Celebrating The Life Of Evangelist Rachel L Hankerson | Local /Jurisdictional Celebration 7/2/2021

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[Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen very [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] can we all say amen come on everybody say amen this is a hand clapping foot stomping tongue talking pentecostal church of god i wish it was about 10 saints in here that know the way to get through this is give god every bit of energy and praise you got i'm looking for a saint can i find one that ain't afraid to let your world know that you're gonna praise god from the beginning of this service until the end of this service has god been good to anybody in here grab your hands like you lost your mind and open up your mouth come on let's shift the atmosphere in this place somebody open up there's a saying open up your mouth and give god glory hallelujah come on come on we gotta set it before bishop get in here we gotta set it before he comes in when he walks in here he ought to know there's some praise that's been going on come on come on put your hand together all right [Music] [Music] i command you to praise god [Applause] my god sounds like some praise is behind me i'm gonna ask everybody to stand on your feet at this time i feel church have been here [Music] this time we will receive our leader and the family stay prayerful saints [Music] she's [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] um [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] um [Music] we will now receive [Music] the clergy and ecumenical guests for this celebration [Music] ask them to come at this time [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] c [Music] now we will receive the family of evangelist rachel hankerson i am the resurrection and the life he who believeth in me though he died yet shall he live again and whosoever lives and believeth in me [Music] shall never die [Music] man that is born of a woman is but a few days full of trouble [Music] coming forth like a flower and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not we brought nothing into this world [Music] and it is certain we can carry [Music] nothing out [Music] the lord gave [Music] and the lord has taken away blessing be the name of the lord the lord is my shepherd i shall not walk he maketh me the lie down in green pastures [Music] he leadeth me beside still waters [Music] he restored my soul [Music] he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake [Music] yay though i walk through the valley and the shadow of death [Music] i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and i stand they comfort me thou prepareth a table before me in the presence [Music] of my enemies thou arteth my head with oil [Music] my cup run it over surely goodness [Music] and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord [Music] the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear whom shall i be afraid the lord is the strength of my life [Music] of whom shall i be afraid lord thou has been our dwelling place [Music] in all generations before the mountains were brought forth forever has formed the earth and the world [Music] from everlasting to ever nasty [Music] the strength of my life is the lord our prayers and our strength go with this family [Music] and this man of god the bishop elijah hankerson lord you said those that have no might you will increase strength lord you are our strength and let the church say amen [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me clap your hands and give god glory here come on open your mouth just for about 15 seconds let the devil know we got the victory in spite of it all we don't understand it it doesn't make sense but the bible declares his ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts even as the heavens are higher than the earth so are his ways higher than eyes open your mouth for this family as we get ready to pray here come i said knock the concrete off of your throat throw your [Music] what are you doing prophet praying in the holy ghost building up our most holy faves [Music] of the the name of jesus father in the name of the lord we give you glory we give you praise and we bless your name god we ask that you forgive us for anything that we've said done or thought wrong contrary to your will but god we come standing in proxy in the gap for this family and god we lift them up in the name of jesus i thank you for what you're about to do i speak strength i speak hope i speak comfort in the name of jesus satan the lord rebuke you and we command you to loose him father in your word you said there's a time a season and a purpose to everything under the heavens you said there's a time to weep and there's a time to laugh there's a time to mourn and there's a time to dance so father i release a laughing a praise spirit in this room lift up the heavy heart god we don't understand it it doesn't make sense to us but we still declare you're sovereign we steal the common church we still declare you're mighty but we still declare you're ambiguous in the name of jesus father put your finger on the pulse of the problem throw your weight around in this room god in the continental side incontinental from the touch of our jurisdictional bishop touch bishop henderson tonight god touch his heart touch his mind in the name of jesus lift him up holding up with the strong hand of your messiah in the name of jesus touch these children touch elijah touch rachel touch matthew god in the name of jesus we disallow and we veto every trick and plan of the enemy they will continue to love you they won't turn their backs on you even when they don't understand lead them to the rock that is higher than us in the name of jesus satan you are a liar we speak the love of the lord in the name of jesus touch mother mccain touch dad mccain strengthen their hearts now i loose love joy peace in the name of jesus touch the family in the name of the lord bring them together now he cut the messiah allowed their tears to serve as intercession in the most high he kind of loosed him he kind [Music] we pray for life center international church of god in christ lose your power loose your strength lose unity in the room and rebuke bring them closer together bring them closer together bring them closer together in the name of jesus we pray god we pray for the missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the name of shia bring us together cause us to reflect on her teachings in the name of jesus bring us together in love no dissension no competition because of my side i rebuke every first life i rebuke every false hope and rebuke every lustful devil and i lose the power of the holy ghost loose me let me pray here i pray for the international department of evangelism strengthen them do it for your glory in the name of jesus touch every sibling such every family member touch every friend touch every soul such a remember i lose praise in this house i lose praise in this house father lucia angels michael gabriel raphael the angelic host throne hope your head went around god [Music] it's morning season we're crying but we're praising we don't understand but we're blessing him and i thank you and we give you glory and we must attack and at times [Music] i rebuke the spirit of death even now i speak life in this house life in this room hey do it for your glory in jesus name god we give you praise hey hey hey and we miss you shatna and we bless your name he shall allow shalom the peace of the lord to cover this family in the name of peace around them peace about them peace through you in jesus name amen clap your hands and give them glory the bible says for the spirit of heaviness make up your mind and put on the garment of praise let everything let everything [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] psalms 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he make me to lie down in green pasture he leaded me beside the still waters he restored my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his namesake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadows of them i will fear no evil but thou are with me thyroid thy step they comfort me thy prepare the table before me in the presence of my enemies thy unnoticed my head with all my cup running over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i i will dwell in the house of the lord forever so mystery missionary agnes walter with the new testament scripture praise god praise god thank you jesus do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me my father's house has many mansions if that were not so i would have not told you that i'm going there to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where i am you know the way to the place where i am thomas said to him lord we don't know where we are going so how can we know the way jesus answered i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me if you really know me you will know my father as well from now on you do know him and have seen him philip said lord show us the father and that will be enough for us jesus answered don't you know me phillip even after i have been among you such a long time anyone who has seen me has seen the father amen praise god for the word amen all right good evening good evening good evening to you you and especially to you we would like to thank you for coming out on this evening those of you who are here with us and those of you who are tuning in and joining in by way of social media to help us celebrate this great woman of god our beloved lady rachel l hankerson amen we thank god for lady rachel henkelsen lady rachel hankerson is a woman who was saved sanctified holy ghost field and fire baptized we thank god for her because she was a woman of prayer praise and purpose as a matter of fact she talked we the women of the life center international church of god in christ and women of life center i need you to help me now because i have to stand with a good posture on this one she taught us to be women of destiny women of dignity and women of what purpose so we thank you for coming out and helping us to celebrate as a matter of fact to celebrate means to assemble and honor in an enjoyable and joyful way because lady hankerson was a vivacious and lively woman she was not dead dull or boring in any shape form or fashion am i right about it so with that being said let's get started but before we do that we are going to do what we need to do as far as addressing the house and doing that in an ecclesiastical order and establishing protocol and we do not want to offend anyone but in order to expedite time we would not be going through the entire liturgical listings of names oh you appreciate that titles and offices because after all is not about you on tonight [Applause] but we do want to thank god for our second assistant presiding bishop of the church of god in christ being in our midst on tonight none other than the bishop lawrence m wooten and his wife international evangelist shirley woodson you all allow me to do it this way all right and supervisor rosetta watts and all of you who have joined them on tonight from the eastern missouri western illinois jurisdiction we thank god for you all of you who serve in your positions of service and servanthood from the eastern missouri and western illinois jurisdiction we thank god for our jurisdictional prelate of the missouri miss west ecclesiastical jurisdiction the one and only bishop elijah hosea hankerson iii [Music] amen amen a man a man who's playing a dual role on tonight as father and dad and we thank all of his cabinet members on tonight from the jurisdictional from missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction we thank god for our jurisdictional supervisor mother t marie brown and all of her cabinet members amen we thank god for everyone in the missouri midwest jurisdictional in our jurisdiction from the local district and state levels in your position of service and servanthood as well as whatever region you are from from the kansas springfield and illinois area in your positions of servant and servanthood we thank you oh praise god i didn't know that bishop macklin is in the house where's bishop macklin praise god for you thank god for you pray you slipped in on me but we see you now praise god thank god for you and since we're from the church of god in christ we have to give honor on the denominational level of course to our national leader our presiding bishop the bishop j drew sheared and our entire presidium of the church of god in christ we thank god for the church of god in christ we thank god for our general mother mother barbara mccool louis and the entire women's department praise god for them ecumenically we honor all of you from whatever denomination or reformation that you are from in your position of service and servanthood and i believe is is mother wimbush it's her gattin and wimbush is here praise god for you we don't want to leave anybody out anyone out thank god for you mother winterforce gavin winbush praise god for you next we honor all of you all of the leaders and laities this includes everyone and everybody we honor you so everyone has been honored on tonight amen give yourselves a hand and last but certainly not least because it's only right to do we thank god and honor the host pastor of this church for allowing us to have this celebration here the one and only pastor edgar o madison jr we thank you for allowing us to have this celebration here amen and now that the house has officially been addressed and protocol has been established no one else on the program need to do so how about that so now we can go on with the celebration and have church in the way that lady hankerson will want us to so why don't you just loosen up put your hands together and let's praise god for who he is and what he has done what he has is going to do in our lives because as our pastor has said no matter what has gone on in your life every time we turn around the lord keeps blessing us and before we take it back we'll add more to it because god has been good to us even in this pandemic god is still a good god so put your hands together and let's just give god the praise because he is still worthy to be praised praise god and while you're still praising him come on put your hands together and praise god while you're praising him we're going to praise god for this lady rachel l hankerson celebration wow as they minister us in music thank god for this beautiful unified choir amen amen and amen come on [Music] [Music] oh um [Applause] so [Applause] more [Applause] so oh foreign uh [Music] so man so [Music] when the old one is broke down praise god praise god all right all right all right amen we would like to want you all to know we want to ask all of you all of you all of you who are watching this webcast we want you to share share share share this webcast and you can do it through the missouri midwest facebook page hashtag rachel's healing and every time i turn around don't be selfish please share this webcast all right amen amen amen now we're going to have some tribute is that all right all right we're going to have first tributes from the local church now you know somebody said home is where the heart is so we're going to have some representatives from the life center international church the first representative will be from elder elder corey heard and the next representative would be from evangelist lorraine wren now i don't know she may not have had her agency license from memphis but she worked closely with lady hankerson real close with her uh she she went with her and she was her personal assistant so she knows her very well so we're going to hear from these two individuals from the life center international church you may come in this order amen put your hands together for these two individuals from our home church elder corey heard and evangelist lorraine wren in that order god bless you both amen i truly thank god for this celebration this is my first lady this was my first lady my first lady for a long time i actually had to come into the building and and actually see her before i could get that closure because i was praying fasting and expecting god for a miracle but god but god no matter what but god i thank him praise god as missionary life was saying that she was a woman of destiny dignity and purpose and it was not only for the women but she put that in the men as well lady rachel hankerson she loved to bless you with words of encouragement she loves to just show you what you could do if you just put your mind to it and and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie it this this hurts but lady hankerson has the victory she has the victory [Music] because eternal life has begun and that's what she was doing she was living to live again and i i i'm trying to hold back because my wife says i'm i'm not an emotional person but i feel this thing on the inside and i'm not gonna let it loose but i'm telling you my god my god this was a great woman i loved it with my whole heart family i thank god for you i thank god for life center i thank god for mmej i thank god for all of you but every sunday i would leave the church i would lock up bishop would head upstairs and i would go in and say my goodbyes to lady hankerson and as i would leave i would tell her everything is locked up you guys are okay everything is okay i know she is safe right now in god's arms but i just thank god for that time i had but she would always tell me she would say elder herd you're doing a wonderful job you're doing a wonderful job and i just want to let you know life center you're doing a wonderful job yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're doing a wonderful job mmej you're doing a wonderful job keep doing what you're doing let god use you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen the house has been addressed but when i think of the definition of lady it reminds me of our beautiful first lady rachel l henkerson she was classy stylish charming loving caring sophisticated and so much more first lady was a woman of destiny dignity and purpose she was holy and sanctified she walked like esther with strength bravery and dignity as deborah with boldness and power of the anointing she was a special gift to the body of christ you were never without your infectious smile lady hankerson your spirit of genuine love and kindness contagious and tangible evidence of the love of christ as kingdom citizens we understand that earthly loss is heaven gain she was devoted to her family and she reminds me of the proverbs 31 woman she was the epitome of a virtuous woman she was the wife who could be safely trusted by her husband so elijah the third elijah iv raquel matthew mother mccain and elder mccain her sisters and her brother and the entire family we will continue to be praying for you because we are also hurt now lady hankerson take your rest and leave that heavenly choir singing calvary cavalry good night sleep tight i'll see you in the morning [Music] amen what beautiful tribute from elder herd and evangelist lorraine wren amen thank you so much from the local church now we will have the ecumenical community representative from the st louis metropolitan clergy coalition where our pastor served i believe as president for three years amen and he did a wonderful job i believe everything that bishop hankerson touches it prospers amen that's what the scripture says about a blessed man isn't that wonderful so we thank god i believe is reverend charles norris here is he here he's coming all right all right but we thank god for the ecumenical community is he oh there oh right now he's here praise ah praise god furious assistant what he says i eat oh you are you the one or should we look for another we thank god for you but here he is reverend charles norris president so we thank god because our pastor has passed the baton to you and i believe you will do an excellent job as well so we thank god for you the reverend charles norris president of the saint louis metropolitan clergy coalition come on let's give enough of amen [Applause] bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name amen i i thought we were having some praise up in here today amen and look well i know you used to be somewhere else on friday night amen but we're here to lift up the woman of god amen a godly woman a man a good a godly husband a man with a godly faith amen we have come this far by faith leading and depending on the lord amen somebody had to get with me god getting a man up in here today amen giving honor to god [Music] and also if i might ask the members of the saint louis metropolitan clergy coalition that are present this evening if you might stand amen our first vice president second vice president i know are here uh some of our other members amen we thank god for you in this house our hearts are heavy amen but we know that we must all walk this walk lady hankerson was a faithful woman bishop hankerson is a faithful man the two have been faithful that's why everyone shows up when they are that's why the room lights up when they walk in that's why when he talks about her he get a little twinkle in his eye hey man and he tells how smart she was and then some of the things that she was thinking of doing but we come here not only as the saint louis metropolitan clergy coalition but on behalf of all the christian faith the households of faith that are in this area because that's what this is all about faith the just shall walk by faith we shall we walk by faith and not by sight and so we come to encourage you bishop ankerson we have been praying we will continue to pray not only for bishop but the family as well let us remember galatians 6 10 that if we don't become weary and doing good that we will reap if we faint now therefore my brothers and sisters let us continue to do good to everyone my brothers and sisters of all the houses of faith of pentecostal kojic of all the flavors of baptist all the flavors of methodists we are all one people under god because we have that one thing in common which is faith that is what lady hankerson had she believed in god she was faithful unto the end but then she didn't do this just so that this would be the end but that we will have a beginning to continue to lift up her name to continue to see the example and walk by the example that she led even during those last days bishop hankerson as faithful as he was let us continue to be faithful to one another let us encourage one another let us work well with one another and let us keep the faith god bless you and god keep you is my prayer while the rest of our tributes are on their way i do want to make mention and remind you that the family has instructed us to give all of our tributes two minutes to and that's that's it 60 seconds times two if you see me stand up that means take your exodus we appreciate you and we thank you for your time but um you got two minutes and just because we're not addressing the house don't mean you get a bonus somebody say amen so we have two minutes thank you so much it's an honor to be put on the program and we thank you for your time god bless you i'm glad you said it amen we just thank you all now listen you are i know i know it's a challenge i know it's a challenge we have to go through and some of us we're crying through the tears and and you know we have tears of sorrow and and we're thinking about lady hankerson because we love her so much but you know what she is in a better place and i'ma tell you what god did how he helped me he told me you know i used to be a dancer and when i came over here somebody said we didn't stop dancing we just changed partners and what god told me to help me he told me she's not dead she's still alive and then my aunt from virginia said she just changed locations because the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord and douglas miller said when i see jesus hallelujah a man all of my troubles all of my sorrows all of my disappointments all of the pain all of the suffering all of that stuff is over it is complete it is finished no more suffering no more dying no more death all of that is over because when i see jesus amen amen amen hey man oh god she's in a better place she's in a yes we hurt yes we miss her but we thank god some of us with all these back aches and headaches and and arthritis and all of that but we thank god we thank god we thank god when it's all over when it's all over when it's all over we thank god we thank god we thank god she still lives she still lives amen so once again we're asking you to share this webcast the missouri midwest facebook page hashtag rachel's healing and every time i turn around don't forget to do that so right now we're going to have a representation from the jurisdiction amen jesus found favor with both god and man so we thank god because our first lady lady rachel henkerson found favor with both male and female with the missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction so now we're going to have representation from administrative assistant shadrach morton from the c h mason district administration administration administration administrator i'm gonna keep at it till i get it i'm tenacious like that administrator assistant shadrach martin from the c h mason district would you come and we give god glory come on clap your hands and give god glory come on open your mouth you can be stiff tomorrow but it's time to give god a praise i say open your mouth and give god glory because every time lady rachel hankinson got to this poor pit when we had our services she was called us to jump in jurisdiction and she would give god praise in spite of it all i don't know about y'all but in spite of it all we prayed and we was believing god to work a miracle you know god miracles ain't always like our miracle yet we still know that he is a miracle worker if you know that god is a miracle worker stand on your feet and give god a praise in this place [Applause] [Music] 30 i got 30 seconds you already you ain't so suggested distant no way so nudge your neighbor and say neighbor god is a miracle worker we don't understand the things that god does but all we know he still works miracles after miracles after do i get some praises in here let us just look at lady higgins in life and give god a praise god y'all too stiff for mmej but do i got some jumping jewish ditch in here that a praise god like lady hagin said we praise god it didn't take her long to praise god when she started seeking the goodness of jesus i heard bishop say even in the hospital on her deathbed she was giving god praise [Applause] [Music] all right mother team marie brown you made comments this time [Music] [Applause] will you help me hallelujah now lady hagers and experts to do one thing for her my god she said will you shout for me all i need is some first ladies in the house some pastors wives in the house some leading women in the house some will you just one second in the next minute i'll be out of your way but will you shout for ladies [Applause] me you jesus help me praise the lord raise him praise him yeah yeah yeah yeah just shout one time for her [Applause] give it out to my bishop give it out to my bishop to the general mother the church of god in christ i know he told me i got two minutes and i've taken one of those minutes but bishop of you would just allow me to say that she was our first lady she was the first lady of the missouri mid-range ecclesiastical jurisdiction she was the first lady of life in a church of god in christ she was the first lady she was a false lady that shook my hand and said come on and dance with me she was the first lady that gave us our first fish friend during our women's convention she was the first lady and not only the first lady but she was the only lady that had the first night in our women's convention she was the first lady and the first one that said to me um i just want to shout out [Music] his license she was the first lady and the first one that's saying to me supervisor mother marie i just want to thank you but do you remember when your pastor who became a bishop and i'm saying unto you that i never disrespect you and i know of disrespect my bishop and she said to me bishop said mother that's why i appreciate you because you never separated us i come to tell somebody that she the fascinating and the only lady and in my conclusion i just want to say farewell farewell farewell first lady i see you in the morning [Music] [Music] so so so so [Music] amen amen amen the one and only t marie brown supervisor t marie brown i don't think you just have a blah blah blah do you have to be a first lady do you have to be a first lady to shout mother brown do you have to do you have to be a first lady oh it's all right let's arrive that's all right that's all right it's all right it's all it's all right it's all right it's all right i'm trying i'm trying hey [Music] i've been watching i've been watching lady hankerson all week long projecting her red and this this tape and she was singing this song everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right see lady hager can shout my heels are like this lady henkerson he'll be like this but everybody got to do what they have to do but i thank god we're moving on [Music] louis reed the argument is here from here he's tired [Music] so all right all right church of god in christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] president give an honor to god amen i think i think first lady hankerson would be happy about tonight [Music] so do so [Music] lift your hands and say yes lord lift your hands and say yes lord listen i don't want to rain on your praise but we have a speaker tonight and our bishop is going to preach tonight and he's going to need all of the strength that he can get can the church say amen tell somebody you don't have to stop just put a pen in it for now this time we're going to receive the aldermen of saint louis to come and give us what he has let us all say amen amen give an honor to god alpha and omega sustain her life i'm just so humbled to be here tonight they're ready to have church again [Music] see see see see y'all getting ready to get me in trouble because bishop said two minutes i'm gonna ask the uh any elected officials and the members of the board of alliance that are here with us tonight could you please stand could you please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] now listen don't play with it everybody stand on your feet when we gonna give god praise we're gonna do it or we ain't gonna do it the bible says let everything that have breath give the lord some praise come on one two three come on get it out your sister come on and praise him come on on come on come on come on put your hands together and bless him all right so everybody say yes yes yes oh yes [Music] so [Music] all right all right yes [Music] if your voices yeah [Music] yes to your will yeah that's it yeah all right with honor and due respect on our bishop's time let the church say amen [Music] amen the spirit's alive and well in here tell you what i am just so humbled to be here i'm asking members of the board of aldermen elected officials who are in the house could you please stand where you are i just want to we created a resolution for the family honoring the life and legacy of first lady hankerson [Applause] first lady hankerson was a blessing to us all see god gave her the heart soul of an evangelist and a mind of an inventor that's a unique combination he developed the first license plates system computerized license plate system not just in the city of saint louis not just in the state of missouri not just in the united states but in the world first lady hankerson this resolution is the highest honor the board has to give any organization or individual and it's an official act of the board of waldman where we commit their names to the permanent records of the city of saint louis amen so 100 200 years from now when you research the records of the city of st louis you will read about first lady hankerson and her life and legacy and notice she passed this way and she contributed so much so that we adopted this resolution on that day so i just want to thank the bishop and first lady and the first family for all that they've done for the city of saint louis bishop thank you for all the time that you gave of your wife to us the city you know i cannot um thank you enough not just for that but for going beyond just the norm and what i mean by that sometimes we call the bishop 12 11 o'clock 11 12 o'clock at night the first lady would be okay with that and he would help us solve problems so that's what this family has done i'm getting out of here right now but i just want to thank you and congratulate the family and also to the first lady not just an evangelist also an inventor and ambassadors first in the world let's give you know let's give god [Applause] [Music] we're you know that he does things in excellence we want to make sure that he has ample time to get up and minister to us in the best of his strength in your degree by [Music] elijah raquel and matthew are going to come in that order then we will have the ministry of music by lady rachel l henderson celebration choir then our jurisdictional resolution will be read by bishop charles morgan our jurisdictional secretary would you guys come in that order of the church [Music] thank you all so much for coming my sister would love this seeing all of you all beautiful faces and everything and i give honor to god first of all i thank him for everything he's done for me praise god you know rachel was my baby sister i loved her dearly i loved her dearly i supported her when i came over to life center i was there i had her back i was there whatever she needed me to do i was there i'm always there for my sisters and brothers we all stand together we all stand together you know uh i just want to tell you two stories when in april uh myself my son saladin and her son matthew we went out to forest park we were running up and down playing soccer at forest park you all remember that sitting down in the grass just talking about all the old days about eventual center about life center and about everything just talking about it and that was just the uplifting spirit that we had sitting in the park talking about old times and this was in april this was in april this year april praise god and another thing is when i was walking driving down the highway to go see her in the hospital it was sunny outside and i had james cleveland song on it's just as sunny as every it's sunny coming down the highway and then when she transitioned later on that night the clouds started coming it got dark and it reminded me of jesus and how he died on the cross when he gave up on the cross and it got dark he got so far i looked up out the sky when i came out and heard the news and i caught up in the sky and i said rachel rachel and i'm telling you i know and i feel in my heart i don't know what everybody else believed but in my heart i felt god himself came after her soul he came and got herself because he know that she was living a righteous life she was praying in the hospital we always praying in the hospital so i know that god got her i know he came and got her he got her spirit and that's a blessing to know that mom and dad raised us right she raised us in holiness and we love god we love god i want you all to pray for my family i'm going to go ahead and pass it on to my next sister charisse praise god praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody hallelujah i don't hear you praise the lord everybody [Applause] amen i thank god for today that you all have come out everyone uh you came out today in the middle of this crisis you came out to help me and my family celebrate my beloved sister i just can't words cannot express to you how thankful i am a personal thank you to you i just love you so much for coming out to hell help us celebrate her legacy thank you if i could think of rachel lenora i there are many adjectives i can think about my sister she was a phenomenal woman in every possible way she was spirited outgoing vivacious just lovely i think when i when i when i look at that when i look at her when i think about her i see resilience how she was steadfast in everything that she did everything that she set her mind to do she did it and that was just so courageous of her i just so appreciate everything that she's done she was amazing amazing in everything that she did hilarious she had a sense of humor since childhood she was the one making us laugh she had all the jokes am i right she was the one she was lovely she was also animated she was very animated she never gave up she never gave up she ran track although she had asthma she ran in marathons she went she ended up getting a scholarship to go to college who does that that was my sister she was is and always be a true gift of god amen amen saints amen saints this hurts this really hurts unexpected on her deathbed she was saying why is this happening to me why is this happening to me bishop was saying why is this happening what's going on this it hurts it hurts and uh i just want to let you know i was led by the spirit of the holy spirit on monday i was taking my suit and putting my suit into cleaners and doing some laundry and i was speaking to a lady a stranger her name was tracy on dunn road in north county she said she was dealing with cancer three years of cancer and she told me what it was cold water creek look it up youtube it i'm like cold water creek what is cold water creek i didn't know anything about cold water creek she said do your research i looked it up right there when i was doing my laundry and uh and showing below show and behold that's what it's all about north county it's sitting uh on atomic waste field do your research look it up it's on facebook it's on youtube it hurts but we know where she's at that's what makes it good that's the end of the story i thank y'all for all your time kenny you can go ahead and speak while i show what the spirit told me to do i don't know if rachel told me to do this but i did it to be to be aware show awareness i love closure i can mourn properly if i have proper closure that's what i'm about i love the lord and he showed me this [Applause] after i did this i did this this is the truth be faithful [Applause] my brother-in-law he had me over there working little hank raquel matthew you got a soccer game you better call your uncle i'mma be there in college you in arizona i'm coming there you got a soccer team soccer game i'm gonna be there moomoo you know i got you back uncle uncle john got your back i love you [Applause] all right praise the lord everyone when rachel was many things or is many things to many people but to me she's a sister she's a sister when last few days we were looking through some old photos and we found one my wife ebony and myself found one that sums up who she is a number of years ago we went down south to a family reunion family down south and as we're driving some old back country roads we came across a sign that said greenwood mississippi home is the cotton capital of the world something for themselves and i'm driving the van she said kenny i want a picture of that sign so i pulled over on the side of the road she jumps down from the van and runs into this field runs about a hundred yards into this field and just take a picture of this sign and of course this cotton but it was the flowers so then as we're taking some photos she's picking cotton or picking up flowers and just dancing around the field having a good old time that was her she was fearless she was the first one to kick in any door that's who she is and that's who she is to me thank you again for coming [Applause] um i must try to say this without being emotional but my mom was everything to me it still is everything to me i got a few stories i could tell i could talk all night but we got three minutes so she was a woman of destiny dignity and purpose but she also had a bark and a bite to her i remember a time i was in kindergarten and this kid was messing with me or whatever and i don't know what what came over me but i decided to hit him i got in trouble or whatever and the teacher had us stay behind but the teacher had my mom and the kids mom meet but his mom was like you know go ahead and hit him back and my mom was like you are not about to hit my child but i'm behind her like if you want to go let's go like so yeah my mom you know she she could be a sweet sweet lady but you know you don't mess with her kids don't mess with none of us so yeah so i'mma pass this mic over hello everyone i wrote down what i had to say because i didn't want to be too emotional or you know um it's very hard for me to stand up here tonight and to see my mom resting in front of the church um this feel this feeling i have in my body i've never felt before in these last couple of weeks i felt lost and sad but yet strong and courageous i say i feel strong and courageous because my mom taught me no matter where what you're going through stay strong don't give up keep your faith because it's only a test no pun intended my mom in my personal daughterly opinion was the best woman on the earth best mother on the earth best wife on the earth best daughter on the earth and best friend on the earth my mom was a true example of a queen the reasons me and my two brothers stand up here strong today is because my mom installed in us how to be strong even when times get rough like they are now i never thought i'd have to go through this like i said it's not a good feeling but i know she's watching over me and my two brothers every step of the way when time gets rough she'll get she'll be there when times are good she'll be there when times are happy and sad she'll always be there my mom my beloved mom is always with me i love you mama this is not goodbye but a forever hello that's it [Applause] i'm gonna say a story um i remember it was my freshman year of soccer and it was the biggest game of my life it was a big screen and i told my mom and dad to be there because this is the big game as i went to the game through the first half i didn't see them in the bleachers i was getting becoming quit and give up but as soon as i was about to give up i looked back and there was my mom behind the gate cheering me on and that told me to fight and i said coach coach put me up in the my favorite position you put me in that position i scored a goal and all i could hear is script mom tell them to go matt go matt so like raquel said this is not a goodbye but forever hello i don't know my wife was watching me so i can't quit she'll always be there for me thank you come on come on let's praise god for the strength of this family come on come on saints [Music] so so so [Music] uh uh uh oh oh uh three uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the people of god say praise the lord we will remain seated the members of the missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction as we share the resolution in loving memory of lady rachel l hankerson i have received all condolences and those condolences will be submitted to the hankerson family whereas lady rachel l hankerson transitioned from this earthly life to her heavenly reward on sunday june 20th 2021 and whereas she was the first lady of the missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction and whereas she was the beloved wife of bishop elijah h hankerson iii prelate of missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction whereas she was the mother of three wonderful children elijah iv raquel and matthew and whereas she left an indelible footprint on her generation as a model mother wife sibling daughter and saint of god and whereas she faithfully served the lord supported her husband and taught her children to love the lord whereas she was an active servant of god at all levels of the church of god in christ locally jurisdictionally and internationally whereas her legacy of faith and service will continue to inspire her friends and loved ones and all who knew her whereas her family and friends and all whose lives she touched are all the better for her having tabernacled among us now therefore let it be resolved that we encourage all whose lives were touched by her compassionate gentle loving spirit to take solace in the words of jesus in saint john 14 verses 1 through 3. let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also humbly submitted on this friday july the 2nd 2021 in faith and appreciation for the gift of god of our time with lady rachel l hankerson bishop charles e morgan senior jurisdictional secretary missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction bishop elijah h hankerson iii prelate let the church say amen let us say amen again coming to the best part of our service and that is almost we're at the word of god getting ready to have a selection from the choir and then we're going to have the introduction of our bishop by the administrative assistant thomas rogers got about i'm about nine minutes early i need 30 seconds just to tell this quick story we were in jerusalem and in the upper room they picked all of us to preach at one of the spots i got to preach at the jordan river and they picked bishop hankerson to preach in the upper room and we knew it was going to be troubled everybody just said this is not going to be pretty and they were walking groups through we saw different groups coming through and as the groups would come through they were quiet but when the saints got in there we were filling the holy ghost we began to just pray and then they gave bishop the floor he said and when the day of pentecost was fully calm and there was a young lady in our group who had a little spirit i don't i can't tell y'all really what spirit she had but she had a little spirit aaron you were there and um she was you know causing a little havoc all through the trip bishop got to preaching about the power of the holy ghost and our group became more noisy than anything in the upper room holler bishop yes sir bishop mother henkerson was just looking at bishop and looking at the girl and somebody next to me elder elder green michael green the late pastor michael said this ain't gonna be pretty randolph and bishop said every time i turn around and he looked at mother hankerson and that was her cute goal we saw a long denim skirt like a superwoman from heaven flying through the air and she dove on top of this girl with this spirit in the upper room straddled her down on the ground and said look here devil come out right now the blood of jesus come against you i'm not asking you but i command you she looked back at bishop he said go ahead she said right now [Music] all of us start speaking in tongues the power of god fell again in the upper room before you know it bishop can tell you security came running with coats and not get them out of here they couldn't do nothing with us because by then the power of the holy ghost done failed for a second time y'all not gonna like this mother hegerson they was trying to drag her off of this demon but she wasn't gonna let go until the girl got delivered can i get about five of y'all that's been delivered the whole time when folk didn't care where you was or what you had on but they was gonna get you delivered by any means necessary i'm gonna leave it there but when we got out i think to this day we're the only group that's ever been kicked out of upper room i'm not making this up he walked all of us out of there speaking in tongues grown men was crying and mother hangers said never let go that girl till she got on the bus then she sat in the seat with her and kept on tearing with her until she prayed it through in the holy ghost thank god for the legacy of a sanctified woman that didn't care about the devil she cast god a round of applause for the life legacy of this great woman of god mother rachel henderson after the introduction of our bishop in the end of this choir and then we will hear from our leader can the church say amen [Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] three [Music] oh wow wow [Applause] uh [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] true me [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] well bless god we're never alone hallelujah we thank that choir for an awesome selection hallelujah [Music] praise god the house has been addressed i have the honorable task of introducing this extraordinary phenomenal man father pastor leader man of god he's the president of the international department of evangelism he's found the license the international church [Applause] and he is the jurisdictional bishop of the missouri midwest ecclesiastical jurisdiction if you would everybody just elevate your right hand as the man of god come and say lord bless and strengthen bishop elijah [Music] hankerson [Music] god bless you shall we all pray father we thank you for this wonderful opportunity that you have afforded us to celebrate the life of this tremendous woman of god we thank you for what she means not only to all of us but specifically even to my own life and we thank you for the example that she has been we thank you for the great mother that she has been the great wife that she has been the great friend that she has been we thank you for the example that she has given us not only in life but also in death and we pray that you would bless us to say something right now that would edify the people of god that would bring to remembrance her labor and also that would glorify your name because god that's what she would want so we thank you for this right now thank you for the saints that have gathered and we pray that you would bless us to share as you would give and we ask it all in jesus name and all the people of god said thank god amen let's give god the praise in spite of all the what we are facing right now and for the strength i want to thank god for jesus because he is the one that has blessed me there's so many great preachers that are here and we could have got anybody to present the word of god but really no one knew and you all forgive me she is evangelist hankerson lady hankerson all of those various titles but we were just elijah and rachel so if you can just allow us to present in that particular manner tonight she was my best friend and i thank god that we were not just married but we were best of friends and i miss her dearly and i've tried to do all of my uh meltdown at home and the kids were trying to knock the door to me and i had my meltdown there i tried to come in and be nice in front of you all and had another one and so you all just forgive me when you have a good wife when you have a good marriage i had a good marriage awesome woman of god and one of the preachers one of the preachers had me laughing and thank god for those of you that have tried to make me laugh one of the preachers said now if you have a bad wife or a bad marriage you're saying lord let your will be done but i want to thank god that i have a great woman of god an awesome woman of god and please forgive me if you all can allow me not to just go through all of the protocol but i do want to honor my bosses that are here tonight bishop sheared in his absence and god bless you bishop macklin our first assistant god bless you bishop wooten our second assistant and bishop daniels all the way from milwaukee general board member and all of my brother bishops that are here will you please stand all the bishops please stand let's recognize them in their respective places all of the man appreciate you so much standing by my side all of the national officers i want all the national officers of church of god in christ please stand up let's recognize all of them i see chairman edie all of them all the aim family all of evangelism god bless you life center god bless you missouri midwest god bless you appreciate all of you and god bless my wonderful children elijah the four raquel and matthew we give my kids a great big hand [Music] celebrate them i celebrate all of those that came from the state of washington washington state please stand up let's recognize them that's my home state they're sitting with the family everybody that flew in or drove in from out of town please stand up let's recognize everyone that came in from out of town i want to thank you so much thank you so much god bless my mother wave your hand wave your hand wavy hand my mother many of you never met her you've heard me testify about her she's here thank god for this wonderful choir give the choir a great big hand singing an old walter hawkins song never alone i don't have tough glory to worry because i am never alone so i thank god and he is with me [Music] right now [Music] all right all right all right they're ready [Music] i i i told them i said i'm not feeling it right now i feel it you all be a block behind me get rid out ahead of me and take me there so i thank god give the band a great big hand give someone a great big hand and i want you to know that i had like i said an awesome wife and that was because she was raised in the fear of god and in holiness she was brought up first of all that evangelist center church of god in christ under the late superintendent w.b laird where she was in the shut-ins and she fussed us out one time in springfield we were having a shut in and we went and got water and everything she said that's not how you do it you're not supposed to have no food and no water we had breath men she said no you all the carnal-minded chewing gum and everything she got that from elder laird and finally pastor stewart and lady stewart became her pastors but she's fourth generation church of god in christ all the way back to lexington mississippi and i want to thank god for her father and mother mother mccain and elder mccain raising an awesome woman of god will you please give them a hand thank you mother mccain thank you so much mccain went outside but from what they tell me in the family when i came i was old school i was old school mother gatlin i was old school and i went and i asked permission from elder mother mccain could i we didn't say date could i court her and then could i have her hand in marriage and from what they tell me i was the only one only gentleman that came in there to approach one of their daughters that elder mccain did not pull out the shotgun and start cleaning it [Music] and so truly i thank god for these awesome people of god just allow me to just speak to you for a few minutes i won't be before you long but i felt lady putin that nobody could really talk about lady hankerson and her life like i could or like her mother could and this is very difficult i know of course she's gone on to be with the lord and these are just her veins but i'm sure you all can attest to the fact that this is a very difficult time for me many have asked me how i'm doing i said i'm doing terrible but i'm going to be all right eventually and i could hear rachel telling me right now don't you get up there messing up falling out in front of the people and embarrassing the family and right about now she'd be sending me a text keep it together keep it together so i'm going to do my best for her to keep it together we were real with each other and what bothers me so much is not the fact that my wife passed away but i saw her suffer and it broke my heart let me hold it together to see her suffer and um seeing that was very difficult no one should have to see the things that i've seen the last 25 or 30 days or so but i saw one of god that no matter what she was dealing with she continued to maintain her trust in god and we were for real and uh i remember one time i was in her face and she was all frowned up it looked like she was just suffering i said are you cold she said no no i said are you hot no i said what's wrong she said your breath stinks so bad i said is it that bad yes we were just real with each other we were just real with each other there was no putting on [Music] and so bishop macklin i was a little upset with the lord i said well that's in the lord i was expecting a miracle here i am in front of these doctors talking about god can heal and god can bless and god can you know bring me through and they're giving their report and i'm stating my faith and she went on and passed and went on and left us but the lord told me he said no you were a witness he said because they saw genuine love between a christian couple the nurses they would come up to her and say oh you're just so blessed to have a man like this i told the nurses don't you touch her don't wash her don't clean her i said i'm going to take care of all of that and they tell her would say oh you're so lucky to have a man like this i said no i'm lucky to have a wife like this because when i was sick yeah she wore those high heels and yes she was stately but she didn't mind taking care of me when i was down and when i was out she was a sanctified woman one time she had a male nurse lady thuster she had a male nurse and he told me that well she's not talking to me she's not saying anything i said she's not going to talk to you that's a church woman that's a sanctified woman and she's not used to another man feeling on her and touching on her like that i said so you're gonna have to get somebody else [Applause] y'all said saints don't fight that's what y'all said but from the book of john chapter 1 [Applause] verses 6 through 8 for the next few fleeting moments the bible says that there was a man sent from god whose name was john we all know that if lady rachel was sitting right there she'd be the first one standing up the same came for a witness to bear witness of the life that all men through him might believe he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light the scripture says there was a man sent from god whose name was john for the next few minutes i want to talk from this subject there was a woman sent from god and her name was rachel saints of god i want you to know that this was a woman that god had sent to my life she was not just a woman but she was sent by god and i want you to realize that you're not going to find this brother lambton in the church of god in christ hymnal and i know that uh there's various individuals here from various religious persuasions and you're not going to find it in the national baptist hymnal or in the methodist hymnal but bill withers was one of our favorite artists and he had a song called just the two of us we can make it if we try [Applause] just the two of us and then when she would walk in the room the song would come to my mind it's gonna be a lovely day she left me and she went on to be with god but now i'm singing my friends ain't no sunshine when she's gone brother bishops i want you to realize that this is my first time having the cross and the chain on in these last 30 days my wife was a woman sent by god that saw so much that was to come in the future her last message at life center she stated to us she said get your house in order because something is coming and it's going to be something that you've never experienced before some of you may say she was talking about herself but if you go to isaiah chapter 57 verses 1 and 2 the bible says that god will take the righteous out before the evil day comes don't touch your neighbor but touch yourself and say get this house in order she's the one that encouraged me she looked forward and as a matter of fact she saw all of you and she told the kids weeks before she went into the hospital and said be sure to tell everybody thank you so much for coming to the funeral she saw my future i told her she looked at me and she gave me a kiss goodbye and i said rachel you can't do this she said no you're going to be all right i said i'm not going to be all right we're team we're like peanut butter and jelly i wish i had a witness batman and robin raising an oatmeal come on we're together we're a team everything that we have done it has been together she said no you've got a great work to do i said i can't do anything without you she said don't you give up i said come on rachel i said listen and bishop shearer can tell you this when he comes tomorrow all i had to do was hit the enter button i was ready to send it and i told bishop sheard i said i'm ready to give up the church i'm ready to give up the jurisdiction i'm ready to give up the national ready to give up everything somebody is saying did you put her on that kind of pedestal no we were always like this you didn't see one without the other and i said how can i go on and i don't have the one that god has sent me but she told me she said you continue to go forward she was my best friend a lot of you look at me and you say well you know people lose their spouse all the time she was not just a spouse she was a friend she was a woman that god had sent john was a witness and how many know that he was not the light but he was a witness of the light and i come to tell you this woman of god was a witness of the like no one could sing calvary like her pastor madison god bless you and thank you for allowing us to be here but the late bishop r j ward would take you to calgary and lady hankers and i were a team i would paint the picture and tell the people can't you hear the hammer ringing she would break out on that song supervisor brown calvary surely he died on mount calvary she was a witness for the lord not only that saints of god but she was a pure woman i'm just giving my testimony can i give my testimony don't let nobody tell you don't let anyone tell you that you can't be single and saved and sanctified and filled with the holy ghost i'm just giving my testimony when we both married we were both virgins when we got married we were faithful to each other through marriage holy before we met one another holy while we were married and anybody got any ideas we'll be holy even after death i wish i had because sometimes people get different ideas but i had the bible say come out from among them and be separate saith the lord and don't even touch the unclean thing i know we're not touching our neighbor but look at someone and tell them you can live a righteous life in this world not just when you die and go to heaven follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord look at someone and tell them holiness is still right not a denomination but it's a lifestyle it's an experience where god separates you and this was a sanctified one we were faithful in marriage we were holy we uh had a home that it was a refuge to us there's so many people i want you to know that the experience they have a first lady to the bishop we got buried out of love don't let no one max make you [Applause] he that findeth the wife not somebody else finding somebody for you so because one another our home was a refuge we love going home love being in the home together many times what's that thunder god speaking left hand say yes lord but our home was a refuge we love coming home many times we talk to the kids do you want to go here do you want to go there they said no we just want to go home as i travel around the nation bishop hoot and i would tell people make sure you get me the latest flight into your town in the earliest flight out of town so i can get back home and be with my wife and be with my children i want you to know that how many know the bible said love your wife even as christ love the church we truly had love for one another her her witness in in family uh it was sent from god people would laugh at us many times administrative sister michaels they would laugh at us down in memphis we would ride all around the country together and i'm frugal i'm frugal i'm frugal no no elijah the four said everybody knows you're cheap i said no i'm just [Applause] don't pay attention to them listen to me i'm frugal so i would get the most inexpensive car i could get a little economy car and when we'd show up in memphis everybody would laugh they said watch this there's a little car five people are going to get out of the car and we travel all around the nation like that all lower 48 states going to various places just for family vacation and we enjoy being with one another balance because if it was left up to me the kids would be in church every night you know and she said no that's not going to happen the kids need help and they need to have something besides just being in service all the time and uh football season came along i said loose talk about football on a sunday she said the kids are in service every night of the week at least let them have this particular time and i'd get out of service and go and be there with the family with the kids i was able to provide a house but she made it a home i'm talking about a woman sent from god her name was rachel not only that but i want you to look at this program she was an entrepreneur my wife was an educated woman earned four different degrees went to school while taking care of the family just look at it and just read about it when you look at the obituary somebody may say it doesn't say a whole lot about them i didn't want a whole lot about me because sometimes when it comes to you uh pastors wise first ladies a lot of time is all about the husband but i want you to know that she had an identity herself that accomplishments herself [Applause] and go through something that seemed so unfair uh she started coughing around about april or so and i told her i said rachel what's what's going on you must have a cold or something like that we tried to give her cough medicine we tried to give her honey and lemon we tried to give her uh oh fireworks we're trying to give her teeth well you know you know in our you know when i'm sitting at the church sometimes there's gunshots but my bible says watch and pray it doesn't just say praise and watch and pray we can dug for a minute and get up and keep on preaching but saints of god we didn't know what was going on we said well maybe you have coverage he said no i took the test and i don't have covert and i never will forget that night going to the hospital and so many of you were praying wave your hand if you sent me a text and you were praying look at all the people just pray and so many that are watching the cameras that you were just praying all around the nation and we didn't want to go into the hospital my wife saw so many things she saw the kids future she saw my future again she saw each and every one of you she saw what was going to happen in the hospital i didn't want to receive it i didn't want to accept it but she said if you put me in the hospital i'm not going to come out and we went there to the hospital to the emergency room because the pain was just so intense in her body and got there and the doctor said well you're not going on the night and we look at him and say what do you mean we're not going home tonight this is cold give us some antibiotics and let us go doctor said no you have stage four cancer stage four cancer can you miss step one and step two step three and go straight to step four i watch the woman of god to me unjustly and unfairly his cancer was in her pancreas her liver and her lungs and her brain and her bones and her lymph nodes and i heard her crying out to god god why me why me why me and it broke my heart god why me help me god help me god help me she was asking god to help her but as we were there at the hospital and so many of you were praying and all of you this is your friends by audio and mother you sent your prayers all of those that sent your prayers i played those to her eight hours a day everybody has a time to go but how many know that when the saints pray there's power when the saints pray and many times death would come in that room and i saw her even rebuke death off of me i had literally passed an airplane last year when i came to her her eyes were large her face was red and all the people around were just looking at me and said what's going on she said you were completely gone and i looked at her i said what did you do she said i killed the blood of jesus i said these people on the plane don't know what that is she said well they jump in and start lifting the blood also but i told her i said you should have left me where i was at because i had peace over there i said i experienced something like i had never experienced before no worries no concern no care no sickness no pain no disappointment you should let me over there i didn't realize that god was giving me a glimpse of what she was going to experience [Applause] left me over there was a wonderful place and it was something like i've never seen before but i watched this woman of god pray and cry out to god i was trying to go into the other room and and she told me don't leave me she wanted me to stay with her 24 hours a day seven days a week i said i'm not going nowhere see the elijah where are you at i said i'm just around the corner i would have to go around the corner and cry and and just get away but i heard her cry until she prayed through to the will of god saints of god this was a woman that was sent from god because i heard her cry out to god until she surrendered to his will she started off saying god like me why me but they're in the hospital she started speaking glory to god speaking in other tongues now she spoke in other tongues she would start saying yes lord yes lord yes yes [Applause] and as that pain began to hit her body i want you to know that i told god i said god i said please please i said god whatever you do i said please take this off of her please take all of this pain off of her take all of this sickness off of her i said god i have lived a good life you have blessed me you you have done so many great things but there's so much that she desires to do i said god take it over her and i put it on me know that god spoke to me during that time and he said hankerson you've been preaching the gospel now you understand the gospel because that's how jesus was for all of the sin we had a witness and all of the transgression that we had in our life and there was punishment upon us i heard the bible saying romans chapter 3 verse 23 that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god but then he picked it up in romans chapter 6 and 23 and said the weighted of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and he says now you understand the gospel because that's what the son of god did the son of god said instead of all that pain being upon them i want you to take it i want you to put me upon me saints of god i want you to know that this was an awesome woman i don't know what the future holds but i want you to know that she told me that it's gonna be all right god's hand is on my life she told that god is watching out for me she told me to just continue to hope and saints i know that there are so many that are oh i feel something scratching and touching me right now i know that there are so many people in here tonight that your heart is broken because of what has happened but i want you to know that this woman's life was a witness she was a light for jesus christ she was an evangelist for jesus christ she was a soul winner for jesus christ she loved the people of god in spite of different disappointments that she would face even in ministry she would continue to smile and continue to hold her head up i watched her in that hospital as pain was touching her and bishop spirit would call in different ones would call and she would raise up and get enough strength when they talked to her she said bishop i'm doing fine how can you say you're doing fine when you have cancer in your body how can you say you're doing fine when death is knocking at the door the reason why you can do it is because you are a child of god and you know that all things work together for good because we love god and saints of god if lady henkerson was here today she would tell you to praise god in spite of it praise god in spite of your tears praise god in spite of your disappointment praise god in spite of the tests and trials that you're going through i heard the song writers say through many dangerous toils and snails i have already come it was grace that brought me safe thus far and grace is gonna lead me on i don't know what the future holds but i know god is watching over me my heavenly father is watching over me somebody lift your hand and tell god thank you come on and clap your hand and tell god thank you i heard the scripture say in numbers chapter 23 verse 10 let me die the death of the righteous and saints of god that's how i feel tonight let me die at the death of the righteous i watched the woman of god go through i watched deer stream down her face but as she began to listen to the gospel music she was saying i don't have to wait till battle is over but i can shout right now even while i was crying hell and tears streaming down my face i would play praise music i don't mind praise and worship help but how many know that when you in a battle sometime you got to grab the tambourine time you got to grab an old guitar and give god the praise the songwriters say that when praises go up lesson come down i heard the scriptures say that god inhabits the praise of his people and saints of god happened when it got difficult yeah in that hospital room i would turn on the shouting music and say it's time to shout out and even on the hospital bed and give god praise us saints of god help in the church now we've taught folks how to give we've taught them how to have church we've taught them how to raise an offering but we've got to teach the people that sometimes you got to suffer because the scripture says [Music] and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution it's easy to praise god with money in your pocket it's easy to praise god when everything is going your way but can you praise him heaven when tears stream down your face can you praise him when your wife has gone on the glory i stopped by to tell you how somebody told me they said hangerson you have but y'all has to sing their way out a musician has to play their way out but do i have any preachers that know what i'm talking about sometime you got to preach to yourself sometimes you got to encourage yourself and i come to tell you yes i'm talking to y'all but i'm talking to myself what the devil has meant for evil help god help is gonna turn it around help and use it for my good how can somebody say this for the life of my wife i'm glad happy she was a godly woman she was not enlightened but she was a witness of that light health she was a witness that i will bless the lord in all time and his praise shall continually be in my mouth in the good times i'm going to lift him up in heaven in the bad times i'm going to lift him up i'm going to praise him when i feel like it happened praising me when i don't feel like it happened prayed in your head with my head held down cause i know my heavenly father is watching over me have lift your hand to god help me and say god i know you're watching hell you're watching over me you up my strength heaven sure of the my salvation whom shall i fear the lord by the hell is the strength of my life of whom i have shall i be afraid because god that help is my refuge of god and health is my strength because he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high house shall abide under the shadow of the almighty god i will say of the lord he is my [Music] saying [Music] and magnifying god she was my supporter health she was my health health she was my partner helped in ministry saying let's go to calgary come on now and let's look at a man for you and i have something to happen on that crosstalk i heard isaiah saying who have i was upon him because of calvary it's gonna be all right i'm talking to myself because he died yes he did die for your sins died in heaven for my sins she is my wife left heaven i went shopping when she went in the glory house but can't you see how our heavenly father had seen his son dying ahead if you look outside how you'll find the health the mississippi river it goes down the half to the gulf of mexico it flows half to the atlantic ocean but can i tell you how something tonight happened i know of something that's greater than the mississippi is greater than the gulf of mexico how is greater than the atlantic ocean have lean on somebody and certainly there's a fountain filled with blood for my all right [Music] how long it will be or what the future has what it holds for me one thing that i know helps if she themselves if he leads me i'll help i'll before the presence of what you're turning around for and i could hear us saying happy cause every time y'all know it counts i'll turn around it's blessing me can you help me praise god help can you help my family happy praise god help everybody turn around in a circle house go around the room point to someone happy and let them know how i may be crying but every time i turn around come on it's blessing me every time [Music] so so so so so so so the lord bless you everybody stand up bishop robinson are you here if you don't know jesus it would be a shame before god to hear this much gospel and you not give your heart to the lord when our bishop comes to pray after hearing this man of god pour his heart out you have an opportunity to give everything you have over to god nobody knows the time or the season when we're going to leave here but i pray tonight that the message that has been sent that everybody in here will leave here knowing that they're saved and sanctified and filled with the holy ghost we will pray for this our bishop and for his family bishop god give your strength today everybody point your hand in his direction come on and say god give him up your strength spirit of the living god we thank you tonight for this family that stands before us we thank you tonight for their strength that you are giving them right now we thank you father for the gift of the holy ghost that resides on the inside of them that is keeping them in perfect peace tonight oh god as they keep their minds stayed on you father we submit and surrender them to you father to your comfort and to your care knowing that you are going to take good care of the hankersons of the mccains oh god cover them keep them oh god touch them right where they are oh god allow them in the late night hours to feel a tangible touch of your presence oh god god wrap your arms around bishop hankerson wrap your arms around elijah the fourth raquel and matthew oh god and allow them to feel your touch your comforting presence let it be with him oh god we thank you god for what you're doing on their behalf we thank you for this woman named rachel that came amongst us and showed her light oh god now that the legacy of rachel hankert can take and live forth oh god we bless you we glorify you and we thank you for the anchor sins oh god thank you for keeping them thank you for keeping them oh god thank you for keeping them father thank you for your keeping power thank you for your keeping ability we trust you with them tonight god we trust you with them for the days the weeks the monster years come keep their minds o god cover them and keep them father this is our prayer in jesus name amen now the lord bless you and the lord keep you the lord causes his face to shine upon you the lord be gracious unto each of you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and may the lord give you peace and as we leave from this place but never from his presence we rebuke police brutality and traffic ticketing excessive speeding and drunk drivers freak accidents mechanical failure and breakdowns and blowouts and by all means god please stay the hand of death is in the name of jesus we pray amen [Music] uh so so so so so so so so you
Channel: Gator MediaSTL
Views: 7,369
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Id: sqbWr_ALo-c
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Length: 191min 43sec (11503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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