Joseph Part 4

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hey Salaam Salaam through your Dutch Uncle John here to tell you what it is in Joseph's part for now last time remember we left off Joseph had taken Simeon Shem an hearing and he had bound him and he sent the brothers back to bring the youngest brother Benjamin to him why because Joseph knows Joseph knows what these guys did to him and he's just sure that they probably did something as rotten and evil to his younger brother Benjamin and he just wants to make sure Benjamin is okay okay so he's sending for Benjamin and now they the brothers had to go back and tell Dad listen he wants us to bring Benjamin Jacob is not excited about this he's already lost one boy and now he's lost two boys because he's lost Jim Ian right and he grew me to send Benjamin remember Benjamin and Joseph were were the two sons of Rachel Jacobs favorite wife okay he's not keen on on sending Benjamin but there's a famine and they're starving and that's the only solution to get food so he finally says alright you know what if it has to be it has to be if I'm bereaved of my children I'm bereaved I think he's what he said so then he tells them you know taking a little almonds take some pistachios take some honey and and send it down to him he's trying to you know get on the good side of this Egyptian leader who happens to be his son Joseph and he doesn't know that sir oh they said he agrees to have Joseph go down there okay Jacob agrees to send Benjamin down to Joseph and we're in Genesis 43 starting in verse 16 I think he says when Joseph saw Benjamin with them he said to his house steward bring the man into the house and slay an animal and make ready for the manner to dine with me at noon so the man did as Joseph said and brought them in to Joseph's house now the men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's house and they said it is because of the money that was returned in our sacks the first time that we are being brought in but he may seek occasion against us and fall upon us and take us for slaves with our donkeys remember whenever they went back the first time Joseph had their money put in the sacks and so they're thinking oh he's they're bringing he he's bringing them to his house to pounce on them for the for them stealing their money back which they didn't do okay it's interesting it says that Joseph said to his house steward remember Joseph is a type of Yeshua okay and remember the entire book the entire book is written about Yeshua Jesus okay so it shouldn't surprise us that there's these parallels in there with with Joseph and Joseph has this house steward okay he's the servant I think that this house steward could be a in some way a type of the Holy Spirit alright because he's the servant right and he's the one who's going to inform the brothers of things of what's happening so verse 19 so they came near to Joseph's house steward and spoke to him at the entrance in the house in verses 20 to 22 the brothers tell the steward their whole tale I'm not gonna read through it all verse 23 the the the house steward said be at ease don't be afraid your God and the god of your father has given you a treasure in your sacks I had your money then he brought shimmying out to them then the man brought the man into Joseph's house and gave them water and they washed their feet and gave their donkeys fodder verse 25 so they prepared the present for Joseph's coming at noon before before I read that notice how do the brothers how do the brothers learn about this coming of Joseph from the house steward from the servant see that's kind of a Holy Spirit type right how do we learn about Yeshua the Holy Spirit comes to us and tells us okay so I said that might be a parallel there so they prepared the present for Joseph's coming at noon for they had heard that they were to eat a meal there when Joseph came home they brought into the house to him the present which was in their hand and bowed with the ground before him he then asked about their welfare and said is your old father well of whom you spoke is he still alive and they said your servant our Father is well he is still alive and they bowed down in homage notice the brothers are bowing down to Joseph we saw that way back in part one when Joseph had the dreams of the sheaves in the field bowing down to Joseph's sheave and then he had the the Sun Moon and the stars and eleven stars were bowing down to Joseph's star or buying down the Joseph's okay so all those dreams that he had back in part one but chapter 37 they are now being fulfilled the brothers are in are indeed bowing down to him Genesis 4329 and as he lifted his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin his mother's son he said is this your youngest brother of whom you spoke to me and they said may God be gracious to you my son and when he said Joseph said this Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother and he sought a place to weep and he entered his chamber and wept there then he washed his face and come out taught himself and said serve the meal verse 32 so they served him by himself and them by themselves and the Egyptians who ain't with them by themselves because the Egyptians could not eat bread with the Hebrews for that is loathsome to the Egyptians now they were listen to this one verse 33 now they were seated before him the firstborn according to his birthright and the youngest according to his youth and the men looked at one another in astonishment how cool is this he has them come his lunch he has place-cards sit around the table and as they're sitting there they notice we're sitting in order of our birth the oldest next next next all the way around to the youngest one know is that there's a we're how many of other eleven of them right what are the chances that Joseph would just this Egyptian who is Joseph we're just accidentally or happenstance put them in their birth order this is a prophetic picture also you know today Jews don't know what tribe they are from I take that back there's one there's one tribe that that does know the Levites okay the priests if you're if you're a Levite you would have a name today like the name Cohen Cohen is the Hebrew word for priest so if your last name is Cohen you're from the tribe of Levi if your last name is Katz that's a tribe of Levi if your name is Aronson your Aaron's son right Aaron was the first high priest does this make sense lovely Levison levy you're the priestly tribe but none of the other Jews know what tribe they are from okay that's how it works but in the book of Revelation chapter 7 starting in verse 4 it talks about this and said I heard this is John talking and I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel in the book of Revelation they're going to pick 144,000 Jewish male virgins and they're going to be sealed some mark put on their head because they will be they will have become believers then okay and it says in verse 5 that from the tribe of Yehuda there'll be twelve thousand sealed from the tribe of Reuben they'll be twelve thousand from the tribe of GAD twelve thousand and he goes through and lists all 12 tribes in Revelation here and it'll be twelve thousand reads that's what makes up one hundred forty-four thousand so at some point in the future they're going to know what tribe they are from right because they're gonna be twelve thousand from this one twelve thousand from that one and only God would know what tribe that somebody was from so that revelation is going to be made in the book of Revelation that galoot apocalypsis right so it's kind of a same picture jesus knows what tribe they're from and Joseph knows the twelve brothers well enough to seat them in the right order okay you see that picture it's there or whether you see it or not okay Genesis 43:32 well the example in verse 32 verse 34 and Joseph took portions to them from his own table but Benjamin's portion was five times as much as any of theirs so they feasted and drank freely with him notice Joseph gives Benjamin five times as much as the others remember five the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet was hey what is hey hey is a revelation a blessing something big is coming okay we just know five hey grace okay and it's interesting that all the brothers are given a portion Benjamin's given five portions it's the grace is being poured out on Benjamin the favorite okay say about that we see it in in first end of seventeen when David goes after Goliath remember he reaches down he took his stick in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put him in his bag and with the sling in his hand he approached the Philistine David only used and needed one stone for to take out Goliath but notice he picked up five a revelation a big blessing if something is going to be revealed something big is coming okay so anytime you see five we've also recovered this beginning in the Noah talk that there are five verses in the Bible where the fifth mention of the person's name finds favor the fifth mention of Noah Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord okay in the Book of Ruth what did she say please let me go to the field and glean among the ears of rain after one in whose sight I may find favor and they only said there go my daughter Saul said sent to Jesse saying let David now stand before me for he has found favor in my sight that's the fifth mention of David's name in the Bible and Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her fifth mention of Esther and God granted Daniel favor that's the fifth mention of Daniel in Daniel 1:9 no and here's another big example of five meaning blessing grace the Torah the Torah has five books in it right that's thank you thank you alright you can't get better grace than that right okay Genesis 44 verse one then he commanded his house steward saying fill the men's sacks with food as much as they can carry and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack again right there doing it this is already happening once before then in verse two Joseph says and put my cup the silver cup in the mouth of the sack of the youngest and his money for the grain and the sermon did is Joseph told him and as soon as it was light the men were sent away they with their donkeys and they had gone just out of the city and were not far off when Joseph said to his house steward up follow the men and when you ever take them say to them why have you repaid evil for good is this not the one from from which my lord drinks and which he indeed uses for divination you have done wrong and doing this okay there's this this cup that he has buried in one of their sacks and and he's going to accuse them of stealing it okay and it's kind of funny he says don't you know that this is the cup that my Lord uses for divination well this Joseph does he use divination as he is he fortune-telling with this magic cup absolutely not Joseph is not Joseph says he can't even interpret dreams the dreams are only interpreted by God okay so he's kind of toying with them on this and it's funny that that this this whole idea of a cup okay because who ends up getting the cup is Benjamin that's where they're gonna find the cup in Benjamin's bag okay and we have this we have a picture here in in the New Testament the Brit hadashah where Jesus is the night before his crucifixion he's had the Last Supper he goes over to the garden of gethsemane he's praying he's praying so much that he sweats blood he imagined being so intense that you sweat blood huh and Jesus as he's praying he says Abba Father all things are possible for you then remove this cup from me yet not what I will but what you will Jesus is asking God if there's any way possible to remove this cup from me Jesus is innocent right he's innocent he's about to go through crucifixion Benjamin is innocent and he ends up with this cup that he doesn't want to have in his bag Jesus does not want to drink out of this cup right of crucifixion I think it's interesting you know people say well yeah I have this problem I had this problem I'm not a solvent and because it will pray about it Oh God he's not gonna he can't answer that one s you know they're just impossible for God to answer this know if Jesus himself Yeshua he came to earth to die for us that he that's the purpose of him coming yet even jesus prayed the night before his crucifixion God if there's any other way but no Matt let this cup be removed for me but either way not what I will but what you will if Jesus is is asking God for the impossible because that's impossible right and it behooves us to do the same do not hesitate to ask God to remove whatever cup of injustice or a problem you have okay Genesis 44 verse 6 in verses six through eight I'm not going to read them all but the the brothers proclaim they're innocent you know how could we steal silver and gold from the Lord sit through your Lord's house verse nine and then they say with whom ever of your servants it is found let him die and we also will be my Lords slaves so he said now let it also be according to your words he with whom it is found shall be my slave and the rest of you shall be innocent so the the brothers are so sure that they are not guilty of taking this Cup they're saying hey whoever is the Cup is found with let him die and the rest of us will be slaves little do they know that the cup is in Benjamin's Valliere okay but then the house steward says no okay no kind yes we'll do it for you dear words with whoever it is found they will be my slave and the rest of you shall be innocent and the servant searched and beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack remember Benjamin Ben yameen Ben his son yameen his right hand so Benjamin the son of my right hand then they tore their clothes and when each man loaded his donkey they returned to the city okay this is this is unbelievable with whom with whom ever of your servants it is found let him die and we also will be my Lords slaves that's what their suggestion is and no the servant says let it be according to your words he with whom is found should be my slave the rest will be innocent that's nice you know what that's a picture of that's a picture in the in the Brit hadashah the New Testament in John 11 verses 49 and 50 and this is a verse 49 but one of them typhus who was the high priest that year said to them you all know nothing at all nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man died for the people and that the whole nation not perish you see the parallel we're not going to punish all 11 brothers for this missing cup only the one who in who in whose bag is found okay the same thing here in the New Testament you know though it would be expedient for one person to die instead of all the Jews in Israel okay if we can if we can throw all the blame on the Yeshua Jesus that would solve our problem okay so he searched verse 12 beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest and the cup was found in Benjamin's bat sack then they tore their clothes and when each man loaded his donkey they returned to the city oh my goodness you make this deal right that the only the only one will be punished the rest of you can go free and it's found in Benjamin and you know remember they begged Jacob please let us take Benjamin we have to take Benjamin to so we can go down here and get Simeon back and get food Reuben come up in a harebrained idea you know what Dad if I don't bring him back you can kill two of my sons ridiculous okay and Judah his plan Judah was was better Judah said listen I will be Cerruti for him I will take responsibility that was nice okay Jude is kind of coming around to to remember he's the one who said what was the profit us to kill him let's sell him Jude is the one who when Taymor was found pregnant you know let's have her burned so Judah is kind of he's coming around here you know did say here also when they discovered this that they tore their clothes and when each man loaded his donkey they returned to the city I'm going to go back to the the New Testament go back now I'm going to go forward to the New Testament in Matthew 26 verse 62 and talk about this trial with Jesus because there's some really cool poignant points here that kind of tie in in verse 62 is the high priest stood up and said to Jesus do you not answer what is it these men are testifying against you notice he's asking Jesus okay so what are you accused of you know it doesn't work that way in our court system today you they can't get you to testify against you right you have to if you want to accuse me of something you bring in two witnesses and I need two witnesses and they don't have to be people they could be a fingerprint and some DNA or a video or a smoking gun or you understand but you need two witnesses it's not drag me into the court and say all right what are you guilty of we're gonna know it doesn't work that way it all comes from this right here okay verse 63 in Matthew 26 but Jesus kept silent notice he didn't testify against himself and the high priest said to him I adjure you by the Living God that you tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God Wow we've talked about this in an earlier video this is Leviticus 5:1 leviticus fraud 1 says if if you know who did the crime and someone comes to you and put you under oath and say do you know who did this do you know the answer to this crime if you know and you don't tell then you are guilty of the crime right that's what Caiaphas is pulling on Jesus here okay he can't get Jesus to fess up to anything was nothing to fess up to right Jesus is perfect so he can't get Jesus to they can't find anything and and Caiaphas as much as he wants rid of Jesus he can't just sentence him to death oh yeah first of all he has no authority to sentence him to death the Romans are in charge here right but he can't get him on anything because nobody can make an accusation that will stick so the high priest pulls out leviticus 5:1 i adjure you if you know the answer to this question you must answer it are you the Christ the Son of God so Jesus has to answer if he if Jesus says if Jesus says no Jesus just lied and he's no longer perfect he cannot be in our perfect korban or perfect sacrifice if Jesus says yes then we'll you'll see what happens because Jesus is going to tell the truth here Yeshua said to him you have said it yourself nevertheless I tell you hereafter you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven then the high priest tore his robes and said he is blasphemy what further need do we have of witnesses behold you have now heard the blasphemy ok this is gonna get good here we're still gonna talk about the Caiaphas Jesus thing here again did Jesus tell us the truth remember I told you if Jesus says not only is a lawyer and the case is finished if Jesus says yes blasphemy he's claiming to be the Son of God he's claiming to be divine right blasphemy his sentence is death and Caiaphas screams out and tears his own garment and okay if you go back to Leviticus 21 looking go through all through Leviticus and find these rules but in Leviticus 21 1 through 10 it gives a bunch of rules that are specific to the high priest oh I'm going to just read a couple of them here Lord said to Moses speak to the priest the sons of Aaron and say to them no one shall defy him defile himself for a dead person among his people see in verse 5 it says high priest they shall not make any baldness on their head nor shave the edges of their beards nor make any cuts in their flesh verse 7 says they shall not take a woman who is profaned by farlow tree nor shall they take a woman divorce from her husband okay so high priest a priest can't marry a high priest can't marry a divorced woman verse 9 it says the daughter of any priest if she profanes herself by harlotry she profanes her father father and she shall be burned with fire remember this one this is where the one Judah is trying to have tame are burned for getting pregnant doesn't apply to Tamar because she's not the daughter of a priest verse 10 the priest who is highest among his brothers on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and who has been consecrated to wear the garments shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes so here's just a whole bunch of rules and there's a bunch more that the high priest can't do and if you look at that verse 10 Leviticus 21:10 the priest who is highest among his brothers on his head the anointing oil has been poured who has been consecrated as consecrated to wear the garments shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes nor tear his clothes the high priest cannot tear his clothes by the way notice the word in there in that word clothes is b'god okay we're talking about that but God is garment right this whole how many deceptions by garment do we see in this story okay but notice he can't tear his clothes if you go back in Exodus we're doing rabbit this is a rabbit trail of a rabbit trail Exodus 20:8 it says these are the garments which they shall make for the high priest a breastplate and a fall in a robe and a tunic of checkered work a turban and a sash they shall make holy garments for aaron and his brother that he may administer his priests to me okay so the priests had to wear certain garments verse 31 of Exodus 20:8 itself it says you shall make a robe of the ephod all of blue there will be an opening in its top in the middle of it around its opening there shall be binding of woven work like the opening of a coat of mail so that it will not be torn okay the the high priest has a specific garment that he's wearing it's got this double ring around the neck so that it specifically cannot be torn which is good because Leviticus 21 says the high priest may not tear his garment but what happened whenever typhus picture this guy Jesus said yes yes as you say and soon I'll be returning okay on the body on the clouds typhus yells blasphemy Caiaphas takes his garment and tears it right there typhus is no longer high priest he's purposely and and premeditatedly tore his own garment now there's an opening in the high priesthood the minute kayfa store that garment well guess what Jesus is gonna he will fill that position remember Jesus came to be our sacrifice he came to be our high priest he came to be all everything for us our husband okay and you see a picture of this when he's being crucified John 19 verses 23 and 24 remember the soldiers when they had crucified Jesus took his outer garments and made four parts apart to every soldier and also his tunic now the tunic was seamless woven in one piece so they said to one another let us not tear it but cast lots for it to decide whose it shall be this was two fills fulfill the scripture they divided my outer garments among them and for my clothing they did cast loss okay this here he's quoting here Psalm 22 Psalm 22 is my goodness eerie just my God my God why have you forsaken me this is a psalm of the David does but it's it's just pointing to the Messiah okay it starts out my God my God why have you forsaken me the same words Jesus yells on the cross and throughout this Psalm 22 it talks about that is his he was pierced he was that none of his bones get broken in verse 18 of Psalm 22 it says they divide my clothes among them and they cast lots for my garment this is what's happening with Jesus there on the cross okay so the moment typhus tears his garment typhus is not the high priest Jesus is on the cross and they they're separating his garments here you take this one you take that one oh look at this this is one seamless piece let's not tear it if we tear it it ruins it by typhus tearing his he's no longer the high priest by Jesus not having his torn it's showing the heebie is our new high is that beautiful my goodness and notice back in Leviticus 21:10 where it actually gives the rule about you can't uncover your head or tear his garments if you take that the beginning of that verse the priest who is the highest among his brothers the priest who has highest among his brothers take that sentence and Mark off every third letter starting with the first hey it spells out high hain Dom Yeshua behold the blood of Yeshua God is woven that in every third letter I think that's kind of cool I love it when he does stuff like that no you okay and and in Hebrews 4:14 it goes on and it reinforces therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Yeshua the Son of God let us hold fast our confession we see it again in Hebrews 6:19 and 20 this hope we have had we have as an anchor of our soul a hope both secure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Yeshua has entered as a forerunner for us having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek remember in the Old Testament whenever you send the priest was kept to kill the animal one was the scapegoat and sent out one of them he'd take the blood of the sacrificial animal and go behind the veil only the high priest could do that and pour the blood on the Ark of the Covenant okay well Jesus he he entered within that veil okay in fact when Jesus is crucified it said that the veil was rent the veil was torn okay signifying that now we no longer need and an earthly high priest to go and make atonement for us now the veil is torn it's no longer have direct access to God each of us we don't need to make confessions to some priest in a confessional we can go directly straight to God with Jesus as being our high priest very nice isn't it we don't no longer need to sacrifice an animal we have the sacrificial blood of Yeshua Jesus okay what was our topic today ah Joseph let's go back there Genesis 44 verse 14 and 15 okay when yahudah Judah and his brothers came to Joseph's house he was still there and they fell to the ground before him and Joseph said to them what is this deed you have done do you know that such a man as I can indeed practice divination now that's interesting because as I told you earlier Joseph Joseph doesn't practice divination right so why is he telling them that well it's remember Joseph is a picture a type of Yeshua who's going to come later and would you believe in matthew 12:24 later the Pharisees and the leader religious leaders of the tongue Jesus time they are going to accuse Jesus of not practicing divination but maybe doing doing things what are you know that satanic matthew 12:24 but when the Pharisees heard this they said this man casts out demons only by Beelzebub the ruler of demons so later the Jews are going to accuse Jesus of the Jews the Pharisees who are Jews but specific ones they're going to accuse Jesus of dealing with satanic things okay and there's kind of a foretaste of this when Joseph says to them don't you know that your man is that I can practice divination verse 16 so you sir you Hooda said what can we say to my lord what can we speak and how can we justify ourselves God has found out the iniquity of your servants behold we are my Lords slaves both we and the one in whose possession the cup has been found they're taking responsibility we're also we're all your slave and Joseph said far be it for me to do this the man in whose possession the cup has been found he shall be my slave but as for you go up in peace to your father Yeah right there is no way they're gonna go up in peace to their father if he keeps Benjamin that would kill their father so then you got to come up with something here a quick verse 30 now therefore when I come to your servant my father and the lad is not with us this is this is Judah imploring begging Joseph okay when I come to Europe servant my father and the lad is not with us since his life is bound up in the lads life when he sees that the lad is not with us he will die thus your servants will bring the gray hair of your servant your father down to Sheol in sorrow for your servant has become he's talking about himself Judah for your servant became certainty for the lad to my father saying if I do not bring him back to you then let me bear the blame before my father forever now therefore please let your servant remain instead of the lad a slave to my lord and let the lad go up with his brothers for how shall I go to my father if the lad is not with me for fear that I see the evil that would overtake my father see what Benjamin or what Judah is doing here Judah is saying listen there is no way I can go back there my dad will die our Father our Father your servant our Father will die if I don't return with Benjamin I gave him my word so please take me let the boy go back with the brothers let me take the place of him Wow Judah Judith coming around here isn't he he's willing to give his own life for his brother reminds me of John 15:13 what does it say greater love has no one than this that one lay down his life for his friends that's what Jude is doing here very nice offering his own for this is it's a picture of a that a substitute can can fill in for somebody else well that's the whole Jesus picture isn't it Genesis 45 1 then Joseph could could not control himself before all those who stood by him and he cried have everyone go out for me so that there was no man with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers okay Joseph about to spill the beans of who he really is but what does he do first have everyone go out from me so that there was no man with him it's only going to be the brothers and Joseph when he reveals himself that's a hugely prophetic picture it's actually how is it going to happen at the end Jesus Yeshua is going to come back when is he's going to come back to Jerusalem and they're gonna the Jews are gonna say to him how did you how did you get those holes in your hand and Jesus says I got them in the house of my brothers right and my friends but the picture that he has everyone go out from him before that happens that might be a picture of the rapture okay Jesus is not going to go back to Jerusalem and announce himself and and reveal himself to the Jews until everyone is sent out from them okay picture of the rapture it's there I see it that's he judge 45 one through three verse two he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard it and the household of Pharaoh heard it then Joseph said to his brothers I am Joseph is my father still alive but his brothers could not answer him for they were dismayed at his presence then Joseph said to his brothers please come closer to me and they came closer he said I am your brother Joseph whom you've sold into Egypt now do not be grieved or angry with yourself because you sold me here for God sent me before you to preserve life there's a couple things here one he says I am your brother Joseph whom you sold into Egypt now we talked about that right back in part one I don't think that the brothers did something they wanted to sell him and we talked about that that the Midianites pulled him out and sold him to Ishmaelites okay but Joseph doesn't know that Joseph was just a guy in a pit all he knows is he gets pulled out and sold he didn't know who actually in his mind his brothers did the selling but he wasn't out of the pit watching the transaction he's just assuming that they're the ones who did it so just because it says here I am your brother Joseph whom you sold into Egypt that does not prove that they sold him in Egypt it just proves that Joseph thinks that they sold him into Egypt make sense that's an important point okay and that that God sent him before to preserve life all of this was part of the big plan he knew that the famine was coming he knew all this and he had Joseph go to Egypt and being sold and the whole thing to preserve life very nice a very complicated path but he was all orchestrated and prophesied and set up by God how neat is that okay 45 9 through 11 hurry and go up to my father and say to him thus says your son Joseph God has made me Lord of all of Egypt come down to B do not delay you shall live in the land of Goshen and you shall be near me you and your children and your children's children and your flocks and your herds and all that you have there I will also provide for you for there are still five years of famine to come and you and your household and all that you have would be impoverished verse 12 behold your eyes see in the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that this is my mouth which is speaking to you now you must tell my father of all the splendor in Egypt and all that you have seen and you must hurry and bring my father down here then he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept and Benjamin wept on his neck and he kissed all his brothers and wept on them and after his afterward his brothers talked with him then Pharaoh said to Joseph say to your brothers do this load your beasts and go to the land of Canaan and take your father and your households and come to me and I will give you the best land of Egypt and you will eat the fat of the land now you were ordered do this take the wagons from the land of Egypt for your little ones and for your wives and bring your father and come do not concern yourself with your goods for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours remember each of represents the world right you have the Promised Land the land and then you have the world a lot of times in the Bible it'll be fun when it talks about the land the land is Israel when it talks about the seas those the nations when it talks about Israel that's God's promised land when it talks about Egypt Egypt is a kind of a symbol of the world okay verse 21 then the sons of Israel did so and Joseph gave them wagons according to the command of Pharaoh and gave them provisions for the journey to each of them he gave changes of garments but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of garments there's the five again blessings pouring out onto to Benjamin okay we see it in Matthew nine sixteen here's a couple more examples do you do you not understand remember the five the loaves of the five thousand how many baskets full you picked up right Jesus feeds 5,000 with five loaves okay we were given five senses sight sound smell taste touch we have five fingers right there five okay come what can we do with this wonderful right so five blessings verse 23 to his father he sent as follows ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and sustenance for his father on the journey so he sent his brothers away and as they departed he said to them do not quarrel on the journey I think it's funny that but they put that verse in there because he he encodes these brothers he has to warn them don't be quarreling on the way verse 25 and they came up from Egypt and they came to the land of kin to their father Jacob and they told him saying Joseph is still alive and indeed his ruler over all the land of Egypt but Jacob was stunned for he did not believe them when they told him all the words of Joseph that he had spoken to them and when he saw the wagons that Joseph had said to carry him the spirit of their father Jacob revived then Israel said it is enough my son Joseph is still alive I will go and see him before I die isn't that neat you get some you know you ever just get just depressed and you just you don't want to go ahead and you get some really good news like this right and you are just revived you just okay you know it just woe is me woe is me and and then and then Dutch uncle puts out a new video as you are revived yeah right okay 46 verse 1 so Israel set out with all that he had and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices to the god of his father Isaac I think that's beautiful first of all beer sheba beer remember means well Sheba is seven this is the well of seven but the first thing that Jacob Israel does is instead of just that's getting the wagons and go to Egypt he goes and offer sacrifices house is that what we do and we get the good news is the first thing we do thank you God thank you that's it that is a beautiful picture there way to go point Jacob point Israel verse 2 and God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said Jacob Jacob and he said Here I am and he said I am the God of your father I am I am God the God of your father do not be afraid to go down to Egypt for I will make you a great nation there I will be down with you to Egypt and I will also surely bring you up again and Joseph will close your eyes so you're his son Joseph will be there when he dies right that's the closing of the eyes by the way in verse 2 when he says Jacob Jacob then he says here am i there are seven times in the Bible that somebody's name is repeated there are four in the Old Testament Abraham Abraham Abraham says here my jacob jacob here mine moses moses hairline samuel samuel speak for your servant is listening and in the new testament there are three Martha Martha Simon Simon and Saul Saul notice the three in the New Testament are not as the responses aren't as gung-ho as in the Old Testament and the Old Testament here am i I mean we're ready to answer they're ready to go do whatever God's calling you know in the New Testament you were Martha you're worried and bothered by so many things silent why do you give Satan permission to shift sift you like wheat Saul why are you persecuting me differ a little bit different here on that but the point is that there are seven seven being that completion perfection number right okay Genesis 46 verse five then Jacob arose from Beersheba and the sons of Israel carried their father Jacob and the little ones and their wives and the ligands which favored had sent to carry him and they took their livestock in their property which they had acquired in the land of Canaan and came to Egypt Jacob and all his descendants with him his sons his grandsons with him his daughters and his granddaughter's and all his descendants he brought with him to Egypt and the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt were two and all the persons in the house of Jacob who came to Egypt were 70 so Jacob shows up with 70 70 70 that's a huge number right biblically 46 28 now he sent you who did before him to Joseph Jacob did to the point out the way before him to Goshen and they came into the land of Goshen Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father Israel as soon as he appeared before him he fell on his neck and wept on his neck a long time then Israel said to Joseph now let me die since I have seen your face that you are still alive there's more falling on the neck remember they did that when he saw Benjamin he fell on Benjamin's neck and Benjamin fell on his neck and now he's falling on Jacobs neck a lot of neck falling going on Genesis 47 we're not going to read at all but this is where Pharaoh meets Jacob verses 1 to 12 verses 13 through 26 they retell the whole story of the famine ok and 47 27 it says now Israel lived in the land of Egypt in Goshen and they acquired property in it and were fruitful and became very numerous verse 28 Jacob lived in the land of Egypt 17 years so the length of Jacob's life was 147 years when the time for Israel to die drew near he called his son Joseph and said to him please if I have found favor in your sight place now your hand under my thigh and deal with me in kindness and faithfulness please do not bury me in Egypt but when I lie down with my fathers you shall carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their burial place and Joseph said I will do as you have said and he said swear to me so he swore to him then Israel bow in worship at the head of the bed Genesis 48 verse 1 now it came about after these things that Joseph was told behold your father is sick so he took his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim with him when it was told to Jacob behold your son Joseph has come to you Israel collected his strength and sat up in the bed then jacob said to joseph god almighty appeared to me at loos in the land of canaan and blessed me and he said to me behold i will make you a fruitful and numerous and i will make you a company of peoples and will give this land to your descendants after you for an everlasting possession now your two sons who were born to you in the land of egypt before i came to you in egypt are mine Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine as Reuben and Simeon are but your offspring after the offspring that you have been born after them shall be yours they shall be called by the names of their brothers and their inheritance here's what is what Israel's just done he's about to die he sits up in bed because Joseph in and says listen these two boys of yours Ephraim and Manasseh they are my sons they are equal to Reuben and Simeon and all the others you understand he is a doctor damn 100% fully his they are the sons of Jacob they are the sons of Israel Joseph's two boys that's interesting and you're gonna see why in a second here okay you know back at the beginning of this talk we showed you the twelve tribes of Israel here they are okay Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naphtali GAD Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph and Benjamin that's the order that they were born here's their chemistry values here's how you spell their names in Hebrew got it okay and there was all kind of clever things when you added up their names they added up to 31 82 which happened to be Elohim value 86 times 37 remember the 37 s just show up everywhere okay we also had different combinations these four were 1147 and these four and these four remember which happens to be L 31 times 37 right we have these four adding up to 888 you had all this beautiful Gomorrah working out and when it's just 24 times 37 here with Yeshua Jesus his number name is 888 in the Greek okay that's what we had at the beginning of this story these are the original twelve sons of Jacob but now at the end of this story you're gonna have Joseph Joseph is gonna die soon okay well Jacob is Jacob's definitely gonna be dying soon but at the end of Genesis Joseph dies okay and when you get to Exodus and you read on and the rest of the Torah you don't have those original twelve sons anymore now you have a different set of twelve sons the new set and I have them here juxtaposed against each other from Exodus on you've got Reuben Simeon Judah Dan GAD Asher Issachar Zebulun Benjamin Manasseh and Ephraim notice in the new list who's missing well Joseph Smith Singh why because Joseph died at the end of Genesis and you know who else is missing Levi levy right well why are those two boys missing notice there's still 12 tribes there's still 12 sons listed it's just a different 12 okay and let me explain what's what's gonna happen here in the in the rest of the Torah levy is going to become the Levites right and they will not be be listed in the inheritance of Israel of of Jacob okay they will not get one of the portions okay in fact it talks about that the priests the Levites their inheritance is the Lord they are going to be the priests the priestly tribe okay and I mean you can't get a better inheritance than Yahweh Yahweh is your inheritance Levites the other boys they are all going to get a chunk of land in the Promised Land okay so what about Manasseh Ephraim how do they work in well remember Joseph he is a son of Jacob he should get a piece of land okay but Joseph he's gonna get two pieces of land remember the firstborn the firstborn son becquer becquer bait cough race 222 it adds up to two to the firstborn gets a double portion right well Reuben is the firstborn correct but the problem was Ruben he was a wild kid if you go to the end of Genesis 49 okay verses 2 & 4 this is when Jacob was giving blessings to all the sons and he says gather together here o sons of Jacob and listen to Israel your father Reuben you are my firstborn my might and the beginning of my strength preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power uncontrol is water you shall not have preeminence because you went up to your father's bed then you defiled it and he went up to my couch so although Reuben was the first born to lay up Jacob's first wife Reuben did some bad things he went and slept with his father's concubine so he loses the the benefit of being firstborn Joseph now Joseph is also a firstborn Joseph is the firstborn to Rachel the one that that that Jacob really loved so when Reuben gets kicked out of the firstborn category and the benefits for it Joseph moves in as the firstborn of the second wife so Joseph is going to get this double portion it makes sense okay and so whenever you have the list of 12 tribes from Exodus on you're gonna have the original brothers - levy because Levi because he is it's the God is Yahweh as his inheritance and when you get to Joseph Joseph stead Joseph died at the end of Genesis so Joseph's two boys remember Joseph is going to get a double portion one portion goes to Ephraim one portion goes to Manasseh so you still end up with 12 tribes and remember Jacob he adopted these two boys he said these two are mine just like Reuben and Simeon okay so whenever you see how they divided up the land there'll be a portion for Ephraim there'll be a portion for Manasseh does that make sense of course it does okay if I take those twelve tribes and what will list them here just like we did at the beginning of Genesis but this is the new list okay Reuben Simeon Judah Dan see we leave eyes out and Joseph is out and we've put Manasseh and Ephraim me in and we put in the owner come on tree values and there's their spellings of their names okay now remember all the earlier ones they all had divisible by 37 divisible by 37 now the 12 tribes if you add them up with Manasseh and Ephraim they add up to 3,700 exactly hold on we got a phone call hello sorry we were interrupted by a phone call but we're back okay my friend from issue recalled how cool is that okay so we're talking about these two 12 the 12 sons the 12 new sons right Levi's becomes the the priest Joseph is dead Manasseh and Ephraim are taking his place right and if you add up the 12 new 12 from Exodus on all right those twelve boys add up to 3,700 that is so cool yes and I've gone and I put the twelve in the in this there's a 3 cross for up and down 12 boxes and I've even put them in order you got starting up in the upper right is Reuben and work your way across Simeon is next Judah Dan Naphtali GAD Asher Issachar Zebulun at the bottom Benjamin and then you have Manasseh and Ephraim they're in order in their ages here you see it okay now what's kind of cool about this not kind of cool what's absolutely very cool with this is if you look at the two in the upper left Judah and GAD Judas name adds up to 30 in the Galant rhea and GAD it's a gimbal and a Dalek three and four seven Judah and GAD just those two tribes around add up to 37 that's the remember all 12 they're gonna add up to 3,700 but those two up in the corn left corner add up to 37 and look at Reuben Reubens name adds up to 259 by itself the red and 259 is 7 times 37 again very cool check out Simeon and Natali's they border each other here Simeon's 4 60 Natalia's 570 they are at the 1036 which is 28 times 37 mr. Corin Zebulon add up to 925 together that's 25 times 37 the three across the bottom Benjamin Manasseh and Ephraim add up to 888 the same value as Jesus in Greek but that's 24 times 37 and Dan and Asher add up to 5 5 5 which is 15 times 37 it's not only do they all head to 3700 but different groupings of them are also divisible by 37 just unbelievable complexity in this that God has woven into here right these boy what it is just beautiful I think okay Genesis 448 7 now as for me when I can't this is a Jacob speaking now as for me when I came from padang Rachel died to my sorrow in the land of Canaan on the journey when there was still some distance to go to ephra and I bury her there on the way to Efrat that is Bethlehem he continues first say when Israel saw Joseph's sons he said who were these and Joseph said to his father they are my sons whom God has given me here so he said bring them to me please that I may bless them now the eyes of Israel were so dim from age that he could not see then Joseph brought them close to him and he kissed them and embraced them Israel said to Joseph I never expected to see your face and behold has let me see your children as well then Joseph took them from his knee and bowed with his face to the ground Joseph took them both Ephraim with his right hand toward Israel's left and Manasseh with his left hand toward Israel's right and brought them close to him okay I I have a it's confusing so I'm a pit out here okay the see Ephraim has his right hand toward Israel's left hand and Manasseh has his left hand toward Israel's right hand best there's other standing there like I have a picture at the bottom verse 14 but Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on the head of Ephraim who was the younger and his left hand on Manasses head crossing his hands although Manasseh was the firstborn alright you know remember Benjamin is benjamine son of my right hand your right hand is your strength when Yeshua Jesus when he dies and raised from the dead he goes up and he sits at the right hand of God the right hand is the pre predominant hand right that's that that gets the blessing that's the good right and here Israel Jacob is about to bless these two grandsons and what does he do he stretched out his right hand and laid it on the head of Ephraim who was the younger in his left hand on Manasses head crossing his hands although Manasseh was the firstborn so III and the younger is getting the right hand you see the problem here okay well if you don't know matter joseph sees the problem okay and joseph tries to correct his dad okay well we'll talk about that a minute in in verse 15 let's listen the blessing Jacob blessed Joseph and said there here comes the blessing that he's about to give the God before whom my father's Abraham and Isaac walked the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day the angel who has redeemed me from all evil blessed the lads and may my name live on in them and the names of my father Abraham and Isaac and may they grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth notice this blessing there's something hidden here it says the God look at my finger there the God before whom my father's Ibrahim an and Abraham and Isaac walk the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day the angel who has redeemed me from all evil why didn't he just say the gun God who has blessed me no he said it three times there's God the Father before whom my father Abraham and Isaac walk there's the Holy Spirit the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day and there's the third the angel who has redeemed me from all evil I'm gonna put the angel as being the son Yeshua because remember because schewe came down and wrestled with Jacob earlier in his life right that was the angel of the Lord the messenger of the Lord this is this is a pre-incarnate Jesus coming down to earth and wrestling Jacob a christophany they call it right a pre an Old Testament appearance of Yeshua I just think it's interesting that this blessing included a three-prong part to it pointing out that complex unity the tri-unity of God nice isn't it okay verse 17 when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on a friend's head it displeased him and he grasped his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manasses head so well when he's doing that blessing remember he puts his right hand over on ephraim and his left hand on Manasseh and and Joseph says no no dad you've got it you've got it wrong first of all how could you even I mean Jacob knows all about mixing up blessings if you remember right Jacob was the one who he bought the the birthright from Esau and any went in and covered his arm with goat hair into his father Isaac and trick Isaac into giving him the younger Jacob the blessing that Esau was supposed to get so Jacob knows all about blessings and mixed up blessings of giving the wrong wine to the wrong Joseph doesn't need to be coaching his dad on giving the blessing right not so father this is the firstborn but his father refused and said I know my son I know he also will become a people and he will also be great however his younger brother shall be greater than he and his descendants shall become a multitude of Nations He blessed them that day saying by you Israel will pronounce blessing saying may God make you like ephraim and manasseh then he put ephraim before Manasseh you know I want to point out with something here whenever he brings these two boys in and he's giving this blessing and he puts this hand over on that one and he puts this error on that one and he tells them you two boys are my remember he adopted them they became part of Israel and got a blessing and you know what you see when that happens look here you see his arms are crossed there's the cross it's an member ephraim and manasseh are not Jews they are sons of Joseph and who's Joseph married to Paula Farah the the they're no hacen f the daughter of Potiphar or the high priest have owned an Egyptian she is Egyptian she is not Jewish which means her two boys Ephraim Manasseh are not Jewish they are Gentiles yet they become full-fledged sons of Jacob how through the cross I am a Gentile and maybe many of you are Gentiles watching this but you are going to become part of Israel through the cross you see that beautiful beautiful prophetic picture here it talks about it in Romans how we the Gentiles we are grafted in to Israel we are the wild olive branch Israel is the olive tree and it has natural olive branches those are the Jews and then over here you have the wild olive tree and the wild olive branches me and other Gentiles yet we can become part of Israel now we are grafted in because of Yeshua's finished work on the cross it's the cross that brings us in just like he crossed his arms and brings in those two boys ephraim and manasseh how beautiful is that I think I'll have a drink to that wonderful wonderful picture okay and then in Genesis 25 remember this is remember Jacob and Esau right and then and Jacob makes the stew and Esau came and said hey Esau said to Jacob please let me have a swallow of that red stuff there for I am famished therefore his name was called a dome red and Jacob said first sell me your birthright okay Esau said listen behold I'm about to die so what use is a birthright to me and Jacob said first swear to me so he saw sword him and sold his birthright to Jacob then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew and he ate and drank and rose up and went his way thus Esau despised his birthright here's another example remember Jacob preempted Jacobs the second born he saw as the first and Jacob became the preeminent right right here he saw gave away sold his birthright by the way this is a nice picture Esau comes and says hey give me some of that red stuff I'm about to die he was he wants a bite of stew okay and look what it says then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew late he gave him bread and lentil stew bread wasn't in the deal that was very nice of Jacob to here here's the stew oh and have some bread and he ate and drank Oh he drank oh yes you understand he's he's throwing some stuff in extra that wasn't part of the deal Jacob was not screwing his brother here he's he gave him and gave them as some extra you know it's kind of like the baker's dozen you go to a Jew and say yes give me a of those and they throw in 13 that's the picture right you're not gonna come back and complain we got a bad deal I gave you what we agreed on and gave it a little bit extra I like that I said I think that's a Jewish concept right make the customer happy but anyway this birthright this birthright that he's getting it includes that some things Jacob Jacob gets the birthright remember part of the birthright you get a double portion because you are the firstborn but if you sell that birthright then that double portion now goes to the next whoever it's going to so Ruben didn't get the double portion Joseph gets the double portion and then it went to his two sons ephraim and manasseh okay part of the part of the birthright also is the the priesthood is gonna come through that line the kingship is going to come through that line the birthright brought a lot of things along with it okay so whenever Ruben loses the birthright for sleeping with his dad's concubine or wife not wife but made handmade or whatever and Joseph Jacob feted well Jacob gets the birthright over eat Esau and from Jacob his boys are going to be splitting up that birthright not of Esau sons so when Jacob gets the birthright from Esau the double portion part of it goes to ephraim and manasseh the sons of joseph right the Levitical priesthood goes through Levi a son of Jacob the kingship is going to go through Judah Judah Tamar it goes only through David David do you schewe there's the kingship you see how important it was when Jacob when Jacob got birthright from Esau it carried a lot of things with it and that all they all came through Jacob kingship through Judah son of Jacob the priesthood through Levi a son of Jacob the double portion came through Joseph the son of Jacob not the first son Reuben but the firstborn of this of his second wife Rachel so that birthright purchase that happening between Esau and Jacob that's huge because all these things came out from it you see that okay what else 1st chronicles 5:2 explains why reuben didn't get it it says now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel for he was the first one but because he defiled his father's bed his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel so that he is not enrolled in the genealogy according to the birthright say it this is why Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh who are fully adopted by Jacob they each get a portion there is the double portion because they Joseph's dead Joseph's gonna die at the end of Genesis and these two boys then get each each a piece right ok what else we got here Genesis 49 this is this is the end here where Jacob is blessing everybody and he's we already said he he he told Reuben you're not getting the you know your uncontrollable was water and or whatever he said to him but for for Judah verse 8 it says Yehuda your brother's shall praise you this is the blessing Jacob's giving all the boys Judah your brother shall praise you remember Judah means praise your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies your father sons shall bow down to you Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son you have gone up he couches he lies down as a lion and as a lion who dares rouse him up verse 10 the scepter shall not depart from yahudah nor the ruler's staff from between his feet until Shiloh comes and to him shall be the obedience of the people that verse 10 that's huge the scepter here's the scepter I you you're in control if you're holding the scepter the scepter shall not depart from Judah this means the kingship is going to go through the line of Judah Jesus Yeshua he is from the line of Judah we talked about it with Judah and Tamar and they had the two twins Peres and then they'd gone down through when you get to Boaz and Boaz has Obed and Jesse and David and David you keep going down and you come to Yeshua the scepter the kingship is going through the line of Judah and it says that this kingship will not depart from Judah nor but that means it's going to the part at some point it shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes that means at some point when Shiloh comes the scepter will depart from Judah you see that okay well when did Shiloh woody who is Shiloh Shiloh it comes from like the word peace and it represents the Messiah so it says the scepter will not depart Judah so one of Judas descendants will always be king in Israel until the Messiah comes then it's going to depart well guess what when Jesus shows up when you shoot the Messiah shows up where the Jews in control with the day have a king on the throne then and those spells know why remember maybe they did not have authority to kill Jesus the Romans one challenge you see the scepter had departed from Judah they didn't have the authority to kill they had to get the Romans permission to do that so this this prophetic picture in verse forty nine ten of Genesis it's saying there will be a king on the throne Israel and that king will come from the line of Judah until Messiah comes this is it's almost proving itself that Shiloh must have come because the scepter had departed they no longer had the authority to capital punishment somebody you see that that's that's huge and pretty also that it works okay okay we're gonna wind this up now Genesis 50 verse 22 now Joseph stayed in Egypt he and his father's household and Joseph lived one hundred and ten years Joseph saw the third generation of Ephraim sons also the sons of mufe here the son of Manasseh were born on Joseph's knees Joseph said to his brothers I'm about to die but God will surely take care of you and bring you up from this land to the land which he promised and on oath to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear saying God will surely take care of you and you shall carry my bones up from here so Joseph died at the age of 110 and he was embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt was a lot happening there okay Joseph living 110 years old he's about to die he wants them to promise that you will take my bone back there and bury me when I do die okay no problem there and then Joseph does die and he's embalmed and he's placed in a coffin in Egypt this word for coffin by the way is our own there it is our own we see that word elsewhere in the Bible in Exodus 25:10 whenever he instructs them to build an ark the ark of the covenant they shall construct an ark of acacia wood two-and-a-half cubits long and one-and-a-half cubits wide and one-and-a-half cubits high this is the Ark this is the audience where they put the tablets the Ten Commandments went into the ark the a bowl of man out way into the Ark Aaron's rod which budded went into the ark these three items went into the Ark of the Covenant they had the carrier there's all covered with gold they was in the temple this is where the high priest would go behind the priests and behind the veil and pour the blood on the mercy seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant that Ark of the Covenant that is the same word our own it's the same word as coffin that Josephus is put in it has nothing to do with Noah's Ark Noah's Ark was it - bought at tebah okay that's a different word completely this word around is two meanings it's this coffin and it's the Box the Ark of the Covenant okay that's interesting that they use this word is for Kaufman and for Ark okay I also think it's interesting the way Genesis 50:20 six ends it says Joseph died at 110 and he was involved and placed in a coffin in Egypt what that's the last verse of Genesis is that amazing and remember how Genesis began in the beginning God created the heaven than the earth it starts out with a bang and it goes to ends up in a coffin in Egypt how did this go from this to a coffin in Egypt I think that's kind of most the state of mankind we were we were created in chapter 2 chapter 1 of Genesis man is created and Genesis ends up ending in a coffin in Egypt yet God has a plan to bring us back right which involves also the aroan the coffin the Ark of the Covenant it's going to be part of it of your solution right Yeshua the word the manna anyway god bless you for watching may god get the glory and the honor and the praise for putting all this beautiful stuff together III really enjoyed this Joseph talk I hope you did as well and I guess we'll see you soon god bless mn5 you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 6,265
Rating: 4.9423075 out of 5
Keywords: Joseph, יוסף, judah, yeshua, ישוע, jacob, ephraim, manasseh, Genesis, Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 10sec (5530 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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