Dorinda Clark Cole - There's a Payday Coming

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advances during the Clark Oh with us tonight she's armed with a remarkable legacy and a very powerful musical gift doctor Dorinda Clark Cole has built an iconic career in music and ministry she's the daughter of the renowned late dr. Mary moss Clark and member of the legendary vocal ensemble the Clark Sisters dr. Cole has skillfully mastered the delicate balance between music life and ministry with resounding clarity building a rich musical legacy that continues to exceed expectations along with her enduring preaching ministry having garnered three Grammy Awards six stellar Gospel Music Awards and a lady of soul award and countless other awards dr. Coe has enjoyed a very successful ladies and gentlemen music career her extensive anointing as an inspirational leader allows her to keep her hands full serving others across broad platforms as administrator at the gym at the gritter Emmanuel institutional Church of God in Christ she's the gospel radio host the nationally syndicated to render Clark Cole radio show a television host on TCT networks the Dorinda show and the word network's show the gospel many of you've seen it according to Dorinda a propriety of her a proprietor of her own clothing line the DCCC rose collection and the couture collection CEO of harvest time ministries the founder of singers musicians and arts conference affectionately known as smack smack ex drug addict to know something about that that's not that kind of smack this is about singers music and arts conference CEO of harvest time ministries and the founder of singer musicians and arts conference affectional and smackin newly appointed elect lady of the international department of evangelism of the churches who got in christ her bios very voluminous amen but to know her is to love her she's a gift to the body of christ so we're gonna sit like a sponge tonight and absorb all the stimuli that's a woman of God is going to impart into our lives and hopefully it would impact your lives on tonight gives me great pleasure to introduce to some and present to others the one and only the dr. Dorinda Clark Cole let's stand to our feet as we receive this phenomenal woman of God come on we can do better than that let's great come on let's give the Lord a hand clap everybody do you love Jesus I said do you love Jesus I said do your lap Jesus come on open your mouth and give them a praise why you while you're at it give them a place come on give them a praise can you clap your hands open your mouth lift your hands do what you do to get God's attention hallelujah he's so worthy to be praised I want you to get your neighbors hand it's imperative that we touch and agree and believe God for the miracles that are getting ready to come our way anybody looking for miracles anybody can see something already about to happen need you to squeeze that neighbor hand and tell him say something good is about to happen to you I don't care what you had to experience the last two or three days something good is on the way I don't care what the doctor told you today something good is on the way I don't care if they terminated you on your job that's alright God's preparing a good one in a new one something good is on the way I don't care if you got bad news this morning something good is on the way squeeze that neighbors hand and tell them say something good is on the way I don't know about you but I really believe that God is working some things matter of fact he knows the plants that he has for us and he's already spoken in the earth about our plans and the Bible says that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein you're here right now and God right now is working some things together for you do you believe that at hand that you're holding you don't know what they're going through but you're gonna pray and believe God for miracles and so what we thank you for your loving kindness your to the mercy your outstretched hands you've been so good to us you see the hand of death gave us another opportunity to walk through these doors and to give God some praise father we thank you that as we going to do this word tonight I pray God that you would anoint us use us for your service right now we rebuke the hand of the enemy we cast the devil from our minds and from our spirits God let your people not leave here the same way they've come but let them leave God having the victory let them leave having a word of confirmation let them leave knowing that what you promised them you're yet able to perform father I pray that you would speak to their hearts speak to their wheel even now turn some things for them now shift some things right now as we speak I bind the devil now Satan the Lord rebuke you drop everything that belongs to the Saints but this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it father I don't know what it is that my neighbor is going through but I believe by your power that before this service is over something good is going to happen to them they're gonna fill it in their spirit they're gonna get a click in that spirit that something is about to change and we plate you now we believe you father we pray God that you would preach me like a mad woman put the devil on the run and I'll thank you for what you've already done I thank you for what eyes have already seen what is are getting ready to hear God that as we connecting the Spirit that you're getting ready to give us everything that you said that we could have and we believed it by your power we believed it by your that you're able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can actually and because of that God I want to give you all the glory I'm gonna give you all the praise I need you to let your neighbors hand go and go for yourself it give God the best ways you can give him right at this particular time he's wondering Oh some stuff for you I said he's wondering on some stuff for you right now it's according to your mouth being open you can't just clap your hands because a true believer knows how that you both at the same time and get some answers after if you believe it open your mouth and give him praise oh yes yes go yes to your whip yes to your way yes no doubt though who am I talking to in this conference yes God anyway you bless me I'll be satisfy I'm wishing and open the mail but get your hands going tell God God believe you've got something here for me [Music] halleluyah halleluyah no some of you saying some of you say you don't feel like praising god but what would happen if Jesus said I didn't feel like waking you up this moment what would that look like tell your neighbor says it's not based on how you feel it's based on who you know because you call on who you know and then you talk to who you know because who you know that the answers who you know can give you a favor who you know already gone before you who you know has already got the answers if your open your mouth you do it tonight I said he'll do it y'all don't believe that I need you to pass it down your role and tell everybody on your role if you go sit this close up on me you don't have to make some noise you don't have to make some noise because he's getting ready to give to me and guess what he's on his way to my house locking some stuff out that's why I got appraiser because he praises of his people he's passing out those of you that don't have your mouth open he's going to the praises because he knows that if I could get appraised raisin then I'd know that everything is gonna work out in their favor if you believe it that's a good place to give him praise again again [Music] certainly God is worthy of the praise and I am excited before you take your seat I just need you to just look at somebody and tell them say if you're gonna sit this close now gonna have to make some noise because she's looking in our direction and everybody didn't know how they up mouth it but she's looking right at you like what's up for real yeah tell him tell him she's looking in our direction you gonna have to say something I know you got your cellphone's up but you can't praise God with your cell phone in your hand you got to get both hands up y'all ain't here especially if you need God to do it real fast I said it nicely if you need God to do it real bad I need you to touch three people and say God's doing something real fast for me for me for me that not a topic back home he is already working it up for me if you believe it holla to polish I show your eyes I feel something up in here I feel something up in here up in here up in here but I don't know about you but I really believe that this is the time in the season that God is getting ready to bless his people like never before reason mean is because it looks like everything you tried to get the enemies got his hand on it y'all not hearing me if he ain't did it yet he's on his way everything that you're trying to do everything that you're trying to get the enemy is got his hand on it but the Bible says that the joy of the Lord becomes your shrimp that it does not matter how much he try to take over all you gotta do is give God a praise and gotta go take care of him no they saying nothin to me when the enemy comes in like a flood [Music] I dare you to tell three people he's listening up the standard he's lifting up a standard he's lifting up a standard yes he is in other words he's throwing in the towel telling the devil okay it's enough now it's enough enough is enough enough is it anybody in here tired of the enemy coming around you your family your money your honey and I don't hear nobody in here tell somebody I'm sick and tired of him tonight he's got to take his hands off my stuff you've been cleared and you declare it it is going to happen y'all believe that tonight amen certainly I got to move real real quick tonight got a hit you in quit you yeah I got a hit you quit you but I'm so glad to once again be in one of the greatest places that I'd like to be in California and of course this church has really been a part of my success because Bishop was one of the first ones that had me here in revival I never will forget that yeah when I was like 18 19 20 I can't even remember yes that's been over like 20-some odd years ago but this is one of the very first places that God has allowed my ministry to flourish and I am so grateful to be a part again of the cornea conference here in Riverside I need y'all to give a warm ovation let's celebrate what God is doing in his life come on my friend and my brother the one and only Bishop Ron Gibson we said just so very much thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this powerful ticket that you have on this week of the corner near conference we are making history again of course he's had all of us here all the sisters here and I appreciate him so very much but behind every great man there's always a wonderful beautiful sweet kind gorgeous personal lady come on y'all give it up put the one and only come on y'all I can't hear y'all give it up for Lady Gibson love you honey love you is always good to see them and we always remember them from the preachers of LA they was holding it down for us we appreciate them representing the Church of God and Christ and we love them as always and it's just so good to see mamas both of the mamas in here tonight come on give it up to mamas tonight so always good to see Lord I want to know what they drinking I just want to know what they're drinking what they eat now it's gotta be some kind of pill they take it they look so good make a tease look like 20s not make a tease look like they forties My Jesus it's absolutely wonderful to all of you ministers and those of you that are at the forefront of this ministry god bless you sister Bennett god bless you in all your efforts and you keep in the corner near car this she has been she has been coordinating this since the inception of this this quantity of conference and she still looks good too boy come on y'all give it up sister Bennett you can be seated in the presence of the Lord I am actually on a time schedule only because my daughter's husband mother passed and so she had to she was trying to come with me and I told her no you stay here take care of everything but she usually travels with me my daughter and because the funeral is tomorrow I just told her to stay home and take care of everything and the kind of going through Amen anybody that lost a mother you know that feels yeah so I told her they just stay home but I I was I was just so these two people were so hospitable to me it represented Bishop and Lady Gibson but brother Keith who was in traffic I said yo y'all traffic don't make no sense we get up on the traffic and here he is they're looking at I'm like what y'all y'all cell phone I know y'all is this traffic ain't making no sense I say y'all just creep it alone like then you go fast he goes in the world oh here in California the owner was supposed to be speeding y'all slowing up but brother Keith and of course his lovely wife they just really really made me feel so comfortable he drove me all the way here I know he's tired cuz he been in the traffic on with his brother Keith and he said such a wonderful work a great driver Bishop he really took care of me then I got me some Rascals he got me some right so you know I'm ready tonight face or more what you want me to sing tonight my momma used to say all the time you feed my girl some chicken they'll sing for you and so it's so brother Keith he he knew he knew he said oh no we gonna stop and we gonna get you the rascal so you can feel good so I am here tonight but come on give it up for brother Keith and his lovely wife a man such sweethearts and appreciate them they definitely rolled out the red carpet for me and I'm so grateful I I'm so glad to see some evangelism workers here tonight of course I see she's a part of of advantage ilysm missions she does this is the lowest morg stand-up sister Lois we love you honey I love her ministry first time I see her in evangelism and she was doing a display of the mission work and the end doing working evangelizing on the streets I've said God so you gotta have people like that and know about ministry a man they got to know the ins and out and she gave us everything to watch or you can't walk up on people y'all ain't saying nothing to me praise the Lord you can't do that no no you can't do people say praise the Lord no she that's why God give us people like that they know about the streets and they know what to give us to give or how to go and witness and so I appreciate her ministry and I see elder Ryan be Bill here tonight come on stand up stand up brother Ryan so good to see you Luke newlywed still the honey has been dripping I guess in the moon or whatever I don't know but I'm so glad to see him he's always been a supporter of my ministry so many of you all like here that's been supporting and I've seen a good friend over there god bless all of you all but I'm just grateful to be I got a treat for you tonight before I got cuz I'm gonna hit you quit you but I'm gonna kill or treat - when I look back hole of my life and I see the beat God's done for me when to take [Music] he's rescued me I could um [Music] my oh yes indeed [Music] yes that time I heard that organ there made me a Twinkie right there that I'm still here and it's by the grace the grace of God oh when I look back over my life and I see [Music] anybody ever been to Cygnus [Music] I think good he's missing I lost sometimes in in the church I've gotta slap somebody somebody slap somebody in a face y'all put a 2 up now I could say [Music] that I'm still here and it's by the grace anybody know about the real grace of God you wouldn't be sitting here right now if it wasn't for the grace the grace I'm still here and I am still here [Music] [Music] I am still here it's not a great I'm still here so many people to kill me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] another day [Music] anybody great with the chickee it's by the grace of God Oh Lord bless my house as I bless you how many of y'all need God to go to your house right now while you're here in his house bless my house [Music] that's what I need him to do while I'm here in California go to Detroit and not the move out of one born into another [Music] Lord bless in my house bless you I want you to go to go to the book of Joel chapter 2 verse 25 Lord bless my house [Music] as a bless you yes too bad sure Oh Lord bless my house you got some seniors here seniors can't play that fast now [Music] lest my house sometimes we can be enough stingy [Music] come on dip your head Lord bless my house [Music] that's what are you gonna do that's what I need them do less my house bless you let's go to the book of John chapter 2 thank you thank you so much guys I appreciate you the one of the Lord says this in Joel chapter 2 verse 25 says I will restore to you the years the years the years that the locusts had eaten the cankerworm and the calliper caterpillar and the palmer worm and my great army which i sent among you and ye shall eat at mcdonnell's you shall eat at Roscoe's you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied praise the name of the Lord your God that have dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed and you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the Lord your God and none else and my people shall never be a shame I want to go here because those of us that have been in ministry for quite some time they've been in ministry let me just ask you of course and how many of you been in ministry over ten years over ten years how many of you been in ministry over fifteen years I mean have you been in ministry over thirty years yeah it seems as though it gets greater it gets greater and that's because we have known Christ all of our lives practically if you haven't known him all your life and you were trained up in the way remember you we used to say that you not grew up in this church they used to say that you know mom and them drove me to church they called us drug addicts because we were drug to Sunday school and drugs every service that there was am i right about it so being in church all your life you basically know how the service runs but it's important that you do not leave out your relationship of every day that you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior you do understand that relationship has to stay intact because if there is no communication on a daily basis you'll lose your relation I want them I send something to anybody I said if there isn't no did y'all hear me I didn't hear nobody saying nothing I said if there's no communication on a daily basis then now I'm getting the church now yeah if there's no relationship there's no communication on a daily basis you lose slowly your relationship so that's why it's important to make sure you stay in contact with God every day so if he's going to restore the years that all these people take a worm farm or a two-legged worm have taken from you God is getting ready to restore back those years I just need you to just look at somebody and tell them say servant Jesus it's really gonna pay off telling this because there's really a payday coming there's a payday is with that there is a payday I need you to just look across the room and say there's a payday coming to me payday coming that's what I want to talk about tonight that the sex of God that have been faithful over a few things God's getting ready to make your ruler over many I believe that you don't have to wait to heaven to get some pain I believe lady Gibson that we can have whatever we won't here on earth I believe we can enjoy life right here on especially in who we know you know we're supposed to be Kings Kings we're supposed to act you know I'm spoiled God spoiled me know why he spoiled me cuz he told me to ask and it shall be given he said sing for the job and you were fine he said nah I don't know who I'm talking to in here but somebody's seeking a job he said knock and the door shall be open anything he said this anything you ask in my name he said I'll do it and so I have really believed sisters and brothers that if there is a payday I have to stay faithful until occur I don't know who I'm talking to in the corner near conference but I'll stop by to tell you that everything that you have done for God God has not overlooked you you've got some things coming that's got your name on it and the only reason why it hasn't got to you yet is because God's trying to find out if I can get a real good praise out of him that's why that's why I was pulling at y'all I was pulling at you telling you know open your mouth and home and give him praise and come on if you know him you'll say something if you love him you give two more fire the more you say something the more he comes to you the Bible is right he said he inhabits the praises of his people in other words if this is praise if this is god what he does is that the more you praise him you know what he's saying he's coming to you saying what he wants to see you in the posture of giving him praise because you know how he is you're not gonna give your kids nothing if they don't act like they won't he inhabits the praises of his people and so what he does he looks at us to see if we're ready to receive what he has and if he can't depend on you to be where you supposed to be and you show up when you get ready he can't give you yo pay look at your neighbors said you got some coming but he's looking at how you're gonna act yeah that's why it's important for us to understand that as we continue to remain faithful unto Him he has some things that he's about to release in your hand because you have you been to church with some folk they never come you've been there for prayer service you've been there for testimony service we don't have that no money you've been never praise and worship you've been there for Sunday night service some of y'all don't come down you just come on Sunday morning you'll come on Sunday night I don't know they got Sunday night service I said Bishop gets Gibson and Bishop you're the only ones that got Sunday night service talking about leaders lead us back not mess with the leaders mess God can't count on you lift your hand and say Lord you can count on me why can he count on you how can he count on you is that you've gotta be in the right place at the right stop by to tell you that just serving God it really does pay off when you really look at all the stuff that you have done for him and it looks as though you see everybody else around you bless that ain't see you see them prospering you see them getting stuff and ingenuity legit and you saying Lord well what's up with me was supposed to even wounded yet remember I was getting ready to me and my husband's getting ready to go buy another house and we bought the other house I told my husband I said now the we got we got to get out of this neighborhood so we got to get out of this neighborhood because going down I said I don't want my kids and anyone anytime the baby said mine was those gunshot oh no it's time to leave come to baby three four years old so much the gunshot no no we're getting out fast then they did then what really made me mad was that there's a man across the street here to lolly didn't ever do his yard never did his yard never cleaned up cars are broken down in his house you know around my house and he never you just never tied it up to the you could tell it was just not right man hit the lottery when he hit the lottery I said Oh Lord it's time to go they not gonna flash that stuff in my face I said that because what God asked for his sake he'll give it to us all we gotta do is remain faith main faithful unto God and he'll she said that he'll give you the desires delight that's what that's why you gotta be careful in who you come in sit next to when you're in church cuz you got some people that aren't purpose they're not gonna praise God just on purpose and you better not move I'm sitting next to you I come back to church with you no no cuz you always get up shop really you must believe almost shout matter of fact I'm oh hallelujah until you're gonna move somewhere else cuz you don't know what God has done for me and what he's working Oh God me I [Applause] need you to look around and just conduce the atmosphere tell everybody around you you gonna have to say something you sitting this quad around me will sup with you God woke you up this morning hold you in the right month you got see you got latch the wall you got a mouth to talk you wanna say something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got a blessin at all times not when I feel like not just because I got money in my pocket but I got a blessing when I don't have a dye you do you can't switch homes on God because he sees that he I need you to open him up and say something he looking at you that's gonna deliver me from people that don't want to praise God you only praise God when you up here you only praise God when you saying something you only I don't hear nobody in here you told me the church told me that you have to make sure that you're always in the posture of praise because you never know when God go release a blessing you never know when he gonna release the blessing I heard Bishop just say during offering time and I don't know why it's coming up right now but he said that's some court cases that are in this room now you may not want to swing your hand and say oh yeah you talked about me know you you may not want to do that but at least when the parties go [Music] [Applause] look at your neighbor and say it's coming right down your street and you better praise God I mean you better praise him he got a roof over your head my god what you've done [Music] and I tell you that ever since I've been serving Jesus I found out it's the best thing that ever happened to me songwriter Song of Songs says I found a friend who is all to me his love is ever true I love to tell how he lifted me and what is Grace can do for me look at your neighbor and say ain't no shame in my game I'm saying that's the continuation of the songs up in here I said I don't even know how much God has in store for you it's why I gotta tell somebody about it us if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side but men rose up against me and said that you will never have what you looking at y'all didn't catch what I just say some of y'all been asking God to take you from one house to another from one condo to another from one apartment to a condo there is a difference you've been asking God to turn some things around playing and let me tell you something you've gotta believe you know how to speak some stuff you can't see you just crazy enough to believe he did it again I don't know what [Music] lesson oh my god [Music] I'll be satisfied yes I will I stopped by to tell you if I don't see me no more that gods getting ready to bless everything around you I Diana call your address out because why you're calling to address health God's go in there and he's working some things out that's got your name attached to it [Music] [Applause] start doing these three things you got the declarative you got the decree attack you've got to believe it you've got to receive it I said you gotta declare it you've got a decree it you've gotta believe it you've gotta receive it because in just a few days guess what's coming tell your neighbor flavor it's coming you ain't got the money but famous coming you don't have the wherewithal but famous coming you don't have the resources but favors coming you don't know who to talk to but flavours coming [Music] don't miss this because that's coming in [Music] they don't stop keep your hands up oh yeah and the king [Music] [Applause] do you know him too much I've been talked about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a he's a heavy lecturer he's a kingdom gibbeh yes yes [Music] [Music] he's a he's a he's a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I don't know what [Music] [Music] I gotta get out of here but I'm telling you gotta keep serving Jesus don't let nobody come in between your soul and your savior that cause good god I'm buddy I got about 10 more minutes but let me tell you something because of what God's about to do it's three things getting ready to happen for everybody that's watching me oh those of y'all watching me in the cornea conference three flakes you get ready to see manifestation restoration and confirmation so y'all ready something is spoken in and you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we keep talking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're soaked [Music] [Music] what you go gibbehhhhh's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing safe solo - out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell somebody the next five days [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute wait a minute I need everybody take a seat for a minute I need y'all take a seat for a minute how about see I'm gonna see how many y'all really looking for a payday sit down take a seat I know it's gonna be hard but just take a seat take a seat sit down if I sit down now find out how many I don't have to take my shoes off my feet hurt then listen this one I need y'all to do it I'll do something every door but I will fire we'll do something like we did it without a fight which means that everybody got to be shot so look at your neighbor say I don't care if your feet are take them shoes off just yet no wards and fuse everyone [Music] [Applause] this is what we do where we refer by us nobody sits down everybody shot so when y'all see that on social media is real we have a good time ain't nobody sit down even the seniors are seniors are no need to be up your name Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the station [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] silly when upright silly would approach that's what he's gonna do he's gonna do it's been the best thing ever happened to me well grateful about it [Music] people about it tell your neighbor say I'm so glad that is five days God's go show up somewhere in my life against bad day God will show up somewhere in my life yeah everybody connected to me gods go show up somewhere in my life come on lift your hand and tell him thank you though hallelujah hallelujah Oh bless your name Jesus everybody get your hands up get your hands up get your hands up [Music] God we thank you for your presence tonight thank you for your presence car father we realize that serving you it will pay off we really believe that there is a payday coming these muscles and brothers that I hear God that you would touch their hearts and strengthen them keep them in the suit of your wheel the hull of your hand encourage their hearts on a daily basis let them know serving you has been the best decision they could have ever made but I pray now that you'll cover them and strengthen them father as they do ministry God give them new ideas make them productive and make them active motivate them stimulate them give them their heart's desires we thank you for what you're going to do hallelujah in Jesus name come on everybody clap your hands and get
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 53,717
Rating: 4.6556015 out of 5
Keywords: Dorinda Clark Cole, There's a Payday Coming, 23rd Annual Koinonia Conference, Bishop Ron M. Gibson, Life Church of God in Christ, COGIC
Id: wqsM8-2svvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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