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now the line his friends in the Prince Charles Theatre is one of America's great stars Miss Judy Garland oh wow so nice it's so nice to see you really nice folks back in yeah something from Doc well I could think of lovely very useful how nice everyone and we ever seen it for seven months I know and they love you get it be good to you know huh Livengood you here oh they're always marvel the play you'll ever find love with a lady glad of London well you should I love you too and I love everyone here I think their mom we have better announce our engagement no we better not I don't think we better do that no it was a fad I think people don't like that kind of thing um tell me I see they don't understand what uh like how we do the show we just keep talking right now it's agony see I should quit but I can't have a big star you know I really should quit um I asked you some questions how does it feel to live these years being a legend Howard help well it's peculiar because you're I'm supposed to be a living legend that respects but it's lonesome because everybody thinks to be Elizabeth oh the Statue of Liberty or something like that you know that doesn't breathe and so no one calls you on the phone ask you to dinner anything you did say you just everything a workshop I'm sure she's busy Oh to bring about the car so I just sit by the phone ah did you go to the Dietrich opening the other night my lady what do you think of that well I thought uh well first of all I had a terrible thing happen what more terrible thing could happen to you Judy I think I mean what would be the next I already am I'm inclined her things happen to me or I bring them about I don't know I couldn't care less but we were in a great big Rolls Royce you know drawing up to the front of the of the theater for marlenas sure and it was it chauffeur driving car and mark Herron said would you pick us up backstage after the show and the meantime there all kinds of people lined up along the sidewalk and I was busy oh I was just showing all side so I was sort of bowing getting ready to get out of a car and we got right to the place where we were supposed to to get out and and the driver put his foot on it on the gas and away we watch I didn't get a chance to get out he thought that he was a supposed to take me backstage I wasn't in the show was marlena show he was very confused but then we had to go around lots of blocks and all things and and come back again and kind of the same people and it you know when Richard Burton who was absolutely magnificent one of the greatest moments I've ever known in appeared deed greatest moment opened in New York and Hamlet I promised my little daughter which is 15 I'd take her and so we rented rented a limousine and I got a evening jacket which I bought haven't worn since the inauguration of two or three two years for almost boys and I wore and just my daughter and I went and I said Randy now when we enter the theater or get on that Street the crowds behind the Bears will wave at your Papa cuz they're your Papa's well-known and they'll wave and so what you do is wave back nicely because it wasn't for these people I'd be back in the tire business or something so we enter 46 we enter 46th Street there's enormous thousands of people behind police barriers I'm ready to do my little Prince Philip wave you know not only do they not recognize me one woman I swear to you broke out of the police barrier followed the car all down 46 feet going I swear oh what you wonder why I'm a little nervous this time isn't that strange why would you do that well I gather it's rather the baby with an affection of hers maybe maybe you were telling me it was the last night we were talking about about marlenas album oh yeah oh yeah oh I don't mean this harshly however I didn't empower with some friends I was with no account and Jeanette's panier and her husband and we were just sitting around in that Jeanette and her husband sitting or in came Marlena and she'd been doing a tour of oh my goodness on our area or many marks country in Mara and she came in with a great big record great big record bigger than that 12-inch it was about him and she said oh darling hello Hallet would would anybody like to hear my wife is so we all said sure we like to hear you say no we don't want to hear your rocker of course when I do your record they were just for Liz their Milan was five so she put the record on and it was just applause around go get the applause nicely Joey you know sometimes the applause would vary that meant you say that's fried food vend every great oh that's fun and you know but not one note of music she didn't sing there was no orchestra just before I know turned to me and I said I hope there isn't another side your impression of her it's funny look resolute you d was saying that marlenas starts solo and then the song has to go lower and you wonder how it possibly she could ever make it doesn't she on some sauce you know she starts with I mean it has Marlena isn't one of our better singers but she looks so Marvis you know but I've been looking at her for well you know does it there's not much difference in our ages and it go she brings hers down and I try to retain my it isn't right she's it there's this great big overture always and all you do is sit there and you think oh boy she's gonna come out looking great and the main thing is that she does she always has Marvis and it takes hours with seams and so but she looks great everybody goes oh isn't she beautiful and then she sings a ballad a sad one and then it goes to a satyr song and she always talks about all the songs in movies I think she's got a few of mine in we're gonna sing now Oh me yeah Shirley's enough it's either you or me I think it better be you have no note I hit let me use this mic oh how abdali yourself huh what do I do get out of here I don't know what were you playing to do well I I thought that that you're I don't know alleys yuck every mile and every moment is on this show this is what made it's great it was well done you can't just get up and leave that chair there everything I don't think I was posting now I guess I would if I were all right well shall we move the furniture I Oh my ah Oh No god you you
Channel: Buzz Stephens
Views: 117,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: judy, garland, jack, paar, interview, london, 1964, what, now, my, love, Marlene Dietrich (icon), Gay (Sexual Orientation), Comedy Central (Broadcast), Judy Garland (icon), Jack Paar (Comedian)
Id: Xms7STlU3YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2013
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