Elijah / Elisha Part 1

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hey shalom shalom from your dutch uncle john here to tell you what it is in the story of elijah and elisha now we're not going to cover them both in this video we're going to try to cover one of them at least introduce you to one of them and uh you know who are these prophets from the old testament uh we hear their names elijah and elisha they sound very similar you know i even have a a very close uh friend who uh i mean she knows her bible inside and out and uh so i asked her uh what do you know about elijah and elisha and her answer was didn't one of them come before the other yes and what else do we know about them i mean there are some really very cool things that god has hidden in there parallels and let me tell you we've talked about parallels before because the bible was full of them and i'm going to give you a couple of them here just to to wet your appetite before we get into the parallels for uh elijah and elisha um remember isaac itzahak you know abraham is told to go and sacrifice his son so there is a parallel there where abraham the father offers his son isaac as a sacrifice and we have a parallel with god the father offering his son yeshua as a sacrifice huge parallel we have isaac carries the wood to his own sacrifice and yeshua jesus carries the wooden cross to his own sacrifice isaac is a firstborn male who willingly follows his father's instructions without saying a word you have yeshua a firstborn male willingly following his father's instructions like a sheep to the slaughter he never opens his mouth and complaint you have isaac when isaac is about to be sacrificed a substitute blood sacrifice a ram is caught with his horns in a thorn bush and yeshua jesus he becomes our substitute sacrifice and he appears in the middle of a thorn bush a crown of thorns see the parallels are really strong for isaac and yeshua jesus we also have really strong parallels between joseph and yeshua in fact the jews you know they're looking for their messiah and they've got two different titles because they expect two different messiahs there's messiah ben david the son of david who's going to be king and rule and reign and you have yeshua or messiah ben joseph son of joseph the suffering servant and you remember jacob the father sends joseph to go and check on his brothers and just like uh god sends yeshua jesus to earth to check on his brothers and joseph and yeshua are betrayed by their brothers joseph is sold for 20 yeshua is sold for 30 pieces of silver they are both falsely accused uh joseph sentenced to prison yeshua jesus sentenced to death the ultimate prison in joseph's story you have a baker and a cup bearer with jesus you have bread and wine joseph he is raised to number two position in all of egypt and yeshua jesus sits at the number two right hand of god uh in heaven uh joseph marries a gentile bride yeshua jesus is gonna marry the church a gentile bride incredible parallels in the joseph story the biggest one is the moses story i think we have seven hour video five parts on the parallels between moses and yeshua and it all he comes from this verse in deuteronomy 18 18 that says god is talking to moses here and he's telling moses i will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you moses and i will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that i command him that prophet that he's gonna raise up that is the messiah and he's telling moses to tell the people i'm going to raise up this messiah from among their countrymen meaning he's going to be jewish and he's going to be like you moses and in our seven hours of video we went through and we listed all the parallels between yeshua jesus and moses moshe here's a bunch here's a bunch more i mean it really yeshua jesus has to be the messiah to meet all of these parallels with moses and i will note i want you to notice on this one in one of those look down here i have moses and jesus and elisha elisha they all cured leprosy keep that in mind for a video when we get to elisha because curing leprosy that is a very s rare miracle that occurs only three people in the bible cure leprosy moses and yeshua who is the prophet like moses and elisha those three so there's something special about curing leprosy all right but now we're going to talk about elijah okay which in hebrew is eliahu um and let's make sure we get their names you know i was in israel uh staying at a friend's home there it's a jewish friend and i was trying to explain remember that story about elijah and they said who elijah no who's the light they had no idea who elijah was and if you're talking to a jew they referred to him as eliahu it doesn't even sound like elijah you know we get them mixed up elijah elisha they sound similar their names in hebrew eliahu and elisha sound completely different okay so who is elijah um well he must be important you know he we know the first verse of the bible in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and if you like that kind of the guy who jumps to the back of the book if you jump to the back of the old testament the last verse in the old testament in malachi chapter four starting in verse five and six he says behold i am going to send you eliahu the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the lord he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers so thy will not come and smite the land with a curse so the old testament ends with a promise to send eliahu so it's hard to miss this guy right especially if you just like to jump to the end you're going to learn about eliahu so who is he okay and uh it does say he's going to restore or return the hearts of the fathers to the children this word uh return uh in the hebrew is teshuva teshuva is to return okay and this is where we get the repentance comes the whole concept uh comes to from her teshuva right we're going to return we're going to repent of our sins and return to god okay and you hear that shoot that part in in the word teshuva we also see it in the word shabbat shabbat has the shin bet sound the shove and that's referring to returning in fact the word shabbat sabbath is shin bet tov shin bet is return tav remember is a covenant it's a it's two cross sticks it's a picture of the cross every shabbat we need to return to the cross return to the covenant okay now eli yahoo uh here's his name um it's an aleph lamed good hey where you should recognize the first two letters aleph lamed that's el that's god and the next two letters the you and hey that's yah so wow eliah he's got god's name and god's title in his uh in his name and it could be yahweh is god or god is yahweh um that would be what his name represents okay um now you'll see here i have elia okay and sometimes he is referred to as eliyah in fact here's his name eli yahoo this name elijah appears 71 times throughout the old testament throughout the tanakh okay and here you can see his name is spelled alex lamed ud on the end and most of the time of those 71 times it is spelled with the on the end but there are five times where there is no valve on the end and he's not eli yahoo he's just elia and i have the five times listed here second kings uh four times and then once in malachi um well that's interesting why would the five times uh elijah's name be missing above well we also remember our friend jacob yaakov right abraham isaac and jacob um here's the here's the verse of jacob genesis 37 34 jacob tore his clothes put sackcloth on his loins and mourned for his son many days okay here's jacob's name judd ian kuff bette yaakov it's interesting that there are five times where jacob's name throughout the bible has an extra extrav most of the time it doesn't have a vove and here are the times uh once in leviticus 26 and four times in jeremiah he has an extrav and the sages you know jacob he's noted for being kind of an opportunist writer conniver uh and so the sages say that uh jacob took the valve from eliahu because elijah is missing five and jacob has an extra five so uh jacob has taken that extra from elijah and we know from that last two verses of malachi that elijah is promised to come back before the great and terrible day of the lord and this the the jewish sages say elijah is coming back to get his vow from jacob and we do know that in the end of days we're going to have this period of tribulation which is called the time of jacob's trouble so jacob is going to be in the end of times and we know elijah is coming back is promised to come back in the end of times before the messiah and that he's coming back to get his missing vote okay uh now this elijah guy um as we go through his story you're gonna see that he has uh he did eight miracles well he's a pretty big famous guy elijah you would expect i thought maybe he did 50 100 i don't know but when you actually study it he only did eight so he's not he's not uh super huge on the miracle front okay um and here they are we're going to discuss each one in particular uh next uh elijah when was he uh he was about uh 874 b c okay david was a thousand ten bc uh solomon was 991 uh as when he was born bc solomon became king in 970 bc okay and elijah shows up uh when king ahab uh was the king of israel ahab remember was married to jezebel the uh the wicked queen you know how did ahab become king well let's look at let's look at that and uh you know early on the jews were complaining we want a king we want a king and god said you don't need a king you've got me they said no we want a king we want a king so he gave them saul who was a big strapping good-looking strong man and uh but he was a bad king and uh so then god gave them david who was the meek and mild shepherd boy their greatest king um david had his son solomon solomon became king solomon did a great job at the beginning and then he kind of strayed at the end he ended up having 300 wives and 700 concubines and he was worshiping their idols and uh and it was even prophesied that solomon was going to lose his uh kingdom in 1st kings 11 starting in verse 9 this is now yahweh grew angry with solomon because his heart had turned away from the lord and the god of israel who had appeared twice to him although he had warned explicitly not to follow other gods did not keep the lord's command then the lord said to solomon because you have done this and you have not kept my covenant in my statutes which i've commanded you i will tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant nevertheless for the sake of your father david i will not do it during your lifetime i will tear it out of the hand of your son yet i will not tear the whole kingdom away from him i will give one tribe to your son for the sake of my servant david and for the sake of jerusalem which i have chosen so when solomon died his son rehoboam took over and rehoboam he had become quite accustomed to the luxurious living of his father and and the only way he could afford that is to tax the people and he would raise the taxes and wouldn't lower the taxes and he kept living lavishly and the people rebelled and 10 of the tribes in the north they broke away and they chose as their leader uh rehoboam's uh younger brother jeroboam so jeroboam is leading the 10 northern tribes and rehoboam is leading the two in the south and notice the two in the south were judah and benjamin and it was for the sake of my servant david that i'm going to leave one tribe right and for jerusalem well jerusalem is in benjamin and david is from judah so for those two reasons he left those two tribes very nice so now up in the north when jeroboam takes over he's not doing much better he's he wants these people to stay up in the north and not return to jerusalem to do their religious duties in case when they would go back talk of unification would start and he didn't want any of that so he is setting up two worship centers not in jerusalem one in dan way in the north and one in bethel he even made golden calves as these religious symbols i mean a golden calf it is is this how far away from god these people have gotten that when when they heard golden calf a bell didn't ring you know that's a pretty big one there but so he sets up these false worship centers and you know deuteronomy 16 16 explicitly says three times in a year all your males shall appear before the lord your god in the place which he chooses at the moed of unleavened bread the mohed of weeks shall wat and the moed of tabernacles sukkot and they shall not appear before yahweh empty-handed so it specifically says you got to go to jerusalem at least three times a year and he has kind of done away with this rule uh up in the north where they can go to dan or they can go to bethel they don't have to rejoin jerusalem they don't have to talk about unification got it okay so up in the north because they got these false gods and these golden calves they're starting to get into the baal worship okay and each king subsequent king did worse than the one before it okay it even it says of it uh in the scripture in the northern kingdom um they did that which was or they did not do that which was right in the sight of the lord that's talks about it king after king after king in fact there were 18 kings that followed jeroboam and all of them were bad okay in the south you occasionally had a good one i think uh hezekiah was good he was usaid was good um but in the north all bad and it was just a downward spiral okay he did evil in the sight of the lord and walked in the way of his father um it even goes on to say that i think he was the he did worse than all the others ahab did because ahab was the sixth king in this line there were 58 years had passed since this kingdom split solomon died and and jeroboam and rehoboam split the kingdom so we are at the all-time low with uh ahab okay all of the kings before him were evil they were all idolatrous all right and ahab's big crime he wanted to stamp out worship of yahweh completely okay ahab was married to jezebel remember her we mentioned her a little while ago she was the daughter of the king of tyre which is north of the lebanon area so ahab he marries this king's daughter and hopes to form an alliance so it's a purely political marriage okay so when she comes in she has a hate for yahweh and the worship of yahweh and she is influencing this jewish king ahab to stamp out yahweh worship okay first kings 18 verse 3 it says now obadiah greatly feared the lord for when jezebel for when jezebel had slaughtered the prophets of the lord obadiah had taken 100 prophets and hidden them 50 men per cave providing them with food and water see it even says here that jezebel is slaughtering the prophets of the lord okay so bad queen and he becomes bad king all right okay um and in first kings 16 it this is it says first ahab set up an altar for baal in the temple of baal that he had built in samaria then he set up an asherah pole thus ahab did more to provoke the lord the god of israel to anger than all the kings of israel before him so he did worse than all but before and he's building these temples okay this baal warship had gone on a long time we saw it back in judges okay and david got rid of most of it or all of it i mean he rid the land of it but now it's couple generations passed and it is crept back in with a vengeance all right it's not unlike maybe the united states which was formed on christian principles but we've allowed all this other stuff and protected it with church and state separation and all this nonsense and now everything's been watered down and christianity is hard to find okay so let's get back to uh uh first uh second you know first kings chapter 17 starting in verse 1. and it says now eliahu the tishbite who was of the settlers of gilead said to ahab as the lord the god of israel lives before whom i stand surely there shall be neither do nor rain these years except by my word the word of the lord came to him saying go away from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook cherith which is east of the jordan in verse 4 it shall be when you uh will drink of the brook that i have command the ravens to provide for you there okay so we've now seen the first of elijah's miracles where he is shut up the heaven and stopped the rain for three and a half years um three and a half being a very uh end of times period of time uh you'll find that in james chapter 5 verse 17 where james refers back to elijah uh stopping the rain for three and a half years but this is the first of elijah's eight miracles either so we'll underline it there and highlight that we're not going to get into the significance of the eight miracles each one um very very deeply just but we are going to talk about each one notice verse 2 there which says and the word of the lord came to him saying i want you to really pay attention to that because you're going to see with elijah the prophet the word of the lord came to elijah and then elijah broadcast it out when we get to elisha elisha the word of the lord does not come to elisha maybe a little why is that uh we're gonna find out okay uh let's move on uh and in verse four god here says god has commanded he said i have commanded the ravens so god is the one who's in control of this part in a second chronicles 7 14 christians are very quick to quote this verse and it is and if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land you know why this verse in particular is coming to mind uh because the verse that precedes this verse verse 13 says if i close the sky so there is no rain or if i command the locust to devour the land or if i send a plague among the my people you see how uh pertinent this verse is to what we're talking about because here in elijah's time god is the one who stopped in the rain for three and a half years okay but if the people would repent of their sins their wicked ways and god would forgive their sin and heal their land and that that applies to us today in fact read verse 13 that last line says or if i send a plague among my people i mean there's a coronavirus thing going around the world and who knows how long that will last okay maybe it'll last until his people humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways all right verse 5 uh so he elijah went and did according to the word of the lord and he went and lived by the brook cherith which is east of the jordan and the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening and he would drink from the brook it happened after a while that the brook had dried up because there was no rain in the land uh verse 5 notice so he went and did according to the word of the lord again everything elijah says does is according to the word of the lord you're not going to see that with elisha verse 8 when the word of the lord came to him saying arise go to xeropath which belongs to sidon and stay there behold i have commanded a widow there to provide for you so he arose and went to zeropath and when he came to the city gate behold a widow who was there gathering sticks and he called her and said please get me a little water in a jar that i may drink as she was going to get it he called her and said and please bring me a piece of bread in your hand again i want you to notice that the word of the lord came to elijah okay you know we read over those because they're just just so i don't know they're just kind of woven in but i want you to really notice the word of the lord is coming to him and you're not going to see that soon verse 12 but she said as the lord your god lives i have no bread only a handful of flour in the bowl and a little oil in the jar and behold i am gathering a few sticks that i may go in and prepare for me and my son that we may eat it and die then elijah said to her do not fear go do as you have said but make me a little bread cake from it first and bring it out to me and afterward you may go make one for yourself and for your son for thus says the lord god of israel the bowl of flowers shall not be exhausted nor the jar of oil be empty until the day the lord sends rain on the face of the earth there is miracle number two that their oil and their flower will not be exhausted okay so verse 15 so she went and did according to the word of elijah eliahu and she and he and her household ate for many days the bowl of flower was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty according to the word of the lord which he spoke through eliahu so we got miracle number two the widow's oil multiplied and the grain increased daily uh and you'll notice in verse 16 that the uh the flower was not exhausted and the oil was not exhausted according to the word of the lord which he spoke through elijah again the word of the lord is coming through elijah i'm stressing stressing stressing that notice um you know if in the new testament yeshua jesus refers to elijah in this particular miracle okay look in luke chapter 4 starting in verse 24. this is jesus said truly i say to you no prophet is welcome in his hometown but i say to you in truth there were many widows in israel in the days of eliahu when the sky was shut up for three years and six months when a great famine came over all the land and yet eliahu was sent to none of them but only to xeropath in the land of sidon to a woman who was a widow and if you go on to 27 it says and there were many lepers in israel in the time of elisha the prophet and none of them was cleansed but only naaman the syrian why is jesus even referring to any of this you know this woman this widow in xeropath in the land of sidon you know where sidon is this is in lebanon okay so this is outside of israel and jesus is making a point here you know there were a lot of widows in israel's time and elijah didn't go and multiply their oil and their flower he went out of the country to gentiles up inside and to that widow that's interesting and then the next verse and you're going to learn in in a couple more videos when we do an elijah elisha video um one of the things we said was remember back when moses and jesus and elisha those are the three who healed leprosy and when when elisha healed a leprosy he didn't heal it on an israelite on a jew he he healed naaman the syrian it's interesting that these two guys elijah and elisha they're not healing israel's people they're healing foreigners that's interesting these are jewish prophets who blessed gentiles right okay and why didn't eliahu why isn't he helping the widows in israel because in israel as you're going to see they've got 450 prophets of baal and they have 400 prophets to asherah and they're worshiping all these false fake gods and so god has kind of written them off and he has the prophets healing the gentiles because the locals that the jews had rejected god okay back to first kings 17 starting in verse 17. now it came about after these things that the son of the woman the mistress of the house became sick and his sickness was so severe that there was no breath left in him so she said to eliahu what do i have to do with you o man of god you have come to me to bring my iniquity to remembrance and to put my son to death he said to her give me your son then he took him from her bosom and carried him up to the upper room where he was living and laid him on his own bed verse 20 he called to the lord and said o yahweh my elohim have you also brought calamity to the widow with whom i am staying by causing her son to die then he stretched himself upon the child three times and he called to yahweh and said o yahweh my elohim i pray you let this child's life return to him and yahweh heard the voice of eliahu and the life of the child returned to him and he revived there is miracle number three restoring life to the uh woman's dead son verse 23 elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper room into the house and gave him to his mother and aliyah who said see your son is alive then the woman said to allah eliahu now i know you are a man of god and that the word of yahweh in your mouth is truth so there's miracle number three widow's son raised from the dead first kings 18 1 now it happened after many days that the word of the lord came to eliahu in the third year saying go show yourself to ahab and i will send rain on the face of the earth and notice again the word of the lord came to elijah okay so he's instructed to now go and meet with ahab okay and just to save time in reading we're going to just give you a synopsis of what happens here in first kings 18. you can read it on your own but king ahab and obadiah search for elijah obadiah finds eliahu and then obadiah arranges a meeting between eliahu and king ahab okay we just say 15 minutes there um by the way these names ahab and obadiah obadiah comes from obed which is the hebrew word for servant and yah is yahweh so obadiah is a servant of yah okay and it's very similar in in arabic you have abdullah abed obed is abed that's a servant of allah very similar and then ahab we give it that soft h sound but it's actually um because it's a pet in there and ah his brother ab his father so it's my brother's father or my thought my brother's father is my father i would think right most the time uh or is it my father's brother uncle or i don't know but those are the two words that make up the word ahab or ahab verse 17 of chapter 18 first kings when ahab saw eliahu ahab said to him is this you you troubler of israel he said i have not troubled israel but you and your father's house have because you have forsaken the commandments of the lord and you have followed the baals now then send and gather to me all israel at mount carmel together with 450 prophets of baal and 400 prophets of ashura who eat at jezebel's table so ahab sent a message among all the sons of israel and brought the prophets together at mount carmel eliahu came near to all the people and said how long will you hesitate between two opinions if the lord is god follow him but if baal follow him but the people did not answer him a word then elijah said to the people i alone am left a prophet of yahweh but belf's prophets are 450 men you know baal comes in different shapes and sizes baal the general term is just the term for the god of fertility rain agriculture it's interesting that he's the god of fertility and rain because the the people are worshiping baal and elijah's god stops the rain which stops the agriculture and the fertility of the plants it kind of shows you who it really is god but that general term is baal god and then depending on where you live you have your own bail bail meown bail hormone herman is mount hormone way up in the north they would have their own bale okay so you'll see this these different names throughout the old testament of baal it's just depending on where they're from that's what the other names are okay but we will point out zibab that zebub is the word for fly in hebrew so baal zabob is god a lord of the flies appropriate name okay verse 23 now let them give us two oxen and let them choose one ox for themselves and cut it up and place it on the wood but put no fire under it and i will prepare the other ox and lay it on the wood and i will put not i will not put fire under it then you call on the name of your god and i will call on the name of yahweh the elohim who answers by fire he is elohim god and all the people said that's a good idea so eli yahoo said to the prophets of baal choose one ox for yourself and prepare it first for you or many and call on the name of your god but put no fire under it then they took the ox which was given to them and they prepared it and called on the name of baal from morning until noon saying oh belle answer us but there was no voice and no one answered and they left about the altar which they had made and it came about at noon that eliahu mocked them and said call out with a loud voice for he is a god either his occupied or gone aside or he's on a journey or maybe he's asleep and needs to be awakened i think it's really funny elijah is just sitting there mocking them maybe he's in the toilet call louder it's funny okay verse 28 so they cried with a loud voice and they cut themselves according to their custom with swords and lances until blood gushed out on them when midday was passed they raved until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice but there was no voice no one answered and no one paid attention then elijah said to all the people come near to me so all the people came near to him and he repaired the altar of the lord which had been torn down eliahu took 12 stones according to the number of tribes of the sons of jacob to whom the word of the lord had come saying israel shall be your name so with the twelve stones he built an altar in the name of the lord and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two measures of seed then he elijah arranged the wood and he cut the ox in pieces and he laid it on the wood and he said fill four pitchers with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood he said do it a second time and they did it a second time and he said do it a third time and they did it a third time and the water flowed around the altar and also filled the trench with water um at the time of the evening sacrifice elijah the prophet came near and said oh lord the elohim of abraham and isaac and israel to lay today let it be known you are elohim in israel and that i am your servant and i have done all these things at your word answer me o lord answer me that this people may know that you owe yahweh are elohim and that you have turned their hearts back again then the fire of the lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the water that was in the trench there is his fourth miracle how cool is this he called down fire from heaven and fire shows up he has such faith in it also you know he knew oh he knew he knew it was going to happen you know i love seeing these pictures uh these kind of examples where god just kind of shows off you know you don't expect it and then wham a fire comes you know it just makes you smile and smiles some more verse 39 when all the people saw it they fell on their faces and they said yahweh he is elohim yahweh he is elohim then eliyahu said to them seize the prophets of baal do not let one of them escape so they seized them and eliah who brought them down to the brook kishon and slew them there okay nice story uh verse 41. now eli yahoo said to ahab go up eat and drink for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower so ahab went up to eat and drink but eli yahoo went up to the top of mount carmel and he crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees and he said to his servant go up now look toward the sea so he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go back seven times and it came about at the seventh time that he said behold a small cloud as a man's hand is coming up from the sea and he said go up say to ahab prepare your chariot and go down so that the heavy shower does not stop you in a little while the sky grew black with clouds and wind and there was a heavy shower and ahab rode and went to jezreel then the hand of yahweh was on eliahu and he girded up his loins and he outran ahab to jezreel there's miracle number five you have elijah out running a chariot back to jezreel and we're assuming that the chariot is being pulled by a horse otherwise it's not really a miracle you're just out running a chariot standing still okay so there's miracle number five you know a lot of people maybe count these as when he stopped the rain that's a miracle and then when he brought the rain back that was a miracle i think it's all one miracle he shut up heaven until on his word that it rains again so that's all the same miracle this now is miracle number five okay uh first kings 19 verse one it says now ahab told jezebel all that eliahu had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword then jezebel sent a message to eli yahoo saying so may the gods do to me and even more if i don't make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time well you know the life of one of them he he had them all killed down by the river uh the valley kishon right so she's saying i'm gonna make your life like theirs dead verse three and he was afraid and rose and ran for his life and came to bear shiva which belonged to yehuda and left his servant there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and said it is enough now o yahweh take my life for i am not better than my fathers. you know this is amazing he is elijah he is eliahu he just he just had a sold out event where all the people saw him show up and called down fire and god delivered fire he laid down on a dead woman's son and brought him back to life i mean if i could do a tenth of that wow and here this king's wife jezebel throws out some idol threat and all of a sudden elijah is he's got the backbone of a chocolate eclair he's just collapsing like jello does he not remember these incredible miracles that his incredible god has allowed him to perform and what's he doing all worried and worried and worried about jezebel's idol threat you know this happens to us too one minute we're riding high and god's answering our prayers and you know but one little wrinkle in the road and where we just collapse and fall apart you know god is faithful in our good times in our bad times and don't be getting no you know in your bad times you got faith you should have it 24 7. all right uh verse three uh or did we read all of this yeah we read the whole thing there for the verse four okay we're in verse five and uh he laid down and slept under a juniper tree and behold there was an angel touching him and he said to him arise eat then he looked and behold there was at his head a bread cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water so he ate and drank and laid down again the angel lord came a second time and touched him and said arise eat because the journey is too great for you so he arose and ate and drank and he went in uh the strength of that food 40 days and 40 nights to horeb the mountain of elohim by the way horeb this is another name for sinai okay and it's interesting that elijah is about to go to horeb for 40 days and 40 nights you know who else went up to horeb for 40 days and 40 nights moses he was up there for the same amount of time it was called sinai or horeb it's the same mountain okay so we have something connecting elijah and moses there's other things on the mount of transfiguration when jesus is up there is elijah and moses i think most people will assume that the two witnesses that are coming in the book of revelation elijah and moses okay so here's just another instance where the two of them uh have something in common um verse 9 first kings 19 then he came there to a cave and lodged there and behold the word of the lord came to him and he said to him what are you doing here eliahu and he said i have been very zealous for yahweh the elohim of hosts for the sons of israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with a sword and i alone am left and they seek my life to take it away again here verse 9 the word of the lord came to elijah okay by the way here's what we've seen so far in just the two chapter three chapters we've covered look the word of the lord came to him the word the word the word of the lord the word of the lord seven times is not a coincidence it's not a god incident seven times the word of the lord comes to eliahu throughout all of eliahu's stories okay seven not surprising verse 11 so he said go forth and stand on the mountain before yahweh and behold yahweh was passing by and a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before yahweh but yahweh was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake but yahweh was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire but yahweh was not in the fire and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing when eliahu heard it he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave and behold a voice came to him and said what are you doing here eliahu then he said i have been very zealous for yahweh the elohim of hosts for the son of israel the sons of israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword and i alone am left and they seek my life to take it away a hallway said to him go return on your way to the wilderness of damascus and when you have arrived you shall anoint hazael king over aram uh before i continue reading on on this um i do want to comment you know he said to uh elijah go out and stand at the mouth of the cave and the lord will pass by and you know if you and i expect the lord the lord the god almighty who created the universe by just speaking i mean you will think this is going to be some big thing if yahweh is passing by right and uh what were the things here the first there was a rending of the mountains and the rocks crashing down but the lord was not in the rocks and the are in the wind he was not in the earthquake he was not in the fire you know we're always expecting to hear god you know i need galveston bay to part to solve my pro no sometimes god can get your attention by whispering and you need to shut up to listen you know god doesn't always come in big sometimes he comes like as a baby in a manger you know genesis 3 verse 8 and 9 come to mind here it says and they heard the sound of yahweh elohim walking in the cool of the day in the garden and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of yahweh elohim among the trees of the garden then yahweh elohim called to the man and said to him where are you notice god is not trampling down the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored where are you sinners that's how many people envision god but he didn't come to adam and eve that way he came walking in the garden in the cool of the day where are you and he came to elijah as a gentle breeze so make sure your perception of god yes he can come with vengeance but this is not what he wants to do he wants to be the father in the prodigal son story where he comes running down the road when he sees that you've turned to head his direction all right thanks for watching to god be the honor to god be the glory to god be the praise see you soon bye bye oh wait we have a bonus okay the bonus is going to be we are going to introduce um elisha to you uh and who he is in type uh we're gonna just continue the story from where we have been uh talking okay and uh show you some really cool stuff okay now let's read on because yahweh is telling eliahu all right you know you're scared you're running and uh okay i want you to go to the road to the wilderness of damascus and i want you to do these certain things and i don't know whether or not elijah actually did all of them one of them i know he did but he's going to mention a bunch of things he wants done he says in verse 15 when you have a rod you shall anoint hazel king over aram and jehu the son of nimshi you shall anoint king over israel and elisha the son of shafat of abu mahola you shall anoint as prophet in your place whoa you see that one you shall anoint in pro as prophet in your place in other words i'm replacing you elijah that had to come as a uh a smackdown right and then you have to go and hire your replacement uh verse 17 it shall come about the one who escapes from the sword of hazael jehu shall put to death and the one who escapes from the sword of jehu elisha shall put to death yet i will leave seven thousand in israel all the knees that have not bowed to baal and every mouth that has not kissed him uh so here he is anointing elisha to be prophet in your place wow okay verse 19. so he departed from there and he found elisha the son of shafat while he was plowing with 12 pairs of oxen before him and he was with the 12th and eliahu passed over to him and threw his mantle on him okay so it says he's plowing behind twelve pair of oxen now i don't know if this is how it would set up but i can't imagine i mean what size plow would you need in order to have 12 pair of oxen that's 24 oxen that plow must be big enough you could build you could you could trench out a canal a suez canal if you've got 12 12 pair of locks and pulling it i think it's more likely like this and it says elijah was behind um they were playing with 12 pair of oxen before him and he with the 12th so elijah or i mean i'm sorry elisha elisha here he is he's over here with the 12th he's not doesn't have all 24 in front of him and elijah throws his mantle on him okay and what do we know about alicia well one thing i think we know about alicia is he is a humble man because notice he is out with his servants plowing he is not just sitting in house and he's got 12 men out there with 12 pair of oxen he's behind the 12th he's working with the other guys i think that shows some humility right he's a humble man um and it says whenever he threw his mantle on him verse 20 then it said elisha he left the oxen and ran after yahoo and said please let me kiss my father and my mother then i will follow you and he said to him go back again for what do i have to do with you or what have i done to you i i don't know what does that mean elijah says wait i will follow you but let me go kiss my mom and dad first and elijah says what do i have to do what do i have to do with it go do what you want to do you know i kind of sense in elijah's tone here elijah's a little upset he's being replaced maybe and that he's having to go out and hire the replacement you know it's kind of a a come up it's thing right he had to go hire tell alicia by the way you're replacing me you know you want to go elijah just seems to be a little bit annoyed here uh verse 21 so he returned from following him elisha did uh and he took the pair of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the implements of the oxen and gave it to the people when they ate then he arose and followed eliahu and ministered to him wow you know what this tells me it tells me a lot first of all one i think elisha must be also wealthy he's got 12 pair of oxen and he can without he's going to sacrifice them all burn all the plows and sacrifice and cook and eat and distribute and it's not bothering him at all and he must be he has have some wealth right if he can afford to do this and notice what he does with the sacrificed animals he gave it to the people and they ate do you see that we have a difference here remember we talked at the beginning that we're looking at parallels look at elijah and look at elisha elijah had a sacrifice a few chapters ago and what did he do he piled up 12 stones he dug a trench and poured 12 buckets of water he had one ox they lit that ox on fire god did and did anybody get to eat any of that ox no the entire ox was consumed by god it was a burnt offering okay and nobody got to enjoy it except god look at elisha elisha's much different he's got 24 oxen and he sacrifices them and everybody eats he's distributing the food to the people okay so what is the significance of those two things elijah is coming first elijah is the one who points to remember remember how the how the old testament ends i'm going to send elijah before the great and terrible day of the lord elijah comes before messiah and here we see elijah comes before elisha so elisha is going to be a parallel to yeshua jesus as we will see there will be many examples okay one of them is right here what would jesus do if he was going to sacrifice 24 animals jesus yeshua remember he is god he is the hand reveals the nail reveals does god sacrifice to himself no jesus doesn't need to sacrifice to jesus and elisha is a type of messiah a type a picture a foretelling of jesus that's why he is not um he is not just letting the animals burn up he is distributing the food as jesus would do okay notice also what we said that this this uh elisha is a type of yeshua remember elijah the word of the lord came to elijah the word of the lord came to elijah because elijah is not a type of jesus he is pre jesus he's going to be like john the baptist who points at the messiah okay elisha the word of the lord does not come to elisha because in type he is a picture of jesus and the word of the lord doesn't come to the lord the you know the word of god comes to jesus jesus is god you understand so you never see elisha you never see it saying the word of the lord came to elisha no alicia just speaks and we will study alicia in a future video but know who elisha represents okay he distributes his sacrifice for all to eat the word of the lord does not come to elisha and elisha remember when we showed the parallels of moses and messiah and there was that one miracle that is very rare curing leprosy and only three people do it moses yeshua and elisha well moses did it first the messiah is the one most like moses so yeshua is going to do it and elisha is a type of messiah so elisha cures leprosy a nice picture there okay uh and what they're doing is uh what elijah did was a burnt offering where he lights it on fire and it all gets consumed okay okay so there's your bonus now you know who elijah represents and who elisha represents and they are quite different one of them elijah is john the baptist elisha elisha is yeshua jesus the messiah in type okay all right now you in a future video we're going to do just on elisha elisha and you're going to see lots of parallels between yeshua and alicia so stay tuned for the future ones all right thanks for watching we'll see you soon oh wait i i have some members of the dutch uncle fan club asked to sit in today's filming and uh i told them if they were quiet i'd let them say hello and wave to the to the camera um go ahead guys okay thank you guys for coming and thanks for watching we'll see you all soon bye bye
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 12,172
Rating: 4.9281769 out of 5
Keywords: 1 Kings, Elijah, Elisha, אליה, אליהו, אלישע, Israel, Jezebel, Ahab, אחאב, Obediah, Carmel, Baal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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