Goliath & David Part 2

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here to tell you what it is in david and goliath d and g part two uh we are still in kyrgyzstan today we have lubimi peach nectar okay now on the previous video part one uh we were talking about how there are antitypes in the old testament okay and uh yeshua jesus has these pre-figures right adam uh it'sahawk isaac joseph boaz and king david uh are types of yeshua moses being the ultimate and they're also antitypes for the antichrist which is you'll find all through the bible uh this antichrist character or spirit revelation 13 we had said has a lot of uh descriptions of him okay and in part one we covered there's the 666 there was the bear lion and beast theme who wages war with him there's the dragon remember goliath was in these fish scaled armor okay so we're gonna continue uh where we left off uh maybe a verse or two before and uh we're in first samuel chapter 17 uh and verse 37 uh david has been he offered to go and fight goliath this philistine and saul was kind of doubting that he was just a youth and would not be able to do this and david said the lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear he will deliver me from the hand of this philistine and saul said to david go and may the lord be with you then saul clothed david with his garments and put a bronze helmet on his head and he clothed him with armor verse 39 david girded his sword over his armor and tried to walk for he had not tested them so david said to saul i cannot go with these for i have not tested them and david took them off verse 40. so he david took his staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's bag which he had even in his pouch and his sling was in his hand and he approached the philistine wow lots packed in that verse uh first of all he picked for himself five smooth stones that word for stones there is ebenim and that's plural notice it ends in good mem i am if you have just one stone the word is eben aleph bet noon and what do we know about aleph bet noon stone the word stone is made up of two hebrew words combined it's the word father abba and the word sun ben and you put them together and you make a stone ebon i remember the stone that that the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone that's a pic that's a description of the messiah and it's just a nice description of the the oneness of the father and the son they are like a stone you can't separate one from the other beautiful picture i love it okay so evan stone and uh he picked up five stones well you know what he's going to battle against this philistine goliath remember goliath back in 1st samuel 17 4 it says he had a bronze helmet on his head and he was clothed with scale armor which weighed 5 000 shekels of bronze so we've got 5 000 shekels of bronze going against five smooth stones from the brook i mean this is like the most mismatched battle that's coming but of course david has god uh to help out and five if you remember five it's the it's the fifth letter hey and whenever we see hey remember behold we're revelations something's gonna be revealed something big blessing is coming okay and all through the bible we have examples of this matthew 9 16 do you not yet remember or understand or remember the five loaves in the 5 000 and how many baskets full you picked up i mean you got if you just go into that verse with hey look he had five loaves wow hey five something big is going to be revealed it's all through the bible and god has given us these blessings in fives we have five senses right we have five fingers very nice right and this is remember there were five people in the bible who at the fifth mention of their name the verse says they found favor and david happens to be one of them first samuel 16 22 saul said to he said jesse saying let david now stand before me for he has found favor in my sight that is the fifth mention of david's name in the bible the torah the torah five books in the torah genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy bereshit shimote vaikara bamidbar devarim and this torah by the way this is what gives us the law okay and in second corinthians 3 7 it describes the law as verse 7. but if the ministry of death in letters engraved on stone came with glory so that the sons of israel could not look intently at the face of moses because of the glory of his face fading as it was on and on but there the letters engraved on stone these are the tablets this is the law and it's referring paul here is referring to that as a ministry of death letters engraved on stones is the ministry of death remember it's by grace you are saved through faith not the law so goliath is about to learn the hard way that mocking and taunting the god of israel is going to be his ministry of death the law brings death you know another reason david picked up five stones look at this in 2nd samuel 21 starting in verse 15 this is after the whole david and goliath story it says now when the philistines were at war again with israel david went down and his servants with him and as they fought against the philistines david became weary then is among the descendants of the giant the weight of whose spear was 300 shekels of bronze in weight was girded with a new sword and he intended to kill david but the son of zerulia helped him and struck the philistine and killed him then the men of david swore to him saying you shall not go out again with us to battle so that you do not extinguish the lamp of israel very nice that his men are concerned about david listen don't you be going to battle anymore we don't want to lose you the lamp of israel but who is this ishbi banab one of the descendants of the giant this is not goliath this is a different giant okay in second samuel 21 16 here are a couple different translations it says ishbibanab was a descendant of the giants of the giants from the english standard version the new american standard even the king james talks about he was which was one of the sons of the giant well who's this giant they're talking about well if you go back to the original hebrew and the new international version the niv which i usually like to bash but they got it right on this one the berean study bible got it right then ishbi banab a descendant of rafa who's rafa okay but anyway that's what the original hebrew says not giants and rapha this is the proper name of inhabitants of an area east of the jordan okay um so we got this giant descendant from rafa whoever he is and david ended up killing him in 2nd samuel 21 18 now it came about after this that there was war again with the philistines at gobe then sibicai the husha tight struck down saf who was among the descendants of the giant saf who's he i don't know some another giant guy uh second samuel 21 19. there was war with the philistines again at gold and el han the son of yer origem the bethlehemite killed goliath the get tight the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam well this here's another giant this is not ishmael is not saf this is a guy named lami how do we know that because first chronicles 25 retells that same story look and there was war with the philistines again and el hanan killer of lommy the brother of goliath the get tight the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam they're they're telling the same story here and but here they're giving his name mommy and he was a descendant of these giants look at second samuel 21 20 starting there was war at gath again and there was a man of great statue who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot 24 in number and he also had been born to the giant and when he defied israel jonathan the son of shimiyai david's brother struck him down so here's a different guy this isn't one of those lamy or sath or ishbi banab this is the he doesn't have a name but he's the man of a great stature who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot 24 in number and in second samuel 21 22 it says because it's just described all four of these guys these four were born to the giant in gath and they fell by the hand of david and by the hand of his servants there they are all four of them and if you look at the different translations the new living the english standard the new american and the king james they all talk about these forward descendant from the giants in gath but the original says they were descendants of rapha in gath so there you go and by the way these four that were born to rapha and gath let's add those to goliath of gath now you have five and david took out all five of them so when david approached the philistine you know i always wondered why did he pick up five stones if he had so much faith in god you pick up one stone now i think david was thinking ahead you know this is goliath you're just the first of five nice nice picture what a great what a great story there um and here's uh again first chronicles 2018 talks about uh descending from the giants and the giants in the different versions okay yet the new americans the new international and the berean study bible uh translated it correctly points for them okay so he took his staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook you know whenever goliath and david when you picture this fight that's about to go on you think it's probably very one-sided right david's just a teenager goliath is nine feet tall and got all this armor and we don't think about you know it really david has the advantage not only because he has god but goliath there's something something different about goliath he's got this disease or whatever it is that makes him just huge right uh there's a term for it gigantism okay and there's a medical you can look it up here it's gigantism is this macroadenomas are large pituitary tumors large tumors can compress surrounding structures primarily the the normal pituitary gland and optic pathways causing symptoms so when you have this whatever you have that makes you extra big it causes extra problems okay and some of these macro adenomas can cause vision loss when the macro adenoma grow upward into the brain cavity they compress against the optic chiasm okay so it makes you have vision loss it also causes peripheral vision loss where one can only see directly in front of them it also causes blurry vision these macro adenomas grow forward and compress against the optic nerve and make things blurry and colors are not perceived as bright as usual so you know goliath imagine he has well you don't imagine he's got gigantism and he could have all of these symptoms and so his vision is a little blurry he can't see what's coming from the side his vision is going out and it's blurry and you know it really is not a fair fight he's got vision problems and that's a huge disadvantage all right uh first samuel 17 40. uh we already read this one he took his staff in hand and chose five stones 41 says then the philistine came on and approached david with the shield bearer in front of him ah you know what this is the second mention of the shield bearer and we said if if goliath is this massive guy his shield is a massive shield and his shield bearer must be a pretty massive guy right to carry this thing so who is this shield bearer and how does he apply remember goliath is a type of antichrist right so let's go look at revelation 13 starting in verse 11. and it says then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose fatal wound was healed he performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down out of the heaven to the earth in the presence of men so we've got we have this antichrist and now we have this other beast who goes before the antichrist propping him up and pointing to him okay verse 14 and he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given to him to perform in the presence of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who has the wound of the sword and has come to life and it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast would speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed verse 16 and he causes all the small and the great the rich and the poor the free and the slave to be given a mark on their right hand or their forehead and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for the number is that of a man and his number is 600 666. okay you know that they're talking about in in europe i know they have chips in all the farm animals it's not going to be long until they're going to start suggesting we need to start chipping people right you hear about it now you you can have your credit card information and your passport information and just put it all into a little chip and you just wave your hand over some kind of a little reader right and they can keep track of you and it's it's a ah it's coming it's this revelation 13 18. it's the beginning of it so we have this antichrist and we have this false prophet who goes before him and of course both of them are under satan and the three of them form an unholy trinity remember satan doesn't do anything on his own satan always copies god satan's not original so god has this perfect beautiful we don't want to call it a trinity what do we call it we call it the the complex unity right well satan copies this with his unholy trinity uh of satan antichrist and false prophet and i think that this shield bearer is the type or in type of uh the false prophet um there you go revelation 20 verse 8 and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever alright but here here you have the whole unholy trinity in one verse right you got the devil you got antichrist and false prophet um so in our triangle we can look at we have another beast coming up out of the earth that's a that's the the shield bearer representing false prophet nice now all these are you can see and by the way not every one of these is going to match up just like joseph has a lot of parallels to jesus but he doesn't have everyone if he had every parallel he'd be the messiah right and goliath is not going to have every parallel to the antichrist or he would be the antichrist okay um first samuel 17 42 when the philistine looked and saw david he disdained him for he was but a youth and ruddy with a handsome appearance you know here david is this young kid right but he ends up becoming israel's biggest greatest king smallest son of jesse becomes israel's biggest king that is the same as just look at the word israel israel starts with a tiny little yod and it ends with the big lamed just the name of israel shows it's it's going to be great okay first samuel 17 43 the philistines said to david am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and the philistine cursed david by his gods the philistine also said to david come to me and i will give your flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field then david said to the philistine you come to me with a sword a spear and a javelin but i come to you in the name of yahweh of hosts the elohim of the armies of israel whom you have defied this whom you have defied we saw this way back in the beginning of the story in part one right first samuel 17 10. again the philistines said i defy the ranks of israel this day give me a man that we may fight together and at the end of 26 for who is this uncircumcised philistine that they should defy the armies of the living elohim so we've got blasphemous words the antichrist speaks them it says in revelation 13 and we have goliath speaking them another parallel here blasphemous words okay samuel 17 46 this day yahweh will deliver you into my hands and i will strike you down and remove your head from you and i will give the carcasses of the army of the philistines to the birds of the air and the creatures of the earth that all the earth will know that there is an elohim in israel and all those assembled here will know that yahweh does not deliver by sword or spear for the battle is yahweh's and he will give all of you into our hands then it happened when the philistine rose and came and drew near to meet david that david ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the philistine wow it's getting exciting way to go david he's not running from the fight he's running into the fight i love it first samuel 1749 then david reached into his bag and took out a stone and slung it striking the philistine on the forehead the stone sank into his forehead and he fell face down on the ground ah okay um you know this is interesting he's goliath boom face down on the ground let's go back to genesis 3 19. this snake serpent satan he's deceived these people into eating the forbidden fruit and afterward god is doling out curses and punishments okay the snake gets cursed and the woman gets cursed the man actually doesn't get cursed uh in 319 it says by the sweat of your face you will eat bread till you return to the ground because from it you were taken for your dust into dust you shall return um god actually curses the ground and then man's gonna have to till the ground but there was no curse given to man but we were dust because he formed us from the dust and to the dust we will return and in genesis 3 14 whenever god is cursing the serpent it says and yahweh elohim said to the serpent to the nakhosh because you have done this cursed are you more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field on your belly will you will go and dust you will eat all the days of your life so the serpent is going to eat dust and in first samuel 1749 goliath boom face down the stone sank into his forehead and he fell face down on the ground goliath eat dust he's a serpent satan antichrist figure boom eat dust love it okay um and you know this stone hits him in the head and knocks him down and maybe kills him we're not sure here right now but uh goliath is receiving a fatal head wound and look at revelation 13 3 and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast so this antichrist he's going to receive a mortal head wound just as goliath did another parallel on our triangle head wound nice verse 50 thus david prevailed over the philistine with a sling and a stone and he struck the philistine and killed him but there was no sword in david's hand i mentioned earlier is did he kill him with the stone it says here and he struck the philistine and killed him okay then go to verse 51 and it says then david ran and stood over the philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it when the philistines saw that their champion was dead they fled i don't know whether the stone killed him in verse 50 or in verse 51 he took the sword drew it out and killed him it's kind of ambiguous there which which verse killed him was it the stone or his sword but he did cut off his head with it okay and there's a nice type parallel here because david is a type of christ and he slew goliath with a sword and if you go to revelation 19 verse 15 and 21 uh it says from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with that he may strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of god the almighty and the rest were killed with that sword which came out of the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh this is talking about yeshua right he's going to defeat his enemies with the sword that comes out of his mouth and david used the sword to defeat his enemy verse 52 the men of israel and judah arose and shouted and pursued the philistines as far as the valley and to the gates of ekron and the slain philistines lay along the way to sha'araim even to gath and ekron the sons of israel returned from chasing the philistines and plundered their camps uh verse 54 and david took the philistines head and brought it to jerusalem and he put his weapons in his tent verse 55 now when saul saw david going out against the philistine he said to abner the commander of the army abner whose son is this young man and abner said by your life o king i do not know the king said you inquire whose son the youth is so when david returned from killing the philistine abner took him and brought him before saul with the philistines head in his hand saul said to him whose son are you young man and david answered i am the son of your servant jesse you say the bethlehemite okay that wraps up first samuel 17. and you can see all these parallels between goliath and antichrist and david he's got parallels with the christ the messiah right the son of david so we're going to wind it up there thanks for watching god bless to god be the glory to god be the honor to god be the praise we will see you soon bye bye wait we have a bonus you know go back to first samuel 17 54. it says and david took the philistines head and brought it to jerusalem and he put his weapons in his tent from this from where this battle took place back to jerusalem is 20 miles okay and it says david took the philistines head remember he brought it when he went before saul he was carrying this head and if this guy is nine feet tall his head is a big head right and all of his weapons so when he gets back to jerusalem what does david do with a big dead head he's not going to put it in the tent with the weapons because in a day or two it's going to start stinking and he can't take him into the old city of jerusalem because there's laws about there's all kind of laws about death and you can't touch death death that such a dead body or you become unclean and god doesn't want a dead head brought into his holy city so where does david put the head it doesn't say does he bury it somewhere he could you know i have a suspicion as to where he put it you know there is a place in jerusalem and it's just outside of the old city in fact it's on the east side of jerusalem just up the road from the damascus gate and you cross the street and there is a bus terminal it's it's kind of the palestinian bus terminal if you want to take a bus to ramallah or to jericho this is where you catch the bus there's another bus station on the other side the israeli side and it's always rainy but you understand the jewish side and those buses go to parts of israel where the jews are so this bus station okay uh there's all these buses parked in a big parking lot and behind the bus station there is this outcropping of rock okay and it looks like a skull and down inside of this big rock outcropping there's all kind of caves and tunnels and i think that maybe david put it in one of those caves this is my suspicion uh behind this rock outcropping this this rock has a name it's called golgotha perhaps you've heard of it okay which if you go back to judges chapter 9 verse 53 it says a certain woman threw an upper millstone on abimelech's head crushing his skull the hebrew word for skull is go gullet there it is okay well that's interesting okay because this big rock outcropping is called golgotha the place of the skull and here's a picture of me i think it's back in 2008 maybe uh and you can kind of see you can see some buses parked on the bottom right there uh and it kind of looks skull like let me take another picture here's one you can see sunken eyes you can see a sunken nose and where the mouth it looks like a skull okay and this my friends is just across the street from the ancient holy city and we know from the brit had to sha the new testament matthew 27 33 says and when they came to a place called golgotha which means the place of the skull and mark 15 22 says then they brought him yeshua to the place golgotha which is translated place of a skull and luke 23 33 when they came to the place called the skull there they crucified him and the criminals and in john 19 17 they took yeshua therefore and he went out bearing his own cross to the place called the place of a skull which is called in hebrew golgotha this is where yeshua jesus was crucified on top of this place of the skull and it looks like a skull and in hebrew the hebrew word name is golgoth golgoth which is skull you know i have a very dear friend named reuben i met him in the united states he was jewish and he's the one who told me you want to show me jesus you show me jesus in the old testament in the torah in hebrew he told me this many years ago and it's what inspired me to learn hebrew and to dig all that i dig so i could show him and reuben eventually moved back to israel after 22 years in america and i went and visited him often he just died this week and it's extremely sad but i had the great blessing of meeting with reuben in jerusalem and i took him to the bus station jews don't go to that side of town jews don't go to that bus station and we walked back to where the buses are parked and he looked at this rock outcropping and he said what do you call this and i said reuben it's called golgotha and he just stopped in his tracks and he said the hebrew word for head bone is gogulip it's like the light went off the jesus was crucified on top of that hill and you know what jews never go to that side of town jews would not go to that bus station it's right there it's right there but they don't go and see it look at this picture if any jews are watching there it is golgotha the place of the skull it's in your holy city jerusalem and yeshua is crucified on top of that anyway i think david put goliath of gath's head bone his gogulate in golgotha and i think the name is just very clever how god calls the hebrew word for skull though gullit and the place where jesus is crucified is the place of the skull golgotha and when people say it's the place of the skull whose skull it's goliath of gath's skull is in there goliath of gas goliath of gath golgatha and when jesus was hanging on the cross and his blood is dripping down on this place of the skull this fulfills genesis one of the fulfilling of genesis 3 15 the proto-evangelium the first gospel because it says he will crush your head and you will bruise his heel jesus heal was bruised on top of that when they nailed him to the cross and when jesus precious innocent holy blood dripped down and hit the top of that skull hill satan head was crushed god bless thanks for watching see you soon bye bye wait we have another little bonus you know if you look in the book of ruth chapter one verse two it talks about ruth uh her in-laws uh it says the name of the man was uh elimelech and the name of his wife was naomi and the names of his two sons were melon and killian uh ephratites of bethlehem and judah and now they entered the land of moab and remained there okay so why are we bringing up ruth in this story okay well these two boys they married two moabite women ruth and orpah okay and then the two boys died so ruth decides to go with naomi back to israel orpah does not want to go back in orpah her name is spelled irene resh pay it references neck okay the the orif is the the word for neck in hebrew stiff neck you see in exodus 33 5 and the lord said to moses say to the sons of israel you are a stiff-necked people okay so again how is orpah related to any of this well in our talk about goliath remember he had four brothers and in second samuel 21 22 it says these four were born to the giant in gath and they fell by the hand of david and by the hand of his servants we read this earlier okay and remember it says they were born to the giant in gath that word giant is not giant that word in hebrew is rapha okay remember ishbi banab who is descendant of the giant who is descendant of the rafa uh and then they struck down saf who is a descendant of the rafa well that word rapha has the same three letters as orpah's name okay and jews in the talmud which i don't read the talmud i stick with torah and tanakh but in the talmud they believe that goliath and his four brothers were descendants or they were the children of orpah that's interesting now we have no biblical proof of that but it is jewish war and i thought you might like to know that uh that goliath's mother is a good chance is orpah okay there's your extra super bonus god bless see you soon bye
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 4,691
Rating: 4.9509201 out of 5
Keywords: David, Goliath, elah, Jerusalem, Golgatha, דוד, גלית, Jesse, Philistines, Antichrist, False Prophet, yeshua, Messiah, משיח, Jesus, Christ, ישוע
Id: MZe7n8nbKJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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