Elijah / Elisha Part 2

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john back in kyrgyzstan where's my juice where's our juice we're getting the juice uh we got cherry juice today and we're continuing along with elijah elisha talk uh this is part two and uh we are in first kings chapter 22 and here is da da juice okay uh let's start in verse 40. uh remember ahab he was the evil king married to jezebel okay and uh he was kind of the raspberry seed in elijah's wisdom tooth and uh causing lots of problems and in verse 40 it says and ahab rested with his fathers and his son ahaziah reigned in his place uh we're going to jump down to verse 51 it says in the 17th year of jehoshaphat's reign over judah ahaziah son of ahab became king of israel and he reigned in samaria two years and he did evil in the sight of the lord and walked in the ways of his father and mother and of jeroboam son of napat who was who had caused israel to sin uh ahaziah served and worshipped baal provoking the lord the god of israel to anger just as his father had done i want to point out something in verse 52 because when it gives a list of all these different kings it'll always say and he did evil in the sight of the lord and walked in the ways of his father and this is the only time it says and he walked in the ways of his father and mother so you know his mother was jezebel evil jezebel so that's kind of interesting that they made a point to say he walked in the ways of his father and mother okay now we are in second kings uh chapter one and now moab uh rebelled against israel after the death of ahab and ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper chamber which was in samaria and he became ill so he sent messengers and said to them go inquire of baal zabob the god of ekron whether i will recover from this sickness we pointed out earlier that you know baal there are many different bales depending on where you were from belmion belharmone belhazor um you know bell zabob was the lord of the flies okay so there are a lot of different bales bale is a false god now verse 3 but the angel of the lord said to eliahu the tishbite arise go up to meet the messengers of the king of samaria and say to them is it because there's no god in israel that you are going to inquire of baal zabab the god of ekron now therefore thus says the lord you shall not come down from the bed where you have gone up but you shall surely die then eliahu departed when the messengers returned to the king he said to them why have you returned and they said to him a man came up to meet us and he said to us go return to the king who sent you and say to him thus says the lord is it because there's no god in israel that you are sending to inquire of baals above the god of ekron therefore you shall not come down from the bed where you have gone up but you shall surely die he said to them what kind of man was this who came up to meet you and spoke these words to you and they answered he was a hairy man with a leather girdle around his loins and he said it is elijah the tishbite he knew who was saying it and notice what he was wearing uh it says he was a hairy man with a leather girdle bound about his loins that's going to show up in part three or part four of this talk but remember that this is what elijah wore uh verse nine then the king sent to him a captain of 50 with his 50. and he sent and he went up to them and behold he was sitting on the top of a hill and he said to him o man of god the king says come down and eliahu replied to the captain of 50 if i am a man of god let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty there is miracle number six that elijah has performed he's called down fire from heaven to uh destroy those 50. so again the king sent another captain of 50 with his 50 and he said to him o man of god thus says the king come down quickly and eliahu replied to them if i am a man of god let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty then the fire of god came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty there's miracle number seven another 50 destroyed with fire it's interesting the king got word that he's going to die so he's sending his troops to go bring elijah he wants to meet him personally and uh elijah's not playing along um so now we have seven miracles of the eight uh that elijah uh is known for uh second kings one thirteen uh so again he sent the captain of a third 50 with his 50. and when the third captain of 50 went up he came down and bowed down on his knees before eliahu and he begged him and said to him o man of god please let my life in the lives of these fifty servants of yours be precious in your sight behold fire came down from heaven and consumed the first two captains of fifty with their fifties but now let my life be precious in your sight and the angel of the lord said to eliahu go down with him do not be afraid of him so he arose and went down with him to the king then he said to him thus says the lord because you have sent messengers to inquire of baals above the god of ekron is it because there is no god in israel to inquire of his word therefore you shall not come down from their bed where you have gone up but you shall surely die so ahaziah died according to the word of the lord which eliah had spoken and because he had no son jehoram became king in his place in the second year of jehoram the son of jehoshaphat king of judah now the rest of the acts of azia which he did are they not written in the book of chronicles of the kings of israel okay um chapter two of kings second kings verse one you understand what happened in the last story right the king he fell through the lattice he's gonna die maybe he's sends to inquire am i going to die and he gets word from elijah that yeah you're going to die you know why because you're inquiring of bial zabob does israel not have a god that you can ask that god he's asking these false gods all right um all right second kings two and it came about when yahweh was about to take up eliahu by a whirlwind to heaven that eli yahoo went with elisha from gilgal remember in first in the first part um elijah was told to go and anoint elisha to be his successor okay and uh they are now leaving gilgal eliahu and alicia and remember who alicia is in type we talked about it in the first video uh elisha is a picture a type of yeshua jesus the messiah verse 2 eliahu said to elisha stay here for yahweh has sent me as far as bethel but elisha said as the lord lives and as you yourself live i will not leave you so they went to bethel then the sons of the prophets who were at bethel came to elisha and said to him do you know that the lord will take away your master from you today and he said yes i know be still i kind of it's kind of interesting how do these prophets the sons of the prophets how did they know that god was about to take uh elijah up to heaven that's a good question i i don't know the answer but they seem to know that okay verse 4 elijah said to him elisha stay here for the lord has sent me to jericho but he said as elisha says as the lord lives and as you yourself live i will not leave you so they came to jericho and the sons of the prophets who were at jericho approached elisha and said to him do you know that the lord will take away your master from you today and he said yes i know be still then elijah said to him please stay here for the lord has sent me to the jordan and he said as the lord lives and as you yourself live i will not leave you so the two of them went on together who are these sons of the prophets you know we we we find them they're in gilgal they're in bethel they're in jericho and you're about to see that they're in jordan also at the jordan river these sons of the prophets they are mentioned eleven times but only in first and second kings okay and uh i don't think that they are they're it's not referencing to being physical descendant of a prophet but they're just more of a prophetic order of prophets that to which they belong okay but somehow i guess if they're good prophets they know that god is going to take elijah maybe that's the sign of a prophet uh he knows what's going to happen and we know that there are prophets left in israel uh first kings 18 3 remember now obadiah greatly feared the lord for when jezebel had slaughtered the prophets of yahweh obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them 50 men per cave providing them with food and water so there are there are prophets remaining ahab and jezebel didn't get rid of all of them um and it's probably not unusual that a outside group knows what is about to happen we can see this in the new testament in the breed hadashah remember in mark chapter 3 verse 11 it was whenever the unclean spirits saw him jesus yeshua they would fall down before him and shout you were the son of god and he earnestly warned them not to tell who he was so there were there were beings who knew who jesus was so all right and then jesus told them you know shh don't tell anybody and what did uh what did alicia tell the prophets um yes i know be still be quiet about it um so second kings two seven now fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood opposite them at a distance while the two of them stood by the jordan and eliahu elijah took his mantle and folded it together and struck the waters and they were divided here and there so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground there is miracle number eight he parted the jordan river and crossed over on dry la land i told you elijah being the greatest of the prophets here or one of the greatest uh he only performed eight miracles we have now covered all eight okay very nice there they all are um and when they had crossed over uh verse nine uh eliahu said to elisha ask what shall i do for you before i'm taken away from you and elisha said please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me oh he said you have asked a hard thing nevertheless if you see me when i'm taken from you it shall be so for you but if not it shall not be so think about what elijah elisha asked for give me a double portion of your spirit well elijah he doesn't have the the pay grade to make that kind of a decision right can i give some can you give somebody a portion of your spirit and a double portion how do you know if it's going to be so he leaves it up to god listen elisha if you see me when i'm going which means elijah knew he was going also but he said if you see me when i'm gone may god give you the double portion and if you don't see me when i go may you not get the double portion that's perfectly leaving it up to god verse 11 and as they were going along and talking behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them and alicia and elijah elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven elisha saw it and cried out my father my father the chariots of israel and his horsemen and he saw elijah no more then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces hmm it's kind of interesting that he repeated this my father my father you know there's only certain there's only a handful of times when a phrase or a word is repeated in the bible here's a good one here my father my father and we said elisha is kind of a kind of elisha is a type of yeshua and this kind of reminds me of when yeshua jesus was hanging on the cross and he calls out my god my god why have you forsaken me right yeshua is quoting david from psalm 22 verse 1. okay my god my god why have you forsaken me that's from the new american standard version the texting bible probably says omg omg where are you and it's interesting asking for a double portion and he calls him my father my father because what do we know about what is the inheritance for a firstborn son from their father deuteronomy 21 17 tells you but he shall acknowledge the firstborn the son of the unloved by giving him a double portion of all that he has for he is the beginning of his strength to him belongs the right of the firstborn and what do we know about the word firstborn in hebrew uh it's a becker it's a bet a cough and a rash bet is two cough is twenty rest is two hundred firstborn adds up to two two two just really emphasizing double portion okay so let's did elisha get a double portion that's a good question nowhere does it actually say that he actually got that we do know that alicia saw him going up with the chariot of fire and the horses of fire but did he actually get the double portion good question well here is a reminder of the eight miracles of elijah and if you go through and i did this with paper pencil and i read through the whole elisha story and i wrote down every time he did a miracle and i came up with 15. elisha did 15 miracles and then he died hmm wow elijah did eight alisha did fifteen missed it by that much he oh if god would have given him one more miracle then we could all say look he got a double portion how did god miss this one or did he anyway we're going to talk about uh the 15 miracles that alicia did um you know in the fourth video but i do want to point out one that's a little strange here and that is his third miracle and that is whenever he left elijah okay and he went uh this is verse 23 of second kings two then he elisha went up from there right from the jordan uh to bethel and as he was going up by the way young lads came out of the city and mocked him and said to him go up you bald head go up you bald head and when he now this is one of the strangest verses here in the bible if you just read it out of context you go what in the world but verse 24 it says and when he looked behind him and saw them these are the little kids who were mocking him when he looked behind and saw them he cursed them in the name of yahweh then two female she-bears came out of the woods and tore up 42 lads of their number okay you understand this is so strange right these kids are mocking him they're saying go up you bald head go up you bald head what does that even mean he's they know that his mentor elijah was taken up and elijah is bald and elijah is taken up and now they're mocking him wanting him to be taken up also elisha must also be bald right and then these two female uh she bears come up out of the the two she bears come up out of the this is not a she bear this is a he bear bring me a she bear they come up out of the they come up out of the woods and attacked the 42 lads and mauled them to death what a way to go verse 25 and he went from there to mount carmel and from there he returned to samaria so that's really a strange little story there but let's go back to our main story second kings 13 verse 20. and alicia died and was buried up elisha died and he was buried that's it elisha did 15 miracles he really didn't he almost got the 16. ah all right okay let's continue with verse 20. now the moabite raiders used to come into the land every spring once as the israelites were burying a man suddenly they saw a band of raiders so they threw the man's body into alicia's tomb and when he touched the bones of elisha the man was revived and stood up on his feet ah there's miracle number 16. it didn't happen while alicia was alive it happened when he was dead right they're burying a guy they don't have time to bury him because they're being invaded and so they just put the man's body in alicia's tomb and when he touched alicia's bones he came back to life miracle number 16 after death now remember i told you elisha is a type of yeshua here's a reminder of elijah's eight miracles and elisha did 16. 15 while alive and 16th one after he was dead and remember elisha is a type of yeshua what was elisha's last miracle it was resurrection from the dead for others elise's death brought life to a dead man what was yeshua jesus last miracle his death brought life to me and to you and to the world if they accept that sacrifice if that blood sacrifice of yeshua that perfect blood sacrifice of god himself coming down and meeting his own requirement of a perfect blood sacrifice very nice resurrection from the dead for others beautiful so remember all of these different um parallels between elisha and yeshua one of them is resurrection from the dead for others remember some of the other ones we said uh whenever elisha and whenever elijah did a sacrifice everything got burned up whenever elisha did a sacrifice he distributed all the food and fed others which is what yeshua jesus would do remember elisha healed leprosy only three people in the bible heal leprosy moses and the one who follows elijah well who followed elijah physically it was elisha elisha cured leprosy who who's the third one to cure leprosy it's the one who followed elijah spiritually as you will see you know remember the new the old testament ends with i'm going to send elijah before the great and terrible day of the lord there the jews are looking for elijah to come so spiritually yeshua follows elijah and he cured leprosy so there's another parallel here's another parallel we mentioned in the first part right with elijah the word of the lord came to elijah the word of the lord came to elijah seven times with elisha you never see it say the word of the lord came to elisha it's like the word of the lord didn't come to yeshua the word of the lord the word of the lord is yeshua is the lord he didn't get a message from god he is god okay notice that elisha elisha did not start his own ministry elisha continued elijah's ministry that's kind of the same that's kind of that's the same thing as yeshua hamashiach jesus did not start his own ministry jesus continued the ministry of john the baptist there's there's more parallels between yeshua and elisha right they didn't start their own they continued the other so let's go back to uh elijah is taken up and alicia saw it and he cries out my father my father the chariots of fire and the horse uh okay uh and then at the end of that verse it says and he saw elijah no more then elisha took hold of his clothes and tore them in two pieces something big happened right there there is a tear there is a cut okay we have gone from elijah and now we're going to elisha just like in the new testament we're going to have a a cut where things change whenever yeshua comes and whenever he dies remember what happened when he died look in matthew 27 51 it says behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom the earth shook and the rocks were split mark 15 38 the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom luke 23 45 the sun was darkened and the veil the temple was torn down the middle once that once that tearing takes place it's it's a new ball game going on okay we got new rules now the new covenant has been established it's the new covenant in yeshua jesus blood that's how you get to heaven it's a beautiful beautiful picture they have here very nice okay it's got a big sea change happening okay um where are we going here matthew 11 11. it says truly i say to you remember because i'm telling you elijah is a type elijah is a prototype a pre of john the baptist and in matthew 11 11 it says truly i say to you among those born of women there is not a risen anyone greater than john the baptist this is yeshua talking yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force for all the prophets in the law prophesied until john the baptist and if you are willing to accept it john himself is eliahu who was to come he who has ears to hear let him hear by the way it says jesus himself is saying john himself is eliahu and we know that elijah is supposed to come and here john the baptist is elijah spiritually if you remember when john the baptist was born he had the spirit of elijah his mother in the womb the spirit of elijah was with this baby okay so john the baptist is spiritually and type elijah and when john the baptist came then the messiah shows up yeshua now i believe that elijah is also going to show up physically prior to yeshua's second coming it says it says that elijah is going to come before the messiah shows up he showed up in type spiritually as john the baptist for yeshua's messiah's first coming and he will show up physically for yeshua's second coming and if you read revelation is it revelation maybe 11 i think i don't have in front of me sorry but uh god's going to send two witnesses to preach in jerusalem for three and a half years and they're going to be proclaiming the messiah is coming the messiah is coming and those two witnesses one of them is elijah and the other one is going to be moses okay we know it's these two uh we just know it's going to be these two here here's uh uh here's some examples of how we know that matthew 17 verse one six days later jesus took him peter and james and john his brother and led them up on a high mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun and his garments became as white as light and behold moses and elijah appeared to them talking with them here you have moses and elijah together again and by this is the transfiguration transfiguring by the way is to transform something into something more beautiful or more elevated okay so jesus was transfigured up on this mountain and you have with him elijah and moses so these two by the way moses moses represents the law elijah represents the prophets okay so these two would be good candidates to be the two witnesses we know what's elijah's big miracle he stopped the rain what was moses's big miracle he turned water to blood and the two witnesses who were going to come to jerusalem in the future what are they going to do they're going to stop the rain and they're going to turn water to blood there's another big hint who the two witnesses are we know elijah is because the last verse in the old testament says i'm going to send elijah before the great and terrible day of the lord and we know the other one is moses i know a lot of people say it's enoch because enoch never died and elijah never died and it's appointed once for man to die but it's not enoch it's moses and here's how we know it's moses when moses was up in front of the burning bush and he says to the burning bush which is god they're going to ask me what is your name and this is where god answers i am that i am and you tell them yahweh yahweh of abraham yahweh of itsahak and yahweh of yankov right you know when moses went down off that mountain the people never asked him what was his name i think it's hard to believe that of all the things this is a huge story right that you got a burning bush and you got moses up there and the burning bush this is god and man meeting together and of all the things moses could have said he said they're going to ask me what is your name and then he goes down and you can read the rest the torah the people never ask him what is his name well why did he even put that is that just a throwaway line that god put in the story no they're going to ask what is his name they're going to ask moses when when he comes back as one of the witnesses with elijah so there um all right uh matthew 17 it talks we hear about that uh the transfiguration uh six days later yeshua we already read that one uh verse two and he was transfigured before them his face shone his garments were like uh light white is light behold moses and elijah appeared to them talking to them peter said to yeshua lord is it good for us to be here if you wish i will make three tabernacles here one for you and one for moses and one for eliahu a tabernacle by the way that is a sukkot okay a sukkah sukkot plural asuka is one okay you want you want us to make three sukkot three little tabernacle three little houses for you and moses and elijah verse five while he was still speaking a bright cloud overshadowed them behold a voice out of the cloud said this is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased listen to him and when the disciples heard this they fell down to the ground and were terrified and jesus came to them and touched them and said get up do not be afraid and lifting up their eyes they saw no one except yeshua himself alone and as they were coming down from the mountain jesus commanded them saying tell this vision to no one until the son of man is risen from the dead and his disciples asked him why then describes say that eliahu must come first and jesus in verse 11 and he answered and said eliah who is coming and will restore all things but i say to you that eliahu already came and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they wished so also the son of man is going to suffer at their hands then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them about john the baptist yoking on the immerser in hebrew okay so we have this big change here this sea change in the new testament you have john the baptist he represents elijah and the prophets yeshua is representing elisha he's the bringing the new covenant there's this change you understand that's going on beautiful and i keep quoting this last verse of the old testament malachi 4 verses 5 and 6. right behold i'm going to send to you elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the lord he will restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers so that i will not come and smite the land with a curse very nice so you know the jews are expecting elijah to come before the messiah and he's going to as one of the two witnesses in revelation they missed the jews missed his first coming when he came in the spirit of elijah as john the baptist okay in fact if if you've ever been to a jewish passover seder the jews set their table and they always leave one chair open for eliahu they put a plate they fill his glass of wine they leave the chair empty and they're expecting and waiting for him to come they ask the kids go open the door look up and down the street see if you see him coming i can imagine if you're a little jewish kid and you see that your parents are setting a place for this man who they're expecting and they're pouring wine in a glass for this man that they're expecting these little kids are expecting him and ah he didn't make it this year i knew my neighbor lady she was 92 years old and she said when she was a little girl she was petrified when they told her go look because they kept building this up year after year that this man supposed to show up and she's actually thinking he's going to show up which he is but they she thought he was coming to their house she said she was scared to death it's kind of like when when i was a kid you know hey are those jingle bells we're hearing go look outside and see if you see santa coming up the road you know it's it's a perversion of the the beautiful story of elijah that the christians have done we should be celebrating passover and we should be looking out and expecting elijah and we should be doing a passover seder and we should be setting a place not just the jews okay but he is gonna come there it is all right if you watch my uh video on sukkot and the birth of yeshua uh you will see in luke chapter one it tells you it's a little cryptic but i explain it in that video john the baptist was born on passover which they're expecting him on passover and he came on passover uh by the way that last verse of the tanakh in malachi where the last line says so that i will not come and smite the land with a curse the end that's the last word of the bible of the old testament is curse isn't that's kind of sad that the last verse of the vibe of the old testament is curse look at verse 13 of galatians 3 christ redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree okay so there is going to be a solution to this curse that is coming okay it's yeshua and by the way um the last word in hebrew the word curse is harem it's a hat a rash and a meme harem and what is the word uh harem end with uh it ends with a mem got it okay um remember is one of those letters that has a final form a sophiate form okay so mam has two forms and remember what mem also represents if it's the first mem it's an open womb if it's the final mem it's a closed womb how sad that the the jews are expecting a messiah and the messiah is going to be a man he's going to be born of a woman and the last letter of the last word of the old testament is cursed and the last letter of the old testament is a closed mem which is a closed womb it's like oh woe is me there's no hope we're expecting we want this messiah to be born of a woman yet where we got a closed womb very sad but you know what all you need to do is find that section where the old testament ends and don't be dismayed turn the page and look at the brief hadashah the brit had a shot opens up in matthew and it says the book of the genealogy of yeshua hamashiach son of david son of abraham safir taldot yeshua hamashiach ben david ben abraham and then it goes on and gives the entire genealogy of yeshua all the way down to miriam miriam his mother and we know that yeshua it was a virgin birth which fits in beautifully with you have a closed womb a closed womb you're not going to have a baby but a virgin birth that supersedes a closed womb praise god how cool is that my jewish friends please read your new testament get yourself a copy of the new testament go online bible cc.com it has it has every version in english and it also has the original hebrew it's beautiful you can read it there all right well we're going to wind it up right there for part two thank you so much for watching to god be the glory to god be the honor to god be the praise and we will see you to part three soon god bless bye bye wait we have a bonus and here's a really cool bonus the bonus might be as long as the video we just watched a little bit shorter but you know what here's something we kind of overlooked and just ran right over but look at elisha's route that he took following elijah it says he started in gilgal and then they went to bethel remember uh elijah said listen i've got to go to bed the lord is calling me to go to bethel you stay here elisha said no wherever you go i go and he went with him to bethel and then in bethel he said listen the lord is calling me to go to jericho you stay here no wherever you go i go and he went with him to jericho and then in jericho he said you wait here the lord is calling me to go to the jordan no i'm going with you where you go i go that that route that elijah and alicia took it's not just some accidental uh routing you understand there's gonna be some significance to it okay let's start with gilgal let's talk about each of these four in joshua four this is where we first hear about gilgal this is the first place the jews camped when they came out of the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness they crossed over the jordan and there they are in gilgal gilgal by the way has to do with round in hebrew okay round turning spinning okay like a wheel and keep that in mind because uh here's where when they go to gilgal they are turning away from their old life right it's turning gilgal gilgal the word gilgal also means reincarnation in hebrew not that reincarnation is something that is uh biblical although again wait until part three or part four and you're going to see that coming up again with elijah it's unbelievable make sure you tune in to uh part three or four um so their first camp was in gilgal we see this uh in joshua four verse 19. now the people came up from the jordan on the 10th of the first month and camped at gilgal on the eastern edge of jericho then you shall inform your children saying israel crossed this jordan on dry ground for yahweh your elohim dried up the waters of the jordan before you until you had crossed just as the lord your god had done to the red sea which he dried up which he dried up before us until we had crossed that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the yahweh is mighty so that you may uh fear the lord your god forever here's another little parallel between elijah and moses they both parted bodies of water which again something else they have in common which i think puts them in the uh future witness category from revelation and joshua 5 tells us something else that happened in gilgal starting in verse 3. so joshua made himself flint knives and he circumcised the sons of israel at uh gibbeah harold could be ah verse four this is the reason why joshua circumcised them all the people who came out of egypt who were males all the men of war died in the wilderness along the way after they came out of egypt for all the people who came out were circumcised but all the people who were born in the wilderness along the way as they would come out of egypt had not been circumcised their children whom he raised up in their place joshua were circumcised for they were uncircumcised because they had not uh circumcised them along the way so all the when they were wandering in the wilderness the ones who come out of egypt they were circumcised in egypt and when they come out and they've all died away now here's the next generation and no one had been circumcised all those years in the wandering and so now they're going to be doing a big circumcision of all that crowd and that also happened in gilgal so um and by the way he said he's pointing out remember joshua put 12 stones there in the river we we pointed that out in joshua four to remind the people remember this is where the lord parted the waters and we the the sons of israel crossed over the 12 stones representing the 12 tribes right you know when yeshua jesus was being baptized you can find this in matthew 3 uh verse 7. he's being baptized and it says but when he saw many of the pharisees and sadducees coming to his baptism he said to them you brood of vipers who warned you to flee the wrath to come therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance and do not think to say to yourself we have abraham as our father for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones you know the pharisees and the sadducees they're these self-righteous political religious leaders you know they remind me of democrats anyway they just think they're so holier than thou okay and jesus is putting them in their place and he says you see these stones you you think you're so special god can raise up new children to israel from these stones what stones jesus is talking about the 12 stones that he's seeing in the jordan river when he's there being baptized these are the 12 stones that i think joshua put i don't think josh will put joshua put in joshua chapter 4 that's the stones to which jesus is referring here okay verse 8 of joshua 5. now when they finished circumcising all the nation they remained in their places in the camp until they were healed then yahweh said to joshua today i have rolled away the reproach of egypt from you so the name of that place is called gilgal to this day rolling round turning rolling gilgal get it okay that's why it's called gilgal there it is in the hebrew verse 10 and while the sons of israel were camped at gilgal they observed the passover on the evening of the 14th day of the month on the desert plains of jericho now the point is this gilgal it has to do with rolling rolling turning away okay and we see that this is where they rolled away their past life in the wilderness right they're they're they're being circumcised uh the next generation there is a separation associated with gilgal okay something is being separated we're separated from our old life we're separated a circumcision is a separation right then um looking at first kings 19 verse 21 so he returned from following him and he took the pair of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the implements of the oxen and gave it to the people when they ate then he arose and followed elijah and ministered to him you see elisha he is doing a separation here in gilgal he's separating from his old life and he's following elijah eliahu very nice there's a parallel there and where's the first place they went they went to beth l well beth l bet his house l is god the house of god what happened to the bethel in genesis 28 we have the jacob's ladder story right this is the entrance to the house of god that ladder going up and down and from heaven okay and genesis 12 was the first time i think we see bethel this is whenever um abraham let's just start reading in chapter 12 verse 8 then he abram proceeded from there to the mountains on the east of bethel and he pitched his tent remember god told abraham go go to the land that i'm going to show you and so abraham abram went okay and he pitched his tent with bethel on the west an eye on the east and there he built an altar to the yahweh and called upon the name of yahweh abram journeyed on continuing toward the negev now there was a famine in the land so abram went down to egypt to sojourn there for the famine was severe in the land um looking at first kings 12 it says if this people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the lord of jerusalem then the heart of this people will return to their lord even to rehoboam king of judah and they will kill me and return to rehoboam king of judah so the king consulted and made two golden calves and he said to them it is too much for you to go up to jerusalem behold your gods of israel that brought you up from the land of egypt he set one in bethel and the other he put in dan this is much later when you've got this king rehoboam instead of building an altar where abraham built the altar in bethel he put one in bethel and one in dan way up in the north well you can't no there's one house of god it's beth l you can't be putting golden calves in the house of god you can't be putting golden calves up in dan and having people worship up there you need to seek the presence of god and that is going to be in the house of god and that's where elisha went next with elijah first he separated then he went to the house of god bethel nice in genesis 13 this is the second mention abraham returns to that altar that he had built it says verse 1 so abram went up from egypt to the negev he and his wife and all that belonged to him and lot with him now abram was very rich in livestock in silver and in gold and he went on his journeys from the negev as far as bethel to the place where uh his tent had been at the beginning between bethel and i uh to the place of the altar which he had made there formally and there abram called out on the name of the lord so abraham gets the picture abraham separate abram separated from his old life in ur the chaldees and he went then to bethel and he builds an altar he's separated and then he seeks the presence of god i'm seeing a nice picture here okay i'm with jacob slatter um this is genesis 28 verse 17. he jacob was afraid and said how awesome is this place there is none other than the house of this is none other than the house of god and this is the gate of heaven so jacob rose early in the morning and he took a stone that he had put under his head and he set it up as a pillar and poured oil on its top he called the name of that place bethel however previously the name of the city had been lose jacob also is going to the house of god bethel the next place that eliahu went and alicia followed was jericho jericho and what's famous about jericho remember this is when they had to go to war at jericho and they were told to march around the city once per day for seven days on the seventh day march around it seven times blow the trumpets and the walls came tumbling down i can imagine the people in jericho looking out and saying who are these crazy people marching around our city what they're not quietly they weren't yelling they were quietly walking around the city you know the battle of jericho was won by a walk of faith and that's our next thing that's what that's what elisha's next thing is a walk of faith in joshua six it says they marched around the city for six days on the seventh day march around the city seven times and the priests shall blow trumpets and the walls came down then in uh looking colossians 2 11 it says and in him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of christ colossians 3 9 do not lie to one another having put off the old man with his practices whenever you are circumcised you are again cutting away the old life you're not going to be uh doing your old stuff right you're it's a separation from your old okay um but gilgal and we're going to get to that last the last destination jordan in a second but gilgal represents the circumcision the separation the conquering of the flesh right that's what circumcision is your your old life your circumcision uh from that old life the cutting away okay then um your second stop is bethel this is a picture of conquering the world right i don't want anything to do with the world i am living in the kingdom i'm going to seek bethel the house of god i'm going to circumcise i'm going to cut away the old life and then i'm going to seek the house of god i'm going to conquer the flesh and then i'm going to conquer the world and then jericho is the winning the battle by the walk of faith this is your next thing in in your christian spiritual life you need to conquer satan you need to just walk by faith in joshua 6 joshua made them take an oath at that time saying cursed before yahweh is the man who rises up and builds this city jericho with the loss of his firstborn he shall lay its foundation and with the loss of his youngest son he shall set up its gates um that's that also happened in jericho right when it when it fell down it said this will not be rebuilt um and you don't want to rebuild it you're going to walk by faith not by satan influencing you no i have faith this is conquering satan is the uh the next stop that they went to and then you come to the fourth destination which is the jordan and the crossing the jordan was kind of like crossing the red sea it's it's a picture of the baptism the death burial and resurrection you're going under right and coming out but then you got to do it dry right we do it with the water your death burial resurrection coming back up out okay and look in colossians 2 12 having been buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of god who raised him from the dead first peter 3 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward god it saves you by the resurrection of jesus christ yeshua hamashiach so these four stops along the way the first one is separate from your old life then bethel seek the presence of god then walk by faith and then the baptism death resurrection and you get the eternal life the jordan represents that baptism and the four conquering in the flesh conquering the world conquering satan and conquering death that's what those four towns represent very nice okay and this route that we're showing here of these four cities you know it's not an insignificant route it seems to there has some spiritual meaning to it some yes it's kind of reminiscent and oh yes the jews is where the jews went whenever they came they crossed to gilgal then they went to bethel and then they went to jericho yeah there's a memorial kind of example to them but i think there's many different levels to these four okay it's it's a little memorial in nature okay and it's spiritual in nature okay very cool how all this ties in and you know what if you look in the new testament look at paul look what paul wrote in philippians 3. let's just start with verse 7. it says but whatever things were gained to me those things i have counted as loss for the sake of christ you know what that is that's a separation he's separating from all that old life that he had that's a picture of gilgal and then paul says in verse 8 more than that i count all things to be lost in view of the surpassing value of knowing christ jesus my lord for whom i have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish so that i may gain christ he separates in verse 7 and then he seeks the presence of god in verse 8 that's beth l the house of god and then he continues in verse 9 and may be found in him not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law but that which is through faith in christ the righteousness that comes from god on the basis of faith faith there's the walk of faith there's jericho he's alluding to and verse 10 that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to his death in order that i may attain to the resurrection from the dead there's the jordan how cool paul is following those same four towns in his four verses here in philippians 3 separate from your old life seek the presence of god walk by faith baptism death resurrection and then you get what elijah gets you get a rapture picture you're whisked up which i believe is coming very very soon it will it will be in the next oh i know we're not picking date when i'm not picking a date but it's going to be in the next second no more than 5 10 years away you can see the world is going to hell in a hand basket and we can now be looking for a glorious hope the rapture that gets us the hell out of this place i can't wait all right god bless thank you amen bye bye
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 5,833
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Elijah, Elisha, אלישע, אליה, אליהו, Ahab, Jezebel, Jordan, Double, Portion, Spirit, She bears
Id: _SsOC2tlw6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 56sec (3956 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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