morning we do not want the hitting me to stop our purse this morning we wanted to come before the throne of grace oh my god as a sweet smelling Savior and so this one repents every one of us MA from the gracious this morning to the least of us this morning my body cry out to repentance this morning makuu Shanda makishima this morning we cry out before you bother me cry for mercy because we know we have not been all together patrol this week Lord that I may see some of us sin openly and some of us in unknown but this morning repent God wash us again Jesus without and within this morning ha ha Shanna might speak but your brothers this book this week Lord mighty God we have spoken against them hallelujah mighty God we have lifted up our Samson pride against somebody this weaker and so God repent before you and so Lord as we are here in your sanctuary thank you thank you God you could have caught us off Lord but you chose to save us this morning right so God we're not taking it for granted this morning because so many wasn't hallelujah to breathe breakfast morning but God we are able to breathe your breath the breath of life this morning and we thank you we thank you we thank you this morning every one of us thank you makuu Shanda every one of us thank you this morning I prayer behalf of your people this morning much about me thank you we thank you we thank you you're a father give us what we need is a time when we need it the most we thank you for rain this morning we thank you for sunshine you're giving us a balance this morning hallelujah and so we glorify you this morning Lord we're not going to complain we're not going to be ungrateful akaash enough Lord some of us might have gone through a trying week but we are here and we are alive we thank you some of us might have thought that you have left us and left us alone but it's only we are here and we thank you some of us might have cried last night God because of the struggles but we are here and we thank you some of us make up us where you are but this one we are here and we thank you push a minute hey Lord God Almighty last night but we're here and we thank you we're here mokosh and ah and we thank you so much turmoil in our families yesterday but we're here today and we thank [Music] deserve this morning here this morning [Music] thank you we know that we need your grace for the trials ahead and so this morning we thank you Oh Shona holy God holy God we want you to hear us this morning we wanted to hear our cry this morning this morning this morning not cushioned ah thank you God thank you for Jamaica land we love thank you for this blessed paradise in spite of everything this money we are here hallelujah we are here we are here this morning and nothing is going to stop us from glorifying you Lord God Almighty and so God phoniness among us this morning that is standing our city in our need in whatever position we are in this morning might Sagara we're not doing so well because our body is this morning because the source of our strength is in you Lord God Almighty we're in the final oh we're in the final day this morning and some of us are without your spirit Oh God Lord God you said without your sweet we are none of you mighty God with all the trials and the testing we're going through we can't make it without the Holy Ghost Lord God Almighty Priam my god Phil somebody up this morning Lord God with the Holy Ghost and with fire my daughter will be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy Lord God Almighty break somebody's heart with torch everyone this morning that's your poor spirits Lord God we're getting comfortable we're getting so comfortable in saying but God remind us that there is a he'll remind us this morning body and soul Lord God this morning Lord we thank you we pray for your ministering servants this morning Lord we hold them up before you Lord God Almighty the battle we are standing at the forefront of the battle and so God we are the ones who receive the darts first and so this morning I pray God that will armed with ourselves with the breastplate of righteousness with the helmet of salvation matching our the sword of the Spirit we will put Charlie shut ourselves with the feet or fetal of course worthless money remember pastor this morning as I stand in the position of leadership Oh Lord God Almighty hold on him this morning the name of Jesus in the name of this morning no you wanna stand surety god almighty touch us this morning mark mashanda touch the car this morning Marco shunt as a minister your word Lord God whatever happened yesterday what I have up on the day before mark socotra pray this morning but he will pour the oil on them this morning Marco shunda longer from the call of their head selected to run down to their feet this morning certify their voices sanctify their mouth like the god of Daniel so that your word will go for it some of us are saved to us some of us are saved to the word but God today we pray that whatever means my god you call us that you will hear you let's not I will respond to you in the name of Jesus Lord your words will not go back on to you void and so God as it goes for this morning makuu Shanda we are assured that one soul Murtaza even one soul will hear the call of your word this morning we know God that there's more than one soul maka shudder but really hear your words this morning germinate seeds God and when you should have ready you you bring the food Scott Lord we look forward to the fruit every time you know you we send up a special prayer lord god amighty oh you will trouble their hearts this morning you will trouble it God trouble it Jesus [Music] walked away from you this morning this morning for mercy let me work this morning lots of funny things well then this morning we draw the sword this morning giving you you saw this morning to make your to be a liar we're gonna make you to be suit you are only the only truth and for this money we bless you and the gates of Hell shall not and will not prevail this morning cover us God God that's it's your war it is your war Lord and you only want us to show God we thank you right now and you clarify you for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever cause Shama and forever amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so god we stand on your promises this morning you are wonderful God all praises be to the King of Kings for the Lord our God it's wonderful hallelujah it doesn't matter what we're going through this morning we're gonna rest on the promises of God whatever he says in his word he does not lie his promises are sure so we're gonna trust him this morning because he is able he's able to deliver whatever we're going through this morning he's gonna take care of it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I thank God this morning for his presence that is rich in the host this morning and I honor him this morning I honor God this morning I acknowledge the presence of our pastor pastor Michael Lewis and his wife missionary Monique Lewis it's good to see them they're happy that you're in the host this morning hallelujah to our moderator evangelists Terrell Minister Terrell Morgan we thank God for him this morning for minister in charge all our officers on both sides to you the wonderful saints of God visiting friends welcome to the house of the Lord this morning hallelujah isn't it good to be alive we're not laid up in the hospital this morning I'm so happy also to be in the house of the Lord having been on vacation abroad for a while and you know I went to visit a cousin of mine and she had a massive stroke and when I sat there look at the times that she's older than I am much older and I look at the beautiful times that we used to enjoy you know when I you know traveled and we used to go around I went to her house and we'd go to restaurants and we just have fun and this trip I purposed in my heart that I had to visit her and she was laid up in what you'd call like a convent convalescent home and she could not move the only thing that could move were her eyes you know but we continued to pray for her but I just want to give God thanks this morning that I am Alive I can walk I can lift my hands and praise God so many things could have happened to some of us this morning but we are here this morning so don't take it for granted hallelujah we have some visitors in the host this morning and as I call your names first-time visitors I'm gonna ask you to stand we want to acknowledge you so we have Nicholas French invited by brother dixiebell Nicholas welcome Nicholas welcome to beth-el you may be seated after I call your names because I'm gonna ask you to stand one last time in the end and we're gonna sing for you and come around and welcome you Anisha Davis and Adriana Allen invited my sister Alicia Patterson welcome to Bethel wonderful to have you Nathan Irving Nathan Irving all right I'm sure he's your upstairs Oh welcome Nathan but bless you Alicia Pendergrass invited by oh brother and sister Thomas and myself hi ELISA welcome to my church good to have you Savoy sons invited by sister Moni for Clark Savoy god bless you welcome to bezel Orlando right welcome Orlando welcome Patrick Ellis welcome Patrick Bonello white welcome with your bundle of joy Tiana Thomas Tiana ok lime leepu Tiana welcome to bezel busy Boers busy welcome to Bethel good to have you a shanty labelled a shanty Lavelle outside perhaps Johnny Williams Johnny Williams upstairs ok welcome the name welcome to Bethel sovereignly Bennett invited by sister Alicia Beckford Sara Lee Bennett where are you ok welcome Sara Lee Sharon Bowers invited by sister Charmaine near Sharon oh you're new oh ok your name comes up twice welcome again Chanel McFarland Chanel McFarland at the bat welcome to Bethel Chanel there's a group here from Harborview and these these persons were invited by sister opal we're gonna a shunt Anna Richards the stand cutie Campbell Sidney fritz Claudette Clarke Ashley here with this band all of you just and welcome to Bethel welcome to Bethel since the opal has been doing a good job welcome to Bethel so at this time we're gonna acknowledge those who are viewing online so if you're viewing by YouTube which is Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic or you're viewing by Twitter at Bethel underscore SCR or on Facebook slash Bethel SC are another time we welcome you thanks for tuning in and we pray that you will be blessed today so may I have all our visitors standing at this time all the names I call those who stood just stand for me keep standing just stand now did you receive a visitors package that's a little blue packet if you did not put it could you stick your hand up for me okay so there's one person at the back who did not receive a visitors package anybody else all right so okay and there's one at the front here so that visitors package inside you will find a little section where we ask you for your personal information and we're gonna ask you to fill that out it is perforated so you're gonna tear it off and that portion you're gonna put it in the offering plate so that we can keep in touch with you it's really really a pleasure having you worshiping here at Bethel with us this morning and we pray that your souls will be richly blessed you are not here by chance but you are here by divine arrangement by God himself so if you hear his voice today harden not your heart surrender to him he's coming back for this world and when he comes you want to know that your soul is ready to meet God keep standing we are going to come around and greet you and we're gonna sing or welcome song for you this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] continue to worship with none where's the Lord everyone Amen we want to thank God for the mothers and fathers and also the God mothers and the grandmothers grandfathers who have come with the various children this morning and they represent the future of the nation these beautiful children so we're going to ask our passengers to come to conduct this session in the name of the gnocchi's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we stand today in the stead of Jesus Christ that when the child would have reached an age of understanding that the choice to be baptized must be their own what we will do is anoint your child with bless olive oil and we will pray the prayer of faith over your child and ask God to bless the life of the child that you now hold in your hands and parallelism I want you to pay attention the child you're holding in your hand is a gift from God to you a special gift and as with any earthly gift we take care of what Ananda has given to us and so like us Christ are so blessed you with this precious life so it is that you must invest time and care for these children we're living in a world where the forces of darkness seem set against our children to destroy them so many forces that are seeking to abuse our children verbally physically sexually so many evil forces that seemingly are engage in in human trafficking and our children are caught up in a vicious cycle of Eve but we are praying this morning that God will protect your child not the blessings of the Lord will rest upon your child and when your child would have come of age that your child will be one to call the Lord bless it would give their lives to the Lord I want to remind parents that day blessing does not end and so we expect you to remain for the rest of the service it is not that you come and as we are finish you go if that is the case then please find somewhere else the blessing the son is says one thing of I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord parents if today is the only time you're going to take your child to church then again it's going to be a mockery if it is important that your child start their journey with God it means then it is important for them to continue with God praise the Lord praise the Lord Prison what we are doing here is not a good luck charm we're asking the covering of the Lord over your child you need that covering our spirits because being a parent in this day and age is no easy task we need God's help we need God's wisdom so we'll be anointing your child with blessed olive oil and pronounce a blessing upon them and we know we know that God will bless the future of your child but let the house of God be their dwelling place let it not be a temporary visitor I want our visit but let the house of God be there dwelling place Bethel put your hands again and welcome mothers and fathers children [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh brick lemon from the fields of sin [Music] Jesus will bring no from the fields of sea [Applause] watch Stettin daddy brick brick damn it from the fields of sin would Audrey Aubry [Applause] [Music] sing it bring it bring it bring on the bees FC Monsta G [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] father this morning in the name of Jesus Christ we come before you one more time as a house of beth-el standing in agreement before you Lord for the blessing of these children glory want to thank you for taking them safely to this side of life we want to thank you their God for their parents who have lifted up their faith this morning to present them in the house of the Lord for a blessing Lord we stand in agreement with the faith of the parents this morning as we present these children before you each of them is precious in your sight every one of them is known to you father according to the psalmist David all their members are recorded in your holy book Jesus this morning we want to pray over these children and declare that you all Lord is placed in your hand upon them but your Lord is breathing upon them we declare this morning together as a house of Bethel but you are Lord is making their paths played before them Lord we pray this morning but they will be divinely protected with good health we pray this morning but you will rewrite their DNA and any imperfection that is there in their God we cancel this morning we speak health over these children in the name of Jesus we speak health Oh God in their circulation system or God their immune system in the name of Jesus let no weapon of the enemy that is formed against them consume that this morning as we pray O God hallelujah but they will find favor in your sight father we pray this morning that you will establish the knowledge of Jesus Christ in their minds Loree pray this morning but they will grow to know and to understand that you created humanity male and female in the name of Jesus we pray that they will grow to know that there is one God in the name of Jesus we pray that they will come to know and to understand and to believe in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ oh god this morning we stand up against false doctrine that will come against his children to pluck them out of your hand this morning or God Almighty bless them with good people in their lives to lead them along the right path Oh God people of moral upstanding people who believed in you in the name of Jesus bless their homes but they are living in even now bless them all God holiday with peace in the name of Jesus we pray O God but there will be somebody in their family praying for them every day in the name of Jesus father like the house of bet that lift them up before this morning bless them in a special way put your mark upon them in the mighty name of Jesus we present them to you as we say thanks in Jesus name lands me on the see countless video children me who have never heard that bus was story tour little one so that price dying for their price waiting to be gathered see [Music] [Music] Aaron the quest events to [Music] [Music] she is [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] the name of the Lord in Islam offering time Tibo offering our Thai to the Lord it's praise a blessed and everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as we read first chronicles 16 verse 28 Minister vassal Phillips will bless the offering afterwards give on to the Lord he Kindred's of the people give on to the Lord glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory to you on to his name bring an offering and come before him worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth the world also shall be stable that it be not moved let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice and let men say among the nation's the Lord reigneth let the sea roar and the fullness thereof that feels rejoice and all that is there then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord because he commented to judge me o give thanks unto the Lord for for so Lord we thank you O God for another day in your house we thank you that you give us a life Lord God have kept us through the past week the past month you have provided for us Lord Jesus we come this morning o God to give back some of that which are bless us which three months also a week Lord sanctified blessed that be used the unearned clora of your service as we give you thanks in Jesus name this be guided by the oceans even of the offering as acquire ministers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we come to praise his name [Music] oh we've come to praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go ahead and brazen [Music] go ahead and freeze him [Music] he's worried he's hurt he's hurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our God is worthy to be praised I'm the rising of the Sun to the going down on the same show hallelujah [Music] be seated in the presence of the Lord [Music] we've come to praise His name the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run it in we are mother presence of the Lord today we thank God for His grace surely the presence of the Lord is in this place we can feel his mighty power hallelujah and His grace the brush of angel's wings we bless God for everyone to see you on this the Lord's Day another Sunday morning we welcome everyone amen to another service here at Bethel and we bless God for years we thank God for the grace that is given on to all of us to see today to Moschino monique lewis to our moderator minister Terrell Morgan to the offices to all of those wonderful people and especially our visitors we welcome you again amen to this the Lord's Day and this the Lord's house amen we're happy to have back minister john Smolin amen we welcome her back evangelist Esme Barnett is still with us amen and she'll be here until she leaves amen we thank God for her amen please accept greetings from sister Elena and brother Fitzroy rossion Bonet it's just amazing what God is doing in their lives so many folks are being baptized so many folks are receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost so if we think that God is only moving on this side of Earth we have new say that god is moving by his spirit signs and wonders everywhere and so we continue to pray for them on the ministry that the Lord has raised up in their hearts that the blessings of the Lord will continue to rest upon them as was said last week that on Monday October 21 amen it's a centennial celebration coming needs with a grand service at the National Arena Amen started around 9 o'clock amen and we're asking everyone all roads lead to the National Arena that's where the apostolic One God Holy Ghost people shall gather as we celebrate 100 years of the Apostolic Doctrine amen being preached to the island of Jamaica so please on October 21st that's I think that's he was there apostolic every one of us that's where we need to be that's where God has called us our holy assembly Amon apostolic some every parish in Jamaica will be gathered in fact though some abroad some will be coming back amen to celebrate this grand event and so as we said on last week there will also be offering boots amen for persons who have business and special skills to advertise so please if you're interested a man you can see me our sea - turtle Morgan amen and he will let you know exactly how we are going to proceed amen praise the Lord praise God next week Sunday we're going to ask you to start collecting your tickets we call it tickets I don't know what I'll call it for now for the Abraham's journey but that is what you're going to use the telezart to indicate that you're on the journey amen let mr. the hands of those who are planning to be on the journey all right should be all of us supposed to be on the journey all right so as of next week that's as much as we will see on that amen thanks to those who participated in the intrapreneurs day last week Sunday thanks to those who displayed their goods and wares thanks to those who came to look those who bought those who made orders amen just about everyone we thank you can we please put our hands together for all the owners of businesses and all the saints Amen that came out to support this venture we continue to pray for the ministry the bee ministry the Bethel economic empowerment ministry as we continue to empower our people not just spiritually but financially amen in the word of the Lord now the Lord for the next couple of Sunday nights for the next for Sunday night starting next week Sunday night and all most of us don't come back on Sunday night but I'm asking us to be out for the next four Sunday nights starting next week Sunday night the Lord has dropped a course in my heart for us for the next four Sunday nights called a school of wisdom touch your neighbor and say you need to go to the school of wisdom but you see it every day don't you the period time deeper yet I pray and [Music] [Music] religious sing it one more time deeper and wiser in I purchase I want us to listen carefully it's going to start precisely at 7 o clock so we'll be teaching the teaching starts at 7 we will be finished by 8 o clock if you come at 7:30 half of it will be done by 8:15 we will not be here God's willing is that clear so we want everyone to be up we will not go beyond 8:15 unless God take over and something dramatic happens so no one has the excuse that is going to be too late at precisely 7 o clock I will mount the pulpit God's willing to do what God says and we start and we finish amen so I'm asking those of us who want to the message today will be will explain quite a bit of what's a bit of a toss but I think God is calling us to go a little deeper amen deeper in his word deeper I get the feeling learn a lot of what is happening is too shallow too shallow surface God says let's go a little deeper than somebody launch out into the deep into the got there's more there is more there's a lot more and brethren when we stay on the shallow when the storms are blowing we are easily moved but we have a kingdom that cannot be moved so I'm asking us amen to meet the sacrifice it's a sacrifice for all of us for the next 4 weeks for Sunday night starting next week Sunday night please I'm asking us just for one hour and we will the school of wisdom amen let me see the hands of those who are willing to try to come no I'm serious I'm serious I'm serious I'm really serious in I believe the church is going through preparation for the rapture soon I'm very soon will believe in here count years as months count the months as count the weeks as and it a No let it not be said that we did not hear who praise the Lord I believe that God is favoring us I believe God loves Bethel 20s old camp loaded you know I know that God loves everybody but I think I love this church so much so much so much that is invited us to the school of wisdom my god we start precisely at several isn't careful you have to hold pastor to me to know as far as they're not always on time but this time God said make sure you start and end because nobody will be we don't an excuse if we even if I don't have to go home for the next four weeks so that at seven o'clock I am here it's the money you get nervous already what we are going into the school of wisdom him annex preaching time it's time for the word if if those of you are on the outside make your way back inside it's time for the word Hebrews chapter 12 verses 28 and 29 I boost chapter 12 verses 28 and 29 amen we started last week we will finish it up this week amen was it last week powerful all of these men of God does my god it was good Hebrews chapter 12 verses 28 and 29 if you have found it say Amen if you have not done an act that you look on the screen I was thinking about it when I sucked the people who were at the back upstairs can you actually see the screen if you can't see the screen wave your hand because I need you to be able to see what's happening I'm I'm not even sure when X preaching our teaching going to happen today but whatever God does will be well done amen but make sure if you're at the back where you can't see come up to the front don't make any sense to come to church at least what God is saying move to an area where you can see what is happening amen as we start have you found it amen so let's read together wherefore we receiving a kingdom everybody see a kingdom which cannot be moved do me a favor just touch your neighbor and say you're in a kingdom that can't move like a tree that's planted by I shall not be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God now this is where it is but as an sisters we cannot serve God how we want to serve God and this is the problem that we are in dilemma that we are in because people want to serve God in them what they want to serve God on dear terms on dear conditions sister Chauncey they want to serve God but on their condition but listen to God's condition let us have grace whereby we may serve God home there is an acceptable way to serve God with reference and with godly everyone's a godly fear that's what we wanted to talk about let us fear God that's a topic for a sermon today let us fear God tell your neighbor let us come on come on and tell turn to the person beside you and tell them let us let us fear God that's what we're talking about today I thought that would be up by now let us fear God thank you let us fear God we're not even wasting any time point number one what does it mean to fear the Lord when the Bible says that we are to fear the Lord what what exactly it means it doesn't mean that God wants us to be afraid of him but to fear the Lord can be defined listen to this as a continual awareness let's bring up that slide please that we are in the presence of a holy trust and Almighty God let me say that again it's a continual awareness that we are in the presence of a holy just an Almighty God and that every mortal every thought can you imagine that every motive every thought every word every action is open before him and will be judged so brothers and sisters it is a farce to believe that we can affirm nada because everything about us is open everybody's open when the Lord walked into the Garden of Eden and acts Adam where art though it wasn't that God didn't know where Adam was located because we know that God is omniscient meaning God knows our things and God knew exactly so when God asked Adam where though he wasn't asking him for his location God was concerned about fellowship because something happened between the fellowship between God and his man Adam was no Old Earth so God was asking Adam where are you why are you not in my presence Adam was idly behind fig leaves therefore to fear God is a continual awareness that we are in the presence of a holy God I just got an Almighty God and that every motive thought word and action is open before him so when I wake up in the morning I'm open to God when we lay our head to rest in the night we are still open to God because his eyes going through and for the entire Earth beholding the God God doesn't want us to be afraid of him Ethel but what God wants is for us to respect to reference him to be in all of him to love him with all our heart and this respect and reverence and awe for God will produce genuine worship let me said it again only when we respect God and reference God does it produce genuine worship the writer of the book of Hebrews says that we must serve God acceptably there was a time when Israel worship God you know and God told them I do not want your worship God said it's still to my last room because you want to worship how you want to worship and to do what you want to do and not the worship that I God requires of you but when we fear God we give to God the worship that is due unto his name God doesn't want us to be afraid of him he wants us to have all and respect for him that ends in true worship fearing God that means to be in all of his holiness to give him complete reverence and honor because of his great glory and majesty tn power that's what happened him Isaiah chapter six do you remember a story of a prophet who went into the temple in the year that King Uzziah died he said I saw the Lord the first thing about true worship is that in true worship we see God we don't even say you see the problem with us why we can't get into true worship is because we keep watching each other but in true worship he said I saw who he was high and lifted up sister Barnabas astray and all his glory field my god can you imagine the king was dead but the prophet saw the King of Kings the Lord of lords the only potentate he was high and lifted up and his train filled and they were Seraphim and cherubim these were angelic beings and when these angelic beings saw the glory and the majesty of Almighty God their only response in worship could be holy because the first thing when we look at God we see his holiness so they cried holy holy in fact so he was God that these angels began to they cover their feet between they they flew and one cried to the other holy holy and they knew who they were talking about God and the network said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full this morning of his glory not only did the angel it being saw the holiness of God the prophet saw the holiness of God and when the prophet saw the holiness of God children the only thing the holiness of God can do for us is to reveal one holy we are so when the perfect saw the holiness of God he cried out well is me worthy I am doing I'm a man of what I'm talking about the Prophet dinner I'm talking about the Prophet I said he says I'm a man of unclean lips I dwell in the midst of a people but because he feared God then one of the Angels took a call from the Alton touch his lips tell somebody there's always mercy when we fear God Oh in Psalm 33 verses 8 to 9 hear what the Bible says in Psalm 33 verses 8 to 9 let's read together let all of the earth respect god reference God let all the earth fear the Lord let the inhabitants of the world stand in awe you know who we serve that's why even when we come to the house of God we should walk carefully because God is so holy so awesome when we enter his presence we bow before him no wonder the old time seems that when they entered into the house the first thing they did they ran to the altar they never did anything else before they went on their knees and say God you are holy cleanse us and make us like them let all the earth let's go back to the scripture please and we're gonna spend a lot of time on the scriptures let all the earth fear the longer the inhabitants of the world stand in everybody say awesome I heard a lady pretty tonight this is mine she's a god you're awesome oooh when missionary in the spring she said God you're awesome I was saying god you're more than awesome and if there is more than awesome you're more than more than awesome and if there's more than more than awesome you're more than more than more than awesome because when when we say God is awesome it's limited to what we think awesome is but God is bigger than anything that we can think of or his thoughts and heavens but let the earth standing O God is in this temple let inhabitants of the world let's bring up Matt the scriptures stick with me please that the Scriptures stand let the inhabitants of the world stand in awe for he spake and it was done he commanded you know how powerful the god you serve is he just have to speak on the mountains tremble he spoken the waters back up he spoken light and darkness separated he spoken it was done he commanded and it stood for us to fear the Lord means to be aware that we are in his presence is holy just an almighty presence and that every motive and thought and word and action is harp number two who is to fear the Lord who is to fear the Lord well if you were reading you you would know who are to fear the Lord hear what the scripture says in some 3389 let's bring it back up again let some of the earth everybody's a little god requires every human being let all the earth fear the Lord let all the hidden appetites this is not for some of us this is for all of us standing all of him he spake and it was done he commanded and it one more scripture Deuteronomy 13 verse 4 Deuteronomy 13 verse war hear what the Bible says God spoke to Israel and he says you shall walk after the Lord yer and do what respect him referencing standing all of him and keep is when we fear God we keep his Commandments we obey his voice and we shall serve Him and cleave unto Him let's break that down when we fear God we keep his Commandments we obey his voice we serve Him and we stick to him clean means to to stick to to be joined together or praise the Lord so God wants us to fear him but keeping his Commandments obeying his voice serve Him and leave with lord have mercy you know that we're living in a day and age where the enemy wants to separate us from God and everything that he can do and orchestrate in our lives to separate us from God he's going to bring it on because he doesn't like the fact that we have fellowship with God and his job is to try and destroy the fellowship it started in the Garden of Eden when he went as a serpent to even sit did the Lord say but hear what God says we must obey whose voice oh lord have mercy obey his voice that's God's voice and shall serve Him and cleave I want to encourage every member of Bethel 20 so Camp hood to cleave to God to hold on to God let no storm let no circumstances let no situation separate you from the love of God hold on with all your sometimes the road is rough my god these days the road is getting off and can I say rougher and tougher rina for dirty talk my god if you're a true Christian you're going through some serious stuff but God says hold on and cleave to me see me Sonia he animals squeeze the near behind and say stay with Jesus though the road is rough and you're going get tough tell them take a grip take a creep fear God stain the house of God take a grip my brother take a grip on the enemies trying to shake you out of your position Inga trying to rock your boat rain to rock you mine but God says please to me I hear the Bible says draw nigh to God and God will draw nigh he shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him keep his Commandments obey his voice children hear God's voice his voice makes the difference but when he speaks he relieves her the only voice we hear that truly point number three let's go on I only have three points the blessings of fear in the Lord tell anybody is a blessing and story for those who fear the Lord can I prove it to you we are blessed the Word of God says when we fear the Lord Psalm 111 verse 1 listen to one of emesis praise he the Lord blessed our blessing blessed is the man that fear at the Lord that delight greatly those who fear God enjoy the blessings of the Lord he rarely Lords us with benefits those who fear the Lord brethren that's why I know something was wrong with what these pictures were telling people you know that you must take your money to them and you'll be blessed I'm not sure the Bible say here what the Bible says how you get blessed see it alone blessed is the man who what fear I see here crazy the Lord blessed is the man that fear at the Lord the one before that greatly there is a there's a blessing and fear in the Lord proverbs 28 14 Oh says happy is the man that fear at the Lord but he that hardened at his heart is headed into trouble is a that is sailing for mischief but those who fear the Lord is happy lord have mercy we are blessed pastor why must I fear the Lord and what are these blessings that the Lord has to be stored upon those who fear the Lord I'm happy that you asked me number one is wisdom knowledge and understanding those who fear the Lord God will give us wisdom knowledge and understanding lord have mercy Psalm 111 verse 10 write them down and go home tonight and muse on them some 111 verse 10 says the fear of the Lord where my Bible readers the fear of the Lord a good understanding of all they that do His commandments is praise the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding of all day that keep his Commandments when we understand what does God require of us here are the Bible says let us hear the conclusion after keep his because within if we don't fear God and keep his Commandments we will be lost so the Bible says let us hear the conclusion of the fear God so the psalmist says the fear of the Lord is the ticket enough wisdom and good understanding of all they that do His we understand that when we keep God's commandment we are sheltered safe within the arms of Jesus we know when we keep his Commandments he watches over us his eyes are on the sparrow here were the great of proverbs says now in proverbs 9 verse 10 the battle confirms that the fear of the Lord is the word and knowledge of the holy you not understand in life if you don't understand who God is and to respect God and to be in awe of God God is awesome God is holy God is righteous in all his ways job said in job 28 28 listen to what job says and unto man he said behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and to depart from evil when we don't under bridge when we fear God we get an understanding that is evil when you see evil you know it is evil and you're doing running to evil but when you see evil you go in the opposite we stone dictates that there are some things we taste not handle not taste not what the fool rush in where angels fear to tread there was a little boy by the name of Joseph handsome guy caught the eyes of a woman Potiphar's wife though Joseph destroyed ever tell us that he did anything the tempter she just loved young men and the variable said that she had Joseph and when Joseph would not surrender she taunted boy we do know that the enemy will set you up but wisdom detects that we depart from so Joseph didn't pray you know some of us are so strong that when God said depart from evil we over people David should have been a battle but he was at home on his roof got in trouble Joseph saw what was happening and listen how the fear of the Lord works now here Joseph listen Joseph is saying listen I have the opportunity to have Potiphar's wife but here what the fear of the Lord works now how can I do this wicked thing and sin this is how the fear of the Lord because Joseph knew that there was a God to be feared more than Potiphar's wife our party for himself now there was a God who what if I wasn't even he probably would not have known about it but Joseph knew that there was an are seen I watch it how can I do this Eva thing Joseph remember that the fear of the Lord hallelujah the fear of the Lord that is wisdom and to depart from evil is understanding so then joseph run away touching events there's some things you want away from you're not even seeing it like you believe it you're not that strong don't tell me I have so much Holy Ghost [Applause] something you want wisdom it gets let me make it even clearer some conversations don't even start it go just sweet received you know God gives us wisdom to see the plot of the enemy long before it stopped and some of us see what the enemy is trying to do in ER but instead of we depart from evil we hug it up and forget there's a who wicked ever trying to destroy our salvation the first out of the place where God has called us to be but like a dream that's planted we have a kingdom that cannot provide chapter 3 and 7 got to go got to go be not wise in thine own eyes feel alone that's what I was trying to say sometimes we think we we so smart we can deal with this no hear what the Bible says fight the good fight of faith to lay hold and eternal life for some things you fight tell something or something's a fight man but when the Bible speaks of lost youthfulness it never said fight youthfulness [Music] don't even say I know the Bible it says flee what does the word flee means hop your bad run and if you can't find your bag run relieve it but Savior soul we stop dictates that we depart because we stayed longer you know if David had come off his roof and go to battle lord have mercy the blessings of being a fearing God wisdom knowledge and second blessing is divine instructions when we fear God God will give us divine instructions bredrin can I tell you that God talks he has a voice and God speaks to you and especially you and God speak in different ways sometimes you hear his voice sometimes he speaks in circumstances some things that you wanted to work one way a got your streeted hope to work another way because trying to tell you that his way is the best way oh I wish somebody would say hallelujah because you know that God speaks listen to this Sam 25 12 to 14 what man is he that feareth the Lord that's a question he shall he teach in the way when we fear God God becomes our teacher when we fear God we become teachable to be teachable means that we can be instructed today is that nobody wants to be taught nobody wants to be instructed everybody wants to give instructions no way worker work what man is he that feared the Lord him will he teach the one that is samus's teach me thy way and leave me him shall he teach in the way that he choose he's so shalt dwell at ease when God is our teacher we are at ease his seed shall inherit the earth the secret of the Lord is with them man and he will show them his covenant listen when you fear God God will whisper secrets in your ears or you don't hear me somebody when we walk with God when we serve God when we respect God God will reveal the secret things when last as God whispered in your ears the Bible says listen again brother Dave let's talk about the Bible says it says that the secret of the Lord is with them that you know what doors will fear the Lord that's why the enemy can understand how you survive you know what is because your know some things you know some secrets so even when the batter gets hot you're known as secret [Music] this sweeter this victory and when the enemy brings it to the darkest of dungeon and he's trying to figure out why you have not back Sydney it why you haven't given up yet is because you know that in denied the Lord whispered secret to you that the darkest part of the night it's just before dawn and you're he reversed hold on my chair so I comes in weep in motto sure you know the secrets of the Lord that God said he will make way oh no even when things get rough it was going to read prophesy dream and when they look they saw not even a rain cloud in the sky but the prophet knew the secret of the Lord that if God says it it moves happened if God have to redo climate change to make it happen it's going to happen so the Prophet said go look again they went two times they came back to the prophet and the Prophet no rain by this time some people start to pack their bags and said this God is a joker we are leaving this God but those that fear God hear the secret voice and look again listen there are some circumstances that God is whispering in your ears and the devil is whispering to tell you to give up and on the same pray again and the enemies in you have been praying and praying and praying and I said not not happen that there is the secret of the Lord will whisper T and he went and looked I feel it again he went a lot different prophet nothing not happening but those who fear the Lord shall trust in his name when they looked at seven time they say we see something it don't look like much it's just the size of a man's hand but how many know that God don't need a lot to work he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast haha those who fear God God whisper secrets in you in your ears sure how he's going to work he told when everybody is trying to figure out how gods won't work he told for him how God is going to work it out for her god bless whisper the secret of your ears and say hold on who in fact sometimes God will tell it to hold your peace don't tell it don't tell them anything because sometimes when you tell people what God says they try to discourage you when God said he'll make away that commentary don't just see no ways but when God whispers his secrets to you let me move on let me move on tell anybody find protection for those who fear the Lord not just divine instructions but divine protection is for those who fear the Lord proverbs 14 26 in the fear of the Lord is strong confidence and his children shall have a place of refuge God will fight for those who fear Him oh my god I feel that in myself God will defend those who fear Him God will fight God the services is our refuge and Our Strength I present help in the time of God and I fight for those who fear me yes when I might fear God don't trouble him don't show me don't trouble her God will fight I will say I wish somebody would grab this in their spirit after Lord yes yes I'm overshadowed by his boneless love yes you have protection jesus walks every isn't what God says some 33 and verse 18 he says behold the eyes of the Lord upon them that fear him and God said I'm watching you I'm watching over you God says listen when I say my eyes are upon you it means I'm watching every move you make every step you take and if the enemy ever tried to touch you when the enemy comes in like a flood [Music] why don't you receive the word of God in your spirit when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God I stand that is the war banner that comes after you if you all know what when that's formed against you shall be punished because you fear me because you will pay my commandments because you trust me when you did when the dark night comes up I mean the way I will love you trust at me [Music] watching you I'm watching over you as a hand watches over our cheeks so the Lord watches over us there's somebody unprotected those who fear the Lord we are protected not only that but long life a long unsatisfied life so finish picking the back up in the school of wisdom everybody say a long life but not just long life God says you will have a satisfied life oh listen to this proverbs 1027 since the fear of the Lord prolong it is but the years of the wicked the wicked cut short their days because you can learn so far listen the wiki can only go so far and no more before God says enough is enough but those that fear the Lord shall have learned of this proverbs 1427 look at this one no problem 14:27 says the fear of the Lord is the fountain of life they put apart from the sneer tell somebody life tell somebody I shall live live and not die live and be clear those who fear the Lord nor the enemies setting up traps to kill you God said you shall live and not die it shall be a fountain of life a snare is a trap if you understand what the Bible means to depart from the snare of death a snare is a trap you ever see all the trap beers they have some large claws that they open up like this and they put it on the ground and they put meat right in the center of it oh my god the enemy knows how to set us up and the bear would go there after that meat bricks is like bricks every feel in the body he bleeds out to death and die but the Bible says the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life yes to depart from this near Bethel listen to me you might not know it the enemy has you in his cross here he's not playing with you he wants to kill you he wants to mess up your life he wants to destroy your testimony he wants a tribe your name in the dirt mess up your integrity mush up your job destroy your marriage lose your won-soon and he sets these snares all those that fear the Lord listen to and God whisper in your ears and tell you where to go and not to go because they that fear the Lord I carefully weird a step so though the enemy set a trap when your foot is about to go on that shop God just move your foot some a I don't even know why you leave from where you leave or you know you don't even understand why you stopped doing something just started but it is was God who was looking out for you come on because you feared him proverbs 1923 right descriptions don't go home tonight and lose on the muse and the muse on them the fear of the Lord tended to life and he that has it shall abide satisfied he shall not be visited do you hear what God says better let's read this one together the fear of the Lord tell that to her so when the devil says death God says he that have it shall abide satisfied hold on only if you really mean it squeeze any of my lines and I'm satisfied with Jesus know what I say because preachers are safe if you don't if you're not satisfied don't say you're satisfied but if you know that you're not actually know that Jesus is everything to you he is your doctor your lawyer your husband your friend he's your everything tell somebody I'm satisfied with Jesus I don't mean nobody from Egypt I don't need anything from ulta Babylon Oh God Almighty if we're satisfied with Jesus we don't need Babylonish garments we don't need Babylonish sweet hips but Jesus together lovely I need somebody I'm satisfied I'm talking to some people who do have any husband yet you know say I'm satisfied those who have husband and wife I'm speaking to you to see I'm satisfied with Jesus we're laughing what your husband may not look like a GQ model but you better be satisfied may not have six bucks belly my big like my one but this satisfied she may not have a coca-cola buckle ship but when you need somebody for prayer I feel something pushing me when you need somebody to pray if you tortured him and said be satisfied I'm satisfied with just a cross of bread so I know that they're better richer things ahead little ooh hallelujah hallelujah telling if I'm satisfied those that feel Lord bring about that scripture for me the fear of the Lord telnet to life he that has it shall abide next blessing but at you will we're not gonna have service tonight you're going home to muse on this tonight here so give past a little more just about five more minutes the next four weeks after this week we are in the school of wisdom everybody say mercy the next blessing when we fear God God have mercy on us you see you see because God is righteous and holy church men should be Oh a portion but when we fear God let me prove it from the scripture Psalm 103 verse 17 but the mercy of the Lord do we have some Bible readers in here let me read but the mercy of the Lord is some everlasting for them that those who fear Him have mercy from everlasting he listen to what the Bible says his righteousness unto their children's children so are your children bless because you fear God and even when your children backslide and leave all the church courts and I still have mercy on them because you fear me I think some of the people who Baxter they are still alive because God said who have mercy upon you because you fear me hold on Psalm 103 verses 8 to 10 and 11 to 13 the Lord is merciful come on double readers 30 reminds the time to read time to read upstairs can you see everybody upstairs read the Lord is and gracious slow to anger plenteous in mercy he will not always chide neither will he keep his anger he have not dealt with us dealing with us you see if God should is some saamiya table of God did he serve God ever deal with us he has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded US according to Nixon far as the heaven is high above the earth so great everybody said mercy show mercy far as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy towards them that fear him so great is his mercy towards them that what we get mercy will the feared God we're not puffed up with pride and do what we want to do but we humble ourselves I will God's your heart he says listen I'll have mercy as far as the east is from the west so has he removed our transgressions from us as a father pitieth his children saw the Lord pity at them that lets him finally the final one prosperity God prospers those who fear Him let's prove it from the scripture proverbs 22 for by humility and what and what the fear of the Lord riches and honor listen how do I get prosperity not because you put in a letter and say to somebody no we prosper when we fear God we prosper when we keep his Commandments when we do what his heads do lord have mercy told them try me in Malachi when he talked about how can a man who of God the Bible said you helped me in my tithes and in my offerings some folks don't even trust that and fear God to give to God is 1/10 we take it within Unity Tour Shia satire gender with impunity but here God shiny say if I will not open when you fear me and do what Isis when you give God what he requires fear me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor how do you get rich fear God and little later I'm going to tell you that rich don't mean what you think it is hold on some 34 9 o the Lord he said for there is no one o you hear me somebody the Word of God says there is no word if you know that God is your provider lift your hands I'm sure Alleluia some folks in this church have not been working for months but God keeps blessing them over God keeps providing for them God keeps making away because you fear God when others were doing illegal stuff when others were scamming oh you don't hear me whatever get-rich-quick scheme you kept on trust in God and all of the little that you had you still give to God you know what God says those that fear me shall not want anything my mind went back to the book of Genesis by the man named Isaac for the Bible said it was a famine in Milan not different from the famine that was in the days of Abraham and in the midst of famine Isaac thought isaac feared God so much that out of the little that he had he said that deer not touch what belongs to God you know what God said to Isaac that the first thing God said to Isaac do not go down to Egypt you remember that what do you do when things get rough and dirty tough and the enemy whispers to you you know remember don't each if you have some liquor friends dear sir but God said to Isaac I took you out know about there and Isaac sword in the midst of famine and the Bible said in the same year reap the hundred fall you don't hear me when we fear God when we take God at His Word God will provide God will make aware ridiculous to see Isaac soil in famine but when we do the ridiculous God will always do the mirror Achilles is absurd in the time of famine I'm closing now I'm done don't don't last scripture proverbs 15 16 i'ma tell you what true which is true which is is a satisfied life for bata is little I wish I had some happiness to help me out now I'm closing I'm closing I'm close and I'm closing the top is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasures and trouble take him that's where the summons and I'll rather have Jesus than silver or gold I'll rather be his then riches untold than to be the king legend has it that in 1923 a meeting of America's most powerful men took place in Edgewater Beach in Chicago attending the meeting were nine of the most influential financiers and power brokers in the world it was said that this meeting would be a celebration of their success and an opportunity to plan for future exploits to dominate the world's economic system these were the captains of their respective industries and some of the most powerful businessmen of that Ihram among them was Charles Schwab president of the largest steel producing company in the world Samuel Insull president of the largest electricity producing company how an absent president of the largest natural gas producing company Auto cotton the largest seller of wheat in the United States Richard Whitman the president of the socket Stock Exchange of New York Albert Falls Secretary of the Interior in presidents Harding's administration Jesse Livermore a Great Wall Street investor I work her head of the largest monopoly of the world and Leon Fraser president of the International settlement back these men gathered together the richest men in the world but they lacked one thing they lacked the fear of the Lord they lack moral values and placed their trust in uncertain riches before long they found themselves faced in a harsh reality the hope they had placed in their riches came to a sad and abrupt end in 1948 25 years after that famous meeting when we visited these men they were all left with almost nothing child swapped filed for bankruptcy and spent the last five years of his life surviving on powered morning Samuel Insull died in a foreign land a fugitive of the law and penniless Howard Upson died an insane man Arthur cotton lost his economic solvency and died abroad Richard Whitney had been released from sing-song prison that year Albert fall had just received a presidential pardon so that he could die in the country of his birth with his family and not in prison finally Jesse Livermore lien Fraser and Ivor cougar all committed suicide bring about that last scripture for me let me close it no better children let the satisfied with what God has provided for us [Music] [Applause] data is little with the FLIR of that great treasures and trouble I do rather of Jesus and know that my soul is sweetly saying than to have the riches of this world and the trouble of carbs so squeeze your neighbor and say satisfied no prophesy to them properly you're free to tell them to be satisfied as much when wilt orpheum theory the Lord so let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter let's close this now fear God fear God fear God fear God fear God fear God fear God keep his Commandments stay in the church [Music] stop running don't be enriches God keep his Commandments this is the conclusion I won't give this all to Karl listen to me right now if you're in this house you're not a Christian you know you're not baptized and I'd say if you have not repented of your sins you know if Jesus Christ come right no you are not ready you're upstairs you're downstairs you are to my left my ring I want every unsaved person to come to this earth I want to pray for you you need to fear God why I get ready to sing I'd rather have Jesus every unsaved person you upstairs come come quick I'm giving you I've given you five minutes to reach out to come every unsaved person you need to fear God tell me you need to repent and be baptized today in water in the name of Jesus to receive the Lord in your life I'm waiting for somebody upstairs where you come come come come come come tell somebody hold my child and me Jesus where are you of CS come they are coming from upstairs come quickly come quickly fill this order let us fear the Lord let us fear the Lord for our God is a consuming fire look at these young people look at them come come other you upstairs come come come we're gonna need some extra altar workers a few people can sing from the choir mic spear so when the choir members to work the altar we need everybody on the other recalling every unsaved man woman boy or girl to this altar it's time to fear God let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter let us fear that let us fear God see them coming make room on the altar help help me organize y'all to make room every young man boy girl wonder disorder let us fear God keep his commandments somebody need to be baptized in water today somebody need to come back to God somebody need to make a real commitment to God somebody need to be saved come home I'm still waiting on some folks upstairs need every other worker that we can find look at these young men coming need every other worker every officer oh god oh god oh god turn up there Mike let me hear them we need someone to work us more untold but I come outwardly hostile we need health worker these young men than anything we need help we need help [Applause] hmm okay [Music] you need to repent of your sins today you need to be baptized in water today in Jesus name fear garden stop clearly Oh [Music] yes Lord [Music] I'd rather are you ready for baptism today make up your mind to serve God [Music] repent of your sins and be baptized in Jesus name stop playing with garden fear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody for water baptism yes yes yes you needed me today today today today today affords what about you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] have Jesus than anything else this world affords today somebody has got to be baptized what about you will you join them and rather be his than riches untold I'd rather have Jesus than houses are there I'd rather be led I'll rather be led by snail pairs hands [Music] and to be [Music] what about you young man the waters is troubled what about you for baptism let the law change the life today let the Lord change your life today [Music] whole ethos Holy Ghost yes that's working on you this world this world somebody has some water baptism here what about you are you ready today Aksum are you ready to be baptized today here the conclusion of the whole matter fear God keep his Commandments [Music] [Applause] this world of hearts and to me [Music] I can't look at that young lady God is moving in their hearts but is moving in our soul yeah [Applause] I'd rather have Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can I have a militant Church to stand with me for five minutes if you love souls stand with me I want you to go into intercession mode souls are broken on this answer some are on the verge of a deliverance of a burrito can I have a praying church can I have an interested Church here so he goes can I have a church that direct your prior right now to this altar come on begin to intercede for the souls for young people the Lord is cutting and severing cords I wish I had some missionaries who just move in the Holy Ghost right now and find some young people I see them your spirit is open and if you just lay hands on them the Lord will just sever every p-money tie and covenant and chain hallelujah come on can I have an intercessory Church come on begin to lift up pray an intercession in the name of the Lord Jesus come on this is war fear hallelujah can I have an interested church hallelujah in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth come on I need a war in church hallelujah direct your attention to the altar I know you need a breakthrough hallelujah Oh somebody on the altar Lord's been talking to you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I said somebody on the altar today the Lord has been talking and moving upon them I need an intercessory Church oh my god in the name of Jesus cops ever cut and sever every time sever I command it to be severed come on musicians help me in the name of the Lord Jesus hallelujah come on up into articles in the name of Jesus cut and sever sever let the transcend sever large Jesus you can't go back sever reach out reach out reach out reach out I don't care I can a demon have you and Devils have you what I read them out I read them out come out in the name of the Lord Jesus this is God's property god property every strong man every strong man lock automattic every principle spirit that has your bone every chief demon that have your bone I command her to be loosed sever that the church has ever another one of your such such a minor failure Iseman Pisa it's a hard ago such sever particles ever fly of the Holy Ghost pattern I need some horny horse people sipar burn articles the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost you belong to Jesus your party belong to Jesus your spirit belong to Jesus the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus the truth of the blood that the trust Center blood a nice idea to get more if I on the other the church had a blood what across the mall said Jesus but Nick Daman said she is us Lord Carole Meyer been locked up too long you been tied up too long you've been mixed up too long Sarah [Music] [Music] this is the name in the name in your keep the worshipper I need a worship in church somebody's getting deliverance I need a worship in church something is gonna happen on the altar I need a worship in church I need a woman of God to come back me up over here hallelujah
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Views: 3,701
Rating: 4.4909091 out of 5
Id: R-xFYzvJe-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 43sec (11743 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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