David & Goliath Part 1

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here to tell you what it is with david and goliath now we all know david right king david he was their greatest king next to yeshua and uh goliath was his uh the big arch enemy of the jews at the time uh the goliath of gath was his name and you know we've looked at other videos where we've shown that there are types of christ right adam was the type of christ uh it's a hawk isaac joseph was a type of christ um uh boaz is a type of christ moses moses is the ultimate type of christ remember deuteronomy 18 18. i'm going to raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you moses and i'm going to put my words in his mouth and tell the people to listen to him so uh the messiah is gonna be the one most like moses okay and you know from the book of revelation uh and all through the bible there is this character coming who is an anti-christ okay and he also has parallel people in the old testament types antitypes i think they use the word uh antitypes of um antichrist and goliath is definitely a antichrist type and we're going to point out a lot of the similarities of these two and david is a type of christ right the messiah is the son of david so let's start in 1st samuel 17 verse 1. now the philistines gathered their armies for battle and they were gathered at soko which belongs to yehuda judah and they camped between soko and azaka in ephesus damim here's a map there's soko and asaka and you can see where the philistines are camped okay uh just west of that is gath this is where uh goliath is from goliath of gath uh verse two uh saul this is the king of israel remember that the people wanted a king give us a king we want a king god said you don't need a king you got me no we want a king everybody else has a king we want a king so he gave them saul and saul actually has some antichrist parallels to him um he was the the epitome of what looked or should look like a king you know big tall strapping man lots of hair and good looking and uh he looked like a good strong king but he was he did not have the heart after god uh that david had um and speaking of hearts after god yes yes da da is our cherry juice drink today all right first two saul and the men of israel were gathered and camped in the valley of illah and drew up in battle array to encounter the philistines the philistines stood on the mountain on one side while israel stood on the mountain on the other side with a valley between them and you can see here the philistines on one israel on the other valley of illah ilah means terabyth which is a type of tree verse 4 then a champion came out from the armies of the philistines named goliath from gath whose height was six cubits in a span he had a bronze helmet on his head and he was clothed with scale armor which weighed 5 000 shekels of bronze he also had bronze greaves on his legs and a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders the shaft of his spear was like a weaver's beam and the head of his spear weighed 600 shekels of iron his shield carrier also walked before him um by the way it's height with six cubits in a span uh that's about nine feet tall so goliath was a giant okay and notice in verse seven it says his shield bearer also walked before him so just keep that in mind it's going to come up later on and imagine the size of the shield bearer he had to be a pretty big guy because if goliath's nine feet tall his shield has got to be pretty big and then to carry this shield you got to be a big guy um so here is our first parallel to antichrist notice that his height was six cubits so we got six here and also we read through that the head of his spear weighed 600 shekels ah we got another six there well let's see do we have a third six woven into here we do notice he had one a bronze helmet he had two scale armor he had bronze greaves three four was a bronze javelin he had a spear which was five and a shield was a six so he had six pieces of armor um on him so we've got a six six six hmm that's kind of uh we should ring a bell uh we also see this and you say well you're really you're stretching john to to pull out 666 out of here no i don't think so because you know another another antichrist type is in the book of daniel king nebuchadnezzar and read here what it says in daniel 3 it says nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold the height of which was 60 cubits and it's with six cubits and he set it up on the plain of dura in the province of babylon then the herald loudly proclaimed to you the command is given o peoples nations and men of every language that at the moment you hear the sound of the horn flute liar trigon sultry bagpipe and all kinds of music you were to fall down and worship that golden image that nebuchadnezzar the king had set up and whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be cast into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire notice we've got 60 cubits we've got six cubits and we have six musical instruments so he's woven a 666 theme in here uh relating to nebuchadnezzar um and where does this 666 come from well revelation chapter 13 this is a great uh chapter if you want to learn about antichrist but starting in verse 16 it says and he he antichrist causes all the small and the great the rich and the poor the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for the number is that of a man and his number is 666. so there's where we get that 666. and if you read revelation 13 here are some of the the traits of antichrist and as we go through this uh story of goliath we're going to try to match up some of goliath's traits to these okay though the first one we have is 666. uh revelation 13 talks about uh there's a dragon okay there's 42 months or three and a half years there's a head wound there's seven heads and ten horns blasphemous words uh who can wage war with him uh there's a leopard bear lion and beast that are described in daniel relating to antichrist he's going to be a world dictator who comes out of the sea that you know when something comes out of the sea versus coming out of the land if it comes out of the land the land represents israel if it's coming out of the sea that's the nation's okay um he's gonna have authority over every tribe and people uh he's gonna have another beast coming up out of the land out of the earth and he forces a mark on the forehead or right hand so here's some of the traits we're going to be looking for with goliath okay um well here's our first one it says he had a bronze helmet on his head in verse five and he was clothed with scale armor which weighed five thousand shekels of bronze that word for scale armor is kaskaseem which in hebrew means fish scales so you can imagine the armor these little plates of metal overlapping one another okay fish scales well that kind of fish scales that kind of has a dragon look to him so i'm gonna put that as his first one we got a parallel that he's gonna look like a dragon okay uh and it was a bronze helmet it says on his head uh the word bronze is nekocite uh it's a noon shin tov okay and it is a bronze remember is a combination of copper and tin with sometimes other stuff thrown in and nekoshet is actually the word which is snake with a tub on the end tough being the representing the covenant were introduced in the snake by the way it has scales on it okay so there's a a snake dragon scales look theme to goliath the first time we see nakosh is back in genesis 3 1 right now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman indeed has god said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden so this word nakosh snake very close to nekocite bronze okay three of the letters match up nicely and bronze is actually the word snake and the letter tov tov represents a covenant or the cross so you have a snake on the cross this ties in beautifully to numbers chapter 21 those four verses in there where moses is to lift up this bronze serpent on a pole when everyone was getting bitten by poisonous snakes anyone who looked at the pole was saved okay um so we have now this battle that's about to form okay and we said that we have the philistines on one side and israel on the other side and the valley of terebinth in between well this this actually parallels maybe the garden of eden okay because you had adam and eve put there and you've got yahweh on one side rooting for adam and eve and you have satan this nakosh this snake uh trying to persuade them to follow him okay so you've got the two on both sides and you have the garden of eden in the middle okay beneath the tree beneath tree terabith kind of the same uh letters there um so you have the same kind of little battle uh waging here um unfortunately man uh took the bite uh right and now it's time god's going to be cursing and uh i do want to point out genesis 3 14 it says and yahweh elohim said to the nakosh because you have done this curse that are you more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field on your belly you will go and dust you will eat all the days of your life all right so keep that in mind you're going to see that later in this video in uh bereshit 3 15 genesis 3 15 it says and i will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed he shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel a lot of pronouns in there he's and hymns okay uh let's dissect that quickly enmity by the way is hostility hatred uh between you and the woman okay you he's talking to the snake here okay this by the way this verse has a name it's called the proto-evangelium i don't know is that latin or greek or i don't know uh but proto-evangelion means the first gospel this is the first hint of the way god's going to save us from the sin that adam and eve did i also these rabbit trails there you've got a million of them by the way the genesis 3 15 if you were looking at a hebrew bible it would not say that they used letters for their numbers it would not say guimo well guimo was three i i get that and 15 would be yod hay right yoda's 10 hey is 5. that's how i would think to write it the jews don't write it that way they write guimo tetvov any reason why because there's a verse in the the commandments that says uh you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain and yud hay is the first two letters of yahweh god's name so they don't put you at hay ever to represent 15 instead they put tet valve tet is nine vov is six uh which adds up to 15. and now let's let's tackle these pronouns it says i'm gonna put enmity between you he's talking to the snake and the woman okay oh women don't like snakes i i see that that came true and between your seed and her seed okay the serpent's seed is going to be antichrist at the end of time but along the way others are going to show up who are very anti-christic okay goliath being one of them so he's going to put this entity between the snakes seed and the woman's seed and who's the woman's seed that's the messiah he's the one who's going to come and save us okay he the woman's seed shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel well when jesus is crucified he was bruised on the hill they drove nails to his heel and we will see that the antichrist he's going to receive a mortal head wound okay and and honestly i think whenever yeshua jesus is being crucified and he's up there on the cross you know he's where is he being crucified at golgotha the place of the skull so he's if you've been israel and you've seen that it looks like a skull um and the moment jesus is crucified his blood is dripping down and it's landing on that skull i think of skull i think of death i think of satan i think of you know it's not a skull it's not a pretty uh thing and i think satan's head truly got bruised right there whenever that blood of yeshua that pure innocent perfect god blood dripped down on that mountain boom satan lost right there you know i can just see satan laughing with delight as the song says he's laughing with the light ha ha he finally got him because satan knows who yeshua jesus is you know and they're whipping him and they're beating him and they're spitting on him and then they make him carry that cross and they're nailing his hands to it and they're nailing his feet and then they lift it up and boom drop it down in the hole and just just the shock of that had to be ripping stuff and i mean just the torture and satan is laughing and laughing and he's so happy he's winning and then he realizes wait a minute wait a minute this this is the perfect sacrifice that mankind needs and if people believe in this i lose and god wins again okay so these two seeds we talked about parallels right um and from yeshua uh from the the life uh seed you've got people like uh abel who unfortunately was killed by kane you have shem you have itself jacob samuel mordechai these are from the good seed boaz should be in there and then you have uh the seed of the snake okay which is ha-satan satan cain i think would be a seed of the snake ishmael esau a-gag haman herod got it we got two seeds running antichrist and yeshua are the two final and they are going to be having their battle standing on each side of the mountain and yeshua is going to whoop him okay first samuel 17 verse 8 he goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of israel and said to them why do you come out to draw up in battle array am i not the philistine and you the servants of saul choose a man for yourself and let him come down to me if he is able to fight with me and kill me then we will become your servants but if i prevail against him and kill him then you shall become our servants and serve us again the philistines said i defy the ranks of israel this day give me a man that we may fight together when saul and all israel heard these words of the philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid i see a parallel here revelation 13 4 who is like the beast and who is able to wage war with him let's go to our triangle there it is who can wage war with him this is a very tight parallel with goliath and antichrist okay verse 12. now david was the son of the aphrodite of bethlehem in judah whose name was jesse isai in hebrew and he had eight sons and jesse was old in the days of saul advanced in years among men the three older sons of issei had gone after saul to the battle and the names of his three sons who went to battle were eliab the firstborn and the second to him was abinadab and the third shema notice david was the son of the aphrodite uh aphrodite this this word here has the word uh free in it which is a pay resh uh valve okay or good uh this is represents fruit okay a very fruitful the aphrodite's fruitful think of that it comes from the word fruit of bethlehem we know what bethlehem means bet is house lachem is bread okay so david is coming from the house of bread in judah david was the youngest verse 14. now the three oldest followed saul but david went back and forth from saul to tend to his father's flock at bethlehem the philistine came forth morning and evening for forty days and took his stand okay so there's not much battling going on there's a lot of taunting and and you know hey come fight me send somebody to fight me and that's been going on for 40 days what is 40 40 what does 40 represent the bible we've talked about this maybe in previous videos 40 symbolizes a period of testing or trial and i can see they're being tested for 40 days he's taunting them come on send somebody to fight me okay ma'am mem is the democrat has is 40. and we see lots of periods of 40 representing testing or trial during the flood it rained 40 days and 40 nights moses lived 40 years in egypt and then 40 years in the desert before god selected him to lead his people out of slavery moses was also up on mount sinai for 40 days and 40 nights on two separate occasions receiving god's laws moses spent sent spies for 40 days to investigate the land god had promised the israelites as their inheritance jonah warned nineveh 40 days until destruction ezekiel lay on his right side for 40 days to symbolize judah's sins elijah eliahu went 40 days without food or water at mount horeb horeb same as sinai yeshua jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days and nights in the wilderness after his baptism uh yeshua jesus appeared to his disciples and others for 40 days after his resurrection from the dead just i want to point these out 40 is mentioned 146 times in scripture 40 represents a period of testing or trial and goliath is taunting them for 40 days uh verse 17 then jesse said to david his son take now for your brothers and ephah of this roasted grain and these ten loaves and run to the camp to your brothers bring also these ten cuts of cheese to the commander of their thousand and look into the welfare of your brothers and bring back news of them for saul and they and all the men of israel were in the valley of elah fighting with the philistines notice that jesse is telling david to take these ten loaves of bread the hebrew word for bread is lecham here you see it it's a lamed a hat and a meme and you're gonna see david is associated with bread it's weaves all through his story okay well we already saw he was born in where bread david is born in a house of bread he's told to go and deliver bread to his brothers and so jesse took a donkey loaded with lethal and a jug of wine and a young goat and sent them to saul by david his son here's just another here's some examples of david being associated with bread look at first samuel 18 uh starting in verse nine this is this is a long story here but it's it points out the bread connection uh david he had his band of men they needed food and so they're looking for food and they come to this man nebal and asking for food when david's young men came they spoke to nabal according to all these words in david's name then they waited but nabal answered david's servants and said who is david and who is this son of isai there are many servants today who are each breaking away from his master shall i then take my bread and my water and my meat that i have slaughtered from my shears and give it to men whose origin i do not know so david's young men retraced their weight and went back and they came and told him according to all these words david said to his men each of you gird on your sword uh so each man girded on his sword and david also girded on his sword and about 400 men went up behind david while 200 stayed behind with the baggage but one of the men went to abigail nabal's wife saying listen behold david has sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master and he scorned them yet the men were very good to us and we were not insulted nor did we miss anything as long as we went about with them while we were in the fields they were a wall to us both night and by day all the time we were with them tending the sheep now therefore no one consider what you should do for evil was plotted against our master and against all his household for he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him then abigail hurried and took 200 loaves of leftum and two jugs of wine and five sheep already prepared and five measures of roasted grain and 100 clusters of raisins 200 cakes of figs and loaded them on donkeys she said to her young men go on before me behold i am coming after you but she did not tell her husband nabal you see what's happening uh david's men have been guarding the balls men nabal's men are out tending the sheep well who's guarding them david's men and now david is asking for food and nabal says no by the way nabal in hebrew means fool okay and he's acting like a fool by not giving bread to david and his men who have been helping him first samuel 18 20. uh it came about as she was riding on her donkey you know we're not going to read this we're going to just you got the point right bread associated with david uh let's go on to um oh and by the way eventually uh 10 days later the lord yahweh struck nabal and he died okay you can read these on your own uh we see it again in first samuel 21 verse 1 david came to nob to a himelec the priest and ahimalek came trembling to meet david and said to him why are you alone and no one with you and david said to him elect the priest the king has commissioned me with a matter and he has said to me let no one know anything about the matter on which i am sending you and with which i have commissioned you and i have directed the young men to a certain place now therefore what do you have on hand give me five loaves of bread or whatever can be found and the priest answered david and said there is no ordinary bread on hand there is consecrated bread if only the young men have kept themselves from women remember in the tabernacle you had you walked in there was the manure on the left there was the table of show bread on the right and this is the only bread that they had and he could not eat this unless the men had kept themselves from women but here david said to a himalayan verse eight now is the oh by the way he did get that bread and he so here's david associated with bread okay again uh david then said to him elect now is there not a spear or sword on hand for i brought neither my sword nor my weapons with me because the king's matter was urgent then the priest said oh the sword of goliath the philistine whom you killed in the valley of elah behold it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod if you would take it for yourself take it for there is no other except it here and david said there is none like it give it to me i'm kind of giving the end of the story away or not david's going to win this battle against goliath and take his sword but this is much later um but here we have david once again associated with bread and not just any bread this is the show bread in the tabernacle okay so we have david definitely associated with bread and now jesse's asking him uh hey take now for your brothers and eat this roasted grain and these 10 loaves and run to the camp to your brothers so the takeaway from this is you have a father jesse sending his son david to check on his brothers huh there's a theme there's a theme that i see a parallel with you go back to genesis 37 starting in verse 12. remember jacob and he had 12 sons his favorite was joseph okay and starting in verse 12 it says then his brothers went to pasture their father's flock in shechem and israel jacob said to joseph are not your brothers pastoring the flock in shechem come i will send you to them and he said to him i will go then he said to him go now and see about the welfare of your brothers and the welfare of the flock and bring word back to me so he sent him from the valley of hebron and he came to shechem again the father sends his son to check on his brothers and there's the ultimate father sending the ultimate sin to check on the ultimate brothers and that's in matthew 15 24 but he yeshua answered and said i was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of israel god sends jesus to check on the jews who reject him okay so let's go back to the david story first samuel 17 verse 20. so david arose early in the morning and he left the flock with a keeper and took the supplies and went as ise had commanded him and he came to the circle of the camp while the army was going out in battle array shouting the war cry israel and the philistines drew up in battle ray army against army then david left his baggage in the care of the baggage keeper and ran to the battle line and entered in order to greet his brothers as he was talking with them behold the champion the philistine from gath named goliath was coming up from the array of the philistines and he spoke these same words and david heard them when all the men of israel saw the man they fled from him and were greatly afraid the men of israel said have you seen this man who is coming up surely he is coming up to defy israel and it will be that the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in israel you hear that's a that's a that's a sweet deal saul saw this big strapping king who he don't want to go out and fight goliath right so he makes an offer listen whoever can go and beat this guy i will give him money i will give him riches i will give him my daughter and i will make his father's house free in israel no taxes are due sweet deal uh verse 26 then david spoke to the man who was standing by him saying what will be done for the man who kills this philistine and takes away the reproach from israel for who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god and the people answered him in accord with this word saying thus it will be done for the man who kills him verse 28 now eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men and eliab's anger burned against david and he said why have you come down here and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness i know your insolence and the wickedness of your heart for you have come down in order to see the battle but david said what have i done now was it not just a question then he turned away from him to another and said the same thing and the people answered the same thing as before so the king makes the offer david shows up and says hey what's the what kind of deal do we get if we kill the philistine and the brother is what are you doing here you come just to be just to watch and and uh you know he's just talking down to david and and he says i know your insolence and the wickedness of your heart you know david again had a heart after god da da yeah yeah heart after god so this brother does not know david okay giving this false accusation and so david says listen i'm just asked a question what's going to be given so david turns and asks somebody else okay what's going to be given to whoever beats goliath okay um when the words which david spoke were heard they told them to saul and he sent for him david said to saul let no man's heart fail on account of him your servant will go and fight with this philistine then saul said to david you are not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for you were but a youth while he has been a warrior from his youth i want to point out remember david was associated with bread saul he's going to be associated through all of his studying your studying of him and his theme word is fight and the hebrew word for fight is lacham notice how it's spelled it's a lamed a hat and a mem it's the same word different yet spelled the same okay so david is associated with bread good healthy mmm saul is associated with fighting battle all right uh he says you are not able to go against the philistine to fight him for you or but a youth uh so you see the parallel here or the not parallel how they're juxtaposed against each other okay david bread wholesome good uh saul fighting battle very different aren't they very different verse 13 of first samuel 22 this is i want to show you some examples of saul and his fighting okay look in verse 13 saul then said to him why have you and the son of jesse conspired against me and that you have given him bread and a sword and have inquired of god for him so that he would raise up against me by lying in ambush as it is this day this is uh saul complaining to the priest who gave him the bread the showbread and goliath's sword notice this is much later than our story today but here you have saul bringing up talking about the sword okay first samuel 13 22 so it came about on the day of battle that neither sword nor spear was found in the hands of any of the people who were with saul and jonathan but they were found with saul and his son jonathan so here you have sword associated with saul in first samuel 18 10 now it came about on the next day that an evil spirit from god came mightily upon saul and he raved in the midst of the house while david was playing the harp with his hand as usual and a spear was in saul's hand first samuel 31 4 then saul said to his armor bearer draw your sword and pierce me through with it otherwise these uncircumcised will come and pierce me through and make support of me but his armor bearer would not for he was greatly afraid so saul took his sword and fell on it uh we have another one here you know again they're looking for a king we need a king we want a king everybody has a king and notice the king all he was associated with was fighting in battle and disobeying god and swords and okay let god be your king all right um first samuel 13 14 uh he's saul gets word but your kingdom shall not endure yahweh has sought out for himself a man after his own heart and yahweh has appointed him as ruler over his people because you have not kept what yahweh commanded you he's talking about david here david is that man after his own heart yes yes da da um first samuel 15 28 so samuel said to saul yahweh has torn the kingdom of israel from you today and has given it to your neighbor who is better than you okay let's go back to the battle story uh verse 34. this is back at the battle lines here but david said to saul you know remember saul said you're just but a youth you can't go fight this guy he's been a warrior since he was a child but david said to saul your servant was tending his father's sheep when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock and i went out after him and attacked him and rescued it from his mouth and when he rose up against me i seized him by his beard and struck him and killed him your servant has killed both a lion and a bear and this uncircumcised philistine will be like one of them since he has defied the armies of the living god wow that's nice that he is going into the battle for god's sake by the way i want to show you a new you know god we've talked about he has his title elohim and he has one name yahweh and he takes this yahweh name and he puts words at the end of it okay yahweh rapha yahweh rafa is to heal okay so if you're sick and you need to pray address your prayers yahweh rafa the lord our healer right if you need something yahweh the lord our provider if you're going into battle yahweh nisi nisi is banner you're going in with god in front god is your banner know these extra titles yahweh sid canoe the lord our righteousness he's got lots of them okay but i see david here yahweh nisi first samuel 17. uh remember earlier on in this story in verse 10 the philistine goliath said i defy the ranks of israel this day and now uh david takes that taunt and says who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god yes yahweh nisi and i like what he called him who is this uncircumcised philistine you know that carries two meanings when you're saying he's a philistine that means he is outside of israel and when you're saying he is uncircumcised you're saying he is outside of god david knows who he's up against here okay let's continue first samuel 17 uh 27 the people answered him in accord with his word saying thus it will be done for the man who kills him so we have uh it says david had killed a bear and a lion okay and he's about to kill this philistine this beast and this ties in tightly in daniel in the book of daniel they talk about the there's a lion and there's a bear and there's a leopard and there's a beast okay all associated with empires they're going to take over one another right there was the uh the lion was first then the bear and then the leopard and then the beast okay the lion was babylon the bear was persia the leopard is greece and the beast is rome and the revived roman empire that's coming okay these are all associated with antichrist and here we have them associated with goliath three of them anyway verse 37 and david said the lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear he will deliver me from the hand of this philistine and saul said to david go and may yahweh be with you then saul clothed david with his garments and put a bronze helmet on his head and he clothed him with armor david girded his sword over his armor and tried to walk for he had not tested them so david said to saul i cannot go with these for i have not tested them and david took them off wow he's given armor and david ah you know what i don't need armor i got god that's how we should pay and by the way at the time look just a few chapters prior to this story in first samuel 13 19 it says now no blacksmith could be found in all the land of israel for the philistines said otherwise the hebrews will make swords and spears so all israel went down to the philistines each to sharpen his plowshare hismatic his axe and his hoe so this this was a they did not have weapons the the israelites at this time so much so uh you couldn't even find a blacksmith in israel because there was nothing to sharpen they had to go down to the philippines to the philippines they had to go down to the philistines uh to have their stuff sharpened um now somebody did have a look uh first samuel 18 4 jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to david with his armor including his sword and his bow and his belt jonathan being saul's son he had the sword and we know saul had swords and spears talked about all the time right he was a man to fight ham jonathan was david's best friend remember okay we are getting ready for the big battle you ready he he's going in there with yahweh nisi the lord our banner he doesn't need weapons i'm going in with god up and time is up you know what that's where we're going to end part one there's coming a part two so let's just wind it up there thanks for watching to god be the honor to god be the glory to god be the praise see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus you know years ago and just like 25 years ago my i've told you this before i thought it would be fun to to rewrite the bible in poetry so uh this is my first samuel 17 in poetry and that's your bonus for today are you ready okay a giant nine-foot philistine goliath huge as he was mean would each day show up on the scene to heckle taunt and tout if any hebrew will fight me and win against my great might he will make all philistines rightly your slaves without a doubt for forty days this giant came and mocked the hebrews and the name of yahweh yet no one became so brave to stop his talk said jesse david i want you to take food to your brothers who are on the front lines fighting to save us our land and flock king saul said all right here the facts who slays this giant pays no tax and will not see times when he lacks for much wealth will be his when david showed and heard the deal he volunteered to this man kill they put on david armored steel he said i don't need this then david without spear or horse with just god as his power source approached this great philistine force and said prepare to die is this a joke goliath said david replied the god who's led us will let me cut off your head to feed to birds that fly young david with his boyish look flung one small stone from nearby brook hid in the head goliath shook and fell down on his face then with the giant sword in hand this shepherd killed goliath and cut off his head as he had planned and their foes ran from that place that is the jkv the john caustic version god bless thanks for watching bye bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 8,369
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: Goliath, דוד, David, גלית, Orpah, Philistines, 1 Samuel, 17, Jesse, Israel, Antichrist
Id: A3KdITp7hwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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