JRC LIVE: Sunday Morning Worship

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so so to hallelujah god we give you glory god we bless your name hallelujah there's nobody like him in all of the earth did anybody come in with the praise on their lips this morning he woke us up and he he closed us in our right mind i can lift my hands i'm looking at you i'm walking so i've got a reason to give god praise because there's nobody like him in all of the earth so come on don't wait on us come on and set your own atmosphere come on and open up your mouth speak well of him tell him that he's a good good father tell him how we're getting ready to walk in our takeover season so it's no longer service as usual you want to come in with your mind hallelujah we want you so you can have your way thank you jesus glory hallelujah we love you this morning we welcome you in this world we give you glory hallelujah this place foreign hallelujah is foreign is oh oh foreign we we need you we need you we need you we need you every to oh come on me me oh me you can make right here you have my permission you yes oh as long as you don't know oh give one permission but do what he will open up is today is see i told you it's no longer church as usual you have to come in ready ready and willing to receive whatever god has for you i can't tell you what to do i can't tell you what to say praise and worship is personal you have to spend time with him you have to talk to him you have to walk with him you have to study the words and when we do those things we put ourselves in position we position ourselves for the takeover we position ourselves to be used by him we position ourselves so he can empty us out and fill us with his spirit we put ourselves in position to get whatever it is that we're lacking so i dare you in this moment to get personal with god don't worry about your neighbor don't worry about whatever is going on at home because if you lift your hands in his house he's already taken care of yours if you put your mind on him now when you get home it won't be the same way that you left it if you let your hands in surrender now when you leave this building your heart won't be the same your mind won't be the same your finances won't be the same but let's give god something to work with so come on just lift your head and get personal with him say whatever you want to say do whatever you want to do but just get real personal get real with god he already knows he's just waiting on you he's just waiting on that permission for us to say lord you can take over all we want is oh oh is permission oh wish hey take all this is oh say come on take oh oh we want you to take over is you is is is hallelujah all we want is you hallelujah all we want is you all we want is you i told you it was personal is you i don't know your desire but my heart's desire is to live so god can use me anytime anywhere and in order to get to that place you have to make up in your mind all we want all is want is you it's never gonna be easy it's never gonna be the most popular thing but when we get to a place of surrender god can have his way and what does that mean when we say god can have his way we're talking about the lord of lords we're talking about the king of kings we're talking about the king of glory we're talking about the great i am the the god that can be whatever you need him to be whether you need him to be a father whether you need him to be a deliverer whether you need him to be a a stronghold breaker whether you need him to be a provider whether you need him to just be a friend whether you need him to be a brother whatever you need god to be that's who we're talking about today see i don't know if you have a relationship with him i don't know if you love him or not but i love god with all of my heart and whatever he needs me to do it's all about we wanted jesus hallelujah now you lift your voices come on lift your voice he ripped the veil you can go forth you don't have to stay on the outside you can enter into the holies of holies what is it going to sound like in heaven all we want is take over hallelujah hallelujah come on and open up your mouth and bless the name of the lord the bible records that caleb steal the people and he said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it jackson revival center let us go up there once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it come on lift up your hands and see he lifted up your everlasting doors why because the king of glory shall come in and we ask who is this king of glory he's the lord god strong and mighty who is this king of glory he's the lord god mighty in battle who is this king of glory he's the god of the takeover he's the god of the breakthrough he's been terrorism he's a god have already broken through come on let me hear the sound of the people ready to possess the land come on a sound of people ready to possess the land come on are you ready to go into your takeover are we ready to offer no resistance to the will of god are we ready to say lord whatever you want to do we are available let me get this come on where's the sound of takeover where's the sound of takeover where's the sound of takeover the soil has already been tilled where's the sound of takeover the bible says enter his gates with thanksgiving that's the password that's the key lord i thank you lord i love you lord i honor you lift up a praise father you're worthy father we bless you father there's none like you father we submit to you father we offer no resistance to your will because you're worthy because you're holy because you're righteous we lift you up we call you either we call you up we call you alba we are your sons and we're submitted to you because you're worthy who is like unto the lord and all the earth who is like unto you we recognize you we recognize you with your sovereignty you're distincting your sovereignty that's not that can compare to you there's no answer to anybody but you are the lord and so father we bless you today we submit to your will and your plan father whatever you want to do in this place we say throw your weight around man of war throw your weight around in this place throw your weight around in this place we want the kind of weight that heals bodies we want the kind of weight that delivers minds we want the kind of weight that breaks chains of captivity father throw your weight around in this place and we'll be careful to praise you we'll be careful to honor you why because you're worthy why because you're awesome why because you thrown the horse even the rider into the sea and so father we believe that you can carry us into our season of takeover father we submit to your will we honor your plan we honor your plan now just for about 30 seconds i want you to take some personal time with the lord i want you to begin to pray for yourself there's no point of me being an intercessor if we're not praying as a corporate body so take a moment and let's just begin to pray let's begin to lift up the sound of intercession in this place i'm about to move out the way but father we bless you come on begin to lift up the sound of prayer in this place he said my house shall be called a house of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer and so father we lift you up in this place you see every individual need you see every individual heart you see what we need in our personal lives you see us who are battling with grief even in this season you see us who are battling with unforgiveness in this season you see us who are battling with offense in this season and so father we submit to you we submit to your lordship we submit to your handship whatever you want to do with this place have your way have your way have your way have your way you hear the cries of your people you said the righteous cry out that you hear and deliver and so father that's the confidence we have in you this morning that when we pray you hear and you will deliver us so father have your way we say we love you we say we love you in this place we are a house that loves you we love jesus more than our necessary bread more than our daily bread more than what we need we love jesus after anybody in here that loves jesus father we love you we adore you better than we love ourselves we love you and we submit to your will right there lift up your love sound in this place god i just want to say that me for you i just want to say that you are myself when all my friends were gone you were right there all alone i just want to say that i oh knows though the i tears you can you show me jesus just want to tell you i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you just want to tell you my just want to tell you is just want to tell you is hey foreign me lord i love you more i love you hey family this is pastor jennifer lead pastor here at jackson revival center what an honor and a privilege it is to gather together in god's house in his name with his people it is a privilege to call you family and i am so elated to worship with you today we've come to the point in our service where all of us get to continue our worship as we give to the lord of our tithe and our offering and we find throughout scriptures one of the reasons we give is to support the saints in the work of the lord we are challenged in malachi 3 10 to bring the tithe into the storehouse that there may be bread or provision in the house of god even in second corinthians chapter 8 the word of the lord said your abundance being a supply for their want as it is written he who gathered much did not have too much and he who gathered little had no lack in other words whether you were rich and increased with goods or whether you feel like you are barely getting by god is saying for those who have they can never have too much because there's always going to be a need that has to be met for those who gather little god said i'm never going to allow you to go through lack even we see paul said to the church at philippi he said after i departed from macedonia there was no other church that shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone he was speaking to the church in thessalonica he said more than once you gave to meet my needs listen i want to thank you for your generosity in giving and i also want to make sure you catch this revelation that god has to do it for you before you can give to them that god has a way of not only meeting your need but blessing your supply to the point of overflow so that you can be an answer for someone else's need so i want to challenge you today to give your best gift to give of your tithe and offering and if you're ready to do that you can simply text two eight nine five zero you want to type in the word jrct and the amount for your tithe jrco and the amount for your offering or jrc build if you would like to help us eliminate the final 400 000 of our remaining debt listen god is doing amazing things and as all of us continue to bring of our tithe and our offering as we all continue to give sacrificially there will always be provision in the house of the lord to meet the needs i want to thank you now and ask you to join me in prayer as we prepare to give heavenly father we thank you for this day this is the day that you have made and we rejoice and we are glad and thank you for breath in our bodies thank you for the activity of our limbs thank you for meeting and supplying the needs of our house father out of our gratitude we come to meet the needs of your house and we ask right now that you would supply abundantly each and every need let no house go in lack and father we thank you that there will always be provision in the house of the lord we give you the praise the glory and the honor it's in jesus name we pray and we declare it to be so everybody said amen amen and amen listen if you're here in the building and you would like to give there are receptacles along the walls or you can text to give god bless you now as you join me in giving come on let's put our hands together this morning hallelujah foreign is oh is hey your name is yes yay you made oh oh come on oh fade away before if you know he deserves all the glory come on wave your hands oh oh you didn't keep yourself in your right mind you didn't heal your body it was all because yes yay oh is oh hello hey everybody we thank you hallelujah oh oh on and put those hands together for the lord jesus christ i dare you to open up your mouth and say all the glory all of the honor hallelujah i don't know about you but i'm excited about the word of god i'm excited to be in the house of god i'll know about you but i still love the word of god i've been in ministry 25 years i was in ministry seven assistant pastor for eight been senior pastor going in on to 11 and after all that time i still love the word of god i love how it lives i love how it directs i love how it strengthens i love how it'll change your total outlook on life i am excited to be here together with you this morning and excited about what god is getting ready to do uh before we go into the word of the lord this morning we've got a couple of prayer requests that i want us to just lift up before the lord sister carmen bradley her brother is in icu and as of yesterday they really didn't know if he would make it through the night i haven't spoken with her this morning but i want to just continue to lift that family up specifically carmen's mom who has already buried a daughter who was buried a husband and now waiting for god to do a miracle if he doesn't will bury a son so we want to lift them up we want to lift up sister carolyn holmes as we will celebrate her mother's homegoing this afternoon in tylertown we also want to lift up elder bonds and his family who buried a cousin on yesterday and also brother james cooper he and his family celebrated his sister's home going on yesterday so we want to lift up all of these needs and just pray that god would continue to wrap his loving arms around each of these families as they go through their time of grief and bereavement and i tell you what if you haven't gone through any yet you will and for those of us who have we have compassion we understand what it is like to feel the feelings of others infirmities and so we just want to pray for all of these families now for those who have had surgery for those of you who may be dealing with any type of weakness or infirmity in your body we know a healer we don't just know a healer we know the healer we know the one who can fix whatever needs to be fixed who can create whatever needs to be created who can make whole whatever needs to be made whole who can regenerate whatever needs to be regenerated who can clean and filter your blood system whatever it is you need him to do he's able to do it and so father we come to you right now and father we thank you that this season is unlike any other season we thank you right now father you said in your word healing is the children's bread you said if we ask you for bread you wouldn't give us a stone if we ask you for fish you wouldn't give us a serpent that we can come and we can boldly ask for whatever we need and you said those things that we ask we should have them so father now we lift up each one of these families we pray that you would comfort them we pray lord that you would wrap your arms around them hold them and let them be comforted by your embrace we pray now that you would strengthen them one by one situation by situation give them the courage and the grace to know that greater is coming father for those in this house today for those who are watching by way of facebook live or youtube father we pray right now that you would meet them right where they are father we thank you that you don't just deliver us from trouble you are help in trouble and father i ask right now that you would be what each person needs you to be father for those who need a touch in their body touch them now from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet lord we pray right now that you would move and have your way in this place we ask that you would walk up and down these aisles that you would visit every seat every person do what only you can do heal set free deliver and lord help us to pursue and embrace destiny like never before we thank you lord that we won't be taken over father that we won't be overtaken by the things around us by the things we see by the things we feel we won't be overtaken by any doctor's report but father we gonna take over we're gonna take over in jesus name we're gonna do what you've called us to do we're gonna occupy until you come now father we ask that you would speak as only you can give us ears to hear hearts to receive minds and wheels to obey let this word be spirit let it be life to all who hear in jesus name we pray everybody said amen amen and amen well i declare somebody just to open up your mouth and boldly say this is my takeover season this is my takeover season let me have some folk who ain't going to play with it this morning i need some folk who can stir up and activate your faith this morning ah some of you might have to say it by faith but i just declare you to i just dare you to declare and say this is my takeover season i'm gonna let that sit over somebody cause i'm letting you know we're getting ready to live in we're getting ready to bask in we get ready to settle in things we have only dreamed about in the past that god is getting ready to revolutionize your whole life sanji god is getting ready to do something and it's big i dare you to just say it's big it's it's big bigger than your eyes have seen bigger than your ears have heard bigger than your heart and your mind can even dare to conceive oh yes this is takeover season the bible said to everything there is a time there is a season to every purpose under the heaven and i dare you to say this is my takeover season this is my season of recompense this is the enemy where the enemy is gonna have to be sorry about everything he ever meant for evil cause he's gonna have to stand back and watch while god turns it around and works it together for oh it's takeover season some of you you have set back and you've been quiet and you've just gone into the closet of prayer and said lord you saw that lord you heard that lord i don't understand that but you didn't take it into your own hands you didn't fight from down here you fought from up here and because of it god said i ushered you into your takeover season oh yeah i dare you just to begin to boldly declare and prophesy to your future this is my season right here this is your season this is our season oh yes this takeover seat somebody already got it in their spirit back there somebody said i ain't even got to hear the conclusion of the matter because i get it in my spirit when you get it in your spirit you're going to see it in your life see let me just tell you we've we've all been through some seasons we're born into what is known as a growing season and author christine patterson said in growing season growing season is a season of change where things are just continually changing you know you are born as an infant you go from infancy to being a toddler from being a toddler to being in pre-k pre-k to kindergarten kindergarten to elementary elementary to middle school middle school to high school high school to college that you are continually changing and so a growing season is a season of stretching growing season is a season where god continually enlarges your capacity in order that you might be able to handle what is next and so in in growing season you got to make sure that you don't shrink back but then you go from growing season to pruning season and we've all been there too because in pruning season the lord will allow trial after trial test after test situation after situation setback after setback anybody other than me ever been through a pruning season and and pruning season is a difficult season it it don't just feel difficult it is difficult and it is uncomfortable and so in pruning season uh you got to remind yourself that the trial of your faith is more precious than that of gold that though it be tried though you'll be tried by fire you're coming out as pure gold and then after growing season and pruning season there is also a wilderness season oh we've all been through the wild in the season wilderness season is a place where there are latin areas of your life there are long waiting times and there are lonely places and there is some suffering and sometimes in your wilderness season when you are suffering uh sister linda feels like you are all by yourself it feels like god is silent and in that season you've got to resist the urge uh to resist the lies of the enemy uh because in this season the enemy will tell you that god is shutting you down in this season the enemy will tell you that it is all over how it is is how it's always going to be in the wilderness season you've got to cling to the truth of god and realize that you are not by yourself the bible said in psalm 34 18 the lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and a contrite spirit but i need you to look over at somebody and say no season lasts forever oh yeah your growing season it ain't gonna last forever your pruning season it ain't gonna last forever your wilderness season it ain't gonna last forever because after the growing season and after the pruning season and after the wilderness season there's another season called harvest season i need you to look over at somebody and say harvest season is takeover season harvest season is where the fruit begins to take over the vine harvest season is where the reaper takes over the plot i dare you to say this is my takeover season oh yeah takeover season is where god says it's time to reap the benefits from the seeds that you have sown it is time for you to collect your blessings oh yeah this is a good season this is a blessed place i dare you to just look over somebody and say welcome to your blessed place welcome to our blessed place welcome to your takeover season now i got to let you know you got to be a good steward of this seas because you got to manage a lot of different things but the fact that you were managing a lot means that god is trusting you with the lots and so you got to resist the urge in this season to not forget where your blessing came from oh in this season don't you forget to cling to god in this season like you clung to him and the other seasons don't you get so caught up in your blessings that you become complacent because things are going well i want you if you will to meet me in isaiah chapter 41. isaiah 41 in this passage we're going to kind of see movement and transition from season to season isaiah i can't take my time i gotta be on the road i got to be headed to tylertown by 12 o'clock isaiah 41 verses 8 through 14. isaiah 41 8 8-14 if you're there say amen if you're there if you're not there look on with somebody else we welcome those of you who are watching by facebook live and youtube isaiah 41 8-14 said but thou israel art my servant jacob whom i have chosen the seed of abraham my friend thou whom i have taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chief men thereof and said unto thee thou art my servants i have chosen thee and not cast thee away fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i the lord thy god i will strengthen you i'll help you i'll hold you up with my right hand of righteousness behold all they that were incensed against thee they shall be ashamed and confounded matter of fact he said they shall be as nothing and they that strive with you shall perish you're going to look for them and they're going to be gone he said you shall seek them and shall not find them even them that contended with you those that waged war against you shall be as nothing and as a thing of naught for i the lord thy god will uphold your right hand saying unto you fear not i will help you fear not thou worm jacob and you men of israel i will help you saith the lord thy redeemer the holy one of israel this is good right here y'all gonna sit down i said this is good right here chapter 41 blesses my soul because in this particular chapter of isaiah this chapter was written to silence the fears and to encourage the faith of the servants of god during the time of their distress now you have to understand this chapter was intended both for the conviction of those who were walking in idolatry and also for the consolation of those who stayed faithful to worshipping the one true god the spirit of god was sent and the ministers were employed both to convict and to convince so now we begin to understand that this was intended for the conviction of the babylonians and the comfort of the israelites so it was meant for the multitudes but it was meant for them personally and individually as well now as we read it we also understand that we are admonished to keep ourselves from idols and encouraged to continually trust in god so here we have the prophet who is beginning to encourage those who have been faithful with an assurance that god is going to do his part as it relates to opposition that god is going to make you victorious over everything that resists the spirit of god within you that that god is promising them victory no matter what it looks like god is also beginning to challenge them as it relates to any and every idol in their life so this word was not only intended for israel during their captivity but it was meant for everybody who serves god for those who through faith and patience and those who will receive the comfort of scripture that we may have hope in the time of despair this passage is a word of caution it is a word of counsel and it is a word of comfort we see repeated over and over and over again as you heard me reading 41 verses 8 through 14 you heard a lot of redundancy in there anytime the scripture is redundant god is driving home a point there's a particular truth he is trying to lay in your heart so he continually says fear not we see it in verse 10 we see it in verse 13 we see it in verse 14 that god is continually saying fear not why does he keep telling them to fear he said look i need you to understand you don't have to fear the threat of the enemy he said not only do you not have to fear the threat of your enemy but he said don't let what you're going through cause you to doubt the promises of god he said not only do i not want you to let what you're going through cause you to doubt the promise of god but he said i need you to understand you will not perish in your affliction he said be get it straight the promise of your deliverance will not fail so he keeps telling them don't be afraid fear not because he understands that the spirit of fear will try to intercept what the lord is speaking over your life so he begins with fear not y'all remember when the word of the lord came to mary and said you were going to have the first thing the spirit of the lord told her through the angel was fear not he already knew you're going to be talking about how you're already going to have questions but what i need you to know is don't be scared don't be afraid because that spirit of fear will come and try to intercept the word before it ever finds a landing place in your heart so he said if you don't allow the spirit of fear to take over this is the first thing he said i will be all sufficient when you are insufficient oh yeah i'll be all sufficient when you are insufficient in other words he said you can depend on my presence to go with you and to be with you even in the worst of times now i need you to look at the tenderness of the tone of god how willing he is to let the heirs of the promise know the immutability of his counsel how how mindful he is to make sure you understand when i say a thing i ain't gonna take it back he wants us to know the immutability of his counsel that he is unchanging and just how desirous he is to put your heart at ease so he said fear not for i am with you and when you are insufficient i will be all sufficient uh he said i'll be present with you in other words the lord is saying i am enough to meet your need i am ill should die i am adequate in my provision uh i've got a supply that will never be exhausted i can meet everybody's needs all at one time and never run short i don't know about y'all but i get excited when i start hearing the lord talk about himself he said fear not for i am with you and he said don't be dismayed at the things that seem to come against you from god now he keeps saying fear not he's saying i gotta make sure you don't give fear the role of god in your life he said if you're weak i'll strengthen you if you're destitute of friends i'll help you in the time of your need if you're ready to sink i'll hold you up with my righteous right hand in other words he said i got it whatever it is you're afraid of i'm all sufficient when you're insufficient now he said i will strengthen your hands and help you that god is saying i'll take you by the hand i'll lead you i will guide you i will make sure that your steps are sure when you feel like you're going to fall i'll hold you up and keep you from falling if you find yourself low i will pick you up so he's just continually speaking to us to silence our fears because he knows that the spirit of fear comes to spoon feed the lies of the enemy to the people of god so he said fear not again so by his spirit he is saying to your heart there's no fear in this season i need you to go on and settle that right now there's no fear in this season and in other words he is acknowledging their vulnerability saying i know you feel uneasy right now i know that there are times when you feel a little unsure of yourself i know that there are times when insecurity tries to creep in in the midst of change but god said fear not fear not because not only am i all sufficient when you are insufficient but now watch this he said your season is about to shift your season is about to shift that that though their enemies right now look bigger than them taller than them stronger than them seem to outnumber them he said though your enemy seems very formidable and insolent and severe the day is coming that god will reckon with them and triumph over them in other words your season is shifting and in this season you've got to lean into him and not into them oh y'all don't want to talk to me this morning because he lets everybody know look every believer of god is going to experience warfare that there are those spirits that are enraged against god's people that there are spirits that war against your mind there are spirits that come to strive against your spirit it is spiritual warfare when you are dealing with warfare it's for one of three reasons either number one you made some bad decisions and some bad choices and you're reaping the consequences of bad decisions and bad choices or god is developing your character and he allows you to be exposed to things so that he can grow you up build you up so that he can use you or it's a situation like this where sometimes you go through a thing and it's not based on bad choices it's not based on god building your character but sometimes there are things going on in the realm of the spirit that are beyond our comprehension and understanding that there are folk who will hate you for no reason they have no reason to hate you no reason to despise you no reason to seek your ruin that there are spirits that will come to continually quarrel with you god said don't give in to it he said don't render evil for evil but rather patiently wait on god i need you to look over at somebody and say just wait on him because your season is shifting he said if you'll let me be god and if you were just trust in my hand he said your enemy is going to be ashamed and confounded god said i'm going to move in such a way i'm going to give them an opportunity either to repent they're going to get a chance to either repent or they going to get that much more upset but he said understand this nothing will stand before the justice and the power of god he said they're going to be brought to a place as if they had never even existed in case you missed it the first time he repeated it again in verse 12 and said they shall be as nothing as a thing of naught in other words the things that have tormented you in the past will be as if they never even existed in this the stuff that has kept you up at night it's gonna be as if it has gone and failed that there are things that have been formidable in other seasons there are things that imagine they could do anything that will be able to bring nothing to pass this is the spirit of the lord talking about your intimate your enemy and tormenting spirits it said uh those that would try to make a name for themselves by opposing the move of god by opposing the people of god by opposing the call of god upon your life he said they're going to be buried in silence he says even you're gonna come to a place how many ever been in this place where there were folk who fought you so hard in one season and you look you lift up your head in another season and you say whatever happened to so-and-so he said you're going to seek and inquire what has become of them but you will not find them david said in psalm 37 36 i sought him but could not find him can i let you know something god will take the folk who have opposed you and accused you in one season set you up to see if you'll pray for them and then use your prayer for them to shift your season oh y'all don't want to talk this morning see we got to realize that it rains on the just and the unjust and we're gonna all have some cloudy days every now and then some people have faulty thinking believing that once you get saved you're never gonna have any more drama but the truth of the matter is your salvation is not gonna stop trouble from coming to your house the difference in trouble before you got saved and trouble after you got saved is that before you got saved you really didn't know how to handle it but after you got saved the difference is you got a helper to assist you with your drama and because of that your season has got to change can i just let somebody know this morning the lord said your ladder is going to be greater than your former this is a season of takeover that the worst is already behind you ah you gotta understand when you consider the god that we serve the one who has enough power the one who has enough might he can take whatever you've lost and he can give you double for your trouble he can give you triple for your trouble and even more i dare somebody who's with me this morning to open up your mouth and say my season is about to shift my days are about to change my circumstances are about to turn around because this is my takeover season i need somebody to say that with me sister darlene this is my takeover season don't take it lightly don't say it weekly don't say it timidly i need somebody to say it with boldness i need somebody to say it with fire i need somebody to say it with fervor i need somebody to say it with confidence and assurance my season just shifted last season shifted your season shifted our season just shifted oh god is getting ready to bless your socks off if you're not there yet we'll wait on you for just a few more seconds but god is looking for some people who are saying my mind is made up my heart is already fixed talk about me laugh at me criticize me fire me let me know but i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be don't you back up from it tell somebody don't you back up from it don't play with it you got to be serious about it see some folk you're gonna have to rebuke your mind cause your mind won't even let you say it oh but i'm gonna say it with some boldness i'm gonna say it with some authority this is my takeover season i won't be overtaking crystal but i'm gonna take over everything that thought it was big enough and bad enough to take what god said belongs to me oh yes somebody's about to get it because what you've got to realize is that there are all kinds of forces that have been assigned by satan to work against us there are all types of forces assigned by satan to resist us and we have not perceived who's been at work behind the scenes sensed resistance this morning when praise and worship went forth i i sensed resistance all throughout the beginning of the service and the reason is is because when you begin to make declarations that this is my takeover season there are forces assigned last-ditch efforts by the enemy to try to shut down what is already in motion but i dare you to open up your mouth and say take over that there are spiritual forces that will work through people in order to gain an advantage over us but i messed up and read hebrews chapter 10 verse 30. and it said for we know him who said vengeance is mine i will repay or recompense saith the lord and again god will judge his people now you got to understand vengeance of the lord is not revenge because you know in our flesh somebody do something to us we want to do something to them but see the spirit of that is getting back if you do unto somebody else what they did to you you at the same level they are so the difference in the vengeance of the lord and the revenge of man is that the vengeance of the lord has at its heart restoration and see a lot of us because we have not understood vengeance we've been victims because when you understand the vengeance of the lord executed on your behalf it will cause you to rise above every spirit of fear that would come against you to have its way now is the time of vengeance now is the time that the comforter has been uh deployed on your behalf for romans 8 34 said who is he that condemneth who can condemn you for it is christ that died not only did he die but he got back up and is now at the right hand of the father making intercession see that's the oh the biggest difference between the old testament and the new testament we always want to use job as the poster child for trouble but the difference between job and us is that we have an intercessor jesus sees what we are going through he just needs some bodies in the earth to exercise their authority so that the forces of evil that have been sent against you can be shut down by you god is comforting zion the number one job of the holy ghost is to execute vengeance upon all of the enemies of god's people and the bible said nothing shall escape him which means anything that is harassing you anything that is tormenting you anything that is disturbing your sleep is subject to you psalm 92 10 i shall be anointed with fresh oil one of the one of the major things that fresh oil does is that it brings restoration you remember in joel chapter 2 he said i will restore the years unto you i will restore time back to you that the canker worm and the palmer worm and the locust have sought to devour so in other words he's saying uh when you are insufficient i'll be all sufficient but he's also saying uh you're gonna take authority over that which has tried to take authority over you you're gonna master what has tried to master you and victory is turning to your side all right let's look at this how jacob and israel you know there's a change of name i brought low that god humbles jacob and so he first speaks to the worm jacob to the low part of jacob the the little part of jacob the part of jacob that is easily intimidated the weak the defenseless the despised and the trampled on part of jacob because we all go through that place sometimes we see ourselves as worms we see ourselves as as small and we get intimidated by the things that come against us and we have uh low thoughts of ourselves and we beat ourselves up it's the voice of condemnation and so he just calls that thing out and he said fear not thou worm jacob fear not that they're going to crush you you men of israel don't don't give up yourselves for going notwithstanding for the grace of god will silence your fears even when it seems you're in a moment that your fears should be at the greatest second corinthians 13 14 he said the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion or the partnership of the holy ghost be with you all now you got to understand grace is god's willingness to use his power on your behalf even though you don't deserve it god is saying i i am willing to use my power on your behalf to silence your fears even when you don't deserve the grace of god shows up in your trouble because the love of god is always right there with you but then you got the communion or the quantity of the partnership of the holy spirit in other words the holy spirit is saying let me have more responsibility for your life paul was in a place he said i sought the lord three times to take this thing away and god said my grace is sufficient my willingness to act on your behalf and to use my power for you is sufficient i ain't got to move nothing because you've got my grace you've got my love and you've got the communion of the holy spirit holy spirit is saying let me let me have some let me get behind the driver's wheel let me take more responsibility that's why we all need an infilling of the holy ghost because that's who's going to make some things happen in your life you got to look at it paul went through shipwrecked paul went through beatings he was left for dead one time they even took rods and beat his feet dr norwood and yet he was still walking around like ain't nothing happening and paul said none of these things move me how are you beaten with stripes 39 times how did they beat you and leave you for dead stone you you were shipwrecked they beat your feet with rods and you say none of these things move me none of these things move me because he said these light afflictions he didn't say their light afflictions in and of themselves but he said compared to the glory he said this looks tough to you but this is light compared to the glory that's going to be revealed through what god is taking you through paul said none of it moves me how can paul say now you've been beaten left for dead shield breath they tore your feet up and you said i'm not moved it's not a big deal why could he say that because romans 8 11 said but of the spirit of him who raised jesus up from the dead dwells in you if the same spirit that raised christ up dwells in you that same spirit will also quicken your mortal body see you got to understand satan will do anything to keep you from pursuing your destiny satan will do anything to keep you from walking into your destiny but look at what god says i'm going to do in response he takes jacob from a place of being a worm to calling him israel god said in other words i'll take you from a low place to an exalted place for by but by whom shall jacob arise for he jacob is small jacob didn't become israel by himself but the lord said i'll help you so you've got to understand it is the honor of god to help you in your weak places he said i'm i'm your redeemer and i'm happy to redeem you i'm happy to help you and so he made jacob a tool an instrument in his hand and if god make a tool make you an instrument in his hand you can rest assured he's got use for you that the he just taken you through growing season and pruning season and wielding a season to get you to take over season for you to sit and clap your hands he said no i'm i'm doing all of this thing i'm taking you from season to season to make you fit for my use to make you new and to make you sharp i'm gonna give you some teeth god says and then by divine direction and strength you will thresh the mountains the high places and the strongest places god said i'm going to use you to beat them not only beat them but beat them small yeah i guess this is just just good to me yeah i know i'm older than some of y'all but uh in other words the lord said i'm going to beat them to a pulp every spirit every antagonistic thing i'm going to use you the one they came against i'm gonna use you to bring it down and make it like it never even did exist he said if y'all think the lord don't know how to talk trash he said they will be not as a corn threshed out which is valuable and is carefully preserved he said i'm not going to use you to thrush them out like corn but because that would make it useful that would make it valuable that would make it something to be desired he said but i'm gonna use you to make it like chaff that which is good for nothing which the husbandman is anxious to get rid of and it keeps exploring the metaphor because he said having threshed them thou shalt winnow them and the wind shall scatter them god said the spirit of lack the spirit of grief the spirit of depression the spirit of division all of these spirits god said i'm gonna use you to tear it down and i'm gonna make it like it never even did exist and he said the one who overcomes the one who rest in me trust in me i'm gonna give to them power over the nations which brings me to my next point y'all all right i got nine minutes to finish point number four you're gonna laugh and rejoice again we're talking about in your takeover season i i i here's about 25 of us who are in takeover season but 25 is more than enough because see some of us we get to a takeover season and we act like we won crying and showing out in growing season and pruning season we act like we wouldn't talk about i just can't take it down we act like ain't none of that even happened now in takeover season i want you to remember how you pouted in some of those other seasons and take over season i want you to remember what a fool you acted in the wilderness season cause it's gonna make you appreciate your harvest season god said i'm gonna bring you to the place that all that stuff that kept you up and bothered you and wore you out you gonna laugh and you gonna rejoice again god said i'm gonna free you from everything that hindered your joy i'm gonna give you the thing that's gonna lead you to more joy i'm gonna be your exceeding great joy and see when you begin to rejoice over your enemies you gotta rejoice in the lord because it is from him where you got your liberty it is from him where you got your victory and not only that in your takeover season not only are you going to laugh and rejoice again not only will you see him be all sufficient where you are insufficient in your takeover season you're gonna have what you need when you need it no no no no no no no no no no look i'm gonna tell you something felt and the lord had me so messed up last night because he said not only will you have what you need when you need it he said it's not a season of takeover it is a seat of takeover seasons come and seasons go but a seat if it's your seat you can sit in it forever which means this ain't gonna just be a season where you have what you need when you need it it's gonna be a seat that you sit in that you will have what you need when you need it when you are insufficient he said i'll be all sufficient when stuff comes to torment you and bother you you won't even have to lift a finger because i will step up you ain't got to fear you ain't got to be afraid you ain't got to be tore up from the floor i got this exercise your authority somebody needs to open up your mouth and begin to talk to some things he said you're gonna have a suitable supply for every need in your life i need somebody to look at somebody and say a suitable supply you ain't gonna have to wonder when more is coming you're not gonna have to wonder if god has more he said you're gonna have a suitable supply you're gonna have what you need when you need it before you need it you ain't even gonna have to ask for somebody ought to give the lord a good shout of praise look let me tell you something when you study this thing out verse by verse and you dig into all the words and dig into all the sayings look he said look i understand that that the people of god in your humanity you are used to being in a hard place you are conditioned to struggle in your humanity he said you are like creatures you as creatures are like broken sisters that you get the water but you can't hold the water that you get and because of it you fail for thirst y'all remember the woman at the well we just talked about she went to every well in her life but was continually searching continually empty continually dissatisfied he said i understand you were like broken sisters you get water but you can't hold the water that you get and so because of it you stay thirsty and you get weary of seeking a satisfaction that the world is not able to provide but he said listen here your dissatisfaction is going to be addressed and god said i'm going to take you from a place of struggle to a place of ease because the place of ease is the place of trust he said i'm gonna be right here i will be nigh to you when you pray i'm gonna hear you and i will answer you i'm not gonna forsake you he said look have i not always been here and shall i not always be now when god was making this promise this promise was just like the pillar of of cloud and fire was to the israelites it was an assurance of god's graciousness to be present and he said because i'm with you you're going to always have a fresh supply of water you will always have a fresh supply of where you're not gonna have to drink that that has worms and parasites and you're gonna always have a fresh supply then in other words he said i'm gonna turn your wilderness into a pool of water i'm gonna cause the land to yield fruit to the home i'm gonna give relief to every person traveling through your land he said not only that look at how god pays attention to detail i'm gonna be with you i'm gonna provide for you you're never gonna have to be thirsty i'm gonna always make sure you got what you need when you need it because you are in a seat of takeover but now he's saying i don't want to just give you what you want i want you to know i'm big enough bad enough else to die enough not to only give you what you need but to supply you with the things you want watch this he said they shall have pleasant shade to scream them from the scorching heat he said i know you you used to some other shade but i'm gonna give you some real shame they had not only wells of water but they had palm trees around he said in exodus i will plant in the wilderness the cedar in other words he said i'm going to turn your wilderness into orchards and gardens i'm gonna fill your wilderness with booze of water and you're gonna pass through the wilderness with as much ease and delight as a man who walks through his own grove oh i'm talking about takeover season he said and when you see all of these things coming to manifestation you're going to see and acknowledge the hand of god you're going to acknowledge the power of god you're going to acknowledge the favor of god because god is going to do strange and surprising things on purpose to awaken them to a conviction and a consideration that his hand has been in it all from the beginning you gotta understand god does great things for his people in order for us to take note not of the things he's done but the greatness of the god he is look let me go on and shut it down and close with this whatever has been tampering with your destiny whatever has been afflicting you in your body whatever has been keeping you uneasy in your spirit whatever has humiliated you whatever has come against your peace whatever has delayed your progress whatever has hindered your purpose whatever has you hung up and frustrated whatever is coming against your peace whatever is coming against your family whatever is coming against your career god said i'm gonna deal with it and i'm gonna deal with it now can i let you know people of god we are coming into a place of greater works it's not a maybe it's not an eventually but it's right now jesus said these things that i do you shall do not only that but you shall do greater i need somebody to open up your mouth and say my season of greater is already here we're gonna see the vengeance of the lord we're gonna see the wealth of the wicked that has been stored up released to the just we're gonna begin to see the sick healed again we're gonna begin to see the lame begin to walk and the death begin to hear we're gonna begin to see people come in with a wheelchair and leave out walking on their own two left we're going to begin to see the miracles we're going to begin to see the signs we're going to begin to see the wonders again wise that they may see the works of our god and know the greatness of him who has healed who has delivered who has set free i'm talking about miracles you're gonna see him again you're gonna walk with such confidence some people are gonna look at you and think you're arrogant because you're gonna walk with the knowledge and understanding no weapon no weapon no weapon because you're not even gonna acknowledge what is happening you're not even gonna acknowledge that you don't know how you're gonna pay the bill it's gonna be there before it's time for it to be you're not even gonna acknowledge the naysayers you're not even gonna acknowledge when you're not feeling right you're not gonna even gonna acknowledge certain things because you understand no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon that is formed is going to be able i'm talking about a flow of an anointing that there is a birthing that is taking place there is an anointing that is being birthed in the earth that is going to take over the hands of time take over the emotions of men take over the instability of flesh this is our takeover season take over season if you look at this where god found them in the beginning of 41 and where he takes them it's old testament but it's a picture god is beautifying his church god is beautifying his bride he's healing scars he's releasing justice he's creating a people who will love mercy and a people who will walk humbly with their god this is take over cease it's takeover season it's takeover season y'all got your mask on i know it's a step of faith but section by section right here where we are in the same spirit don't drop it keep it right there in the same spirit whatever you've allowed to torment you whatever has been a hindrance to you whatever you've allowed to hold you back whatever you've allowed to keep you disgruntled i want you to write it on a piece of paper and i want you to bring it and leave it at this halter because today you're not leaving with what you came in with but i need you to do something physically as a reminder to yourself i'm not going to keep carrying what i've been hearing i'm not going to keep putting up with what i've been putting up with i'm not going to let the works of the enemy floor the plans of god so i want you to just write it down you ain't gonna write no names you ain't gonna just just name that thing it can be frustration it can be lack it can be i don't feel annoying it can be whatever it is that you've allowed to hold you to hinder you whatever's got you hung up i want you to write it down and we gonna release it i speak healing in the name of jesus it's takeover season look don't write a whole journal just put it in the word hallelujah come on come on some of y'all before you ever even get down here it's gonna hit you some of you on your way back to your seat is gonna hit you there's gonna be a release that's gonna get your life there's gonna be an authority that's gonna be awakened on the inside we go laying down oh yeah now i dare you to begin lifting up your hands and giving god a praise you can't lay it down and be worried about it you can't lay it down and pick it back up oh yeah there's somebody who just got the revelation jesus said no man can take my life i laid it down nobody can take that from you you gotta lay it down i need somebody to take 20 more seconds and give god a praise before we get out of here so so you gotta realize what these are down here these are receipts these are receipts of satan's work in the earth these are receipts of debt but in jewish custom when the debt was paid in full they would take the paper and they would nail it the one who the debt was owed to when the debt was paid in full they would take the paper and they would nail it to the outside of the house or they would nail it to the outside of the business to say this person is integris because the debt has been paid in full somebody knows where i'm going with this when jesus was nailed to the cross he took your paper with him and he nailed it to the outside of your life nailed it to the outside of your home nailed it to the outside of your family nailed it to the outside of your business to say she's integral he's integral because the debt has been paid in for somebody on the debt that you didn't know how to pay you've been tormented by what you did you're what you're used to but god said the debt has been paid in full now there's nothing to hold you nothing to hinder you it's time to take over i got to go but i'm gonna give you 30 more seconds let it sit let it settle let it marinate because i'm not as tint for you to shout as i am for you to walk in it i need you to let this settle in your mind i need you to let this settle in your hearts i need you to let it settle in your spirit the spirit of fear has intercepted your word long enough you've been spoon-fed the lies of the enemy long enough in this season you will not be overtaken but in this season we are called equipped empowered and assigned to take over is a takeover for the lord father we thank you for sending your word to heal your people we thank you for sending your word to break up what needs to be broken up to bring together and to make whole that that has been fragmented and torn apart we thank you for sending a word of deliverance a word of victory a word of freedom that this is harvest season we want to be good stewards not just of this season but of this seat let there be a shifting of minds a shifting of hearts a shifting of alignment in the name of jesus we pray it is amen there's somebody in this place today somebody watching by way of facebook live somebody watching by youtube who needs to give your heart to jesus somebody needs to ask him to come in to be your savior to be your lord to carry you to hold you to provide for you and if the lord has already been dealing with your heart and you know it is you to whom i'm speaking just lift up that hand i want to pray with you wherever you are hallelujah i see those hands if you're there on facebook or on youtube and you want to give your heart to the lord say i'm here and i'm coming to jesus you can come in person you can come in the virtual space but he's calling and it's time to come i'm gonna ask everyone in this place to pray with me as i pray with them and just say heavenly father we come to you now we thank you that you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness we ask you to come in now wash us forgive us make us whole fill us with your spirit use our lives for your glory from this day forward we commit to your will we commit to your way we declare your purpose shall prevail over our lives in jesus name we pray everybody said amen amen and amen if you just gave your heart to the lord asked him to come into your heart he's there he's your savior he don't want to just be savior but he wants to be lord he wants to rule and reign from the throne of your heart there may be somebody today who says i want to be a member of jackson revival center i want you to be my pastor you're my covering this is my family if that's you and you want to be a part lift your hand today and let us pray with you same thing for those of you watching by facebook live or youtube father we thank you right now for those that you are adding right now we thank you for every man every woman every boy every girl every family every individual we thank you lord for trusting us enough to send them to be a part of our family father now we pray this would be one of the best decisions that they've ever made that they would be blessed in their coming in blessed and they're going out when they're at work when they're at rest father we pray now that you would crown their efforts with great success let them be faithful in their attendance let them be faithful to give of their tithe and their offering and let them be faithful to give of the gifts and the talents you've placed on the inside of them father it is our covenant with you and our covenant with them that we will study your word that we might rightly divide the word of truth we might show ourselves approved unto you that they may receive that word and grow thereby we thank you lord we'll pray for them we'll cover them we'll love them we'll walk with them as they journey through life we'll be careful to see that they're developed in the gifts and the talents and the things that you place within them we asked lord that together you would use us to advance your kingdom throughout the earth that we would occupy until you come and be found faithful when you return all these things we pray and declare to be so in the precious name above every name the name of jesus everybody said amen amen and amen come on and put your hands together and give the lord a good handclap of praise hallelujah will we give god glory did anybody receive anything from today if you listen carefully what you received was about a 45-minute prophecy if you treat it like you treat the news if you treat it like it's just ink upon paper then that's what it'll be but if you take it and you receive it as a word from the lord over your life it'll be the covering under which you walk that you will have no fear no lack no sickness among you none weak none feeble but we will move forward in the strength of god no lack among us every need supplied every heart settled in jesus name amen look over and tell somebody neighbor i pray the blessings of the lord rest upon you everything and everyone connected to you may the spirit of the living god keep your heart your mind and your body in perfect peace in jesus name i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord listen the ushers are going to dismiss you section by section but as they prepare to dismiss you we want to remind you we'll be back for midweek worship this coming wednesday night from 6 30 to 8 30 and i'm telling you we had a powerful time this past wednesday night i received phone calls and text messages and messenger messengers people calling saying pastor you unlock some things on the inside of me tonight
Channel: JacksonRevivalCenter
Views: 636
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Id: ExxUhlOvP-A
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Length: 146min 4sec (8764 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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