November 10, 2019 [Sunday Morning] Bro. Odaine Steel

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well it's all of the forest snoop report the young lions roar after their prey had seeped their eat from the Sun arising and they gather that serves together and lay them down in their hands man void form on to his work and to his neighbor or children even all your how manifold are thy works in wisdom has only them on the earth is full of languages so is this great and white sea where in our sleep in both small and there is none who now has made to play there these wait all about thee that loan is due season documents them I have gathered there though opening the high disciples they are troubled though take is away their breath did I have returned to their dose though sentence forth and soon they are created and though in us the face of the earth the glory of the Lord shall endure forever the Lord shall rejoice in his works he looked on earth he talks at the hillside being smooth I would see all to the Lord as long as I knew I will seek praise to my god while I have my tea my meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord let are sinners because human out of the earth and let the wicked be no more bless the Lord O my soul praise get the people of the Lord praise in this world hallelujah I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live I will seek praise to my god while I have my B we have any praise to our God can we shout this morning a triumphant praise our God is awesome my God is also this morning can we just sing up to the Lord this morning hallelujah as we lift our hands thank you Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can we give the Lord I kept offering this hallelujah can we just offer up some praise this morning hallelujah you're worthy Jesus there is not life unto our God and awesome God a wonderful Savior deliver on our father and mother who is comparable to our King he is awesome he is wonderful he is sovereign he is supreme he's altogether lovely what a wonderful Savior this morning hallelujah can we call his name this morning can we call that name this morning he is our King and we approach him this morning no other God hallelujah we're gonna pray this morning and we're gonna put this service before the Lord I hope we'll never finished our prayers on Friday night I hope we never left it at the end of service on Friday night because this is another day where we're gonna be singing and worshiping God on hindered no instruction this morning but we're gonna give him to worship Him and everybody without anybody saying lifting your hand lift your hands to the Lord our hands will be lifted up aiming everybody because he has filled us up and running although he came here last week if you were not here I'm sorry but our God was present last we came in everybody and because of that we're gonna continue to embrace the presence of Almighty God it's a different week amen and we're gonna continue to worship God we're gonna be praying this morning that every aspect of this service will be on to King Jesus now he will receive all the glory yes we will be edified when we leave here but we have to worship Him we're gonna pray for singers this morning because they need their voice so this morning we're gonna take it easy because we're gonna be worshiping the Lord so they won't have to be putting out so much because everybody so we're gonna be healthy for singers this morning him and everybody so I gotta pray for the voices that it will show me Lord is going up to our King and we have some prayer requests sister Francis not feeling well she's in pain Marlon Morgana brother become belly Marlin Morgan he met in an accident and he's in ICU so we're gonna be placing him before the Lord this morning sister Mavis family need comfort during their time of bereavement moxy Tomlinson there goes that name again anybody remember that name Maxie Tomlinson meaning salvation is a person who wrote this request here this morning if you sent up this request for Maxie this morning I'm gonna ask you just to come to the front this morning we've heard Maxie name time again I remember it from we worked one Renfield Moxie Tomlinson Hardin hi this morning we're gonna ask this morning that somehow there's a reason why this loved one keep putting the name on the prayer request and we're gonna call up maxi Thomas his name this morning hallelujah sister live in she's in pain and he's healing in the feet there we are careful visitor she lost her uncle also pray for the family sister princess her brother sustained a broken foot and her sister fell in a coma yesterday as if the aunt is in the Princess Margaret Hospital sister Anglin has pain the joints and needs feeling Catherine yog and Kamiya young twins doing brain surgery and apne divine intervention Paul Douglas he has COPD and needs healing sister Sinclair she needs per Omar Davis who has heart problems and blockage Sydney Clark he has broken him had that foot and blood clot in his leg Carl Blake he has blood clot in the heart circle abroad she did a surgery but the doctors are seeing blood on her brain coral bracelet she did a surgery and means deliverance Miss McKee she's in jail and needs deliverance brother Vernon not feeling well you know this morning we read Psalm 104 and we were reminded of the type of God that we serve a God who is not perturbed by this list he's not wondering what to do next he's a God who has already fixed all of our issues all of our concerns you know I love a scripture that says he he goes with us through the fire he's there with us through the water and this morning that's a God that we're gonna be approaching this morning a God that has never changed from eternity he is the same yesterday today and forever so this morning we are in this sanctuary for a time such as this and we're gonna place everything before the Lord hallelujah can't we just approach her God this morning hallelujah if everyone called moxy table name Tomlinson's name this morning we're gonna send the Spirit of God to his location we're gonna call him out in the name of Jesus this morning and if there's anyone in this place that needs salvation you have not yet repented of your sins you have not been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit this morning is your morning if you missed it last week nor were yourself God is here this morning and we just cry out to a kiss what was it who's not worried about our concerns the God who said let there be and there was you spoke this universe into being our thoughts you are aware of Almighty God every cell in our body every here in our head our mighty God you are fully aware nothing takes you by surprise we honor you this morning or mighty God we cry holy holy Lord God Almighty you are the great eyes you are the everlasting father you are the god of yesterday today and forever the God who supersedes all other gods we call you not other but Jesus this morning hallelujah every knee shall bow and every tongue must confess that you are Lord and we stand here one more time with this name moxy Tomlinson and we sent for him this morning in the spirit there are reasons a reason why the loved one keeps putting his name on the Pearl request list this morning your hand is not short neither Almighty God is it a case that you cannot hear us and so this morning that hard that hard this morning that seems to be one of stored we declare it this morning we claim this person for your glory for your kingdom this morning as we are gathered here God just so wish you we pray O God that with a heart we pray O God that we will not totally rely on our singers I replace their throat their voices to you this morning Almighty God we prayer that we will all be worshipers this morning we will be singing Almighty God we will be rejoicing Almighty God despite our bodies feel so we cover them this morning under your blood and we pray for a special touch this morning when the choir if they minister god we place them before you to be the bond nor dog OSHA's this morning Almighty God every aspect of the service we lifted up to you because it is all about if we talk together me the same where we came such acts formas this morning revived us this morning those that are the sports outskirts God we pray for this movie but the words will touch their heart and they will not be able to resist the call that is on their life got me on this morning when you are not feeling where God painted the body Jesus we call out to you this morning even God you are healing Jesus we look to you this morning the author and finisher of our faith on my dwell calm and well above us Jesus all glowing belongs to you we honor your service morning we thank you for all you do and all you continue to do Jesus all things in your matchless name hallelujah can the church declaring Jesus made this point can we declare it one more time in Jesus name hallelujah we love you Lord can we just watch a favor just for a moment we just lived her hands this morning hallelujah hallelujah he is such a wonderful God this morning we're gonna sing hymn 265 it says guide me o thou great Jehovah hallelujah you're worthy [Music] you rip through this [Music] Oh [Music] is your breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see some to prison again [Music] [Music] [Music] come on sounds of crazy [Music] oh that's what we're here to do worship there is none like him not to be compared [Music] we are [Music] just one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all components of little hands everybody everywhere does worshiping hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh we love you Jesus we pray so we magnify your great name we thank your God to be in your presence this morning again read as fullness of joy and at your right hand God or the pleasures of a more hallelujah where's God be closed Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh come on worship it [Music] Wow hallelujah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] Oh hallelujah what's up Jesus some cheese yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] hallelujah and if you are still searching I can tell you you can call out that search you'll never find anybody greater that our God his name is Jesus hallelujah come on ostrich on one more time hallelujah and worship Him but we love you today we magnify your name Jesus we give your thanks God for all you are done and still doing in our life we thank you God for today hallelujah your blessings hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord god bless you you may be seated what a great week we've just gone true praise God I'm gonna be asking or Bishop Bishop daily to come praise God hallelujah I know he's gonna tell us what's on his mind and I know you must have some statistics for us right bishop god bless you sir a minute can we praise the Lord everybody chant we praise the Lord everybody and if the Lord has been good to you what we shout yes if the Lord has been good to you let us shout yes amen the Lord has been good and gracious to me I know the Lord has been good and gracious to you and we're happy this morning to be in the house of the Lord again I came down I wonder in years gone by I would never even feel that ginger of tiredness on a morning like this even after one week and I feel at ease of tiredness just a tinge and so I am no longer 30 but appear they are 40 amen are fifty I am a little bit over that and so a feeling lost a liter of Chinese but I am glad to have pushed and come out and when I came and look around and see the people of God still push still nay their way in the house it's just a good thing and it's just good looking down and looking across and see no that was let's put our hands together and give the Lord hands for strength and energy praise God praise God because to me it seemed as if nobody missed at night from last week's well last week Sunday morning so it seemed as if everybody was here every night and so I can understand us being a little bit tired but we're in the house this morning so we're gonna push and we're gonna worship Him still because he's worthy isn't God worthy he's worthy God's worthy Almighty Creator Alpha Omega beginning and the end these words indeed can I tell you it's hard to put a number on how many souls were revived and renewed and refreshed I believe we can't put a number on it it's right across the board I believe everybody got something out of last year I believe everybody was moved so holy the shift has already started and everybody got something but I'd like to report this morning and over the course of the week twelve precious souls have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and five twelve precious Souls and we give God thanks for that I would like to report that seven precious souls so far have been baptized in water in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and I'd like to report also that nine precious Souls have been reclaimed and I've decided to consider their walk with Almighty God and I'd like to also announce that Paul as others have been renewed and refreshed and reinvigorated and revitalize and be reformed and we are ready to push up to push further are you feeling that you can't go a little bit further are you feeling that you can make it once the code is moving you can move in the road praise God God is a good God and I'm happy I'm happy today that being all I believe through ourselves into it with last week and I believe even some of the things we are unable to see and to put numbers to but I believe the Lord ministered in a very special way and I would want to encourage everything it's not only in the shouting you know because after the show it is through and we go home you realize when you're home nobody's there to show you're going to have to face the thing alone and whatever you are going to encounter at work tomorrow you are going to encounter it without your brother and your sister you know that and so I would want us to embrace the word and I would want us to internalize it I would want us to introspect and then we will spend some time this week and meditate meditate alt means that you allow the things that you heard and so on to just marinate and slow across your mind sitting in a quiet please don't let anybody disturb you and in that quiet place you allow your mind to flow and to remember and to reminisce and you just embrace this thing so that you and I as individuals are assured that the things that we heard that ministered to us sit with us and remain with us because it is easy to hear a word this morning and by evening we forget it you know you know that it is easy for the enemy because the enemies on a rampage in the widow and he's going to be flying over and trying to find a certain kind of grown to the word so that you forget it what you can see again I know he watching along with me we shouted load but remembering that alone is not good enough you've got to remember the word and make a low that word to just sweep over your soul amen so we're gonna use the rest of this week we're gonna have the rest week no service tonight no service for the rest of the week no choir practice a man this quietly the rest a break some little choir practice brother Andre I did tell you that I work even for 10 or 15 minutes to meet the choir today just because I wanted some well we're all guys here why I did a walk in in tell em you tell em already so you want me to still you sure I can't do it next week Thursday no but I was looking out for them and me but I am sorry I I so we will have it in that our eyes we will have it and and since brother Andres you ten or fifteen minutes to enemy all right good good good good so we will have it but let me tell you sitting let that word flow through our minds and our hearts and be encouraged amen by it I really want to thank all our oceans I didn't even mention them Friday night they played such a tremendous powerful role in all that transpire and so I'm just adding them because I think I covered everybody and left the best one for us you remember that situation Jesus in Cana of Galilee and they didn't understand but he left a good thing for the last and so we acknowledged the great and awesome work that the oceans amen did over the course of the week and we we recognized your work ladies and gentlemen and we say God richly richly bless you and so I'm gonna step down but I did I don't want to step down until you remember when I was away and I came back I came back and saw a young man in fact I heard that he was baptized in Jesus name he would walk from a cross is it a stall and every Sunday he dropped his offering and go back to his star and then when I came to church I had to look around because when I saw him having returned he looked different I could pass him I didn't even know and their community column ants but we call him brother Spence Rowan Spence that's what we call him and you know or if any of the folks that receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost over the past weekend you're here this morning if you're here can I ask you to stand and any other folks that got baptized in Jesus name just stand up you thought that ties we got the Holy Ghost look we thank you we thank you for allowing the Lord to have his way in your lives and it is the beginning of great things to come you just hold on to him walk with Him live for him and watch and see what the great god of heaven is going to accomplish in your life god bless you God put our hands together one more time for all those 12 of them that received the Holy Ghost several of them that were baptized in Jesus's name and the nine that will reclaim sister Clark I trust you have the names and numbers of every one of them because we're gonna be calling them and following up immediately and none of them wear veer to the right or to the left I will wait take care of what needs to be taken care of in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord praise God so the visitors that are here to the Saints of the Most High God to those that have joined us via the World Wide Web I extend greetings to you in the exalted name of Jesus Christ our Lord the Lord let's put our hands together for all the visitors for all these things that are here for those that are joining us now via the world why we put our hands together and give the Lord thanks praise God and can I ask us to stand quickly won't do this one quickly won't do it amen brother Barnes remember the end of the month last Sunday night this month you are on I don't see your husband not here or not okay good so I'm sure he stood and invited the world why I would even send a message with your wife brother Elias so Kyra I believe you will be harmful is it next week Sunday night amen to give us a word of a exhortation and do the backup for me my sister Ann Terry I know he's watching but remind him just in case he's not doing so well this morning and so we want him to give us a word of exhortation and can I put on notice a few of our young man amen for the coming Sunday nights amen going into the simple amen brother Jermaine Jackson Amen I put you on notice praise God brother Carter Gregor Amen I put you on notice but a Vernon yeast I put you on notice I have two others don't worry copied on Goliath who are coming down the line but God is a good god is it got good is it got good let's put our hands together and and live Jesus higher I love to Singapore people were not undergo March our own and greet somebody in Jesus name greet somebody in the wonderful name of Jesus [Music] wonderful humans that's wonderful wonderful [Music] wonderful Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes Oh No [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah you know if somebody just comes come inside church no that never come last week let us come visit I hear somebody talk about these people got one week of service we have been like this this morning norsu that one I believe not sure what a God he's our Energizer yes he refines he revitalize everything God bless your choir who knows a bit of what I know God bless her no God no god bless you praise God we're gonna be having a baby dedication gonna be acid Minister wishes to come praise God [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise God alleluiah the first year for the dedication as yet Alleluia hallelujah praise God hallelujah yes we invited you to come come with your baby what a prison on provided invite you all to stand very dedicated to young ones after all we all stand up about it but we all know you're a tad but walking over to like crazy stuff so I'm dedicating hiya zero Smallwood and Tiffany Rebecca christened me Tiffany Rebecca Kristin me freest and most fundamentally the fathers see them out crystal we return to our ever-popular into tourism Jewett's Prasad singers when he come [Music] Oh [Music] Bruce it on my body prisoner one more time of your Bibles started me to the ever popular tutor of the six verse tree tonight that's Deuteronomy 6 the Reaper verse 3 the verse 3 very stun and it read us here therefore Israel and observe to do it that it may be well with thee and that he may increase mightily as a Lord God of their fathers promise thee in the land that floweth with milk and honey here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine homes and with the walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between the nights and thou shalt write them upon a pose of die house and on thy gates this is the word of the Lord and we're not here to perform a ritual but we are here to dedicate these one on to the lord's everybody everywhere does raise your right hand and stretch in this direction while we dedicate these two onto the lower tree [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise God what a good God hallelujah hot into the church daily such as should be saved praise God praise God god bless you sister Jude praise God invite us as a Jew to come praise God hallelujah tell me praise the Lord Jesus everybody can we praise the name of our Lord can we shout the name of Jesus for he is good for he is good and His mercies endure forever what a time we had in the presence of the Lord this past week for all the viewers message me I know your souls well we know your souls who are richness and we thank God for you thank you so much for making faith apostolic ministries your home away from home and we invite you to tell a neighbor tell a friend and you all tuned in as we worship the Lord together in the beauty of holiness thank you for tuning in with us today and today is no exception there's a very special blessing here with your name on it now as you heard this week this week is rest week from all activities and we will resume on the 18th of November for with the early morning prayer Bible study square practice all of that we're assume with you on November 18 none on the 17th on Monday November 17 the activities okay okay okay on Sunday November 17th we resume with regular activities all right before I move on into the rest of the I know it's mix I'm gonna ask a wonderful person to stand his name is brother Chris Rogers yes brother Rogers tenant extraordinaire tomorrow will be brother Rogers his birthday and cuz we're getting tired I'm not we remember what to tell yourself though very happy birthday brother pretty man happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday they're free god bless you god bless you it was shot cinnabar signal shots are not near full up oh I see praise the name of Jesus now as we move on Vic trip report reported victor everybody said victory listen before our convention even started the victor report started coming in a couple weeks ago our prayer request was made for one Amelia Brown that was in a coma I stand here to report Victrix a day in the name of Jesus Amina is now out of the coma awake alert and responding and getting better every day who could it be listen if you think the name of Jesus is ordinary try it in your situation just right one time that's right one time amen all right so in other announcements the funeral for the mother of sister Jessica damn time takes place today at Faith Chapel United Pentecostal church Warren Renzi I said Drive last week I'm sorry it's Avenue one redfield of your mad bag so that's where chapel UPC the funeral will take place at 2 p.m. now in light of that own house to house members and Usher's we are asking you please to meet right under the foyer immediately following the service just before you leave for the funeral everybody else is welcome to go but especially the house to house and the OSHA Department please ensure that you meet under the foyer before you leave single people where you're at single people like no there's a whole lot of you in here come on single people make some more crazy large Jesus signals are coming photo money money money money come on you need to pay the money's up time clock is striking the hour we have 31 days to go before the grand extravaganza singles banquet takes place and your dough have a chance if you do pay their money so come on in with the money someone sent down already on us once was just last week listen come on our cereal system you must pay off the monies and on time if we are going to go and have this wonderful time in the Lord December 13 that's the spirit my brother komak the money and the praise in the name of Jesus and not to be all the married people where you ask you know about quiet ready never so inaccurate in Mahwah everybody I'm their money today my people ever so don't look at me like that's my people come on come on it's 12 years since mm money right I don't know I'm just saying if you have brought your money's today please ensure that you see sister Joyce Bailey I know that there's some of us that just can't pay the money once a black bag goodly be shot but for those of us who don't have it like that sister Joyce is willing ready and able to take the money for you today just in case you didn't know that's Deaconess Bailey amen all right so that singers and my people know just before I go the aunt of sister Tameka Greyhound has passed away her name was sister Ruth and Scott MacGregor and she was a member of a Scots right so she has passed away and the funeral will be at Fellowship Apostolic Church on November 16th at 10:00 a.m. that's the aunt of sister Tameka and sister Lydia Lawrence and their mother sister I think everybody's sister Witter right her sister passed away her name is sister Ruth and Scott MacGregor the funeral will be on November 16th at fellowship Apostolic Church at 10:00 a.m. these are your announcements if she is supposed to say it you know the banquet for the fifth anniversary banquet for the face majestic temple you remember we said it some time ago we're asking our brethren let's go show some support amen because they are they have been working and they're way down in the heat of the battle and I'm not just talking about spiritual warfare but physical warfare around them also gangs and everything at the church is thriving in the midst of all of that and we want to give our support a pastor and sister King I believe it is this Saturday that's the 16th amen and I and the cost is for the tickets is was it I believe for four thousand four thousand dollars and we just want to support them and so I am asking as many of our members as can give that support please please we really want to show support to them a couple of us will be there but I love for as many of us as can be there to just to be there to give a to show support for the tremendous work that passed and sister King and the scenes know they are doing in the wonderful name of Jesus just touch this for me please with sister darlings on sister Kathleen Barrett on everybody knows is the darling so just put your hands in the air sister Dahlia turn right she's right there just touch base with her if you are interested and let her put the necessary plans in place and let's show that support to amen faith majestic temple this coming Saturday in Jesus name god bless you alright [Music] thank you sir ladies thy faithfulness O God my father there is no shadow of turning with [Music] changes fight from passions they feel [Music] forever baby oh great is thy faithfulness Oh God i father [Music] of turning way [Music] no changes not by Compassion's fail [Music] forever baby through summer and winter in springtime my office [Music] their presence is there to cheer I do you give strength today and like hope for my tomorrows [Music] with ten thousand pieces I paid for this [Music] faithfulness [Music] I see Oh [Music] [Music] faithfulness floor dog - why should I feel discouraged [Music] and why should the shadows fall and why should my heart feel lonely and long for my heavenly home is that your testimony today for Jesus is my portion a constant [Music] his eyes on the sparrow and I know God watches over me why should I be his home and and why should the shadows come why should my heart feel lonely or long for heaven and hold for my Lord Jesus is my portion so glad to know his eyes on the sparrow and I know he's watching over no I see I'm happy my thing because I his eyes on the south wall and I know he watches over me his eye on the spa god No he watches hallelujah praise God we might not know what tomorrow holds but as long as we place our hands our life in his hands he holds a future and we have a bright future praise God let me present to you praise God at this time the faith apostle administers choir Lord touch them touch him voice hallelujah praise God can we just licked our hands that can we just worship all the crazies worthy [Music] when I think of all the happening that I have to I'm not fit to walk ears to hear God gave me [Music] [Music] God gave me two good [Music] I gotcha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] through and my chicken I did trick that girl's you can't make Oh ha [Music] [Music] always [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] when I think oh my God look like what I'm going through and my cheetah he takes the trick so you'll see like a pet sitter cups right here my gun is my residence I'm not sweaty I've ever present and in times of trouble Ramos Santa he won't let me move he that keepeth as well sandy that's superb actor I know my son the cattle on a thousand ik Oh and that's a [Music] it's glutes a pizza worried applaud takes care of every muscle you don't need to fight [Music] it got some up way back huh miracle worker it's got to be cheap top something up president beer up I'm a star that's a bit she's not you're not here in the morning I'm not standing here because she's not fade away it's got to meet you stop get up back up it's got to be cheaper [Music] what does fire it's got to be G that monthly G not nobody else what you done you woke up in the morning there's breath in your body if there is someone they had something in their summer said it's got to the cheetah you're not naked you're not walking on the road you're not going crazy drain their right mind I said it's got to meet you when the doctor gave you over I'd say you had six months to live just sitting in the home you're worshipping a god you're giving a break at the love of life isn't it worth it's got to be cheese done it's got to the cheetah it's got to be cheaper lots of the chica what to the cheetah [Applause] if God should ever open some about ABC I'm never sitting I'm all tucked in you mom [Music] [Music] that's looking for me Oh [Music] no need Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh God [Music] Oh [Music] ah yes [Music] go on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] god you had me you're up [Music] [Music] Oh secure [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh yes I didn't still keeping us praise God praise God hallelujah thank you Jesus and I'll chew it is it must be Jesus looking out for me I can identify with that it was only yesterday I was telling somebody that there was a time when I could leave and I could go to chill on e where I'm from and I could talk with my mother I could talk with my father I could talk with my brother I could talk with my uncle's by my aunt's and I was just telling him yesterday that I can only just drive the one look at the house the burner on a tree and all the other things them mother dead as a matter of fact I tell someone that I'm offered no mother no father no uncle well still our brothers but there are we so I'm here outside no likes of them on the hood no Godfather to look out for me someone you might be fortunate enough to have got far as an Alan T but I don't know Jesus so he becomes Jesus Jesus just look anything at all you see me with he serves Jesus looking out for me no Godfather this say a word for me let me just invite Bishop to come is gonna be introduced to the speaker for an hour god bless you sir for his god the praise God can we stand everybody let's just lift our hands let's just magnifier or great body everybody lift your Aggies had waved them to heaven and just appreciate Jesus hallelujah God kept me God kept me hallelujah and I know he's keeping you he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be praised just wave them one more time wave those hands that he has given to you and acknowledge that he is Lord acknowledge that he has risen from the dead and that he is Lord every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord glories of God we bless you Lord Jesus we honor you today you have been good to us and we say thank you corporately we say thank you as individuals we say thank you you have been good to us bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy holy name praise God praise God we thank the Lord for what he has been doing in our midst we psych him for Amen tabernacling with us all week last week and then the week before that - and all through he has just been good to us and he is with us in this tent again this morning what a God what a God he never leaves us he never draws back he never pulls away he is here and we give glory to our great God just before I invite the preacher to come I want to recognize brother fuller I know I saw him there that's wondering if you know he was here before what know that he just just confirmed that it did he came in just for about convention time good to see you brother follow Amen god bless you and a wonderful name of Jesus earlier on I know I called a couple of names for these young men to prepare themselves a man over the next couple of Sunday nights will tell you which night but for now just be prepared Amen I did say but uh Jackson brother McGregor brother Vernon was a man could you give it support today other witnesses no we have them on every Sunday night amen I don't say brother McKeith but I'm gonna call it until he's watching that she knows that he's to also prepare himself but I see sister Tameka and if you could easy amen amen so tell him for me that we asked him I saw that if you don't touch it all in a sister tell me so you were of the call praise God boy tell him that we're calling him and just to prepare himself amen to minister for the next couple of Sunday nights these young men and more will be calling them in a wonderful wonderful name of Jesus did I hear somebody say yes yes prepare yourself Sweden's not the men alone is the rarest truth gonna start off with sister Romain thus prepared in the wonderful wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord it is my delight to invite to this podium another young man I know he loves the Lord is no stranger but he has ministered before and we ask him to come brother ordain steel if we could just come at this time can we receive a young man that loves the Lord just too concerned ministers you feel there the wonderful name Jesus God bless me praise the Lord everyone can we just lift our hands in the house of the Lord can we just bless the name of our God come on can you just stretch your hands towards heaven and ask God Lord send us a word hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus mercy Jesus Jesus hallelujah hallelujah bless the Lord Jesus I should have fallen [Music] that's the Lord Jesus [Music] hallelujah come on can we sing that one more time [Music] Laurita mercy ah [Music] one last time they don't sing it like yes [Music] merci [Music] [Music] [Music] I should have fallen [Music] but [Music] hallelujah bless the Lord Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus amen praise the Lord I really love the words of that song because when I look over my life praise God amen a lot of person might think that I was always saved but we know better praise the Lord Jesus there was a time when I was on my way to hell praise the Lord Jesus and even after coming to know the Lord my Savior there are times when I fell praise God but the preacher during the week said that you can recover from a father praise the Lord Jesus and what the enemy had as the end of my story was rewritten hallelujah by my Savior and today I just give God thanks praise the Lord because he settled the old account praise the Lord come on church clap your hands for Jesus amen I want to be standing for long praise the Lord I won't keep you standing for long I know you're tired because I am tired a man died I was really feeling it this morning praise the Lord but I'm trusting the Lord to give us strength to be so could you just turn your Bibles quickly to Genesis chapter 50 Genesis chapter 50 praise the lord jesus and we'll just look at verses 21 through I'm sorry verses 20 verse 20 through 22 praise the Lord that's Genesis chapter 50 22 22 and we'll also look at Romans chapter 8 verse 28 where is the Lord and I will look for it I just read Bishop Billy praise the Lord Oh lovely man of God amen you know I I am a son of a pastor and I know what it's like praise the Lord I can see from firsthand experience what bishops have to go through and so you know sir I really salute you praise the Lord the work that you're doing the other ministers all our visitors I just greet you all in the powerful name of Jesus amen praise the Lord sister steel amen I am and I see that established preachers making mention of their wives and they they know why they do it because I can tell you I remember one night praise Lord I was attacked in my sleep and I could wake her up when I could say you need to pray and she anointed me praise the Lord and the Lord came to so you pray her strength praise the Lord Jesus Genesis 50:20 2:22 but as for you he thought evil against me but God meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive now therefore fear ye not I will nurture you I will nourish you and your little ones and but he comforted them and speak kindly unto them and Joseph dwelt in Egypt he and his father's hosts and Joseph lived one hundred and ten years praise the Lord Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are the called according to his purpose father we thank you for your love we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you Lord that you have brought us here today to hear another word from you lord I am nothing as I stand before your people I prayed for your anointing I pray that self will be slain Lord Jesus you know me I pray for physical strength I pray that you will order the thoughts of my mind put your hands upon my lips upon my tongue use me for your glory let your word go forth with power and with force Lord Jesus we ask that you take on Authority take charge now over this atmosphere let every hindrance trip to be subject unto your Divine Will and we give you praise glory and honor Jesus name praise the Lord he may be seated the house of the Lord a man I crave your prayers this morning praise the Lord Jesus I really don't intend to be long before you but I pray that you will worship with me praise the Lord Jesus amen prisoner praise the Lord Jesus it's often said that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord praise the Lord Jesus and you know there are times in my life when I sit back and I assess my life and I have struggled internally because I won the Lord am I really walking in line with your direction praise the Lord Jesus you know there are times as children off but if we're to be honest that things don't go the way we expect them praise God the our lives are filled with ups and our lives are filled with doughnuts praise God there are cycles of days and nights there are cycles of mountaintop experiences and in the valley experiences praise Lord Jesus what I really believed to be that or States regardless of how it is of how it seems are ordered by God praise the Lord Jesus you know God is the god of the good times and he is the god of the bad times the songwriter said the god of the day is the god of the night praise God and oftentimes we declare the son that I will praise Him praise the Lord in whatever state I am I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mode praise the Lord Jesus but I've also come to recognize that the God that I serve is a God of strategies praise the Lord Jesus he knows how to do things his way and there are times when we don't understand how Lord is meaningless but we've got to be true to him prison oil Jesus because you see Church God knows the end from the beginning praise God there is a character of God that is only attributable to God his omniscience he is the only one who knows everything praise God Almighty there's a song I love it says the wonderful in wisdom by fool all things were made prison or Jesus he is God all by himself Almighty God praise the Lord the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending praise the Lord Jesus and so as we walk with the Lord as Christians we've got to understand that we are in a fight against an enemy praise Lord Jesus the enemy's desire is to be victorious but God's desire is for his people to have the victory and so when you're in a battle we've got to understand that the enemy is going to put together strategies and plans praise God but we need not worry because you see God we said knows the end from the beginning praise God and whatever strategy the enemy puts together is known to over God and so what we've got to do in order to be victorious is we have got to trust our God that in spite of how it looks and how it feels he is working all things together for our good praise the Lord Jesus so the enemy's plan is a part of God's plan hallelujah I thought about it and I I was introduced to a game called chess praise God Almighty and it just is a game of strategies some of you might not know it but there's another one called checkers and what you've got to do in order to be successful is you have got to think ahead you have got to be able to predict the move of your opponent praise Lord Jesus and in order for you to be good and to be victorious sometimes you have got to cause your opponent's to believe that he has the upper hand praise the Lord Jesus and I have seen God throughout the Scriptures Old Testament and New Testament praise God Almighty the enemy thought that he had the upper hand praise God Almighty but somewhere along the line God turned it around praise Lord Jesus I believe that God is turning some situations around for us today praise God Almighty we just got to trust him praise God in the in the game of chess there are two terms praise God Almighty check and checkmate praise God Almighty when you hear chick it means that you are under attack and the only option you have is to make a move to protect your prized asset amen if you do not move then you are in trouble praise the Lord Jesus so whenever you hear check it's cause for concern but check is bad praise the Lord Jesus what checkmate is worse because whenever you hear checkmate it means that the game hallelujah is over praise God Almighty you see God as powerful as he is he wants us to know him through our experiences praise Lord he has given to us his words but he also wants us to see firsthand praise God growing up I used to hear that you got to know him for yourself it's not enough to read about him praise Lord you've got to come into relationship with him praise the Lord Jesus you've got to walk with Him praise God as he leads you step-by-step and so God will take us into some situations in order to reveal to us how powerful he is praise God Almighty you see I look in the scripture and I'll give you some examples I recognize that the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand praise God Almighty come on lift your hands and praise the Lord Amen I know you're tired what does come on just worship with me today praise God and they were brought out of Egypt with promise that God would bring them to a promised land Amen God Almighty we know about the ten plagues that the Lord brought on the children on the Egyptians praise the Lord Jesus and he brought them out with a promise now first thing after they were brought out of 430 years of bondage they were no encountering another obstacle praise God they were now looking dead-on at a red sea mountains on either sides and fear and his army pursuing his Lord Jesus know when the enemy saw that situation I imagine that he started to smile praise God and the people also believed that no this is the end because they started to cry to Moses and say you should have left us in Egypt hallelujah but when the enemy started to smile I believe that he was saying check praise the Lord and he was about to say checkmate but the Lord said to Moses stretch port hallelujah your hand praise God Almighty and the sea the obstacle parted in two now you see we've got to understand that they say hindsight is 20/20 that when you look back at a situation you are better able to assess it praise the Lord now think about this Egypt praise God was a type of the world the children were brought out of Egypt a promised land now on their way God brought them via the Red Sea the Bible said that he could have brought them along the path of the Philistines but he feared less the people saw the Philistines and feared and thought that they would have to fight and turn back so he said he brought them the way of the Red Sea but I want you to understand the strategy that God was using he was not just about a partial deliverance because you see coming out of Egypt is one prisoner but when God gets rid of your and hallelujah God gets rid of those that have you born it's another thing because you see God if you just want to bring them out hallelujah what he wanted to kill and save us and so when they pursue the people praise Allah Jesus thought that this was it but I hear God saying it hallelujah as soon as they were in the middle of the sea the Bible said that they looked left and right and the ocean was coming over hallelujah now if that was victory praise the Lord Jesus ultimate victory praise God and you see charge we've got to be our we've got to be careful because the people of Israel they oftentimes speak of going back into Egypt but think about this they witnessed their enslavers dead what were they going back to Egypt to do who are they going back to Egypt to serve hallelujah God has delivered some of uh sort of situations hallelujah but we are still warning on praise God Almighty and so you see there is one songwriter who says we must emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because we are free and free indeed what we are still holding on hallelujah and so you see Church God will not get us to where he wants us to go until we start thinking different hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus God is gonna bring us out with a mighty hand praise God Almighty see if we think about Joseph how he went through the pit and he went through the prison praise God and he went into Potiphar's house and we know it praise the Lord Jesus and his life was going down and we could not see the plan of God in his life hallelujah he thought that he was Forsaken and forgotten but the Bible tells us that everything he did even in prison the Lord made him to prosper hallelujah and so you see we've got to start to look in our lives and see the move of God even you know what difficult situations hallelujah you see Church we've got to understand that God can use any circumstance to bring about his glory hallelujah come on lift your hands and bless the Lord Jesus praise the Lord the scripture that we read it says all things work together for good now can I just put it to you church that everything that seems good is not of God and can I put it to you that everything that seems bad is not of the devil can I suggest to you that good is not the absence of bad hallelujah you see we've got to recognize that the God that we serve we said he is wonderful in wisdom hallelujah the scholars of all the wise men the Newtons and Einsteins they came up with formulas and they will tell you that if you have a bad situation and you put it with another bad situation the result should be two bars praise the Lord Jesus and if you multiply it by another bud hallelujah then it goes even further praise the Lord but I'm here to tell you that God defies much praise the Lord Jesus he defies science praise the Lord our logics can't understand him praise the Lord Jesus and I am here to suggest to you that in spite of your life and your circumstances God can take the bud and the bud and the bud and work all together hallelujah before you are good praise the Lord Jesus I go a little further and I'll suggest to you that good is really God's glory casaya the good is really God's glory because sometimes we misunderstand that we believe that every time God is working something out we're going to be celebrating and rejoicing praise the Lord but God said to Paul I'm gonna show you what things you must suffer hallelujah for my namesake praise the Lord I'm hearing another scripture where he said it pleased the Lord to bruise Christ hallelujah when he made his soul a sacrifice for sins praise the Lord and he led upon him the iniquity of hallelujah so you've got to recognize when you sing songs like for your glory I will do anything hallelujah there might come a time when you're gonna have to prove it praise the Lord we sing songs like though he leads me through the conflict I'll go with him all the way praise the Lord Jesus we sing songs like gladly will I tried and suffer only let me hallelujah you see God is taking a record of the things that we wear the goals come on lift your hands and give God praise hallelujah lift your hands and give God praise praise the Lord Jesus but you see I'm not what I don't want to bring any gloom because there is a good part praise the Lord whenever God is working in your life for glory it might cause you grief and pain the shop remember the man that was born black the disciples our Father who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered and said neither but the glory of the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus and so God is fixing some situations in our lives not to punish us but that eventually he is going to exalt us do you remember daniel in the lion's den praise the Lord he stuck his foot up for his God he stood up for what he believed praise the Lord Jesus when the king came out the morning and said all Daniel the man of God answer and he said O king live forever the God that I serve shut the mouths of the Lions hallelujah no the king as a result of Daniels situation made a proclamation that glorified God not only was God glorified but Daniel was no exalted do you remember the three Hebrew boys hope they were thrown in the fiery furnace praise the Lord Jesus because they would not bow now after they were taken out to praise the Lord look what God did he got the glory because the king made a proclamation that the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego is the only God who can deliver like he did hallelujah not only was God glorified but the three Hebrew boys was exalted I wanted a follow me praise Allah Jesus Joseph when he came out of prison hallelujah Amen the Bible said when he interpreted the dream of the king he was he was no promoted fee remain him second-in-command because fira our knowledge that here is a god hallelujah who has amnesia he is omniscient and omnipotent he reveals the deepest secrets so now God was glorified and Joseph was exalted so I am here to say to you that your circumstances hallelujah might not seem good no but if your life can bring glory to God hallelujah there is a promotion hallelujah that is underway God is going to work together for good through his glory hallelujah come on lift your hands and give God a praise hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus we've got to recognize that God he doesn't make mistakes praise the Lord I look at him and I say God you are just awesome when I think about it I say Lord how is it that you take ingredients that individually they taste but think about onions and garlic's and I love pimento would think about chewing pimento seeds and scallion praise the Lord and growing up I used to go into the cupboard and take of the Horlicks and the last Co because I liked that that tasted good but I've never stolen any seasoning it's horrible praise the Lord Jesus but God can take all of these situations and these ingredients that by themselves they are bad but when God licks them together hallelujah he makes a masterpiece praise the Lord Jesus who can do that praising or deny bless His name and so today I'm here to speak to some people's lives because in your lives all you can see is disappointment and hurt hallelujah and you might think that there is nothing left of your life but if you can give your life to Jesus hallelujah something beautiful something special hallelujah he can turn it around for your boat casaya bless the lord jesus and so the songwriter said there is not one broken vessel hallelujah that God cannot mend when the world turns her back on you hallelujah he will be your friend beside he'll pick up the pieces shatter cut aasaiya time and time again hallelujah bless the Lord Jesus glory to God hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus the first miracle that Jesus worked praise God it was a wine it was at a wedding in Cana the Bible said that he turned water into wine praise the Lord now something that in our time we might consider odorless colorless tasteless praise the Lord Jesus but God took it and he added a little Jesus to it praise the Lord and the same substance was turned into something that was in demand hallelujah I wonder if you recognize that the rugs hallelujah of your life he can turn them into riches hallelujah somebody said he took my life and he turned a mess into a messenger hallelujah and I can stand before you cut a sigh not because I am the son of a bishop bless the Lord Jesus but because I went unto Jesus when he called me and he worked on me hallelujah and he filled me with the Holy Ghost bless the Lord and he placed his hand on my life and he gave me gifts hallelujah after come on Church of God lift your hands and give God a praise hallelujah God is fixing to turn what the enemy thought was a chip meet hallelujah in your favor praise the Lord you see the devil lost the most important button when he caused Jesus hallelujah when when when he didn't cause Jesus it was a part of his will but the Lord used the strategies or the plans of the enemy to get Jesus to the cross I wonder if you're following me because listen he came today and mainly when he went on the cross and he breathed his last praise the Lord enemy might have thought that yes I got rid of him praise the Lord Jesus he'll probably put on a party and I don't know how to even celebrate but whatever they do maybe they were doing it hallelujah but I recognize that when God put Adam to sleep the Bible said that when a Lama walk he took out of him his wife Adam saw Eve no Jesus the last Adam went to sleep hallelujah and when he rose on the third day praise the Lord Jesus the church the Bride of Christ was born hallelujah the Lord was open my understanding the other day while meditating on his words and he said that that was the ultimate checkmate because that is how now you could be saved that's how I could be saved and I don't care what miss you are in hallelujah bless the Lord Jesus there is salvation for someone like you praise the Lord if you give Jesus a chance hallelujah you see when he rose from the dead he said all power is given unto me he rose with the keys of death hell and the grave and we can sing with assurance that they have no terror [Applause] Kasai glory hallelujah just turn to your neighbor and say that's checkmate hallelujah glory to God the enemy thought it was over no Jesus the disciples thought it was over because Peter said I thought he was the savior and he died so I am going back to my former life but Jesus rose from the grave he rose triumphant just as he said snatch the victory glory to God [Applause] hallelujah come on church get excited about your God you might be going through but write out your storms God's right there with you you may not feel him but you're not alone you're hurting now but you're Mourning casaya you're Mourning [Applause] casaya yeah casaya cosas que pase oh Jesus glory to God the devil sometimes I heard somebody say we give the devil too much credit hallelujah listen God is working all things together and this is why we must trust the process because if we tell them in isolation hallelujah they might be bad and if we move before God is finished putting together the recipe it's not gonna come out good so we've got to trust him to finish the process he took us out of a building hallelujah and we might think no Jesus we're on the back foot and we can't see the good no but if you are reading a book hallelujah and you skip to the last chapter [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] bless the Lord Jesus if we are reading a book and we skip to the last chapter that's when we know how the story ends what you see we are not privy to that Jesus is the one who writes the plot he orders the characters he decides the circumstances and guess what you might be in the middle of your book now and you're getting lick left right and center but the book of Job hallelujah had 42 chapters and if you read all you could see was joblessness and show us that and this stress here and it stress dear and problems here problems fear losing friends losing family but when you went to the 42nd chapter and God said it's time for the conclusion I'm gonna turn it all around the Bible said that God gave job double god almighty do you understand that God can take its appointments and he can take sickness Jesus you don't believe it and God can't turn it around for his glory and for your good come on clap your hands to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's the Lord Jesus hallelujah church our minds are limited we can't fathom the things of God hallelujah praise the Lord his ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts as high as the heaven is above hallelujah the earth so are his ways above our ways praise the Lord Jesus but we've got to trust him and this is why it is important that we have a relationship with God because I heard somebody some time ago say you've got to trust his track record he has never failed and so the son says I have been through enough to know that he will be enough hallelujah so I use my past experience my past victories hallelujah to encourage myself that the God that I serve changes not hallelujah and he is able to finish that which he had started come on church put your hands together for your God hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus we bless your name Jesus hallelujah Church and I'm coming I'm coming on but something the Bible said was a judge that the Lord God raised up because the children of Israel they did evil in the sight of the Lord as a result God caused them to go into Philistine captivity they were in captivity by the Philistines for forty years praise the Lord and the Lord rose up a judge Samson know something was a Nazarene praise the Lord his cheer could not be caught there were certain laws that were given to the children of Israel that they should not intermarry because it was possible that they would know go and serve the gods of the other nations that they mixed with and so you understand why it is important for us to remain separate and apart praise the Lord the Bible said that Samson saw a woman of the Philistines and he fell in love with her Jesus he said I want her for my wife his parents rebuked him they said don't you see any woman among your own people some say I want that one no church let me tell you this I say that God can take miss and bad things and turn them around for good but let me also tell you this the choices have consequences and if you go outside of the will of God hallelujah God is a just God he is going to give you what you saw praise the Lord Jesus so you've got to stay between the right lines never cross on the other side hallelujah now Samson went outside of that command he took at Philistine and woman through wife but the Bible said his parents knew not that it was of the Lord his parents knew not that the desire of some for the woman of the Philistine was of the Lord because the Lord sought and occasion against the Philistines hallelujah now some so fears the consequences but God also turned your miss so what am I saying you may have made mistakes in your life you may have faltered hallelujah in your walk with the Lord maybe where you are today is not where you should be what I'm here to tell you that the preacher said you can recover from a fall hallelujah God can still take your messed up life and turn it around we do give Jesus a chance in your life today hallelujah will you give Jesus a chance in your life hallelujah he can turn water into wine he can turn any mess hallelujah I don't care what you're involved in I am here to present to you the man Christ Jesus his arms are wide open praise the Lord if you give him a chance something beautiful something special hallelujah God can make a masterpiece out of your messed up life and so today as I seat a my seat I encourage you and I give to you Jesus Christ hallelujah the savior of the universe would you accept him today hallelujah God is calling you God is calling someone from a life of sin hallelujah God wants to do something special in your life he wants to give you the upper hand praise the Lord he wants to turn what the devil call a check into a checkmate hallelujah your victory make a move accept it before it is too late god bless you in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus I wonder if we could just give God thanks for his words this morning thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus hallelujah unlike the preacher said this morning you may have come here this morning feeling like my life has been a mess my choices have been wrong what God can turn it around God can change it change your mess and give you a message so I'm asking you to come this morning is there any message I want to come this morning I'm not calling on Miss are calling a messenger from is anyone here without the baptism of the Holy Ghost want to call anyone who is not baptized in the mighty name of Jesus Christ come the Word of God is sure and I do believe there's someone sitting here this morning so I'm going to ask a congregation of this time right now because sometimes we are shy and we are a little scared to walk on to the altars so I'm going to invite you to come come know there is one person one person is here this morning who came out not knowing that this message God have already assigned a servant anointed it just for you come just for you said the messengers they are coming they are coming altar workers something beautiful you can read that something is something beautiful hallelujah I believe there's one more coming one more is coming one more [Music] thank you for coming mom [Music] one man Jesus makes something beautiful of your life for this morning [Music] beautiful I'm going to invite the since the pub no come on since come down let us gather all these people here [Music] [Music] just a second I'll just be five sings just five scenes I know we are all tired but I just need five scenes doctor come around the artists right now just five just five just five come come yes I see them coming five scene there are souls here that needs to be prayed through there sir so as here that needs / yes [Music] yes thank you Jesus go ahead sing us [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] we may [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh baby [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you only knew the black [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Music] beside their only child is away [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Wow why won't you bomb [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] leave it there why won't you mean your burning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn it over to Jesus turn it on turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn it over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] oh yeah we Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] regular Church one minute please our colleague also else and and OSHA is under the foyer right now please [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 4,835
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: 6TRot80D9UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 42sec (10122 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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