JRC LIVE! Sunday Worship

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[Music] mm-hmm [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so well this is the day that the lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it for the the lord is good can anybody be a witness that the lord is good has he proven himself to be good to anybody well let's lift up worship to our fathers come on say something to him this morning bring your heart and your mind in good morning to those of you who are viewing us on social media take a moment and bring your mind here set your attention on the lord and let's give them worship everybody hallelujah come on gift your voice to our father glory to jesus lord we honor you today lord we give you all the praise and we give you all the glory what a privilege and what an honor it is for us to have another opportunity to enter into the presence of the lord i don't take it lightly that i'm still alive i don't know about you is that anybody else's testimony [Music] glory to god i call you holy your name is holy you are so holy to me i call you hold your name is whole holy [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus you're so holy and you're so righteous you never failed us god [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are so faithful to me [Applause] is [Music] huh [Music] [Music] in your body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god is your faithfulness [Music] [Music] what would i do [Music] greatest [Music] when i think of what could have been great it's your faithfulness i can think of a few places that i could be oh but afraid it's your faithfulness [Music] when i think of the fact that i still got my right mind great [Music] i know it's simple but just kept i got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten fingers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten toes i got two feet i got two eyes i got a nose i got teeth i got lips i got arms i got hands [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] so very [Music] [Music] your head was holding me [Music] but the hitter is here [Music] pick me [Music] everybody say it don't matter if you can't sing sing it anyway come on sing to your father he's been so good break it down [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] once again [Music] monday tuesday [Music] [Music] come on sing your own song sing sing [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] the lord is good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] you you [Music] when i [Music] for me [Music] people here [Music] um [Music] for me [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] when i think of the goodness of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] hallelujah [Music] i don't know about you but i feel the shift in the atmosphere i feel the presence of god it's all in this place so father we come and we acknowledge you this morning we bless your name and we give you glory for you are worthy to be friendly and we thank you god we ask right now god that you will continue to rest in this room god and continue to lie your anointing to flow in this room god we give you permission god to mess us up with the spirit god have your way within us god have your way within this place god move in the mighty way god we pray right now god and we decree right now everybody that has been hit by either god we pray and decree that things will be a turnaround for them we pray right now for the families god give them strength for their weak god we pray right now god that you will make a way out of no way you will provide the resources god you will revive them you will restore them god in the name of jesus and father god as you continue in this place don't today we pray for the woman of god that whatever word you have sent for this house on this day that it would manifest god that it would tear down god things that need to be tore down we pulled down every stronghold right now in the name of jesus we pray right now for the mental god that's battling in their minds right now god i pray right now god that they be loosed in the name of jesus lose them in the name of jesus let me tell y'all something let me testify for a moment a couple of months ago i went and took my annual got a call the lady said miss williams you got to come back in and get a sonogram on your breath we saw something abnormal so i said okay it didn't bother me at the moment but you know alone the enemy comes to play with your mind so i was like getting a little worried and so i was in this group of texts somebody said something in the group i wasn't going to say nothing because i'm kind of like private but he made me say something to them in the group to pray for me [Music] normally i'm praying for other people but i needed prayer i needed strength so as they began to pray and we went before that lauren manifest she prayed for me out of nowhere and she was like i don't know why i'm preparing for healing for you but we're gonna decree and declare that god heals your body this is way before i even knew when the doctor's call so as far as it goes group ticks they prayed or whatever and then a few weeks later i had to go and take another tummy around and when i got the call again she says miss williams we didn't find anything there nothing you carry all god ain't good and even if there was something there guess what i was gonna continue to praise god for he has been good he's everlasting and he's merciful i just say to you today to allow god to have his way in your life allow yourself to magnify god today and watch a change happen today people depend on us people are depending on us your neighbor that's right next to you may not even be able to praise god today but because of you you can praise for them so can we just feel this in the name of jesus and give god [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we bless you god [Music] my glory in my troubles [Music] i will lift my hand i won't be discouraged [Music] but not foreign [Music] [Music] then [Music] me [Music] i won't fear tomorrow i won't fear [Music] i will stand even more [Music] oh yeah yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] everyone watching people like my father and i grew up watching people like my grandmother and my grandmother was here today she would say [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey family this is pastor jennifer lead pastor here at jackson revival center church we are so excited that you have taken a moment to join here with us today and for those of you who have already stopped and paused to take a moment out of your day to sow into the mission and the ministry of jackson revival center church to you i want to extend a warm thank you it is because of you that we are able to make a difference in our community you know the first division of psalm verses one through three said blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night the scripture goes on to declare that man shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that that man will bring forth his fruit in his season that his leaf will not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper now i want you to understand that word blessed in verse 1 means a great magnitude which lets us know that there is a freedom there is a liberty that sweeps over your life when we do not walk after the counsel or the opinion of the ungodly but follow willingly the law or principles of the lord that making choices that honor god ultimately lead to our prosperity some will argue that it's possible to accumulate wealth and possessions without loving and honoring god some will say that you don't have to obey god to accumulate wealth and that may be true but it won't bring happiness and it will not fill the void and if god is not the source the enemy probably is and if the devil is the source of your wealth rest assured at some point you're gonna have to pay the piper just like god blesses you on purpose in purpose and for purpose the enemy will try to bless you right out of purpose anything that looks like prosperity but does not enhance your purpose is not of god if it does not bring glory to god if it does not illuminate your christian walk if it does not represent the character of jesus christ i don't care how good it looks how great it feels how big it may be it's a deception and an indication that you have been in the council of the ungodly you will only become prosperous to the degree that you are moving toward the things of god because with god it's not about money when you walk according to the counsel of god's perfect will for your life he said you shall prosper that word prosper in that scripture means to push forward to break out to go over to break through that when you honor god's word there's something in you there's something around you there's something on you that propels you ahead and compels you onward true prosperity is success god's way with god's blessing would you join me today as we thank god for true prosperity and as we offer back to him the first of that that he's given to us let's pray heavenly father we thank you right now for your word we thank you for another opportunity to give and father today we come knowing that it is your will it is your plan to prosper us father right now we come to meditate in your word and to do what your word instructs us to do and we know because of that we're gonna be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water we're going to bring forth our fruit in the right season our leaf is not going to wither and we thank you right now that whatever we do is going to prosper because your blessing is on it we thank you right now for the breakout for the breakthrough we thank you for the magnitude of things you've got stored up for us and father we promise we're going to acknowledge you first in everything you do we give you the praise the glory and the honor in jesus name everybody said amen amen and amen may god bless you as you join me in giving judging by praise and worship i i gazed that i could see a lot of people in here that were excited about and could attest to the goodness of god um and if there is anybody in here the bible says oh magnify the lord with me in psalms 34 and let us exalt his name together it goes down to verse 8 and says oh taste and see that the lord is good come on so if anybody can speak to the goodness of god can we stay in that vein right there won't you stand on your feet and let's just sing about his goodness come on put your hands together jrc right there [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] y'all [Music] [Music] come on put your [Music] everybody put your hands [Music] a witness can i hear from you everybody says come on let me hear from you it says we shall overcome by the blood of the lord and the word of god [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for me [Music] [Music] i can speak to [Music] i was [Music] because we [Music] everybody hallelujah father we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your faith hallelujah [Music] cuz [Music] okay [Music] y'all just said earlier that when i say 2021 has been the toughest year of my adult life i mean coming off 2020 even though we were in the midst of a pandemic it was the best year of my life financially spiritually mentally for my business for all of my things that i'm doing especially coming to 2021 thinking i'm gonna keep that same energy from the previous year no no no no no it didn't go quite like that so i promise from the first six months of the year from january until june but i kept hearing in my spirit though he slayed me yet will i trust him and because i trust in the lord with all of my heart and lean not to my own understanding he will direct my past so i lived through that first six months of the year but month seven and month eight let me see let me start counting i got a new job i got my business expanded we went into a bigger building my financial income increased by thousands of dollars i can't begin to tell you what the lord has done for me because the bible says for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that's going to be revealed so god has been good to me it's so much more than a song it's a lifestyle so can i take about 30 or 40 people right there that can attest to the goodness of god god you've been too good for me to keep silent you've been too good for me you've been too good for me not to say anything because i will bless the lord at all and his praises shall continue be in my mouth god we thank you we love you and we adore you so we take this time out to good god's been good to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well come on and put those hands together give the lord a good hand lap of praise all over the house of the lord this morning that you know god has been better to you than you've been to your own self if you serve a god who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think you ought to take a moment just to open up your mouth throw your head back and just declare all over the house god has been good to me well i dare somebody to take a moment and just think about this week as mr donaldson said while ago from just sunday to sunday just how faithful god has been to you and to me or don't mess up and think about how faithful he's been in 2021 don't mess up and go back and think about how faithful god has been since the day that you were born i'm telling you when you look and consider the faithfulness of god and when you consider the faithfulness of god all the days of your life and you look at whatever problems you might be dealing with right now you can open up your mouth and say i may be facing trouble but you are still my god i bear somebody just to open up your mouth in spite of every situation in spite of every circumstance in spite of every ailment and just say you are still my god [Music] oh you are still oh my god hallelujah i want to welcome some friends of mine this morning uh we have some friends who are here who had to evacuate from new orleans uh lionel turtle jamal y'all in here i think i see one or two in the back listen i want to let you know we have the opportunity the privilege to be able to offer housing right now to those who have been affected by hurricane ida and just listening to some of the stories just listening to some of the stories on yesterday how some of them lost everything they had during hurricane katrina only to lose everything they had once again hurricane ida and still to say but god is still my god and the god who restored me then is the god who's going to restore me right now i want to talk about the faithfulness of god this morning [Music] i dare you to look at whatever seems to be an impossibility in your life and just declare god to be faithful in that situation declare god to be faithful in the midst of it all pastor you don't understand i got a meal dude god you are still my god pastor you don't understand i received a diagnosis that never agreed with my god you were steeled up [Music] whatever they said upon you are still mother [Music] you are still my healer you are still my deliverer you are still my provider you're still the keeper of my heart hallelujah father we pray today you would release breakthroughs and miracles in this house father we ask for healing we ask for deliverance we pray father that you would move within this place release a spirit of evangelism upon every person in this house today father i ask that you would anoint me now to be your mouthpiece father let somebody that is lost come to be saved father let somebody that is straight away come back home today father somebody who is unsure give them the assurance today that you are still god do what you want to do in this house and father we'll be careful to give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise it's in jesus name we pray and declare it to be so somebody say hallelujah amen amen amen amen listen we've been in a series for the past several weeks on the fruit of the spirit and we understand the fruit of the spirit is a biblical term that sums up the attributes of a person or a community that is living in alignment living in accord with the spirit of god and so according to galatians chapter 5 it said but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience or long-suffering kindness goodness gentleness and self-control when we're talking about the fruit of the spirit that fruit speaks to a natural product something that comes out of living in alignment with the spirit of god and so paul used fruit to help us understand the production or the productivity of the spirit of god who lives inside every believer the spook the fruit of the spirit then is produced by the spirit not the christian this is not something you got to go and try to manufacture in your flesh something you've got to try to do in your own but no this is something that is produced as a result of the work that holy spirit does on the inside of you and on the inside of me and so the greek word for fruit is singular uh showing that these attributes are a unified whole that these things do not operate independently of one another that even your faith works by love so you see they all work together and so uh we understand though just like physical fruit needs time to grow and mature the fruit of the spirit doesn't just show up overnight that just like a successful gardener has to go and battle against the weeds to get to the fruit we have to constantly de-weed the gardens of our heart that we have to constantly go and pull the weeds of that old sin nature that would come to try to choke out the work of the spirit so there's this constant battle between our desire to do right and our tendency to do wrong oh i'm just in here by myself it's all right so so so week number one we talked about love and we talked about how the love of god is global how the love of god is sacrificial how the love of god is so personal and then in the second week we talked about joy and we begin to understand that real joy produced by the spirit of god is unaffected by outward circumstances that when you've really got some joy joy is at its best when times are at their worst that we understand joy is something that god gives it is a supernatural response of god to every attack of the enemy upon your life and then we talked about in week three peace that that real peace means to be joined to prosperity to be joined to rest to be joined to quietness and to be joined to contentment that it comes from the person of jesus christ that peace will literally keep you from losing your mind why because peace will come to guard your heart it will come to guard your mind the bible said i will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on me and then week four we talked about long suffering which implies to us whatever it is you're dealing with is not a quick fix that god requires long suffering in our lives because he wants to perfect us he wants to establish us he wants to settle us and strengthen us and then last week we talked about kindness and goodness uh it is the kindness of the lord that leads people to repentance that kindness has a ripple effect that kindness is an attitude a demeanor a disposition and then goodness are the deeds that are done as a result of that disposition and so this week we're going into the seventh of those nine characteristics which is faithfulness somebody just say faithfulness hallelujah so the apostle paul writes to the church in galatian he spends uh verses 6 through 16 through 21 of chapter 5 talking about those works of the flesh he lets us know those behaviors of that are evidence that the flesh is in charge in our lives but then in verse 22 he begins to talk about those things that are evidence of the work of the spirit uh those things that prove the spirit of god is in control of your life and so when he talks about those works of the flesh he lists them all but then he says but i'm so glad for the butt he said the fruit of the spirit and he begins to talk about those fruit of the spirit and so the seventh one is faithfulness and that's what we're going to talk about you can go on and be seated we are going to read in just a little bit uh but you can remain seated for that i thank you for standing in honor of the word of god for the spirit of god uh i want to start by just giving you a working definition of faithfulness now now this is deep have y'all loved these deep definitions every week uh to be faithful is to be full of faith y'all y'all are y'all able to comprehend that to be faithful is to be full of faith it is to be full of conviction but really when we talk about faithfulness um it is it is the kind of faith that no matter what you are facing in your life you make a conscious intentional decision to stay with god because you know whatever it is god is going to work it out that that's what faithfulness means it is to be so full of faith that you are fully persuaded that there is a conviction in your spirit that no matter what it looks like god is going to work it out now you got to understand in the course of this life you are going to face some things that are going to challenge your belief in god life will challenge the decisions that you make life's going to challenge how you walk your walk you're going to be con you're going to be challenged concerning what you do with your body you're going to be challenged concerning who you're going to hang out with you're going to be challenged concerning how you're going to spend your money you're going to be challenged concerning how you're going to make your money that there's this constant barrage of things that's going to challenge whether or not you are really going to put your faith in god but here's what i want to tell you when the spirit of god is is in the position of control when the spirit of god is in the driver's seat of your life when the spirit is calling the shots no matter what you face no matter what comes in front of you you're going to make the right choice because you know god has your back that's that's what faithfulness is it's it's a particular level of confidence it is an uncommon confidence that god has your back it is the assurance that god is going to fight my battles it is the assurance see you gotta understand faith is what moves god the bible said without faith it is impossible to please him that if you're gonna deal with him if you're gonna come to him you gotta come knowing he's able to do what he said he's gonna do so then we we understand that that that faithfulness is confidence it's a trust it's a belief in god and see that's what moves god that's what captures the heart of god that you believe and so when the holy spirit takes up residency within you and you allow him to call the shots there's going to be times where you were pulled between the voice of god and you were pulled by the voice of your flesh that that like i said while ago you're going to be wrestling between the desire to do right and the tendency to do wrong and so when there's a faithfulness there in spite of the poor when there's faithfulness there in spite of the war within you understand there's a knowing there's a confidence that no matter what comes down the pike god is gonna work it together for good you know god is gonna bring something good out of that which appears to be working against you it may not come as quickly as you want it to it may not come in the time frame that you would prefer it may not come in the dimension that you desire but some way somehow god is gonna work it out somebody needs to hear that this morning i know that it's not deep i know i didn't give you the greek in the hebrew but somebody came to church this morning just needing to be reassured that god sees you and god is going to work it out when you got this knowing on the inside you're not stressed you're not burned out you're not frustrated you're not angry you're not mad you're not calling on your friends you're not depending on your flesh when you've got a walk with god when you got relationship with him you just know it's already worked out there's faithfulness right there we can see faithfulness illustrated from genesis to revelation but i want you if you will to turn to daniel chapter three because faithfulness says i am a person of conviction i i'm not gonna just walk any kind of way because i got a deep confidence that god is going to work it out it's an absolute confidence let me show you an example of this let's go to daniel chapter 3. all i have to do is read this chapter to leah when i start getting challenged in my faith when i get to the place that i want to throw in the towel daniel chapter 3 is one of those chapters that i just love to go through because you're going to see faithfulness at work you're going to see the faithfulness of the people of god to god and you're going to see the faithfulness of god to his people this is a chapter of faithfulness daniel chapter 3 are y'all there it said nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold image of that gold whose height was 60 cubits and it's with six cubits he set it up in the plain of dora in the province of babylon and king nebuchadnezzar sent word together together the set traps the administrators the governors the councilors the treasurers the judges the magistrates and all the officials of the provinces to come to the dedication of this image which king nebuchadnezzar had set up so the state traps the administrators the governors the councilors the treasurers the judges the magistrates and all the officials of the provinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that king nebuchadnezzar had set up and they stood before the image that he had set up then a herald cried aloud and said to you it is commanded o peoples nations and languages that at the time you hear the sound of the horn the flute the harp the liar and sultry in symphony with all kinds of music that you shall fall down and worship the gold image that king nebuchadnezzar has set up now let me put this in today's language for you so that you can follow and understand what he's saying he has made this golden image and he has put this image on a stand and he said when the music begins to play i i want everybody to bow down to the image the music begin to play and scripture records that the people began to dance and the people began to shout and the command was given out but if you look in verse 6 he said whoever does not fall down and worship whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast immediately into a burning fiery furnace see there's something you got to understand that if the holy spirit is not at work in your life then your flesh does not have a moral compass if holy spirit is not at work in your life then all you have is what culture has created for you but when the word of god is sown into your life on the regular and holy spirit is at work in your life holy spirit comes and breathes on that word watch what begins to happen verse 7 said at the time when all the people heard the sound of the horn the flute the harp and liar in symphony with all kinds of music all the people all the nations all the languages fell down and worshipped the gold image which king nebuchadnezzar has set up therefore at that time certain chaldeans came forward and accused the jews they spoke and said to king nebuchadnezzar o king live forever you o king have made a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the harp the flute the horn the lear the sultry the symphony of all of this music shall fall down and worship the gold image and you said o king whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast into the middle of a burning fiery furnace well king there are certain jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of babylon jews by the name of shadrach meshach and abednego these men o king have not paid due regard to you they don't serve your gods king they they don't worship the gold image that you have set up scripture says then nebuchadnezzar enrage and fury gave the command to bring shadrach meshach and abednego so they brought these men before the king verse 14 nebuchadnezzar spoke saying to them is it true shadrach meshach and abednego is it true that you don't serve my gods is it true that you don't worship the idol that i have set up now i'm going to give you another opportunity if you're ready at the time that you hear the horn the flute the heart the lear the sultry in symphony with all kinds of music and you fall down and worship the image that i have made good but if you do not in other words maybe you didn't understand what they said so i'm gonna say it to you one more time and i'm gonna give you one more chance when you hear the music if you do not worship you're going to be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and this is where you know he really tripping because he said and who is the god who will deliver you from my hand shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king oh nebuchadnezzar buddy you don't even know what you just did shadrach meshach and abednego said we have no need to even answer you in this matter can i just tell you some of y'all are facing some situations and some circumstances that the word of the lord to you is you don't even have need to give answer in that matter right there you don't even need to give time to it you don't even need to give attention to it it's just a distraction that the enemy has sent your way there's no need to have a discussion there's no need for a debate we don't even need to respond to you [Music] they said verse 17 if you big and bad enough to do what you think you need to do our god is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace we are not afraid of the fire that's what i love about worship at jackson revival center because i love to come into the house of the lord with some folk i know ain't afraid of the fire because we've done walk to love we haven't been in this thing long enough to understand that even if we go in we serve a god who is able [Music] to bring us out they said dude do what you got to do but one thing we understand god is going to deliver us from your hand i love their stance i love their attitude i love their confidence that god will either bring us out of the fire either god's gonna show up before we go in god's gonna show up while we're in there [Music] and if we die in the fire that's all right too because we're going to be we're here see you got to understand sometimes i i get these prayer requests all the time and i understand i pray the same way a lot of times but i get these requests pastor pray xyz doesn't happen because what we're saying is i want you to pray that i don't have to go in the fire what we're saying is pray that i don't have to go through and i've gotten to the place i say i'll pray that but even if you do it doesn't mean that i don't have faith for prevention but i just understand god is god whether it comes through prevention whether it comes through trial whether it comes through healing or whether it comes through death god is god all the way through from the beginning to the end from the top to the bottom from the back to the front of god [Music] paul is still god so they were saying in other words i don't know if he's going to deliver us from it i don't know if he's going to deliver us in it i just know god's going to be with us every step of the way and see this is like a whole lot of us because sometimes we we put god on this pedestal and we say that we want god to do a particular thing a particular way and if god don't do what we want him to do the way that we want him to do it then we're going to quit church we're going to quit god but god is looking for some folk who will say god however you deliver me it's gonna be okay even if you don't do what i'm asking you to do you are still god i dare somebody with some faith in your spirit to open up your mouth and just say god you are still god you might have disappointment in your heart you might have some frustration in your spirit but i declare you'll break its power just by lifting up your hand and saying god you're still god something is going to break something is going to change something is going to happen there'll be a shift in your spirit when you say god you are still god see let me tell you something god may not always heal your loved one the way you want him to you may not always get the promotion on your job you may not always get the new house but faithfulness said you are still god and i still love you i still trust you jesus you are still god and you are still worthy of all my praise your still my waymaker you are still my burden bearer you have still washed away my sins you have still kept your promises they said our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand then you look at verse 18 and they said but let me take it a little step further because even if not see that's where the shout is right there because they stood boldly and they said our god is able to deliver but even if he don't i wonder if anybody in here got a butt even if he don't in your spirit today said but if not let it be known to you we still ain't gonna serve your god we're still not gonna bow to the image that you have set up see you gotta understand your faith is only as strong as what is rooted in if your faith is delivered if your faith is rooted and things happening a particular way when it don't happen that way your faith goes out the door so your faith is only as strong as the thing that it is rooted in it is only as strong as the thing that it is holding on to but see i you got to understand our faith is not in our faithfulness to him our faith is in his faithfulness to us [Music] let me ask you a question is your faith [Music] in your faithfulness to god it is your faith in the fact that you've dotted the eyes and crossed the t's it is your faith in the fact that that you didn't miss any sundays this year is your faith in the fact that you you paid your tithe and gave your offering no my faith is in his faithfulness faith is the substance of things hopefully it is the evidence of the things that i do not see but no god has declared i shall have faith is that thing that understands god is going to do what he said he's going to do so so so we understand then faithfulness is a keeping fruit that that faithfulness is what ensures we are reliable and trustworthy faithfulness is what ensures god is reliable and trustworthy see there is nothing about faithfulness that appeals to our flesh ain't nothing that appeals to your flesh about showing up at 6 20 on a sunday morning i i can get not not not just one but every sunday morning [Music] faithfulness does not appeal to the flesh that's that's why sometimes i say church folk are crazy to expect faithfulness from folk who ain't serving god faithfulness is something that challenges even those who are [Music] because faithfulness is bigger than a feeling it takes the spirit of god to keep you faithful to anything faithful to your job faithful to your house faithful to your bills faithful to your call faithful to your family faithful but god is looking for consistency because consistency is a sign or an attribute that you have the capacity for faithfulness see see the thing that we have to understand about faithfulness is that faithfulness is an act of submission toward god submission sub means to be under submission is to be under the mission which means you cannot be faithful to god you can i mean you cannot be faithful to people you cannot be faithful to anything if you were not first faithful to him christian submission can be defined as the continued and consistent acts of obedience toward god it is those consistent and continual acts of obedience toward god that supplies the capacity for faithfulness y'all all right so so when we talk about submission it means to be under his mission if i'm not under his mission y'all getting quiet like y'all like y'all all up under his mission all the time when when we submit to god there's a surrender that is required because if i'm not under his mission i get under my mission and when i get up under my mission that's when things get off track so we got to say lord help me submit to you help me surrender help me to be under your mission because being under your mission keeps me on track psalm 31 23 said o love the lord all ye he saints for the lord preserveth the faithful this is why shadrach meshach and abednego can say oh we good if you got to throw us in the fire gonna throw us in there because the god we serve is able to deliver but even if he don't because they understand the lord preserves the faithful and he plentifully rewardeth the proud doer the one who takes pleasure in doing his work proverbs 28 20 said a faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent okay we're saying all right pastor i get it i need to be faithful well how do i get to be faithful how do i learn of faithfulness how does the spirit of god how do i yield to the spirit of god so that it can produce faithfulness inside of me well i'm glad you asked that's a great question because the word of god is the governing tool to produce within you faithfulness the bible said faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god mark 11 22 have faith in god have faith in god not feelings have faith in god faith comes by hearing not by feeling because real talk sometimes being faithful comes with it no emotion you don't have to feel faithful to do faith [Music] see i can guarantee you there have been some days you didn't feel like getting up and coming to church but there was faithfulness inside of you that said in spite of how i feel i'm gonna be there because i know if i can just get there god's got something for me i can guarantee you these folks who stand behind me these folks who are beside me those folk back there everybody don't feel okay i can't talk for them thank you for giving me a witness but i don't feel like standing up here air sun i don't feel like preparing every single week two and three times a week there are times where i am drawn and i cannot wait to get into the word there are times that when i get in there i don't want to come out but there are times [Music] i struggled to get in and can't wait to get out so it's bigger than my feeling of the gospel but what happens is i am submitted to the mission of god for this house this people and for my life so sometimes there's no emotion or there's an emotion that pulls me in an opposite direction but the thing there's the thing that overrides it all is there's this hearing in my spirit there's a hearing in my spirit that overrides my feelings my emotions and my infirmities that when you stand in faith [Music] a lot of times when you stand in faith what god speaks in your spirit is contradictory to what you see in your situations and your circumstances many times what god speaks in your spirit is contradictory even to what you feel in your body what you feel in your mind but faithfulness is that commitment to that conviction that what god said is bigger than what i feel [Music] so then i begin to understand that faith is the thing that in uh that informs my feelings faith is the thing that that fortifies my spirit it is it is the word that governs my life and then the spirit comes and breathes on that word to speak to me and bring things back to my memory even when i'm not actively hearing the word they said we will not bow they had a conviction elder o'hara in their spirit they were persuaded of victory in their heart yet they were surrounded by fire this this what i need y'all to get i need you to smell the smoke i need you to see the brightness and the flicker of the flame i need you to feel the heat coming off the coals that's where they were yet they had victory in their spirits because god don't speak to your flesh god speaks to your spirit and what speaks to your spirit stands against what is speaking from your flesh that i see the flicker of the flame i feel the heat it's getting hot this thing is real this dude ain't playing they really finna throw us in the fire and yet they're standing there saying i know i see the flicker of the flame i feel the heat i smell the smoke but i am fully persuaded that what god has said he is faithful to perform [Music] see you gotta understand who god is because his faithfulness is revealed in his name the bible said there is no variableness in god there's no flakiness in god he was he is who he was years ago and if he did it before he can do it again so you got to understand his name is faithful deuteronomy i think it's chapter six chapter 7 it talks about his name being faithful god and so his his character his his faithfulness is not what he does his faithfulness is is not what he has his faithfulness is who he is so so they said we we're not going to bow then nebuchadnezzar was full of fury and and the expression on his face changed toward them shadrach meshach and abednego he spoke and commanded listen to this i told you they they saw the flicker of the flame they felt the heat they smelled the smoke nebuchadnezzar is hot he said heat it up seven times harder they heated seven times hotter than it was usually he in other words the skin should have fell off their bones and that's not all he commanded certain men of valor who were part of his army to bind shadrach meshach and abednego the fact that you feel like you need to put some rope around some folk who are going through a fire let me know that even in your subconscious you you knew you were playing with fire y'all don't sit me down heat the fire seven times hotter bind them and then cast them into the fiery furnace see when you understand your responsibility to be faithful to god when you're expecting his faithfulness toward you [Music] your trust will be your triumph in the midst of your tragedy there's a point of origination and then there is a point of destination but between the point of your origination and the point of your destination there's gonna be a frustration designed to provoke your resignation before you get to your destination or let me talk to some folk who can handle some real real talk he want to get you to resign from your family resign from your call resolve whatever it is you call to but these men said we will not bow we will not for we're not going to buckle they stood in faith now watch watch what happens because god's faithfulness is continual god's faithfulness is continual because he is immutable he don't change he's the same yesterday today and forevermore these men were bound in their coats their trousers their you going in a fire you go on a coat you got on trousers you got on the turbine and other if you don't burn them up the fire has been heated seven times hotter they're bound and they're in coats trousers turbans and other garments and were cast in the midst of the burning fiery furnace because the king's command was urgent and because the furnace was exceedingly hot watch this the flame of the fire killed the men who were putting shadrach meshach and abednego [Music] you better be careful how you handle the people of god [Music] because they couldn't even get them in the fire before they had been burned up themselves [Music] verse 24 said then king nebuchadnezzar was astonished and he rose in haste saying to his counselors wait a minute did we not throw three did we not cast three men bound in the midst of the fire [Music] they answered and said true that okay true o king true that true that look but but look verse 25 said and he answered but i see then we cast in three yep sure did he said but i see four [Music] uh you missed it because he said i see four loose [Music] i want you to look over at somebody and say you may go inbound but you coming out loose [Music] you you see when you're full of faith when you are made up in your heart and your mind to be faithful to god you go into your fiery furnace with the confidence that god ain't gonna let you go in there by yourself [Music] oh folk used to say and he walks with me and he talks with me and until he will walk through the fire with you [Music] i need somebody just to say every step of the way and it says we cast in three bounds but i see four loose [Music] some of y'all have been thrown in some tough situations but you didn't know god was gonna loose you in the middle of the very thing you were fighting again god's gonna lose you right in the midst of the thing that was meant to bind you [Music] i see four loose walking in the midst of the fire [Music] here they are walking in the midst of the fire they are not hurt [Music] this is what the king says [Music] they are not hurt and the form of the fourth is likened to the son of god i threw them inbound but now i see four and they are loose and the fourth one is likened to the son of god jesus rock in a weary lane jesus shelter in the time of storm jesus my insulator and my isolator [Music] then nebuchadnezzar near the mouth of the fiery furnace spoke and said shadrach meshach and abednego servants of the most high god [Music] come out and come here he already knew who had the power to bind and who had the power to lose see when god brings you out the folk who threw you in can't get you out when god brings you out you don't need nobody else's assistance [Music] you know you bad when god uses the voice of your enemy to call you out shadrach meshach and abednego silence of the most high god come out and come here [Music] see i'm trying to get to my next points but holy spirit got something holy spirit is saying to some of y'all come out and come here the king said to them y'all are serving the real god [Music] then shadrach meshach and abednego came walking from the midst of the fire and the state traps administrators governors and the king's councillors gathered together and they saw these men they are they saw these men upon whose bodies the fire had no power dare you just to touch yourself and say the fire has no power over this [Music] somebody gonna get in just a minute so you get upset when you feel a symptom because you think something is about to prosper he didn't say the weapons weren't going to form he just said they weren't going to be able to prosper you can bind me up throw me in the fire they should have been hurt just from the heat and their clothes binding to their flesh [Music] but here came these men upon whose bodies the fire had no power the hair on their head was not even singed their garments were not even affected and the smell of fire was not even on there see this let me know you can be in it and it not be in you you can be surrounded by it and not be affected by it well i feel a shout in here today some of y'all are going through some fiery triumphs but when you come out i didn't say if you come out i said when you come out you're gonna come out not hurt you're gonna come out not bruised you're gonna come out not defeated i dare somebody just to testify for two or three seconds and just tell somebody i don't even look like what i've been through i don't even look like what i've been if you look at me you wouldn't even know [Music] i'd ask somebody just to say i'm still here i'm still here i've been through some things but i'm still here i've been through some stuff but i'm still here to bless his name i'm still he's giving off some glory if i wanted to be bitter but i could but i'm not because god just used it to make me better i need somebody to open up your mouth and just say glory to his name glory to his name bless that wonderful name [Music] no rather help [Music] [Music] oh yes somebody just needed [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] hmm hmm i'm gonna try to finish this said the state traps the administers the governors the king's councillors gathered together and they saw somebody say they saw it so you gotta understand people are watching you and one of the reasons you got to go through some of the stuff that you got to go through one of the reasons why you got to go through things you don't even see other people going through is because other people are watching to see how you handle what you go through and when they watch you they're gonna see that you never stop praising god they're gonna see that you stayed with god all the way they're gonna see that you gave god praise all the way through it you never stop worshiping you never stop calling on his name [Music] these men upon whom the fire had no power these men whom the hair of their heads were not even sins the men whose garments were not even affected the men who did not even smell like smoke [Music] came through somebody say come through jesus nebuchadnezzar spoke saying blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him listen it said they frustrated the king's word they yielded their bodies not to what the king said but to the faithfulness of god that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own god he said so if you can't beat them you might as well join he said therefore i make a decree that any nation any language anybody who speaks anything amiss against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego shall be cut into pieces the houses shall be made an ash heap because there is no god who can deliver like this can you open up your mouth and say no god can deliver like our god [Music] can you say no god can deliver like our god i need you to say it one more time no god can deliver [Music] that's the god that i serve hallelujah bless the name of jesus he's a waymaker promised keeper burn and bearer headed heavy loads they didn't buckle they didn't bow they didn't live and he said well pastor how do i know that when i get in a situation i'm not gonna buckle how do i know i'm not gonna bow i've read even this week that there were whole churches in afghanistan who because of persecution in that country whole churches pastor steve were slaughtered whole churches were killed children and women and men who said i refuse to bow to the golden image that nebuchadnezzar has set up i refuse to turn my back on god who has never turned his back on me i refuse not to be faithful when i'm put to the test and i get nervous sometimes [Music] because i say god what would happen if we face that in the united states of america how many of us [Music] would have the capacity to remain faithful in the face of a machine gun faithful in the face of somebody ready to take you and your children and your spouse out you say pastor what how do i know i'm not gonna buckle how do i get to the place i don't bow to the pressures of this life because it gets so hard pastor i understand can i give you a couple of things just real quick you can remain standing one thing you got to feed on the faithfulness of god you you can't feed on facebook and instagram and twitter you can't feed on cnn and fox news and you're messing with me you can't feed on that stuff and expect to remain faithful to god you've got to feed on god's faithfulness to you psalm 37 3 said trust in the lord and do good and dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness that's the instruction from word of the lord there is no god who can deliver like our god that's why one writer said i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth all magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together he is a delivering god the bible said we got to hold fast to the profession of our faith the word of god said whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are lovely think on these things feed on these things feed on the faithfulness of god when i feed on his faithfulness i feed on his truth and his truth says i gotta trust in his power his truth said i can trust in his wisdom his truth said i can trust in his goodness you gotta feed on it because what you dwell on you become full [Music] what you dwell on you become full of you got to feed on his faithfulness they said there's no god who can deliver like our god these seasons see the thing is every time you begin to dwell on god god don't get bigger but your view of god does he's as big as he ever gonna be he's been big is he ever gonna be but see when you feed on his faithfulness your view of him your expectation your trust it gets bigger and bigger and bigger because what you feed on you become full of so when i feed on his faithfulness i get full of faith these fellas encourage me every time i read their story because they encourage me to stay in the course every day you have opportunities in opposition to make decisions what voice are you going to listen to the voice of the spirit or the voice of your flesh when you feed on his faithfulness and faith is at your core [Music] you will yield to the voice that says obey god when you're challenged about what you're gonna do and how you're gonna manage your money obey god when you're challenged about what you're gonna do with your body when you're challenged about the words that come out of your mouth oh baby when you start making goals for your life don't make goals based on get rich quick schemes and don't make goals based on motivational speakers get in the word of god [Music] and make your goals based on his word who am i preaching to [Music] feed on his faithfulness rejoice in his faithfulness isaiah 25 1 said lord you are my god i will exalt you and i will praise your name for imperfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things things planned long ago which lets me know before i ever went in god had already planned my way out if he's been good to you in this house somebody ought to help me praise him somebody ought to help me lift up his name if he's brought you out of darkness into the marvelous light somebody ought to help me give glory to this day somebody ought to tell him thank you pity don't move god praise moves god the bible said he didn't have it not the pity of his he inhabits the praises feed on his faithfulness rejoice in his faith when his last but not least rest in the faithfulness of god first kings 856 says there has not failed one word from all his good promises [Music] feed on his faithfulness rejoice in his faithfulness rest in his faithfulness rely on his faithfulness report his faithfulness trust god obey his word lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him acknowledge his faithfulness and he will direct your path faithfulness says i'm gonna trust god i'm gonna obey god no matter what my circumstances [Music] like sarah you gotta judge god faithful i thought about that this week because there's a lot of things that we can make excuses about but evidence eliminates excuses and the thing about a good judge is a good judge has to take into consideration all the evidence in order to be a right fair and faithful judge you can't judge anything until you first considered all the evidence sarah said i've been through some stuff but at the end of it all when i consider all the evidence i judge god has been faithful faithful to protect faithful to provide faithful to restore faithful to preserve she examined all of the evidence and came to the conclusion god is faithful if you examine all the evidence in your life i want to tell you you're going to come to the conclusion god is faithful [Music] i close with this it said revelation chapter 3 verse 7. you remember when john got a vision on the isle of patmos and began to write letters and there was a letter written to the church at philadelphia and it said to the angel of the church in philadelphia write these things said he who is holy he who is true he who has the key of david he who opens and no one shuts he who shuts and no one opens see verse 30 said the king promoted shadrach meshach and abednego that they endured the test they endured the fire they overcame what they went through and it said god promoted them [Music] god opens the door that no man can shut he closes the doors that nobody can come behind him and open back up he said i know your work see i've set before you an open door and nobody can shut down what god has opened up oh somebody ought to be encouraged right there i said nobody can shut down what god has opened up god said i'll make a way out of no way nobody can deny you what god already said belongs to you because you have kept my command to persevere because you have remained faithful i will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell therein these young men shadrach meshach and abednego they endured that test you and i can endure that test they said we refuse to bow for our god is able to deliver but even if he doesn't we still refuse to bow we still refuse to compromise we still refuse to serve these false gods we will honor and trust the only wise god the only living god let me tell you something our god is so strong our god is so mighty our god is so awesome in the same power that delivered them from the fiery furnace is the same power that raised jesus from the dead and that is the same power that will deliver you from every situation and circumstance you come against in your life that is the power that provides for you forgiveness from your sin that is the power that provides for you the washing away of all your unrighteousness that is the power that gives you relationship with god if he hung in there for you why can't you hang in there for him knowing and understanding his faithfulness will not fail you standing to your feet all over this building if you are here today if you are watching by way of social media if you're here in the building i need you to understand you are not here by happenstance you were not here by coincidence but you are here because god divinely orchestrated that it be so and if you need to know him in the pardon of your sin if you need reassurance that you belong to him i want you to just lift your hands those of you who are watching by way of television you can comment right there in the feed but all over this place heads bowed and eyes closed if you say pastor i need to know the faithfulness of god in my life i need god to develop the capacity for faithfulness within me i refuse to bow i refuse to compromise but i need that assurance i need to know i'm covered i need to know i'm washed in the blood of the lamb simply raise your hand simply comment in the feed those of you making a decision can go to my jrc dot info forward slash decision and let us know you're making a decision for the lord jesus christ right here right now i'm going to ask the church to pray with me even now and just say heavenly father i come i confess that i've sinned i confess i have fallen short of your glory thank you for loving me thank you for looking beyond my phone and recognizing my need thank you for sending your son to shed his blood for the remission of my sin now i ask that you forgive me for my sin cleanse me from all unrighteousness wash me write my name in the lamb's book of life fill me with your spirit use me for your glory in jesus name i pray now i confess with my mouth what i believe in my heart because of his goodness and not mine i am saved hallelujah if you prayed that prayer right there let me let you know your sins are forgiven you've been washed in the blood of the lamb old things have washed away and in this moment right here everything has become brand new glory to the lamb of god there may be someone in here today and you say i need a church home i need a pastor i want to be a part of a family of god i need a place to grow i need a place to be developed and if you know that jackson revival center is the place that god has ordained for you i want you to just lift your hand maybe you're there on the feed you can do the same thing my jrc dot info forward slash decision i'm going to pray right now for those who feel called to be a part of the family of god at jackson revival center church father we thank you for those that you are adding to the church we pray this would be one of the best decisions that they've ever made that they would be blessed and they're coming in blessed and they're going out when they're at work when they're at rest crown their efforts with great success father we ask now that they would be faithful in their attendance faithful to give of their tithe and offering faithful to give of the gifts and the talents you placed on the inside of them father it is our covenant with them and our covenant with you that we will study the word of god that we might rightly divide the word of truth that we may show ourselves approved unto you father that they may receive that word father with meekness the engrafted word that they may grow thereby we thank you now father we will love them we will pray for them we will do life with them we ask now that together you would use us to advance your kingdom throughout the earth that father we would occupy until you come that upon your return we would be found faithful in your sight we thank you now and we declare it to be so we welcome them by the spirit of god it is in jesus name that we pray everybody said amen amen and amen hallelujah thank you jesus give the lord a good hand clap of praise [Music] hallelujah can you just lift up your hands for a moment and just love on jesus hallelujah [Music] just bask right there [Music] wash me wash me [Music] was [Music] oh [Music] was [Music] is [Music] how many can say lord i want you to wash me each and every day conform me to your image until i look just like you thank you hallelujah we've got two babies to dedicate and so i'm gonna ask first the reed family to come brother earl and sister ashley reed grandparents god parents friends and family who have been asked to participate the practice of baby dedication is rooted in the old testament its foundation is found in deuteronomy chapter six verses four through seven it says hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one said you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might these words that i command you today shall be on your heart you shall teach them diligently to your children you shall talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise so this is not a baptism but this is where parents come to acknowledge first that this child is a gift from god and as you hand your daughter off to us it is symbolic of you handing your daughter back to the god who gave her to you now we understand we are not god we are not jesus we are just here to be his representatives but as we take this child we receive them as you as a family as friends call to this family you come to stand and support you come to say we will be a village we're committing ourselves to see that this child is raised in a godly way we're coming to commit ourselves to raise her in the fear and the admonition of the lord as we say i'm entrusting my child to god's will for her life pastor steve i'm going to ask if you would to anoint these parents to anoint these siblings for those who are standing with them both to the parents and to the family your responsibilities include teaching and training this child in the ways of god the bible said if we would train them up in the way that they should go when they are old they would not depart you were to demonstrate practical examples of godliness for ayah to discipline her according to the ways of god and most of all to pray earnestly for her to pray for her present to pray for her future to pray for her success now ashley and earl allen ashton and elle have come to offer her to the lord the bible said i know the plans that i have for you plans for good and not for evil to prosper you to give you a future and to give you a hope hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i'm gonna ask everybody if you would to stretch your hands toward her [Music] father we thank you for aya [Music] father we thank you for what she has already overcome [Music] and father we thank you that the plans and the plots and schemes of the enemies were formed but they did not prosper now father this family has come to present her back to you father we asked that you would watch over her that you would protect her that you would keep her father keep her from hurt keeper from harm keeper from danger father protector from danger seen and unseen father hider as it were until the time comes the set time for her purpose to be revealed father we pray right now that the angels of the lord would encounter round about her all the days of her life we ask that you would protect her from sickness and disease protect her from viruses protect the lord from those who mean her no good we pray lord that you would anoint each one who stands with this family father to speak words in season you said words that are fitly spoken in season are like apples of gold father we ask that you anoint them to speak into her we ask that you anoint them to speak over her father we speak right now to her present we speak to her future we speak to the call of god upon her life and father we thank you that she will be found faithful in everything you've called her to do father we already know you are the god who is faithful to the living we already know you are the god who is able to bring her out and father i thank you that she will live under the word that has been preached today that she will see and experience the faithfulness of god all the days of her life father let her serve you faithless use her lord in the name of jesus let her be one who will not back let her be one who will not compromise but let us strong stand strong in this last and evil day father i thank you that we don't have to fear the day in which she's being raised for she's been anointed and equipped for the time in which she's been born now father we give her to you and we say have your way have your way may she and her family see every plan fulfilled in her life in jesus name amen it's getting good to you in the night oh yes hey the faithfulness of god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah now i give you her bible and her certificate and i don't take it lightly when we give these bibles when we give these certificates i pray right now that that word would be a lamp unto her feet that that word would be a light unto her path i pray lord that she would hide that word in her heart that she might not sin against you we thank you for it now we declare it to be so in jesus name amen amen and amen hallelujah can y'all give the lord a good hand clap for praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus i love you guys may the blessings of the lord rest upon you all all the days of your life it is amen amen you can be seated now i'm asking the family of jet smith to come hallelujah jamisha you and your sister hallelujah so [Music] there's a beautiful scripture that says through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the fall and to silence the avenger i know y'all missed that because there was no witness to it but it said through the praise of children and infants god has established a stronghold against the enemy [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] children are a gift from god only god is the giver and the sustainer of life this child is god's gift to you he's god's gift to all of us there you go he said that's what i'm talking about you want to come to me hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus we all stretch your hands toward this baby i'm gonna ask y'all to stand with us this is a holy occasion [Music] hallelujah father we thank you for jet father we thank you for this mother for this father we thank you for this family who has come to stand in support father justice this mother and this father have prayed for this child now they've come to give him back to you father we declare that all the days of his life he belongs to you we thank you lord that you saw a need in the earth [Music] and attached to this life you assigned a purpose to fulfill a need father now we ask that you would do just as you did with moses that as these parents have come to hand this child to you we asked lord that you would float him as you floated moses in a basket father that you would protect him from things sent to annihilate from things sent to distract from things sent to destroy we pray your protection right now father we ask that you would keep him safe from hurt harm and danger we asked lord that you would protect him from sickness and disease that lord you would use him greatly at the time that you have appointed lord we ask that lives will be changed because he was in there father now we ask that you would assign every teacher every coach every friend who's anointed to equip him to walk through life lord i pray for these parents that you would give them wisdom in their decisions let them know when to say yes and when to say no when to be stern and when to show mercy and compassion lord we ask that you would use this child [Music] in unforeseen ways that you would use him mightily for your name's sake let the earth be better because he's been here we thank you now and we declare it to be so we pray the blessings of the lord rest upon him all the days of his life that he would never know need that he would never know lack but father he would find you faithful in jesus name i thank you lord that you're raising up a generation of sons and daughters who will not bow you're raising up a generation of sons and daughters who say we will stand faithful in the face of the fire father we thank you for fortifying their faith even now we declare that they belong to you all the days of their life we trust you to keep those things we've entrusted to you against that day it's in jesus name that we pray and declare it to be so everybody said amen amen and amen we've anointed his head we've anointed his ears we've anointed his hands for the work god has called him to do and we've anointed his feet to walk in the path that god has ordained for him to walk may you see the goodness of god all the days of your life may you experience the faithfulness of god with every step you take in jesus name amen amen amen let's give god praise now i have for you guys his bible and his certificate jed may this word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path may you hide the word of god in your heart all the days of your life that you might not sin against god in jesus name amen and amen god bless you god bless this family hallelujah listen i want to remind you guys very quickly uh we have revival coming up with pastor isaac petry september the 15th 16th and 17th that's a wednesday thursday and friday i want you guys to begin spending some time in prayer i want you to spend some time beginning to push your plate back as we spend time in preparation for what god wants to do during that revival it has been some years since we've had a revival at jackson revival center church but i felt like the lord prompted me and god gave confirmation of that when pastor petry was here last time and so he's going to come and be with us that wednesday thursday and friday he's going to be either with the men on saturday or with the leaders on saturday i'm still seeking clarity from god on that and then he'll be with us that sunday so we're looking forward to a powerful time uh in the word a powerful time allowing the spirit of god to do what it wants to do amen amen so i want you to begin preparing your hearts for that anybody who would like to contribute toward uh our taking care of those who are here american red cross provide certain things we're providing space we're providing some volunteers and we're catering a meal on today and tomorrow we want them to have a hearty balanced meal we want to thank god for all of our volunteers who are here who have been here throughout the week we have volunteers who have paid out of their pocket um to go to chick-fil-a and bring chick-fil-a for everybody who have brought pizza all kinds of things but if you would like to be a part of ministering to those right now some of them who don't even have homes to go back to i think i saw a lion a while ago but we're just thankful to god for them for their families um are you guys still here any of the guys that are staying here there you are in the back um would you just come down here i'm not going to put you on the spot or anything but i just want to pray for you and i'm just going to let you stand in for everybody who's down there hallelujah can you imagine the frustration the wide array of emotions to be in a place where everything you've known to be familiar everything you've known to be home is in one moment taken away these are just our ushers lying on they're just coming to stand with you and i'm going to pray for you and as i pray for you i'm going to let you stand in for everybody who's down in that multi-purpose building absolutely when i tell you the people that are with us have hearts of gold they're broken they're hurting they need hope and hope we have hallelujah father i lift up lionel to you right now father i lift up his children i lift up his family father you are the restorer you're faithful you keep your word father i'm asking that everything that the enemy has meant for evil you'll turn it around and work it together for their good father i pray right now that they would feel the warmth of your embrace father that they would find you to be their refuge that they would find you to be their strength father that they would know you to be a present help in the time of trouble that they would know you to be a help in the time of their need lord we're asking right now that supernaturally you would meet and supply each and every need restore back to them that that has been taken father let them be firmly planted give them back double everything that they lost father let them know that it is only by your hand that they experience what they experience i thank you now for those who need a touch in their body i thank you for those who need a door to be open i thank you lord for those whatever is needed you will supply it we asked lord that you would give them favor with man because they found favor with you we thank you now we declare it to be so i ask that you give wisdom that you give clarity that you give direction that you order steps and open doors in jesus name amen amen and amen it is so in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah love you i got somebody here for you hallelujah hallelujah let's give the lord another hand clap for braves [Music] i think we're at about a capacity of maybe 35 there are some people who are going back to see what they're going back to there's some who went on yesterday and came back there's lots of situations and so anybody who wants to be a part of helping us help them you're free to come and give at this time hallelujah [Music] we thank god for us not experiencing a lot of damage here but we're still sensitive to the needs of those who lost everything hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you to brother danny washington uh who at the drop of a moment just a moment's notice said i will make sure we have full catered meals for everybody there today and tomorrow so we thank god [Music] you have people passed i thought american red cross did this and let me tell you something everything takes time and these people have to live in the meantime and there are things that are provided but the things provided even are minimal [Music] so everything that you give will be used for their benefit and to help them get back on their feet hallelujah thank you jesus any other opinion hallelujah all hearts are satisfied hallelujah getting ready to let you go i'm gonna ask everybody if you would to stand to your feet [Music] look over at somebody and just say hold on just a moment before we do our benediction i want to pray for sister jocelyn and brother rufus sampson um as a matter of fact sister jocelyn and brother rufus have been volunteering for us with american red cross at our shelter but on last night they lost a family member who's been in the hospital since early august they lost a family member to covet and so we want to keep their entire family in our prayers we want to continue to lift up brother and sister mayfield as they buried her nephew on yesterday we want to continue to lift up sister gertrude who buried her brother on yesterday and we want to continue to lift up brother clarence and sister karen harris who buried their grandbaby in houston on yesterday these are hard things for people to face and though we know that god is gracious though we know god has received those babies unto himself though we know for the believers god has welcomed them into their eternal home it does not keep people from missing their loved ones on this side so we want to continue to stand with each family let them feel our love our prayers our support and so i'm going to ask you just to pray with me as i pray for them heavenly father we lift up brother rufus and sister jocelyn lord we lift up their entire family in the loss of his sister father we lift up the mayfields we lift up the harrises we lift up sister gertrude lord we just lift up every person who has experienced any loss of any kind lord we lift up all of those who are grieving the loss of something lord we ask that you would comfort as only you can father we ask that you would impart peace that you would give hope we thank you lord that you restore them father give them victory beyond what they feel right now and let them know you'll never leave them you'll never forsake them father that they are not forgotten but you'll be with them every step of the way we thank you now lift up bowed down heads heal hurting hearts men broken lives it is in jesus name that we declare it and expect it to be so it is in jesus name we pray everybody said amen amen and amen listen i want to thank you too for your faithfulness you guys have been amazing and when i say amazing i mean amazing because ministry has not stopped and whatever we ask for everybody has done their best to give to be a part to make sure that when the needs are presented we're able to give and i thank you for that and we're going to continue doing that but thank you for that and i pray you're being blessed by seeing the various ways god uses your investment to make the lives of others better amen amen just look over at somebody and say neighbor i pray the blessings of the lord rest upon you everything and everyone connected to you may the spirit of the living god keep your heart your mind and your body in perfect peace in jesus name i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord we're going to let the ushers dismiss you section by section we just want to keep every
Channel: JacksonRevivalCenter
Views: 721
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qusz1d1eV2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 53sec (9593 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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