HC2019 Evangelist Joyce Rodgers

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for the gift of evangelist Joyce Rogers as she comes at this time so father what a blessed privilege it is tonight to come in your presence let them see you in me let them hear you when I speak so let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart line up so that it may be acceptable in not saying do whatever you choose to do for only you know what needs to be done in this house and you qualify to do it so we release the power of the Almighty God through signs and wonders and the gift of the Holy Ghost we declare and decree that it is so in the matchless magnificent name of Jesus we pray amen and amen you probably know about now sums forty-seven and one says clap your hands all you people and praise the Lord oh come on do it like you really mean it don't panic eight but make a statement with a clapping of your hands that same Psalm 40 71 said that we are to shout unto God with the voice of triumph can I get some radical people in this place lift up your boy [Applause] now look at somebody on the side of you and tell them hey got a feeling that tonight builds your night look at somebody else across the room [Music] before you take your seat double photo so that we can declare a thief yes somebody just screamed Eclair that merely means that you can pronounce it it said that you declare it you decree it and he will establish [Music] take your seat let's look at somebody say alrighty then the presence of the Lord is in this place I said so often one way I know the presence of the Lord is here is because I'm here I don't say that arrogantly but I say it based upon the fact that he said he dwells in me he doesn't do visitation but he has residence in me so ever I go he goes and if he dwells in you when you show up demons have to tremble when you sure what was not correct has to come correct do I have anybody up and let us say he dwells in me he lives in me the presence of the Lord is here what a privilege it is to be at the perfected faith fellowship holy convocation I'm honored to be here you've had a plethora of people so many great people and y'all need to know let me just tell you this they called out every name of the city tonight except for Gladewater I'm from Gladewater Texas population 5746 people and probably 3,000 belong to our family Bishop Winer's came down to console me doing the home going up my mama and the next day they had him on the front page I say this is my mama's weekend not yours they with me so what a privilege it is to be in the presence of the Lord I don't know about you but I say this all the time listen I'm saved and I'm sanctified and sanctification has nothing to do with the denomination but it's about being set apart for the Masters use and I say so often since everybody else is coming out of the closet I'm one of the other to close it holy ghost feel people I want everybody to know it you can call it the Holy Spirit you can call it the Holy Ghost whatever you call it is holy and I've got it so what a privilege it is to know who I am in the Lord Jesus Christ we get a proper respect and honor to a man of whom I highly respect a person that when you meet him you only meet him one time because the first time you meet him that's who he is at all the time he is a gift to the body of Christ he was not born in this time but he was born for this time the Spirit of the Lord is upon him and God has chosen him and hand-picked him to do great things you are blessed and highly favored to call him the presiding bishop of this fellowship the man of God who we honor and celebrate so I need you to get country with me stand to your feet and let's celebrate and appreciate none other than the bishop Marvin L Winans we thank God for you certainly and to his pastors and officials that work with him we thank God for all of you you can tell I'm nervous well this over here we thank God for all of you and let me stop and appreciate dr. Keith Norman thank you so very much for allowing me to be in your pulpit I appreciate you and boy you sang tonight the blessings of the Lord be with you I'm so glad to see superintendent Donnie McClurkin when it comes to the coaching said he always said pastor George Rogers on behalf of the coaching fellowship we thank you for Superintendent Donnie McClurkin to all my pastor's friends that are part of this great movement we appreciate you mother whiners the International mother we honor you and we celebrate you such a darling girl she is the epitome of some 71 where say with long life will i satisfy thee so we honor and appreciate you I am a member of the Church of God in Christ although I had a lot of people you know the coachee people in the house we're so glad that you're here and had a lot that call to Bishop and said they wouldn't be able to come they're on their way to the International Women's convention in Baltimore but we thank God for those of you that here so glad you're so glad alright we're gonna go to the Word of God those of you that are on social media you go to joyce Rogers dot or just Rogers come follow me as I follow God you can follow me on twitter twitter at miss Joyce Rogers Instagram I do want to stop and appreciate my Sister Sister sin hey hey hey before you go down no stairs since the Cindy flowers let's appreciate her I thank God for her very familiar passage of Scripture as I was preparing to come this is a season I don't know about you but it has been a very trying season but God so if you will go with me to the book of Genesis 22 verse 1 through 5 Genesis 22 verse 1 through 5 very familiar passage of Scripture so I pray that the familiarity of the text does not eliminate the revelation for tonight Genesis 22 verse 1 through 5 those of you that habits amen amen and it came to pass it after these things that God did Tim Abraham and said unto Him Abram Abraham and he said Behold Here I am and he said take now thy son thine only son Isaac whom do I love it and get the into the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering of a one of the mountains which I would tell thee and Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his eyes and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and clayed the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went into the place of which God the head told him then on the heard the day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place now remember he saw the place of which God had told him three days ago and he saw the place afar and Abraham said unto the young man a by verse five I'm sorry John verse five Abraham said unto his young men abide ye here with the ass and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you let me read this without intruding upon you from the message Bible from that same verse the boy and I are going over there to worship then we'll come back to you we're going over there to do what we've been asked to do but we will come back to you we will come back to you I'd come to talk about you as you talk to you as we in this holy convocation and I know your faith has been increased so we're going to another level and expecting God to do great and greater things for you so four subject matters I just want to talk about any day now any day now any day now for manifestation of this thing that I'm believing God for any day now I was a cheerleader and we spent time getting people to give feedback from the from the grandstand to the foot to the football field or from the stand to the basketball so we spent time getting people to talk to each other so if you will and you're not gonna have to talk to them all night but just look at somebody and say huh any day now you don't have to tell them what that means to you but you said prophetically you said with spiritual indignation you said as if it's already done in it day now in it that keep your eye on me keep your eye on me because any day now any day now when when you look at this particular Texas deals with a miracle waiting to happen I'm exposed I am exposed tonight to a group of people that are going to invest in a relationship between faith and expectation faith and expectation I don't know about you but let me give my own testimony this has been a time where it appears as if my faith has been on trial I know it's just me it appears as it's the very essence of my faith is being tried on every hand and somehow someway it appears that the greater the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ I have the greater the testis but I come to tell somebody your oppositions is about your promotion God is about to do something supernatural so the greater the knowledge of God I have the greater the test is but Luke it's me up in Luke 12 and 48 you say to whomsoever much is given to him shall much be required so what we have what you must recognize and realize that some of the tests that you are going through offered from two different dimensions first of all let's let's deal with this some of the tests that you go through is orchestrated by the enemy the enemy who desires to eliminate or now lead your faith in God not only of that but he wants to take your belief in God's ability to do anything and everything do I have anybody in here they believe God can do anything 2nd Corinthians 9 and 8 says and God is able to make all grace every favor every earthly blessings in abundance toward you yet always somebody say always yet always under earth and any and every circumstance regardless to the need having all sufficiency completely self-sufficient in him not in your intelligentsia not in your biological background but my self sufficiency in the fact that he's able to handle all my circumstances what is in him knowing that he's able and to do every good work that abounds so again one of the opposer so then after you is Satan and Satan's ambition is to cause your faith to be non-existent but he's defeated because where you are now faith is not an option where you are now faith is not an option now it is the only thing that's going to get you to the next level you must have faith listen to what Hebrew 11 and 6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God but he that cometh to him must first believe and believe that he is a word water are those that diligently persistently seek after him and not just faith but mark 11 and 22 said that we are to have faith in God I was reading a book by dr. Adrian Rogers of Memphis Tennessee and he says a faith is not just knowing God can but faith is believing God will it's not just believing cuz some time you believed he came but then you need to take it to the next level and believe that you will and can I just be transparent a little bit there are some times in my journey it's easy to help faith when things are well or even to have faith for somebody else I'm just being real don't judge or to help me for somebody else but it happened it happens at times to be more difficult to have faith in the first in the face of adversity and uncertainty when you're dealing with your own things I just said it's just me it's just me when you're dealing with your own things but nevertheless it is doing those times when you must consciously and consistently travail until you give birth to competent faith birth to blessed assurance faith the faith faith against all odds a faith that stands and proclaim in a day now things are going to turn around in my favor in according to the scripture that if you have the kind of faith that believes in spite of then you're granted power somebody screen power you're granted power and authority somebody scream Authority you're granted power and authority to see the invisible to attempt the impossible and to achieve the unthinkable faith that can reach into the future and manifest the presence matter of fact I released it in this house a thing that reaches into the future and manifests in the presence the Romans 14:17 faith they say we call those things that be not as though they were we act like it's already done when nothing has been manifested but we have confident faith somebody scream confident faith that things are turning around in our favor Jesus is saying that if you you can have anything you want and nothing is impossible Matthew 19 and 26 he said with God all things are possible just tell somebody hang in there even though the actual manifestation hasn't been released in the in the present I still believe by faith that it's already done and my faith certifies me my space certifies me it certifies my level of belief because I have unlimited faith there's no boundaries to my faith my faith competes with my logic because logic says that I have to have a reason but faith say I can't always figure it out but one thing I do I have any real people the one thing I know that God is our gonna work it out my faith docum it's my honor to God honor God with my faith because if I can believe that I can receive it not only do I help faith but that when I'm under attack when I'm under attack from the enemy but I help faith to believe that God is in control of my life with whatever test that's going on in my life it's not ways from the enemy but sometimes God would do like he did true you remember the demo didn't ask for Java and it's a little different than when the devil asked for Peter in the New Testament when he said Simon Simon the devil had asked for you and desires to sip you as we but the dividend ask for Joba God I just recommend a joke some stuff you're going through because God look at somebody say I've been recommended I've been recommended been recommended I didn't ask for this but he recommended me this is not what I pray for but this is the answer to my prayer this is not what was prophesied over me but this is what he spoke over me and if God recommended me he knows that when it's all over I shall be complete entire wanting for nothing I may not come out with my face straighten my clothes straight but however I come out I'm gonna be alright I'm gonna have a testimony that if it had not been do I have anybody up in here what the talks about if it had not been for the Lord it was on my side so here we have faith but we're not only how faith faith in this particular text MERIS expectation your faith has to marry expectation so let me just stop right here and release in this house a level of expectation a level of expectation it is really sad that expectation sets the atmosphere for miracle if you expect God to do it if you expect I need you to just look at somebody say I expect God I come on ship the atmosphere I expect God I expect God if you believe that whatever you expect with faith and certainty will enter your life then you can prepare for the any day now an expectation is really the power to have an ideal until it becomes so real that you can see it you can see it before you can hold it that's why you take people by that house that you have moved in yet because you just believe in a day now that's why you look at the peers in your church and expect it to be full so you'll start preaching to the empty section because you just expect in the danger that's why you walk like you're healed when your body is rotten in pain because anything you just expected him to say I was wounded for your transgressions for your nickel that shot started up my piece but the mama had wept his stripes just tell somebody in a day now it's the power to see it before you see I expect a miracle in a day expectation empowers you to think the unthinkable to do the undoable it turns uncertainty into certainty expectation release eager anticipation of its arrival I need you to go back home walk through your own house and release eager anticipation or whatever you and your household been praying for I need you to walk through your children bedroom and say with eager anticipation it's on the way I need you to speak over your marriage and declare and decree roll messes back in my house eager anticipation is about to arrive do I have anybody here there's expecting a miracle that's expecting God to do something let me share this with you to live with an expectation is to live with vision it's to live with hope is to live with dreams is to live with imagination is to live with desire the miracle the supernatural act of God it shall be performed in your life whatever you came to the holy convocation to receive I heard the preacher say yes earlier it's already done and not only is that already done this is already done too and it's just a matter of time before my neighbors know that God did what he was said he was gonna do because what God is gonna do for you during this season he's gonna do something that's gonna blow your neighbors mind he's gonna do some things that's gonna blow the church's mind he's not just gonna bless you in this house but God's gonna turn around and bless you in your house do I have anybody in here in the danger somebody just scream in a day now when you look at Genesis 22 when you look at Genesis 22 Abraham is walking in faith and expectation abraham abraham has been there before you remember way back when these were promised to abraham abraham had to hold on to the promises of god abraham had to believe god when they really didn't have anything to present to God we're deal with that later on so here he is walking with the level of expectation it talks about Abraham going to do what God has told him to do I come to tell somebody as God reveals your journey walk it with expectation we walk by faith and just look at your name and say let's go walking let's go walking because we walk by faith we walk by faith and not by sight it's time for you to go in the beginning of Genesis you find out whether it's faith Marron expectation you find out that it starts off trusting God doing the tests is it anybody in here that's ever had to trust God doing the tests life is shaken by tests and trials and temptations but what I say so often about the test in the trial but tests in the trial does not come to destroy you because God has planned no defeat for your life but the tests and the trials come to prove the quality of a thing you can be anybody you want to be when things are going well because the character of an individual is not measured doing it's good days the character of an individual is magic when you're going through that's why I want to know can you praise them in the test can you praise him in do you need a praise team do you need a worship team but can you praise in the trial the test reveals what's important because everything is not important and it takes the sifting and shifting of the test to weed out was not important true value surface during the spiritual tests it was once said that it isn't as important once you go through as it is when you go through James 1 3 & 4 speaks up when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow God is looking for endurance when you are my brothers and sisters you're not a sprint runner in this race but you are an endurance runner because a sprint runner only runs so far but an endurance runner runs and keeps on running so God sends the test so that you can be showered with endurance but then the test oh so test whether or not you're fake because we can hook and shout and jump down right down the house when the music is hone but the tests will tell you whether or not you're dancing to the music are you dancing to the promise and if you dancing to the promise of your dance in your own house if you're dancing to the promise you're dance with ain't nobody around if you're dancing to the prom you won't wait to hold a convocation but you're convening your own house the test test the test Pastor Donnie proves the genuineness of our faith 1st Peter 1 6 & 8 talks about that the Trier that the Trier that the genuineness that the authenticity of your faith being much more precious than that of silver go there Paris though in the Caspian test though it be tried in the fire stop trying to get out of the fire stay there until he refines because the fire gives you definition it determines who you are he doesn't leave you in the fire what he does and we teach in religion and I'm not into religion so pretty my script I'm not into religion I'm into relationship religion teacher that here coming all the time and take you out of the fire but that's not true he'll leave you in the fire for a duration but he didn't leave you there by himself when it seen that the heat is too much for you and it's not time to take you out of the oven cuz he don't want you to be like Ephraim and Ephraim was like a cake unturned what it was saying evil look good on the outside but when you stick the toothpick in it the inside comes out so he leaves you in the pie so when you come out you come out complete praise honor and glory at the revelation of his word he doesn't want you to be a counterfeit so he leaves you in the fire the tests come to interrupt our life but thank God in the test we can hold on the first Peter 4 12 and 13 when I say be loved don't be amazed think of not strange concerning the fiery darts which about to destroy thinking not strange be not be wielded over the fiery ordeals which are taking place to test your quality as though some strange and unusual thing has happened but instead of being depressed and I come against every spirit of depression in the name of Jesus instead of being depressed you need to shout and rejoice because God is doing something in your life he's looking at the timing of the test Abraham as we hurry on with the test it said after these things when you look at it it's as if Abraham should receive a break my daddy uses every day one thing is another after these things after the relocation from Earth to Chatterley's after moving from Horan to Hebron the economic collapse after the faman drove him to Egypt for survivor after deception and failure after lying about Sarah after manipulation through Ishmael God still tests because God knows that every level you go to releases a new devil in the tests that you pass in mid-semester it's not the test for your final exam so God detests Abraham but the summation of Abraham tests was that the test was not about his calamities but God wanted to prove himself faithful to Abraham whatever you're going through it's not about you book great job here is done God wanted to prove in spite of the challenges he wanted to prove a limitation three and twenty three so God designed a test for him God designed whatever you're going through just know it's designed just for you and then a day now you're gonna come out so God tests Abraham you you need to know that you can trust the Lord with your health with your heart he said take now your son mm-hmm your legal heir the son of the promise it's almost as if he said get rid of your laughter because Isaac name means left then it said get rid of something that was difficult for you to get because Isaac didn't come easy Isaac as I say so often was born in dead possibilities Sarah Abram had nothing to offer him but when God speaks a word what you have may not see much but when you yield it to the touch God the turns that thing around he spoke to him and said you're gonna have a baby you're gonna have a baby Abraham looking crazy Sarah talking about isn't as fun as it was back then I come to tell you that any day God is going to do something impossible in your life you've been waiting on a miracle and this is your week of the Devas defeat tau and God it's gonna release a miracle all you have to do is release the faith somebody say faith faith the faith on the third day as a hurry own on the third day he went to the range of the mountain of Moriah it was a third day 72 hours walking in expectancy I take Kingdom Authority and I release in this house in the next 72 hours gospel ship some things in your life in the next 72 hours God is going to open the window of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there won't be room and you better expect it you better expect it in the next 72 hours God's gonna give you innovative ideas to create a jina generate a higher income in the next 72 out I take authority and declare that your children are coming back to Christ in the next 72 hours I declare something unusual it's going to happen somebody screamed the next 72 hours I'm waiting with expectation and I'm releasing the level of faith I hear your god I hear you in Ezekiel 12 and 28 he said say unto them thus said the Lord God there shall none of my words be prolong any longer there shall none of my words behold any longer but what I said what I have spoken it shall be done tell somebody I feel it right now any day now that thing is coming in my house any day now God is shifting me to the next level so as I hurry and get through this he trusted God during the 72 hours then God said to him it's time for you to downsize your contact what did he say he said y'all stay here I in the lad will go yonder and worship in return where you are in life right now on your faith journey you're gonna need to downsize your content everybody cannot go through the press says there are some people that were only made to see the promise you're trying to take them through the process and you have to explain too much in the process you have to go through too many dimensions and the process I don't have time to explain all I know is God said and God said I know I know I know this generation is engulfed with Instagram likes but sometimes you need to unfriend some friends because at this point if you're not my Matthew 28 percent I'm sorry I met my Matthew I believe it's 28 and 18 18 where say there's any two of you touches in a green any two of you see see I don't need anybody that's going to try and figure out why I did I don't need the attitude of Joe's free I need somebody that would do like the TV commercial that's a help have fallen and I can't get up ha I need the alert button pushed Oh and when I say help iPhone I don't need you to make me feel guilty but I need you to come and pick me up and if I came whoa take me to the next level I need some of you tonight your miracle is on hold because you need to say bye-bye well those are the foot of the mountain freeze the foot of the mountain they were to walk you when you were down though but I'm going to the next level now see our problem I tell people when you change level and you have to leave the first floor what I found out about Nima's and I'm just not a real name of shop but I love it the thing I found about Newman that the things that they advertised on the first floor it's not what they advertised on the third floor you still hanging with people that have a first floor mentality you need to connect with somebody that's gonna complete you and not compete with you I don't need you to compete with me cuz you don't know what I've gone through and on and I don't apologize for in it if you weren't there for my midnight don't you hate on my morning if you don't know unapologetically unapologetic I tell them Bishop and I'm a hurry I'm gonna get out of here I don't need anybody that want to be my friends now because if you weren't there you didn't encourage me when I was walking through the hotels in the midnight after church and nobody put a credit on the room where I could eat and I didn't have any money and my credit card wouldn't go through but I woke from Florida floor eating off of the tray the room service traded somebody else left I didn't know if anybody was watching me I was just hungry but the diner I preached the kingdom down then go to the hotel and walk the floor looking for something to take out somebody else's room tray and if you're worth the don't you talk about what I got now because it's the goodness look at somebody say in a day now in a day now in a day at old perfected church and people that I go and I said now if you weren't there when it went to college in North Texas holes in my shoes kids laughing at me I'm at the altar of the church trying to get a breakthrough but anything they were laughing at the hole because in that man my big toe was sticking up through the whole shoe but now when I get ready to come to these conventions I go in the walk-in closet and say any minute my team Oh which one wanna go and I don't apologize look here today somebody say [Music] so so in the text so so in the text in the text we said y'all stay here now I am the lad will go yonder and we're going to worship every now and then you have to go to distance to be touched by God every now what I know like about God he's a god of location wherever you are if I make my bed he's there but go to the utmost parts of the earth he's there oh where shall I go but to the Lord the songwriter says so every now and then you have to go the distance in order to touch God with you getting ready to experience your any day now they're just three things and I'm backing out of here that I extracted from this text in order for you to wait with faith and expectation the first thing you got to have is comfort in faith say that confident faith that's faith that is rooted and grounded in what God says I told you as we talked about Abraham when you go back from Abraham the fourth chapter of Romans I believe yeah fourth chapter of Romans around the 18th verse in the 21st verse when he was waiting on God to do the impossible it said that who against hope believed in hope that he would be the father of many nations according to what was that thing bless me who against hope believed I have nothing to hold on to but one thing the Word of God said hope making not ashamed so who against hope believed in hope and being not weak in faith but had covered in faith consider the fact that his own body was dead because he was gone not only was his body dead but what I'm connected to his death but he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but still a strong in faith giving God glory being fully persuaded that whatever God had promised so God is able to perform I come to tell somebody get ready whatever God told you he was gonna do you cannot die until the promise - the promises for fear first John 5 and 14 said and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we asked that if we ask anything according to his will I said all the time not just stop with ask anything but I have to ask anything according to his will so how do I know the will of God well if I delight myself in the Lord he gives my heart what to design if I denied myself it's not a cause not home but if I trust in him if I believe in him if I have confidence and he puts in my heart what to desire so when I pray the desires of my heart he don't even hear me hear the echoes of his homeboys and he say honest to me said I'll bless you so according to his will he heareth the somebody say hear it that we're hereit means he listened with an intent to deduce something I come to tell somebody he's getting ready to do what he said he would do and because he's going to do it I pray to the greater one we're first John 5 enforces for greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world look at your neighbors him neighbor my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and His righteousness all on the ground it's sinking sin but on Christ the solid rock I stand so I've got confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ confidence in his power and his authority to do confident in Ephesians 3 and Twitter that's it now our to him now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly I could ask think according to the power that isn't working me tell your neighbor neighbor with confidence faith that's what he said and the second thing it's calm faith look at somebody say calm faith I cancelled this time in a roller coaster thing stop singing that so sometimes up sometimes down almost lever to the ground you don't have any profit you have no need to be leveled to the ground because God has given you power and authority to keep everything under your feet so if you have calm faith Romans 15 and 13 say now the god of Hope fill you with all joy somebody say oh joy and peace in believing that ye may abound in Hope through the power of the Holy Ghost I don't know if y'all talk about the Holy Ghost here but one way I'm gonna stay calm it's through the power of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is now to it it's not as something but it is a part of the Trinitarian and in the part of the Godhead a member of the three but distinctively independent in his own right the Holy Ghost in just show up an actor but if you go back to the book of Genesis when the Bible the Bible the Bible the Bible said these three I'm sorry he said let us look at somebody's and let us let us make man so I'm so glad when I get antsy when I get agitated the Holy Ghost says keep calm touch somebody's head keep calm Keep Calm keep calm and the peace of God which surpasses all your understanding just keep your heart and your mind through Jesus Christ that star may rise you keep calm now we may blow you keep coming breakers may - but you keep calm when you leave this place and the conference has cold the conference has closed codes speak over your own self speak all the old self tell y'all self keep calm don't let fear in keep calm speak over your old self the Lord is my light Psalm 27 and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is a strength of my life whom shall I be afraid keep calm with the wicked my enemies and came to eat up my plant keep calm but they stopped and they failed the host should encamp against me keep calm the gentle rise up against me one thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell [Applause] for in the time of trouble high fives imagine in the top keep calm and the time of trouble
Channel: Perfecting Church - Official Youtube Channel
Views: 52,944
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: PFI Holy Convocation 2019, Evangelist Joyce Rodgers, Perfecting Fellowship International
Id: ylPas8RxvKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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