Joseph Part 3

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Hey Shalom Shalom from your Dutch uncle John here to tell you of what it is about Joseph part three now Joseph part to remember we didn't talk about Joseph very much it was at a mark Judas story okay but before an out today before we go into Joseph's part three we have a little dirty laundry to air from Joseph part two when I showed you the name remember the the there were five times were Jacob Yaakov had an extra above in his name and there was five times when Elijah was missing a vote and we showed this picture here and I had misspelled Elijah Eliyahu it's all Aslam ed you would pay love okay I had doesn't matter what I had this is the correct slide so sorry about that and points to the guy from Bulgaria who caught it okay let's go on and do a little bit of review remember Joseph he gets sold into Egypt and then the brothers in chapter 37 they took Joseph's multi-coloured diff coat tunic and they slaughtered a male goat and they dipped the tunic in the blood and then in chapter 38 was Judah Tamar remember and Tamar she took that veil and covered herself from and dressed up like a prostitute to to get to Judah to sleep with her and then in chapter 39 you have Joseph down there working for pot afar and he raises Joseph to number two in the household and the wife tries to seduce him and he runs out but she grabs his his coat and then accuses him to her husband that hey look what your Hebrew boy has done trying to trying to rape me and all three of those we've had deception by garment three chapters in a row okay and then it left Potiphar in in the position where he's got to punish Joseph because if he does then it looks like he doesn't believe wife and he shouldn't leave his wife she's just she was just a scorned woman and upset so we left off in Genesis 39 and it says verse 20 so Joseph's master took him and put him into the jail the place where the Kings prisoners were confined and he was there in the jail but the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer the chief Jan are committed to Joseph's charge all the prisoners who were in the jail so that whatever was done there he was responsible for it the chief jailer did not supervise anything under Joseph's charge because the Lord was with him and whenever he did the Lord made him to prosper so now partner of Potiphar raises him to number two in his in his household and then the chief jailer raises him to number two in the jail okay Genesis 40 verses 1 then it came about after these things that the cup bearer and the Baker for the king of Egypt offended their Lord the king of Egypt Pharaoh was furious with his two officials the chief cupbearer and the chief Baker take note of those two so he put them in confinement in the house of the captain of the bodyguard in the jail the same place where Joseph was imprisoned the captain of the bodyguard put Joseph in charge of them and he took care of them and they were in confinement for some time then the cup bearer and the Baker for the king of Egypt who were confined in jail both had a dream the same night each man as his own dream each dream with its own interpretation when Joseph came to them in the morning and observed them behold they were dejected then verse 7 he asked pharaoh's officials who were with him in confinement in his master's house why are your face is so sad today then they said to him we have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it then Joseph said to them do not interpretations belong to God tell it to me please so the chief cupbearer told his dream to Joseph and said in my dream behold there was a vine in front of me on the vine with three branches and as it was budding its blossoms came out and it's clusters produced ripe grapes now favorite Cup was in my hand so I took the grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup and I put the cup in pharaoh's hand then joseph said this is the interpretation of it the three branches are three days within three days Pharaoh will lift you up your head and restore you to your office and you will put Pharaoh's cup in his hand according to your former custom when you were his cup Bearer only keep in mind when it goes well with you and please do me a kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house Surratt was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews and even here I have done nothing that they should put me in this dungeon this is all kind of cool is that how this is all working out Joseph thinking that get me out of here okay and then there's the chief Baker and he sees all this happening so when the chief Baker is verse 16 when the chief Baker saw that he had interpreted favorably he said to Joseph I also saw in my dream that behold there were three baskets of white bread on my head and in the top basket there was some of all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh and the birds were eating them out of my basket on my head then Joseph answered and said this is the interpretation the three baskets are three days within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and will hang you on a tree and the birds will eat your flesh off of you well okay not not as the rosy outcome is the the cup bearer there right verse 20 thus it came about on the third day which was Pharaoh's birthday that he made a feast for all his servants and he lifted up the head of the chief cupbearer and the head of the chief Baker among his servants he restored the chief cupbearer to his office and he put the cup in pharaoh's hand but he hanged the chief Baker just as Joseph had interpreted to him do them yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph but forgot him okay a lot of going on right there notice a couple things one notice that these dreams have come in in pairs okay in fact we saw it back in the first the first video remember Joseph has a dream where there were all the sheaves of wheat and they're bowing down to him and then Joseph has a second dream where the Sun Moon and stars are bowing down to him those dreams came in pairs and here we have dreams coming in pairs again whenever something is repeated in the Bible it is established okay that's it's gonna happen so that's kind of cool and notice also here the two guys that have the dreams one is the cup bearer the cup bearer holds the wine the wine would represent the blood and then you have the chief Baker and the baker represents the bread you got the bread in the wine you see that picture okay showing up here and the bread represents the flesh the wine represents the blood we are to live not after the flesh we are to be under the blood of Yeshua right saved by the blood notice which one of these two guys ends up living and which one dies the one associated with fine blood he lives the one associated with the bread the flesh he dies okay I think it's a nice picture there anything right okay verse 41 now it happened at the end of two full years the Pharaoh had a dream and behold he was standing by the Nile and lo from the Nile there came up seven cows sleek and fat and they grazed in the marsh grass then behold seven other cows came up after them from the Nile ugly and gaunt and they stood by the other cows on the bank of the Nile the ugly in God cows ate up the seven sleek fat cows then Pharaoh awoke verse five he fell asleep and dreamed a second time and behold seven ears of grain came up on a single stalk plump and good then behold seven ears thin and scorched by the east wind sprouted up after them the thin ears swallowed up the seven plump in full ears then favor awoke and behold it was a dream now in the morning his spirit was troubled so he sent in corn for all the magician's of Egypt and all its wise men and favorite told them his dreams but there was no one who can turb with them interpret them to Pharaoh okay again Pharaoh now has two dreams where you have the seven cows sleep cows coming up and devouring the seven plump cows you have seven sleep ears of corn or a great coming up in devouring seven plump ears of grain again the dreams are coming in pairs so whatever the interpretation of the dream is it is established and it was interesting in verse 6 it says that those thin ears they were scorched by the east wind the east wind when everything is coming from the east it's always is it's bad scorching destroying okay when Jonah when Jonah is sitting outside the Nineveh and there's a plant grows up it's an east wind that comes and destroys that plant when you sure returns it's like lightning from coming from the east to the west Jesus is going to return and destroy his enemies okay coming from the east those destructions okay interesting little tidbit there I'm not going to charge you for that one okay Genesis 41 then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh saying I would make mention today of my own offenses Pharaoh was furious with his servants and he put me in confinement in the house the captain the bodyguard both me and the chief Baker and we had a dream on the same night he and I and each of us dreamed according to the interpretation of his own dream now there was the Hebrew youth who there with us a servant of the captain of the bodyguard and we related these dreams to him and he interpreted our dreams for us to each one he interpreted according to his own dream and just as he interpreted for us so it happened he restored me in my office but he hanged him so then Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph and they hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon and when he had shaved himself and changed his clothes he came to Pharaoh and Pharaoh said to Joseph I have had a dream but no one can interpret it and I have heard it said about you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it Joseph then answered Pharaoh saying it is not me God will be a pharaoh a favorable answer so Pharaoh spoke to Joseph and he says in my dream okay well I'm not gonna I don't want to go to a yachtie because I don't want to go to Yatta Yatta scripture but I also don't want to read the whole dream again but he relays the entire dream to him okay and or two dreams and again I'm pointing out that there were two of them okay whatever this is gonna be it's established okay so Joseph now is going to interpret them in verse 25 he says to Pharaoh Pharaoh's dreams are one and the same God has told Pharaoh what he is about to do the seven good cows are seven years and the seven good ears of grain are seven years the dreams are one and the same the seven lean and ugly cows that came up after them are seven years and the Seven thin ears scorched by the east wind will be seven years of famine it is as I have spoken to Pharaoh God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do verse 29 behold seven years of these these seven years by the way he's gonna be very prophetic here verse seven the seven and sevens watch this right now we're doing a lot of reading it's gonna be a lot of interpreting in a minute verse 29 behold seven years of great abundance are coming in all the land of Egypt and after them seven years of famine will come and all of the abundance will be forgotten in the land of Egypt and the famine will ravage the land so the abundance will be unknown in the land because of the subsequent famine for it will be very severe now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh twice it means that the matter is determined by God and God will quickly bring it out so now let Pharaoh look for a man discerning and wise and set him over the land of Egypt discerning and wise remember that's what Solomon asked for God give me wisdom and discernment ask for that on your knees at night wisdom and discernment verse 34 God has to answer that prayer he has to give you a wisdom and discernment of you ask for it and you can't get it any other way verse 34 let Pharaoh take action to appoint overseers in charge of the land and let him exact 1/5 of the produce of the land in Egypt during the seven years of abundance then let them gather all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain for food in the cities under Pharaoh's Authority and let them guard it and let the food become as a reserve for the land for the seven years of famine which will occur in the land of Egypt so that the land will not perish during the famine now the proposal seemed good to Pharaoh in to always service okay so a famine is coming there's going to be seven years of abundance and seven years of famine and we can prepare for it by saving up one-fifth and then we'll store it up in the and have it for the family years what is all this prophetically and what does it represent okay the seven good years the seven good cows the seven good ears of corn I think this is representing representing of the word of God the word we're going to have we're gonna have seven good periods of the word being spread okay the word Jesus is the word Jesus also said he is the bread of life okay it makes sense all right so how are these seven periods manifest well if you look in Revelation chapter 1 okay verse 1 in Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel to the servant John okay if you've seen my revelation 1 2 and 3 video that would explain a lawyer please look at that if you have the time and they're long but they are deep and good by the way the word revelation in he in Greek is apocalypsis in Hebrew it's hid galoot but in a in the the Greek apocalypsis you can put in the they have good mantra values they don't call them Gomorrah they call them I saw Sophie but you can put in the values in the greek the word apocalypsis adds up to 1500 and 12 which is no surprise seven times 216 there's your seven that God weaves into everything right and even more clever is that this 216 is six times six times six a number of the name of the Antichrist which in a prominent character in Revelation okay now in Chapter two and three of Revelation it talks about these seven letters that Jesus is writing and he's writing them to the seven churches deficits Amerinet Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea those were seven churches that were in existence all at the same time back then they are also prophetically representative of the future of Christianity for the next 2,000 years from the time John's writing this okay Ephesus covered the Apostolic period up to about 100 AD then semana murder murder is murder embalming for the spice murres ents persecution and Samara church represents the persecuted Church the when Rome was throwing Christians to the Lions and the people were the Christians were hiding out in in catacombs okay and that went on for about two hundred year period and then you had Pergamum which was when Constantine became a Christian and and then Thyatira was when the Catholic Church carried the banner of Christianity for the next eight hundred years and Sardis the Protestant Reformation Philadelphia was the the Church of brotherly love the true church Laodicea is the endtime Church but these seven churches are representing some better than others Christianity for the last two thousand years and they were the that's where there was the opportunity we had for the last two thousand years to be storing up the bread and where's the bread coming from it's coming from the churches okay then we're gonna have seven years of famine and as you know Yeshua he came he planted a seed he went back to heaven he's going to come back to harvest he's going to come back for his bride this is the rapture he's gonna take his rapture his bride away and when he does there's going to be a seven year period of tribulation the last three and a half years a Great Tribulation okay jeremiah 30:7 talks about it he cause at the time of Jacob's trouble alas for the day is great there is none like it and it is the time of Jacob's trouble but he will be saved from it Daniel 9 talks about it remember the the seventy weeks okay until all these things were gonna have to take place and but he will make 9:27 he will make a firm covenant with many for one week that's one week of years seven years okay and when Antichrist is ruling and reigning or trying to over the world there will be a famine of the Bible Antichrist cannot he does not want to share and will not share glory he wants at all so he's not gonna allow Christianity okay so there's the famine so the two thousand years is representing the good and then the seven-year tribulation is is the famine it's a nice picture here hidden in the Jacob or the the Joseph story okay Genesis 41 38 then Pharaoh said to his servants where can we find a man like this in whom there is a divine spirit so Pharaoh says to Joseph since God has informed you of all this there was no one so discerning and wise as you are and you shall be over my house and according to your command all my people shall do homage only in the throne I will be greater than you favor of said to Joseph see I have set you over all the land of Egypt wow this is kind of interesting Joseph remember at the end of chapter 1 of the first video he's ends up in a pit and then at the end of the second video he's out of the pit he's in a jail ok and now here in the third video he's risen to number 2 in all of Egypt Egypt by the way represents the world you always have Israel and then you have the world God's chosen and the Gentiles right so this picture of Joseph's Jewish boy who goes to check on his brothers you have Jesus who God sends to go come down and check on his brothers the brothers are jealous of him they reject him they leave him for dead in a pit both Joseph Jesus they they had him crucified they don't poo safai him but they have him crucified by the Romans okay do you see how they're going down down down Jesus Yeshua is death Joseph is in a pit he's in a jail but Jesus resurrects jesus goes and sits at the right hand of God Jesus becomes number two right after the Father and Joseph he's down in the pit of the jail you see the allegory the parallel and Joseph's gonna rise to number two in all the world Egypt the one represents the world so favorite verse 42 then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his and put it on Joseph's hand and Twitter teaming garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck he had him ride in the second chariot and they proclaimed before him bow the knee and he sent him over all the land of Egypt moreover famous said to Joseph though I am Pharaoh yet without your permission no one shall raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt so he has made number two in the land and notice someone's going before him in the chariot and proclaiming bow the knee whenever Joseph passes you must bow the knee there is another parallel error with that with Yeshua what is Philippians 2 9 and 11 say sorry with knowing for this reason also God highly exalted him Yeshua and bestowed on him Yeshua the name which is above every name so that the name so that at the name of Yeshua every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father you see this is the same picture Joseph Amon had a bow with Jesus everyone's knee will bow ok Genesis 41 45 then pharaoh named joseph Zepa nath Pinilla and he gave him a Sanath the daughter of Potiphar a priest of own as his wife and Joseph went forth over the land of Egypt you know we've talked about these other characters who are types of Jesus ok Adam we I mean their son of God I don't want to rehash them every time but Adam was definitely a jesus type Itza Hawk Isaac take your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go sacrifice him on a mount I tell you okay there's a there's a Jesus type Moses we did a five-part video on the parallels profit most like Moses okay Boaz the kinsman redeemer in the Ruth story and now Joseph these are all Messiah types these are all Jesus types and you'll notice one of the things about them is each one of them married a Gentile bride here Joseph is favored gave him a S&M the daughter of caught a fear a priest of own that's a foreigner he's not a Jew right Adam marries Eve Eve is a Gentile they remember there's no Jews until Judas shows up it's a hawk marries Rebecca they go on he says do not get a kin and I go find a bride over here okay Moses married Jethro's daughter that he was a priest of Midian Zipporah was her name Baal has married ruth the moabite and yeshua he's going to marry a Gentile bride his Gentile bride being the church got it okay Genesis 41 46 now Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt and Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and he went through all the land of Egypt during the seven years of plenty the land brought forth abundantly so he gathered all the food of these seven years which occurred in the land of Egypt and placed the food in the cities and he placed in every city the food from the fields around it Joseph stored up grain and great abundance like the sand of the sea until we stopped measuring it for it was beyond measure not watch this verse 50 now before the year of famine came two sons were born to Joseph whom S&F the daughter of Potiphar a priest of own board to him okay what have we here let me just point out a couple things these two boys that Joseph has they are not Jews they are Gentile they it depends on your mother that's how it's established okay so because the mother was asked an F daughter of Potiphar a priest of our own Egyptian the two boys are going to be Egyptian just keep that in mind and look what we have here a Joseph who is a Jesus type he takes the Gentile bride before the seven-year famine what's the parallel when is the rapture when is Jesus going to take his church some people say it's before the tribulation some people it's mid-trib some people it's at the end of the Trib tribulation period you understand this if this is a an allegory this is a type picture this shows Joseph took his bride Jesus will take his bride the church before the seven-year famine before the seven year tribulation makes sense it's a nice picture for a pre-trib okay and blessed it's more logical I mean a post post at the end of the seven years you know the rapture is not the Second Coming the rapture is him taking his bride the second coming is he comes back to destroy all his enemies and we come with him okay and he destroys them all and then we all have a big feast the marriage supper okay it doesn't make sense that he would leave us here for the seven years of tribulation and then whisk us up okay you beat the hell out of us for seven years and take us to dinner that doesn't that's not the picture I see of Yeshua coming for his bride okay so 51 verse 51 Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh for he said God has made me forget all my trouble in my this household there's a lot of law hidden in that word Manasseh I guess and he named the second Ephraim for he said God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction that word Ephraim anytime you hear that pay race good in the pay remember is can be an F sound like phone p ph Ephraim Ephraim okay and it's that the PRI PRI Fri you see the word fruit is it's in Perry in Hebrew but the P can be an F than the F in the R and the word fruit comes very similar from the word PRI that we have in Hebrew that's what I see anyway okay and Ephraim is gonna mean fruitful okay Bethlehem Ephrata anytime you hear that PRI think of fruitfulness Jessa's 41:53 when the seven years of plenty which had been in the land came to an end and the seven years of famine began to come just as Joseph had said then there was famine in all the lands but in all the land of Egypt there was bread 55 so when all the land of Egypt was famished the people cried out the failure for bread and Pharaoh said to the Egyptians go to Joseph whatever he says to do you shall do Wow wait a minute what is that strike a memory or a future memory because in John 2 5 remember Jesus is at the wedding in Cana and they run out of wine and they ask his mother and his merrie says his mother said to the servants whatever he says to do whatever he says to you do it it's the exact same thing with one with Joseph it's with bread with Jesus it's with wine there again there's that bread wine correlation is it okay it kind of weaves itself through ever since the beginning okay remember and Melchizedek brought bread Abraham brought bread and wine from milk is a decade all right Genesis 41 56 when the famine was spread over all the face of the earth then Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold to the Egyptian and the famine was severe in the land of Egypt the people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe and all the earth okay how do we solve the famine John 6:35 Jesus said to them I am the bread of life he who comes to me will not hunger he who believes in Me will never thirst you see the parallel between Joseph Enda and Jesus Yeshua okay Genesis 42 it's gonna get what it's gonna get good here watch this Genesis 42 verse 1 now Jacob remember him this is the father the one of all these boys Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt and Jacob said to his sons why are you staring at one another he said behold I have heard that there is grain in Egypt so go down there and buy some for us from that place so that we may live and not die the ten brothers verse three and wait the tenth wait a minute go back go back one verse what did that verse say now Jacob saw there was grain in Egypt and Jacob said to his sons why are you staring at one another my goodness you don't understand how prophetic that verses we just read right past that and not think twice about it unbelievable verse right there you've got Jacob you have all his sons remember Jacob gets his name changed to Israel Jacob is Israel these are the sons of Israel all around him okay and they got a problem they need bread and what are the Brooke what are the boys doing they're looking at each other what do you think well you have an idea we need bread haven't gonna do this what are you gonna like you understand what's happening they are looking for the solution amongst themselves when the solution actually lies with the brother that they betrayed and is far far away does that ring a bell because you have Yeshua you have a promised Messiah coming and the Jews are waiting and looking and anticipating their Messiah but the Jews think that their Messiah and they were correct that the Messiah is coming from one of their own okay as we lose the prophecy that he told Moses right I'm gonna raise up a prophet from among your countrymen he's gonna be Jewish so they're expecting a Jewish Messiah but they're constantly looking at one another who the Messiah might be instead of the one that they betrayed who's far far away you see that picture here when I was in Israel you'll see this this poster everywhere okay this is this on the back of a road sign next to an oil tank but this guy here he is the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memory okay this rabbi born in 1901 died in 1994 this rabbi they believe is the Messiah Tuesday there are a group of Jews the Jews break into different groups just like Christians do you have like like your Baptist in your Presbyterian your Methodist and Lutheran's the Jews have reformed and they have conservative and they have Hasidic and they have messianic not many but it's growing they have you understand there's all different types of Judaism okay and there's one group the Lubavitcher who they believe that this guy was the Messiah is the Messiah even though he died it'll be 30 years ago over 25 years it doesn't matter okay he won't but he's dead he no he rose again spiritually okay you understand but then you'll go into airports and they'll have booths where they trying to sign you up into their theological doctrine okay but it's funny cuz the he's a Jew of modern descent and notice why are you looking at one another they are looking to fellow Jews in fact you go around Jerusalem depending on the neighborhood you're in if this neighborhood has a rabbi in these very old amis ninety-five and he has to beard down to here and he's very righteous man they think hey for your consideration we think this guy might be the Machine off to the Messiah and you go over to this neighborhood and this they have their synagogue and they have their old rabbi and they think maybe this guy is the rat is the Messiah okay the Lubavitcher they believe it even though he's dead okay but it's the base like this verse 40 to 1 why are you looking at one another okay it's a very prophetic verse and we just kind of zip right over a little time alright okay forty two three then ten brothers of Joseph went down to buy grain from Egypt but Jacob did not send Joseph's brother Benjamin with his brothers for he said I am afraid that one that may befall him so the sons of Israel came to buy grain among those who were coming for the famine was in the land of Canaan also verse 6 now Joseph was the ruler over the land he was the one who sold to all the people of land Joseph's brothers came and bowed down to him with their faces to the ground when Joseph saw his brothers he recognized them but he disguised himself to them and spoke to them harshly and he said to them where have you come from and they said from the land of Canaan to buy food and in verse 42 8 it says but Joseph recognized his brothers although they did not recognize him why didn't they recognize Joseph granted it's been 20 years since they've seen him but the other answer we've already covered three chapters in a row chapters 37 38 39 the answer deception by garment in fact today why don't the Jews recognize Yeshua Jesus as their Messiah I'm gonna tell you and it's from experience I learned this I was in Israel with my very good friend and we won't mention names and we're in some kind of the Catholics have built a church over something and we went in and looked at it and we're coming out and there's a gift shop there's gift shops outside of every Catholic Church in Israel and in this gift shop they had the rose reason to marys and but outside the gift shop they had these giant picture of Jesus okay and you couldn't miss it and I said to my friend and I saw him looking at at this big picture and I said who is that my friend said that's Jesus I said no I want you to realize that is not who I don Uncle John John kostik John II caustic that is not who I worship it took it took not minutes it took days I think he's still registering this because the only picture of Jesus that is seen in Israel by the Jews they see this guy who's got this big pumping heart here and he's wearing scarlet and he's got a big dome around his head okay this is who the Jews think is Jesus and let me tell you Yeshua is a strong Jewish man he would never be caught wearing these clothes I explained to my friend Maya Shula that I worship he is a strong Jewish man he wears a prayer shawl he wears tallit he wear tzitzit you understand he follows what God instructed this Jesus character that you're seeing it's a creation of of Gentiles and honestly if you're Jewish and you see this creation that we've made that that man is made of Jesus that is as foreign to a Jew as a Buddhist statue or an elephant God from India you understand they are all just as crazy and foreign to a Jew a Jews looking for his Messiah his Messiah is going to be Jewish he's not going to be wearing some the outfits okay so there was a big prophetic picture here that the Joseph's brothers he recognizes them but they don't recognize him because he's in foreign garments and today the Jews don't recognize Yeshua and one of the big reasons the biggest reason God blinded them to it but one of the things that contribute to that is that we've dressed him in form in deception by garment okay not only that it continues look at the what's the the painting there the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci okay I'm sure you've all seen this picture this is the this is the night the Last Supper this is the Passover right the the Passover Seder this is the dinner that you have the night before Passover right this is when Jesus said those most famous words everyone who wants to get in the picture get on this side of the table okay you know what this picture it has done more to harm the cause of Jesus I think because this has nothing to do with a Last Supper a Passover Seder first of all it'll up it that's supposed to happen on Passover Eve at night at sunset when it becomes Passover when you look at this painting you look out the window this is like the last lunch this also Passover begins the feast of unleavened bread unleavened bread is made with no yeast on this table you've got big puffy loaves of bread not only can you not eat them they can't even be in the house no Jew would be wearing these colors Jews are going to be wearing the white prayer shawl or with maybe a stripe on it okay this is some fanciful crazy outfits okay Renaissance also a Passover Seder they be sitting on the floor on this one also the besides being at a table you have light haired people these are the Semitic people the Jews are gonna have dark hair okay none of these look Jewish except for one there's one guy they put here he's clutching the money bag okay Judas over here okay anyway I don't like just I call this the da Vinci con because really there's nothing Jewish about it there's nothing Jesus about it it's horrible so what would the Passover Seder look like I think more like this where they're sitting around on the floor breaking the bread okay it also wouldn't surprise me if they brought their wives and their kids and because that's the true feeling the true meaning that you know of a Passover Seder that we're all going to get together and break bread and and that'll be more more in line with what it should be Genesis 42 verse 9 Joseph remembered the dreams which he had about them and he said remember the dreams he had about his brothers right they'll be bowing down to him you were spies you have come to look at the undefended part of our land and they said to him no my lord but your servants have come to buy food and they said your servants are 12 brothers and all the sons of one man in the land of Canaan and behold the youngest is with our Father today and one is no longer alive Wow do you understand what's happening here they they're admitting to the guy the truth I mean Joseph's playing with em I you're spies and I just said just to get him they deserve gotten and there no no no we are 12 brothers and all our father lives in Cannon he saw as the youngest son he's back alone truth truth truth tell the truth and one is no longer alive that's interesting that they acknowledge that there was another one there acknowledging that the Joseph exists and you know there's a parallel to that as well because Jews although they don't believe Yeshua or as they call him Jesus because that's the only name they hear of him they don't acknowledge that Jesus is their Messiah they do acknowledge he is one of theirs in fact I find a lot of Jews they don't know anything about Jesus because they're not even supposed to mention his name but a more secular Jew would say something to the effect of oh yeah Jesus yeah he was one of ours who made it big it's kind of a joke and they can Slough it off they know nothing else about him okay but for the most Jews okay alright but it's a prophetic picture that they do acknowledge him even though he's no longer alive 4214 Joseph said to them it is as I said to you your spies and by this you will be tested by the life of Pharaoh you shall not go from this place unless your youngest brother comes here send one of you that you may get your brother while you remain confined that your words may be tested whether there is truth in you but if not by the wife of Pharaoh surely you are spies so we put them all together in prison for three days you know remember Joseph that youngest brother Benjamin and Joseph they share the same mom Rachel Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin and Rachel was Jacob's favorite wife so these two boys Joseph and Benjamin they hold a special place for Jacob and and Joseph and Benjamin have a certain bond because they are the brothers of the one wife who he had really really really loved and Joseph knows what these brothers or he suspects he knows he he knows the brothers threw him in the pit he probably assumes the brothers sold him however happened he ended up sold in Egypt but he knows what happened to him from these ratfink brothers and so you he has to be concerned about his brother Benjamin he just freezes well being and that's why he's asking them bring your brother because he wants to make sure that these rats didn't do to Benjamin what they did to him see the picture there it's there 42:18 now Joseph said to them on a third day do this and live for I fear God if you were honest men let one of your brothers be confined in your prison but as for the rest of you go carry grain for the famine of your household and bring your brother youngest brother to me so your words may be verified and you will not die and they did so verse 21 then they said to one another truly we are guilty concerning our brother because we saw the distress of his soul when he pleaded with us yet we would not listen therefore this distress has come upon us again the brothers it's sinking in what we did the Joseph you know what comes or goes around comes around it's coming back to bite us now okay this is why we're having all this distress verse 22 Reuben answered them saying told you so told you so I need to smack people like that Reuben answered them saying did I not tell you do not sin against the boy and you would not listen now comes the for his blood they did not know however that Joseph understood for there was an interpreter between them didn't need an interpreter Joseph grew up speaking their language he's standing there listening to him okay and Ruben Ramiro Ben means Ruby hold been a son behold a son and Ruben said didn't I say don't stand against the boy didn't behold the son let's don't sit against him okay and there's a parallel in John 19 5 when they bring Jesus then came out wearing a crown of thorns and a purple robe and Pilate said to them behold the man behold the son with Joseph Ruben behold the man Jesus and Pilate Genesis 42 24 and Joseph he turned away from them and wept but when he returned to them and spoke to them he took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes okay so we have Joseph weeping here and in John 11:35 the shortest verse in the Bible Jesus wept there's a little parallel balloon in there but pick note of this which says he took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes they're just a reminder of where Simeon lies and those the kids Reuben was first Simeon was second these are these are the sons of a laya okay and Rachel Rachel doesn't have hers until the very end right all the ten sons before your Laius or Leia's maid servant or Rachel's maid servant has them all okay 34 25 now it came Oh this Simeon that's what I was talking about Simeon it says that he took Simeon and bound him before their eyes okay let me remind you who Simeon is remember there was the story with Dinah okay Dinah is their sister all these boys were talking about Jacob some boys there's actually a girl involved a daughter named Dinah and they go and they meet this foreign King or this King somewhere out here and while they're there the king's son Shechem he goes in and gets Dinah alone and and rapes her and when when Dinah tells Jacob and the brothers this is what's happened Shechem did this to me Jacob says well he needs to marry you but he can't marry you unless he's been circumcised and accepts our God which these people agree to do and so when they get circumcised the next night when they're in pain and recovering Simeon and Levi back in Genesis 34 25 each took his sword and came upon the city unawares and killed every man so I mean this is how this is just horrible you you've got these people this whole city agrees to believe in your God and they go so far as to allow themselves to be circumcised and while they're recovering you go in and kill them all that's the mentality of Simeon okay just so you know and at the end of Genesis when Jacob is giving out all the blessings the the prophetic blessings to his sons in verse 5 of Genesis 49 it says Simeon and Levi are brothers their swords or implements of violence okay and they're used some more you can read on your own but these Simeon is a bad guy he would what did he do he he lamed an ox would he call when you cut the behind their foot okay hamstrung he had the hamstring hamstrung an ox okay so it's interesting it says that that he's going to keep and bind up Simeon and let the others go back and they have to bring Benjamin got it why Simeon well I want you to look at this verse this is unbelievably famous verse Devarim 6 for Deuteronomy 6:4 this is called the Shema in Hebrew here o Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one this verse a Jew recites that when they wake up in the morning a Jew recites it when they go to bed at night God says to take this verse write it on your heart write it on your doorpost put it on your head and you're on when you go in the gate when you go out the gate teach it to your kids this is huge this verse and it says here Shema eastern royale yahweh delahaye knew yahweh god notice he says 3 times yahweh is one now hey nose to yaw wait is 3 he mentions three different names or titles for himself and then he says we're one okay we've talked about this Assad Assad in this case it points to one but it refers to whenever multiple things come together and become one though one cluster of grapes okay an example but that first word is Shama Shama means here okay and you know Shama is where we get Simeon Shimon is hearing you can hear them in there right Shama Shimon so the brother that they they bound Joseph had Shem Ian bound while they went to check on their brother and bring back their brother okay verse 42 24 he turned away from them and wept and when he returned to them and spoke to them but he took Simeon Shimon from them and bound him before their eyes notice why don't the Jews believe Yeshua is their Messiah here's the prophetic thing right here their hearing was bound does that make sense that's why they haven't heard it because the prophetic picture remember the Jews had to be supernaturally Beth blinded so that they would reject the Messiah so that they could have the Messiah crucified which he had to be specified we needed that perfect blood sacrifice and by rejecting their Messiah they are scattered all over the world that's why the God of Israel is known all over the world the Jews hearing and vid' that was you understand and he says in them in the end he's gonna remove those scales from their eyes and the Jews are gonna recognize their Messiah how can they not you see is he's in every verse he's in every word he's probably in the spaces between the letters okay in Romans 11:25 it reinforces this and a new testament in the breed hadashah he says for I do not want you brethren to be uninformed of this mystery so that you will not be wise in your own estimation that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in he's letting you know in part of this mystery that the Jews have had their blinders put on they've had their hearing hardened why because it forces them to be scattered it causes the gaudy visual to be known we accept that we Gentiles okay and their their hardening has happened until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in there's going to be a point where okay this is the final Gentile to accept then the Jews will say okay 42 25 then Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain and to restore every man's money in a sack and to give them provisions for the journey and thus it was done for them so they loaded their donkeys with her grain and they departed from there as one of them opened his sack to give his donkey fodder at the lodging place he saw his money and behold it was in the mouth of his sack when he said to his brothers my money has been returned and behold it's even in my sack and their hearts sank and they turned from them to one another saying what is this that God has done to us notice this is happening in a lodging place okay that's where they realized oh my goodness this is God is he's singing as sons went on here right by the way back in Luke 2 7 says and she gave birth to her firstborn son and she wrapped him in clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the end this is at an end where the first example of betrayal to Jesus and you thought this is a good trick question to ask somebody you know when was the first time that Jesus was betrayed before he was born at the end there's no room sorry okay right from the before birth I mean a betrayed isn't the word what's the word whatever the word is okay verse 42 29 rejected how about rejected I like that Genesis 4229 and here I'm not going to this is endless video in 29 the brothers came to their father Jacob in 30 they said the Egyptian leader spoke parsed you with us and he took us for spies in verse 31 we said we are honest men were not spies in verse 32 he's told them we were 12 brothers one is no longer alive and the youngest is with a father today verse 33 in the rejection leader said leave one of your brothers with me verse 34 bring your youngest brothers though I know that you're not spies but that you're honest men in verse 35 and they empty their sacks and the money was in the set here they're just retelling the whole story to Jacob and their father Jacob said to them you have bereaved me of my children Joseph is no more and shimmying is no more and you would take Benjamin all these things are against me I understand Jacobs picture here right he's already lost two sons and he went you want to take Benjamin my favorite now and then Reuben listen to this verse 37 then Reuben spoke to his father saying you may put my two sons to death if I do not bring him back to you put him in my care and I will return him to you gee what an idea dad I will take Benjamin down there and I will bring him back but if I don't bring him back you can kill two of my sons two of your grandchildren like this is any kind of compensation how ridiculous he understand you know that you see this again we were talking about Genesis 49 the whole when Jacob was given all the prophetic prophecies there of his sons when he talks about Reuben Jacob summoned all his sons we've said earlier he was talking about Simeon and Levi here's what he had to say about Reuben Ruben you are my firstborn my might in the beginning of my strength preeminent and dignity and preeminent in power uncontrolled as water you shall not have preeminence because you went up to your father's bed then you defiled it and he went up to my couch Ruben did go sleep with one of Joe Jacobs concubines but he's also he's uncontrollable these are these you know and he's gonna pay for that he doesn't get the preeminence okay in verse 38 of Genesis 42 but Jacob said my son shall not go down with you for his brother is dead and he alone is left if harm should befall him on the journey you are taking then you will bring my gray hair down to Sheol in sorrow so he's pretty adamant he's not gonna send Benjamin verse 3 of chapter thirty 43 Judah spoke to him however saying the man solemnly warned us you shall not see my face unless your brother is with you Judah by the way Judah's name means praise in Hebrew it's Yehuda and I'd like to point this out Yehuda is spelled you'd hey valve Darla hey notice there's a good hail of hay in his name that's Yahweh and there's a dollar in there the dollar its picture as a door so how do you get to Yahweh the door to Yahweh goes through Yehuda and it really does there's the door and it's going through the word y'all Yehuda okay and sure enough the Messiah does come through the line of Yehuda of Judah okay Micah 5:2 prophet it's going to happen but you Bethlehem Ephrata there's the Ephrata remember the fruitful but you house of bread bait lefm but you house of bread fruitful through you are though you are small among the clans of Yehuda judah out of you will come for me one who would be ruler over Israel whose origins are from old from ancient times the Messiah's coming from Bethlehem he's coming from the tribe of Judah and his origins are eternal this is letting you know the Messiah is God you see the picture there okay then Israel said why did this is Israel said this is Jacob right there you there switching his name here then Jacob Israel said why did you treat me so badly by telling the man whether you still had another brother and they said the man questioned us and our relatives saying is your father still alive have you another brother so we answered his questions could we possibly know that he would say bring your brother down this reminds me of John 4 39 in the Newton debris cutter shop remember Jesus is at the well with a Samaritan woman and he knows that she's had five husbands and he knows things about her and it says from that city many of the Samaritans believed in him Jesus Yeshua because of the word of the woman who testified he told me all the things that I have done you know Jesus just knew things he shouldn't have known and you see that same picture here when the brothers are with Jacob arguing with Joseph you know well he was asking these questions you know do you have another brother is your father still alive it's like he just knew then Judas said to his father Israel send the lad with me and we will arise and go that we may live and not die we as well as you and our little ones remember there's a raging famine going on right they need food I love this verse 9 Judah Yehuda says I myself will be Surti for him you may hold me responsible for him if I don't bring him back to you and set him before you then let me bear the blame before you forever and for if we are not delayed surely by now we could have returned twice this is nice this is so nice Reubens ideas listen if I don't bring you back kill my two sons Judah is taking more responsibility Judah saying I will be responsible for him hold me responsible well that's nice if you remember Judah was the one who said what does it profit us if we kill him let's sell him do you understand that gives you the mentality of Judah what is that what is the profit is to kill him I sell him we also have Judah remember Judah was the one who said she's pregnant she needs to be burned have her burned ok so Judaism is a rapscallion isn't he but it seems like he's coming around here ok that he's gonna take the blame then their father Israel said to them if it must be so then do this take some of the best products of the land in your bags and carry down to the man as a present a little bomb a little honey some aromatic gum and myrrh pistachio nuts and almonds and take double the money in your hand and take back in your hand the money that was returned in the mouth of your sacks perhaps it was a mistake notice Israel he's doing the same thing he always you know Joseph is kind of the manipulator an opportunist the heel grabber was his name right golf the heel grabber he always he's trying to control and manipulate and here he's kind of doing the same thing instead of just alright when you go back here here take some pics and bribes here take some ball and some honey and some gum and murder him nuts he's instead of just God take them safely and bring them back safely you understand that's the way it needs to go not him trying to manipulate it through there verse 13 take your brother also and arise return to the man and may God Almighty grant you compassion in the sight of the man so that he will release to you your other brother and Benjamin and as for me if I am bereaved in my children I am bereaved so the men took this present and they took double the money in their hand and Benjamin and they arose and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph verse 16 when Joseph saw Benjamin with them he said to the houses steward bring them into the house and slay an animal and make ready for the manner to dine with me at noon so the men did as Joseph said and brought them in to Joseph's house now the men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's house and they said is it because of the money that was returned in our sacks the first time that we are brought in that we may seek occasion against us and fall upon us and take us for slaves with our donkeys there worried you see because the money was put back in their sack maybe this is some kind of a trick we're gonna get us in here and then they're gonna zing us ok ok you know I think this is a good part to end Joseph's part 3 you should have one more part and we're done with Joseph I'm not sure what we're doing next anyway thanks for watching to God be the glory to God be the honor to God be the praise and seriously isn't this isn't it neatly the prophetic stuff how that weaves in and and and you see it you see it it's it's just there okay god bless see you soon bye you
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 6,299
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: Joseph, יוסף, dream coat, Simeon, 12 tribes, Israel, Potiphar, Ephraim, Last Supper, da Vinci, Passover, seder
Id: Cg9GrL4iBIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 20sec (4520 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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