Joyce Rodgers | Revival Wednesday

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people praise God you know tonight we are blessed honored triplets to have the family back together evangelist Joyce Rogers is precious to Dona now beyond anything that we could say I remember many years ago I guess evangelist Joyce Rogers it would be probably 15 or 16 or 17 years ago I think you and I were both about 13 in those days right but you were preaching the charisma Women's Conference those were the days when nobody knew your name you were there to do a morning session long before you had ever preached for Bishop Jake's and all of our doors that have opened out and you wound up taking somebody else's slot who was late for church tell your neighbor don't be late for church you never know what you'll miss if you're late for church and what had happened was come on somebody she had she had preached the place apart that Friday night and it was the charisma Women's Conference in all actuality I'm actually going to be speaking there read they're relaunching the charisma conference and I'll be preaching that conference here in the next few months look at Jesus amen but anyway my wife came home and said this lady just absolutely preached the house down and she said and you were going tomorrow I said I am NOT going to a Women's Conference cuz I had been in a little bit of a funk come on somebody you never been there but pray for your weaker brother I was discouraged I was I just thought man I am just tired and I'm weary and I said I'm not going what what business do I have at a Women's Conference but you know it's amazing how much authority and power a proverbs 31 woman has come on so I said I will go and I and I went aggravated and I went and I remember sitting on that front row saying what in the world am I here for and not only that they got me sitting on the front row and it was before everything had blown up here at Calvary and I just felt like what am i doing I'm in this place and evangelist Joyce Rodgers got up there and started preaching and she said you think you're depressed but you're just uncomfortable God had to make you uncomfortable because where you are is not where you're going he's about to bless you and push you into a whole nother dimension not level but dimension see when you go to another level you can see the level that you used to be over when you go to another dimension you can't even see where you came from because God has brought you so far and that was a word for me and I remember sitting I start crying and squalling and trembling and shake it and I knew at that moment this is my family that was almost 1819 years ago we have been the closest of friends ever since then I love her so much she is not a guest she is family let's let evangelist Joyce Rogers know we are glad she the Macias Daanish out as he dentist takes the platform tonight [Music] I like that shout and what is the trend the noise I just want to know if you really knew it come on [Applause] look at somebody [Music] [Music] what a mighty mighty God we serve I am like you I am so excited about what the Lord is doing as certainly as the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes there's no place like home there's no place like home and I'm so excited to be back tonight with my brothers and sisters there's a song that that I'm not gonna sing but the lyrics of the song say father here we are back together again I've got my brothers and sisters with me we're all on the family plan and we are here once again to give you the glory so I'm just so excited about being at home to give God glory I'll honor that come on that's a good place I love pastor Jim I love Pastor Don I think they are the real deal I know God has called them into the kingdom but such a time as this and any time you are connected or associated with the real deal you get to see them go through the time of testing and the time of trying trials but it's all for the perfecting of the ministry I love the grace that God has put upon them I love the anointing that God has put upon them I love the authenticity that God has put upon them I love the Jesus in them so when you help me celebrate and appreciate my brother and my pass the duck Jim and God we thank thank you thank you David what about the music ministry I loved it I loved I knew how to record that so I can take the songs with me everywhere I go and act like God just gave them to me in Revelation but what a wonderful I have some good friends that here sister faith and her family is here so I'm so glad to have them here tonight listen I just believe we're at a point where God is shifting the body of Christ to a place that we've never gone to before the struggle is the fact that the enemy knows his time is over that God has raised up an army of people a nation of people that are not afraid to cry loud and spare not that are unapologetic about what holiness really really is a group of people that say before I've taken back our living before I take it back I'll add more to it that this is my day that this is my time that and it does not matter what I have to go through God has called me to survive I don't know why but when I was preparing to come here God said that this is gonna be the night where we're gonna bless designated survivors that you have been called into the kingdom for such a time as this and not just call but you've called to be mad just look at somebody say mad MA did that acronym is to make a difference you've been called to make a difference and not just to make a difference but you've been called to go be go for leaving in God and why you're believing in God you've been called to make a difference so what I want you to do if maybe a little talking to you tonight if you will let's go to a familiar passage of Scripture in the book of Acts in the book of Acts the 28th chapter verse 1 through 6 acts 28 verse 1 through 6 I do have a new book Hey and the book is titled go be look at somebody say go go go go go go go go big go believing in God you want to rush out and get that book tonight we only have a few but I will be outside in the go big book and you want to meet me out there the book is to challenge you to come out of your comfort zone and do some things you've never done so you can continue to get some things you've never had amen in the book of Acts the 28th chapter in the book of Acts the Gospel according to acts 1 and 6 again very familiar passage of Scripture in a dream and when they were escaped then they knew that they that the island was called Malita and the bob areas people showed us no little kindness but they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the presence of the rain and because of the cold and when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand and when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand they said among himself no doubt this man is a murderer whom thou whom though he had escaped the sea yet vengeance suffered not to live and he shook off the Beast into the fire and felt no harm how big though how big they looked when he should have swollen and fallen down dead suddenly but after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him they changed their mind and said that he was a God when they couldn't figure it out they gave him a name keep that in mind when people can't figure out who you are and what's going on in your life they label you but you don't have to be what people have labeled you but this is a part I want to extract from them they looked they they they looked with intensity thinking that that situation should have literally destroyed Paul but after a great while they saw that it caused him no harm now I believe that I'm with a group of people that God has given victory Dominion power and authority but I also believe that I'm with a group of people where folks have stood watch and expecting you to swell up watching expecting you to swell up and subtly - I believe I'm with a group of people that other false folks thought we're not going to survive the test that God provided it's a difference when when god provides a test everything that comes in your life doesn't come because Satan brought it in but there are some things that the Lord allows to come in your life he says embarrass Peter that's a trying of your faith that the testing of your faith being much more precious than that of silver go there perish though it be examined but though it be tried in the fire it might come out as glory honor and praise at the revelation of Jesus Christ so there are some things that people thought that Calvary was not going to endure there were some things that people waited on the sidelines to see how cavalry was going to come out there were others that had already counted you out but God sent me here to pronounce upon this house that you are you shall always be no one can take that from you you are a desert native survival in the Holy Ghost so just look at somebody and say out of all that I have gone through I am a designated survivor you're not here by chance you're not here by happenstance but you're here because God decided in Jeremiah 29 and 11 then he had a plan for this church then he had a plan for this house and his plans was good and not of evil to give you hope in the future and if God has a plan for your house not just this house but I'm talking about your house has decided that your address is the designated address new she survived his she'll survive another players that I held for you God stands back boldly say I know the plans that I have for you plans are good and not of evil to give you hope and to give you a future he had already predetermined he'd already decided that you were going to advance in the mess he'd already decided that you were going to come out complete entire Wotan for nothing he'd already decided that the folks that had counted you out was gonna end up joining the church he'd already decided that your family members are going to be safe why do you think why do you think that that car wreck didn't take you out that bullet didn't take you out that drugs didn't take you out the secrecy and didn't take you out the things you all come on up in here the things you can't talk about then take your because you some it says to you and some ninety one a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at the right hand but the danger would not come to you can I just tell somebody whatever happens from now hold you gonna only be a spectator you shall not be a participator that you're going to be a spectator because you've been designated to survive million million millions millions didn't make it but you were one of the ones who did God chose you I said all the time before your mama met your daddy God had already chose you you were not a slip-up in the backseat who you are not a mistake get the hotel oh but God chose you before your mama met your dad that's why you want a boy even when mama thought she couldn't afford to have another baby somehow someway God made a way I don't know there's an ADA to survive because God made a decision concerning you you're a winner and not a loser your winner and not a loser you're the head and not the tail you're above and not beneath the people that couldn't deal with you last week oh they're not gonna be able to look your way next week because you've been designated you're such your circumstance when your circumstance right now is not permanent God is about to ship this house God is about to ship this house I see them coming in and I see them staying here they're not just coming but I cancel every revolving door central I counter every spirit of intimidation that's counsel every life they're coming from the north that cover for the south that coming from the east they coming from the West go they're looking for some desert native South iPhones been designated to survive I know and I don't know I know in the spirit realm God told me to say this in the spirit realm it's been a journey but thank God that the process was ordained just for you that the process oh I said all the time it's not worried about the process he's worried about the product you know the process is not gonna kill the product the process is just going to get out of the product what he had prearranged for you to have you have been designated to survivor I put this down just look down your row and just start clapping to put for the people to thank God thank God you survived thank God your designated survived I don't know your story but I know there's a story behind your glory so I just thank God that you're surviving because you survived I release in this house activities and new areas God is about to shift it to some new areas i decree up in this house a new energy God is gonna give you new energy hey hey shut down elbows sacred I feel my son terrible I feel a fresh wind coming up in this place I feel the glory of the Lord being released up in this house you don't have to get new energy that's about to be a new spirit of Revelation rittany is how somebody scream do it holy goes to new one-by-one a new discernment The Anointed not only shall break every yoke but God said the anointed is about to destroy a video when you look back away you are and when I look back at where I am my testimony it's just like some of your testimonies we've had some experiences some job breaking experiences some breathtaking moments the test that tests the very core of our faith thank God though I passed the test I believe I'm in the house with some test takers some test takers see the devil wanted you to be intimidated by the test but I'm not intimidated by the tell because God designed the tests just bought me he knows what I can handle he knows what I know all we have we still have our chili I believe I'm here with some radical designated survivors that will say in the spirit realm that if it had not been for the Lord on my side I would help lost hope I would have fainted had night I believed that summon said had night I believe to see check it out just somebody check it out had night I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I had to look beyond what I was going through and look at the goodness of the Lord because of I fit to say that all what I was going through then I'd be walking around sometimes I feel like a motherless child but the devil is a liar and then fixate on what I was going through I've been say - know what I was coming out let's say I'm coming out I want the world to know yeah yeah I survived some things lamentation three twenty twenty-three excuse me from the easyread Bible says I remember well all my troubles and I was very sad but then I think about this and I have hope that we're still alive because the Lord's faithfulness never end every morning he shows it in a new way great is thy faithfulness I can wake up with a smile because I know that great is the Lord faithfulness and then I get to laugh in the enemy's face because I am wrapped up and tied up in Genesis 50 and 20 where it said but as for you you thought evil against me but God this this thing bless me whatever I was designated to go through you many play evil but God meant it unto good in other words God did a boomerang what was the design to take me out brought me in closer to him Paulo's design to shut me up made me shy what was designed to take away my praise made me create a praise it was cause God God did a boomerang God turn that thing around nay whom one is 7 say the Lord is good stronghold in the day of trouble so I was designated to survive living let me just give you a little from from the text to walk us through that so should we leave here even more victorious and not only leave here victorious but we will leave here with the mindset that I need to leave the seat beside me empty because somebody is coming in and sin that I don't even know but in the text of Acts the 28th chapter well before we get to the 28th let's let's kind of look at the 27 chapter xxvii chapter you all already know this Paul is exiting a troublesome situation he has just survived a ship red I believe I've got some ship red survivors up in here the shipwreck survivors well well the enemy tried to shipwreck your family or your finances are your relationships but but thank God we were hand-picked to survive every shipwreck that the enemy sent our way because isaiah 40:3 talks about it when you experiencing your shipwreck experience it he said that when you pass through not guilt and maybe but he said when you pass through the waters I'm gonna be with you yeah yeah yeah yeah win when you go through I'm gonna be right there with you so so you have to be like Paul you have to be assured that whatever I go through I say as already says that he was going to be with me I'm not in it by myself so I have to find a tactic from the Holy Ghost just a bar what I'm going through so Paul had been in a shipwreck situation but he went for broke how many know every night then you have to go for broke what are you saying evangelist he had to get on a broke float in order to get to the next side see you looking for something whole and God may not use the whole totality of that thing he might want to see if your trust among a broke float I don't know the whole scripture but I got a broke float I don't know the entire 23rd so but I got a broke made it on Brooks flow that's how you got there so he made it to the 28th chapter he thought he had just gotten to a place where he could take a breath and all of a sudden he find herself in a new situation but I don't know if this commercial is down here in Florida or not but there's a little commercial that's advertising a cleaning product and it's a little bitty boy and he has on shorts and he's trying to get his belt loose and he's standing out trying to get his belt unbuckle and he can't get it y'all know what I'm coming back and everything and all of a sudden he's saying mommy we have a situation I come to tell somebody ball says Jesus I've gotta sit away have you ever had you ever had a situation have you ever had a situation an unexpected situation so here Paul is had a good place to hurry on Paul has had a good place and and he's at his safe haven Haven as our studying Malita talked about it being his safe haven but then his safe haven became a little chaotic what do you do when when your safe haven becomes chaotic see the enemy would want you to run when things flip on you the enemy and religion watch out for that little religion religion try and make you think that God is not there because if God would I'm talking to some real people because if God was there it wouldn't be like this for Paul Paul knew within his heart no no no no no no no no I know God is still with me so he stayed at the place although the things were going haywire at the particular place because he thought perhaps he was going to get some rest but instead he he built him a fire he dis bless me he built a fire but concealed in the fire was a snake emotional 'us creature was in the fire I want you to know snakes may be around you but get ready there's something that's been working against you in your household that's about to be exposed God is about to show the motionless physical motionless demonic forces that the principalities there's been a sign to your destiny and to your purpose to the growth of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ to the restoration of God in his people that thing has been lying motionless but God is about to expose it and not not only that that God is about to expose the the smile and friendly enemies God is about to expose those that's been laughing in your face all the time trying to take your place the backstabber God is about to expose those that have been talking doubt been talking doubt been talking doubt in your spirit you know God had given your level of faith to go to the next level but they came Kannan they came shrewd and they start dropping doubt Caesar and you know because of who they are that they wouldn't try to put doubt in you but the devil is a liar he's about to bow [Applause] [Music] just like the whole it goes fire when in and shook the snake brought him out i releasing this high fire of the Holy Ghost I wish my brother's soul would just catch on fire so that every tactic every strategy every hindrance of the enemy be brought into the light the snake jumped on pause to get through the snake jumped on pause hand you you know that because the enemy plan was to destroy Paul it was to destroy Paul but I need to put a side bar here his plan was to destroy Paul but I I refuse to let us snake take my life I refuse to let the tactics of the enemy take my life Jesus plan would not be destroyed in my life but it would be manifested and not only will it be manifested in my life it would be manifested in your life because Luke 22 and 31 said Jesus said Simon Simon I've already prayed for you because the devil desires to have you in the SIP yes.we He desires to take you out of here he's asking he said the devil is asking excessively every time I turn around the devil is asking for you he's asking excessively can he have you every waking moment every waking hour the enemy is up there asking for you he he wants your mind he wants your spirit he wants your level of commitment he wants your forgiveness he wants your love he wants your family but jesus said don't worry about it because I've already prayed for you and I didn't pray I didn't pray that you didn't lose a house or you didn't lose a car I let you the news things are you didn't lose people then it's not what I prayed for but I pray that with that your faith very stable that joke thing remain consistent that your fame look at somebody say I'm a dozen it a cigar and Satan can have you I'd say 54 said no weapon that is formed against you shall get the advantage I come here to say what God has shipped in the church where God has shipped in your house where God is shipped in your family you need to get ready you need to stand bold you need to speak what God has spoken you need to take the word put it in the atmosphere and say now God you said that no weapon that is formed against me shall get there better so I take Kingdom authority and I say Satan you can't destroy my children you can't destroy my grandchildren you can't destroy my increases you can't destroy my health business shake it up shake it up shake it Oh [Music] shake it off shake it up and put it under your feet shake it off I come to tell somebody you're not gonna swell up they're expecting you to swell up then but they're spectin you to be affected by your situation you've been bitten by the culture we've been bitten by the things that are happening in the earth we may be a little light-headed but I come to tell somebody get up make up dress up hold your head up because it ain't over yet the Lord is on your side the Lord is with you he said in mark 16 that when you take up serpents and when you treat them in a daily drink that they will not hurt you [Music] stop saying I Know Who I am I'm a detonator survivor I match a love the key among kingdom of sadness I'm not trying to get anybody to like me I'm not even trying to get anybody to approve mate huh because I am a member the royal priesthood [Music] [Applause] say tell us about enables I am a designated survivor I've been to a little some song but it's all right now it's all right now because I'm strong and wise I'm better if I never had a problem if I never had a problem how could I tell you that God cos saw them because somebody hang in there hang in there you're gonna be you're gonna get through this back home Oh coverage [Music] [Music] I'm a designated survivor and I just want to go with three things because I am a designated survivor I can live by faith in the Word of God somebody scream assurance in his word whatever he said he shall do it he is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that needs to repent so I helped me to believe that whatever God spoke to me but I've got real faith a kind of faith that say the just shall live by faith I may not have evidence but I've got faith in his word can I drop some in this house I come to tell somebody that your light affliction which is but for a moment worketh in you exceeded eternal weight of glory you've been designated to be standing when it's all over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Roma's [Music] [Music] [Music] with my present trials [Music] [Music] let me second thing because you are designated survivor and we're in this thing together you've got to know how to push the alert button back to TV every now and then a commercial will come on and somebody say I've fallen and I can't get up they might be in the bathtub they may be on the golf course but do I have anybody here let us say help oh I'm not where I should be help I'm not as committed as I should be help I'm not dedicated to the ministry like I should be help I'm not investing like I should be investing and turning over help I'm not even investing them all worship time but this is what I like about that commercial that's a voice onami the boss tell the list don't worry [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a dog [Music] see there's a native survival you must represent look at somebody say you better represent represent the brain what is the brain at one in eight they say you shall receive power once you get the brain one in the brain the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is not an it it's not a thing it's not a something but it's a Godhead a part of the trinitarian a distinct individual episode that didn't just show up in the New Testament but you can go all the way back to Genesis in the beginning when it said let us let us make man so that same Holy Ghost that is operating in the Bible you have power after the Holy Ghost come upon you don't allow this culture to make you be intimidated by the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost is not a dress it's look it's not a something but it is a power and with the Holy One of Israel to your life [Music] [Applause] look after neighbors her neighbor neighbor this is the year of Holy Ghost path the worldly power nap litical power not even economic applaud not soldier power but we need some holiness [Music] hold it [Music] that'll walk opinion and say where's the devil you're not doing that up in him [Music] go back to your house Oh what Joan [Music] designated to carry the brain but now you can't carry the brain you can't represent huh if you're not where you should be and get it it's not about our appearance it's about the intimacy of your heart somebody ought to see you slam your thing in the door and you say by God How Great Thou art and not say something you have to apologize for later on somebody ought to see you at the restaurant where the waitress was downright rude but you were designated to survive that situation so you win that person someone ought to see you coming in this church from this day forward with at least two additional people some that have never heard of Calvary they just been watching you they know that what you do has nothing to do with your human ability but they know has something to do with the power the Holy Ghost your best days nothing in it not or coming put hands together and celebrate your day is now [Applause] remember when he shook at all this is the point when he became victorious in that setting they could not understand it oh come on they're not going to understand how you got to victory they're not going to understand why you didn't fail so what do people do human nature psychology if I can't understand I make it up that's why you do I give you labels but I cancel even now here your Holy Spirit I cancel every label of hinderance that's been put on you from generation of past your survival your survival the reason why God wanted you to survive is so that you could represent him by saying greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world the revival is owned but I released revived of fire in you so you don't have to wait till you get the cavalry to go there you come in cavalry there and if you're not from cavalry whatever your church is God gives you that revival fire you're the person that's going to make a difference and if I may do this if I may do an altar call tonight because I'm looking at survivals in here I'm looking at people that God has spoken over your life hmm say that your present situation there's no indication of what your future shall be for I'm taking you higher I'm looking at a group of people of whom God is saying to you look if you just speak it I'll bring it to pass you say but I'm waiting on the pastor's to speak it no no no I need you out of your belly shall flow rivers and I need you to speak it at your own house so when you get to his house it's already done I need some of you to roll on the floor in your own kitchen [Applause] need people to look at you crazy and say why are you acting like that you look back out and say if you only knew you're here tonight and you want to suggest join in it might be saying you might be pushing the alert button the saying just help I need someone to come in agreement with me that's what that alert button is it's just I need someone to sync with me in my time of advancement the last thing I do want to say God is saying to you Pastor pastor's and all of you because he cannot do it for him and not do it for you revelations three-and-a says look I've set before you an open door that no man can shut you have had little strip babe yeah that about Sunday lady up second but I said before your new ado of new opportunities I said before your door babe and Smit I said before your door bun treaded territory it said get ready get ready I didn't I don't know what this mean but I see them coming home I said just get ready get ready get ready I see him coming and what I hear your Holy Ghost and say tell them the ones that are coming all the people you've been praying for while the people you've invested in believe in God for the people you've been looking behind you see if they coming in yet I dare you to just look toward the door it's God's celebrated here they come they're coming they help survive and you're here come on down to the altar tonight you say tonight is my night as it then designated survival to be filled with the level of faith that cannot be denied to be healed to be delivered in to be set free even to be filled with the Holy Ghost and if you're gonna come come come come come come come thank your father thank you those of you that are here those of you that are here that's it I want you to come with the level of expectancy I want you to come with the level of expectancy I just expect God to do it about sandela day today opal I just expect it ha hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and his sinners word and he healed me yes yes this is what you do with your level of expectation you just start saying god I believe you I believe you I believe you I believe you I believe you ha I believe it I believe it and I can't sir the assignment of things from years past that's affected everything about you here can Dada ba shaky I release unto you the approval of the Holy Ghost mm be baptized dish under the boat see Thank You Father huh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you woman of God God said he's gonna do something in your house God said he's doing it in the house I don't know what's going on but he sent me here tonight to let you know no he's heard your prayers he's seen your tears jehova shamma jehova shamma jehova shamma at that house a little sick it's a new day for you huh hallelujah hallelujah that's it get those hands up get the reach higher reach reach reach reach I'll retie reach higher whew I feel a hunger I feel a hunger in your spirit God said he's gonna feel the hunger I said I just want more of you Jesus I just want more [Music] you've been designated as the dear dependable water brothers you even tonight you feel a wind of glory in your home near the Spirit of the Lord said get on your knees get on your knees at home and get ready to feel the wind of God's glory feel the wind of God's glory thank you Father destiny a new place in the Holy Spirit a new level old things are passed away and behold all things become new thank your father everyone repeat after me Lord Jesus I trust you in this process I trust you to take me to a place in you that I've never gone in before my faith is so proud tonight until I'm gonna believe you for anything and everything I'm gonna leave this space right here right quick just for you to talk to Jesus for you to tell him what that anything and that everything is thank you get ready Tom yeah little coke machine he can die by Sunday later that I don't see handle alerted oboes he loans to hear your voice while you're talking to you him he's talking back saying it's already done while you're talking to him he's talking back I did that - I did that - I did that - I covered all of that he's talking back saying but that's the event today is the expiration date for that thing now it's a new thing in Christ Jesus if you believe that my faith and the Bible said according to your faith not might be but according to your faith so be it unto you we're getting ready to have a Holy Ghost powwow [Music] if you believe that God has heard your prayers if you believe that you're getting out of your seat walking down to this hour was a testament of your faithfulness to God's Word then you're getting ready to praise Him and from this day on whatever that thing I hear Holy Spirit whatever that thing was that you asked God for you would not ask him for it anymore he said in Easy in Exodus 14 but the Egyptians who you have seen today you just see them again no more forever for the Lord shall fight for you so what you have seen today you just see it again no more forever but the Lord has fought for you so you will not ask for that particular thing again anymore not that but since you've asked him by faith and since you believe by faith then for the next 30 seconds I want you to praise God as if the Holy Ghost just dropped in your spirit and toejam was done come on come on in phrasing whatever it is come on impressive whatever it is whatever it is we jump into heaven is impressive we jump into heaven but whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is and father we thinking about a power the Holy Spirit it is already done because you're here at the altar and God has done something brand-new then the synergy of the connection of all that you hear at the altar is that the Holy Ghost has done what he said he would do so what I need you to do is to testify to someone someone at the altar and tell him why God has done what he said it would do come on set with spiritual indignation set with spiritual indignation my god has said done what he said it would do your assignment for the rest of the year is to talk Jesus victory Dominion and power tell him about what God has done where the brand of holiness and righteousness let the world know I'm one of them today I'm not ashamed let him call your holy rollers tell them you don't get out of the way I roll all over you let your family know I have already declared and decree that this is your year you can run all you want to but after why'd you go run towards the church and tell them I'm already praising God and you still smoking you still drinking but I call those things that be not as though they were I'm speaking the Holy Ghost [Music] and it shall be done in the matchless name of Jesus we pray amen and amen as you get ready to go back to your seat go back with the blessed assurance that saint martin levin said that whatever things you desire when you pray the what believe it and you shall receive it and if you believe by faith it's already done thank you thank you hallelujah now just how bad about three people say I told you I'm a designated survivor [Music] we're gonna bless the Lord in the Ministry of giving my brother is coming hallelujah come on let's give the Lord a praise in here come on if you believe God ain't down in your situation why don't you give him a praise is that the best praise you got I said give him a raise if you believe that God is going to do greater things in your life greater things in your family I want you to lift up a praise and say God I know you're good for it when I praise you you're gonna do it throw up your hands and come on in praise the Lord sing this John I've seen you move [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was so good take it off yeah yeah whatever the enemy's brought against you shake it off whatever the devil has tried it off come on somebody just shake off the man shake off the depression shake off the bass my new season at my next season is here and it really should tell somebody shake it off amen you'll be seated for just a minute thank you for coming tonight we want to be a blessing to evangelist Joyce Rodgers make a little bit of noise we love her so much I want the us just to come forward and we're gonna receive this offering and everything that comes in tonight it's going to help her do what God has called her to do and that is to preach the gospel around the world we love her we appreciate don't we love Joyce Rodgers Calvary yes we do so this Wednesday night crowd thank you for coming out and getting what the Lord is doing because he's doing a new thing and tell your neighbor I'm a part of it a man so I want you to give the night you by live stream this is your chance to give and we believe that you give everything that comes tonight is gonna go into Joyce's ministry and we're gonna bless she wasn't wearing socks but if she was wearing them we want to bless them off of her tonight so you be faithful in your giving come on Usher's and let's get ready father thank you for the chance to give and to so bless your people as they give in Jesus name and everybody shout amen now listen this next Sunday I'm starting a new series called made for more tell your neighbor I'm made for more yeah yeah yeah don't think that you are destined to be limited don't think that you are destined to be trapped have you ever had seasons and times in your life where you felt like you were made for more weight family if you've ever been there when you looked at your situation and everything about your situation said limitation but I've come to tell you there's something more certain than your circumstances if God has said a thing about you that it shall come to pass I I'm gonna talk next Sunday along these lines it's wrong but it's right tell your neighbor it's wrong but it's right it can be a wrong time it can be a wrong place it can be a wrong situation everything about it can seem wrong you can be in a boat casting in the wrong time put your net out in the wrong place but it doesn't matter if Jesus said you gonna find something in the middle of the day you're gonna find something when you ought not find something it don't matter how it looks it can be wrong but God will make it right and I'm telling you it may not seem like you're gonna see what you're gonna see but if God has said it tell your neighbor it shall come to pass how many of you got some things you're believing is gonna come to pass in the next season listen I declare the blessing in favor of the Lord all on you I want you to stay and John's gonna sing us a place tonight we're still gonna keep the food trucks open cuz your neighbor looks hungry come on and if you want to stop by you're certainly welcome to go out and they're gonna be several little food trucks that are gonna be left tonight but we love you push your neighbor and say I love you come on tell me y'all coming back Sunday morning if you come in second more temecula noise I'll see you where the services Hey back and by wallop an event the source rogers books we love you we'll see you next time god bless you [Music] I said
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 62,535
Rating: 4.8484545 out of 5
Id: VUN396-CYvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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