JRC LIVE! - "Don't Settle In A Place Called Stuck!" - Sunday, October 18, 2020

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hi i'm sharon hill and i want to welcome you to the jackson revival center pre-service experience whether you're worshiping with us live in the sanctuary or virtual you're welcome in just a moment we'll go live in our sanctuary where your experience praise worship and the word of god from our pastor jennifer beard we want you to know that we worked hard to create a full worship experience for you that said we've made members of our prayer team available to you in the comments of this stream to tend to your personal and spiritual needs during this service also we want to remind you that we have made special digital and online giving options available to you in addition to giving online at jrc dot church forward slash give you may use our text to give services by texting jrct for thai or jrco for offering to 28950 if you're here worshiping live in the sanctuary you may use the giving towers to your left or to your right or in the foyer at the end of service we'll extend an invitation to those of you who'd like to dedicate or rededicate your life to christ after the invitation you'll see me again and i'll let you know how you can tell us about your decision until then thanks for watching and enjoy the service well praise the lord everybody come on once you clap your hands wherever you are come on if you don't mind won't you just stand on your feet and let's honor our god god we bless you for waking us up this morning for starting us on our way for being a laugh unto our feet a light entire path now won't you do me and yourself a favor won't you just look at your neighbor don't touch them or give them an elbow just be like how you doing girl you all right if you're at home with your family just give them a cheerful smile and just let them know how glad you are to be with him now can we do one more thing and put our hands together and give jesus a handcuff of praise don't just stop with the clapping of your hands but tell him how good he is how much you appreciate him [Music] how much you honor him how much you praise him and god there's no other reason that we've come that to give you glory because this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it come on put your hands together jrc come on let's stay there y'all saying let the people of god and the people of god say yes come on help us say that's y'all come on now clap your hands all you people and let's shout with the trouble jordan's the triumph come on let's see this hey sing this today i will rejoice [Music] this is the day this is [Music] come on come on [Music] come on this here [Music] [Applause] that the lord has made god we thank you for your creations come on everybody put your hands together right there if you're glad to be in the land of the living god we honor you and we thank you for giving us another opportunity to give you glory hallelujah we bless your name god come on listen to that loud and the people of god [Music] lord you are good at your mercy come on [Music] he's a good good father we love you guys we give you high praise said we worship you come on everybody put your hands together come on come on come on [Music] come on let's say that again y'all come on [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] name remains on the throne god we thank you for your love we thank you for your consistency we thank you that you're sovereign and we say yes and just begin to speak well of him god we adore you we magnify you and we say yes to you hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah if you know that you serve a good god that woke you up this morning that consumed every five of your people won't you bless them from a place of appreciation god we love you we adore you we extol you jesus and god we love you because you first loved us hallelujah we thank you for your unconditional love that you look beyond our faults and you see our needs that our sin does not determine the way you treat us that our shame and our guilt our mistakes don't dictate how you view us that you see sons and daughters when everybody else sees the worst god you see the best in us and we thank you that your love is strengthening us god you're awesome you're amazing thank you lord come on can we take a second right there just to worship god [Music] just to show him how much we appreciate him come on can we create an atmosphere that's conducive for him to inhabit for he inhabits the praises of his people god we love you we adore you jesus we magnify you god no other help we know so we look to the heels from what's coming to our help all of our help comes from the lord i spoke a word you were singing gold for me you have been so so good to me before i took a breath you breathe your life through me and you have been so so kind to me saying your job oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god oh it chases me down my still i'm found leaves the 99 and i couldn't earn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of god yes your love strengthens you your love strengthens me god [Music] you have [Music] anybody ever felt unworthy [Music] oh said it chases me down i don't deserve it still you give yourself away we thank you for your love come on we thank you for your love hallelujah come on singapore [Music] is still you give yourself away we thank you thank you we thank you god said father we thank you for your love god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh come on you give yourself away [Music] your love strengthens me says your love strengthens me your love strengthens me so your love your love i don't know where you are but [Music] come on he's your strength and your weakness come on your sin is great but his love is greater come [Music] your love strength [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you know just this past week myself and pastor jennifer were doing a meet me in the break room man this was revolved around business but she asked me at the very end of the conversation what advice would you give entrepreneurs and without hesitation i said i would just tell them to do it scared and naturally you know the bible says that god has not given us the spirit of fear but he's given us spiritual love peace and the sound mind but naturally we have inclinations where we get scared scared of success scared of failure scared of the outcome scared of the unknown we have so many things that we gain a sense of timidity about and we we just become scared but the bible says that perfect love drives out fear so i'm here to tell you that whatever it is that has been plaguing you and your spirit whatever it is that you have been contemplating about because of fear of the unknown the spirit of god his love is coming to drive out that spirit of fear so even right now we just want to can you just lift your hands and declare that since your love strengthens me you don't understand what's going on in my marriage but your love strengthens me what's going on on your job but [Music] [Music] your love strength [Music] come on last time sing it real loud lord jesus we thank you for your awesome power for your love and for your adoption of us into your family lord we'll join with the people that are in this audience and in the viewing audience we'll join our face with theirs and lord jesus we use the most powerful weapon that we have and that is prayer and connection lord jesus right now we lift up lord jesus everyone that is listening to this cast today this telecast lord jesus if there is illness lord jesus we release healing lord if there is lack we release abundance and lord jesus where there is weakness we speak strength right now in the name of jesus and we command it to be so as your offspring as your children we have the right the privilege and lord jesus the authority to speak your word and watch it do what it is designed to do we thank you lord jesus we lift up our pastor in today's service lord jesus let there be the fullness come forth in her lord speak through her to us in your fullness lord jesus in the name of jesus lord jesus so that we can show the world that you are the only god you are the old powerful god you are the all-knowing god and lord jesus we release your freedom into this service in jesus name amen and amen [Music] cheers [Music] so [Music] i am [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] again i am [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] i am oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] shall i fear the gods [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] angelo [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] god [Music] around me [Music] hey family welcome to jackson revival center church this is pastor jennifer lead pastor and in just a few moments we're going to give each of you the opportunity to give of your tithe and your offering but first let's look in the word of god in luke's gospel beginning with chapter 6 and verse 38. we can see here that jesus says give and it shall be given to you good measure press down shaking together and running over will men given to your bosom for with the same measure that you meted out it will be measured back to you so what exactly is jesus saying in this passage well first he is telling us to give that it's not a matter of if we give but when we give this is a statement jesus for us says for us to give into the kingdom and the beauty of his calling is that not only will our gift be returned back to us but he said you'll give it one way but it's coming back another way that you'll give it but i'm going to give it back to you good measure press down shaken together and running over it's like having a cup that is being filled with water and god doesn't just stop at the halfway mark he doesn't just stop when it gets to the top of the cup but he said i'm gonna keep pouring and pouring and pouring and before you know it the water is going to be running over so much so that even the plate is going to be filled the saucer is going to be filled that jesus doesn't just stop at the halfway mark he doesn't just stop when it gets to the top of the glass but no he said i'm gonna keep pouring and pouring and pouring so much so that everything around the glass is going to be blessed that jesus says it's gonna be pouring down your hands it's going to be spilling over into the floor that with the same measure that you meet it out it will be returned unto you that god is just to return to us our harvest in whatever measure that we have planted that the more seed that is planted the greater the harvest we will see so today i want you to believe that when you give into the kingdom of god that you will have faith that your gift will be returned to you pressed down shaken together and running over i'm gonna ask each one of you who are giving today to say the simple confession with me as you prepare to give just say lord today i bring my gift to your house jesus you said to give and it would be given back now father i thank you that with the same measure that i have given it to you you will meet it back to me i believe that i receive that and i act in faith on your word today let's pray heavenly father we come to you right now we thank you for another opportunity to give and we thank you that you hasten your word to perform it your word says if we give you'll give it back but when you give it back it's going to be given back with your blessing it's going to be given back with your super on our natural and father we thank you that you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask think or even imagine with everything that is given here today and with everyone who gives we thank you now we declare it to be so in jesus name everybody said amen may god bless you as you join me in your giving [Music] hallelujah come on put those hands [Music] together come on put those hands together with me if you know it singing along with me [Music] i got joy in my soul god is in control i got sitting on my trail but i'm saying all this well he's hacking every day but i'm watching while i pray no matter the attack i want her back [Music] i got joy but i'm watching while i pray no matter [Music] oh i is me come on let's say it again [Music] breakthrough [Music] [Music] jesus has given you power over oh [Music] [Music] over all the power of the enemy we have the victory we have the victory i dare you to give god [Music] if he ever made a way out of nowhere if he ever brought light to a dark game [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] deliver us [Music] oh i got the victory on put those hands together give god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we're [Music] if you got the victory in jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on and give the lord a good handle for praise and you're glad to be in the house of the lord glad to be in the land of the living glad to have breath in your body and activity in your lips i dare you to open up your mouth all over this sanctuary and give the king of kings and the lord of lords a great big shout of praise hallelujah i dare you just to speak and declare over everybody in this place begin to speak and declare over everybody in your family i plead the blood [Music] i plead the blood hallelujah i dare you just to let everything that would come up against you know the devil is already defeated i dare you just to open your mouth and say the devil is already defeated in the name of jesus we have the victory oh yes we do oh yeah tell me who can stand before us when we open up our mouth and call on the name that is above every name i dare you to say jesus jesus precious jesus we have oh i need you just to take about 20 seconds and have yourself a breeze party [Music] i dare you to take about 20 seconds and just declare your square a place of victory [Music] um [Music] hallelujah [Music] see some of y'all might not have been through anything this week but some of us have been faced with something every single day and so to get to this point and still be standing here with victory some of us just gotta take a moment to say thank you some of us just gotta take a moment before we do anything else before we go another step further we gotta take just a moment to say thank you jesus we gotta take just a moment to celebrate the faithfulness [Music] oh i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord and it looked like there's some other folk in here who said i'm gonna praise him while i have a chance [Music] [Music] now see let me tell you something about some of the folk that you see dancing and shouting they're not dancing and shouting because nothing has come up against them they're not dancing and shouting because everything went their way they're dancing and shouting because the enemy tried it but it didn't work i just wonder if there's anybody else up in here today who hasn't he tried it but it didn't work craig oh yeah [Music] oh yeah the devil tried it but it didn't work because idea 5417 had already said the weapons may pour but when they form they won't be able to prosper [Music] the bible said they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony i wonder if there's anybody in here this morning who said i don't just have a testimony i am a testimony [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] on keeping me [Music] with no i'm just another number [Music] you keep on keeping me [Music] welcome come on thank you about to get free hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah when you just begin to think and consider the goodness hallelujah the goodness of our savior hallelujah the goodness of jesus and all all that is done [Music] for you and for me hallelujah hallelujah it's been a long time since we could just bask in his presence hallelujah like water to a dry and thirsty land hallelujah we thank you lord [Music] oh [Music] you are worthy to be [Music] we you are worthy [Music] to [Music] right there can you just open up your mouth and begin to thank him can you just open up your mouth and begin to give god praise if you just start back to last sunday and think of all he's done since last sunday i declare we would be here for the remainder of the day [Music] when you consider his kindness when you consider his grace oh bless the lord [Music] o my soul [Music] that is within me bless [Music] holy name [Music] [Music] hallelujah i dare you to tell me god you're so good god you're so good you're so good so good too you're so good to me why he has done great things [Music] when i didn't even deserve it he [Music] had has done great [Music] great things he's so [Music] good [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] those of you who need a touch in your body just lift up your hands because he's here right now to heal i don't know who that is in the back in the forest green dress but god is touching your body right now hallelujah whatever request whatever petition you have before the lord he hears you [Music] y'all just stretch your hands back there [Music] some of the things you've got before the lord you've not even articulated to man but god said i heard [Music] hallelujah you're not forgotten you're not abandoned you're not forsaken [Music] but even right now god is moving some things on your behalf hallelujah hallelujah thank you can you just sing a little bit longer [Music] that's ten thousand praises [Music] there's another ten thousand [Music] and it's still not enough to say thank you [Music] even if we had 10 000 tongs [Music] we still could not articulate the goodness and the greatness of our god [Music] can you just tell him you're so worthy your soul [Music] your soul [Music] yours [Music] is your soul [Music] i dare you to just look over at somebody and say god's got plans for you yeah just reach over and tell somebody god's got plans for you that's what all the warfare has been about that's what all the battles have been over god's got plans for you [Music] tell somebody else close by say don't you settle for a place called stuck don't you settle for a place called stuck the spirit of the lord is in the house to unstick you today [Music] oh yeah it's gonna work in your favor before it's all over hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god's perfected everything [Music] everything that's concerning you yes he is sooner or later it'll turn in your favor it's turning around for you i dare you to just say it's turning around for me [Music] sooner or later it'll work in your favor god said is turning around for me or later every little thing is [Music] i'm not telling you what i heard i'm telling you i'm telling you what i know sooner or later [Music] trouble don't last always it's gotta work in your favors right now with 1007 it's turning turning turning around turning around [Music] turning around yes it is sooner or later [Applause] every little thing is gonna work in my [Music] [Applause] favor [Music] it's turning around [Music] make it personal for me oh yeah you gotta know [Music] turning around [Music] when the doctor says no jesus can still say yes he'll turn it around [Music] for you you [Music] when the bank says no god can still say yes without a monthly payment you'll turn it around [Music] turn it around [Music] sooner or later [Music] all of it it's gonna work in your favor hear me today [Music] is turning around [Music] at your house today [Music] it's is [Music] sister renetta [Music] it's turning around for you [Music] oh when the no turns to yes and it will turn [Music] it's turning around [Music] can you just say with me sooner or later it's gonna work in our favor it's turning around for me [Music] if you know god's turning some stuff around right now you ought to just begin to praise him even in advance i'm telling you i feel a shift in this place [Applause] i'm telling you i feel hearts of stone being restored to hearts of flesh i i feel minds being renewed i feel joy being restored i feel peace being renewed i feel relationship being restored i i feel god doing something in this place bodies are being healed bondages are being broken hallelujah somebody was questioning their faith and you know right now beyond the shadow of a doubt that god has heard you you thought it was gonna always be like that but it's turning it's turning it's turning i tell you just to turn with me and say it's turning is turning is turning is turning hallelujah it's turning my situation is turning that situation in my body is turning [Music] that situation with my son that situation with my daughter is turning that barren situation is turning that unfruitful play is turning hallelujah [Music] well i'm gonna try to get into this word hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i'm telling you there's an anointing here right now that is so tangible can you just reach up your hand and say right now i receive everything i need i receive everything i need from the only one position postured and qualified to give it to me i dare you just to say the great i am that's who provides for me i have everything i need i have everything i need [Music] the great i am [Music] is [Music] everything i have everything the great i am [Music] is right [Music] that's why you're not gonna die [Music] i the grace where i am the way i am [Music] [Music] come on and tell em [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh oh am here i [Music] i am [Music] you are the great i am [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] hallelujah i'm telling you it's the great i am who provides for me everything i need him to be right when i need [Music] hallelujah [Music] whatever you need healing deliverance provision health food shelter [Music] can you just tell him thank you [Music] hallelujah glory well you can be seated if you can you ought to feel like you've had a whole bath just been washed just been cleansed hallelujah god's got plans for you god's got plans for me god's got plans for us big plans hallelujah i was wondering how i was going to minister this word this morning because we're going to go a little bit deep but god gave you some anesthesia gave you some help for the hurt gave you a bone to soothe hallelujah we started a series a couple of weeks ago and we'll still get you all out on time we started a series a couple of weeks ago called defining moments that series was birthed out of the dealings of the lord with my heart letting us know that we as a body are in a defining moment and we began our discussion two weeks ago kind of laying the foundation for what defining moments really are and i kind of want to pick up today where we left off last week so if you'll meet me in the book of numbers chapter 20 numbers chapter 20. verses 6 through 12. [Music] it's the fourth book in the bible genesis exodus leviticus numbers no not being funny a lot of people have technology these days don't know how to find it [Music] numbers 20 verses 6-12 i'm reading from the new living translation this morning you may be reading from a different translation welcome to our social media audience i pray that you could feel where you are what we could feel in this place and still feel the presence of the lord is here numbers chapter 20 verses 6 through 12 it says moses and aaron turned away from the people and went to the entrance of the tabernacle where they fell face down on the ground then the glorious presence of the lord appeared to them and the lord said to moses you and aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community as the people watch speak to the rock over there and it will pour out its water and you will provide enough water from the rock to satisfy the whole community and their livestock [Music] so moses did as he was told and he took the staff from the place where it was kept before the lord and then he and aaron summoned the people to come and together at the rock but then moses said listen you rebels must we bring you water from this rock and then moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff and water gushed out so the entire community and their livestock drank their feel but the lord said to moses and aaron because you did not trust me enough because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of israel you will not lead them into the land that i'm giving them i don't want that to be my testimony can you just tell somebody around close by just say don't get don't settle in a place called stuck don't settle in a place called stuff father we thank you for the move of your spirit we thank you for your presence in this place now father let this word be spirit let it be life let every ear hear let every heart receive because of it let souls be saved we thank you now we give you glory in jesus name amen i need to let you know why this series is necessary for this season of your life if you're privileged to be here today you're privileged to have your family close by your friends close by just tell them god has plans for you oh yeah he's got plans for you and those plans are good and i'm telling you the plans are so good that they cannot be conceived within the recesses of your own mind these plans are right up there with those plans that paul was trying to articulate to the church at corinth when he said your eyes haven't seen it your ears haven't heard it your heart cannot even conceive nor contain the things that god has in store for those who love him y'all remember he told jeremiah he said i know the plans that i have for you he didn't say you know the plans he said i know the plans you may not know what i've got up my sleeve but but i know the plans that i have for you he said i've got some plans to prosper you i've got some plans they're not to harm you but i've got some plans to give you a hope in the midst of hopelessness all around you i've got some plans to give you a future that you couldn't dream up on your best day can you just say it with me just some people who believe it god's got plans for me the next time somebody calls you with something you know to be a distraction if they ask you if you got plans tell them i don't but he does god's got plans for me so we're going to talk for a few minutes i need you to know number one the plan of god is the preference of god for your life the plan of god is the preference of god for your life god's plan is what he prefers for you god's plan is what he sees for you it's what he had in mind for you from before the foundation of the world but in order for his preference to become your experience it requires your participation in order for his preference to become your experience it requires your participation god prefers for all of us that our lives end up in a certain place that that that when he had us in mind he aimed us at something he pointed us towards something and whether or not we reach that place is predicated or dependent upon our partnership that god can want a thing for you but god wanting a thing for you is not enough that though god wants a thing for you and god is good you gotta want it for yourself can you just say i want it it doesn't matter what god sees if i don't see what i need to see we're going to go a little bit deep i said it doesn't matter what god sees if i don't see what i need to see and if i don't see what i need to see i'll end up stuck in a place of bondage that i can't see that i'm in so it's not enough just for god to see it i've got to see it for me and if i can't see what god wants me to see i'll be stuck in a place of bondage saying that i'm free moses was a man for whom god had a plan the plan of god was to use the life of moses to lead israel from egypt to canaan god wanted to use him meaning moses to lead them israel from one place to another place the assignment of moses was to take the people to canaan the wilderness was not a part of that assignment god didn't tell moses anything about taking the people to the wilderness he said i want you to take them lead them to canaan canaan was god's preference for their life so he said moses your assignment is to take them from point a egypt to point b canaan that's the plan but we briefly began to delve into it last week moses stopped short of his potential so we pick up kind of mid-conversation on this discussion that god is having with moses in numbers chapter 20. god looks on his people and he says moses my people have a need my people have a need they need water so moses i need you to meet the needs of the people and he said the way that i want you to meet the need of the people is i want you to speak to the rock yeah he said i i need you to speak to the rock moses so that they will know where the water comes from i don't want the water to come from a river because a river would be normal a river would be natural but what i i want you to do is i want you to speak to the rock because i want the water to come from an unexpected source i want the water to come supernaturally because see moses if the water comes from the river they're going to think that the river is their source but i want the water to come from an unexpected place so that when it comes from an unexpected place they'll understand that the only reason that i have water is because i'm depending on the rock the only reason why i have water is because god made a way where there was no way that you got to understand god is not just in the results but god is in the details oh god said moses i want you to speak in front of them so that they can see how i respond when my people are in need god said speaking let me show you what i can do oh i can't tell you but that's a good place to be when you're in a place that god is saying let me show you what i can do but moses went out and and he he called the people in his frustration he called the people a bunch of rebels and moses hit the rock and just so you understand it wasn't an accident he hit the rock not one time but two times which lets us know there was intention there and so god said moses come here you know you're in trouble when god says come here um god said moses come here matter of fact when you come i want you to bring aaron with you you and your brother come here and so moses and aaron they go up on the mountain and god said look out right there he said you see canaan he said you see it but you'll never see it pastor you told us this we you told us this last week i'm going to tell you in a way you can understand this week because see sometimes god will give you a thing and he'll keep ministering that thing in your spirit and you'll be like lord are we getting the full revelation of what it is that you are trying to show us that you're trying to speak to us he said you'll you'll see it but you will not experience it and so it lets us know that sometimes just because we can see it in the realm of the spirit don't mean we will experience in the natural realm some of us we we can see things for our lives we can see things for our families we can see things for our church we can see things for our businesses we can see things for our careers but just because you can see it god says don't mean you will experience it because whether or not you experience what you see is going to be based on seeing what you haven't seen moses saw cain but he didn't get to experience it because there was something about himself that he didn't see he he couldn't see what he should see because he wouldn't see what he needed to see so he was stuck in a place of bondage but didn't know he was stuck he was trying to free people but he couldn't free himself see see if he would have been in a natural prison uh in a jail cell he would have known that he was in prison but when you're in prison in your mind when you're imprisoned in your emotions when you are in a prison within you can be bound and not even know that you were bound when i came to talk to some folk this morning who said i refuse to settle in a place called stuck i dare somebody to just say lord show me what i need to see show me what i won't see so i don't settle in a season called stuck i want my mind unstuck i want my house unstuck i want my marriage unstuck i want my children unstuck i want my health unstuck i want my peace unstuck i want my joy unstuck help me to see what i need to see so i can see what i want to see [Music] moses stopped shy of where he could have ended up he stopped shy of where he should have ended up he stopped shy of the place that god preferred for him to end up and it wasn't god's fault oh y'all don't want to talk to me this morning y'all going you're going you're going to say something come on now don't don't get quiet on me moses could not blame his stagnation on the will of god well i'ma help somebody who's not where you want to be and you keep saying you're not where you want to be because you're just waiting on the will of god if moses had said well i guess i'm i'm where i am because this is just where god wanted me to be he would be theologically inaccurate because that is a cop-out but the thing that's scary is that we could all end up just like that so we need the history and the life of moses to help us learn what we need to learn so we don't end up like that why did moses settle for a place called stuck why did israel settle into a place of wandering and bondage for an extended period of time when god preferred for them to be free well we need to hear from moses on this because at this point you know i have the time nor the energy nor the resources to be wasting our time trying to fix the wrong problem so let's consider something look with me if you will at verse 6 of numbers chapter 20. it said moses and aaron turned away from the people and went to the entrance of the tabernacle where they fell face down on the ground then the glorious presence of the lord appeared to them okay you got to watch this now because moses fell short moses fell short but it wasn't because he was lacking in worship moses fell short and it wasn't because the glory of the lord had departed we we know that by verse 6 because verse 6 dr cersei said they fell down on their face they fell down on their face to the ground then the glorious presence of the lord appeared to them so now we understand that that that praise was not a problem we know that worship was not their deficit so they was he was stuck but neither worship nor praise nor the glory of god got him unstuck you cannot always praise your way out of stagnation we want the glory we need the glory but moses had it and was still stuck in one instance he went up to mount sinai and worshiped god he was in the glory he was so in the glory that when he came down they had to veil his face because he was in the presence of god he was in the presence of god praying regularly he was in the presence of god worshiping god he was in the manifest presence of god and he was still so what are you saying pastor i'm saying that worship isn't the only key to unlock every bondage worship will help you handle yourself worship will help you handle the folk around you worship will usher you while you were in bondage but what's the what the enemy wants to do is to get us to a place where we are feeling free in church but bound again once we leave you can be in a place that you feel free but you are still bound because you're addressing the fruit but not the root and so because you address the leaves but not the roots you keep reaping the fruit of what has you bound and so then we find ourselves in a place where we're waiting to go from one sunday to the next sunday and we come out of one bondage for a little while and then out of habit we returned back to the bondage that had us bound before we started feeling better so so it wasn't for a lack of glory that moses was still stuck in it wasn't for a lack of worship that moses was still stuck and secondly it wasn't for a lack of the word that moses was stuck you remember in one instance where he went up to mount sinai god gave moses the ten commandments y'all remember that actually god gave him more it's just that uh ten of them were engraved upon stone so so he had worship we saw that in verse six he had the glory of the lord we saw that in verse 6. in verse 7 it said and the lord said to moses so god is speaking there's instruction there is a word that god is giving moses orders for his next steps but moses still fell short of his potential moses is showing up for the service he's reading his bible he's taking notes from the messages he's worshiping he's experiencing the glory of god but he is stuck he's better but he's still stuck he moved from egypt to the wilderness but see what what i got to tell you this morning y'all don't throw anything at me what moved you from egypt to the wilderness is not going to move you from the wilderness to the promised land [Applause] he had all the spiritual trappings all of the equippings that you would think that one would need but why did moses stay stuck moses stayed stuck because he had an unaddressed unidentified emotional issue unaddressed unidentified emotional issue that he assumed would be straightened out automatically by his spirituality the reason that moses missed canaan wasn't because he was immoral the reason that moses missed canaan is because though he was the sage of the age and the great leader moses missed it because he was emotionally immature follow the text what was his problem we see this unmanaged anger his problem was not addiction it was not immorality it was emotional and where he missed it was that he thought his calling was his healing can i tell you people of god you might be called but your calling is not your healing but your calling is the reason to pursue your healing y'all remember last week we we talked about it where he started with the killing of that egyptian uh where where the egyptian killed the hebrew and so moses got all upset and so he killed an egyptian and hid the body y'all remember we talked about it last week that that that before he had that encounter with the glory of god before he came in and got salvation i'm just before he had that encounter at the burning bush he had some stuff and so then he has this encounter with the burning bush and and moses had the encounter with the burning bush moses had these encounters on the mountain moses had the kind of encounters that had him glowing on the outside and so because he was glowing on the outside he thought that everything was fixed on the inside and so he he comes down and god is using him and and he stretches out that rod and and and the red sea is parted and and he throws his stick in the water and and the bitter waters are turned into sweet waters and and and god is using him in this amazing way and the bible said that after all of these things happen moses is thinking he's over that thing and when he thinks he is delivered in all actuality it's just dormant oh y'all just missed something right there don't confuse dormant with delivered let me say it again that just because something lays dormant in your life does not mean you are delivered you don't know that you're delivered until you are faced with the same opportunity to respond the same way but you respond differently that's how you know you're delivered being delivered don't mean you're never faced with the same thing it means you get faced with it again and again but you learn how to respond differently tell somebody don't confuse dormant with deliverance see your calling is not your healing and and just because you were called don't mean that you were healed and so god is using moses in unprecedented ways god was using moses in such a way that even his siblings got a little cray-cray miriam and aaron start talking about him i don't know why he thinks he the only one god can talk to god can talk to me just like god can talk to him and see here's the thing i went back and i looked moses did not even hear that god shielded him moses didn't hear it but god did and so god begins to to show up on moses behalf and god begins to brag on moses that's how much god thought about moses but he still had an issue that kept him in a place of bondage and he didn't know he was bound and because he didn't know it he he could not see it moses was in a place of god is using me i must be over it if it hasn't come to the surface in a long time i must be delivered but look at the text when god calls moses up to the mountain he does not call moses alone he said come here bring aaron with you and it's right there in verse eight he said you and aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community as the people watch you i want you to speak to the rock over there and it's going to pour out its water it's not going to be a little bit of water it's going to be enough water for the whole community and their livestock i'm gonna take care of you i'm gonna take care of the whole community if you'll just do what i tell you to do i'm even gonna take care of the animals nothing has to go lacking god sent aaron to compliment moses that that moses was so unsure of himself god said i'm going to show you how to depend on me but i'm gonna make sure you have what you need while you're being trained in righteousness but now moses has decided to settle in a in a season called stuck which means that those who were assigned to help moses are also in a season called stuff because you don't need nobody to help you if you ain't doing nothing so so here is one of the quandaries of leadership because if you don't do what god tells you to do everybody connected to you is affected and impacted by the decisions that you make see if i'm a parent and i have a child if as a parent i decide to be stuck that may mean my children are stuck too because i decided to be stuck and stuck is the only frame of reference they have procrastination is the only frame of reference they have moses did not have a problem with morality moses had a problem with brokenness and brokenness is not something you outgrow i'm gonna say that again for the people in the back moses i'm sorry brokenness is not something that you out grow no matter how much you grow spiritually you do not outgrow brokenness brokenness is not fixed by time but broken is fixed by intention says do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world all things break and all things can be mended not by time as they say but with intention so go love intentionally love extravagantly love unconditionally because the broken world awaits in darkness for the light that is in you you do not outgrow brokenness but when you are broken you've got to give attention to the issue moses stopped short of his potential not for lack of glory not for lack of praise and worship not for a lack of the word not for a lack of giftedness but he stopped shy of his potential because he could not see that there was something unseen that was holding him in bondage moses was dealing with unmet needs his anger was his pain talking his his anger was his main method of managing pain you know i'm just gonna speculate a little bit right here but but maybe since moses was a man maybe because of the culture of that day he had been taught that it was not all right to cry though he was abandoned on unintentionally abandoned by force but for a child all that a child knows is i didn't grow up without my mother i grew up without my mother all the child knows is i didn't get to grow up knowing my father y'all remember his mother nursed him but she didn't get to raise him she nursed him which means that when he came off of milk he was no longer in her care and so here he is a hebrew who is raised by egyptians in an egyptian home but he didn't feel like he fit anywhere how do we know well because if he were egyptian if he identified as egyptian more than likely because of the culture that they were in if he saw a hebrew being beaten because of the culture of that day if he was egyptian and identified as egyptian he wouldn't have cared but he felt anger because he identified with the hebrews as his people so he feels rejected by his mother she had to push him out in order to save his life but as a child there's no way he could have understood that so all he knows is my mama put me in a basket on the river i don't fit in in the house where i'm being raised then he kills the egyptian the bible said he looked around and saw no one look at exodus chapter 2 verse 12 after looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching moses killed the egyptian and hid his body in the sand so moses is in a place where he's saying nobody sees my issues no nobody knows that that i've got something going on and the next day moses sees two hebrews fighting look at exodus chapter 2 verse 13 and 14 said the next day when moses went out to visit his people again he saw two hebrew men fighting now now moses is going to be the great intercessor why are you beating up your friend moses says this to the person who started the fight the man replied who appointed you our prince and our judge i know what you did last night he said the man said who appointed you our prince and i just now wait a minute moses is risking his life for the people he is called to help and they asking him why you in our business rejection again because he's like wait a minute y'all y'all live over there i live over here you in bondage i'm free and so there's this exchange between them and moses is like i'm trying to help you now i'm being rejected and i'm trying to help rejected by his mother rejected by the people he grew up with now rejected by the people he's called to help rejected by people he don't necessarily need and the man says who appointed you to be our judge and our prince are you going to kill me like you killed the egyptian yesterday oh suck you now ain't this just how we work oh we finna talk about it you you're gonna do to us what you did to the egyptian see here's where we learn something right here because this this this was scary for moses because most of the time people can see about you what you can't see about yourself but the only time they gonna say something about it is when you make them mad enough to say it and when they unload on you you ugly your teeth crooked your mama dresses you funny and your breath is bad i didn't like you then and i don't like it and they just start unloading and now you're hurt like you've never been hurt before because you're saying i've been sitting up here thinking you love me and you didn't like me no way look at exodus 2 15 and sure enough pharaoh heard what had happened and he tried to kill moses but moses fled from pharaoh and went to live in the land of me wait a minute mama rejected you the people you grew up with rejected you the people you're called to help are rejecting you and now the man who raised you as your father is rejecting you rejection over and over and over again see everybody needs acceptance and though moses was great he still needed acceptance and when that need is not met that unmet need produces pain and if that pain is not properly processed and if it is not checked by those who are around him see real friends give you more than company real friends will give you truth and sometimes it may be truth that you don't want to hear but the bible said faithful are the wounds of a friend so he's dealing with rejection but see if we don't understand what is beneath the symptoms then we will deal with that anger when the issue is really hurt y'all getting a whole counseling session up in here today and see if we don't deal with the hurt we will steady we will settle for stuck and call it success moses had been engaging in self-sabotaging behavior long before the rock incident you can look at the life of moses and you can see your own life you can begin to see some things that may be holding you in a place of bondage and before now you haven't even seen it y'all still there you okay is this helping anybody let me ask you a question are you admiring something about someone that is actually the fruit of their dysfunction because sometimes you know you see people who are who are out in the in the limelight out in the spotlight you know the the top 20 speakers in the world and they're the and you're looking and you're saying oh but they're so driven the question is what is driving your driveness because sometimes we find ourselves in a place we are trying to emulate the activity of something that in reality is the evidence of an unmet need and that my friends is dysfunction uh hashtag team no sleep hashtag no days off hashtag i'm about to get it and what you're looking at and admiring could be over commitment i used to think it was admirable to go for weeks off for two and three hours of sleep a night i would have people send me text messages do you ever sleep and it made me feel good about myself you been there you think i'm killing it no you're killing you over commit there is a difference between being dedicated to something and being over committed to too many things we're going to have some quarantine chronicles up in here today over committed means you commit yourself beyond what is feasible or necessary it's a commitment to others at a detriment to yourself and most people trying to figure out why am i over committing you got to understand there is a much deeper route to your your proclivity to over commit that that when you over commit you over function and when you over function you wind up in a place where you end up doing for other people what other people should be doing for themselves and then when you over function your over-functioning breeds resentment that's what happened with mary and martha i'm almost through i know you're looking it's 11 15. but but but it happened with mary and martha when jesus came here mary is sitting at the feet of jesus jesus is in my house if you think i'm fixing to miss a moment with jesus you have lost your mind but then you got mary who is trying to clean the baseboards trying to dust the countertops trying to get the food off the counter trying to and she gets mad at mary and jesus because everybody is not functioning the way that she is functioning so you got to understand over functioning breeds resentment because you can never expect a functional response out of dysfunctional people because if they were functional you wouldn't have to over commit in the first place am i helping anybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] so let me talk to hashtag team too much see see we do too much because somewhere we did not feel like we had the help that we needed and so because we don't want anybody to ever have to experience what we experienced we run around trying to be everything to everybody all the time trying to prevent them from experiencing what we've already been through and you cannot do it [Music] every need is not your obligation i'mma say it again every need is not your obligation i'm gonna say it again every need is not your obligation and when you feel that every need is your obligation you place yourself in the position of being god and you're not him god is the only one who is responsible enough and has the resources to be able to meet every one of your needs there are some needs that are not your obligation and you cannot allow everyone's dysfunction to become your responsibility henry cloud says they can be irresponsible and happy while you are responsible and miserable anybody ever been there i thank god for five folks who ain't gonna leave me out here by myself because if you're a caretaker by nature and most of us as females are you are taking responsibility for everybody else's irresponsibility you don't realize your problem is not over committing there's there's something deeper going on and you're not gonna stop over committing until you deal with the route moses is helping me is there anybody in here who can say moses is helping me right now moses moses is helping me because because moses was over committed but his over commitment came from the root of rejection and abandonment moses was number two unclear on his assignment some people who are doing everything they can are unclear on the something they should do because they're so busy doing the many things they can do when you're clear on something you will no longer have the need for everything that's why jethro was so important he said moses he said son what you what you're doing is not good and when you learn to do what you need to do when you learn what you need to say yes to when you learn what you need to say no to don't let your yes to the wrong thing have you saying no to the right thing it's almost over some people would look at moses and they would say oh he's so considerate he's so kind he's so accommodating but god saw it different and god said moses i'm gonna take some people out of your life and i'm gonna send you some people who are gonna serve with you they're gonna work alongside you and moses said no no lord don't do it i love them moses couldn't see what he needed to see because he undervalued himself can you put a note to self in your phone can you do that for me this is a note to you from you and i want your note to say stop undervaluing you stop undervaluing you moses failed to reach the place of his destination because he did not place value where god placed value and a lot of us who get to a place in life where we're just jacked up we get jacked up because we're placing value on the wrong things we're we're placing value on the wrong areas of our life which means when you're placing the wrong value on the wrong areas the place that need that are lacking that if you allow people to surround you who do not value you it means you have failed to properly assess who you are which means you should never be discouraged when you lose a liability [Music] [Applause] you should only be discouraged if you lose an asset [Music] moses put up with and tolerated what he shouldn't have because he did not properly assess his own value in god's eyes moses said lord if they leave me i won't have anybody my mother rejected me the egyptians rejected me the hebrews rejected me the man who raised me rejected me the people are all i have left but what moses didn't realize is that so many of the people connected to him were only connected to him for what they could get from him he misunderstood the nature of their relationship he thought they really loved him that's why i try to be real careful with my staff and tell them i appreciate your gift but i want you to know i love you because i've seen so many people who were only embraced for what they could bring or for what they can give and i don't want that to be the case with the people here i want you to know that at the end of the day if you can't play any more songs if you can't sing nothing else if you can't dance twirl flip or turn a knob i love you for you i love you because you stand up on the cameras on sunday morning i love you for you i appreciate what you do we all value what you do what you do adds value to what we do but i love you not for your gift i love you for you but the folk in this text valued moses for what he could do for them and he loved them so much moses truly loved them but moses loved them so much that when god tried to protect him from people who would ultimately stop him he interceded before god on their behalf ultimately god knew these people are going to frustrate you to the degree that they will trigger your weakness we might be talking about people at your house we might be talking about people on your job we might be talking about people from your past people from your present or we might be helping you out for some people coming in the future and so god had great plans for moses actually god had great plans for them too but together they weren't good and so god said i'm going to try to separate you from the people who trigger your weaknesses so so moses you're going to have to suffer for a season and be in a season without company and so y'all still breathing and and so so moses was like lord i don't want to be by myself for a season and god is like the pain of being by yourself for a season will not even compare to the pain that you will experience if you stop short of your potential so god said i'd rather you be lonely for a season than stuck for the rest of your life because i got plans for you and see these things in and of themselves don't appear to be so bad you know i'm a little over committed well that's not such a bad thing you know i'd rather wear out than rust out i i would rather undervalue myself i'd rather undervalue myself than be arrogant and full of pride it's no big deal oh they're equal oh i'm just a little foggy on my assignment and see all of these things they're seemingly harmless but but but when you don't see them for what they are when you don't understand the collective power you're going to find yourself one day where you're going to be striking what you should be speaking to if you don't handle it you're gonna strike out what you should speak to and it'll cost you everything for moses it was his anger for moses it was that that root of rejection for some people it's low self-esteem for some people it's drivenness for some people it's ambition and and see i'm not here to judge moses and you shouldn't either because we all got some strange fruit that comes from a very deep root but today today is the day that somebody is gonna make a decision today is the day that somebody's gonna say i refuse to settle in a place called stuck today is the day that somebody is gonna embrace god's plan for your life today is the day that you're gonna break out and anybody that ever truly breaks out don't break out cause you broke yourself out you break out cause somebody shows up to help break you out and i wanna let you know there's somebody in the house today that is here to help break you out luke 4 18 said the lord is here for the spirit of the lord is upon me the spirit of the lord has anointed me today to bring good news to the poor he sent me to proclaim that the captive shall be released he sent me today to say that the blind will see he sent me today to say that today is the day that the oppressed shall go free this is the time that the favor of the lord has been poured out upon this place and upon this people that jesus has come to break you out of your bondage to free you from the things that you can't see to come and set you free from the things you didn't even know you needed to be free from and today i want to pray for those who are willing to see what you need to see i pray that the lord would open your eyes i pray that the scales would begin to fall i pray that vision would be restored that you would see clearly not just what you want to see but what you need to see i pray for every person in this place today who has been bound to over commitment and to over functioning because you didn't know how to deal with or uproot that root of rejection that fear of abandonment that fear of loneliness i pray today for every person in this place who has undervalued yourself for every person who has failed to assign worth to the same places that god assigns worth and value in your life i pray today for every person who is unclear concerning your assignments i pray that god would give you to the the grace to say yes when you need to say yes that god would give you the grace to say no when you need to say no that god would give you grace to speak to what you need to speak to that you would not disqualify yourself for striking at what you need to speak to in the name of jesus in the name of jesus everybody said amen amen and amen now if you're in this place today and you say pastor i need a savior i need to be forgiven for my sins i know that i've sinned i know that i have fallen short of the glory of god but today i want to surrender my heart today i want to surrender my life maybe you're backslidden and you say today i want to recommit i've committed to everything else but i'm not committed to the one who committed to me if that's you today i want to give you the opportunity to renew your commitment to receive salvation to know that you are right with god and whether you be here in this building or whether you be watching by way of our social media platforms if that's you i just want you to lift up your hand i just want you to place a comment in the feed and say i need jesus i can't do this by myself i cannot conquer this in my own strengths i need a savior i want to be forgiven i want to be cleansed from all unrighteousness i want to know him and i want him to know me if that's you i want you to raise your hands and i'm going to pray with you right where you are hallelujah god sees those hands god sees those hands for those of you who are commenting on our social media platforms we see you we hear you and i want to let you know you're not hidden god knows right where you are and he responds to you just like he responds to us i'm gonna ask everybody in the building if you would to stand to your feet and pray this prayer with me say heavenly father i come to you now i confess that i've sinned and fallen short of your glory i thank you for loving me enough to look beyond my faults and discern my needs i ask you now to cleanse me forgive me heal me come into my heart be my savior be my lord fill me with your spirit make the rough places smooth make the crooked places straight and deliver me in jesus name i pray hallelujah now i confess with my mouth what i believe in my heart that because of the blood of jesus i am saved hallelujah if you prayed that prayer you got a reason to rejoice can we give god glory all over this place today can we give god glory all over the house today [Music] for those who are saved for those who recommitted for those who came in repentance for over-committing for over-functioning for ultimately not trusting god for not trusting god to prove himself for not allowing god to reveal himself father we all repent and we say all for grace to trust you more perhaps there's somebody now who said i need a church home i need a pastor i need a place of worship i need a covering if you're watching by way of facebook if you're on youtube if you're here in our service and you want a church home and you've been praying and god has said this is the place this is your opportunity for god to graft you in this is your opportunity to be adopted as a son adopted as a daughter this is your opportunity to have a family to grow with to learn with to be discipled with and if that's you i want you to just raise your hand and we're going to pray and receive you in i see that hand if there's anybody else hallelujah i'm going to ask those of you if you'll comment raise your hand say i want to be a member of the jackson revival center church family we're going to pray with you as we pray with these here heavenly father we thank you for those who have come to be a part of our local church body we thank you for those who want to be a part of our family and father we thank you for so graciously adding we pray that this would be one of the best decisions that they've ever made that they'll be blessed in their coming in blessed and they're going out when they're at work when they're at rest father we pray that you would crown their efforts with great success that you would bless the works of their mind bless the works of their hands and use them mightily throughout the earth we pray that this would be one of the best decisions that they've ever made that they would be faithful in their attendance faithful to give of their tithe and offering faithful to give of the gifts and the talents that you've placed on the inside of them now father it is our covenant with them and our covenant with you that we will love them we will embrace them we will receive them as members of our family father we will study to show ourselves approve that we might rightly divide the word of truth that they may receive that word and grow thereby we'll pray for them will mary their young will bury their old together we will do life now father we will occupy until you come give you praise we give you glory we give you honor and we call it also not by the works of our hands but father by the moving of your spirit we give you glory now we give you praise in jesus name everybody said amen amen and amen can you just lift up your hands and give god glory all over this place hallelujah did anybody receive anything today hallelujah i believe that some things have been uprooted this morning that needed to be uprooted i'm believing that god is bringing us as a body from brokenness to wholeness that we're not going to just be a shouting people but we're going to be a whole people we're not going to just be shouting people broken and fragmented but we're going to be shouting people because we've allowed god to do the work that needed to be done because we operated in an atmosphere of sonship an atmosphere of truth an atmosphere of love and atmosphere of peace long-suffering forgiveness hallelujah and as long as we do there will always be healing in this house hallelujah hallelujah we're going to pray for several families since i left you last week i've done two funerals in a wedding it's been a challenging week but it's been a triumphant week it started my brother was rushed to the emergency room around four o'clock tuesday morning my youngest brother kenny they thought he had a stroke but thank god now they know it's vertigo it can be dealt with with medication god is moving by his spirit i had to rush elder robinson to the emergency room friday night she had a severe allergic reaction to her blood pressure medicine didn't know what was going on but thank god she's here and she's well [Applause] got some other phenomenal testimonies on yesterday that i'll be sharing with you soon but i'm telling you right in the midst of things that seem seemingly impossible right in the midst of things seeming to go awry god is doing the impossible god is performing miracles god is meeting and supplying needs and he's doing it because he's got plans for us so father i pray right now for every person in this building for every family represented in this place meet and supply every need father don't let anything go in lack don't let any need go unmet but father heal deliver and set free we give you glory in jesus name now father we lift up sister linda parker and her family father we ask that you would give them traveling grace and mercy as they return back from the homegoing of her grandson we pray for she and her husband we pray for her daughter and everyone connected to that tragic situation we pray for sister vera mack and her family father we thank you that you are our peace in the midst of the storm you're our hope in the midst of sorrow our joy even beyond today looking into tomorrow father we lift up sister etta houston we ask that you would continue to administer healing to her body raise her up off of her sick bed and make her whole father we ask that you would continue to touch every need that has been spoken and father even those that are between you and the person praying them do it as only you can we thank you that you have plans for us and i thank you for people who refuse to settle in a season called stuck we give you glory that today is the day the beginning of a brand new day we give you praise and father just as we came in giving you praise we leave out celebrating all that you have done and we give you glory in jesus name amen well i'm sorry but i'm not sorry we've been away from one another a long time and we needed some real on uninterrupted time together we needed to sit down and have a real conversation we needed some quality time together and thank god we got it today amen y'all put your hands toward mother beard father we pray right now that you would heal this knee father we ask that you would restore mobility that all the stiffness would have to subside that the swelling would be gone father we thank you for her mind being bright we thank you for her hand being put to many things but father we ask that her body would allow her the freedom to do the things that are in her mind her heart and her spirit so now we thank you that every arthritic symptom would be gone we ask that the fluid would be reabsorbed father that she wouldn't have to have a surgery that you would be the great physician that you would do the surgery without the use of a knife we thank you now that healing is our daily bread we give you glory in jesus name father we thank you for matt we ask that you give him a complete and speedy recovery father let there be no pain let there be no swelling but we cover father our staff we cover our people we cover everybody with their hand to the plow we thank you no weapon form will be able to prosper touch evelyn's neck in jesus name we thank you for proper fusion we thank you for proper healing father touch brother fabian's back right now in the name of jesus you tried the devil but it didn't work [Music] and what you thought was gonna work against us is working for us and we're gonna reap the spoils hallelujah in jesus name amen amen well i love y'all so much i'm gonna let you go just look at somebody say neighbor i pray the blessings of the lord rest upon you everything and everyone connected to you may the spirit of the living god keep your heart your mind and your body in perfect peace in jesus name i was glad i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord you're dismissed love somebody on the way out god bless you love y'all have a great week we'll see you next sunday nine o'clock am okay i'm so sorry i was supposed to tell y'all to remain seated until your section was dismissed don't touch nobody get you some sanitizer keep your mask on and go to your car i love y'all um
Channel: JacksonRevivalCenter
Views: 2,303
Rating: 4.6875 out of 5
Id: 5yobMUHzT-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 16sec (10036 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.