bereshit בראשית

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here to tell you what it is in the first word of the bible we've done three four hours on the first verse and we've incorporated a lot of stuff from the first word but today we're going to just talk about the first word um genesis 1 1 barashit 1 1 says in beginning god created the heavens and the earth in hebrew bereshith the first word here is barashit and it means in beginning now i've told you many times i am not a fluent hebrew speaker i don't understand it i can't read it i only teach it so but i can see certain things about it and you can also and one of the big rules of hebrew grammar is when you're writing a sentence you put the most important topic first okay so you'll see he did that in genesis 1 2. it says and the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep so the most we're talking about the earth here that's that's the first thing that's brought up okay um and then he has the verb was and the earth was subject verb um in the if he would have stuck with that construct which is the most common the first verse should have said elohim god created in the beginning the heavens and the earth but he didn't do that and and let me don't don't get me wrong god is the most important in this verse in this book in this universe okay i'm not questioning that but in this verse god did not choose to put his name first another thing was more important at this point and plus we already know god is important he's creating the heavens and the earth it's a given okay um and then the hebrew grammar rules say if you choose not to put the most important subject topic first put the verb first and we see he did that in genesis 1 3. uh in the english it says and god said let there be light and there was light but in the hebrew it's vyomere and he said and said elohim god so he has the verb first and that's the second preferred method of constructing a sentence in hebrew and had he followed that construct the first verse would have read elohim at hashemayim created god in the beginning the heavens and the earth but he didn't do that so instead he chose to put berashit in beginning which is neither the most important word or the verb first or maybe it is the most important word in this verse okay um since it is we're doing a whole topic on bereshit uh it's made up of six hebrew letters um and let's just go through and look at each one and define each one and then we're going to get into some really deep stuff that he has hidden in here you're going to love it okay the first letter is a bet uh it's the b sound it's we're not going to do gematria today okay but it is the b sound its picture is a tent or a house okay uh the next letter is a rash resh is the r sound uh its picture is a head it can be the head on your shoulders it can be the head of the company head of the class the chief the prince and you can see ancient rush if you turn the language read the other way it becomes the letter r um the rf it's the a sound it's the head of an ox you can see it's picture it's got horns it represents strength it's god's letter it's first the shin is the sound or the su sound its picture is two teeth and teeth represent destruction uh you put food in your mouth it gets destroyed you can see if you flip the shin uh ancient shin at how it looks s like the yod is the y sound uh its picture is you can see an elbow and a hand and a thumb sticking up and the word yod is hand it's the smallest hebrew letter and you can see if you turn the ancient yod it becomes the letter y and the last one is the tough the tub is the letter t it represents a covenant it's two crossed sticks if we make a deal you make your mark in the dirt i make my mark in the dirt we have crossed marks we've made a covenant the ultimate covenant being the cross where god says i will come down and die for you and if you believe this i will forgive your sins if you accept my perfect sacrifice so now that we know the six letters let's look at the first word of the bible bear sheet let's start with a clean slate here um the letter bet if it's pulled out in front of a word is and can be not always but can be a prefix and in this case it is a prefix uh it's the prefix for the word in okay um and that leaves the second part of the word which actually then becomes the first full word of the bible it's the word rashid and rashid uh we see it early on here in exodus 23 19 it says the first of the first fruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the lord your god you shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk there's a non-sequitur there at the end that does not really tie in with the rest of that verse but he does tell us three times not to boil a young goat in its mother's milk here's one of the three times but the the point is look at the first word in the hebrew it's rashid it's the first of the first fruits okay uh the first the beginning and if you put a bet in front of it it's in rashid in beginning okay very nice um and you can also break this word up if you look at it let's go to genesis 41 35. this is joseph has been collecting the food uh during this seven years of plenty um and joseph says then have them collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain for food in the cities under pharaoh's authority and have them guard it that word for grain is the word bar bet resh it's a kernel of grain a kernel of corn a kernel of whatever and you'll notice in the word bereshit the first two letters betresh spell bar it's a picture of a kernel okay well why would why is that there well it doesn't make sense in the beginning right in the in the spring you plant the seeds you plant your kernels and okay so that is something that does happen in the beginning um in the new testament the brit hadashah in john chapter 12 verse 24 jesus says verily verily i say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone but if it dies it produces much grain so here we have that word bearish sheet can be broken into bar which is kernel and then we're going to reuse the the resh for rashid and that connects these two words the word kernel and the word first fruits are connected they share a rash in the word bereshit and what is rashid it's beginning but it's also the first of the first fruits okay so how do you get the first of the first fruits you're not getting any fruits unless you plant a kernel at the beginning of the season so here he's alluding to we have a beginning and an end we have the kernel that you plant and we have the harvest the rashid the first fruits and that word bar not only does it mean colonel but in psalm 212 it says kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish in the way there's the word bar it worries the word son now a lot of jews we've talked about this before and again and again uh say that bar is aramaic it's not hebrew i'm not here you know to argue that point uh god has it here as son and he has it three more times in proverbs 31 2 what my son and what bar of my womb and what bar of my vows three times in one verse if god uses it the sun i'm using it as sun so there so we have bar rashid sun is bar and when jesus said unless a grain of of uh wheat falls into the ground and dies he's talking about himself okay he's the one who's the bread of life he's that grain of wheat that's going to go into the ground and because of his death burial and resurrection there's going to be a lot of first fruits a lot of new believers in the god of israel okay um so here you can also it alludes to bar the sun and the first fruits and in first corinthians 15 starting in verse 20 it says but christ and remember christ is the greek word for messiah but messiah has indeed been raised from the dead the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep for since death came through a man the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man for as in adam all die so in messiah all will be made alive but each in his own turn messiah the first fruits then at his coming those who belong to him wow wow there's a there's a picture of r in that first word we got that picture okay the yeshua jesus is our first fruits he is that colonel nice all right let's look at a different slant let's look at let's go to the beginning here in beginning bear sheep and remember bet the hebrew letter bet represents a house okay and you'll notice that in the word bearer sheet it begins with a letter bet and it's an enlarged bet and the hebrew word bet is spelled bet yo tov well i have a bet a yoda and a tov in the word bear sheep so the word house is there and notice i told you it's a it's an enlarged bet as in many times in a storybook it says once upon a time and the o is very big here's no no different it's a large house starting the bible and it reminds me of john 14 2 when jesus yeshua said in my father's house there are many mansions if it were not so would i have told you that i go to prepare a place for you so it's nice that there's the word bet hidden there and look in samuel ii samuel 15 verse 30 it says and david was going up the ascent of the mount of olives weeping as he went and his head was covered and he was walking barefoot then all the people who were with him each covered his own head and they were going up weeping as they went the word head is in here twice it's roche resh alef shin by the way it says that he's going up the mount of olives with his head covered you ever notice how jews always have their head covered though even with just a kippah okay there is no law in the torah that says you have to keep your head covered that's just become a tradition because of this verse right here our our father our king david he went up the mount of olives with his head covered when he was in mourning and we will emulate him and that tradition has become so tradition that it's become a law into itself that that is more important than actually laws in the torah keep your head covered which is not even a law that's the problem the jews have created their own law from their traditions anyway i digress the word roche is head okay and the letter resh is head and you'll notice in the word bearish sheet the second third and fourth letters spell head nice and a round head is the house so you have the head in the house hidden in the word bear sheep not only that that word head i told you can be the chief the head guy the prince okay so you actually if you look at the first four letters you have a bet which is a house and then you have the prince the roche leaving the house here's a picture of yeshua jesus leaving his home his his heavenly throne and coming to earth and when he comes to earth yod tov hand on cross okay let's start with a clean bear sheet uh we've said the first two letters bedresh's bar and we said that the second third and fourth letter is roche head so we have a son with a head okay well that's nice most uh sons have heads but what's clever now is and by the way they they're connected because they share the the rish isaiah 5 6 it says i will make it a wasteland neither pruned nor cultivated and briars and thorns will grow up i will command the clouds the rain shall not fall in it the word for thorns is shait it's a shin yod tov notice shin yod tov that's the last three letters of bereshit the last three letters of bereshit spell the word thorns and they share the shin so they're connected the head and the thorns are connected and we already know the head and the sun are connected so we have the sun with his head and the thorns huh sun with head in thorns where what have i heard about things let me think that some there was something in the thorns oh i remember in genesis 22 13. remember abraham took isaac it's a hawk up the mountain to sacrifice him and the angel stopped his arm and then there was a ram abraham looked up in verse 13 and saw behind him a ram in a thicket in a thorn bush caught by its horns so he went and took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son so we have a substitute sacrifice of an animal with his head caught in thorns yeah oh you know what else in yes um in exodus 3 2 when moses goes up to see this bush that's on fire but it doesn't seem to be consumed and it's the lord he's inside the bush it's the burning bush and exodus 3 2 says there the angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from within a bush and moses saw the bush ablaze with fire but it was not consumed so we have yahweh shows up that bush that you're seeing here that's a sinai it's mount sinai sinai is a thorn bush okay so we have a substitute sacrifice thr shows up in thorns we have yahweh himself shows up in thorns and now we have the sun with his head in thorns wow wow intent okay next let's let's start with a clean bearer sheet uh the word uh from psalm 68 29 says because of your temple at jerusalem kings will bring you gifts the word for gift in hebrew is shy it's a shin yod well i have a shin yo next to each other uh on the fourth and fifth letters of bear sheep um so shai is gift we remember aleph the letter alef represented the head of the ox strength it was god's letter so before this word shy i have an aleph i have god god's gift and up front i have the word bar bar is son so we have the son of god's gift and then it's a tough and tough remember represented the cross so we have the son of god's gift is the cross hint hint all right let's let's get another approach let's start with a clean bearer sheep um notice the first three letters of barashit spell bara bara also happens to be the second word of the bible bereshit bara elohim so he's repeating himself the first three letters of the first word with the second word and bara means to create out of nothing ex nilo okay and then the latin i think it is um so you're creating from nothing and only god bara in the bible okay um and you know there's something different about god's creation one god just speaks into existence and it comes out of nothing and it the creation that he creates is dependent on him being being okay if i make uh here's a shoe made out of thatched i got it in new guinea i think um anyway but this shoe was made by somebody and that somebody may not be alive but the shoe remains after the creator's death god's creation is not that way god's creation is dependent on god's existence okay keep that in mind uh but that word bara remember bereshit bara elohim uh let's look at it bara the bet resh we know is bar sun and the aleph represents god so we have son of god mentioned hinted at in the first word first three letters and in the second word and it's it's associating the son of god with the creation as the creator i'm even thinking okay and those first three letters bet resh alef bett is the first letter of ben which is sun as is bar also but ben is also a word for son you've heard it in uh david ben-gurion the david son of gurion the first president of israel in arabic you hear it in like osama bin laden that bin is son of so ben is son resh is the first letter of ruach is the holy spirit spirit and of father begins with the aleph so it also hints at the complex unity the three in one nature of god and he repeated it first and second word so you really can't miss it okay so there's bara and then you have he created and then shy is a gift and then tub is the cross he created a gift the cross who's that again okay let's start with a clean barrel sheet i look at the first four letters the first four letters spell bros bet and brooch is a type of tree in israel it's a cypress or a pine tree okay not just it's not the general term for tree it's a specific kind of tree and yod remember yod was a hand right so once you have broche is a tree and then you have yod which is a hand and yod also can stand for you'd have hey yahweh right he chose that teeny tiny letter to repres to begin his name so yod oftentimes i know all his names he begins with a yod right yahweh yeshua yerushalayim israel then you have a tough remember 12 was a covenant or the cross and so we have a tub on the end well that's an interesting way to break up berashit um and by the way you know does anyone know what kind of wood they use for the cross there's no biblical or historical documents that that state what kind okay i will tell you this according to eastern orthodox church tradition they said that the cross uh was made of three types of wood cedar pine and cypress how do they know this or is it a combination or is it one of the three nobody knows this is a tradition that is a non-biblical source it is kind of interesting and why it's interesting that they think that because the word brosh is a cypress or a pine tree and that uh the cross the cross material they think might be a cedar or a pine or cypress so there's a crossover with their tradition with the word brosh interesting there now that yod in the middle is hand and brosh remember can be a tree and tub is actually made of wood that cross is made of wood it also is a tree so we really have two trees here with a hand in the middle let's look at the first tree in genesis 3 6 oh it says when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes and that it was desirous for obtaining wisdom she took the fruit and ate it she also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it ah the fall of man so we have eve java her hand is reaching out and touching a tree which is forbidden okay the reaching out is not forbidden the touching even isn't forbidden but she is in the process of sinning her mind is made up she's going after this fruit okay so putting a hand on the tree is this first sin and we kind of see it i kind of see it it's right there in your face you got a hand yod and you gotta brush a tree okay so how do you remedy this sin problem that this hand reached for this tree well it's look at luke 23 33 when they came to the place called the skull golgotha there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and one on the left crucify means to nail to a cross crucify crossify okay you're nailing your hand on a cross uh so we have how do you how do you remedy eve's hand on the tree by christ messiah yeshua he puts his hand on a tree and has it nailed to a tree he becomes that sacrifice okay beautiful brilliant brilliant and look at yahweh's name god's name is yahweh you'd hey yod is the hebrew word for hand hey is hey wow a revelation vav is a nail hey a revelation if you put them together the hand reveals the nail reveals who's this all right let's look at this let's look at a clean bearish sheet again ah raspberry juice and water is today's drink uh okay clean bear sheep notice the two middle letters is aleph shin all f is strength right head of the ox shin is destruction it was two teeth okay so we have this word in the middle h it's strong destruction what is strong destruction what destroys everything aish fire that's the hebrew word for fire we get the word ash comes from aish god hebrew was always first okay so we have the word fire in the middle of bear sheep well let's tuck that fire up in the middle and let's look at the four letters that surround it uh it's a bet resh yo tav well there's the hebrew word it's the word breet breit is covenant an agreement uh or a testament okay maybe you've heard of the bret hadisha the new covenant jeremiah 31 31 tells the jews i'm going to give you a briefed hadesha a new covenant but not like the one at sinai that you broke a new covenant a new testament so my jewish friends you should be looking for a new testament okay um so there's a breet and what the actual definition of a breed was whenever it it involved the cutting right uh you you know when a baby is circumcised at day eight that's a breet there's a cutting of the the foreskin okay a brit has to has some cutting involved and we see it first back in genesis 15 starting in verse eight um this is when uh god makes all these promises to abram and uh starting in verse 8 but abram replied lord god adonai yahweh how can i know i will possess it and yahweh said to him bring me a heifer a goat and a ram each three years old along with a turtle dove and a young pigeon so abram brought all these to him split each of them down the middle and laid the halves opposite each other the birds however he did not cut in half and the birds have prayed descended on the carcasses but abram drove them away and as the sun was setting abram fell into a deep sleep and suddenly great terror and darkness overwhelmed him from verse 13 to 16 god's going to do some prophesying of what's going to happen to his descendants then we jump to verse 17 it said when the sun had set and darkness had fallen behold a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the halves of the carcasses on that day the lord made a break a covenant with abram saying to your descendants i have given this land from the river of egypt to the great river euphrates and the land of one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different groups okay so we see that's briefed a cutting of half with animals and the idea was you would walk between these animals that were cut in half and you've made this deal i promise to do this if you promise to do that and if either one of us break our promise may we end up like these animals cut in half that was the picture well here this is an unconditional covenant abram was put to sleep and god walked between the the pieces as a flaming torch or a flaming oven okay so that's what you have here in this word bear a sheet we have an h a fire in the middle of a breed and that word break by the way notice it's the first two letters is bet resh that's bar sun then you have a yod hand then you have a tough cross hidden in the word breet is the sun with his hand on the cross wow that's kind of the ultimate not kinda that's the ultimate breed hand reveals nail reveals but we see in that word breed we have the h the fire it's the abrahamic covenant is for being foretold in that first word and that abrahamic covenant that's huge this is where it says abraham believe is 15 6 genesis 15 6 abraham believes god and god credited to him his righteousness that's how you get to heaven by faith it has nothing to do with works abraham was put to sleep he had no say in this breed abraham just believed very nice okay let's look at bereshit from a different angle uh let's get a clean bearish sheet here um notice that the letters he chose for barashit he chose the all f and the bet which are the first two letters he also chose a yod which is kind of a middle letter and it's the letter that begins his name and he chose the last three letters of the hebrew alphabet wow that's kind of interesting you know some of the beginning the middle and the end so that word bereshit it kind of encapsulates the entire word of god right in english if we say uh he knows that all from a to z a to z it's the beginning and the end it captures the whole alphabet the whole language right in the greek from the alpha the omega the beginning to the end the first and the last it when you name the first and last of an alphabet and that's what he's doing here he's got the first two the last three and one in the middle he's pointing out this is it this is the whole word of god here okay it's showing up in this verse very nice and in john 1 1 in the new testament it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that's interesting this is the only other verse in the bible that starts in the beginning and it says in the beginning was the word and here in the first in the beginning in the beginning bereshit we have the whole word encapsulated there okay nice john 1 14 goes on to say and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory glory is of the only begotten from the father full of grace and truth hmm i wonder who that could be [Music] okay let's let's start with a clean bare sheet um notice there's an olaf and a tov in that last uh we were talking about the first and the last right the alpha and the omega in hebrew the first letter is the aleph the last letter is the tov and he has here the third and the sixth letters of the aleph and the tav and what's famous about the aleph and the tov well they are the first as i said the first and the last of the hebrew alphabet okay which is kind of interesting um in in isaiah three times yahweh says i am the first and i am the last and in the new testament three times yeshua jesus said i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last if you take that aleph and the tough notice in genesis 1 1 all eftov is a word it's the word and it shows up as the fourth word in the verse barashit bara elohim and notice where et sits in the sentence it sits at the right hand of elohim i remember hebrews 10 12 says but when this priest yeshua had offered all time one sacrifice for sins he sat down at the right hand of god so here we have the aleph tov sitting at the right hand of elohim and it is the alpha and the omega the first and the last and if you look at the hebrew pictographs aleph is the head of the ox tav is crossed sticks wait a minute an ox on cross sticks this is a picture of a sacrifice right you have the burnt offering you bring the bull and you kill it and you put it on the wood and you burn it all up that's a picture of the burnt offering we also know what is all f also all of his strength olive is god's letter and tov beside cross sticks is a picture of the cross so you have god on the cross when do we ever see god on a cross all right okay let's go another slant uh give me a clean bearer sheet um here's a saying that the jews have and it's kind of clever uh is in english i shall always bless the name of yahweh in a loud voice very nice and each of the six words begins with a letter it's a little mnemonic thing uh of genesis 1 1. that's a nice uh genesis 1 1's first verse okay um let's try another one uh give me a clean bear sheet uh the first two letters we said bet resh is the head of the house who is the head of the house it's the bar it's the son uh the third letter is aleph olef is god's letter uh the fourth letter is a shin teeth destruction so we have now the son of god destroyed yod is a hand so the son of god destroyed with hand tough is a cross he has hidden in the first word that the son of god is destroyed with his hand on the cross give me strength who is this book about and you know what if you go to isaiah 46 starting in verse 9 it says remember the former things long past for i am god and there is no other for i am god there is no one like me declaring the end from the beginning he's god he can declare the end from the beginning how you say beginning in the beginning is barashit and what does he revealed in bereshit he revealed that the son of god is destroyed with his hand on the cross that's going to happen 4 000 years after in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but he's declared it in the first word wow very cool don't you just love god all right to god be the honor to god be the glory to god be the praise this is the end of the beginning god bless see you soon bye bye wait we have dutch uncles mega bonus okay are you ready for this okay this is the beginning of the end here when is all this going to happen when is the end of days good question let's see if if bearish sheet or when not the end of days but also when is the when did the beginning happen right i want to know both of those well let's look at the word bear sheet and we'll ask when now the jews have a holiday called rosh hashanah here it is head rosh of the shana is the not here the bible does not call it rosh hashanah the bible calls it yom teruah we find it in leviticus chapter 23 this is where god lists all seven of these major moadim these major feasts holidays that the jews and the gentiles the world should keep the the gentiles do not the jews do keep these holidays but rosh hashanah is actually called yom teruah leviticus 23 verse 23 it says the lord also said to moshe speak to the israelites and say on the first day of the seventh month you were to have a day of rest a sacred assembly announced by trumpet blasts you must not do any regular work but you are to present an offering made by fire to yahweh okay so it's the first day of the seventh month a sacred assembly announced by trumpet blasts that's why this one day is called yom yoma's day teruah teruah is trumpets okay all right and it's supposed to be on the first day of the seventh month here's the hebrew calendar um by the way there are two hebrew calendars this one that you're looking at now where it has tishri as the first month and you read now this is the this is the calendar when god created the heavens and the earth this was the calendar okay tishri one tisory one was the day god created the heavens and the earth around moses time god tells moses that nisan is going to be your first month and sometimes you'll hear the word abeeb nissan and abeeb are interchangeable um so nissan became the first month which then swiveled everything around and tishri became the seventh month okay so it when god has given this instruction to moses that the first day of the seventh month first day of the seventh month is tishri and that's the seventh month and the first day of tishri is when you have trumpet blasts okay remember tishri is the seventh month when moses gets these instructions but history was the first month before the calendar change so tishree 1 was the day god created the heavens and the earth history by the way falls somewhere in september uh october area all right on our calendar and you can see here uh there's bara this is where he created the heavens and the earth down here on tishri one all right so when is uh when did bear a sheet uh what can we do with that clean bear sheet here notice there's an alef all f by the way means first one first right so there's first uh bet oh bet uh can mean of or in right as a prefix um oh here's a tough first of t oh sh there's a shin oh oh there's a resh first of tish and then here's the yod on the end first of tishri the first of tishri he has the day that he created the heavens and the earth hidden in the first word bereshit are you seeing this aleph batishri the first of tishri that's when in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth wow okay and you know what now we know the day that he created heavens and the earth because he has it hidden in the first word what about the end of times the end of days when is that going to be and and you know we have different things that are coming we have a rapture that's due we have a second coming that's due we have a millennial reign where the messiah will reign and rule for a thousand years in peace when are all these going to happen he gives us lots of signs okay maybe there's a clue in this first word remember the word bearer sheet can be broken into bar and rashid bar is the kernel that goes into the ground and rashid is the end product the first fruits you have the beginning the kernel and you have the end the first fruits so maybe both the beginning we know the beginning is tissue one maybe the end is also hidden in here and maybe the end is tishree one okay now in fact i believe the rapture will take place on tishri one all right for many reasons uh one when i just told you here right that's not the the most of important reason but that's one of them okay because it he likes to hide things in there and he's hidden something of the beginning and something of the end um another reason that i do believe that maybe tishrei one will be the rapture um what did leviticus 23 say are you supposed to have on the first day the seventh month history one an assembly of trumpet blasts yom teruah and what do we know about the rapture in first thessalonians 4 verse 16 it says for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive who remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so and so we will always be with the lord this rapture and he in greek is called harpazzo it's a snatching away okay but notice what is associated with the harpazzo the rapture the snatching away it's the trumpet of god the trumpet of god doesn't blow often and here we have a they're blowing in the old testament and they're blowing on the new testament and i think it's the same day tishri one first day of tishrei okay and if this wraps your concept if it scares you don't let it don't look look what it look what the next verse says there in first thessalonians 4 verse 18 then says therefore comfort one another with these words so this rapture is not meant to be scary you should be looking forward you should be comforted with it did we finally get out of this hellhole earth all right and you know another reason i think that the rapture will be on yom teruah rosh hashanah tishri one is you know the seven moadim the seven holidays that we're supposed to keep they are all tied with major significant activities that occurred in the bible yeshua jesus crucifixion took place on passover pesach he was buried on the feast of unleavened bread he rose from the dead on the feast of first fruits 50 days later he sent the holy spirit on shavuot pentecost you know those are huge activities his death burial resurrection and sending the spirit and we have three big activities remaining we have a rapture we have a second coming and we have a millennial reign thousand years of peace and we have three other holidays that are mentioned in leviticus 23 we have yom teruah feast of trumpets well that ties as i said nicely with the rapture we have yom kippur and yom kippur if you study it it ties in with the second coming where yeshua comes back and he's either going to accept your sacrifice or he's not and that's the day you are going to go to heaven or you're going to hell those remaining on earth that's the final judgment and that's what yom kippur was once a year the priest would take the blood in and pour it on the ark on the mercy seat and god would either forgive the sins for the year or he wouldn't and then you have the feast of tabernacles sukkot and this is a seven day feast of of rejoicing and this ties nicely with the thousand-year reign of christ okay so there's another hint that it would be tishree one and you know if you've watched my math videos on god math if you watched god is so precise i mean he's got things going out to five decimal points and i mean he's just unbelievable exact so you know when he put this whole world together he's given it six days because we've had six thousand years since adam until today and then there's a thousand years coming a thousand years of peace there's seven thousand years he set it up as a week and it's to god that's 7 000 years he's not going to go 6 000 years and 2 months and 14 days and no he's going to go 6 000 years so if it starts on tishri 1 i think he's going to rapture on history one and you know what a lot of people will argue and say ah but the bible says no man knows the day or the hour well let's look at that verse it's in matthew 24 36 and jesus is they're asking him when he's coming back and he talks about the fig tree sprouting his branches then he says but about that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son but the father alone notice when he says no one uh but about that day and hour so he's telling you we're not going to know the day and hour we might know the day but not the day and hour and can we know the day well you know it's interesting rosh hashanah yom teruah this is the one holiday year it's a it's a two-day holiday and you're waiting for the for the moon to appear uh or to yeah and that's the new moon is coming and it's the new month okay so they're and you're waiting for one two days you're never sure when that moon was going to appear okay so this was the one holiday year that no man knew the day and hour of when that moon would appear it's the uh it's very clever and you know maybe that was when jesus said that to his apostles uh about that day an hour nobody knows they're jews they're thinking oh yeah rosh hashanah is like that oh rosh hashanah oh yum tarua they weren't calling it rosh hashanah then but you understand so that's my take i think it's going to happen on on uh tishree one the the in the year 2021 which is the year this is being filmed that will take place on monday september 6th through wednesday september 8th it's always interesting each year you get anticipating oh maybe this year's the rapture and you know maybe i should uh maybe i should clean out this closet i say in august and i think what if the rapture is next month i don't need to clean out a closet in my last month you know that's just what happens in my brain for the last 20 years one of these times the rapture is going to happen and the closet will not have been cleaned out anyway so there's my take on when the rapture is there's your mega bonus today and we're gonna leave you today with uh a reading from colossians chapter one starting in verse 15. uh give me a clean bear sheet the sun is the image of the invisible god the firstborn over all creation for in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him he is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning and first born from among the dead so that in all things he may have preeminence for god was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether things on earth or things in heaven by making peace through the blood of his cross god bless thanks for watching see you soon bye bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 7,730
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: bereshit, genesis, 1:1, In the beginning, First word, בראשית, God, Creation, Big Bang, Evolution, Is there a God?
Id: lropnHBtatk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 1sec (3421 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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