(Jul 7, 2018) Torah Parsha: Pinchas (Phinehas)

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[Music] okay this parsha I mean the Torah to me speaks for itself it I don't want to say it's totally self-explanatory I mean some some rabbis get into you know Kabbalah and they they get real mystical and I know people these days love mysticism and they love these things but listen guys I'm here to tell you I'm not I'm not for the time I'm not the old man of the sea but I've been walking this thing out now for thirty years and it's all about trusting and obeying period you will not understand why things happen and the more you analyze it the more you're gonna become per hour you it's the paralysis of analysis you're gonna be paralyzed in your faith doubt will creep in there's no way to explain it my friend called me yesterday he has a lady in his church in Tennessee she is probably more devout than most people walking the face of the earth she is taught in the high school for 18 years and made such an impact in that high school that they reported on to news stations a local and not a local one she just on July 4th she has a little farm she went on her little four-wheeler to go see her little farm in the country its Covington Tennessee and a deer jumped out and knocked her off the four-wheelers she hit a head just right and died instantly you will not understand why why that why this why that and while you're doing that to yourself you're killing yourself I know it listen guys I know it's not easy to have faith if it was so many people would have it but the bottom line is all we could do is worship God because that's the right thing to do and we know that that thing ends on a happy note right and the Prince comes on a white horse and puts his bride on the steed and they go off in the sunset and they live happily ever after so I'll just have this this my opinion but you don't have to go with it you can analyze and analyze and and figure out and figure out but the bottom line is God saying trust and obey and a lot of times you'll say what it'll say trust and obey just you know kind of do you come on some of you do that some of you did a little tough with the kids right you're like this I think you know basis why what do you say as I said so so where do you get off telling your kid that but God can tell you that because I said so anyway this the Torah speaks for itself it really does this is a no-brainer it's a it's just let's let's just let's just get to it let me read what mark read in context it's very important to read context so we read verses 10 and 11 I'm just gonna read the first 11 it says Israel stayed at your team and there the people began whoring with the women of moah or Moab these women invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods where the people ate and bowed down to their gods with israel thus joined to by allah or the anger of allah noi blazed up against israel out of noise said to moshe take all the chiefs of the people and hang them facing the sun before i don't know so that the raging fury of hydranoid will turn away from israel yeah this this stuff doesn't go over big with the NuWave aftershave church today i got in his fear moshe said to the judges of Israel each of you is to put to death those in his tribe who have joined themselves to Baal peor just then in the sight of Moshe and the whole community of Israel as they were weeping at the entrance the tent of meeting a man from Israel came by bringing to his family a woman from Midian when pithos the son of Eleazar the son of a her own the co Haim saw it he got up from the middle of the crowd took a spear in his hand and pursued the man from Israel right into the inner part of the tent where he thrust his spear through both of them the man from Israel and the woman through her stomach thus was the plague among the people of Israel stopped nevertheless 24,000 people died in the plague on annoy said to Moshe Pincus the son of Eleazar the son of a on the cocaine has deflected my anger from the people of Israel by being a zealous as I am so that I didn't destroy them in my own zeal yeah look I'm just gonna tell you I had not a great revelation but I am NOT God's cop I am not part of messiahs you know militia I'm just here to do what God tells me to do and and I know there's a lot of funky stuff going on in the church today especially in America but all you need to do is focus on what God tells you to do because when it's all said and done that's all he's gonna ask of you when you sit down with him face to face and every believer will it won't matter what this one does what this one's not doing well it matters what you did with what you understood with that thing said though men the the love of God is being so pushed that I just don't think people can relate to this it's almost like God in the Old Testament was mean and angry and then Yeshua came along almost like a beatnik who sat in a coffee shop with a guitar and played these beautiful love songs and kept drinking lattes and telling everybody God loves you don't worry about what you do he loves you does does anybody realize that in Revelation 1 it talks about Yeshua with a sword in his mouth and fire in his eyes that's not a good thing and then in Revelation 2:16 it says the same thing and then in nineteen he finally appears with the sword in his mouth and it says he's coming to tread the winepress with his father's fury and the blood will be up to the horse's bridle does anybody not see that's a very not that you should tell that only but if you leave that out do you understand what you're leaving out it's almost like saying God you could touch the fence even though it says danger high voltage and the person's gonna electrocute themselves how could you not give that warning how could you not tell that part of the story before you become a winner of a soul you have to become a weeper of us so and if that's not part of the story then how can you weep first all guys don't listen to me listen you rabbi don't get caught up in the nonsense get caught up in the truth I'm not being mean I just think you need isn't it mean not to tell the story isn't it mean for an oncologist to come out and say you reports negative and then go back to say they got three months at best wouldn't that be mean well that's what you're doing you're doing the same thing it's it's dangerous it's dangerous people don't get saved by persuasion they get saved by power tell the truth okay let's let's go over that I just felt thank you we're done with that right okay let's break this down 25 one through three of numbers it says Israel stated she teams your team is ten miles northeast of the Dead Sea and 10 miles east of Jericho okay so they're there on the planes they've traveled now they started traveling they were at Sinai till numbers 10 right Exodus and then Leviticus they got all the laws from God what God was expecting of them based on the Covenant he made with them and then they stayed there till numbers 10 and then they traveled and now they're getting they're on the cusp there at Moab just east and they're ready to go into the Promised Land so they stated she team there and the people began whoring with the women of Moab Moab is just east just east of Jericho these women invited the people to sacrifices of their gods where the people ate and bowed down to their gods with Israel is joined you've heard about all of pillow Allah for that is the main Canaanite fertility God whom Israel constantly was tempted to worship and the worship was based on sexual promise I mean sexual perversion like you've never seen guys guess what from the beginning of time until today sexual perversion is the biggest sin it says in Thessalonians it says all over the Bible you know when it when it says you know the will of God the will of God is for you to obey Him and keep yourself pure from sexual perversion it's it's it's it's out of control absolutely out of control the church in America used to pray keep my kids pure before marriage now they're praying don't let them get pregnant that's how it's changed when when Satan can't directly attack you he will flank you he will attack you indirectly if Satan could attack us directly and he had free will in our lives wouldn't every one of us on the way home drive into a tree he doesn't have the power to do that he doesn't have the access to our lives we know this from the Bible account he has to get permission from God God controls the show God has Satan on a leash you don't have to fight Satan you don't have to cast out Devils what you need to do is obey the Lord and let him fight for you he wants to be your father he wants to be your savior he really really does but Satan will tempt you and tempt you and tempt you and he is relentless and he is insidious and if you think you're gonna figure out his ways you're crazy this is a highest cherub he was the number one angel in the army of God and he was politicking in the heavenlies for years and years to the point when he got kicked out he was able to bring with him one-third myriads millions and millions of angels sided with him and believed him you you think you're not going to get deceived by him you think you're smarter than him guys there's no way it's an easy fight obey the Lord and when you attempted pray for an escape route and take it Joseph ran you are not strong I am NOT strong when you are strong that's when you're going to get deceived he attacks indirectly now a lot of people when they read this account they think that Balaam is is a decent guy Balaam was a apostate an absolute false prophet a gun for hire who loved the wages of unrighteousness if he really was a righteous man with he entertained the king of Moab why does the king of Moab wanna attack Israel because just a couple of chapters before Israel totally destroyed the Khan right the king of the amorite said they're shaking in their boots Israel doesn't want any war they just want to pass so when then the enemies doesn't let them pass their God says okay you brought it on yourself they just wanted to pass they didn't want nothing from Moab but they were panic-stricken and the king of Moab Balak decided to curse them but Balaam could not curse what God has blessed do you hear me he could not this is a very powerful man you know that there's very powerful powerful beings in Satan's army they have a lot of power this is one of the most powerful false prophets of his time but he had no power to curse Israel in fact he blessed Israel and he said one of the most beautiful Messianic prophecies we have in the Old Testament and numbers 24 I see him but not yet I see his star when the Wiseman came the astronomers and astrologers from each day we've seen his star that was the star that Baylin was prophesying about so even an evil God could listen God can use anything and anyone even an evil man God can speak through God can do whatever he wants when he wants how he wants because he's God man He is God [Applause] say try to hit him indirectly I tell you this all the time some of you young uns listen listen to me man I'm gonna be 63 geez gold girls glory they'll get you every time there's nothing more that's how you're gonna get it that's how you gold when you go after that money and you make money your God the root of all evil money's not bad we're sending 500 wheelchairs to Israel this year money's not bad but the love of money for your own purposes you're done you don't care how whole do you think you are you done it's gonna become your God glory when you want credit and listen false false humility is oh it's not it wasn't me don't don't do that don't do that play to an audience of one let God City well done good and faithful servant that's all you need you can't depend on people anyway don't worry about it and girls and few girls guys they get you all the time that's so every man and every one with God has been has been you know dethrones gold girls glory so they go the they go the girl roots here and they bring on the dancing girls and they fall prey to it look at verses 4 & 5 I'll annoy said to Moshe take all the chiefs of the people all the heads of the tribes hang them now what they did was they would they would stone him first Eastern Near Eastern practice they would stone them first and then they would impale him on a pole there Bobby like this so the body would go right through and they would hang them there and they would hang them there to let everybody know it's probably not a good idea to serve other gods now this might be cruel to you but guys it says in Corinthians that 23,000 died in one day can you imagine that this kept going on sometimes you got to purge the evil or it will be like wild fine everybody will be taken down look I don't question it I'm not happy about it I'm not thinking they got what they deserve I don't question the Lord okay whatever he says goes all right God commanded the guilty leaders should be hanged in the Sun it seems drastic but they had to obliterator perversion okay six through nine verses six through nine numbers 25 it says just then in the site of Moshe can you imagine I mean these guys are getting impaled and somebody had the call I mean how brazen they're getting impaled they're weeping at the entrance of the tabernacle and this guy's like look I I like her and I'm gonna finish that's how sick it is when you want something so bad insatiable and Pincus or Phineas his real name is Pincus but that's not the issue his name means mouth of brass he was he was judgment he was high priest a lot of people don't know that they think he was just hanging out there he was not always the son of Eleazar the son of a harem High Priest the co Haynes he sort he got up and nobody else got up I'm sure he was wondering man is anybody gonna do anything and he's like I gotta do something I gotta do something he took a spear his hand pursued the man run into an inner part now went through this stomach chances are they were having intercourse that's why I was able to go through the both of them didn't say he speared one then speed another they were having intercourse or that will put an end to premarital sex half just sayin nevertheless 24,000 that's it they to you 23,000 and one day do you understand how many people that is see God will forgive you of sin but do you understand the ramifications are you willing to deal with that rabbi I don't like this you scare me no sweetheart I'm telling you the truth if you're scared it's a good thing so he was overcome with jealous rage now you notice just I you know I just don't want to get a letter but the woman was from Midian Midian was just south Midian in Moab they were in cahoots hey they collaborated to buy Balaam to curse Israel so they were involved the women iminium and the women of Moab and obviously this was the outcome numbers 10 through 11 the last two verses of our reading it says Ivan oi said to Moshe the Lord said to Moses Pinkus Phinehas the son of Eleazar Eleazar the son of our own aaron the Kohei and the priest has deflected my anger from the people of Israel by being a zealous as I am so that I didn't destroy them in my own zeal good thing he did it huh because see if Israel was gone without Israel there's no Messiah but you'd all be thrown off kids to the fire sadly enough okay the word zealous is Cana in the Hebrew and we're looking at the Hebrew because of course the Old Testament was written in Hebrew it means to provoke to jealousy or to excite to jealous anger finneus obviously as a priest was a very legitimate priest he was a servant of the Most High he was a mediator of the Most High and he represented God before the people and he represented the people before God and obviously he was legitimate because he was zealous he was excited about the things of God he loved the things of God when when he read about God when he talked about when he heard about God it floated his boat man it got him pumped and if somebody was on fire for God he wanted to be around them and if somebody was like a smoldering wick he wanted to get him burnin so he did what he thought he had to do but mind you mind you he was very Messiah like you know we see these pre-incarnate figures a lot of times in the Old Testament because Yeshua was I Got News for you he was zealous for God very very much so look at look at John - this is on New Testament reading it says it was almost time for the festival of Passover and Judah Yehuda so this is the first Passover he's just starting his ministry in the beginning of this chapter he just did them perform the miracle of turning the water into wine it wasn't his time he's told his mother but the father was embarrassed it's a seven day you know wedding ceremony and they ran out of wine and he said look okay mom you know you worked on my heartstrings I'll perform the miracle and he did and now it's he goes he leaves he goes back to Nazareth goes to Capernaum and then it's time for Passover what does you have to do he has to travel to Jerusalem why does he have to travel to Jerusalem because he's Jewish and all Jewish men have to show up in Jerusalem for three pilgrim festivals Passover yes Shavuot and Sukkot correct so this is Passover so we see him coming to Judah to go to your Russia lion to go to the temple in the temple grounds that's the outer courtyards that's not the actual holy place a Holy of Holies but it's the outer courtyard nevertheless he found those with selling cattle sheep and pigeons now should they be selling cattle sheep and pigeons yes because they had to present sacrifices and if you're traveling ten days you can't carry an oxen on your back so what you do is you bring money from your area you exchange the money and then you buy the sacrifice now I've been all over the world money changes of the biggest thieves there are in fact foreign exchange dealers of thieves right here in our country they always charge you ridiculous fees and they give you a bad exchange rate I always tell people when you go to Israel you travel you try to use your credit card because your bank we'll give you the best exchange right those guys in the street will destroy you and that's what they were doing they were taking advantage of the people they were shortchanging him and they were in cahoots with the guys that was selling the sacrifices okay and Yeshua knew this they were sitting at the tables exchanging money and he made a whip from cause now this is hard for people to read but he wasn't making a whip to do rodeo tricks I'm not saying you should rain around whipping people but don't make him out to be this benign little beatnik he made a whip from courts and drove them study the word drove in the in the Greek and you'll see something when I'm saying he drove them out of the temple grounds the sheep in the kennel as well he knocked over the money changers tables guys this was going on for years they just thought this year when he was thirty this was going on for years how come nobody did this why didn't they put a stop to this look I've been asked for years to have you know things to sell here that the synagogue whether it's menorahs or Hana Kia's or whatever the case may be and it would be convenient because it's nice to see the stuff and to touch the stuff as opposed to buying it online I just never wanted to go that route I'm not saying it's bad if you know synagogues or churches that do sell stuff I'm just saying that these Church bazaars and cake sales are not what it's about it's not if people are faithful and if your ministry is faithful you won't have any problem with money some of you here how many as anybody here 15 years as long as I'm here 15 16 years have you ever seen me taken 16 as a special offering have you ever heard me saying 16 years we need money have you ever heard me cry about our expenses in that something and guess what everything's paid for so everybody that comes here just gets to enjoy it no debt you never have it never will so he I mean this is like violence he makes the court he get out of it he throws over the tables the animals are going everywhere the pigeons man people are like spooked by this like what's going on you know he's crazy but deep down inside the religious people knew he was doing the right thing it's called a righteous indignation and he was absolutely correct but you got to realize that the New Testament isn't written yet this was written later than what you know the event that's occurring right here so these Jewish guys know the Old Testament well there are a 333 prophetic messages in the Old Testament predictions about the Messiah where he'd be born what his ministry would be like how he would die very very detailed 333 mind you and they will familiar with them for the most part so when they saw him going crazy and he said how dare you how dare you make religion for profit how dare you then his Talmud in his his disciples his students later recalled that the Tov the Old Testament says oh wait a minute I remember there was a passage there and the Psalms that said zeal for your house will devour me look at Psalm 69 9 see because zeal for your house is eating me up and on me of falling the insults of those insulting you this was one of the 303 Messianic prophecies so when they saw him go crazy like this they said could this be the Messiah could this be the long-awaited Messiah of Israel the king of the Jews you see it talked about him manifesting whoever it would be whatever whoever the Messiah would be would manifest an intense passion for the things of God no matter what anybody said an intense passion that worship should be pure Yeshua took it personally when he heard men speaking sullenly I don't care if it's my wife I don't care if it's my kids I don't care it's my mom no way he took it personally it was a personal insult on him he was zealous about his father's glory he was zealous about his father's great name and let me give you a side note okay before you start looking at churches and seeing how they spend their money you are now the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit how are you spending yours I would focus on cleaning my temple before I worry about anybody else's temple because God's gonna ask you about your temple and what's in it numbers 25 10 through 11 look what it says it says Ivan oi said to Moshe Pinker's the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron this is what he the Lord said it to Moses he said he has deflected my anger I was so angry but he kind of stopped it because he's not just Seles he's as zealous as what who's talking the great I am so not only is pink is zealous not only is your shoe a zealous but guess what God zealous look at Exodus 23 through 5 the covenant is given right this is this is the Ten Commandments are given God's saying I'm gonna be your God he's making a Brit a covenant God is a covenant keeping God and his people need to be covenant keeping you don't need lawyers you need to be a man of your word don't be too quick to say ya rabbi I'll show up and Ben don't know it's ok but if you give you word fulfill your word you sue said fulfill your vows let your yes be yes and your no be no he made a covenant he said look Israel I'm gonna be your God I'm gonna provide for you I'm gonna take care of you when you get into Israel you got to drink water from cisterns you didn't dig you're gonna eat beautiful olives and pomegranates it's all set up for you I'm gonna provide for you but don't cheat on me that sound about right can you see yourself saying that to your spouse like look you can get angry you can lose your mind but don't betray me and that's what god say here it is he's giving he's making covenant with God the Covenant is given at Sinai and he says you were to have no other gods before me none you are not to make for yourself a carved image of any kind representation of anything and they haven't above on the other don't put anything on the walls I don't want you worshiping it you are not to bow down to them or serve them so I Adam know your God I'm jealous punishing the children for the sins of the parents of the third sometimes generationally people get cursed until you put a stop to it and decide you're gonna worship God with all your heart look at Exodus 34 this is right after the you know the whole you know golden calf situation and the Covenant is being renewed god is good he's faithful he's kind he's merciless he could have said I'm done I'll look for in other people but he said I made a covenant with you way back in Genesis I'm gonna keep it so okay okay you apologize let's renew the Covenant let's renew the good that's beautiful that's he doesn't have to be like that but he's merciful and His mercies are new every morning he says be careful not to make a covenant with the people living in the land where you were going look what happened in numbers the 6th of this he's warning them so that they won't become a snare within your borders rather you want to demolish their altars not baptize them look guys these holidays that we celebrate you've baptized them you need to burn them they're not of God your heart might be in the right place but you know what let me tell you whose heart was in the right place when the ark started to fall I would have jumped out to but he dropped dead an eye since a fire their heart was in the right place but they drop dead a lot of people their hearts are gonna be in the right place and you know what they're gonna end up in hell rabbi you are you are crazy nobody talks like this anymore this is the 21st century - God change in the 21st century there another way to salvation did well while I was gone for two weeks there a new God here why do you look like deer in the headlights demolish their altars smash there standing stones cut down their sacred poles because you are not to bow down to any other God since I don't know whose very name now not only is he jealous but one of his name's is jealous you don't hear that much and if we do today a little tight gene rubble watching what rubber band watch wearing tight jean little freaks what are they gonna say well he loves me so much that he's just jealous for me like a jealous boyfriend not exactly he just doesn't want anybody to buy me flowers plus it's all about me what is gonna be man his name is jealous his very name his namesake his reputation his renown is jealous and due to running before the last piece of scripture as far as God being jealous there's many more it's not exhaustive but here they are the Covenant was renewed and now this is Moses's first discourse as they approached the promised land God is warning the children of Israel again because Moses knows all too well how easy it is for the human heart astray I'm not up here saying that my heart can't stray or my heart is so pure so you guys have to become like me you're out of your mind okay I'm telling you that the human heart and I am human can straight so I have to be very conscious and I have to put up walls and I've got to put up controls and I've got to do things in my life to make sure I don't stray and you got to do the same watch out for yourselves God is being so kind he doesn't want to who wants a discipline it's exhaustive you know I see sometimes kids there's some kids out there they just man they just think Jeremy would have been an only child if he was like that I mean we got lucky he just listened to us all the time he listened to us all the time you can't have that okay so I said it so bad let's have a No so Shana came along and she totally listened I mean I'm gonna miss her like crazy when she goes to school because forget it pleasure personified and I said okay let's have another and that's where these and that's where things got a little dicey and that's when I said clearly another one can't be that bad so we have another and she ended up being just like shake Ivan named of a dog named thinking that he would just listen to me all the time [Applause] all right so so again God is warning them because he knows what's gonna happen he just knows right he foresees everything and he says now I'm annoys jealous his name is jealous and he's a consuming fire meaning when his jealousy rages you are obliterated you are obliterated you're buried look sometimes I think and and I'm not so sure that I know what I'm talking about half the time but I feel like if I was reading this and I do I feel like God is saying to me Greg if I'm so wonderful if I'm so awesome if I'm so good like you say why are you looking to another what haven't I done for you tell me where I fall short what do I need to do sweet be that you would really worship me and me o me tell me well that brings us to the last couple of verses going back to numbers 25 10 through 11 it says that Pinkus deflected my anger that word is similar to repentance it's Shoob in the Hebrew and it means to turn away God's anger that's what repentance really means it doesn't mean that confess your sin it means you're gonna do go a different route to deflect his anger see not too many people understand the word repentance they just understand the word I'm sorry sorrows okay because sorrow will bring it to guilt and guilt will bring you to the door of repentance but if you're not going to change you can't go through the door and gods on the other side pink has turned away God's anger from the people there would have been hundreds of thousands who had been obliterated yeshua also turned away god's anger from the people not only was yeshua zealous for the things of god but look how he turned away god's anger look at luke 23 it says when they came to the place called the skull Golgotha or as the Latin word is Calvary they nailed him to a stake and they nailed the criminals to stakes now these were on guys who stole the bagel for you to be crucified you know you're talking about a whole different level of criminality one on the right and one on the left so here he is I don't know if you've ever studied the crucifixion if the Bible doesn't say anything about it it just says and he was crucified and most people almost ate you know these movies sometimes they play it up where it's glamorous you know listen the the the cross wasn't made out of memory foam okay it wasn't glamorous the halfway death from two professional lictors will horrific this is it this is a torture and and I don't want to glamorize it but let me just say this the pain is most intense for the longest duration you will never know what paint some of you have been in pain you have no concept even burning burning doesn't give you the pain that a crucifixion will give you what is done by professionals here he is in the midst of this pain mind you he's suffering for others it's not even like he needs to repent it's one thing to say I'm getting what I deserve he's totally suffering for mankind and in the midst of it he's not even thinking about himself he see these two guys that are going to die soon that are going to end up in perdition and he's worried about their final destination so he's focusing totally them while he's on the cross suffering what yes there was other people who have been crucified thousands upon thousands but nobody was ever looking out for others and he deflects God's anger and he says Father forgive them everybody's purchased but not everybody's redeemed they don't understand what they're doing please father please I Know You're angry with them please please deflect it unbelievable the most unbelievable story I've ever heard in my life and I've heard so many stories the most unbelievable thing I've ever heard in my life is this right here now Pinkus and Yeshua will evolve zealous for the things of God and Pinkus and Yeshua both deflected God's anger beautifully but this rabbi sees one major difference and take a look at the next screen Phineas nailed the sinners Yahshua was nailed for sin us that's a big difference Phineas was Messiah like but there is only one Messiah rabbi what's the take-home message guys Pincus was Ellis for God Yeshua was Ellis for God we should be zealous for God there is no excuse guys you will hate me but how dare you get more zealous about your stupid business how dare you get more excited with the things of business is business important should you do everything excellently I like on the Lord but you better check yourself how dare you it get more excited about sports over God your business over God your hobbies over God our hobbies bad nope Sports bad nope businessman no it's all good but check yourself where are you remember the little girl the little boy who would do anything for God when it talks about zeal it talks about being boiling-hot let me tell you where we are in history chronologically we are at the Church of Laodicea we are at the very end in Revelation 3 we are at the Church of Laodicea see when your fervent or your zealous your hot the problem is the people today aren't cold than lukewarm so you can't do anything with Luke one person a Luke one person as know if you're cold you can see how far you are and maybe come to your senses if you're hot the Lord will use you but when you look long I don't you know I should have just came back and said god loves you and he loves me and it was a really good vacation and you can't do no wrong and I should get a cool watch you know well I can't get a cool haircut so I don't have hair but I I don't want you to waste your time giving the best of your life to the world where you have crumbs to god there's no life in that the reason why a lot of you aren't happy is because you're not fulfilling your destiny why do you think you got saved you were called of God you were chosen by God you were called to be his child he was he was he he called you to be his children and he's called you to glorify his name you know you know what an honor that is you know what an honor it is to have access to God's Holy Spirit and to be able to share with people you know what an honor or a delight that is to carry the presence of God you know when a woman is pregnant what an honor is to carry life you're carrying the life of God in your womb and every time you try to get joy from something else you're gonna be frustrated and the more you go after that joy the more frustrated you're gonna be and you say what's missing maybe I need to just read the Bible a little bit more come on man you need to sell sell out already stop being lukewarm one of the other be hot will be cold but choose one side don't stay on the fence what you're gonna fall off and all the king's horses and all the king's men won't put Humpty Dumpty back together again what what what's so bad about loving God with all your heart I look I get tempted you get tempted we have our good days but what's so bad about that you don't think that's really cool I see so many people that aren't happy in the world I see people that are rich and unhappy they need something new they need a new boat they need to have another beer they they need stuff to make them happy as long as they've got the stuff and they're having a good day they're happy is that joy no it's fleeting they need more tomorrow and more tomorrow how come the child of God can sit in a dump of a front cafe I mean sit on a stoop sit on a stupid the Bible feel the Lord's presence and think man this is glorious I miss I'm as happy as a pig and book how do you explain that I've been to the Serengeti the Serengeti surfed in Australia skied in the Andes in South America been on yachts and planes and been to some crazy parties yeah I was at a party that Donald Trump throw he didn't know me back then and he doesn't know me now but I was there and I'm here to tell you one of my greatest joys is in the morning when everybody's sleeping in my house and I sneak in my old little twenty-year-old table and I open up my Bible and say father I'm here I'm listening talk to me and I don't even understand that do you because some of you in the same boat right and you can't understand it and then you're trying to explain it to somebody they can't understand it they could be your wife they're not gonna get it don't try to explain it just enjoy it just enjoy it it's okay they might get it you might know somebody it's like my ego you know what I'm talking about right you go I know exactly what you're talking about who knows exactly what I'm talking about am i telling you to take your golf clubs and throw them out the window no my turn you quit your job that's asinine you got to provide for your family I'm just saying make God the foundation and center of everything if you're on vacation having a great fake praise the Lord praise the Lord but some of my best vacations oh when I'm alone in the house when I'm alone in the house because when I'm alone I'm never alone I choose to be alone because when I cut out all the distractions that's when he comes you've got to shut off the noise and shut off the music and say just like samuel said I'm here and I'm listening talk to me and then and then if you're bold enough to obey what you hear he'll keep talking and talking you'll be his go-to person you know you'll be that guy that he pulls off the bench and goes bring him in he'll score and don't don't worry about hearing perfectly because if you don't shoot you can't school Kenya and God has a way of changing the trajectory just go for it enjoy life with the Lord I'm not a hymnal guy but I do read hymns and I do love the old hymns because I understand the heart that it was coming from for the most part maybe Isaac Watts said it best over 300 years ago in his great hymn when I survey the wondrous cross he said love so amazing love so divine demands my heart my life and my own let's stand together before you leave I have not given my whole heart to Lord I don't want you to think I have just as you have not given you a whole heart to the Lord Yeshua gave his whole heart to the Lord and on the cross he definitely proved that this is all I'm saying let's say I've given fifty percent of my heart to the Lord and let's say some of you were given twenty percent 80 percent all I'm saying is as we pursue the Lord let's try to give another couple of percentage points okay let's go towards that nobody does it when they first get saved and very few people do it even on their deathbed if you will but we got to pursue that we got to press onto it so if there's something maybe that you're holding back or something that's getting the way maybe we can work on that I don't want you to be mistaken okay but know this God does love you more than you will ever know in this lifetime and he does want the best for you and if he tells you something you can trust them that it's for your good now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the Prince of all peace issue even oi face my wrath ha [Music] you're Aaron open oh Vanessa Vanessa yes sir I don't know for novela ha BR Sam [Music] spots alone guys I love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,072
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Torah, Parsha, Pinchas, Phinehas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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