Thursday Night Bible Study 9-2-21

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oh okay okay one two one okay check one two um um is of jesus [Music] my my soul loves jesus my soul loves jesus [Music] bless his name [Music] my soul my soul loves jesus my my soul [Music] loves jesus my soul loves jesus bless bless his name now let the church say yes yes [Music] yes oh yes [Music] [Applause] yes yes father in jesus name lord we thank you lord we thank you for another day thank you oh god for allowing us to see this day thank you for keeping us all day long oh god and giving us a mind to gather together in your house on tonight lord we thank you o god for strength that you've given unto us we thank you for the focus that you've given unto us to make it oh god we thank your god for how good you've been to us you've been better to us than we deserve and we just want to tell you thank you thank you oh god for the activities of our limbs lord we take nothing for granted lord we just want to tell you thank you thank you for being so faithful huh thank you for being good to us huh thank you oh god huh thank you for keeping our mind thank you for working good down in us huh but it is god that working in us both to willing to do of his good pleasures huh and we just want to tell you thank you oh god thank you oh god thank you for your word for tonight is bible study and we've gathered together in your house lord we've tuned in youtube and facebook live love to hear the word of the lord now will be clean through the word which was spoken unto us lord we want to hear your word lord we need the more of your word lord come the more in our life in the name of jesus we want to draw nearer to you and you say you draw nearer to us yes he that hung and thirst up the righteousness how shall be filled how lord feel us today lord fill us with your word sanctifies even the more sanctifies through thy truth thy word is truth lord in a day like today lord we need you to fortify us we need you o god to strengthen us in the name of jesus we want to study even the more how to show ourselves approve a work we need that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth somebody lord needs to hear the truth somebody lord needs to know the way but you say that you are the way the truth and the life no man come to the father except by jesus christ lord you on the way lord we thank you o god lord we thank you for bringing us out of darkness into this marvelous life lord the bible says and such was some of you but you are washed lord we walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air lord but you saved us lord you were rich in mercy lord you're giving us an inheritance among them that are sanctified and we just want to tell you thank you we just want to give you glory all the glory and all the honor it belongs to you how lord you saved us how lord you raised the hustle and lord you positioned us and now that we are here we're going to fight the good fight of faith and we're going to lay hold to eternal life lord lord lord lord we've come on over here to stay until we die lord will soldiers lord on the battlefield fight it for you yes lord help us today lord strengthen us even the more in the name of jesus help us to endure hardness as good soldiers of jesus christ lord persecution may come lord and persecution will go it doesn't matter oh god lord we gonna stay faithful to you lord faithful until the end but he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved lord we're so glad we're saved lord we're so glad that you're keeping us lord is because of your goodness lord nothing that we've done lord because of your grace in your mercy lord we will not consume lord your compassion fail not they are new every morning great is her greatness great is that faithfulness heart lord be thank you oh god thank you oh god lord we ask oh god even though tonight that she will look upon us oh god lord those that are in the sanctuary lord those that on facebook and youtube lord bless us even now in the name of jesus lord you know the way that we take lord you know the things lord that befell us oh god you know the things that are up before you oh god lord meet every need like only you can lord meet our needs lord we look to you lord you are helper lord you are a keeper father lord we stretch our hands to thee no other help we know if you withdraw yourself from us where the shall we go huh we need you we need you we need to can't live without your heart can't make it without your heart can't take it without your heart can't shake it without your heart lord we've got to have the more of you huh lord we drawing near a heart tear down our stubborn will in the name of jesus everything that's not like your heart lord take it out lord purify us create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us oh god cast us not away from thy presence and don't take your holy spirit from us lord the only way the only way that we can survive the only way that we can go through the only way lord that we can endure we need you we need you we need you and so we seek your god so we seek your god we seek you o god we seek the lord while he may be found we call upon you while you are near lord because we need you can't breathe without your heart you're the heir we breathe lord we thank you oh god thank you for standing by assad thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us so we can boldly say that the lord is my helper that the lord is our helper that the lord is our keeper and we won't fear what man shall do or say unto us because we're more than conquerors through him that love us we shall not die but live to declare the words of the lord and so we celebrate you oh god we celebrate your tonight we celebrate your tonight lord is because you died on the cross lord that we are able to have eternal life abiding in us and you didn't stay there oh god on the third day you got up with all power in your hand and the one that has all power has given unto us power to tread upon serpents and upon scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by enemies hurt us lobby thank you thank you for your protection thank you god for your provision lord we thank you okay and lord now we pray for those lord those that are suffering even now lord those that are impacted loved by the hurricane those that are impacted by the flooding lord we pray even now lord we pray for strength lord don't let them lose hope help them to keep their faith lord let them know that you're there let them know that you care in the name of jesus and then even those of god that are in position lord to show kindness whether it be financially lord in whatever way lord help us to be there in their hour of need in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord we thank you god lord show your favor give us faith even now lord show yourself mighty in the name of jesus like only you can lord we thank you o god lord we thank you even now lord for those that are suffering for righteousness sake lord those that are being persecuted lord for the gospel sake lord we pray oh god for boldness lord just as they did in the book of acts lord after being persecuted lord they went among their own kind lord and they prayed for boldness they prayed for strength lord to endure lord will gather together in your household tonight and love you asking oh god that you will strengthen us even the more lord make us bold in the name of jesus lord many are drawing back lord but we refuse to draw back lord we're going to press forward we're going to press for the mark of the prize of the high calling of god which is in christ jesus in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god lord we're pressing on lord we're pressing forward lord we're going forward lord we won't retreat we want to put on the whole arm of god that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil lord help us today lord help us to stand lord many are drawing back lord many are drawing back we're praying now for strength for those lord that they will turn back around and that they will press forward in the name of jesus lord we need all hands on deck we need all hands on that god lord make us ready in the name of jesus and lord we pray be now for our leader bishop patrick lane wooden senior huh the man of god lord standing on the wall the watchman on the wall crying loud sparing not lifting up his voice like a trumpet in zion oh glory to god huh we thank you god by how he expounds the word of god how he teaches the word of god lost but we're being fortified even now lord we're being informed lord we're being informed lord we just want to tell you thank you love but we have to know the truth in order to recognize the lie lord we thank you for the man of god who's willing to tell the truth against all eyes lord we thank you oh god lord for his courage lord we thank you oh god for the anointing heart that is on his life lord we thank your god lord we thank you o god lord we thank you o god thank you for our first lady lord first lady pamela wooden lord continue to bless her heart lord continue to use her heart in the name of jesus lord strengthen her even the more lord anoint her afresh in the name of jesus the first family oh god lord put your head of protection around them in the name of jesus and lord then we turn lord to the body of christ lord that lord lord help us today lord to keep on pressing forward in the name of jesus christ annoying us oh god anoint us oh god anoint us oh god lord we surrender our will to you it's not our will but your will be done not our will but your will be done not our will but your will be done lord whatever you tell us to do lord we want to do it wherever you tell us to go how long we want to go whatever you tell us to say lord help us to say it in the name of jesus time is winding down lord and you're soon to come and lord we want you to find us working in the name of jesus christ we love you we thank you and we praise you god it is in jesus name we do pray thank god amen and amen come on clap your hands for jesus as you stand to your feet and give god the praise for he alone is worthy reading in your hearing tonight first peter chapter 4 verses 12 through 14. and it reads beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice in as much as you are partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy if ye be reproached for the name of christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and the end of god rested upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified come on clapping hands for the word of god down to the hands of our praise hallelujah truly i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord are you glad to be in the house tonight come on let's give god a hand clap for praise hallelujah he blessed this hurricane to pass all over us so we he deserves praise and honor and glory on tonight hallelujah there are many in homes have been flooded out so god has been good to us hallelujah i do stand before you saved and sanctified and filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost and let us get into the service and have a good time amen amen i'm a soldier in the army of the lord i'm a soldier [Music] i'm a soldier [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me die [Music] [Music] i'm a warrior [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we're in this christian bed [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right come on [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna put those hands [Music] amen oftentimes every morning every day we need to count our many blessings and see what the lord has done amen hallelujah what the lord has done [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] when i think of the goodness of all that he's jesus for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] my now [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i just [Music] i just [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now take me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] say i'm so great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen let all the righteous give god a praise on this evening what a mighty god we serve we honor the god of the bible the god and father of our lord and savior jesus christ for the lord has been good to us he's allowed us together together in his sanctuary one more time to hear from his manservant god's ambassador for christ as he teaches us the infallible inerrant word of god upper room facebook youtube live help me and receive the pastor of the upper room church of god in christ bishop patrick l wooden senior put your hands together for him as he come [Applause] let us pray father god in jesus name dear god we thank you thank you lord for another day and thank you heavenly father for life for health and for strength thank you for your goodness and for your kindness and for your tender mercy and thank you for where you have brought us from dear god we come before you because throughout this nation whether it is down in louisiana up in new york pennsylvania new jersey various areas of our state out west where the fires are burning god people are in peril and we ask oh god that you would have mercy in the name of jesus and we act oh god we pray for them because we know from living here in this state that jets out in the midst of the atlantic the the shore of georgia basically runs through the heart of north carolina and so lord when storms come up the florida coast and they come up the georgia coastline often they come right in the middle of our city we know about the suffering of the people new orleans oh god the surrounding areas we pray for those people in the name of jesus and father we dare not question you because the question is not why you allow these things to happen given the sinfulness of our world the question is why don't they happen every day and the truth is it's because of your mercy and because of your grace and so father we pray we ask you to have mercy actual god to heal and deliver actual god to bring peace to our land and to our world in the name of jesus and then lord open up our hearts and our minds tonight that we will receive the word of the lord and walk in it and flow in it we bind the enemy right now we come against sickness and disease we actually oh god to heal the saints strengthen the mind strengthen the minds o god strengthen the minds of the believers in the name of jesus you are a mighty god you're the true god and an everlasting king you're the king of kings and the lord of lords and we actual god to have your way tonight here in the sanctuary have your way o god with those who are streaming tonight from near and far oh god bless us in jesus holy name we pray thank god amen and amen would you give the god of the bible praises once more what a mighty god what a mighty god we serve you might be seated in the house of the lord god bless everyone tonight it's good to see you out for another bible study amen we we've gathered here to allow the god of the bible to let his word sink deep in our hearts and deep in our minds you know we need the word as never before in a time like this and one of the one of the takeaways that i want for every member of the upper room is that above all else that we value the scripture value the word of the lord because nothing's going to keep you but god's word nothing is going to keep your mind safe and settled nothing will enable you to deal with the vicitudes of this life like and but the word of the lord the word of god will keep you sober amen the word of god keeps us and i thank god for his word tonight we certainly do honor the lord for blessing us to be in the house of the lord one more time we thank you lord jesus for blessing us to be in god's house we praise the lord we praise the lord we praise the lord uh we thank god for to my first and second tonight we certainly do give honor thank you elder williams we certainly honor you tonight serve for that powerful introduction we honor our district missionary district missionary moses god bless you we certainly do praise the lord tonight for the first lady of the upper room my wife god bless you dear and thank god for all of the saints who are gathered in here tonight bless you mother turner to all of the mothers and to my own mother who's watching and to the saints and to our friends and members who watch from near and far it is good for us to be here tonight and we're going to just jump into the word of the lord and see what god has to say uh to us tonight uh it's no mystery i think i told you we're we're we're going back to ephesians chapter number six and we've been talking about uh speaking from the subject rather fighting the right fight the right way and this is the third message on that particular subject fighting the right fight the right way the believers have to fight the right fight and we have to fight it the right way if we don't the enemy will have us distracted and we'll be out fighting false battles and when you're fighting false battles you're wasting your time you won't get anywhere uh you won't make any gains it's just a waste of time there's no spiritual benefit from it at all and uh and you won't get better you won't get sharper and it's the will of the lord for us to get better and to get sharper and you're going to see tonight that uh it takes effort uh it takes commitment it takes desire it takes it takes want to amen and you know that's the one thing that no person can give to another i can't make you want to serve the lord amen you have to show up with that so what can you do to make so-and-so want to serve the lord the answer is a simple one nothing every person has got to want to serve the lord for themselves amen and from there now you got something to build on in order to stay married you got to want to in order to be a success on your job or success at anything you got to want to and you got to want to to the point that you're willing to be committed to it you know there are people that agree who say that they want to but there's no commitment well you can you can say you want to all you want but if there's no commitment coupled with that talk then it's just talk amen you have to be committed to it i want to call your attention to ephesians chapter 6 and verse 14. since we've been reading ephesians 6 we don't need to read all of the verses i just want to read verse 14 tonight because we're going to talk from this verse it says stand therefore having your loins girded about with truth and we'll stop right there stand therefore having your lawns girded about with truth fighting the right fight the right way dressed in redditedness dressed in readedness it's a thought that i want to leave for you tonight dressed in readiness i want every man to pay attention to this tonight every every woman every believer this is not one of those uh tell your neighbors messages is one that i hope suzanne everybody would just just um bring home uh to for themselves uh fighting the right fight the right way part three dressed in readiness stand therefore having your loins girded father bless us in jesus name amen now to what i was saying earlier before i gave my subject i want you to turn to ii corinthians chapter number 10. and i want you to see something right quick and then we're going to we're going to jump into uh this text and and see what the lord has to say to us in times like these times like these make me appreciate the scripture more and more and more as a matter of fact i appreciate the scriptures more today than i did when i first believed um they they carry much more weight and significance and the older i get the more i realize i thought i believed that the bible was true 10 years ago i thought i believed it 20 years ago but i'll be honest with you uh the level of faith that i had in the word of god 20 years ago compared to the level of faith that i have in the word of god today there's no comparison for we're watching the scriptures unfold right before eyes you have to you have to work hard now not to see uh the the the truth of god's word praise the lord and when you look at what's going on in society it makes you clap your hands as hard as you can if if you're in the church in the moment where the word is preached and number two if you're blessed to be exposed to the scripture and then you take the scripture home and and apply it paul paul said this he says to the saints at corinth in the the second letter to them and beginning with uh first verse he says now i paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ which by the way for you scholars out there that was a play on words that was a play on words when he says by the meekness and gentleness of christ because there were those in the church at corinth who were challenging the apostle paul they challenged his authority they challenged him even as a man their challenge to him was their criticism was he talks big in his letters but when he shows up in person he's meek and he's he's uh he's uh he's uh meek and and gentle and so paul knowing what they were saying about him says i i now i paul beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ who in present am based among you and being absent of bold towards you now when they read this those who were doing all the talking they knew paul was on to them because he just read that charge you say when i'm absent i'm bold you said when i show up i'm a paper tiger so he says i charge you he says but i beseech you that i may not be bold when i am present with that confidence wherewith i think to be bold against some he says i don't want to come in a brash hard manner but i think i'm going to have to against some of you see which think of us as if we walk according to the flesh there are those of you and you you know in reading this i'm glad that uh i'm not alone there are always people in every church who question the motives of the preacher and what they were accusing paul of was preaching and teaching from a fleshly point of view that that that it's not god using him but it is uh he either has selfish motives or he has political motives or self-interest or something but it's something other than god and as pastors pastors and their pastors who are watching tonight you know what i'm talking about we run into that often this is why you can't as a pastor live by the applause because if you live by them you'll die by them because i find that not but not with everyone but most people believe that god is really using you when they agree with what you're saying and then it's just your opinion when they don't agree with it you're a mighty man of god who speaks the word of god with power and authority if it's a word from the lord that they agree with if it's a word from the lord that whacks them real good bam then oh well he has his opinion he's a man just like i am you know he he has uh he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like i do and so forth and so on so there were those who in the church at corinth says you know um you know the apostle uh he's not all that now by the way he preached this church out and that that same spirit exists in the church today and we contend with it on a regular basis you're a man of god as long as you're saying what people want you to say and what they agree with and then you you're not one when you're not amen and so uh paul said to them he says now i beseech you that i may be bold when i am present with that confidence whereas that i may not be bold when i am present with that confidence uh that i think though i got to be bold against some who question our motives they said that we're operating in the flesh that is operating under mcconnell we're operating on the human motives you know sometimes it is a pastor's responsibility i'll give you a good example to take someone down sometimes you have to silence someone you have to correct them there's al there are always people in the church who gather around the person who's been taken down there's always people in the church who have them over and they cuddle them that's fleshly if a person is being disciplined you should you should stay out of the way and allow the the the leader to do what the leader has to do and and you know what happens when that happens most of the time the person gets delivered and gets right but when when a certain number of people surround the circle of the wagon when dealing with the person who's being disciplined now you you you're making a person who is wrong feel like they're right and then you make you make them bold and then you put them in a position where the man of god may have to pronounce anathema over them not in trouble with god they spiral down spiral down a long road and they may never get back all because you weren't wise enough to just stay out the way praise the lord you got to know how you got to know how this good this is good teaching right here and now just just so you know i haven't heard anything nobody's called me i'm not speaking from fleshly motives i'm just telling you how it goes and so paul says there are those who think of us as though we are uh operating in the flesh he says for though we walk in the flesh though we are human beings paul says we do not war after the flesh we do not use fleshly methods says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds and the weapons that paul mentions are weapons such as faith prayer obedience to god's word these are weapons and he says that these are highly effective weapons the weapons of our warfare he acknowledges that he has to contend but the weapons weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not fleshly they don't work according to uh fleshly motives but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds and casting down every casting down imaginations and every high thing that is every fortified position sometimes people who uh will fight against you would try to dig in well we have weapons that cast down even fortified positions isn't that something amen um uh casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself except against the knowledge of god every high thing every teachings every speculation every judgment every law everything that man uh presents that is contrary to the scripture paul says we have weapons that can cast those things down so in fighting the right fight we've got to fight it the right way and our weapons are not carnal but thank god they're not carnal but they're not weak as a believer don't feel weak they're not carnal but they're not weak in fact he says uh but they're mighty prayer is a mighty weapon obedience to god is a mighty weapon reading the bible and adhering to the bible and grabbing hold to the scripture is a mighty weapon obeying god in in any situation that you find yourself in that's a mighty weapon praise the lord so they're not our weapons are not carnal but thank god they're not weak now let's look at this tonight um dressed in redditedness and we're um paul said here um and having done all verse 14 says stand therefore that is continue therefore having which tells us off the bat that if we don't have what he's saying that we've got to have then we can't continue if you don't have what he says we've got to have then you can't continue victory is impossible without the armor without the armor of god we can not win you will not hold up in the evil day the pressures of the times in which we live will get the better of you if you do not have the honor of god satan has set his sights against the saints you know all of washington is in the uproar they all mad at texas now texas the the u.s supreme court upheld a wonderful law now they'll try to come against it again and in texas you can't have an abortion past the sixth week that's good news that's good news that's good news and um uh there are those uh who are already these politicians and people um railing against it and they they they know how to flip it they know how to flip it instead of a law put it they don't view it as a law put in place to protect a human being this is a law that threatens a woman's right to choose who gave them anybody the right to kill an unborn human being god didn't it's not bible and uh black folk ought to really be applauding the people in texas because it disproportionately affects us i'll never understand why we lean toward politicians who lean toward not lean toward promote laws that kill us disproportionately abortion is the cause the major cause of our lack of population growth nothing wipes out more black people than abortion they keep us mad with the police uh but nothing is killing more black people than abortion the abortion industry depends on us so much as customers that it would go out of business if we quit so you can let the hispanics the whites and everybody else continue to do it but it will fold if black folks stop and if you wonder why that is just go on any given sunday saturday to any clinic go down join the happy wards go with love life and and you'll see the old that the overwhelming majority of people who go in to have that procedure look like you and me amen now and it it it affects us we we seem to be the only population in the country that won't grow we've been 13 of the population all my life and and you know it's not because we're not having uh sex it can't be because we're saving sex for marriage you don't like it when i talk like this and yet we stand wholeheartedly behind politicians who have a problem with that law all that law is going to do is save some child until they until they try to find a way to get around it i thank god for it said well it should be why they can't do it at all yeah but we'll take six weeks and then we'll we'll work on get getting it down to five you know you got to know how to take the incremental victories amen if you can't win at all in one bite you thank god for what you have one are you following me we need the armor we need the armor we need the armor uh i have some armor i'm going to show you tonight i'm going to show you armor and uh us military armor and i'm going to show you the uh the armor of the um the roman soldier i want to talk to you tonight about this and so uh when paul began to address the particular pieces of the armor paul was not saints giving out empty platitudes he wasn't he wasn't just talking he wasn't trying to make uh some dull incipit point um understanding of each piece and how it works is vital to understanding what he um what he's saying because we we really need um to uh work on ourselves and apply not just the armor of god but the whole armor of god so as we talk about uh peace for peace we we're putting together a suit and uh and and and uh and and you won't you want all of the pieces of the suit now i want you to put uh number one on the screen for a moment and i want to show you this one now you see this uh roman soldier the whole armor of god now tonight we're going to deal with this piece right here right here this is the belt the loins it says lawns gert about with truth right here we'll get to the rest of them but i want to talk about this show the next next slide please praise the lord so you can just see it just there it is you see the little more colorful there this is the this is the lawns and i want to tell you that this belt is not merely for cosmetic purposes the belt holds the whole thing together now uh brother albert here come here a soldier look at this i want you to see it see praise the lord i got all kind of equipment say amen and you need to see the necessity of it and i want i want you to give him a hand he volunteered [Applause] and we're praying for our military saying there's a difference between the fighting men and women who get it done and the politicians who who give orders that don't make sense now he brought the whole armor tonight see he's prepared a brother brother albert come up here he's a preacher and come up here i want i want y'all to see the belt and uh we're going to get to uh brother tell us about this this this look at this thing here look at this now this is a a real uh soldier special forces real man amen and this is not a game with him um these these pieces have saved his life now tell us uh about the the the protection of the midsection and the girl so this is designed to protect the torso of the main arteries all of this there's a flap here for the groin here and then all of this is to protect all your vital organs yes sir and without that protection yeah and this has saved many lives um because without that protection we you can you know people have lost limbs and still survived um but with this being protected allows for them to continue to to to fight praise the lord let's say amen for him now will you be able to do this sunday yes sir and uh because i want to go over the whole uh thing i'm trying to decide whether i go piece by piece but i appreciate your efforts in putting this together so that the saints can get a visual of uh even our fighting servicemen who have been in the news of late and we and listen we're proud of the u.s military we're proud of our enlisted men am i right about that upper room amen just so you know everybody almost is standing and clapping to our audience out there tonight we're of the finest fighting machine in the world in the world amen but they uh they carry out orders say amen they carry out orders and i want you to be praying for the gold star families who have suffered losses they suffered losses and that's that's not easy that's hard thank you so much sir give him a hand thank you elder amen the roman soldiers and the ordinary citizens during the time paul wrote this letter they wore a outer garment that was called a tunic a tunic and the tunic was a loose fitting outer garment that uh fit it it had an oversized fit and it had three holes in it the two for the arms and one of course for the head the outer tunic was made of wool the inner tunic that they wore underneath the outer tunic was made of linen all right and um it was important with the tunic being made of wood for there to be an inner tunic so if in your mind you can see this oversized it was designed to fit where uh a garment that that they wore are you are you with me and one of the challenges though that the tunic presented to the roman soldier because most of the battles the up close battles was hand to hand was that it was loose fitting and in trying to fight hand-to-hand comeback in a loose fitting garment your garment can be a major liability to you and for the ordinary citizen when they were trying to do work and do heavy lifting and do do tough manual labor the loose fitting tunic could easily get in the way it could cause you to trip it could cause problems and uh it wouldn't it wouldn't be good so in order to control the tunic and to have it where the fighting man could could fight uh in hand-to-hand combat and do what he needed to do or the working man if he didn't take the tunic off he could keep it on but there was a large leather girdle or belt that they wore around their waist and with this belt when they got ready to fight you could cinch the tunic in you could you could actually make it fit tighter if you wanted to or you could reduce the length of it by taking it and rolling it up into the belt and the tunic could uh if you roll it up from the outside and it could it could roll over and just hang and it's shorter or you could pull it tighter and pull it in to where it's fitting you with a more form fitted fit that way you could fight much better and be freer to do what you had to do does that make any sense to you so everybody basically wore the loose fitting tunics and for obvious reasons it worked especially when the weather was hot they were much cooler and and they they served their purpose until it was time for warfare now when it's time to go to war that which work in peace times can be a major problem when it's time to do battle so there had to be a way to reduce the tunic to um make it fit tighter so that it would not be a liability amen don't you let that sink in because are things that we are carrying that are liabilities and there and will be a major liability when you're in the time of warfare are you following me before a battle the loose fitting tunic was cinched up and tucked into the heavy leather belt of the soldier's lawns and uh even god when the lord gave the children of israel instructions i want to show you something get exodus chapter 12 12th chapter uh of the book of exodus and uh notice what the lord said to the israelis the children of israel the night that he decided he's going to deliver them from pharaoh he's going to send the deaf angel and when this death angel is finished um uh they're leaving and they ate that that uh meal that night am i right and um passover and um um the lord said to them in in chapter 12 of exodus verse 11 and thus shall you eat it he says with first thing he says with your loins girded and shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand and you shall eat it in haste it is the lord's passover that is eat with an air of haste and expectation so eat making sure your clothes are fitting uh and to the point that if you have to move fast you can jump up from that table and and boom you're out of there if you don't tonight you don't need to be in a situation where it's going to take you all night to get up from the table got to find your sandals find this find that and just get up real slow no tonight you need to be you need to eat ready to leave and to leave quickly that that that that comes a time uh there come a time when the believer has to be alert amen you gotta you know uh uh and listen we're living in a day where you don't have you know we we can't afford to just walk around uh and say ignorance is bliss and all is well no all is not well there is major warfare going on in the land major warfare perhaps unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime and and the warfare if you're wise it causes you it forces you to have to do things differently you know i used to hear people say i've heard it all my saved life it's time out for this and time out for playing church time out for this well saints it's really time out this is a very different day this is a very different hour we're closer to to the coming of christ than when we first believe we're closer to the fulfillment of the scripture of the collapse of america than when we first believe our country is is strained y'all don't like what i'm saying amen this don't don't you think that don't look at the things that we're saying today and just say to yourself oh this too will pass you can't build debt the way they're building debt and it just passed you can't you can't um fan the flames of racism the way that it's being fanned today and say that this is just going to pass you can't endorse lifestyles that god says are wrong the way we're endorsing them today and assume that things will continue the way that they've been you can't redefine how a church how church operates like we've allowed the the world to redefine the church and assume that we're going to still maintain our effectiveness i knew we were in trouble when our us as a race and as a people all of a sudden you know as a spirit all of a sudden all of our people walking around all our men with their with their behind showing i knew then that something is badly going wrong in society and you still see it whoever thought something as simple as wearing pants every all my life your pants fit around your waist all my life all my natural bone days pants fit around your waist now the pants fit underneath your buttocks they're targeting us and teaching us like never before to hate the country i hate uh c-l-uh-r critical race crt theory um constantly uh see if the white man is the constant oppressor and if he is an oppressor by virtue that he is white and if he is an oppressor by virtue of being white and christian and if you are constantly oppressed if you believe that you know what else you are you are a constant victim i don't buy that patrick wooden is not a victim i'm not going to let anybody convince me to embrace lifelong victimhood that's anti-christian whatever happened to now thanks being the god who always calls it us to triumph what happened to that scripture whatever happened to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord what happened to all of the victory passages of scripture and then what happened to the reality that you're living every day you didn't come up here tonight in no victim mobile i see the parking lot every time i come to church you're not wearing victim clothes you don't have victim nails not wearing victim suits say man some of these nice jobs we have here these aren't victim positions you go to work dressed up that was a time when saints couldn't go leave work and come straight to church the job didn't allow that you have to go take a shower because you you you worked now you now you get off fresher than black folk used to be going in to work say amen you know i'm telling the truth you know i'm telling the truth the bigger stronger richer white colleges and universities operate their whole uh football system on our boys and they go see they ain't no loyalty well they're getting they getting all about you but they go say amen you know where they go well we have a better opportunity well then if you have a better opportunity you're not a victim you care for both ways now men make millions of dollars playing a game run up and down the court putting the ball in the basket and make millions and then still try to cry victimhood there's something wrong with that let me get back to this praise the lord but but i'm talking about your loins being girt about with the truth concerning jesus's second coming let me tell you what the lord said in luke's gospel chapter 12 and verse 35 check this out our lord said this he says let your loins be girt about and your lights burning jesus says concerning his second coming while you're waiting on me wait ready wait with your tunic cinched tight in case you have to move fast you got to be ready god almighty isn't that something somebody shout readedness see he's saying that dress ready for service longs tight dress ready for service everybody in here who attends church and get the word and get blessed and go home and come back and get more word and go home and you you know you pay your tithe and you give your offerings and you get your word and you go home you need to be involved in the church it's time you've been you've been in church long enough why are you not on a committee you need to be on an auxiliary you need to be on working in one of these ministries you need you need to be serving christianity is built for service we're servants of the law now i want to know other than doing your own thing how are you serving the lord how are you serving in the lord's church what are you doing brother service is not just sitting there so what pastor my service is i say amen we want you to do a little more than say amen what happened to you dog is your leg broken all right i'm gonna pray for you tonight that don't let you heal fast and whatever you did to fracture don't do that no more amen say amen yeah you got to serve in the because the lord is looking for servants he's looking for servants it's becoming fashionable just to come to church and we watch and sit back and watch everybody else serve no you got to get involved get involved every woman ought to be involved in the women's ministry well you know i'm just so busy no no no no you're not that busy we we we make time for what we make time for every man needs to be involved in the men's ministry every preacher every hell that ought to be involved and and and there are certain things that if you are thinking i always say this that if you are thinking elder every thinking preacher is a part of the pastor's age now why do i say that because most time i throw that out and i don't explain myself it's one simple reason not that i need anything from you but you may end up being a pastor one day and you're gonna want aid and whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap if it wasn't of god when it was the pastor it's not gonna be of god the lord gonna let you go fill your church up with a bunch of stingy folks who believe in giving to everything but to fast then you're gonna call me and say pastor what do i do and i'm gonna say nothing because nothing can be done it's got to run its course because you sold those seeds and until they finish coming up they're not gonna until they finish coming up they're not gonna finish and some of those seeds are those kind of seeds that come up come back every season you can just you can't get rid of them they just you just stuck with that just got to live with that and you have to you just have to say lord i'm reaping what i sow jesus said as you near my coming let your lords be girded about that is dress ready for service you never know when you're called upon the apostle peter said this concerning this subject first peter chapter 1 and verse 13. he says wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ gird up the loins of your mind isn't that powerful you got to have your mind in a certain place so that you can serve in the lord's church and and and and and be ready there's a certain certain way of thinking that is have your mind ready for action ready for action because there's a lot of action going on there's a lot of action going on in the spiritual realm and there's a lot of action going on in the natural realm this is why you who are single be careful who you marry you who are married i pray that you're married right you you need someone who has an understanding of spiritual things oh my heart go i'll tell you you you're half dead if you if you got somebody who's pulling against you and don't want to get close to god you're almost dead because you can't even get your mind ready to fight you can't you can't move in that spiritual place where you're able to shift when the enemy comes against it is so important that the believers uh are girded we gird up the lords of our minds that that we are girded about with god's truth now one more note on the belt uh is and i think i mentioned it before is that the belt is not for cosmetic purposes the belt hold the whole armor together now he said gird about with truth let's look at truth for a minute are you with me the uh greek word for truth is uh alaphia and alaphia is that that which lies at the base of a thing pertaining to [Music] um its appearance truth that which lies at the base of a thing that pertains to its appearance that that is really that's really a carpet on that portion of the floor it looks like a carpet and feels like a carpet and lo and behold it is a carpet praise the law that that's that's the truth of it um truth basically refers here alithea it basically refers to the content of that which is true i'm putting something together now truth this is why uh as believers you have to oppose all this trans stuff all that oh that's just that's just a lie that's just a lie uh there's a there's a knuck a knucklehead i have a picture i don't know uh we have children some things that i want to show you i don't because um some things once you see you can't unsee so there's a clown out there online and uh um uh this this guy and he's he's it's photoshopped and uh he's he's supposed to be looking like he's he's pregnant um just an ugly guy and uh is that the singer uh just it's just it's the other thing you ever seen in your life and um um and i and i i hate i'm not being racist but i'm being racial i said lord it had to be somebody blank that shouldn't matter it matters mother they don't like for me to just lay it out there like this you look at that a black man you wonder why can't you get famous and just be just saying just do what it is you do why you got to do all that see like to me we're the last ones to catch on and then when we finally catch on to a thing we overdo it but he portrays himself as being pregnant now there is no truth to that but there are people online right now who will get upset with me for saying this even though i'm telling you the truth but they find no problem with what he did oh just leave him alone he ain't bothering nobody he's bothering a whole lot of people he's bothering boy every little girl every person whose psyche and mind is being shaped and formed by promoting such an image it appears that he's he's bothering grown folk because there are grown folk who defend that and will get mad with the preacher people know better than that just leave that alone some people do but little people don't praise the lord little children don't so i'm not i'm not gonna show it i said to someone uh tonight i before i got to church i i said i have to uh no patricia i think i was talking to you i said have it ready but i don't know if i'm gonna show it because i want to weigh the value of showing that and somebody said well they may have already seen well if they have i didn't show it to them say amen so i want to weigh the value of showing it uh versus the the what it could do to the psyche of a child who might see something like that you see because it's the ugliest thing ugliest thing ever just horrible and uh uh that listen i want to serve notice there is a place called hell it exists and um the world can play with it y'all can joke and say we're going to get down there and have a party you'll see nobody's parted in hell yet everybody who goes to hell wants out and there is no out there is no owl there is no out and i'm i'm moved by some of these member pambi christians who say you know we don't want to talk about hell and all that but we just you know everybody's going to heaven the same god who told us about heaven told us about hell the same book that talks about heaven talks about hell you can't you can't you know if somebody asked me want to know one time do you believe that was a literal hell i said yes just like i believe i i believe it know there's a literal earth a little heaven of course i do jesus talked about hell amen and uh these wicked folk are going there's no truth to that there's no truth to that and a lot of the things that they are promoting today has no truth to it elophea is basically refers to the content of that which is true the context text of god's truth is absolutely essential let me say this again the context of god's truth is absolutely essential for the believer in his battle against the schemes of satan you can't fight satan without knowing what god's truth is because there's just so many ways that he can come against you so many things that he can take advantage of he can take advantage of death in the family he can take advantage of a bankruptcy he can take advantage of hard times he can take advantage of good times if you don't have something to bounce satan's attacks against to compare it to if you don't have something solid the devil can pull your mind the bible says in ephesians 4 and 14 that we henceforth no more be children that we henceforth no more be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive i was at a place of business yesterday i met a very fine african-american gentleman he waited on me he did a great job and uh he asked me a question he said to me first if you ask me what question i normally get is what do you do and and i told them and uh he said to me i was very impressed by this question what would you say to a young man who would ask you for some points in life some things that i can do that would make me better he told me what church he went to and uh i i told him number one you you keep god first and and that's without explaining that it's almost cliche yeah i mean i know it is by and he would expect the preacher to say that um and uh and and then i i i talked to him about the doctrine of hard work i believe in that i believe in that i understand why i got so few amen y'all don't believe in hard work but i believe in hard work i i just think there's no substitute for it uh don't like a shama or a shyster some folk work harder at appearing to be working if you work as hard as you work at pretending you're working you get something done and then i said this to him the holy spirit said whisper this in his ear i said be an independent thinker think for yourself do not get caught up in group think and that young man looked at me and he said thank you because i have a problem with that and i said to myself look at god i just went in there to do business to get in and get out there's always a word from the lord notice what notice what he notice you see how this ties into the text he says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried look at this carried about with every wind of doctrine it is not the will of god upper room that we be a flavor of the month church it's not the will of god that we're the type of ministry that goes online and find out what so-and-so is doing and not now we're doing that and next month we're doing this and now we're into a little bit of that and whatever doctrine come our way whatever they say on cnn or msnbc or fox or any of the rest of that's what we go along with and we're always changing our identity all the time that is not the will of god that is not the behavior of a believer who knows the truth because truth promotes consistency the truth of god stabilizes you you know you're not people who know the truth aren't all over the place everywhere now you're with this group you're with that group this is the latest thing that i'm with here's what we're doing now no no no no no no the truth of god is a stabilizing force glory to god and and paul says we're not to be a children um carried about with every wind of doctrine wind abduction doctrines are just blowing now they're blowing in the wind by the slight of men that is men who are who know that they're fooling people they don't they don't mean well they don't care about you my brother you know they care less about you in fact they enjoy making you a foot soldier sending you out there to get your head blowed off and and you you're going to jail and you're throwing your life away while they live in their gated communities amen you got to be wiser than that you have to you have to know what the god's truth and and then go and stand on it praise the lord are you with me and paul warned he said and we've talked about this before first timothy chapter four verse 1 he says now the spirit speaketh expressively in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving he to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils everything now deals with everything now is designed to attack what you believe and they attack you with labels mockery amen various ways to to try to shame you you know a lot of people are just social shaming and people get shamed on social media and all that look you don't let nobody shame you no social media who cares well they're saying this and that on social media let them say what they want to most of them who would sell that on social media wouldn't dare say it to your face who cares you shouldn't spend all your day on that anyway amen that's the devil it's designed to just make you think that the whole world is against you and they got you locked in that's the devil trying to get control of you to beat you into submission to make you shut up to make you sit down to fill you with fear oh now you now you now you are a christian who walks in lockstep with the world whatever the world is doing whatever the latest fad is there you go we can count on it whatever the latest look is certain things men ought not to adjust to that ain't stylish certain certain things are beyond beyond the scope of what a man would put on say amen look at some of these nba players they show them walking into the stadium going you know going into play there's some of the stuff that we clatted in that's look at that look like a punk to me a grown man dressed in such a manner so well this is the style now well i'm gonna set this style up you ought to have your own style it's called holiness you're stable you're stable and ladies don't you don't don't marry any don't waste your time with anybody like that he's outshining you it's because they're brighter than yours and you you want to marry what's wrong with you i'm gonna catch the devil out of you being alone look that ain't the worst thing because you're still in a natural state you came alone so that's easy for you to say well i'll tell you what get with him then you'll come back and say the same thing i should have listened i'm going to look at you and say you sure should i got to go i got something else to do you know you know i'm a jurisdiction of bishop i don't have all day [Laughter] i'm having some fun with you but you get the point you get the point you get the point you have to pay attention because oh see satan is he's the god of the air he's the prince of the power of the air satan is in the world he's a part of the fashion of this world look at oh my first john uh chapter two let me show you something i want to pray for you in just a minute saints are you getting blessed amen good good look at this john said this in uh first john chapter 2 verse 15 love not the world do you see that love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him love of world precludes love for the father you can't have both this is why you have to watch it because see when you're saved the devil will try his best to get you to fall in love with the world pull you out and make you increasingly worldly because satan knows that as you become increasingly worldly that in and of itself will diminish your love for the father because you can't have both that's you talking about oil and water they don't mix he says love not the world neither neither the things that are of the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him then he tells us all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh now he didn't say nothing is in the world like we do you know the world don't have anything to offer yes it does yes it does it can it can it you know it can do it can satisfy your flesh for a while all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh that is what the flesh longs for you can find in the world the longing of our fallen nature can be met to some degree in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes you see the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but it's of the world that is the lust of the eyes the sinful things that are appealing that's in the world you've seen sinful things that appeal to you am i right amen uh all of us have and do that's part of that's part of the reason we battle with sin so sin is appealing to your fallen nature amen somebody says well sin don't even bother me anymore so you lost all your credibility amen amen you you were doing good you lied like that if you're in this world sin sin has an appeal lust of the eyes and then the pride of life oh look at this it is the accomplishments of life through which we define ourselves the accomplishments of this life some of us are more proud of what we do for a living than who we are in christ we'll tell people in a moment in a minute i'm i'm a lawyer i i'm i'm this i'm that but they got to know you six months before you say oh and by the way i'm a christian that's because your pride your pride of life your your identity is not in christ he's way down the line you're most proud of your human accomplishments oh my among the first things people should know about you is that you've been born again that you know who jesus is that you're spirit filled and washed in the blood y'all you ought to look for a way to bring it up you know to search for ways to let them know that you've been washed in the blood of the lamb because that's that's where you draw your greatest sense of pride and self-being i am a born-again believer i am a child of god now you can get to these other things and among the other things you may say oh and by the way i'm a billionaire you know and by the way i built a spaceship i built a rocket oh by the way that's a hospital over there i built that if it's true if it's true if it's true but you lead with who you are in christ and to the degree that we fail to lead with that at least in our own minds as based on the way we see ourselves if you see yourself as a believer um third or fourth or fifth though everything is that is ahead of you your being a believer that's a god that's an idol that's a god that's that's idolatry by definition i'm a part of this important family it better be the body of christ or it's a god amen look at this look at this i'm spending too much time on this uh because i'm trying to get better on thursday nights i've been going long but see all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life look at this is not of the father but of the world and look at this here's what i want to get to and the world passeth away and the lust thereof everything that the world can give you everything that the world delivers is going to pass away it's going to pass away and the world passes away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of god abideth forever now that's saying something right there that's powerful right there amen amen amen that that's more powerful than you than than your amens are toward it so uh we've got to make sure that we are in christ and that we're not being tossed aside by the ways of the world listen alathia truth also refers to the attitude of truthfulness it represents not only the accuracy of specific truth but the quality of truthfulness how much does it mean to you to let god work on you and make you a truthful person what value does being truthful hold in your life the christian is to gird himself in an attitude of total truthfulness now you have to ask yourself praise the lord if i if i do this or if i participate in that can i do this and be truthful see the quality of truth how much does it matter to you to be truthful versus to be slick or to be cunning but to keep somebody from finding out what is the value that you place on being a truth person that's good in it how much does it mean to you to be a truthful husband or truthful wife or truthful friend or truthful church member or truthful worker just truthful versus being a cunning person it's how much we can get away with get by with how far we can go before we get discovered oh cover up see it's deep you're not saying amen amen same and uh uh our friends on facebook and youtube give me some uh likes and some hand claps and all that kind of i can't see them but give them to me by faith i can feel somebody giving me a few of them right now amen to be girded uh with truth shows an attitude of readiness and of genuine commitment how committed are we to the lord see the christian is to gird himself in an attitude of truthfulness to show an attitude of readiness and genuine commitment it is the mark of the sincere believer who forsakes look at this i'm giving up because i'm a sincere believer hypocrisy and sham through with that i want to be truthful see girded in the truth remember i told you earlier alethea is the reality pertaining to the appearance you look like a saint you sing like a saint and you preach like a saint matter of fact you sit like a saint you're looking at me like you're a saint what is the truth see is is the truth that we are who and what we look like or are we indeed shams or hypocrites see all this boils down to how much truthfulness matters to the person i really thank god for the three or four of you that's trying to keep me encouraged because the rest of you y'all ain't saying nothing thank you don't stop amen because we do a good job in america america you know i know of preachers who take pride they can preach up a storm but these guys have no problem with cussing swaying cuss you out some of them seem to take pride in that uh that the duality that duality in their personality that uh that that that other side but the person to whom truth matters begins to work on themselves lord i don't like this about me now lord i know i'm saved but there's some i said duality duplicity was the word i'm searching for there's some duplicity in me i want to work on this duplicity this i'm a fountain i'm a fountain and the bible says that pure water and salt water ought not come out the same fountain see so now what you're going to do right here right here you found out that there's something to this belt tonight loins girded about that is you are cinching your tunic and getting rid of everything that will keep you from fighting right and what you're using to cinch that tunic is god's truth see that's that's the practical application see i'm not talking platitude it means something how bad do you really want to be a woman of god now i know you spend hours in the mirror looking like one we spend time getting fixed up to look like a man of god but that's the difference between looking like a man of god and being one i just want to be right that's the problem that's the problem you should want to do right that's a very different statement because if someone want to be right whether we've done right or not still want to be right you won't but see you got to do right when you're long when you are centered when you are held together with a value on uh with the value a value for truthfulness it changes you thank you see you now i'm going to keep my chain if i wouldn't based on tonight the mother i'm going to go out there and i'm thinking about maybe on the sign put upper room presbyterian church because i'm getting presbyterian amen tonight but i ain't taking that chance [Laughter] are you following me tonight truthfulness truthfulness truthfulness truthfulness you know what working on our own hypocrisies and shams uh matters more to god even those of us who are you know we are uh apologists and we fight the good fight of faith and we're so involved and all these other things but you you know what you can't get so involved in that stuff that you don't let god work on you the the death of most preachers is we we we die because we spend all of our time preaching to the people but we don't let that word come back and before you know it you become something that you did not intend on becoming amen but you told the folk though you slayed the house man i killed them that's all that mattered i killed them did you see them shouting did you see them running did you see them respond to me you become an entertainer you can you can put on the show but the question is what is the value of truthfulness i've gotten stuck on this amen see practically speaking every encumbrance that might hinder the christians work for the lord is to be gathered and tucked into this belt this belt of truthfulness so that it will not so that it will not hinder us so that it will be out of the way hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 says wherefore seeing that we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight how many how many every weight that's heavy isn't it and the sin which does so easily beset us notice what it mentions two things and they're not the same weights aren't sins for if the weight was the sin then there'd be no need in mentioning weight or and sin well what are the ways weights are things personal places are things that lead to sin things that you can't wait things that you carry that slow you down they don't aid and obey your christian mission they slow you down some of them are carrying too many people they become a weight they slow you down amen and he says look at this uh you all are getting bored now he says he says every weight uh and the sin that does so easily beside us that throw off everything he says throw off everything that hinders us to to be set literally means to tangle up to trip you things that trip us up it's hard to hear this because you know that some of sometimes uh some of you your best buddy is just too cautious lord i enjoy them i enjoy they keep me laughing yeah but they're too carnal i want to pray now how many times y'all going to pray call me when the prayer is over ain't got no time for that colonel they're up for laughs up for jokes let's go out and eat let's have a good time i want to come to spiritual things call them one more say listen i need you to turn your plate down with me i'm seeking the lord for something child i'm over i'm already eating my bacon never die never down for anything spiritual that person may be your best friend but if that person don't shift then become spiritual that person is a weight the advice is never scripture if it was me i would do this they never tell you what the bible said because they don't know the bible that person is that's a weight that person is awake you may enjoy them but that's a wait there come there comes a time when you want to come out from under that see because you don't know you don't you don't know what uh life may throw at you that lump turned out to be something other than a pimple now you're facing radiation chemotherapy and all that and the last thing you got time for is some carnal person because now they're going to come in joking at a time when you don't have any laughter in you and you need to hear something real something strong society is shifting they're dividing folk up on race we're dividing people up on there's two groups of people in america now the vaccinated and the unvaccinated or not unvaccinated yet to be vaccinated divide us up the white and the black the rich and the poor god divides us to the sheep and the goats you better make sure you're a sheep because that's the only division that's going to matter in the end is whether or not you're a sheep or a goat oh god oh god that's truth there see that's that's what you got to be centered in i got to make sure that i'm right with god and i'm bouncing this thing off of god's truth last last thing here not my time oh i i failed tonight i said i was going to go i got three or four more scriptures i said i was going you know ii timothy chapter 2 verse 4 says no man that wareth that wareth no man that wareth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who have called him or who have chosen him to be a soldier lastly to be girded with truth has to do with his one self-discipline has to do with the self-discipline of total commitment it is the commit it is the committed christian brothers john you can you you can readily embrace this brother carl reeves you know i'm telling the truth it is the committed christian just as it is the committed soldier and the committed athlete brother jude who is prepared the committed christian the committed soldier and the committed athletes people who are committed are the people who get prepared winning in sports and war is often the result of desire that leads to careful preparation and maximum effort to be girded with truth is being renewed in the mind in order that we might uh prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god see when the mind is renewed and when we're grounded in god's truth and i'm i'm i'm going to pray and i have to stop here it helps us do something that is quite hard to do at times romans chapter 12 and verse 1 speaks of something that is reasonable service or reasonable worship but it's not always easy it's reasonable but reasonable doesn't necessarily mean easy i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service i submit that sometimes it's um and i read this and i was i was just so moved i was studying some of macarthur's writings and he said sometimes it is easier to be a dying sacrifice than a living one because no matter how hard the trial if you're dying sooner or later you'll be dead even if they're crucifying you sooner or later you'll be dead and once you're dead you don't feel it anymore but when you are a living sacrifice the enemy can come over and over and over you see because you're living and he can attack over the years and it is the will of god for us to be that sacrifice and to give him reasonable service every time and to stand our ground and to trust him every time are you following me what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god he's calling us to a state of readiness amen to have our lawns gird about with god's truth would you stand please i'm way over time i thought i had put together a formula tonight that would have me finished by 9. i'll try it again tomorrow father in the name of jesus we come before you tonight as people who value truthfulness it's people who value being truthful believers we want to be who and what we appear to be in you in the name of jesus oh god help us to cinch tight our tunics hallelujah prepare us for battle make us ready to fight the good fight of faith hallelujah have us where we are fluid enough to adapt and to shift and yet to be holy in the name of jesus to to change in terms of being ready to fight from whatever direction satan comes from but fight maintaining that truthfulness and holiness in the name of jesus for everyone who is streaming tonight for everyone who is here in the sanctuary tonight god let your glory prevail god unknown us anoint us tonight lord we stand we lift our hands and we just surrender to you and we say god put the belt on god put the belt on oh god let our lords be girded about with your truth in jesus holy name we pray thank god amen god bless you tonight god bless you is our prayer [Music] go on and clap your hands one more time for this word that we've heard tonight from my man of god bishop wooden gave us many wooden nuggets he said you can't fight satan without knowing what god's truth is and then he said there is no substitute for hard work and then it's not the will of god that we be a flavor of the month church and then truth promotes consistency and then he said the thing that cinches in our tunic is god's truth and lastly every thinking elder should be a member of the pastor's aid come on and clap your hands right there come on clap them clap them some more every old dog to be clapping hard we thank the long that has been that we thank the lord for the word that has been preached in our hearing tonight for my man of god philippians are you ready to be a blessing to our leader tonight philippians are you ready to be a blessing to our leader tonight amen i'm giving 100 superintendent parker's giving 125 dollars superintendent cooper is giving 100 chairman morgan is giving him 100 elder people's 100 elder wilson 65 elder rayford 55 evangelist lester 50 and brother ron moore 50 say amen for these for those of you who have that commitment who have um your offering at this time whether it's a hundred dollars dollars or fifty dollars whatever the amount is we ask that you would make preparation to give hold up your offering at this time and the ushers are gonna come and receive it from you you don't have to pass it down but the ushers are gonna come receive it from you at this time amen and to our wonderful followers that tune in on facebook live and on youtube our members from all around the country as well we greet you tonight and we ask at this time that you would make preparation to give as well the instructions are there for you on the screen whatever that amount is that god has placed upon your heart we ask that you will give it at this time amen on this coming sunday we'll be celebr we'll be having our communion service and both services so we want to make preparation for that want everybody to be ready and to be in place for communion service on this sunday you can receive your sacraments before you come into the sanctuary that helps us with the process when bishop gets started with the communion so make sure you get your sacraments as you come in amen amen september 19 let that get in your spirit you already know september 19th is going down here the upper room church of god in christ for two services 8 a.m and 11 a.m we're going to have a grandiose occasion and there's some things that i'm excited about talking about but i just can't say it right now but i'm i need to put this microphone down because i want to tell you what's going on because this committee that we have that works with the anniversary of something else i'll tell you they're second to none but i can't talk about that right now let's pray the heavenly father god we thank you tonight for both the gift and the giver in jesus name we pray amen at this time ebeneze lester is coming with our announcements good evening upper room church family the home going service for sister sean woods will be held on tomorrow a september 3rd at 11 a.m here at the upper room doors will open at 10 30 a.m please keep her husband brother sean woods and her children skyler and shelby woods and the entire woods bronson families in your prayers join us as we partake of the communion ordinance on sunday september 5th at 8 a.m and 11 a.m services all elders and missionaries are asked to adorn in the appropriate attire the upper room church and business office will be closed on monday september 6th in observance of labor day we will reopen for normal business on tuesday september 7th registration for the north carolina iii kojic academy is now open through september 10th and classes will begin on saturday september 11th all classes will be in person and video conference via zoom at the upper room church of god in christ tuition is 225 per semester and new students must include a fifty dollar non-refundable application fee instant third coaching academy is also offering an elective course for only 125 entitled apologetics to be taught by dr mark creech classes will be taught via zoom beginning monday september 13th for additional information and enrollment visit or send an email to infotech.nc3rdca for an application again that's infotech.nc3rdca save the date for the nc third women's convention to be held on wednesday september 29th through friday october first get ready for the 34th past story anniversary celebration of bishop patricka wooden senior unmovable amen on sunday september 19th prepare to be blessed to be a blessing to our man of god during two power pack services at 8 a.m and 11 a.m we are pleased to welcome guests artists michael boone and jarrell smalls but that's not all prepare yourselves to hear the preach word from bishop destree c bell it's the 34th pastor story anniversary celebration of bishop patrick wooden senior unmovable sunday september 19th at 8 a.m and 11 a.m at the upper room church of god in christ this concludes this evening's announcements thank you for your attention everybody say amen may we all stand stand thank you so much for your generosity father i pray for malachi's leg god heal him in the name of jesus let him recover fast keep him lord in jesus name we pray thank god hallelujah amen now it's important it's important that you though those are things there there the adjustment is not right see a nurse because there are there are nerve endings underneath your arms that if that's not correct can shut down your ability to i've seen it happen so somebody you know some of y'all are professional i'm i'm a doctor i play one on tv but uh but i know what i'm talking about with that so so you know some of you nurses you know what i'm talking about get his adjustment right uh thank you all so much and pray if you can we'll see you tomorrow at 11 o'clock for the home going service of sister sean woods elder amanchukwa and i was at the um with we were with brother sean today and there with the family and um serving and doing all that we can and tomorrow is a is a big day and um pray for the for the family and pray for him and for those two beautiful daughters uh it's always a challenge when someone loses their their their wife and then for children to lose their mother that's a that's a painful thing and we want to hold them up in prayer all right um remember the virus is still in the world and god has blessed us for being smart and being wise up until now let's stay smart let's stay wise as we dismiss we don't let our senior citizens and those who have uh conditions go first and the rest of us still hey still keep up the fist bump thing and what we've been doing and you just being wise and the lord will continue to bless you let everybody say god first some of y'all done going back to hugging too soon don't come grabbing me say amen amen i got a whole bunch of sermons that i got to preach [Laughter] yeah just come on hold on no no god bless you all i love you with the love of the lord thank you for your support god bless you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,027
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Id: 13vu5mvLsts
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Length: 150min 20sec (9020 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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