The Grace Workshop - Sunday June 23, 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] why why [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] one last time wide wide [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you for your love Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh what a love oh love our thoughts could ever be loved far beyond my dreams come to mean more than all this world Oh what your love Jesus has for me [Music] let's lift to avoid seasons [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's just clap our hands to the Lord's money thank you Jesus for your love thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] oh what a love [Music] let's go what good have I got to set this son Blair and I favorite movie and the maybe it is on for me Oh Lord why I got to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's do first oh my god [Music] [Applause] what [Music] dogs have ugly me [Music] [Music] hallelujah Oh faculty [Music] [Music] [Music] my son before my shave I wanna Oh [Music] then I want let's sick brush to again see bye [Music] maxie so to say ah and [Music] p45 say I want to wear his name he took my sins away [Music] if ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that God should love a sinner such as I should err to change my star war weak to play [Music] [Music] right should join so freely and if [Music] somebody open the feet [Music] [Music] back ah that's up will you out a blessing to buy [Music] be fine [Music] [Applause] Oh the last breath and now these takes me to his heart and sucker he asked me not to feel bad ladies the foul she wants more laughter why don't I Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] back got you [Music] let's clap our hands for just look [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord everybody could he just lifts our hands and just worship this great God who showers us with love that to our own minds just does not make sense hallelujah in spite of us in spite of how we are and he knows us he knows us Cullen we and he loves us justice [Music] I can't choose you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I spoke words you sing you have been so song [Music] I took a breath you breathe new life in me [Applause] you have been sold [Music] before I spoke the word you were seen me [Applause] you have their torso [Music] you're you have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] it's [Music] you see when I was your food still your love for me you have been [Music] you have me sokar Oh [Music] [Music] No [Applause] there's no chatter you No Oh [Music] [Music] get down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we all stand for the reading of the word [Music] the word of the Lord comes to us this morning from first John four and we're reading the New Living Translation difference do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the spirit you must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God for there are many false prophets in the world this is how we know if they have the Spirit of God if a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body that person has the Spirit of God but if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus that person is not from God such a person has a spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here but you belong to God my dear children you have already won a victory over those people because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world those people belong to this world so they speak from the world's viewpoints and the world listens to them but we belong to God and those who know God listen to us if they do not belong to God they will not listen to us that is how we know if someone has a spirit of truth or the spirit of deception dear friends let us continue to love one another for love comes from God anyone who loves is child of God and knows God but anyone who dude who does not love does not know God for god is love God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him this is real love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as a sacrifice to take away our sins dear friends since God loved us so much we surely ought to love each other no one has ever seen God but if we love each other God lives in US and his love is brought to full expression in us and God has given us his spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us furthermore we have seen with our own eyes and know testify that the father sent his son to be the savior of the world all who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them and they live in God we know how much God loves us and we have put our trust in his love God is love and all who live in love live in God and God lives in them and as we live in God our love grows more perfect so we will not be afraid on the day of judgement but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear if we are afraid it is for fear of punishments and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love we love each other because he first loved us he loved us first if someone says I love God but hates his fellow believer that person is a liar for if we don't love people we can see how can we love God whom we cannot see and he has given us this command those who love God must also love their fellow believers praise God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whose image turns over deep [Music] Gator we feed through the bad and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] t1 [Music] Oh [Music] my [Music] me too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah me [Music] I just [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] or what to know Oh but to know what Allah what we had told you our great king we exalt you our great Shepherd we exalt you the one who was chosen to love hallelujah it is not that we love you hallelujah but you love us thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you amen amen we thank the Lord for his great love for his great love for his great love for his great love and indeed it is because of his love we have to be two leaders to be dedicated to the Lord amen so we are moving right into a baby dedication we're gonna ask the parents of Maurice Nathan Bell just to come forward please along with the family members and also kind Jackson real Taylor I'm just gonna ask you all just to come to the front please amen praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody let's all stand together for the reading of the word family members you can just come forward and stand behind them please our reading this morning is taken from mark 10 verse 13 to 16 and I'm reading from the NIV translation people were bringing children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them but the disciples rebuked them when Jesus saw this he was indignant he said to them let the children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these truly I tell you anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it and it took the children in his arms places and on them and bless them amen and that's what we're going to do now brother Gary Cunningham is coming to lead us in prayer thank you praise the Lord everyone I'd like all of us to pray pray for the parents and certainly we're going to be praying for our children Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth father of creation Sovereign Lord king of kings and Lord of lords you who sits upon the circle of the earth and it the world upon nothing there is none like you we worship and adore you today and thank you for this day that you have made and certainly we have much to rejoice about and be glad in it thank you for your money for blessings great God upon our lives thank you so much for what you've been doing in the lives of your people and so today Lord has reproach you we want to thank you for our children these little ones your form them in their mother's womb and you brought them into this world into this reality because you have unveiled your plans for them and Lord you've taking it to the next level and so Lord God Almighty it is in order we're doing what is right to present them to you you I brought them here for a purpose every child as your signature your mark when his his or her life and so Lord God Almighty though we have read many books though we have had experiences ourselves we have been taught yet Lord God we know we are still at a loss and will still fall short without your help and so we hacks today great God Almighty that you Lord God continue that which you've started since you're the one who found them in the since you are the one who brought them into this world since you're the one would unveil your plans then Lord Jesus Christ it is only right for us to ask you to continue or the process continue to be with these children Oh God you cannot leave it up to father and mother Oh God and mighty arms and grandmother and grandfather you cannot leave it up to teachers or God alone we need you we are in a country and in a world where Great God those who have been given the charge Great God to care for little ones usually they are the ones or phone culpable of hurting them and so great God Almighty we are asking for divine intervention for children we're asking for you Lord God to guide them Oh God as they develop as their faculties develop Lord God you'll cause them to know you great God and to choose you great God and to other their steps Lord God in alignment with your words we pray today lord god amighty that you would do work in their lives Lord God not just today Lord God but for their entire lives we pray Lord God that you'll keep them from harm from danger Lord God from those Lord God who have nefarious intends for those Great God Almighty or God Almighty who want to exploit them we pray Lord God that you'll put a wall of fire around our children that you dispatch your angels great God Almighty to watch over them night and day that Lord God outside of the vision and view of their caregiver their parents that your dear Lord God to prevent them Lord from harming themselves that Lord God you'll be dear to protect their little eyes from what Lord God is showing at times on television that you'll be dear Lord God to protect nearly here that you'll be dear Lord God Almighty Oh God to guide them on the part of righteousness I pray Lord God that you'll be there to heal Oh God since we are so frail at times we fall Lord God pray to sickness diseases but Lord there's nothing that you cannot undo and so Lord God Almighty whatever it is that will happen you are already there Oh God mighty your in the future and so Lord we pray that you be the ELA when there's time Lord God Almighty for healing to be comforter when there's time for comfort in Lord Almighty you'll be counselor when they need to be consoled that you'll be there Lord to help with decisions that need to be made we pray Lord God that you develop them Oh God Almighty in every way Oh God academically socially spiritually emotionally you'll be there Lord God to help them Lord God o God our view of success many times Lord God is just the achievement in this life but Lord Jesus I pray that they will forge a relationship with you from very early and that they'll have good examples Lord God to follow so we pray now Lord for the parents and that Lord they will create an ambience for the children Lord God Oh God an atmosphere of love Lord God for them to be nurtured that their Lord God will know Lord that the responsibility that you've given to them is one that is great and that there are only custodians though they are the ones great God Almighty who calls themselves parents that you expect Lord God for them to discharge their responsibilities in a way Lord God Almighty that is in line with your good word cover them today Lord not that the children who are here right now but all the children live stream wherever they are in the world they are your children when we pray that your hand will be upon them little highs of innocence a cry for help Oh God Almighty those are kid not able to speak to express what they're feeling Jesus the running knows great God some child somewhere is hungry some child somewhere is in need of a comforting arms of love you know where there are Jesus and you're able to reach them so we pray Lord God for you to break all bonds today sit our children free wherever they are in this world Jesus set them free from their oppressors set them free from those Lord God who wants only to enslave them they are free Lord God and you Lord God have given them freedom deliverer he restore revive renew refresh in the name of Jesus whatever it takes Lord reach out to them all our children to that mother to that father even now Lord God we commit all in your hands today not just for today but for all times and for all season have your way and the lives of these children and the lives of the parents the caregivers in the name which is above every name in Jesus name let stretch our hands toward them and send Jesus name one more time in Jesus name one more time in Jesus name [Music] love lives that me is love if that me oh when nothing [Music] it's lovely [Music] it if [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift me amen the Lord bless you all thank you thank you family members thank you periods all those who come to support thank you all you may be seated in the name of the Lord thank you [Music] I'm always breaking forever I'm in a service where a child or children are being presented to the Lord something always happens to me and today is no exception [Music] just want to see how good it is to have everybody here [Music] the relatives of Maurice and I'll say Dean and Renee were so happy that you were here today and we trust that the Lord will continue to pour out his blessings on your life we don't want to hold you too long today I want to get you home as soon as possible and we also know that there may be some of you who would want to attend the Thanksgiving service that will be taking place in a little while amen [Music] so we direct your attention today to first Corinthians chapter 13 verses 4 to 8 you may be seated you've been standing for a little while [Music] 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verses 4 to 8 and then first John chapter 4 verses 7 & 8 amen let me greet particularly pastor and sister Kelly who are here today their grandson was just presented to the Lord in dedication and we're very happy that they are here amen first Corinthians 13 verses 4 to 8 charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity vaunteth not itself is not puffed up doth not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth for to John chapter 4 verses 7 and 8 and we read these verses earlier in our Bible reading beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for god is love God is love so if you want love personified you have to look to God so we're asking a question today what is love what is love I checked the internet and found the following responses in the urban dictionary love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to love is the act of caring and giving to someone else having someone's best interest and well-being as a priority in your life love is the most spectacular indescribable deep euphoric feeling for someone love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end love is intense and passionate everything seems brighter happier and more wonderful when you are in love if you find it don't let it go I found this one to be interesting love is Nature's Way of tricking people into reproducing you know that I am holy so I don't laugh at certain jokes love is either a horrible disease or a blessing love is when your dog licks your face when you come home even though you've left them alone all day love is a word used by many but understood by few love is a widespread incurable disease which is known to affect the mind and sometimes the body symptoms may include affected judgment lightheadedness eye watering chest pains and an increased need to be with the person who has infected you it is highly contagious and can be deadly love is when you care for someone so much you put their needs ahead of your own even if sometimes it really hurts according to Paul Francis Webster love is a many-splendored thing it's the April rules that only grows in the early spring love is Nature's Way of giving a reason to be living the golden crown that makes a man a king Johnny Burke says that love is funny or it's sad or it's quiet or it's mad it's a good thing or it's bad but beautiful Tina Turner expressed a far more negative view of love she sang what's love got to do with it what's love but a secondhand emotion in reference to a man's love for a woman Percy Sledge informs us that when a man loves a woman he can't keep his mind on nothing else he trade the world for a good thing he's found if she is bad he can't see it she can do no wrong see see you know some of these people aren't see they are feeling the anointing at a second assault [Applause] some of the Saints need prayer he said when a man loves a woman he spend his very last dime trying to hold on to what he needs he'd give up all of his comforts and sleep out in the rain if she said that's the way it ought to be since the current I already know you need prayer as it relates to a woman's love for a man Eleanora Fagan better known as Billie Holiday sang I say I'll move the mountains and I've moved the mountains if he wants them out of the way crazy he calls me sure I'm crazy crazy in love I'd say I say I'll go through fire and I'll go through fire as he wants it so it will be crazy he calls me sure I'm crazy crazy love you see like the wind that shakes the bow he moves me with a smile the difficult I do right now the impossible will take a little while now so people talk when they are in love I say I'll care for ever and I mean forever if I have to hold up the sky crazy he calls me sure I'm crazy crazy in love am i if my precious wife sister Lisa who is not here today if she should have asked me when I would ever be tired of her I would say to her I'll be tired of you when stars are tired of gleaming when I am tired of dreaming and I'll be tired of this I know is true when winds are tired of blowing when cross is tired of growing then I'll be tired of you if my throbbing heart should ever start repeating that it is tired of beating then I'll be tired of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it sounds good [Music] you know of the you know of the story of this young man who was protesting to his fans see how much he loved her and she said would you swim the widest river for me and he said oh sure and she said would you climb the highest mountain for me and he said oh sure and she said would you die for me and he said no my love is an undying one if any of you men are sitting beside your wife tell them that you have an undying love for them and see what kind of response you will get now [Music] but what does the Word of God have to say concerning the subject of love we don't have time to even do anything but scratch the surface today but the Bible has a lot to say about love in the New Testament there are three Greek words which are translated love of the three the most noble and intense is the word a copy interestingly there are only a few known occurrences of the word agape outside of the Bible in other words this word was not used very much in extra biblical writings agape agape refers to the love called out of one's heart by the preciousness of the object loved the preciousness of the object loved it expresses a love of approval and esteem it's a lot it is a love that recognizes the value in the object love agape is not aroused because of any merit or deserving of its object it is an unconditional love that keeps on loving even when the object of its love is unresponsive unkind or unlovable so when say to people I love you you know maybe we're not talking about this kind of love there are other Greek words that express love like filio which is the love called out of one's heart because of a recognition of a compatibility in somebody else so both of us are labor right so we're friends or both of us are socialists so we're friends both of us love soccer so we are friends but if ever I am a laborer right and you became a socialist than the friendship would end filly oh there's another quality of agape that is not worthy it is love that has ethical qualities attached to it obligations responsibilities commitments see filio the love of friends just you know because we have things in common no ethical qualities no obligations no commitments so many times when we say I love you that's what we mean we're not talking about agape and I wonder what would happen to us if God loved us that way in first Corinthians chapter 13 verses 47 Paul outlines for us the characteristics of this type of love when he speaks about charity he's talking about a copy and he says charity suffereth long that means love is patient he says charity is grand he says charity envieth not love is not jealous charity vaunteth not itself love is not boastful want to say this to us this is aside it's not germane to what we're saying but jesus said many things about himself in terms of his ministry he said I'm the Good Shepherd I'm I'm the bread of life and the water of life he used he spoke about his ministry but of his persona he said just two things I am meek and lowly in heart and sometimes I think about this and wonder why it is some of us are so proud if God manifest in the flesh could say of himself I am meek and lowly in heart why are we so proud why am I so proud let me get personal charity is not puffed up enough is not proud charity does not behave itself unseemly love is not rude charity seeketh not her own love is not selfish charity is not easily provoked love is not irritable are you thinking about yourself charity thinketh no evil it's expressed in a way that's a little awkward it doesn't give the full meaning of the Greek that really means love keeps no record of being wronged love doesn't have a little black book charity rejoiceth not in iniquity again not stated the way that it really is in the Greek what it really means is love takes no pleasure in the failure of others charity rejoices in the truth love is happy whenever truth wins out charity beareth all things love never gives up charity believeth all things love never loses faith charity hope as all things love is always hopeful charity and doers all things love endures through every circumstance but of course we could say that all of these qualities of love are abstract but in first John 4:8 the apostle informs us that God is love God is love there's nothing that so starkly emphasizes the difference between God and us that love we have love God is love we show love but if you were to distill the character of God don't with very essence that distillation would below even God's holiness is a product of his love God is love now think about it if that is true if God is love it would therefore mean that anything love is God is anything love does God does anything love does not do God does not do so let's go over some of these qualities of love that we just read and link them with God in terms of how he deals with those upon whom he has set his love again you know it john 3:16 the most loved verse in the Bible it's called the golden text of the Bible no wonder why it expresses the rich love of God and we have said before how every word or almost every phrase speaks to some quality or some carrot or some aspect of the love of God for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life if you want to break it down in its little segments we could say let's start with how it starts for the purpose of love God the person of love so so the degree of love loved the act of love the world the object of love that he gave the proof of love his the possession of love only the uniqueness of love the gun the value of love song the gift of love that whosoever this hope of love believeth the simplicity of love in the location of love the attraction of love should not perish the preventive of love but the contrast of love have the guarantee of love everlasting the duration of love life the quality of love that's how God loves God is love God is love God is love so let's look at this we were told that charity suffereth long charity love is patient but God is love so it means that God's of Islam God is patient long-suffering is that quality of self restraint in the face of provocation which does not hastily retaliate or promptly punish God suffer it long God is patient it is the opposite of anger and is associated with mercy the word used of a person who has been offended and who easily has the power to avenge himself or herself but will not do it because of the great mercy and patience that they possess want you to think about that in terms of God's dealing with you that he's loved suffering every single person in here has tempted God and has grieved God and has provoked God and if God were like us none of us would be here today but his long-suffering love is patient [Applause] time again he has Luke past our fault and see no one need and held back his judgment [Applause] how much does God love us want to remind you that he loves you as much as he loves Jesus Christ that's what the Bible says you don't believe me I don't I'm not offended because you don't believe me because it sounds too good to be true but listen now to Jesus praying in the upper room and he's praying to his father and I'm sorry to offend you died in the world apostolic but Jesus had a father he wasn't his own father listen to his prayer I in then and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and have loved them as thou hast loved me that's what he's saying he prayed to his father and he's saying I want everybody to know that you love these disciples in the same way that you love me we can't take that in it's difficult for us to take that in because you see we think that God is like us but I said before that nothing so starkly distinguishes us from God but that little matter of love you see we we we show love in percentages I love I would say that I love God all of us would say we love God 100% but we know and God knows that that isn't true I love to hear people testifying you know I love the Lord with all my heart and then they go right out on committee I've never felt like I've loved the Lord with all my heart I've always felt like I could love him a whole lot more and I feel that way right now I know I don't love him enough but let's say that we love God let's say 90% we love our spouses maybe 80% some of us may God help us to speak the truth about this and we would maybe say we love our children maybe 75% and we love our parents maybe 50% and we love our co-workers maybe 30% and we love or managers - 10% something like that that's how we love and because we love that way we think that God loves that way so we think that God loves Jesus a hundred percent maybe he loves Peter and Paul 80 percent and down the list we go and then maybe awesome if you think you're good maybe it's a fifty percent but that's not how God loves God doesn't love in percentages God doesn't parse Lotus love when God sets his love on somebody he loves them with his entire being he loves with a hundred percent of his love all the time and there's nothing that you can do to cause God to love you more and there's nothing that you can do to cause him to love you less you can't pray enough prayers and live right enough and be faithful in tithing enough for God to love you even an iota more than he loves you right now and you can't sing enough you can't mess up enough to cause God to love you and I oughta less that he loves you just now [Applause] so anything that God would do for Jesus he would do for me because he loves me with the same love that he has for Jesus in fact if we really understood it we would know that he sees me in the same way that he sees Jesus because I'm covered with the righteousness of Jesus God is kind we are told that charity is kind but God is love so God is kind God does acts little acts of kindness it's not that you even need it but sometimes he just does something for you that you don't expect things that you were not praying for he just shows up and just shows your kindness and gives you favor and you are saying where does this come from many of the richest moments I have had with God was not in a prayer meeting or in a church service maybe just sitting on this back step of the home where I live and just singing a little song and you know I can sing so from me to sing but you see the thing is God when I'm singing to God my voice sounds just as good as sister Karen's she has nothing on me when I'm making melody in my heart to my god and just in that little space sometimes he just comes down and I'm all over the place never felt that way in a big service it just kind some of you know what I'm talking about you don't have to do anything for God just to be kind in fact sometimes it's when you're messed up he just comes in and just got something and you are saying God why now I wasn't expecting this no I was more expecting because that's what the church has taught me it's what some of the preachers have taught but God is not vindictive God is not vindictive charity is kind God is kind Bible says that charity seeketh not her own we said God love is not selfish but God is love so God is not selfish God is not selfish what God does he just does for us God doesn't need to be saved when he when Jesus horned the cross of Calvary he was dying to save us so the writer says surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted Isaiah says when we saw Calvary we thought that God was angry with Jesus because because of something that Jesus had done wrong but God was indeed angry with Jesus but not because of anything Jesus had done wrong because of something that we had done wrong that Jesus decided to be a penalty for so he says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised he was crushed for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all it's why we sing sometimes at large supper there was one who was willing to die in my stead thatís also unworthy might live and the path to the cross he was willing to trade all the sins of my life to forgive their knell to the cross there near to the cross oh how much he was willing to bear with what anguish and loss Jesus went to the cross and he carried my sins with him there many times I have prayed and I said Lord weight of my sin alone must have been so heavy that if you had left my sin behind it would have been a little easier for you but you determined to save me so all my record which I can't even speak about in church because the Saints would wonder who is pastoring them you carried it there when we were yet without strength Paul says in due time Christ died for himself right that's what the scripture says Christ died for the ungodly for securely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not him also freely give us all things what is Paul saying Polly saying God is so unselfish because he is love that right up front when we didn't deserve it when we were vile and Richard he gave us the best gift that he could give his son he not like us Polly saying he's not like you you wait until people prove themselves before you give them good gifts you start off by giving and giving a little trifling gift and when people have proved themselves you give them good gifts but God is not like that he gave the best gift up front and that tells you that there's nothing else that he won't give you if he like I put it this way if he gave the best he'll give the rest so you never have to worry Oh God I'm praying for my healing but you know I haven't been living so right I didn't pay my tithe this month so IIIi don't know if you are willing to heal me well before you were even saved when you were his enemy he gave you the best gift that he could give so what will he withhold from you know if he believed you should have it he's not selfish God is not selfish brethren those of us in the Apostolic Church many of us we need our image of God to be healed we have been so terrorized by a God who just won't stop I'm looking for something to destroy you know that but I I can't find anything my wife would kill me if I ever kicked this over if we ever understood how much God loves if we ever understood that agape was the expression of his heart many Christian people just automatically think that God is against them God is not easily provoked love love is not easily performed that's what we learned charity is not easily provoked think about God he's not easily provoked God is not like us prone to violent mood swings oh you didn't do right today that's it I'm through with you I can't take it anymore I'm fed up one preacher I won't call his name was a Saints we're giving their testimony in church and some of them were talking our kind of foolishness and he just came upon did like this on the pulpit I fed up God is not like that see he watches us doing our foolishness he watches us messing up everything that we taught and love keeps him back he doesn't retaliate love says to him love he just says that's my child that's my child she's going to get it right one day always in my mind always in my mind I think about the God who is suffering and because he suffering is always in control and God never has to scratch his head and wonder how in the world am I going to deal with the situation Oh every situation that arises is a situation that is allowed to arise so that he can show his glory God is never taken by surprise with him nothing ever works out the way that God in a way that God didn't already know it would work out you don't have you and I don't have the ability to shut God Adam and Eve sin didn't surprise God you think God when Adam and Eve sinned that God said oh my god I never thought this would happen Michael and Gabriel and you other angels what in the world are we going to do now no there was a there was a cross there was a lump slain before the foundation of the world because God expected them to sin he expected them to sin so he could have an opportunity to display his grace because when Adam sinned Satan thought that everything was over with Adam that's what he felt because he already knew that the wages of sin is death and so he felt like this was the end of Adam and he didn't understand that God had orchestrated everything so that his grace could get glory and so he just went walking that day he just went walking God just went walking that day and came upon some sheep and looked at all the sheep and then he found a lamb and he said good morning and the lamb said good morning God and God said would you like to do something for me today and the lamb said sure God anything for you you are my Creator I'll do anything for you and and the lump said what do you want me to do for you today god I want you to die die but I haven't done anything wrong that's why I can use you because I have a man who has done something wrong and I need to cover him it was already planned God was showing us from the early stages of human existence anybody who is going to be saved is going to be saved by my grace you can't be good enough for me to save you I think I have maybe one more love thinketh no evil love keeps no record of wrongs that's God that's God he keeps no record of being wrong because God is love David said Lord if you kept a record of our sins who could ever survive but you offer forgiveness that we might learn to fear you if you should mark iniquities every time John Mark committed sin you wrote it down in your little black book when the book is opened how could he ever stand but there is forgiveness with you that's why we sing the song when at the judgment bar I stand before my king and he the book will open doesn't want we cannot find a thing no record of sin not for those that he loves not for those who are saved Micah said who is a God like unto thee that hardness iniquity and passed by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retain if not his anger forever because he delighteth in mercy he will turn again he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and though will cast all their sins into the depths of this ET imagine that all your sins where you want to know where to find them you have to go into the depths of the sea people won't forget but thank God you won't stand before people on the day of judgement Oh God if we were to stand before people there would be no hope for us because long after God has forgotten we don't forget you just need to see the person walking into church and you remember that's the one who did that and that and when God sees them walking into church God said that's the one that I died for that's my child I love her I love him so God don't you remember when he did that don't you remember when she did that she did that he did that somehow I have forgotten do you believe that you serve a God like that you are you expecting me to go crazy and get you all excited I just want to tell you the truth that's the God that you serve who is he does not keep a record of wrongs as far as the east is as this is the east as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west [Music] inspired you know that it wasn't a man that wrote the Bible if it was a man that wrote the Bible you dove as far as in nurses from the souls but God wouldn't do that because God knows that there's a North Pole and a South Pole so you can go to the extreme if God had moved my transgressions from the north as far as in noises to the South some crazy fool would go to the North Pole and try to dig it up and if he didn't find it here he would go to the South Pole and try to dig it up but there are no east pole and there's no west pole if you start going east you will never come to west and if you start going west you will never come to East I'm sorry you can't find it because God has dealt with it God is not malicious he's not disposed to finding fault that's why the Bible says he rejoices not in iniquity God doesn't look for minut faults he doesn't impute improper motives to us he he puts the best possible construction on the conduct of his children Paul is writing about about about Abraham and Paul knows the Old Testament Scriptures Paul is our rabbi Paul went to the best theological college that existed in the day he knew the Holy Scriptures he knew that when God told Abraham that he would have a son by sheera that Abraham lost everybody remembers that Shira laughed but Abraham laughed first and his laugh was a laugh of unbelief and yet hundreds of years later thousands of years later Paul is writing and parses of Abraham he staggered not at the promise of God we remember the little details in people's lives but you don't understand God you don't understand God God has a big iron in heaven and he he just puts our life down on it and just uses the iron to smooth over every crease and when he looks at it after that part III know that pearl had a battle with the wall he goes you saying the Holy Ghost is saying he did not stutter I'm probably saying something to the laughter write what I tell you boy you are looking at little blips in the man's life I'm looking at the wall of the man's life and all my grace that have expressed to this man he did not stop that's final that's my final word about Abram read everything that you want in the Old Testament my final word about David a man after my own heart you can talk about my Sriman you can talk about you Ryan you can talk about him numbering in numbering the people read about is watching the Old Testament but when the book of Acts except the 13 I have my final word a man after my own heart I keep a record of wrongs I'm not like the church he will defend do you remember how job after he couldn't deal with the pressure he just couldn't deal with the pressure the mind games and his friends and he started to question God and he started to say God you know I don't understand the way you're dealing with me and he said some things that were not right and he was talking a big talk and he was saying if God was about to show up he he would he would have to hear what I'm saying I would have a chance to justify myself before him and God showed up and God so who is this who is this that darkness comes her by words without knowledge I've heard you talking a big talk job behind my back well here I am no guard up the lines answer me like a Monica I will inquire of you and you better have answers from me where are you since you know so much about me and he he had job properly told but now but now he's dealing with job's friends he's dealing with job's friends and he says I am angry with the three of you because you have not spoken this thing about me which is right like my servant job has done what yo just finished telling off job I know you're saying whatever he said about me was right cuz I'll defend my own nobody how can God be pleading forever living to make intercession for us and beacon condemning us at the same time our theology has been crazy so here we have Jesus at the right hand of God making intercession for John Mark and at the same time he's praying for me say seemed here in the wickedness kill him Oh God God doesn't rejoice over the failure or weaknesses of his people he doesn't take delight when we fall into sin he does not desire to expose us but he desires to cover us he does not accept the accusations of the enemy he doesn't do that wicked people rejoice when others have fallen into sin if you rejoice when people fall into sin I don't care home what you say you are Savior wicked even if your enemy falls in the same somebody who wronged you in the church and they fall into sin if you rejoice something is wrong so God does not rejoice when we sin he doesn't say I knew it all along I knew it I was expecting him to fail I knew it no good I don't know why I ever saved her no God is saying is there a way now for us to deal with this I'm here to pick up the pieces scattered in a million pieces I'll find every piece and I'll put you back together and when I put you back together nobody will ever know that you were ever broken when I'm finished with you not a scar when I'm finished with your no-fault you'll be just as good as before you messed up I don't care what the church says I'm talking about how I see you don't worry about how the church sees you I see you as if you had never sinned love bears all things love love bears all things God never gives up God never gives up God never will say that's your final chance I'm glad God is not an American three strikes on your own God doesn't count strikes he said to Peter Peter said how many times should somebody sin against man I forgive him seventy times seven times and the Lord said no Pete no Pete I'm talking about a multiplication of perfection seventy times seven as often as they sinned against you forgive them so now Jesus is telling Peter that and we think that we can outs in God's grace his tease telling Peter as often as they've sinned against you forgive them and yet we think that we can sin enough for God not to forgive us he's telling men to do what he will not do ask your neighbor are you crazy [Music] we've been reading the wrong Bible charity believeth all things God believes all things about you he knows you're going to make it he knows that when the roll is called up yonder you will be here there no ifs or buts about it you don't have to say I hope to see you there I'm not telling anybody I you you you hope to see me the answer look for me for I will be here to you look for me I won't be there because I am so good I'll be there because God is so good I won't be there because of the works I have done for Christ I'll be there because of the works Christ has done for me hope at all things and your authority that's a God that we serve I don't want anybody in here to give up on yourself I don't care I don't care what was prophesied over your life you can't be blessed and cursed at the same time if you are saved if you did there you were saved God cancelled every curse there no you nobody has to pray about any general generational curse we are I'm concerned if I hear you print about general generational curses from me I'm going to tell you stop because I can't be cursed and blessed at the same time and what you see is not necessarily what God sees what you see is not necessarily what God sees I prefer to understand what God sees because when they lock us Balaam stand with me now when when stand with me please when when when Balak asked Balaam to curse the children of Israel see if you if you looked at how the camp of Israel was set up in the Old Testament it was set up in the shape of a cross did you know that the camp was arranged in the shape of a cross so when Balaam looked and the people were not right with God in terms of their own moral conduct but when he looked he turned to Balak and he says God told me I have beheld no iniquity in Israel when I look at Israel I see a cross when I look at Israel I see the cross and looked at Pella Balaam said I've looked at God's people and in my eyes they didn't look so good and I was a boat of my mouth and pronounced a curse on them but God said I have seen no iniquity I haven't seen anything anything you say can't hurt them because I see them in a different way tell the person beside you you need to find out how God sees you forget about how you look to yourself God has a different mirror than you do [Music] what is love we have to say to Tina Turner Tina Turner you ask what's love got to do with it Tina love has got everything to do with it I'm sorry about the experiences you had that made you cynical I've read about your life I've studied your life Tina and I understand why you are so cynical but you've never met my Jesus [Music] Anna Mae Bullock otherwise called Tina Turner I've read about your life I knew what I did to you I've read about the abuse so I understand where you're coming from what's love but a secondhand emotion can I introduce you Tina to my Jesus Lord you are very great and greatly to be praised what is love we have heard from the urban dictionary we have heard from famous songwriters and notable singers but finally we have heard from the word of the Lord and we have settled on one point what is love God is love what is love God is love everything that love is you are everything that love does you do everything that love refrains from doing you refrain from doing and your love a love like that is a love I can trust and in your word we read that having loved your own which were in the world you love them unto the end so you will love us unto the end what in any end you will love us until the end of eternity and since eternity has no end you will never stop loving us and one day Lord this church this church is going to understand what grace is and it won't just be a name that is called over the church the grace workshop ministries but every person who comes here is going to understand what true grace is we thank you for your word Lord and we magnify your Holy Name in Jesus name [Music] please be seated ladies and gentlemen [Music] amen we're going to ask our ashes to come [Music] I know some of you are wondering about an altar call a far-right [Music] I trust God's Word I trust God's Word I trust God's Word to accomplish what he says it will accomplish we trust what [Music] tell somebody close to you God loves me even be messed up me wretched I'm so happy that I'm in a church where I don't have to pretend anymore because you care for me and I care for you [Music] we know everybody in here is a sinner just that we're saved by grace no perfect person in here Spurgeon said Spurgeon said I have been trying to find a perfect Church and I have not been able to find one and then he said but even if I were able to find one once I came in it wouldn't be perfect anymore [Music] all right brethren I hear the song I like the song but save it until after prayer we're going to be coming with our tithe and our other offerings and we just asked where didn't we just ask you to be faithful we just asked you to be faithful we just asked you to be faithful and I'm I I don't know what God is doing I really don't know we're here at the micro gymnasium and I guess we'd all love a place of our own how many would like for us to have a place of our own I guess we'd all love that but I'm not going to get grey here over it I'm getting grey here in a but not over that it's just natural progression I'm just trusting God but I can tell you what brethren I thought occurred to me the other day and I'm not prophesying I'm not prophesying I'm just thinking and I'm just thinking I believe that if I need to say this very softly if if the administrators of this university were to say to us grace workshop you only have three months left after three months you have to leave I bet you we'd find somewhere you'd be surprised where funds would come from there you would see more funds coming in than John has ever read about I'm not saying that they must do that bow your heads please Lord we're receiving an offering and help us to worship you as we come in the name of Jesus Christ amen let's sing that song now oh what a love Oh what a love the ushers will direct us as we come today we're getting ready to send you off to go to the funeral [Music] Oh what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] ha ha [Applause] Oh God Oh God - please panic [Music] to do his spirit holy by sinful soul our God [Music] [Applause] we Oh Oh Oh [Applause] I [Music] [Music] your way [Applause] [Music] for me both ways [Music] my happy soaping Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] so ever always dude Oh whatsoever [Music] sir [Music] what's a hatch together oh what a friend what a friend [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh Jesus Jesus Jesus fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time one more time [Music] sorry [Music] ah Oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus all right you may be seated for a brief while before you go it was really unknown Smith's for this week for the announcements we want to welcome our visitors that are with us this morning can you give them a round of applause all our visitors who are here also we like to welcome those who are viewing on Facebook Facebook live on YouTube live as well all right today we have visiting with us miss Sharon Hardy and the artist of brother Maurice Bell is Sharon Hardy here could the stand for a brief while all right you're over that side brother and sister ivy and family visiting from porto rico from overseas yes [Applause] all right good to have you I have a family visiting from Puerto Rico we also have miss Sasha on a corner with a guest of this - fa la carta Hashanah she are at the back over there mr. Johnson and family and Denny's Ramsey who is a guest of brother Paul Tyler Johnson and family of the front right here we are so delighted to have you thank you for being with us thank you sister Laurel Dixon visiting from New York opera ministry mr. Laurel right over here god bless you sister Laurel and we have as was mentioned earlier brother and sister Kelly are visiting from cinema to church again oh my god I get in old King's chapel so give them a round of applause everybody getting old alright the last one we have here is Colleen Cummings and Marcia Bella and also Monica Bell it was a case of brother and sister Marie's Bell thank you for coming we have one person going on vacation we'll be away for six weeks going to New Jersey system is Sean Roberts let's remember to pray for her as she go that the Lord will guide and protect her on our way for birthdays this week we have brother Hartman Fletcher who celebrated his birthday on the 22nd brother Fletcher sir happy birthday to you we also have brought a Jonathan Byrd who celebrated his on the 15th that was last week [Music] for today celebrating birthdays today we have Hyacinthe Nelson and brother Dennis Brown with celebrating today can we give this is the hi signals in the middle here and brought a Dennis Brown yes brother Fisher has a birthday again yes that's all how much birthday you have for this year sir 1 12 12 birdies for this year his his is different I don't know how him get so much all right birthdays like this week we have Breanna Shakespeare who will be celebrating her fourth birthday on the 24th with Brianna Shakespeare see her over there see over there she's saying I'm here so that's Brianna she before this week for our wedding anniversaries we have brother and sister Hilton that's Patrick on door and Hilton celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary yesterday not sure we are here all right when they come back and we have also brother and sister Patrick Beckford who is celebrating who will be celebrating their anniversary this week their 36th wedding anniversary brother and sister Beckford see them around about they're looking so bright in red yes God has been good yes it shows looking very happy looking very happy alright so those are the anniversaries for this week for the schedule of events for this week on Thursday normally we have our Bible study on Thursdays this week there is no Bible study so sorry about those who were looking forward to that hopefully we'll resume next week so we'll be back here on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. for a worship service at the micro University College and for our upcoming events next week as well we'll be helping our Kris harvests real service service everybody excited for that no mine own kind of better than that man who's excited for a great service service next week amen anniversary Steven oh man well Steve when is your anniversary sir last week last week Thursday come on stand up man okay I recognize you all right brother Steven celebrated is what fifth fifth second wedding anniversary still on the moon as they would say all right so next week Sunday at 6 p.m. we'll be having a night service will a night service but the greatest harvest service at 6:00 p.m. and we will hear more about that throughout week and finally for upcoming events our first ever grace games who is excited for the grace games all right so our first ever grace games will be held on July 20th and we'll be having a special announcement for this sister Rachel a could come so god bless you everyone have a blessed week to remember no Bible study this week guys no Bible study [Music] gray some peace everybody amen announcing grace game amen for those who are in Randolph's where are you stand up dr. Pete riddles [Music] see you have your cheerleader right here for those in black holes where are you [Music] ready we have more horses are you bewilder gonna realize that our pasta is training already for her sports day that's good that's good well for those who are not in a horse so you were not here I need to get a chance to pick your house or you were here but for some strange reason you had to be by what about maybe next week you will get your chance to pick your house now is the last chance so after next week that's it so if you are if you are here though or you're a large tree or you know somebody who will is not here next week is it for them is your last chance to pick your host okay I will do I warned the ball t want everybody to be in a horse so connect me to choose your own poles ok praise the Lord everyone so a couple of things I want us to note firstly we did the random selection of horses simply because we are a blended family Syria we are a merge of persons from different places there are lots of newcomers and we wanted to have integration we wanted not a clique situation we wanted people to meet new people and have a family situation right and that's really the focus of our sports day it's not just we do want to have fun and it's about the athleticism and the competition but we want to have a family situation it's about teamwork and unity right and before we go any further today we're going to announce who the hosts captains are okay I know that some persons are not here whatever they ask those who are here if you hear any please papa stand right here for yellow holes we have Alan Campbell order captain and vice-captain Joseph Bartlett's four black holes we have Alastair Williams as host captain and put on in Bedford as vice captain for rubles both captain Murray spell vice captain kalus andis Lou Williams red hose post captain mr. Stephen Chapel vice captain family Richards and for purple most post captain Matthew Bartlett vice captain sister Connie Neela [Music] okay so there are no pick their host names alright so we had so much back and forth trying to decide who we will need more some papers folder and the captains that are represented here today they'll randomly pick and that will be the name of the host no they're each going wants their pick they're going to announce the name and I want that's hosted share okay this is yellow hose Gideon Gideon living in in we are Joshua Meadows red hosts red fire hose Emanuel wherever holes I sure alright guys so let's hear the name again the name of yellow hoses Gideon the name of black policy just blew Caleb [Applause] [Music] in money well my purple house is a sure [Applause] alright so for those of you who you don't really know who is in your house and you want to get a feel of who those persons are the lists are posted on the back and please do not write on them if you want to pick a host please see myself after the service no the first HOH the first assignment to the hoses is to pick their symbol so if so that would be like for example if you want to be punished or if you want to be rely on if you want to be warrior you pick that title and you pick the symbol so the first horse that will get us those symbols you will get points according to hold your place in giving us the names and the symbols of your vows all right so that's your first assignment and every week in July until sports day we will have an activity for your host to win host points right so come prepared every Sunday after church for an opportunity to win host points so we're looking forward to the grass games and the theme of our bridge beams one spirits one team everybody faint [Music] let's say it for all the whole team [Applause] amen and just a quick reminder the supreme command as it relates to our service next week Sunday evening which begins at 6 p.m. at Sur Grays Harbor service just like to remind you those of you who are not yet registered your initiative you need to do so before you leave here today amen so you need to go to the back or is it the front wherever it is and register your initiative amen and just to remind you also that come next Sunday evening we're asking you all to come with a special sacrificial offering amen now if it is that you have been given p-please don't feel pressured to come with that special offering on Sunday amen but if you have not participated through the whole four months that we have been having this grace harvest initiative we're going to ask that you come prepared to give a very special offering however if you feel led even though you have already given if you feel led come next Sunday to give a special offering we will gladly receive it amen so looking forward to seeing everybody all next week Sunday evening beginning at 6 p.m. it's a very very very exciting afternoon and you can't afford to miss it amen god bless you [Music] amen I made a run awhile ago and I had to sit down I'm still out of breath sometimes you get exuberant and forget that you're not a youth anymore we did not say congratulations to all our prep students and we need to do that where are all of our students who sat the prep exams would you stand please in fact run appear all of your run of here you are young you can run all of our pip students run appear [Music] [Music] just ease nobody else [Music] when children charge oh okay let's turn and give these precious children a great time amen we celebrate with you that was wonderful thank you so much guys all right you may return to your seats our pet students amen and now we have come to the end of our our worship service today what time is it please what time is it 12 what 12 12 isn't it wonderful that we are ending at 12:12 so that you can go to the service and you can go home those who are not going to the service you see how kind we are but there's something we have to do before we leave you know what have we not done yet we have not walked around and greeted a hundred persons and we have special guests here we have brother and sister over here and the boys who we haven't seen in such a long time I want us to go around and greet them and then the relatives the relatives of the families connected to the babies who were blessed today we want them to feel special sitting up front here so please come and greet them let's greet everybody here don't leave the funeral is not until three o'clock so twelve o'clock [Music] Marcy and I know you will be there by the cabin in that way not going alright but still let's walk around and greet several persons and then when you're finished greeting you can go in the name of the Lord [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Grace Workshop Ministries
Views: 3,028
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: The Grace Workshop, Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 54sec (9894 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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