Joyce Rodgers - Turn Up the Volume

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[Music] oh you know it by now clap your hands all you people and praise the lord don't panic but use your praise weapons the presence of the lord is in this place that's psalm 47 in one clap your hands all your people and praise the lord that same psalm 47 and 1 said that we ought to shout but not just shout but shout unto god with the voice of trump somebody lift up your hearts and scream in this life [Music] now look down your robe [Music] a spirit of breakthrough i release miracles signs and wonders i screamed to it on my wrong card doing all my wrong god that them [Music] this is my hour and i will not i shall not i cannot leave this place until i get everything every [Music] [Music] you made me seated in the presence of the lord i'm like you i came with a spirit of expectancy i didn't come to see what anyone has on you look nice but i'm like a whole lot of you i've gone through too much just to go to church and see who's sitting beside me i came so that the devil will know i'm in the room [Music] i don't need a drum i don't need an organ because i'm filled with the holy ghost and that with the mighty burning fire what a privilege it is to be at my home the church of god in christ it is an honor it is a privilege it is a blessing to at any point in life to serve the church of my love i appreciate our honor and i celebrate the church of god in christ we have a dynamic leader i appreciate the leadership of none other than the bishop charles edward blake come on women let's do it let's lift the roof we thank god for him and for the entire general board we appreciate them and to our our dynamic lovely general supervisor who has a word in her belly for us today let's appreciate none other than mother barbara mccool lewis thank you mother lewis for the opportunity to serve we appreciate you and to mother rivers supervised emeritus in her absence to all of the the people of god we honor lady mae l blake and good to see lady louise patterson we appreciate her and to my sisters the administrative facilitators we thank god for you the entire department of women of the church of god in christ what a privilege it is to see the board of trustees here my sisters and i saw bishop walls and all of them and my brothers i appreciate them so much and to that dynamic international youth department the bishop i mean the president benjamin stevens and all the vice presidents we thank god for them i i don't pastor a church think oh hallelujah i don't pastor a church but i am a proud member of the texas northeast jurisdiction where my bishop is in the house the bishop j.e hornsby will you help me celebrate and appreciate him all the way in denton texas the saint andrew church of god in christ in great water texas population 5747 the rising star church of god in christ which we were raised in and to that great big state of texas i don't have a church and what i've noticed is when people come up to minister they ask their jurisdiction to stand and when they call their local church name their members are here so i'm going to ask the greatest the great state of texas to come on give a shout out thank you thank you thank you to my co-labor doc mother barbara fields we thank god for her my brothers are here my brother donnie timmons is here in the building somewhere with his with his wife my sister-in-law sister evelyn timmons i thank god for them and you know him from the board of trustees none other than my brother my friend my confidant not none other than superintendent milton r timmons and his wife laquita we thank god for you we're going to go to the word of god but before we do that i'm going to ask every woman in ministry to please stand if you're a woman in ministry please stand i want to appreciate my colleagues in the gospel where you put your hands together and appreciate those that i served with what an honor this sister macker what an honor we appreciate you women in ministry thank you very much for serving in the feeling to our online family so many of you have text even those of you that are not uh born or joined in the church of god in christ thank you so very much for your prayers today let's go to a very familiar passage of scripture in the book of saint mark the fifth chapter verse one through eight and then we will skip down to verse 18 and 19. i think it was bishop walker that said yesterday when you get behind this sacred desk you're so so very very very nervous so if i forgot anybody charge it to my head and not my heart and the fact that those of you know when you minister at these meetings you don't get to eat you don't get to sleep you don't get to do anything until it is over i can't wait on that cheeseburger and french fries saint mark the fifth chapter verse one through eight and skipping down to verse eighteen and nineteen good to see bishop dickenson well your son text me told me good to see you and it reads and they came over unto the other side of the sea and to the country of the gatherings and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man combined him no not with change because that he had been often bound with fetters and chained and the chains had been plucked broke had been plucked asundered by him and the fetters broken into pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountain and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus far off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have i to do with thee jesus thy son of the most high god i adore thee by god that thou tormented me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou un clean spirit now drop down to the 18th verse and when he was come into the ship and they that have possessed they that have been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him how bid jesus suffered him not but said unto him go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the lord has done for them and has had compassion on them go home and tell how great things the lord has done for you and how he has had compassion it is as if jesus gave this young man the power to talk god has granted us power to talk we live in a day and in a society where the cosmo does not want the christians to really talk they want us to be silent about issues they want us to be silent about social world they even want us to be silent about our belief in the lord jesus christ but i'm here to commission and command you to turn the volume up i need to the tale of the goodness of the lord jesus christ now i want to make sure church of god in christ and friends that i'm in the presence of some people of whom the lord has been good too i don't need you to look at nobody but if god has been good to you i just need you to lift your hands and give him a praise for his goodness lord has been good to you look at where we are we're in the countdown of 2019. when you think about it when you meditate on it some of us are some of you some of us inclusive have gone through some some some some something in 2019 we've gone through some stuff that have literally taken our breath we've endured some things that other people would have lost their mind in but you're still here in spite of what you have gone through or even going through god has been good when east texas growing up they used to tell us to look back i dare you to just look back turn around and look back if you can and see where the lord has brought you from you don't need a drama you don't need an organ you've got a reason to praise god for he has been good i think you can put a praise on the fact that god has been good to you all week long we've heard messages that have gone forth to fine-tune our spirits and to assure us of the fact that the devil doesn't like you the devil doesn't like you his desire is to shut you down he's been trying he's threatened by your praise he's threatened by your joy he's threatened by your peace but you really got it going on i don't want you to talk to nobody right now put your hand on your own self and is saying christ i've got it going on then say i'm a threat to the enemy the enemy is disturbed that you got up this morning and not just that you got up but you praised them before you got here you decided in case the women on your row didn't feel like praising god you said let me get my prayers on in the hotel room let me do i have anybody up in here that say i praised him before i got here the devil is threatened by you so therefore he wants to mute your testimony he wants to make a mockery out of our commitment to the lord jesus christ his desire is to cause your spiritual gifts to be ineffective he wants people to believe that you're not gifted but women of god all gift is not in the pulpit there's some gifts way up there you are gifted god has called you god has chosen you you are anointed sure the enemy wants to trivialize your anointing he wants them to think that your anointing doesn't equal to the next person's anointing i don't need my anointing to equal to anybody anointing is not about equality but anointing is about sanctification in the power of the holy ghost because you didn't go through what i've gone through you don't know the price of do i have anybody in here and i don't even need anybody to validate my anointing because god has been good he wants to trivialize your anointing he wants to nullify the power of god that is at work in you that's power on the inside of you you are women of god and men of god the isaiah 61 people you can pipe it up as the young people say pipe it up because isaiah 61 said the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed somebody scream anointed that means he has given you supernatural power while dwelling among earthly vessels he has anointed you to do some things he's given you the power and the ability to turn the volume up i believe it was the late bishop j.o patterson senior who said i won't be silent anymore i'm getting ready to turn the volume up do you know that somebody ought to know that the lord has been good to you somebody ought to know that you're walking in favor somebody ought to know that you're walking in kingdom authority somebody ought to know that if they mess with you you'll lay hands on them somebody ought to know that you have the ability to cancel the assignment of the enemy somebody ought to know that i'm dressed for the occasion that i have on the whole armor of god so that i may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil having done all to stand i'm standing there for the liberty where with christ has said what are y'all talking about i'm not intimidated by the devil i need the devil know that the weapons of our warfare they're not gonna but they're mighty through god to put somebody's scream turn it up [Music] ended up strongholds are coming down satan kingdom is being demolished can i tell somebody words that are spoken against you and your household are being destroyed right now if you believe that i know we got on our habits i know we dressed up but if you believe that right now every word that's being spoken against you and your household are being destroyed i dare you to put a praise on it for your household come on don't nobody know who's been after your house don't nobody know what's been going on in your house don't nobody know what you've had to pray against in your house but i declare decree when you get home every demonic force that's been assigned to your address it's coming it's coming down let me hurry up it's coming down it's coming down god said that it's your time and you don't have to wait till the battle is over but you can put your shout on now you can lift up your voice like a trumpet you can shout with the voice of triumph you know why you can do that because god has been good to you god has been good what i like about it is that god in his goodness has given us lady loud he's given us faith to speak whatever he's given us faith is it all right if i just walk through this we're going to hoop it let me just get through this right he's given us faith he's given us faith to speak to whatever so say matthew 17 and 20 said and if you have the faith somebody scream faith not just faith but you have to have living active faith your faith can't be laying on the shelf but your faith has to be activated you don't have to be an evangelist missionary to have activated faith if you just believe in the lord jesus christ if you have the faith the size of a mustache somebody screamed mustache then you can say unto the mountain be thou removed and it shall go to yonder place if you have the faith god can say anything shall be um nothing nothing shall be impossible to you i want somebody to know that god is making the impossible possible whatever it is god is making it possible you know why because you have must receive faith you have small tiny faith that's producing big results if i can get about 200 people just to scream big your faith is producing big results you planted your faith because you realize if you don't plant it it'll never grow so this is the week that you planted your faith and what i like about it we have not this week just only planet individual faith but we have planted the corporate faith we planted corporate faith romans 1 and 12 say that i may be comforted together with you by mutual faith both of you and me in other words it says that we may be encouraged and comforted by each other's faith whatever you're going through it's not just about you but somebody is going to be blessed by your testimony somebody is going to be blessed by the things that you've been doing i haven't asked you to talk to your neighbor but now i need you to talk to your neighbor and tell your neighbor girl neighbor i'm so glad that you held on in the midst of what you're going through find another neighbor and say neighbor i'm so glad that you didn't throw in the towel thank god you stood the test thank god for every mountain he brought you over for every valley he brought you through say yes say yes whoa [Music] high five somebody say mutual faith corporate faith not just faith and faith but the hebrew 11 and one faith that say now faith now faith the right now faith that big mama used to talk about the faith that is quicker than a rat when the light come on i release in this house right now faith somebody scream right now pay faith to move the unmovable vein beat the unbeatable faith that can conquer anything [Music] to believe it's already done just look at your name as a neighbor already done it's already done by faith your miracle is in this house i blame your breakthrough [Music] somebody scream turn it off faith faith from romans 4 17 to call those things that be not as though they were to call into them now the things to come do i have anybody that need to go over next week and pull right now things into the now and say bye faith it's already done god is doing what he said it would do so let me hurry on so we can consecrate our sisters in our text in the book of mark mark is filled with drama mark is filled with storms they're internal storms they're external storms but in the midst of those storms there are miracles signs and wonders i just look down your row and say i release miracles miracles signs and wonders miracles in mark 1 where jesus healed the leopard and say be clean miracles and mark ii were the paralyzed man had four good friends that took him to jesus through the rooftop can i tell somebody you better be careful who's carrying you when you're going through everybody can't carry you everybody can't handle you but i need somebody that's gonna pick up the left hand i need something that's gonna pick up the i right somebody that's gonna catch me when i pour get up off of me yes friends carrying them mark three the paralyzed hand healed in the temple the hand that was withered jesus said stretch fought your hand and the wielded hand began to look like the heel hand i come to tell somebody that he stretched you just to bless you whatever you're going through there's a blessing in that so now in chapter 5 jesus gets out of the boat ministering lady vanessa out of his box he's ministering out of his box what are you talking about evangelist when jesus approached the shore it was a jewish territory well it was a non-jewish territory it was a gentile territory how do you know this evangelist because according to the jews their tradition was that they had nothing to do with pigs [Music] the jews had nothing to do with pigs and when jesus stepped on the shore pigs were on the shore so jesus had to leave his comfort zone he had to leave tradition in order to bless somebody i come to tell somebody that this is your season to come out of your comfort zone i know you're holy i know you're pious but come out of your comfort zone and go minister to somebody unclean go minister to somebody immoral go minister to that lowdown person that doesn't feel good about themselves go minister to some of these demons i'm sorry i read an article that said demons are not real but the devil is a liar demons are real how many know that they're real demons and the bible calls it principalities powers of rulers of darkness spiritual wickedness in hot places we get so high we can't praise god we get so high we got our titles and now we sit down we've got our position and we can't give god lord but take my position but don't take [Music] there are too many demons that are out there witches [Music] church [Music] if the demon's unreal can somebody explain to me this senseless killing if demons are unreal why are people getting killed over pappas [Music] if demons are unreal [Music] if demons aren't real why are there drive-by shootings but i come to tell you that the world is hungry for the lemon bread you are the bread makers the world is hungry for the living bread this is our season to go into all the world and preach or teach the gospel of jesus christ doesn't matter who you are doesn't matter what you have on we're going to preach jesus christ wear whatever you want to wear smell however you want to spare because jesus said if i be lifted up from the earth i'll draw all men unto me they're coming home they're gonna sit on the side of you they're not gonna smell like you they're not gonna have on long dresses but take those daughters take those [Music] [Applause] [Music] still [Music] and praise god for your family that's coming in praise god they're coming in they're getting saved scoot over they're coming back home [Music] jesus get to the show the first time he got there the guy had no identity he had no identity sister renee he lost his identity in the struggle isn't anybody here that's ever lost your identity come on shame the devil and tell the truth in the struggle i know we say but you lost your identity in the struggle because the bible doesn't talk about his name on the old set the bible talked about what he did he cut himself day and night because he lost his identity oh church of god in christ [Music] saints and friends let's not lose [Music] our identity let's not lose who we really are with the head the hand clapping the foot stomping with a pentecostal church of god in christ we are the believers that lay hands on the center we are the believers that prophesied in jesus name we are the believers [Applause] don't lose our identity let's not be identified by jealousy anger bitter low self-esteem but they will know that we are christians by our love just look at somebody and say i love you and ain't nothing you can do about it i love you with the love of christ i love you with the love of god clap in the you're face girl i'm so glad that they didn't take you out i'm so glad you survived [Music] he ran to jesus this blessed me dr grant because it said the demon ran to jesus and worshipped [Music] y'all had me thinking that i had to be dressed up and made up to worship [Music] but even the demons [Music] [Music] if a demon has the audacity to worship him why do we have to tell you to stand up and sit down and turn around with the day when the demon can worship him because what the demon recognized is that worship is about who you are and not what you do if it's what you do then when you don't feel like doing it you won't do it i have nothing to guess the song praises what i do but i know me if i don't feel like doing it then i won't do it but it praises who i am [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] and his praises shall [Music] i was created to worship him so he tormented and i'm hurrying and he told me because he knew that there was deliverance and praise give give give unto the lord the glory that is due to him i wrote this down and i want to put this in the atmosphere the demons recognize and worship god now i want to encourage some of you parents don't give up on your children see you planted a seed in them that when you're not looking they're worshiping you know why that girl didn't get raped at school because you covet them in worship why things didn't happen to them because you covered them he came and he cried out in a hurry and and then jesus jesus when jesus saw him my sisters and brothers jesus dealt with the man's compassion and not his performance if he had dealt with his performance lady bj the man would have never been delivered but he dealt with his compassion where we are in life people of god stop dealing with people's performance and comfort ye my people comfort you my people tell them that the warfare has ended jesus dealt with their performance we're dealing with how they deal with us that's not even important you're big girl now you can handle some stuff this year you couldn't handle last year last year would have got on your nerve this time it provokes a praise last year they would have made you sick but this time you know how to throw it down so don't deal with performance there are people that are acting out and they're acting out because they're hurting and they need somebody to look beyond my performance and give me a hug stop talking about me but talk to me [Music] somebody is going to do it it gets to the jesus gets to the man jesus screams come out your unclean spirit i hear the voice of the lord in this house they're saying come out i have a note right here if i can get about 500 people just to scream come out come out you spirit of lack [Music] come out you spirit of depression cut out your spirit of poverty come out your spirit of faith of destruction come out your spirit of slow finesse come out your spirit of discontent come out wherever you are and the bible said that they came out look at somebody say neighbor the moment you screamed come out things began to begin to be released in the atmosphere things that the enemy thought he had when the word said come out everything everything began to come down so i come to tell somebody that this is your season for god to send a mighty deliverance in your house as a hero when they saw the man the next time the locals saw the man he was clothed and in his right night can i tell somebody that it's difficult sometimes for people to accept your now when they know you're then but if you don't know what i've been through [Music] don't you hate on my now because it took that to get to where i am and i am a new creature in christ jesus all things are passed away and behold all things have become new so let's jump down and skip over things to the 19th verse and jesus heard his request he said i want to go with you but jesus said go tell somebody about my goodness go tell somebody to turn the volume up on what the lord has done for you go tell your testimony that i will sink deep in sin very deeply staying with him sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry and from the walls he lifted me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] that holiness is still right look at some medicine neighbor i don't care what they say holiness is still right told me hebrew 12 and 14 follow peace follow peace with all men and holiness with doubt no man shall see the lord holiness is not about address holiness is not about a handkerchief but holiness is about a lifestyle every morning i'm holy every evening i'm holy [Music] in the holy ghost field people up in here holiness is still right holiness is still right we believe in the regeneration of the power [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] [Laughter] by the power of the holy ghost be delivered [Music] [Music] whatever [Laughter] [Music] in the last point i'm gonna make is i've got a testimony [Music] look at somebody say neighbor tell your testimony tell your testimony just look at somebody saying neighbor you don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] to see your mother rivers you don't know [Music] you don't know [Music] like i know what the lord has done for me is it anybody here that in the last 72 hours god has turned some things around god has worked some things out i'm not talking about lashing i'm not talking about last month but if the lord has done anything for you since you've been insane let us jump to your feet open your mouth and say i've got a testimony [Applause] i got a testimony those of you that stream it if it had not been for the but i'm so glad i'm so glad that the lord brought me find up three people until god did it god did it god did it i'm not gonna tell you what all god did but since it's his testimony go home and tell him his goodness we're getting ready to have testimonies we're getting ready first giving honor to god to the saints and prayer i've got a testimony just look at somebody you don't know what i've been going through [Applause] you don't know what i'm up against now there are things that i can't even talk about there are things that i can't even honor [Music] that the lord did good [Laughter] [Music] i'm not trying to make a shot but this is the fourth quarter of 2019 october november december and all of us that are having sports fans know that the fourth quarter is about victory [Music] v-i-c-t-o-o that's the saints so i come this morning just to share with you that god whatever you've been praying for this is your season of answer prayer whatever you've been believing god for it's already done whatever you've been waiting on it's here right now all he wants you to do is praise him like it's already done praise him like the victorious one don't be selfish but praise him for your children praise him for your children children praise him put your hand on your body pray them for healing in your body from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet praise that's coming in your health praise him [Music] and since you're crazy this is the last phrase put your hand on your neighbor and tell them neighbor these anointed haters that are laid on you by the power of the holy ghost that is that everything that god has for you is about to be released by the power of the land on [Music] in the name of jesus move your hands keep your hand right [Laughter] there [Music] in your head [Music] go find another person lay your hands on the person but these signs shall follow [Music] is [Applause] [Music] don't be up there too long but sit down before it's too late can i sit right here just to tell somebody it's all right now god [Music] [Applause] god god god god is at the same bathroom god is on your own god [Music] i didn't know if i should drop the mic because i got naughty but look at some letters and tell her you're too late you should've got her last you should have gotten unless cause i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strong but now i've got power power power [Music] [Music] it's almost time i heard somebody say tell the undertaker i'm not coming [Music] i'm releasing this house [Music] an anointing up there way up there receive [Music] receive receive receive receive receive the anointing i release the glory of god down here on this floor i'm getting ready to close but you are anointed you are chosen and if for any reason you need to turn the volume up just look down your rope and say everybody is your season since you're on this road you're gonna have to praise god [Music] with me since you're on this road you're gonna have to give god glory with me you cannot run you may not jump but if you gotta praise over here way back there and you've got to get it out on the count of three give god a praise one two three [Music] [Music] [Applause] i need some grandmas that are praised for your brain praise god for your marriage [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] the ship [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] i see it way back [Music] [Music] go back home you tell what the lord has done
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 29,853
Rating: 4.8772564 out of 5
Keywords: Joyce Rodgers, Turn Up the Volume, Women's Day, 112th Holy Convocation, Church of God in Christ, God's Unlimited Power Makes Unlimited Accomplishments Possible, COGIC
Id: Tb4Gvd3e7y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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