How to Win God's Heart: A Man After God's Own Heart (Part 4) (Dec 2, 2017)

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[Music] let's take a look at the you know let me just read something quick to you I just want to again take my hat off to you this is a lady that came last week I don't know is anybody here from out of town or or funny chance last week we had a couple that drove here from Missouri and they drove all the way from Missouri to here just to be here for the service and then left right up for the service you drive another ten hours and I said I'm so sorry I wish and they said don't be it was absolutely worth the drive and this lady came from from Iowa and I'll just read you a brief note thank you rob by Greg via message stay in the hug I also want to tell you how impressed I was by your congregation today multiple people came up to me and spoke to me today I was twice asked to go to lunch one lady took my number and told me the next time I visit I could stay in her home blessed and so thankful are you people in Macon and then she goes on to say a couple of the things that are important about me personally but um that's guys the the the the badge of a believer is not a cross on your neck or your lapel it's not a t-shirt with Scripture and it's definitely not the fish on the back of the car it's not church attendance it's not baptism it's not even reading the word it's it's doing it and I wanted I want to share some of you that's very important I want you to hear this God loves you so much more than you know much more and because he loves you he wants you to be happy okay the only way you're gonna be happy is you take care of others when he said it's better to give than to receive it wasn't a command he's trying to help you be happy and that does not mean just financially we people in America think financially it means time all kinds of things there's all different ways to help people but I know that we're busy I know that we have families I have a family too we have to take care of them they're our first priority but if it stops there we've missed the boat so thank you for that I get that all the time when people come to visit that's very very important to me so important that people feel the love of the Lord because that's the badge of a believer if you love one another let's take a look at the scriptures they read so beautifully from Genesis 35 verses 10 through 11 it's a surety it says god said to him that's Jacob your name is Yaakov Jacob but you will be called Yaakov no longer your name will be Israel thus he named him Israel God further said to him I am el shaddai be fruitful and multiply a nation indeed a group of Nations will come from you Kings will be descended from you so this is you know obviously God had to to explain to to Jacob that basically he's the Lord he's the king and and Jacob has to submit and Jacob didn't really get that because Jacob was you know a like a lot of us a little manipulative and somewhat of a usurper and he he knew had to manipulate he was really gifted at it and he was he knew the system how it worked and even in Genesis 28 when he saw the ladder and he still didn't get the message he basically said to God if I could paraphrase if you do this and this and this for me and don't do this and this and this to me I'm your guy he had it backwards right it's more like if you do this this and this to God then he'll be a god so he didn't get it and then in Genesis 32 obviously God had to come down and literally wrestle with him and submit him and then he popped his hip out assert a socket and that was a good thing because it would give him a memory and there's too many people that get the hip popped out of socket and then they try to get back in the game too fast my message to you is don't trade your limp for a strut God likes when his kids limp not something you know not the not the message you get in America in the megachurch America commercialism of Christianity today and but but the message that you're getting in the megachurch commercial Christianity is not biblical Christianity it's it's American cultural Christianity what can I tell you what I would do is I would make sure it lines up with this this is what you had this is the Aberdeen Proving Grounds right here so here he got it he got the message and now now God's ready to go forward with him and he has to renew his covenant with Jacob that he made with his grandfather and of course with his father he made this covenant with Abraham and he made this covenant with Isaac and it was known as the Abrahamic covenant it was the first theocratic covenant in the Bible of the five and it's it's the most important covenant some people would argue with me and say no the new covenant is the most important covenant you have to first make a promise before you can keep it and so so in regards to that I would I would disagree wholeheartedly the Abrahamic covenant is most important and the New Covenant fulfills the promise that was being made so first you have to be a promise maker to see if you're a Promise Keeper so he renews the Covenant and he tells him his name won't be usurper anymore it's gonna be Israel and he says a group of nations I mean look at this first he says I'm Elsa dies it's huge we could talk about this the issue it comes back he says I'm El Shaddai meaning you knew me and your grandfather and your father knew me as a promise maker now you're gonna know me as a promise keeper I'm God Almighty el-shaddai and he says a nation will come from you what nation is that yeah if you don't know just look at the windows he'll he said you're gonna birth a nation the twelve tribes of Israel but then he says something crazy he says a group of Nations he's talking about the nations of the world he's saying he's saying that through the Abrahamic covenant all the families of the earth will be blessed through you Israel you see the only way the nations could become part of the nation is if they're in grafted and and that's discussed in detail in Romans 11 now everybody knew that in the first century cool you know Cornelius knew it all too well in acts 10 that he was being in grafted but sadly enough we've had an out grafting it started by ninety ad where they start to out graft the Gentiles from the faith and then the Jews were lost in the sauce they stopped being invited by the end of the first century there were no Jews invited to all the elders meetings and the bishops meetings that they were having and before you knew it the faith became D judaized and that was by the first century guys you're not talking to forget Constantine forget the Council of Nicaea forget the Council of Laodicea forget Catholicism forget that this already happened the first century now you think 2,000 years later it still isn't the same but if you do something so long it becomes the truth let's look at the word yes Rael it means God prevails I I've so enjoyed making on so many different levels I don't know how some people in their linguistics can take a word like pen and make it three syllables and take a three syllable word like yes Rio and make it one syllable you know I'm talking about ping en hanging in this Israel anyway let's keep going the word he's changing his name everybody who meets the Lord should have a name changed as far as I'm concerned and he's changing his name and he's saying not so much you're gonna prevail but I'm gonna prevail Jacob this isn't on you in other words if you look at the Abrahamic covenant like I said I could talk about these two verses so Yeshua comes back I really can because they're so thick and rich and full but you remember when they cut the covenant which is a Middle East and way to make an agreement and they put the animals between them and the two parties in the Covenant and even a man commits would walk through these cut animals because it was it was very you know very kind of mysterious and very intense you're walking through these animals in the blood is dripping down and what are you saying you're saying that this covenant this agreement you're making is so serious that if you break the covenant this is what's going to happen to you as far as God was concerned but you remember the Abrahamic covenant Abe and God we're gonna walk through and then God said sit down hey why do you say that it's not on you it's on me what you guys don't realize it's not on you you're taking way too much credit for yourself it's on the Lord he just wants to use you all you have to do is be like a dummy for a ventriloquist now a ventriloquist he's the one that pulls the strings and he moves the mouth and he speaks you know you can't be the ventriloquist guy no only God can do that you just got to be the dummy easy right so he says God prevails he says you're gonna learn this which means I'm gonna succeed or or the word means in the Hebrew I'm gonna win out I'm gonna win out now what's he talking about he said to him in that verse that Kings are gonna get a cent from you Jacob which it was hard for Jacob to believe first of all it's hard from the believe he's gonna have 12 kids 12 tribes and that his nation is gonna birth the Messiah you know it's too much to handle you know what I mean Abraham could barely handle the fact that he's gonna have one son that was too much but he's saying he's making a promise he's saying Kings are gonna descend from you Jacob this is why this to me this is crazy guys I've been speaking about King David for the last three weeks and I thought we were done but in reality this has so much to do with King David that's why King David is such a central figure in the scriptures so that's why it's so important because Yeshua has to be traced back through David's lineage and family tree if he does not get traced back to David then he's not the Messiah the prophesied Messiah the Old Testament so do you see how huge this is huge I'll show you I'll show you now Jewish people kept extensive genealogies extensive like I know that I'm from the tribe of Levi because when I get called up to the Torah when I was in the midst of when I was in the Orthodox synagogue I had to be called up ya mode get some worship my first and middle name Ben may available son of my father's first in Minoan halevi hot surah how did I know I was a Levite because my father was leave it how did he know they kept records they they told hey I mean they they all went to the synagogue for generations going back so they kept these extensive genealogies to establish a person's heritage a person's inheritance a person's legitimacy and a person's rights especially when it comes to the firstborn look at Matthew 1:1 guys this is the first sentence of the New Testament for 400 years we had no writing and all of a sudden this shows up did you ever think as long as you've been a Christian which is much longer than I've been a believer did you ever wonder why does the New Testament start with the genealogy yeah it didn't because the genealogy is boring and you want to get onto Jesus walking on water and healing the blind right but you can't get on to that until you get on to this this is crucial this is huge I mean I get it it's a dull family tree but you know let's just bypass and get to the good stuff right but the genealogy of Yeshua is a prereq of going forward in the New Testament it is an absolute necessity unless Yeshua can be proved to be the legal descendent of David through the Royal line it is impossible to prove that he is the Messiah King of the Old Testament he had to be a Messiah King not just Savior son of Abraham he had to be son of David the Messiah King that's why you see do you notice that Yeshua look at this Yeshua the Messiah I'll never forget the day I read this coming back from Israel and I was like this is the most Jewish thing I've ever read I said why didn't the rabbi's tell me why don't the pastors tell anybody and then I saw you schewe the Messiah I always thought his family's last name was Christ and then I read son of David I was like he's the first king of Israel son of Abraham he's the father of the nation's why didn't anybody tell me this so Matthew begins his account where he must with the documentary evidence that Yeshua inherited the legal right to the throne of David through his stepfather Joseph why I say stepfather it's not his real father it's a stepfather look at Psalm 89 for a minute verses 3 through 4 and 36 37 I'll read you'll see it on the screens you said this is God I made a covenant with the one I chose God made a covenant a contract an alliance for defense if you will I swore to my servant David I will establish your dynasty forever this is known this is we've already spoke briefly about the Abrahamic covenant we understand the New Covenant having the Torah written on our hearts that's what it means to be born again according to the Bible this is the Davidic covenant the covenant that David will always the promise from God David will always have somebody on his throne this was made a thousand years earlier it says his dynasty that's David's will last forever his throne like the son before me meaning if you don't see the Sun his gods making an absolute unequivocal promise it will be established forever do you imagine people that teach replacement theology major denominations beautiful people that listen to that demonic doctrine when it says right here it will be established forever how I mean if it stopped then gods Alya then if God's a lie you don't have a leg to stand on God says I'm not like man that I should line numbers 23:19 so you see I mean you see this because I bring this out but III don't want to take any credit it's in your Bible it's been there all along I didn't just pop it in so if you were really reading it you would have saw it but you weren't reading it you were depending on this guy up here and you should not depend on this guy up here never I tell you that all the time I absolutely point you away from me constantly so you could be pointing to him so a thousand years earlier God makes this unconditional covenant with David promising him a kingdom that would last forever and a perpetual ruling line although although for 400 years it appeared that Israel was without a king but the Covenant is fulfilled with Yeshua's birth look at isaiah 9:6 and seven it says for a child is born to us a son is given to us have you ever I know you've seen this a gazillion times have you ever wondered why it says a child is born and a son is given does it sound redundant to you does anybody know why it's a child born and a son given it's really simple you might have never saw that but I it jumped out at me the first time I ever read it only because is this redundancy a child is born to us that's a human being that speaks of the Messiah's humanity a son is given for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son gave you follow that speaks of his deity and when it talks about his Dominion that speaks of his second Advent it's okay if you didn't know that's I mean it's it's good you hear right Dominion will rest on his shoulders and you'll be given the name now I just heard a pastor yesterday butcher this he said Pele and I said no Pele's a Brazilian soccer star Pele oh it's LG boy aviod sauce shalom wonder wonder of the council wonderful when you see the angel of the Lord show up in the book of Judges he's cold wonderful you should never use that word for anything except gossip because what it means to be wonderful is means full of wonders God wonders we sing the song only he's wonderful right now potato salad mighty God that's his divinity father eternity he's one with the father Prince of Peace he brings peace with the father in order to extend the dominion perpetuate the PC of the throne and kingdom of David I'm telling you guys I know you haven't seen this but this is crucial that he's the Messiah King the Messiah King to secure it he's going to secure that throne forever Israel doesn't need another king even though the king has departed Yushu is still the king of Israel that's why she's so protected because he's the king he might not be on the throne physically but he's on the throne and he is the king of Israel make no mistake he will secure it he will sustain it through justice and righteousness beautiful justice and righteousness will be the foundations of his throne when the Messiah comes act justice and rights this meeting everything he does will be right and everything he does will be fair and finally we'll have a legitimate White House finally we see such injustice as it's only going to become just as long as there's a politician in White House it's gonna be unjust I don't care who it is but when Messiah comes justice and righteousness we the foundations of his throne that's what I say henceforth and forever the zeal about how will this happen may you oh the zeal of other knights about the Lord of heavens armies will accomplish this okay I'll just show you two more quick scriptures and we'll move on jeremiah 23:5 the days are coming since I've annoyed their prophets the days of therefore telling when I will raise a righteous branch for David this is not exhausted by the way I've given you three verses there's hundreds and hundreds that talk about the Messiah King he will reign as king and succeed he will do what is Justin right there it is justice and righteous to the foundation I was thrown and last but not least a quraían ninety-nine rejoice with all your heart daughter of Zion shout aloud daughter of Jerusalem look your king is coming to you your king he is righteous and he is victorious yet he is humble he's running on donkey obviously talking about the first day of it now I know some of you are kind of wacky and you do things you know when you say things I just want you know I don't hate Christmas okay that's why I don't much talk about it if you're talking to me about the birth of Messiah I think it's wonderful if you're celebrating on December 25th I just I'm just want you to find out why I mean that's all I'm asking okay and I'm not trying to be funny and I'm not trying to be difficult and I'm not trying to be accusatory but guys Christmas is celebrated by the Christian community on December 25th okay that's they celebrate the birth of Christ okay the issue is there's way more people that celebrate Christmas without even knowing Christ so you had that tension and true believers always have that tension they're like Jesus is the reason for the season and they're pushing him in and he's got his heels dug in because it was he was never the reason for that season and so you're trying to push him in something that he doesn't want to be part of per say it's okay because your heart is in the right place right it definitely is okay but would all that being said don't you think if it was supposed to be celebrated his birth or his birthday it would have been somewhere in the New Testament I mean even Paul says I have to rush home from my third missionary journey because I've got to celebrate Yom Kippur I'm not saying that you celebrate don't get me wrong I'm not we're not talking about the feasts I'm just saying if it was that important you've got two holidays just two in India there's like over a million you got to if 50% of a holidays should be celebrated I think it would have been somewhere in a letter to Philip I said hey don't forget his birthday's coming in two days it's in seven 23rd but isn't it crazy that Hanukkah is in the New Testament and then people and the Christianity think Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas Hanukkah has nothing to do with the birth of Messiah okay Hanukkah has to do with dedicating the temple back on to the Lord but Hanukkah is huge let me tell you why if you don't have Hanukkah you don't have Christmas because if all the Jews would have assimilated and nobody would have stood their ground they would have been no juice no juice no Judah no Judah no Lion of Judah no line of Judah Hawk the Angels would be singing so Hanukkah is a prerequisite that's why I think as a believer we should celebrate it to thank those people for dying to maintain Judaism so they could birth the Messiah I honor them not as a Jew as a believer you follow a lot of my Jewish compadres they celebrate Hanukkah with the fanfare they trying to make it like Christmas remember in the 70s when they invented the Hanukkah bush that was ridiculous it's not it's not you're not competing it has nothing to do with it okay that's and that's all I want to say about that okay see he have all these prophets of old foretelling about the coming Messiah King as the son of David we've been talking about David for three weeks I can't I can't get away from him it's it's I gotta tell you it's the most fun thing I've ever taught in my life in 25 years without a doubt this character of David is just incredible I mean can you imagine if you asked a devout Christian would you like to win God's heart would you like to steal God's heart would you like to be that kid when your name comes up in heaven he goes that kid he's got my heart see what you love is a parent is the same thing God loves as a parent we went over the five principles right we said that David was a man of great faith and God knows faith well don't you want you kids to trust in you would it be awful if your kid came to you one day and said hey Dad I totally don't trust you you're a liar that'd kill you it would kill me it would kill you right well how do you think God feels when you don't trust him David totally trusted the Lord loved he loved the Word of God right don't you want your kids to love the Word of God of course you do sometimes you shove it down their throat which is a mistake but you're gonna push him away and then thankfulness what father what parent doesn't love when they kids say thank you mommy thank you daddy thank you mommy thank that God's no different you made in his image don't you get it and then penitent what father what mother doesn't like when they kids do the wrong thing and they come to you and they go dad I lied totally me nobody else's fault don't you love that that was David he was so penitent and last but not least we went over last week David never questioned God's judgment what you love of your kids say dad I still trust you I don't question any decision you make for my life guys I'm telling you what you would love so when you want this from your kids why don't you look up some time to give it back to God and I don't think we teach enough in the in the Christian community in the believe impunity how to win God's heart I think we teach more how to take the scriptures and use them for our benefit this is how I can be blessed what can you do so this genealogy is so important guys Matthew traces Yeshua's legal dissent as the king of Israel and follows the royal line of yeshua from king david through his son solomon but then in luke and we don't have time to go there if you if you want when you get home Luke 3 chapter 3 follows the bloodline of Yeshua from King David through another son Nathan not Solomon so through these two genealogies and praise God for the Jewish people that kept them Yeshua is the adopted son of Yosef Joseph and the biological son of maryam/mary making him the undisputed prophesied Messiah King of the Old Testament case closed hallelujah now I thought I was blown away when I looked at the Torah portion because I felt there was more to David but I was like okay I taught the five principles we're done Lord right he says no you're not done you're not done with David okay so I was like well what am I gonna do we're gonna do the Torah Porsha should we push the Torah wash it off he said just do the Torah Porsha so when I looked at the Torah wash I was blown away that it tied in to David David so central can you imagine look at this verse this is the genealogy by the way they the Greek is Genesis this is the genealogy of Yeshua the Messiah the son of David how important is he what an honor God gave him have the Messiah be called son of David crazy right so the Lord had me further survey the life of David you know David's life starts basically in 1st Samuel around nine ish and then it stops at the beginning of Kings he's ready to die and he just Commission's his son Solomon so I just delved a little bit further and I found something that I thought was astounding and maybe you already know it maybe you don't know it maybe gonna go WOW you think that's astounding something's radically wrong with you I can't begin to tell you in words how much I love the Word of God and I do not read it because I'm a teacher I do not there are too many people listen for some of you that are in ministry or thinking about going into ministry be careful about sacrificing your relationship with God on the altar of ministry I love to read it because I love to read it I can't explain to you why I I really don't know why but it's very obsessive about it I'm not saying that to put a feather in my cap I just enjoy it it's what I enjoy I don't I don't do the sports I don't do those things there's nothing wrong with it everybody needs to have a break and needs an outlet this is my outlet look at second Samuel 17 27 29 just three verses I don't know if you've ever heard of you guys if anybody's ever heard of show B raise your hand one person okay so you see these guys are very obscure now if I wanted to make a million bucks I'd write a book you know the the the mystery behind the veil of show v do you remember it remember that crazy book that everybody bought the prayer of Jabez how many it's just by show of hands show me who bought that book it's sold millions and millions of copies because he was he was an obstacle character and you thought you put the thing on your fridge right and you thought if you pray that is just the God was gonna open up the windows of heaven the only problem was that you might not have read but but Jabez was unbelievably faithful obedient to God and that that ties into blessing and and fellowship and intimacy but anyway this is three guys and and I just want to share with you the second guy is what what's that second word somebody said to me the other day that's my chair I said no that's my chair this is mahir after David had arrived in Mahanaim where Jacob was show me the son of Nahash I'll go over this with you it's really neat I know it's might seem boring to you right now but hang in there from raba of the people of Amun mahir the son of Emil from lo d'Ivoire and bar why those three guys show Vemma here in barceló I just think we're gonna learn something about them that I think is off the charts I hope you did too the galati from row gleam brought beds basins clay pots wheat barley obviously they weren't on the low-carb diet right roasted grain beans lentils roasted millet honey curdled milk sheep cheese made of cow's milk for David and the people with him to eat because they said these people are hungry they're tired and thirsty from the desert okay here goes David is fleeing from Absalom Absalom is is performing a coup there's an insurrection he wants to be king he wants to kill his dad and this was prophesied about him that they would not the sword would never leave his house I want you know somethin bout David his life was not good he was always on the run people always looking to kill him you want to talk about high anxiety and unbelievably stressful life and he never questioned God about it not once he said hey can you lighten up I think I paid my price it's really unbelievable because we questioned God the minute something goes wrong we're on a way to someplace we get a flat time were like really God and this guy was persecuted he never once questioned God so David's fleeing from Absalom to Mahanaim which is a city in the land of Gilead okay Gilead is in the territory of GAD should you know this I don't know why not I mean they teach a history in school you know about geography and things why not know about biblical geography see there's external evidence and when you read the external evidence and it lines up with the Bible it gives you some legitimacy for its authenticity so it's very important it's not just me trying to give you some knowledge you should know this because it proves the authenticity of the Word of God as a legitimate literary document okay so there's this east of the Jordan is the tribe of GAD which is this territory is owned while there these three men come to him with much-needed non-perishable provisions for him so they can survive and it's show v mahir boss why let me give you a little bit on show v look at 2nd samuel 10 one through five show B it says was the son of Nakash Nakash was the deceased king of the ammonites okay he dies and instead of show me becoming the King his brother becomes the king now it says he has some time later when the people of ammon when the king of Ammon died okay his son anon became King in this place David said I will show grace to Hunnam the son of Nakash why because Hearn on the the King not her none but the king of Ammon Nahash showed David some support when David was dealing with Absalom he took care of him he protected him somewhat so of course David he's a righteous guy you took care of me I wanted take care of you so I'm gonna pay homage to the new king so he goes to pay homage the new king to repay the loyalty to the new Crown King Hana but look at what hundun does so David sent his servants to pass him a message of comfort concerning his father saying hey I'm with you David servants enters the territory of the people of Amun but the leaders of the people of Amun said to hand on their Lord the new king do you really think David is here honoring your father by sending people to comfort you when people are messed up they don't trust anybody if you don't trust anybody you messed up and the reason why sometimes I'm not saying this to you per se but the reason why people don't trust anybody because they can't trust themselves so they're just projecting from their own heart hasn't David actually sent his servants to you in order to look the city over and wreak anoint her it and overthrow it they think they're coming in as an enemy well let's continue look what they do so Hannon took David servants shaved off half their beards to humiliate them cut off their clothes halfway up to expose their buttocks and then sent them away on hearing how they had been treated David sent a delegation to meet them he was so kind he was so sad for these guys they've been humiliated so the King says stay in Jericho okay and so you're being scroll back and then come in return in other words you guys stay in Jericho I'll take care of this when you read the rest of the story he took out seven hundred of their chariot drivers and killed forty thousand their horsemen he was a warrior he was definitely a warrior this is a time there's a there's a time it says don't murder but the Bible says they don't help John 1 11 12 he came to his own homeland yet his own people did not receive him but to as many as did receive him to those who put their trust in his person and power he gave the right to become children of God many of the Jews did reject him there were a group of Jews that didn't reject him but many of his own people especially the leaders of Israel did reject Yeshua chobe although by birth was an alien an ammonite he kid more for Israel's King meaning David than some of his very own did likewise likewise many Gentiles have received Yeshua no we don't think of this because we almost think it's a Gentile faith because it's 2,000 years removed but the fact of the matter is it's not look at Romans 10:9 here it is in a nutshell guys if you acknowledge publicly with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord Lord and Trust in your heart that God raised him from the dead you'll be delivered this is a personal appropriation of the person and the work of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah look at this word Lord though it's it's not talked about much well if it is it's I think it's thrown around just my opinion Lord is a master or one who is control of a person in other words you're a slave now you've know I've taught on this before but the fact of the matter is we see Paul constantly referring to him as a slave the disciples were slaves all I'm saying of even though we're 2,000 years on the other side of the cross if God is the same in the Old Testament and God is the same in the New Testament and God is the same forever then how could we be anything less than slaves again I don't think it's taught but we don't see ourselves I don't think on a regular basis as a slave Jews don't like to speak of themselves as slaves because of the slavery for 400 years black people don't like to think of themselves as slaves because it went on in the 17 and 1800s and white people they hate slavery I mean nobody likes slavery nobody wants to think of themselves as a slavery but what I'm saying to you is yes these test masters in Egypt and in America will awful evil evil Yeshua is not like that he's just not gonna treat you like that guy and the more you give of yourself to him the more he'll give of himself to you what what is is is the message here of showing the messages you will bought with a price right therefore you're God's property right saviours of fun Lord's will work everybody wants a savior you know if I get out of the boat I start drowning what does it say it says that immediately the scripture said immediately Yeshua's took out his hand and grabbed Peter and put him on the boat immediately he didn't wait a second but when he came back on the boat what did Peter do he fell at his feet and worshiped we forget that part when you she would keep saving us we forget to come back and worship it's appropriate it's appropriate and if an alien could do this towards King David then surely we could do it towards King you show up yes amen okay let's go on to the next one second Samuel nine one through five it says David inquired is that anyone still alive from the family of Showell to whom for Yonatan sake Jonathan remember he had this great friendship and he made a pact remember making pacts before they were lawyers and you could actually shake Yeshua hasn't changed that guy's he said let your yes be yes and your no be no look I don't want to get into it but I remember there were people here that looked me right in the eye and I got very sick and I said I only want one thing if something happens to me and I died and it looked like that's where I was going will you take care of my family and they said as God is my witness I will where are they today and let me ask you something if something happens to me are you gonna take up an offering every week after 25 years of ministry and take care of my family Bernadette's fifty-two years old she has a high school degree what kind of job she gonna get you'll do it for a couple of weeks and then you'd be like we gotta get a new rabbi man we got to move on it said but this is what you deal with people just aren't there anymore man they're so self-absorbed she almost have to look out for yourself a little bit and that said it's a sad reality because I love you guys but I know the reality friends come and go I know the reality I love you I'm not staying away I love you I want the best view but said it shouldn't be it shouldn't be there's people here that was sick and it looked like they weren't gonna make it and I gave my word that I was gonna take care of their family and you better believe I did don't let your yes is BS and your nose be no don't speak so quick so so David though was a righteous man and he made a pact with Jonathan said I'll take care of your family so he's asking is there anyone that I he wants to show kindness he's not saying I'm obligated well I made them some of us like well I gave you my word so I guess I got to do it man God doesn't want that he likes to cheat if that's your attitude please don't give nothing it's tainted it's dirty David saying hey is there somebody I'm dying to show kindness to want to John those kids hey any of them still around it would bless me it would honor me what a privilege I get to bless somebody and help somebody else besides myself you want to talk about the meat generation baby this is the me generation on steroids the body of Messiah taken an overdose of vitamin I in showels household that had been a servant names even you can read the story it's a magnificent story Mephibosheth with magnificent parallels one of the greatest I've ever read ru Siva and the answer at your service bingo there you go at your service what a way to respond to the king huh the king said is there anyone still alive from the family of Sheol to whom I can feel God's grace God's grace when your blessing somebody is showing God's grace you're showing the grace of God siva said to the king there is still Jonathan's son with the lame legs mephibosheth the king said - where is he and seevis answered he's still in the house of mahir mahir this guy was taking care of him a fellow chef the son of a miele INLD devar david sent and took him from the house of mahir the son of a mile and load devar so mahir was the son of a meow it might not be important but he was a chief of one of the Transjordan ik tribes he had cared for mystery Bichette for years and years he took care of him until David brought him to Jerusalem so he ministered to those in need whether they were a lame prince or they were to throne king he served he served and served and took care of God's people look at Luke 6:38 give and you will receive gifts the full measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be your right in your lap for the measure with which you measure out will be used to measure back to you love manifests itself in giving not in talking it means nothing unless its back with action it's nice to hear but if it's not back with action I'd rather not hear it because it's not true if there's no action God so loved the world that He gave God is a giver the believers life is a Ministry of expenditure and those who give generously shall be rewarded generously maybe not in this life maybe you've been under a prosperity doctrine if I give I'll get first of all that is the totally wrong mode of forgiving that's crazy thinking and it's not God the picture here of this is of a man with a huge apron like fold in the front of his garment and he's using it to carry seed and he's broadcasting the seed widely because the greater the broadcast the greater the harvest right he is rewarded it says with full measure pressed down shaken together running over this is a reference to how they did business in the markets in the east in the first century a box of Cheerios today is filled by what high it's filled by weight it's filled by weight in fact if you look now see they can't keep charging more for loaf of bread so what they do is they just take a slice out and they reduce the weight but when you vibrate you're not looking at the weight they know you're not see they got to make more money off you they got a Rabia and so in order Rabia they can't let you know you're being robbed a box of Cheerios today is filled by weight and the material settles down what a lot of room left and you think you're getting ripped off and you are but they do they do tell you the weight the weight is legitimate but if you bought Cheerios in your shoes day they would fill the box press it down shake the air out and repeat the process fill it press it down shake the air out fill it President Tillett was running over that's how God gives when you give generously and I am NOT talking about giving to the synagogue we don't need your funds we have never had a special offering in 15 years we never cried out and we never taught on tithing you know why because when God appoint to work he anoints the work that's what I believe and if not used somebody else he's not depending on you you're not important - neither am i God provides a better Yeshua let me just tell you that right now God told he provides a better schewe in three weeks we've given 25 thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars away in CDs and DVDs sets the prisons and people twenty five thousand eight hundred seventy dollars worth I'm not bragging I'm just telling you you're not the issue and you know you're not the issue because somebody don't give it anyway and sometimes it's pretty sad as the people that don't give that complain the most so what's the message with mahir those who give of their substance to aid the cause of God and his Messiah through hospitality will have their kindnesses returned to them a hundredfold when the Messiah comes in glory listen to me in other words what we keep we lose you die you don't take it with you there's no luggage rack on a hearse what we keep we lose and what we give we have on to eternity some people are blessed but they think they're blessed by God they're blessed by their business savvy there's smart business people and they bless themselves you want to see if you're blessed by God give it away and see if he's still begging I've been in both places I've been at the place where I was making a hundred dollars in ministry hand to God and I was working at the gym and I was making finals an hour and I thought there's no way I put food on the table and it was crazy people people in the gym felt for me I don't know why they just thought I guess I was a nice guy and these rich people would come in in Ormond Beach with clothes bags of clothes and Jeremy and Shana they would dress like they were movie star kids beautiful clothes sometimes with the tags still on them I had no car was running my bicycle and one of the guys in town very wealthy burned that said you don't believe it there's a car in our driveway a brand new car I tell you the provision was crazy and it was beautiful because I knew God was doing it and it was so beautiful and now it's a different kind of provision now I could have a salary but still it's the same thing God was providing from back then through people God's providing for me now through people it's the same thing either way God's providing yes yes last but not least Barcelona and you're free to go well you're free to go right now actually I can't give you second same in 1930 139 a few more scriptures and then we're done Barcia lied the galati from Gilead had come down from rogue gleam and passed on to the Jordan with the king to bring him across the Jordan this is when the King David is going back to assume his throne Absalom's dead he's gonna take care of his throne barsa light was a very old man 80 years old he had provided for the Kings needs when he was staying at Mahanaim like we read for he was a wealthy man the king said to bar select come on across with me and I'll provide for your needs with me in Jerusalem meaning I will set you up barceló you think you're wealthy I'm the king of Israel barceló said to the king how much longer can I live that I should go up with the king to Jerusalem I don't deserve to be with the king what a guy what humility what a heart I am now eight years old can I tell good from bed can you serve and even taste what he eats or drinks can I hear the voice of men and women singing anymore why should your servant burden my lord the king let's continue reading your servant only wants to cross the Jordan with the king why should the king reward this so generously I don't deserve anything I just want to get the King back on the throne did this go guys what happened don't you understand your kids aren't gonna get it if you don't get it please just let your servant go back and die in my own City near the grave of my father-in-law but here is your servant Clem ham his son I'll give him my son let him cross with my lord the king and do for him whatever seems good to you you want to take care of him take care of him you want to be your slave to shine your shoes every day that's fine whatever you want I tell him son whatever he says you do you want to talk about teaching whatever you ask of me I will do for you imagine that some Gentile what about you whatever you ask of me I'll do for you Jesus you might you my lord and what did Jesus say I only do what the father tells me imagine imagine if you could just that was what you what does your modus operandi rabbi would what do you want for the people of Bethy sewer whatever issue s they'll do so all the people cross the Jordan and the King cross to the king kiss boys life and blessed him laid hand on him probably said they were Annika in addiction and then he returns his home like I don't want I don't want you to leave I want you to come with me please or shall I help sustain David the entire time he stayed at Mahanaim he was a wealthy man and obviously his support to King David meant a lot so David in turn wanted to take care of Moss alight he says I'm old I can't tell the difference between what's Pleasant I lost my taste I lost my hearing I'll just be a burden to you it was an honor just a morsel like to be able to skort the King back to his throne man it's unbelievable that's all I want it's theater schewe to get on his throne look at first Kings 2:7 this is on his deathbed David says to his son Solomon show kindness to the sons of barceló your kindness to your shoe it won't go it might go unnoticed by the world it might go unnoticed by your family it might go unnoticed by your synagogue and my god I don't notice why you passed up but it's not going unnoticed by the King show you a kindness to the sons of bar so I include them with those who eat at your table imagine set him at the Kings table because they came and stood with me when I was fleeing from Absalom your brother mana it's unreal wash the light was a man of great reputation as I'm reading he's obscure there's a few verses in the Bible and look reg Hershberger's talking about him three thousand years later at Beth yushua he had a great reputation for loyalty to God in this King and he chose to use his wealth and his influence to benefit others on his deathbed he told Solomon elevate the sons in the royal court last but not least the last bit of Scripture going back to you will Luke 19 15 17 you know it it's the parable of the servants so he goes away the king and the king is away but he returns and having been made King and sent for the servants to whom he had given the money the talents the money whatever he's given you I don't know what you have but you have something you've got a gift to be used I don't know what it is sometimes sometimes it might be hospitality Bernadette loves when people come I love when they go she has a gift she wants to give them the best towels not to impress them she she won't do that she's not that's not her I know is since she's 18 she just loves to bless people she loves to them to be happy that's why she's so good for our family I'm telling you it if she gets hit by a bus they'll divorce me I know it so he pulls them in whatever the gift is it could be tea whatever it is you all gifted you're all gifted some people are peacemakers you all have gifts some multiple gifts the first one came in and said sir your mana the the denomination of money has earned ten more he says excellent you invested wisely you are a good servant because you have been trustworthy in small and slow manner listen you have to you have to get this I'm meeting with a bunch of people this weekend I'm meeting with a bunch of people next week you might think rabbi you're the chief elder and you get to do that that's not the way you're thinking too worldly you I know you're in the world and you're not supposed to be of the world but the world has influenced you you think the guy who dies with the most gold or the guy who's the leader no if God tells you to do something whatever that is it becomes just as important as whatever he tells me to do you understand if I go to India and start an orphanage and you go across the street and help somebody you think there's no way I can compare with that I'm telling you you're dead wrong God's looking for you to obey what he's told you to do and God does not order you God does not order me all day long sometimes he says hey let's just get away you and me or why don't you rest you need a little rest why don't you watch a goofy movie with your kids he's not telling me to do stuff all the time but when he does tell me well what he does tell you I'm just saying just do it don't question it don't pray about him don't don't bother Stewart I'm putting you in charge of ten towns ten towns now rewards for faithful servants and service a linked are linked with rule in the kingdom the extent of one's rule in the kingdom is determined by one's devotion and self expenditure in his life I heard a pastor say recently he said I'm going to preach a funeral and I thought it's just I'm like have you ever heard that I was like you can't preach the funeral the dead guy's life preaches it no matter what you say don't say it doesn't matter what Evers he's done or not done is recorded and that's done the message of barceló is Messiah Yeshua won't forget those who ministered to him they will be given positions of honor in his kingdom some of you get kicked around I am NOT here for the masses if I was here for the masses I'd get cool clothes I'd probably eat a little less I'd probably want to have shaved my head I would get burned that - well she always looks good but we would Col minister together you know I'm talking about she'd be my first lady and I would tell more jokes and I would not push the Scriptures as much and I would shorten the message and I would beef up the music and I would be preaching to the masses I'm here for the remnant I'm here for the people who love the Lord and who get kicked around by the devil get kicked around by by the world get that get knocked around not the beautiful people not the pool people not the people to have it all together in fact the people that are constantly saying God what's going on my life's such a shambles why why am I like I feel like I'm a mostly mentally ill I'm here for those people cuz that's me and we need to be encouraged and we need to keep going and going because we're almost home well almost home and the devil wants to take you he wants to take you out when you're closest to home and you can't you can't think like the world man you've got to stop you love the Lord remember remember 25 years ago when you loved the Lord like crazy or remember when he saved you and you all you could think about was the Lord and now so many things have gotten in the way I get it family but man it doesn't have to be all encompassing stop worrying about every little thing about them they'll be okay my parents would even know where I was I did okay you got to relax a little bit man and you got to encourage each other and you can't fight with each other and you can't try to one-up each other you can't do that it's gonna kill this body is there anything wrong in not that I know of but am i preventative you better believe it I believe and that my management style just so you know is when there's a problem and I hear about it today I take care of it today because things don't work themselves out never now people say well it works out in the wash yeah because you put into Church it and the agitator and it gets clean when you go home put your clothes in the wash and don't turn it on see if it works out what is better then after all this crap you've been through all the nonsense maybe from a spouse from family from neighbors from other Christian brothers and sisters from the world who looks at you and says you're just a narrow-minded uptight bigot you're a weirdo get with the program man and all this and then and then your own and then the devil who assaults you and then you who assault you and say I'll never get it right God why do you like me I don't even like myself does anybody know what the heck I'm talking about with all you've been through you here one day right from the mouth of Yeshua with his eyes locked into yours and he's gonna piss right into your soul and he's gonna say you did really good and I am so glad you're here let's stand together please spread the word to try to come next week I'm gonna I'm gonna announce something that I think III mean I know I get excited about God and everything about God and it's not an act it's ask my kids it's this way at home all the time but next week I'm going to announce something that I think it's gonna be just unbelievable what God has dropped in a whole app just absolutely beautiful and I have a friend coming to visit I told me about this guy he was president of the old conservative synagogues in America he I asked him I said would you like to come ten minutes later he says I'm booked 10 minutes later he's booked so he's gonna be coming by the way if we can do some Hebraic I know we always do you do an amazing job and I'm not a two-faced because I'm messianic I'm a brave so I'd like to hear as much as possible but with that being said Paul said to the Jew I was a Jew so I'm using wisdom here and not manipulation so please try to come next week and we're gonna have a short message so I can make the presentation but we're gonna finish with David some other thing I found that I think is I can't wait to share this with you I mean I'm going out of my mind I found that the other day and I saw this contrast between these two guys and it's so black and white and it's so beautiful and it's all of us are gonna be able to relate to this I mean it's just I just just pray that I don't die Tuesday and and I get to come back and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and the name of the principle peace Yeshua you've a wrecker car annoy please maratha you're an annoyed when over lekha there who knew ha yes ah I don't know poor novela ha BR Sam [Music] I love you guys much alone
Channel: Getzel
Views: 5,059
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Getzel, Hershberg, Heart, part 4
Id: pgPTDhugTRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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