Are Christians Allowed to Judge?

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Matthew 7:1 says do not judge or you too will be judged but does this mean that we are prohibited from judging anyone at any time for anything that's what we're going to talk about today on the beat okay so this has been one of the most misunderstood scriptures in the entire Bible either people will use it to cover up their own immoral lifestyle talking about you can't judge me the Bible says you can judge or they will use it to suggest that we as Christians don't have the right to pass judgment on other people's opinions other people's views other people's behaviors their actions because after all we live in a tolerant society and so in this video I want to ask an answer three basic questions first of all what are we not permitted to judge second of all what are we supposed to judge and finally how are we to judge and so the first thing that we are not permitted to judge is somebody's salvation okay so in Matthew chapter 13 Jesus is telling the parable about the wheat and the weeds and both of them are growing up in the field together and some of the servants say to their master a master do you want us to go out into the field and remove some of the weeds and the master says no no no no no don't do that because if you remove some of the weeds you may accidentally remove some of the wheat because right now they look the same so basically what Jesus is trying to say here is that there are some days weeks months where some Christians look a little bit more like non-christians and there are other days weeks months where non-christians may look a little bit more like Christians and so the point here is that we don't have enough information simply by looking at somebody's behaviors by their mistakes their past failures things they've done to simply conclude that they are not going to heaven so if we know that we can't simply judge somebody salvation simply by looking at them then what can we judge so the Bible teaches that we are actually permitted and encouraged to judge sin there's a story a crazy story in first Corinthians chapter 5 where there's this guy in church and he's actually sleeping with his father's wife and so the church was actually encouraged to remove this guy from the fellowship because the idea was that if they did not judge this guy's behavior that other people in a church would get the boldness to do the same things that he was doing and that particular sin would spread throughout the church so let's say for example we have a police officer who killed an unarmed person do we have a right to pass judgment on that police officer and say that they're a horrible person they don't love Jesus they're not a good Christian God doesn't love them or should we simply focus on what they did instead of passing judgment on them as a person okay so we know that there are some things that we are not permitted to judge and then there's some other things that the Bible actually encourages us to judge and so the question remains that if we are going to judge and when we do have to judge then how do we do it in Matthew chapter 7 Jesus gives the illustration of a man that has a log in his eye and he's so busy trying to help somebody else get the speck of dust out of their eye and the idea behind it is Jesus is basically saying it's absurd to me that you would be able to see past this log that's in your very own eye and you're focused on getting the speck of dust out of somebody else's eye before we judge somebody else he's not saying that we shouldn't judge but he's saying that we should not judge hypocritically we may be guilty of committing the same sin that we are quick to judge somebody else about and in most cases we will see that we are in need of grace and mercy and forgiveness just as much as the other person that we are tempted to judge but the second thing that Jesus teaches us here is to pay close attention to what our motivation is for why we're even judging this person in the first place notice he says I want you to be able to see clearly enough so that you can help them get the speck of dust out of their own eye implication is that you've been able to get the log out of your own eyes you are now able to help them get the speck of dust out of their eyes if you have any comments or questions or suggestions please leave them in the comment section below I'd love to hear from you hey thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 31,919
Rating: 4.9571986 out of 5
Keywords: judging, judging others, matthew 7, The Bible (Religious Text), log, speck, judgment, jesus
Id: In27Ex21b2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2015
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