JRC LIVE! Fall Revival with Pastor Isaac Pitre

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[Music] hallelujah is so deserving [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord everybody come on and give god a handclap of praise in this building on tonight oh god we bless your name god we thank you for another opportunity to lift you up and give you all the glory how many of you know we serve a great god how great is our god how great is he to you hallelujah let's celebrate him on tonight glory to your name god we lift you up jesus hallelujah you are great god and greatly to be praying [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with us tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i praise you no lord what i'm going through jesus i praise you lord no matter what it looks like [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i praise you [Music] [Music] on and make it corporate let's see how great is our god [Music] the whole world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] to [Music] how be [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] just take a moment and focus on the greatness of our god i'm not going to tell you what to say but can everybody just take a minute and say something come on say something everybody everybody say something great something to this great god come on acknowledge the lord your voice is all over the building you're talking to the lord our father talking to our savior come on lift it up in your own way say something to this great god that we serve come on tell him how great he is god you're so amazing hallelujah there's none like you in all the earth my soul loves you god i adore you lord i lift you up god come on lift it up i worship you and i adore you abandoned by your holy land like you and all the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] yes is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] my god how great you are how great how great you are [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] is [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] is [Music] just one time without the music everyone in the building watches come on singer [Music] [Music] is you're a great god you're a great guy you're a great god you're a great place [Music] you're a great guy [Music] say [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] everybody say [Music] you're bigger than the biggest stronger than the strongest better than the best [Music] we give you oh lord we give you glory and we say how great you are how great you are father that you are god you are our father you are a hope you are peace you are deliverer your our strength your everything that we need lord anything that we can call you lord that's what you are to us father we give you glory and we give you honor tonight lord if there's anything that can come out of our mouths lord that will give you praise lord that will show you that we love you lord that we honor you father that this house belongs to you lord not just this household but the people in the household we thank you and we praise you lord for being with us lord and for honoring us lord we ask that you would just come in tonight lord and have your way by your spirit father in the name of jesus lord bless the man of god lord tonight lord bless him father bless him father for the words and the truth that he brings to us father because we're going to receive it lord we're going to keep pulling it out of him father we're going to keep pulling it out of him lord because we want it lord we want to be the sons of god that you called us to be father we thank you and we praise you lord we honor you tonight father we glory in you father we glorify you and we bless your name lord be honored tonight lord be glorified and [Music] we'll be sure to give you all the praise theon and the glory for it father because we know it's not us lord hallelujah we know it's not us lord we know it's just you so we thank you and we praise you lord and we honor you jesus hallelujah in jesus name so [Music] oh oh lord [Music] all the [Music] praise your name [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we praise you [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take me [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hey family this is pastor jennifer lead pastor here at jackson revival center church i am so excited and elated that you have chosen to worship with us tonight as we enjoy revival services with none other than pastor isaac petry last night was amazing and i know tonight god is going to take us even higher this is a part of our service where we get to continue worshiping the lord through our giving many times people ask why is it necessary to receive an offering well we give to increase our love for the things of god the bible said in matthew chapter 6 verse 21 where your treasure is there your heart will be also that little insight is absolutely profound now personally i would have thought it was the other way around that wherever your heart is that's where you will put your treasure but our lord said wherever you put your treasure your heart will follow that's incentive of plenty for pastors to keep urging their people to be givers in all of life not just when it's time to give of our tithe and our offering listen many of you just had the opportunity this fall your children went away to college and all of the sudden you found yourself interested in the news from that town you found yourself interested in what was going on on that particular campus reason being your treasure is there and so your heart has followed listen tonight i want to encourage you to give your best gift maybe you've received your check and it's time to give of your tithe or maybe you just want to sow a seed tonight listen we're going to give you the opportunity to simply text 28950 you can text jrct and the amount for your tithe jrco and the amount for your offering or jrc build if you would like to give into our building fund we are so excited once again that you value this ministry enough to sow your seed and it's my prayer that god would cause you to see a bountiful harvest may god bless you now as you join me in giving [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] jesus oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] him [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus she's [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on and put those hands [Music] god with the together of god experiencing the blessings of god [Music] ready to receive more of the word of god you ought to open up your mouth and one more time give god the best praise that you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's expectation in the atmosphere [Music] [Music] the clouds are pregnant with [Music] with the glory of god i was thinking today about how there's been so much conversation about this being the last days and i was thinking about how the scripture declares in the last days people will be covetous and high-minded lovers of themselves more than lovers of god unthankful unholy all of these things but i thought about another passage that said and in the last days i'm gonna pour out my spirits upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and young men shall see vision and old men shall dream dreams i dare you just to say this is our dreaming season oh yes it is i don't know about you but i want everything that has my name on it i want to see you get everything that has your name on it i don't want you to miss anything if you're ready i want you to put your hands together welcome [Music] the founder of christ nations church the apostolic covering of second kings global network my friend my pastor apostle isaac petry y'all give his wife janet a good hand as he comes as well [Music] [Music] we love you wow hey i'm not gonna let y'all do this to me tonight [Music] so so i'm glad y'all got it out [Music] be seated please [Music] oh my god they over here still running would y'all tell them to sit down listen to this amazing music ministry would y'all just i know y'all spoiled but this ain't everywhere we just thank god for all of y'all just just an amazing i have seen god it's always been great but god has taken y'all to greater and it's just amazing to behold it it's just amazing to watch it all and look at all these people on thursday night god can't help but move when you got this and listen i'm looking into this camera and all of you saints i don't know which camera one of these you jus they'll pick me up i'm pointing at whichever one they pick me up on tomorrow night you get in this house we've done everything we can do to make sure it's safe for you and especially all you ex-club us and people who went out on friday night that this is the party you gonna be at tomorrow night you don't have to work saturday morning so come on out to the house of god but this is an amazing group of people here tonight hungry for the word of god and you know i'm just joking with you but kinda but anyway you come you come on into the house of god all those joining us by live stream listen god is absolutely raising up a remnant of people and just look look at somebody and say and we different we just different we're just different we're we're in this age where where the extreme has come on the scene where we're going to get extreme with them it's time from for some extreme christianity and so i want you to grab your bibles because my assignment tonight is i want to take you a little bit deeper than where we were last night and i want to thank all of those that have reached out and sent messages about how the word of god blessed you but i want you to go to romans chapter number eight because it's gonna get it's it's it it it's gonna get it's romans eight and we're going to look at verse number 29. romans 8 29. mama beard i sure love you i love you all so much romans 8 29 says for whom he foreknew oh my is right yes sir i got some help in here tonight he also pre-destined to be conformed to the image of his son that he meaning his son might be the firstborn among many brethren my god moreover whom he predestined these he also called whom he called these he justified and whom he justified these he also glorified [Music] we're gonna take step two into this identity shift but i want you to just say this as something to put in your mind that jesus is the firstborn among many brethren now you said it your whole life but it's going hit different say i'm a child of god you may be seated i'm a child of god now we left off last night with the understanding of what jesus came to reveal to us and we're finally i believe as pastor just talked about pouring out of his spirit on all flesh we're finally getting to a point where the church is ready to move from church membership into kingdom sonship because we were not created to be members of a church we were created to be sons and daughters of the most high god now this is a paradigm shift that has to happen because everything that god has created for us in this earth realm to partake of all of the things that jesus died for it was to move us into a position somebody say position and we preach salvation from the conditional standpoint a lot and we should thank god but we have not preached salvation from the positional standpoint in other words when i got born again it just it didn't just change my condition it also changed my position it shifted me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of god and when i came into the kingdom of god i didn't just come in as a citizen i came in as a son and so the reason this is crucial to get is because if your condition is changed but you don't understand that your position has changed then you will never move into what you were born and created to experience in other words you will be glad conditionally that you're on your way to heaven but you're still gonna catch hell in the earth but when you change positionally you understand you're not just on your way to heaven you're already a citizen of heaven and you're not just excited to go but to pull it down into the earth realm that i don't wait till i get there to start experiencing the benefits this is the difference between the old covenant saints and the new covenant saints i gotta walk you down this because the bible says in matthew in hebrews chapter number 11 it just it just starts out with now faith it's the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and then it it says by this kind of faith believing god and the most amazing miraculous supernatural things that these people could believe god for the bible says it was through that kind of faith the elders obtained a good report yeah yeah and then it starts by faith noah yeah that god would just show up to a man and say it's gonna rain and noah said what's that he said you'll see it when it happens and by faith noah heard god tell him build an ark and he just ran down to home depot and begin to you understand what i'm saying and get all the material to build for something that he had never seen because when you operate by faith it's about the unseen yeah yeah he was able to build something for something that was unseen and not only nor then by faith by faith by faith by faith by faith showing us how these people had the extraordinary ability to believe god for something they could not see and then the bible goes on and says we would exhaust ourselves talking about all of the people who by faith who by faith believe god who believe god and then the bible say and these all died in faith whoa not having received the promise now it's one thing to live by faith it's a whole nother thing to die by faith which means they were dying about something that god promised they would have but they never saw it but they were able to close their eyes and say i guess i'll have to see it on the other side they had so much faith they they said it doesn't matter i'm gonna shut my eyes still believing i'm going to get what god promised and what god promised them was salvation what he was promising them was deliverance but they never saw it and the bible says these all died in faith not having received the promise but then the scripture says but god had some better things for us he had something better for us so that those apart from us can't be perfected and what is that that he has for us is that those saints lived believing for a place that he said in abraham whose builder and maker was god in other words they were searching for a heavenly place a spiritual dimension they were they were searching for something that god had promised to pull them into but they couldn't get there until jesus so they kept looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and he never came and they all died in faith now the reason it's important to note that they all died in faith which means the scripture is trying to tell us that even though they died they still had faith no you miss what i'm trying to say no the bible said they died in faith which means they went in the ground still believing which means their faith didn't stop when they died which means their spirit carried it right on into the underworld which means they didn't just believe god when they were walking on the planet they believed god after their spirit had hopped out the body and slipped down into paradise they were down there in paradise still believing god that's why your bible declares that they were waiting for the promise they they were waiting which means when the old covenant saints died even though their bodies left their spirits left their bodies they didn't go into torment they went into this compartment that we would later know it as abraham's bosom which means it was a holding place for departed spirits but god wouldn't let them suffer suffer torment because they had a covenant with god and they were believing god so everybody who had the faith of abraham i'm going somewhere look at somebody say he going somewhere you got to stay with him everybody that had the faith of abraham when they died they went into abraham's bosom that's why the rich man and lazarus is crucial to understand because the rich man when he died he was in torment but lazarus when he died was ushered into abraham's bosom and so there was a two-part to hell there were people in torment and people protected from it the people who were texted for protected from it were the people who had a covenant with god and the reason god protected them is because they believed god therefore it was accounted to them for my righteousness why because they were waiting until jesus would come and make the check good that was written by abraham and so abraham and all of the saints who died from the ages looking for jesus looking for jesus looking for the kingdom looking for the kingdom looking for sonship looking for sonship they all died in faith and i can see them all down there in the underworld and abraham isaac jacob joseph david all of them down there waiting waiting to be born again waiting to be made sons and daughters of god and i can see them every night and then after a millennium had passed and another millennium had passed and some of them had been down there for 4 000 years i can see them still walking up to abraham saying are you sure he's coming to get us and i can see abraham looking around at everybody and saying i'm telling you keep your faith he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming and your bible declares jesus pops up on the scene walks around in the earth for 33 years now he's on the cross father into thine hands i commend my spirit boy y'all got me preaching like i didn't lost my mind up in here father i commend my spirit jesus spirit leaps off the cross goes down into hell pays the penalty for man's transgression and after three days and three nights the glory comes into hell's kitchen jesus is resurrected from the dead and the first place he left to go to when he left hell is he went on up through this place called abraham's bosom and he showed up abraham and all of the saints say we see some coming what is that we see and jesus with all his resurrected glory walked up to abraham's bosom jingling something that he just got from hell and it is the keys i stuck them in the gate and say i know it took me a long time but here i am abraham looked at everybody and said i told you he was coming and the bible said he led captivity captive and they led a great possession and went on up into heaven and all of the saints that died by faith got the manifestation of their faith and they went to heaven and sat down [Applause] [Music] but god having something better for us [Music] what was better for us that they died not receiving the promise they got it when they were in hell in abraham's bosom but now they're sitting in it now but your bible declares that they can't even sit down because the moment they got to heaven they turned around what are they looking at the bible says we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses what are they looking at they saying when we were in the earth we couldn't live in what god has promised y'all we were the bc saints but now y'all are the a.d saints which means we had to get to heaven in order to get this position but y'all get to walk around in it in the earth and they're looking for a generation that says we don't have to wait to get to heaven to get it we gonna walk around in the earth with it and the same authority that they have in heaven you and i got it on earth and we ain't waiting to go we're going to pull it down while we're here we are the generation of them that are going to experience levels of glory and dominion and power and demonstration that this world has never seen if you believe it shout amen and so now [Music] yo y'all pushing me too much and so now now now they say we were not sons until we got to heaven y'all get to be sons in the earth and so they're all looking over the seal of heaven saying we want to see what y'all going to do with that [Music] because we did everything we did shut the mouths of lions by faith we did everything we did by faith y'all don't have to do it by faith [Music] y'all get to do it by manifestation which means we were supposed to be a whole nother generation of a kind of believer that they were all expecting to see and this is why we have to preach about the mystery of jesus because can i have that that that that that uh cover that i had yeah i'm going i gotta preach with this tonight you got to see yourself tonight when jesus came into the earth realm i mean let me just show this to you just one more time so you can walk across the threshold into this next level of revelation when jesus came to the earth i told you last night that he stripped himself of his glory so if you have john 17 verse number 3 the the oh the old baptist saints told me to call it saint john so so so if you have saint john chapter number 17 verse number three i want you to put that up on the screen because i want to show you this because we're going to walk out of here tonight glorified john 17 verse number three now jesus is at the end of his his earthly ministry and he's praying for us you know the model prayer is him teaching us how to pray but john 17 is actually his prayer over us and he starts saying this and he says father and this is eternal life he's praying for us that they may know you the only true god keep going i'm going all the way down to verse number five and jesus christ whom you have sent i have glorified you on the earth i have finished the work which you have given me to do and now oh father glorify me together with yourself with the glory which i had with you before the world wars jesus says i've come to the end and he said my assignment was to glorify you on the earth to reveal the glory of who you are but then he said something interesting he says and now oh father now that i'm coming to the end of that he says give me back the glory that i had with you before the world was in other words we're talking about two types of glory he says i glorified you on the earth and he said i'm glad i'm done with that he says now that i finished the work that you've called me to do give me back the glory i had with you before the world was which means that he must have had to as we saw last night give up a level of glory that he had with the father in order to come down into the earth realm to manifest the glory of a man in the earth and jesus speaks as if this glory that i've had on the earth this is a lesser degree of what i have with you good god he says i had to give up what i had with you to go down and manifest the glory of you among them he says now that i'm done with that i want what i had back with you which means he didn't come to the earth in his glory he had to give that up he came to the earth in our glory in other words jesus says i came to model the glory of a man in the earth realm now you have to notice this the reason i walked you back through matthew chapter number 16 last night is because when they saw him they didn't know what they were looking at that's why he was saying whom do men say that i am they had never seen nothing like that they never seen that kind of glory on a man they didn't know what they were beholding they didn't know what to think about it until god says what you're really beholding is the glory of my son you'll be holding a son in the earth realm now see we get to read it in retrospect we get to read it in the bible where he revealed it but you have to understand they didn't know what they were looking at they didn't understand nothing he was until god showed peter now even though we know him to be the son of the living god even though we have a bible we still don't understand this glory we we don't understand that he didn't come like i told you to just be celebrated he came to show us something he was trying to reveal something to us in my and let me just parenthetically insert this we can't celebrate jesus enough i just want to be clear especially when she was singing somebody called jesus i like girl if you don't quit calling him ain't gonna be able to preach we can't praise him enough we we can't magnify him enough we we can't exalt him enough because jesus your bible says was so humble that he would leave the glory he had with the father to come down into the earth humble himself to pick up the glory of mankind and wear it in the earth i don't know about you y'all but that's a long way down he came a long way down so when you see jesus in the earth realm in matthew mark and luke and john jesus is saying i had to come down to do that good god if you want to know how amazing god is just look at jesus who says i had to come down to do this which means even though man is made in the image of god he ain't god we came from god but we don't ever get it twisted that we are god because there is still a supremacy to god that is above everything but jesus in order to get us back to our rightful condition and position the bible says he humbled himself and he left the level the rank the the the grand the authority the power that he had his god and the creator became what he created so he could show us who we were so if jesus is asking for the glory back that he had with the father then what glory is that that he had in the earth look at somebody say well mine it was mine which means it was the original glory of adam now the reason i brought all of that up as a recap is to bring you to this scripture because the bible says that even though jesus was in the beginning in the beginning was the word the word with god and the word was god the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth so now the question is if jesus is the glory of man in the earth then what is glory we beheld it the bible says we we saw the glory as of the only begotten full of grace and truth in other words jesus showed us the glory of a man he showed us the glory that god gave to mankind he showed us what we would have seen in adam if adam hadn't seen he is revealing to us the glory now when you look up the word glory and it has many many many descriptions and so any description that you know of glory just add this one to it this is just in addition to to all of the other things that you've heard about the glory of god so we know it's the manifest presence of god we know that's a level of glory we we we know glory but then it is the hebrew word kabode which means weight it means it means it means weight it means heavy now there are two types of weight there is weight that is physically heavy and then there is weight that carries with it authority like when somebody says your word carries great weight what they're trying to say is that when you throw your weight around everybody submits to what you say and when jesus showed up he showed up with the manifest presence of god the miraculous of god the attributes of god the intrinsic nature of god all of that's glory the way to the the value the worth of god the glory but then in the greek it adds a word to it called doxa doxa and doxa means a lot of things that the hebrew word for glory kabode means but then it means a couple of things that kabode the hebrew word does not mention and so the word doxa means majesty that's like kabode it means might it means dominion it means power it means excellence it means dignity it means all of that but then it also means opinion it it means view of something and the bible says when we are beholding jesus we are beholding the doxa is the greek word which means when i am looking at jesus i am seeing the opinion of god y'all ain't ready for it put your hand on your head put your hand on your head pitch put your hand on your head which means when i'm looking at jesus what i'm really looking at is god's opinion of me i'm looking at the true opinion i'm looking at the real opinion i'm looking at the real view in which god sees us and when jesus walked around in the earth realm what we were looking at is the true apprehension and comprehension of a man in the image of god we were looking at the offspring of god the child of god we saw him in all of his glory so that means whatever you see jesus doing in the earth he's doing it to show me the way god thinks of me oh you know it's dark back there in the choir y'all laying asleep are you okay i gotta make sure i can see back there under that mask you know no i'm just messing with so now if jesus is the true opinion of me then it does me no good to have an opinion of myself y'all didn't hear what i said this is why god sent up jesus for us to look at because he says you don't know how much you're worth [Music] you you don't know the weight you carry you don't know my original plan for you you don't know how much value you carry you don't know how much authority you carry you don't know how much power you got you don't know how supernatural you are so you've been walking around with the opinion of a fallen man and i had to send my son to look oh my god oh my god oh my god do you remember the verse pastor i know you remember it don't be trying to preach it until i give it now don't the bible says the by the bible says ins i believe that second corinthians three i could be wrong because it's just coming to me i know it's in there but i could be wrong and this is the second corinthian three or four somewhere around there the bible talks about how when moses came down out of the mountain with the law that the law had such glory on it that moses face would shine and he came down and god told him we're a veil oh my god boy y'all pulling revelation out of me tonight he said wear veil because i don't want the people of god to look at it number one i don't want them looking at it because the glory that you have in the condition that they are will actually destroy them because they're not in a position or a condition yet to even handle the old covenant glory he said number two i don't want them looking at it because it's just a passing glory and i don't want them stuck on nothing that's about to pass away and so paul said we had to have a veil looking at moses in all of his glory but then he goes on to say but we all with unveiled face watch this beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same glory from glory to glory [Music] which means when moses showed up he showed up as a mirror of the glory and reflection of god in the old covenant but god says i don't want you looking at that because that's going to pass away that glory there is just a holding place until i can get what i want for you in the earth so don't look at moses because moses is going to pass away in other words he says that ain't the mirror i want you looking in but when jesus came on the scene god said get the veil out of the way because he is what i want them to look at why because when i'm looking at jesus i'm looking at myself and god says i want you to see yourself and so jesus is my mirror if i want to know what i look like i don't look at myself i don't look at nobody else i look at jesus and the bible says the more i look at him the more i become like him the more i look at it the more i become like him the more i look at him the more i become liking it looking at nobody but jesus and tonight i want some people to have the courage to stare jesus right in the face and tell him here i come here i come i don't care what i got what i don't got i don't care what i have what i don't have i don't care what i think about myself that goes out the window tonight tonight i'm going to see myself like i was created to see myself and tonight i'm gonna put my doctor on [Music] and i am bound to walk and live in my real identity now be seated because it's gonna get tough it's gonna get tough be seated y'all made me preach too long last night so jesus shows up and says quit looking at yourself i'm in the mirror and he says i took the veil away so you can see it oh [Music] jesus i want to thank you for letting me be myself again oh somebody shall thank you for let me feed myself again [Music] look at that mirror don't run from it look at it that's my potential that's my power that's my authority that's my dominion that's my anointing that's my glory be seated [Music] so jesus says i didn't come to church [Music] he said then come to the earth excuse me to show you no religion i came to show you a mirror and the bible declares that we have to have a kind of courage in order to look at what we really are in christ and so if that is true which it is that means everything i see jesus doing in the earth he's doing it with my glory i like to say he doing it with my stuff on and when you think about the things he did don't go to sleep on me now because with great honor we've been talking about what he did for the last 2 000 years and he's saying for once i'd like to talk about what you doing because he says i walked around in your glory and we beheld the glory the man shows up at a wedding and his mother says it's time for you son to go public because glory is what manifests when god goes public when he manifests himself she says time to go public jesus said no it ain't time yet she said oh yes it is she said they need some wine now she goes up to them and she says now it's going to sound crazy but whatever he tells you to do i don't care how much sense it makes just do it jesus shows up and he says okay fill those water pots with water the fellas look at him and say wait a minute rabbi wait wait wait we ain't out of water rail we we we out of wine you understand we we need some grapes we need they do you're sending us to the vineyard or something if we take this water to the governor man you're going to get us all killed jesus and just fill it up filled it up they take it to the governor and everybody looking around like oh lord what in the world and the governor dips in and an old baptist preacher told me somewhere between the dip in the cell see that's that's so see that's the way i was raised up see i i would say somewhere between the differences i'm telling you somewhere that water turned into wine [Music] and he did that with your stuff on [Music] and i know we ain't trying to turn water to wine but there are some situations that need turning and what he was trying to tell you is that you have the authority to take what is don't cry about it don't complain about it don't whine about it don't expect anybody else to do it open up your mouth and [Music] did you hear what i said i came to tell you there are things that you can speak to and they will turn get your head up and just start doing it because the next time i see something i don't want in my life the next time i see running out in my life i'm gonna open up my mouth and i'm gonna turn him [Music] [Music] my god be seated please just a few more minutes [Music] it's turning right now i said it's turning right now god says i've given you the power that you don't have to deal with if you speak to the mountain it's got to move because my children have the authority to turn things i said my children have been anointed to turn things some of you gonna walk in your house walk through the front door and just say today everything in my house is changing the blessing [Music] the breakthrough the increase whatever is lacking in my life fill it up now fill it up with glory fill it up with blessing fill it up with blessing my cup is about to run over [Music] please be seated not putting up with it i'm going to turn it [Music] and what jesus was trying to teach us is that as children of the most high god we are not at the mercy of circumstances [Music] he's trying to teach us we're not at the mercy of circumstances he tried to teach us in so much how you and you he did that with you and then you remember this this man who had been coming to the pool and just been waiting for one time a year for the angel to come down and stir the water and every time he tried to slide over there and get in somebody would jump in and he missed his season he'd have to wait for a whole nother year jesus comes on the scene and asks one question do you want it [Music] because he's about to teach us something he says do you want it the man said of course i do i wouldn't be down here if i didn't want it but every time i try to come into the pool somebody jumps in in front of me jesus said that's not what i ask you do you want it now the men said well of course i do jesus said well get up because what i came to tell you is that when you get this on you you don't wait for a season your faith can make a season and i came to tell somebody what you've been waiting on you can get it tonight oh my god i came to tell you what you think it's gonna take a long time it can happen before we get out this room tonight because you have the authority to change the situation [Music] and he did that with your stuff on [Music] and he does everything remain standing i was always they they taught me don't out preach the anointing so i can feel your faith ready to dive in here and so jesus walks around into the earth realm and he says this your stuff he said don't get it twisted this is amazing but he says i had to come down to put this on he said this is you this is this is god's opinion of you and out of all that jesus did in his signs and wonders there's something i don't believe the church shouts about enough because the bible declares that while he was in this don't get quiet on me now he was in all points tempted he came as a man he didn't come he had if if if it was legal for a man to experience it he had to experience it that's why he gave up equality with god to come down as a man and as a man the bible declares he was tempted in all points yet without sin look at somebody and tell them before you got this on you you had to do it but if you're doing it with this home look at them and tell them you want to do it you want to do it [Music] because this has power over sin oh my god [Music] which means there's not abundance [Music] whoa that this image won't break off you see this is why whenever you find yourself in sin i don't care what it is i don't care how long you've been in it it's an identity thing because when you realize what you were created to be you realize that you were originally created to know no sin if adam had no sin we'd have never became sinners but then we were now born if any man be in christ he's a new creature god wraps this nature around you and says i came to tell this thing right here is sin proof [Music] if it worked on me it'll work on you i don't care how pretty she is come on in here men i don't care how fine she is i don't care no about her lips her hips her fingertips i don't care how seductive she is and i don't care how your body is raging when you understand who you are you understand that i have to kind of put this off in order to get with that and i'd rather have my anointing oh my god then spent 15 minutes in pleasure i'd rather have my glory [Music] so this is why you don't get people out of sin by condemning them you get them out of sin by bringing them into their identity [Music] because the bible declares jesus didn't sin because he wasn't tempted he was in all points tempted but he didn't sin because he had something that was stronger than any temptation and you can get to a level of glory in your life where the things you used to do it's not that you won't do them anymore you can't do them no more [Music] because you can get to a level of image where you understand in order for me to do certain things i have to come out of my nature [Music] how many of you then done some things slipped into some things from time to time yeah we all have let me ask you a question soon as it was over i don't care what it was even if it was a lie how did you feel it was this telling you we don't do that no more it was this telling you that that ain't your identity [Music] it was this telling you that you were created for truth for righteousness that you were created to manifest yeah the glory of god and everything from sin to sickness to disease and tomorrow night we're going to pray for miracles signs and wonders all of it jesus walked around in the earth with and says i came to be the mirror and then went to the cross and handed this to us and now god predestined you and i to be the generation to walk in this abraham isaac and jacob and joseph and they're saying we had to die and go to heaven before we could walk in this but god had something better for us now listen to what i'm about to say in the next two minutes because i want this to get way down in your soul if jesus is god's opinion of me and when i look at him and i look at myself in the mirror and i see the disparity between those images that authority that likeness it is only then that i realized the damage that sin did to me because why in the world am i fearful if i've got jesus authority and so what we've got to do tonight is we've got to start to move ourselves out of the mirror because we have been created for signs and wonders we have been created to be the type of people that when you walk around in this earth people have to ask of you what manner of man is this you know i i i i say this jokingly because i went through a season of being single before i got remarried and in my mind i always thought god was gonna send me this quiet just real soft-spoken woman i envisioned her i dreamed it that she was just going to be like a queen just walking through the palace and then god brought me a spicy energetic puerto rican queen she's a spicy princess she's a she's every bit the queen that god gave me but this is a joke but it's really serious that when i married her i had never met anybody with that much joy every day every morning all day long she's got the joy of the lord [Music] now you think that's amazing until you have to live with it because even though i'm preaching to you tonight there are some times i wish i could take this off not with her but i'm just talking about with life in general and and i had to deal with her level of joy and optimism and love and affection and just i mean it's like he gave me jesus an address [Music] and one morning she woke up so happy and full of joy and love and bouncing around and i was tired and irritated and and i was just saying what to eat baby what do you want to do whatever i'ma let you know in a minute you asked me too many questions just woke up and it's like the spirit of the lord laughed at me and said y'all always think y'all want what you've been praying for and when i give it to you you can't even deal with it because i prayed for a woman of god a woman of prayer a sincere woman a woman of love and i said that joking to say this that everybody around you ought to be forced to come up to the next level because of the way you represent [Music] this glory and i want us right now to determine because tomorrow night we're going to get into the demonstration i mean tomorrow night the assignment is to turn you into a weapon of mass destruction but the lord told me tonight that tonight we need to make a commitment to the father to say lord we want you signs and wonders we want that part of the glory we want blessing we want all of that but more than anything we want to act like you we want to live like we want to demonstrate i want you women to go home like jesus in a dress i want you men to go home like you wearing the glory of god and when you go on that job tomorrow instead of everybody driving you crazy you gonna walk in there understanding that you carry [Music] you carry the peace of god the joy of the lord you carry all of this and tonight i want you to lift your hands because we're going to receive this internal glory that if jesus is my mirror i have to love those that hate me i have to bless those that curse me i have to pray for those that despitefully misuse me i have to forgive i have to walk in purity and righteousness and holiness i have to lay aside the weight and the sins that so easily beset me because i want to be like my father so father tonight your sons and daughters watching online we commit to another level of consecration that we want to be love personified joy personified peace personified we want your image and your likeness in us we want to represent you and jesus thank you thank you for bringing us into the family [Music] thank you for saving us and giving us a seat at the table thank you for sacrificing your life to come down from glory and walk among us and be in all points tempted and walk as a man so that you could redeem us back to god's opinion of us jesus we owe you to walk in this we we owe this to you you didn't die just so that we could just be church members and be a religious sector people you died so that you could become the firstborn among many brethren [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and just for a minute i just want you to pray in the spirit and let the lord do this work in you yes yes yes yes yes [Music] jesus [Music] yes [Music] those watching come on lift your hands and just [Music] jesus [Music] god wants to deliver you from all of the yokes of your past [Music] god wants to bring you into a place of peace joy [Music] righteousness yes yes yes another level of consecration another level of yielding to him to be his children [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is revival right here [Music] everything that i loved [Music] [Music] you can move [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] as long as i met your will [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] everything that you want you can oh [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i find space for what i trash [Music] i choose [Music] just one last time without the music everybody [Music] come on sing to him for you i will prepare me [Music] me [Music] jesus you can stay right there [Music] yes lord yes [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah in this same spirit we're gonna release you tonight to go remember all this week we're consecrating ourselves i didn't tell anybody what to give up what to sacrifice because i believe that this needs to be between you and the lord but i'm asking everybody to just stay in a consecrated place seeking the face of god pulling on the anointing and just making room for god to do whatever it is he would want to do have you been blessed on tonight hallelujah tonight last night and we want to stay before the lord as we prepare for tomorrow night so i'm going to ask you to just look over at someone and say neighbor may the blessings of the lord rest upon you everything and everyone connected to you may the spirit of the living god keep your heart your mind and your body in perfect peace in jesus name i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord just stay right
Channel: JacksonRevivalCenter
Views: 503
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fE4MUtDW-9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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