John 3:14

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here to tell you what it is in a new testament verse we're still in kyrgyzstan we've got our lovely lubimi pomegranate juice and uh we are in the book of john chapter 3 and we're going to look at verse 14 and it says as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life then the famous verse 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life okay uh up to the verse 14 it says first of all i just want to point out as moses lifted up the servant serpent in the wilderness that phrase in the wilderness you should know in hebrew it's bemidbar remember the letter bet in front of a word is a prefix meaning in and the word meat bar is the word wilderness and where have we heard bamidbar oh that's the fourth book of the torah right genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy but in hebrew barashit vayikra bamidbar debarem so you should remember that okay so he's talking about putting a serpent a snake up on um or it's lifting it up okay lifting up a serpent in the wilderness what does this mean okay well let's talk about serpents the first place we hear about a serpent is back in genesis 3 1. and now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman indeed has god said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden that word serpent there is nakhash it's a noon a het and a shin okay which the noon is the n sound the hat is like a kh from your throat and the shin is a sha so is there an s sh sound so it's kind of n k s nakash which is kind of interesting because there's the same three uh consonants we use in english for the word snake right and we use a s an n and a k very clever um and the snake in this three one he is tempting eve to take a bite of uh the tree from which she is not supposed to take a bite um and she ends up taking the bite and there's and then she convinces her husband adam to take a bite uh and when it's all said and done god says to the serpent in genesis 3 14 because you have done this curse it are you more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field on your belly you will go and dust you will eat all the days of your life um so there something happened here whenever she took a bite because satan this snake when she obeyed him and took took a bite of this his venom is is sin and it it now corrupted her it corrupted adam and it corrupted all of their descendants this venom gets inside of all of us okay we are born with sin we are born with this snake venom so now we're going to go up to the book of numbers okay and in numbers this is where bamibar um they they have come out of egypt they're wandering in the wilderness uh they had just beat beaten i think the canaanites in a battle and they wanted to cross through edom and edom said no we're not going to let you cross our land and so moses tells the people we're going to go all the way around and enter the promised land well the people are grumbling they're they're feeling pretty confident that they just beat the canaanites and why don't we just go in and we'll just attack and kill anybody who stops us and moses said no we're not doing that we're going around and the people grumbled and they complained as they did often okay and because they complained so much this brings us up to numbers 21 starting in verse 6. there's only four verses here that that's going to tie into our verse from john 3 14. and let's start reading in verse six then the lord sent venomous snakes among them and they bit the people and many israelites died the people came to moses and said we sinned when we spoke against the lord and against you pray that yahweh will take the snakes away from us so moses prayed for the people the lord said to moses make a snake and put it up on a pole anyone who is bitten can look at it and live so moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake they lived oh what a strange four verses okay but it is packed with good stuff um okay look in verse nine it says uh and moshi made a bronze serpent okay that word serpent we've already covered is nakash and the word bronze is nechroshet notice the two are kind of similar they both have a noon they both have they both have a shin and then the word bronze has an extra tough at the end only difference between these two words um now that's a it's and also it's a weird remedy for this uh problem because we know from exodus 20 verse 4 that god himself in the commandments said you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water under the earth all right he's he's made it quite clear no idols and now he's telling them to make a bronze idol and put it up on a pole and of all things it's a bronze idol of a snake a snake which which started all the problems to begin with right okay you know it's it's i'm i'm from uh east texas uh and louisiana south texas uh east texas it's a shame that adam and eve weren't from there because they would have eaten the snake and it wouldn't have been a problem but unfortunately they were not okay um let's go to exodus 32 verse 7 because there's another time where there was a an idol made and god didn't like that one okay this is when they are when moses uh musa goes up moshi goes up to the mountain and he brings down the tablets and starting in verse 7 then the lord spoke to moshi go down at once for your people whom you brought up from the land of egypt have corrupted themselves they have quickly turned aside from the way which i commanded them they made for themselves a molten calf and have worshipped it and have sacrificed to it and said these are our gods o israel you brought us up from the land of egypt and yahweh said to moshi i have seen this people and behold they are an obstacle now then let me alone that my anger may burn against them and that i may destroy them and i will make you a great nation he tells moshi it's interesting if you had to choose between these two idols one of them god ordained and one of them the people just did on their own okay the one that came through moses was a brass snake snake poisonous venom i just see death involved with this one and then his brother aaron the first high priest he had them making a gold calf and a calf is oh it's life-giving right it's just a beautiful uh wholesome i think of mother's milk and just if you had to pick if i put these two in front of you which one is the solution i think we would all pick the beautiful life-giving golden calf yes that's the one that 3 000 died that day because of it and it was the brazen serpent the poisonous one that ended up that moses told them that's the one that brought them life from this problem that's an interesting take there no okay so we said that this uh the word bronze is nechochet it's a noon and bronze by the way what is bronze it's a combination of copper and tin and sometimes they throw some other materials in it's a very strong metal and bronze throughout the bible represents judgment okay so keep that in mind and here you can see again the the similarity between the words necrochet and see three of the letters are the same and then you just have a tough attack on the end which that right there is very telling look at the word nechochet it's the word snake with the letter tav and tov remember represents a covenant it's the cross okay so you have a snake on a cross or a snake on a pole is the word bronze and that remember bronze represents judgment okay and the remedy for this venom snake venom is found in numbers 21-9 and it says that if a person or if a serpent bit any man when he looked to the bronze serpent he lived okay you just have to look at the bronze serpent notice the jews were not told to hey go concoct some ointment or or remedy for healing their own wounds well yeah you know that that's that applies to us today right we have sin we have that venom in us that that eve received and adam received when they took a bite of the apple or the the fruit the forbidden fruit we have that same venom inside of us how do i get rid of my sin problem well i can concoct some ointment no there's nothing that i can do to take to get rid of my sin okay uh you know the jews were not told to uh minister to others who were wounded in order to get relief for themselves you know i i see that one applying too if if you have a snake bite um and i have a snake bite me trying to help you with your snake bite does not relieve my snake bite logical and the same that applies also to sin right if you're a sinner and i'm a sinner and i help you with your sin that doesn't get me relief from mine the jews were not told to fight the serpents you know once once the serpent bites you and you got the venom in you what can you do fighting them is not going to cure you and the same thing here applies i think with sin and satan right we have sin in us and i can fight satan how uh where is he uh how do you even begin to fight satan okay physically fight satan uh the jews were not told to make an offering to the serpent on the pole okay well i said well i can see that with satan too i'm not going to make an offering to satan to please take that venom that sin away or i've already sinned the venom is in me it's not coming out and making an offering to the serpent is not gonna heal you okay uh the jews were not told to pray to the serpent nor should we be praying to satan for any kind of relief makes sense the jews were not told to look at moses what's moses going to do he doesn't have any solution for the venom inside them okay and the jews were not told to look at their own wounds oh my goodness i've been i've been bitten by a snake and you can stare at it all day long and it's not going to remove the venom the solution that he did give was and it's a little far-fetched maybe sounding a little crazy sounding is when he looked at the bronze serpent he lived all you had to do was turn your head and look oh it's on this side okay um you know this venom and this solution for the for the venom is you had to look at the serpent on the pole well you know what that kind of does have some logical sense because looking is what caused the problem to begin with back in genesis 3 6 it said when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom she took the fruit and ate it she also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate so the whole thing started by eve java looking and then she ate and then the venom entered and the solution or the problem began by someone looking and now the solution is someone looking i think that's very clever point god okay they both saw they both looked and you know what it is it is such a crazy uh remedy um but what it's really teaching and getting across here is faith if god says all you have to do is look at that snake on the pole and you will be healed you have to have faith that those words are true and you have to turn your obstinate stiff neck and look at that snake on the pole and you will live right ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not a result of works so no one may boast okay it's it's 100 faith all those other remedies that we mentioned none of them are going to work just the faith to look at the poll look at the snake on the pole i know and this ties in very closely with yeshua jesus right because in galatians 3 13 it says christ christ by the way remember means messiah the messiah redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree and you know as crazy as this sound and i can imagine the people who were lying there screaming and yelling and bitten and dying and it said many many died that day from this um they when moses told them listen here's a solution i'm going to put this bronze snake on a pole you look at it you will be healed and they're thinking all right moses are you nuts that's crazy talk okay and that reminds me of first corinthians 1 18 and 19. it says for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of god for it is written i will destroy the wisdom of the wise the intelligence of the intelligent i will frustrate is isn't that how it works there are all these people running around the world who they got all these degrees and they just think they are so intelligent and they are a bunch of fools they are fools and they believe that me looking to the cross of yeshua jesus to solve my sin problem is foolishness and they are the ones who are perishing we all are perishing but that's the salvation and that's the tie-in that we're seeing here in uh to john 3 14. um in second corinthians 5 21 it says for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god in him you know the more you look at this bronze snake on a pole the more you realize there is a really close parallel with yeshua first of all it had to be lifted up onto the pole right uh what does 314 and john say uh as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so it had to be lifted up and what do we know about that serpent in the wilderness it was made of bronze and what was inside it was there venom was there sinful cursed venom inside that bronze snake no it had the appearance of a sinful cursed snake venomous snake but it didn't actually have the venom in it wow that's a really tight picture with yeshua hamashiach jesus the messiah he came to earth in the likeness of sinful man a human body born of a woman although he was without sin he did not have the venom inside him that's a really nice picture okay very nice uh look at hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. therefore since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us let's rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us and let's run with endurance the race that is set before us looking only at yeshua the originator and perfector of the faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god wow that verse is packed look what's the solution he's saying here looking only at jesus right and what about he's the originator and perfecter of the faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame you know what that is if you're enduring the cross you are being lifted up that's the crucifixion and by the way this word in the this word lifted up in the new testament it was just greek this can be translated two different ways one it can be lifted up to be put on a pole or on a cross okay which this verse in hebrews 12 2 says he would endure the cross that's the lifting up that's the crucifixion and the other meaning for lifted up same word is to exalt to lift up and the end of twelve two hebrews says and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of god he was lifted up and then he was lifted up you understand they're using both meanings of lifted up very nice and this concept of being lifted up it runs all through the bible it's back in isaiah 52 verse 13. behold it says my servant will prosper he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted there it is he's the the messiah is this is about the messiah he's going to be lifted up he's going to be crucified and then he's going to be highly exalted he's going to be lifted up in the new testament john we just read 3 14 right as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the son of man john actually uses this lifted up concept three more times in the book of john in chapter 8 verse 28 so yeshua said when you have lifted up the son of man then you will know that i am he and that i do nothing on my own but speak exactly what the father has taught me in john 12 32 he says and i when i am lifted up from the earth will draw everyone to myself and in john 12 34 the crowd replied we have heard from the law that the messiah christ will remain forever so how can you say that the son of man must be lifted up who is this son of man so four times john mentions being lifted up and two of the times it says the son of man must be lifted up as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the son of man be lifted up see this is a this is the solution he must be lifted up and if you want to be saved from your venomous sinful being and have eternal life you must look look must to the lifted up yeshua on the cross you see this tie-in it's at first you would think it's it's kind of well that's weird he wants us to look at a sinful venomous snake and now it's all making more sense because it's a really tight parallel to yeshua um peter in acts 2 33 he uses the lifted up greek word exalted as in 233 exalted then to the right hand of god he has received from the father the promised holy spirit and has poured out uh what you now see and hear peter again in acts 5 31 it says god exalted lifted up him to his right hand as prince and savior in order to grant repentance and forgiveness of sins to israel paul talks about it in philippians 2 9 therefore god exalted lifted up him to the highest place and gave him the name above all names so this is a concept that runs all through old and new testament this lifting up lifting up physically onto a pole lifting up being exalted romans chapter 8 verses 3 starting for what the law could not do weak as it was through the flesh god did sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit there it is again that yeshua he is in the likeness of sinful flesh but he does not have the sin inside him he lived the perfect sinless life he is the only one who god would accept as the perfect sacrifice to cover your sin and my sin and everyone's sin what else think about it what else could you sacrifice even if they were sacrificing sheep okay that sheep is a little lamb is innocent and pure as the driven snow but it's still not better than the blood of god himself coming why would he accept any other sacrifice when he didn't have to leave his throne and come down here and offer himself as a sacrifice why would he accept any other after he did that okay so i'm encouraging you i'm inviting you look to the cross of yeshua you know who else looked at the cross of yeshua how about the thief on the cross next to him one of them rejected yeshua one of them looked to yeshua and acknowledged who he was and he has eternal life he did it with seconds left in his life you can do it today you know what we should be looking also at this whole looking concept right looking at the snake on the pole we are also looking for that blessed hope of his return which i believe is coming soon this world is spiraling down just unbelievably bad and let me tell you if you don't if you don't look toward yeshua what is your solution what is your what's going to happen to you you know it's like here like this monopoly game look here am i i'm this little dinosaur on pennsylvania avenue and i am i look what's ahead of me i've got six dollars and i'm playing against god who owns everything and it's my turn to roll and he's got hotels everywhere snake eyes one one i land on chance and my chance card says go to hell do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars that's what god is going to say to you if you do not have if you are not looking toward his perfect solution all right my friends god bless thanks for watching to god be the honor to god be the glory to god be the praise we'll see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus and the bonus is tied really closely to this uh talk look at second kings chapter 18 starting in verse 1. now it came about in the third year of hoshea the son of elah king of israel that hezekiah the son of ahaz king of judah became king and hezekiah he did right in the sight of yahweh according to all that his father david had done he removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the asherah he also broke in pieces the brazen serpent that moses had made for until those days the sons of israel burned incense to it and it was called here's that same brazen serpent we're now talking hundreds of years later maybe a thousand years later i don't know but it's a lot of years later and that brazen serpent somehow it survived it was taken off the pole and it was carried around and put some place and now it's all these years later and they are treating it like an idol and burning incense to it and okay now they're treating it like that golden calf okay but hezekiah he was he was one of the good kings in judah remember in israel remember the the the after david was solomon and after solomon the kingdom split israel was the ten tribes in the north and judah was the tribes in the south the two and the the northern tribes israel they didn't get any good kings they were all evil and did evil in the sight of the lord but in the south there were a few good ones and hezekiah was one of the good ones and he took down that asherah pole that they were worshiping and he broke into pieces the brazen serpent that moses had made no more this crazy idol worship okay very nice and this word this time okay that's what they call this brazen serpent and you can see the letters there it's there's the snake right nakash and atov and a final noon you know this reminds me of genesis 50 verse 20. remember joseph's brothers sell him into egypt okay because they're jealous of him and then he rises to number two and they come to egypt looking for food and when he finally reveals themselves himself to his brothers he says as for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good in order to bring about this present result to preserve many people alive so what the brothers did for evil god twisted it and meant it for good and ended up saving jacob and his whole family that's a nice verse what man means for evil god means for good but in with with this serpent the the nechustan here it's kind of the opposite of that what god meant for good look look at the look at the snake on the pole and you will be healed what god meant for good man twisted it and made it for evil and they're burning incense to it and worshipping it thank you hezekiah for straightening the people out way to go so now we have seen this brazen serpent on a pole we've seen it twice we've seen it in the torah in numbers 21. and we see it again in the tanakh in second kings 18. uh and by the way a snake on a pole and what did the snake on the pole do if you looked toward it you were healed wow a snake on a pole associated with healing well yeah you've seen this everywhere this is the symbol for the american medical association you see it at pharmacies right a snake around a pole very nice okay now be careful don't get this confused with you know in greek mythology you have something called the rod of asclepius okay and it's a serpent-entwined rod that was wielded by the greek god asclepius a deity associated with healing and medicine and blah blah blah okay you know god was first on everything numbers 21 precedes any greek mythology okay so this this serpent-entwined rod even in i looked it up in the on the wikipedia okay and it says that theories have been proposed about the greek origin of the symbol and its implications well what theories have been proposed that are better than numbers 21. that's where the greeks got it from they didn't come up with this on their own you know satan takes these stories and then twists them and turn them and makes them into evil okay i will i will say at the end of the wikipedia pedia article it does say that biblical scholars look to the book of numbers uh in which the neheushton was a brass serpent on a pole that god told moses to erect saying that anyone bitten by a snake would live if they look at it this biblical account is the earliest known record of the pole serpent combination though the exact configuration is not known well thank you for at least admitting that wikipedia so be careful the rod of asclepius is a counterfeit and it may look or just make sure you you're referencing it uh on the biblical side okay that's where it came from and the counterfeit uh i uh the the u.n flag uh for the the what do they call the yuna something or on something uh doing with medical uh the uh by itself is counterfeit evil uh one world yeah okay and this uh snake on a pole theme should also not be confused with uh the caduceus this is also greek mythology the caduceus is the traditional symbol of hermes and featured two snakes winding around oftentimes a winged staff okay and it is often mistakenly used as a symbol of medicine instead of the rod of asclepius especially in the united states so that is not biblical it is counterfeit stick to the real okay here i was in the philippines and i snapped a picture of an ambulance and see they've got the the cadesus caduceus symbol on their ambulance here's a picture when i was in tajikistan uh years ago and there's a snake wrapped around a cup again a twist a twisted version of the the truth okay so make sure the nakhoshtan that's the snake on the pole that will save um so we go back to john 3 14 and 15 as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness by me bar even so must must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever believes in him will have eternal life that is what that verse represents okay and one last cool thing we showed you the word snake is nahash and nakhash was a noon which is 50 a hat which is eight and a shin which is 300 the word snake adds up to 358. okay well what do i do with that well look at the word mashiach messiah it's a mem shin yudh het the mem is 40. the shin is 300 the yod is 10 the het is eight messiah adds up to 358 and both of those are lifted up on poles there is a beautiful connection a parallel between the two and if you just look to the snake you were healed from the snake bite if you just look to yeshua hamashiach on the cross you will be saved god bless thanks for watching we'll see you soon bye bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 6,674
Rating: 4.9239907 out of 5
Keywords: Numbers 21, נחש, נחשת, Moses, lifted up, wilderness, bamidbar, במדבר, Rod of Asclepius, Asclepius, Caduceus, snake, pole, AMA, Jesus, yeshua, nehushtan, נחשתן
Id: rDKCnzC9L5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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