Joseph Enriquez Celebration of Life Service - Monday, September 27, 2021

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so [Music] you deserve the glory you are worthy of it all [Music] you are worthy of it all for from you are all things and you deserve the glory let's go [Music] night and [Music] day and night night and day later and night night and day let incense alright day and night night and day [Music] day and night night and day day and night night and day [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] jesus me [Music] of it all [Music] it's true [Music] the glory [Music] [Music] thank you for worshiping with us tonight [Music] all right thank you all for being here tonight we honor the life of a lover of god a funny man a friend and a fella that you just really wanted to know and you couldn't help but know him he just made his way into everybody's heart joseph what a man i'll tell you he will be missed tremendously you know i'd like to share for you uh i'm kathy by the way pastor kathy so i i would like to just read a scripture for you and then i'd like to just share some things about joseph it tells us in romans the eighth chapter verse 37 through 39 out of the passion translation yet even in the middle of all these things we triumph over them all for god has made us to be more than conquerors hyper conquerors and he has demonstrated he i'm sorry conkers and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything so now i live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from god's love i'm convinced that his love will triumph over death life's troubles fallen angels dark rulers in the heavens there is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love there is no power above us or beneath us no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from god's passionate love which is lavished upon us through our lord jesus the anointed one can you imagine there is nothing that can separate us from the love of god and right now when we think about it you know joseph is so lavished in the love of god he's in the very presence of god and he's one of those great cloud of witnesses right now that is overseeing and praying even for you and i so thank you jesus for that love that will never ever fail never never end so a little bit about joseph as we off honor him joseph sedal enriquez was born in montebello yes good things can come out of montebello on april 20th 1971 and he transitioned into heaven on september 17 2021 joe's parents joe and merrill enrique and enriquez and i want to say this right now because i know that they're watching and so i want to say pastors joe and meryl we love you so much and thank you for having such an incredible young man that you raised we we bless you for the good job that you did and we know that you couldn't be here tonight you're out of state but there's no distance in the love of god and we send the love of god to you right now and overwhelm you may it cover you and encompass you and encircle you in all that you're doing right now bless you bless you pastors and then of course his spouse the beautiful exquisite lovely gina and his siblings sabrina bernal joseph is survived by his treasured wife gina and his beloved parents joe and merrill his sister sabrina bernell and his brothers-in-law ray burnell stephen chanez matthew shines rudy montenes and his sister's in-law brenda chinese rachel roman megan reyes also survived by his beloved mother-in-law carmen carmen you are a jewel carmen carmen chinese and one dear nephew only one nephew this is a girl family here yay girls uh so his nephew is stephen chenaeus the second and ten dearly beloved nieces so there's angelica enriquez joanna viagrana maya via grana kayla enriquez uh elizabeth chanez evelyn chinese eva roman lillian monteneus and also adeline reyes so we we see that uh joseph had a lovely lovely family actually he has a lovely family not he had but he has a lovely family and we honor all of you that are here today and our hearts are with you we pray for you to be comforted and to be consoled through this time that god's extravagant love and his immeasurable strength would come to walk with you through this time and this season thank you now i'd like to invite elder troy up he's going to share some things for you joseph and elder troy were really good buds thank you thank you troy thank you good evening everyone everyone my name is troy kimura i'm one of the worship leaders here at regency and i've had the honor of serving joseph and worshiping alongside him for the on this very altar for the last five years and over these years we've become more than teammates we've become ohana right gina we're family we've prayed together we laughed together most of the time we laughed at each other and you all know how joseph laughed right we encourage one another through challenging times and we celebrated every breakthrough in victory together today we celebrate and honor the life of joseph and you can tell a great deal about a person's life but what they lived for by watching how they lived their lives both in public and in private and one of the things about joseph was joseph was the real deal who you saw on the platform was who he was in the parking lot right who he was at the workplace was who he was at home and it was plain as day and it was plain as day what joseph lived for because it really wasn't a what but it was who he lived for joseph lived for his family he loved his family extravagantly and we all knew that he loved big there was nothing more precious and dear to joseph's heart than his family and just take a look around here just take a look around look behind you look beside you look at all of the lives that joseph touched amen all of us here we were blessed to be a part of joseph's massive extended family right because it wasn't about blood with joseph he took you in no matter what right joseph also dedicated his life to serving others he lived to serve and was always looking for ways to serve and love on others so he yeah indeed he lived for those he loved who loved him but he equally also lived to serve those who did it who he didn't know and he expected nothing in return he served his community and this city faithfully for several years as a volunteer officer for the whittier police department he shared tidbits of crazy stories about the things he witnessed on the streets sometimes but really he always talked about the people that he encountered and how many of you have ever seen him directing traffic in uptown whittier he always had a little swag in his hips you know joseph also loves serving god's people i remember you know how many of you know he detailed cars right and he was meticulous like he'd spend hours on just one car well he would detail a couple of cars and he'd have an evening shift at the police department but it would be worship rehearsal night and i'd get a phone call i would i'm assuming he'd say hey brother i'm too tired i can't come but he says can you give me a ride to the police department after rehearsal like are you sure because yeah he never abandoned his post he always showed up he loved god's people he loved god's house he loved the worship team he was always willing to serve in fact my wife and i would joke around whenever it was time to create the worship calendar he would always monkey and for those of you who don't know the word monku uncle wayne what does monkey mean to complain but in a joking way but he really he was always upset when he wasn't scheduled for every single sunday he wanted to be here because he wanted to worship jesus you know whether it was his what how many bass guitars frankie did we end up counting that he ended up having like every week gina he had a brand new guitar and then i don't know if you guys noticed on live stream recently he had the keytar you guys all see that that was pretty cool but ultimately the one who joseph dedicated his life to was jesus his personal lord and savior my dear brother lived his life first of all poured out to jesus he was unashamed of the gospel and jesus's message of salvation and his power to save there'd be times when he would be dealing with bouts of nausea or he's in the throes of it yet he would still find a way to get up on this platform and minister jesus was joseph's best friend his savior and lord and the center of his life and his worship one of the one of my favorite scriptures that always makes me think of joseph was hebrews 13 15 out of the new king james version it says therefore by him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to god that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name and it's interesting because the word sacrifice and praise seem to be opposites doesn't it praise sounds so joyful well we're sacrificed it's offering something that costs us something it's easy for us to praise someone for doing something good that benefits us it's easy to praise god when answers when he seems to answer our prayers but what if god god's answer isn't packaged the way we expected it what about in seasons when the fulfillment of the promise seems so far off well it didn't matter to joseph his praise on the valley floor of suffering was as loud as his praise on the mountaintop of victory he simply praised god because he saw him as the one who was worthy to praise god in those times the difficulty requires personal sacrifice it takes an act of our will to lay it all down on the altar before god even when we don't understand and joseph consistently laid down his life on the altar fully surrendered and i believe god was always honored because joseph poured his heart out in a place of humility and surrender so to pastors joe and merle uncle joe anti-mural love you guys to gina and the entire family we're here for you we love you all we'll continue to pray for you joseph my dear friend my dear brother i miss you so much i will continue to honor your life by living my life as a lay down lover of jesus i am thankful for the short time we had together on this side of eternity i will always cherish our shared moments on this platform in the presence of god and i look forward to our eternity in heaven when we meet again love you forever bro thank you troy that was extremely incredible at this time i'm going to invite a few family and friends that are going to share so i'd like to invite wayne miyahara to please come and share of our beloved joseph thank you very much wow this is a celebration and you know every time i end up at a funeral sometimes i look out in the audience and i say this case an audience and i see the number of people everyone has such a deep love for the person that passed away and this room is full of love so good evening everybody my name is i'm joseph's uncle wayne miyahara and joseph affectionately called me unquene i want to thank everyone for your show of affection to joseph on behalf of gina the enriquez family the chinese family the lopez family the molina family and of course the miyahara family since my sister and brother-in-law couldn't make it to be here today i felt compelled to speak this is my first time that i want to speak for anyone who passed away it's very close to me please bear with my emotions but it is a celebration oh and i don't want to forget the veterans here you honor him thank you you honor the family pastor joe veterans of point man ministry thank you so very much joseph was one of my favorite people he was the see i was the baby of the family okay seriously i was the youngest so i really didn't care for kids he was the first kid i actually like and grew to love i was playing with him when he was about two or three years old and i would throw him up in the air and throw him up in the air and my sister says be careful he just had a bunch of clam dip don't do this so i was throwing up in the air he rewarded me by throwing up on me i would always ask him how's my favorite nephew and he said i'm your only nephew he was one of those individuals that was larger than life and you saw the video you saw all the things that he did he was a beautiful man he truly loved god he was a good son a good grandson a good brother a good uncle a good nephew a good friend and a very good husband he really loved his wife if you followed his post on facebook you know he bragged about his beautiful wife gina and what she had cooked or baked for that day only for him joseph made friends quickly and if you knew him you knew his sense of humor although it was a little twisted at times joseph would get an idea and he would shoot from the hip years ago joseph was with sabrina at the pirates of the caribbean at disneyland and it was sabrina's birthday and she was 18 years old she was holding angelica in her arms who was just a baby from the front of the line by the building he turned to the people a lot of people waiting in line and yelled can i have your attention this is my sister esmerelda today is her 13th birthday can you all join in and sing happy birthday to esme and they did you can imagine how mortified sabrina felt for the rest of the day people came up to sabrina and wish esme happy birthday on another occasion we went to celebrate joe his dad's birthday we went to a restaurant and the wait time was just too long and we ended up at uh in and out burgers well guess what attention everybody it's my father's birthday in the end joe stood up and thanked everyone for coming to his birthday and oh by the way there was a secure security guard in the in and out burger place and he went running off thinking that joseph was going to rob the place now prior to my mom's passing away joseph took care of bacha that means grandmother in japanese after she passed away we were all sitting around really depressed and crying so joseph decided to tell a story about bacha merle and joe took bachchan to vegas to see her brother my uncle joseph was the designated bodyguard to for my mom and bachan was so excited to see her brother my uncle gave her one hundred dollars to play on the giant one dollar slot machine now you have to understand that bachan only played penny and nickel machines so this is kind of a big deal well as luck would have it she hit the big jackpot everyone around her was cheering i'm just going crazy joseph said he started to gag he started to get nauseous because she put only one coin in the machine if she put the five coins she could have won ten thousand dollars she ended up putting all the money back into the machine and joseph told her watching it doesn't work that way well she grabbed joseph and made him swear that he would never tell uncle or for us that for that matter with that story joseph brought us from sobbing to hysterical laughter in an instant you can tell what a person is passionate about by their posts he constantly was posting about cars and i think you know about that about the cars that he and gina had bought about his detailing business joe's auto spa he was always helping people to buy cars he made connections and my family was able to get good deals on cars well a few weeks ago joseph called a facebook friend one who followed joseph's post he was a fan well this friend owns a company that sells upscale cars mind you joseph called from the hospital to help my youngest daughter christine the owner of the company sold my daughter a car that he was saving for a and she got a great discount joseph was really excited and he wanted to check out her ride he would have been giggling and i could see his smile now he was a musician you saw he was a great singer it was a treat to hear him perform he has accompanied my daughter trisha and myself we both had the opportunity to sing duets with him now we also shared a love of gadgets meaning myself and joseph and i think i'm responsible for that gadgets and tools he fixed everything he was the one you called to fix the blinking 12 on your vcr i think i'm dating myself you young ones who have no idea what i'm talking about ask your grandparents i may have influenced him but his influence covered all of you you all have stories about him you should share them with one another you know we are a really close family i think my father took pride in that and we get together on a regular basis we truly enjoy each other's company and joseph was a big part of that sometimes i think they would say okay sit next to joseph sit next to jose where is he sitting i'm going to sit over there well in my family we had a tradition and bid our loved ones who have passed a fond aloha that's why i'm dressed like this and we wear flower leis and kukui nuts the hawaiian word alo means presence or share the word ha means breath of life or essence of life so the word aloha is something that you experience your interaction with life passion joy something that's present within you but at the same time it's something that you share something that is spread to those around you sharing that energy and joy that is within you joseph i'm going to miss you we all will but now we're going to say aloha to joseph but in a joyful way why because we're going to see him again so i want you to say it like this aloha joseph we love you thank you wayne that was incredible we do appreciate that at this time we want to invite stephen chinese to please come thank you stephen hello everybody um i'm stephen joseph's brother-in-law it was really hard for me to sit there and go do this had to write write something that i was going to say up here i wrote it three or four times trying to get everything that i wanted to say about how awesome he was um growing up he was like a friend and then once he married my sister i kind of got a little upset he wasn't my friend anymore i was kind of a wild teenager and uh he used to always shed light on the little craziness that i was doing just getting me so mad and uh you know one day i asked him and it really kind of hit me so as most of you guys know i got married young had kids and i always looked to joseph with the way he treated my sister he loved her so much and that's all i wanted to do was love my wife and my kids my family the same way he really showed me how to pray he showed me how to really stick with god when you're going through hard times this past month you know as my sister and her family got ready to move i would pop by and help out where i could here and there and just really having those last few conversations with him and him being in the hospital as well and you know how much of a trooper he was how strong he was it just means a lot to me how much i didn't realize but he's guided me in so many different aspects i'm just gonna miss them thank you thank you matthew at this time we want to invite stephen we want to invite matthew chanez please hi everyone my name is matthew chinese i'm joseph's little brother-in-law i know joseph my whole life you know he was always there for for me and growing up he loved me so much you know he loves my family he loves his family everybody he loved my sister and he loved god he loved the church and he taught me a lot of things and there was a time in my life where i was going to a real rebellious stage and he always loved me no matter what no matter whatever i needed he always was there but in the place is dead he opened up his house to me if i needed to get my arm popped back in at two o'clock in the morning he always pop my arm back in he was there for me when i got my first car you know how to fix a lot of things like uncle wayne said i remember when my my offender got bumped and i'm like man like i was real upset you know because i was like first i was more upset like man joe's the one that got me this car and he's like i you know i was more like kind of scared like hey you know how he's gonna think like hey man i just got this car in it and then in my head i'm like man i didn't even do it you know like and i remember he was like hey just bring it on down so he you know he came i i i went over his house and you know he uh checked it out and him and pastor joe were you know they took my bumper apart and put it all together you know made it look brand new again and uh no matter what the situation was he was always there for me and he loved my sister he loved my sister he loved everybody too he loved me my brother he was more than a brother to me he was like a father figure to me he loved all of us you know me and jolly jonna mia everybody you know kayla my nieces evelyn elizabeth and stephen he loved us all he loved all the whole family and i really thank god for him and um yeah i'm gonna miss him you know but i know he's not suffering and you know what man he's he's in a happier place now you know [Applause] thank you matthew at this time i want to invite jesse farrington please hello my name is uh alyssa i'm jesse's daughter i'm gonna be speaking on his behalf unfortunately he couldn't make it tonight but um you don't have any idea how sad that he could be here tonight to celebrate joseph uh he wanted me to let everybody know that it was an honor and a pleasure to be his uncle and his best man and he's gonna miss him and miss seeing him walking over to the house if not if you guys all didn't know they lived down the street from them joseph used to ride his little moped i'm not sure if he still has it but he used to ride his little moped and beeping it down the street yelling from the leroy and honestly i have no idea how my dad got the name uncle leroy maybe somebody could tell me later um but that's what joseph called him that's what do you guys know um i'm also one of joseph's probably many goddaughters not sure how many he has probably at least a handful right yeah um and joseph just had a unique way of making everybody feel special no matter what he didn't dedicate me until i was about five or six and i recently became a mother and i had the pleasure of dedicating my own daughter when the time came up to figure out you know who am i going to make her godfather i thought i just want somebody like joseph he was amazing he was the best neato ever he was at every graduation and we all know that graduations aren't fun to sit through no matter what even in your own graduation and joseph was always the loudest one embarrassing you and he also always had the newest gadgets whether it was a video camera whether it was his new boost mobile flip phone that used to be like a walkie-talkie to people or i'm telling you every graduation he was the loudest one and i have countless memories with being with him and gina especially when i was younger and when i wanted somebody to be my daughter's you know i just thought you know i want a godfrey and manly joseph i want somebody to support her and guide her when she's astray and feels like she can't come to me and her my husband or her father so joseph set a high standard and he was amazing i'm going to miss him and on the behalf of the carrington family gina we love you um aunt nicole joe i'm so sorry you guys can be here we love you and we're going to miss you nina thank you so much this time i'd like to invite wayne ellis so hi i'm wayne ellis me and joe grew up together it all started back in kindergarten when i first met him when him and his family moved onto the block we hit it off right away and we're going to become to grow as best friends we grew together even though we had different interests and we grew closer and growing into teenager years it was interesting to find that we had more in common that we actually thought um joe asked joe asked me to go to church with him and that's kind of where i learned about church it was my background wasn't really church related but i went to church with him and he said come see if you like it you know and that's the way joe was and he played you know with the band and everything and i went and we begin to grow and become even closer in god this is really hard for me joe is a lifelong friend that i called brother we i would do anything for him and he no matter what the cause was as we grew in our adult life we were separated as i went into the service when i came home on leave it was as though i had never left a funny story about that me and him went to go visit a friend of mine and we were out late three o'clock in the morning and we're on our way home and of course sheriff's deputies were too well they pulled us over and i'm military was not they pulled me out of the truck pat me down they pulled joe out of the truck and everybody knows that joe was legally blind right well cops started shaking him saying you're on drugs i said officer i said it's going to look pretty funny in the paper tomorrow when the paper reads that you know cop abuses blind man then we asked him we said officer do you know who gil flora is and he says who gil flores he works with the service department too oh yeah we know guilt then the whole attitude changed everything went you know we're sorry for bothering you yeah that's what i thought it was joe was a great man he really was he um helped me through a lot a lot of people you know won't ever know but he was he was great person to be around um after i went after i went back to germany i'll believe i was there for another year and a half or so i went to the persian gulf the stuff that joe taught me about god actually helped me through that it just wasn't supposed to be on this lake when i got home um we got together and we did things and then me and my wife got married and we lived on the books the same block still and then of course joe and gina got married and after joe and gina got married me and my wife moved to georgia um it was still a long-distance relationship we still kept in contact with each other and like like i said i've known joe said it's kindergarten there was some time that we spent a part probably almost 20 years that we actually spent apart and keith's keith's son was graduating and we came into town and i went to joe's house i knew he detailed i went to joe's house with a car that he didn't know and he didn't know who was driving it i'd go up and knock on the door i said hey bud i said somebody's gonna get my car detailed here he looked at me and said who told you that then he realized it was me he's like oh man you know where have you been it was it was it was a great moment it really was um we've had a lot a lot of stuff like that i mean joe was just outgoing he was comical as everybody knows i mean he was great to be around and he he was definitely encountered or definitely touched by the holy spirit and i'm really glad glad that i have him in my life and i'm able to call him i want everybody to know i'm part of the reason why he's moving or why he was moving um i live i live in georgia joe and gina was going to move to georgia joe and merrell moved to georgia gina's mom just know i'm there for you even though brother your other family's not there if you need anything i'm there joe was my brother good evening my name is keith wysocki wow what a night this has been awesome and joe would be extremely extremely happy my first memories with joe go back i was about 15 and i moved here from michigan and uh well he kind of because he felt sorry for me from being from the midwest says well somebody's got to look after you so he would uh ride down my street before we were driving and i jump on the handlebars of the bike wayne and him and off we went to school and then later on we started driving but those were stories that we'll just keep joe's always knew how to light up a room whenever we were together he was extremely comical just like everybody else has been talking about he's always making pranks joking around he was life if there's a definition of life it's joseph no matter what he was always smiling he was bright always having fun joe was incredibly compassionate no matter when or where he was there he always had our backs and me wayne always had his the three of us did tons and was unseparable all the way up till now john one way or another has touched all of us in love and in a caring way this room is just full of it and you can feel the energy and i know that he's smiling no doubt one of he has one of the biggest hearts and his family is no exception now growing up joe and his family welcomed me with warmth as one of their own joe will always be in my heart for me today joe is still here with us it may be in a different form but he's still here he'll be with me every day it's an honor and a privilege to have joe in my life and i do call him my true brother the three of us did a lot and we shared a lot and we're going to continue again joe is definitely the true meaning of life when you look up that definition for me anyways you'll see joseph or as we like to call him joe mama thank you have a good night thank you guys thank you so much at this time i want to invite tina kobien my handsome escort so joseph joined our regency family about five years ago and then soon after he became part of our worship family getting to know him wasn't hard and he and i just really seem to just have an instant connection we have similar backgrounds japanese mamas mexican daddies even similar in age it was just so weird so we just we just clicked um and his sense of humor just always kept us rolling and his compassion and his love for people was always evident so one day my husband and gina and joseph and i we took a short road trip down to resida to pick up a new baby i mean another guitar bass guitar so afterwards we decided uh to grab a jamba juice and the area where we decided to get that was a little bit sketchy and it we pulled up and there were two guys sitting in the car next to us and doing drugs and so i was like is the car gonna be okay and he didn't answer because he had already walked around to the guy sitting in the passenger side and um the guy was asking joseph for some money and joseph said well i don't have any money but can i pray for you and then whole demeanor of this man's face changed it was so like yes yes so joseph prayed for him we all joined in and prayed for him and after he was just so happy and joe said okay be good be careful i will brother i mean that was just him and we went inside got our jamba juice came back out and they were gone that man's life was changed forever because joseph didn't hold back on the friday when joseph went home and i got the call my initial thoughts and my feelings were not to shout hallelujah gloria let's be real i was hurting and shocked and my heart was broken but throughout the day i began to try to encourage myself with the father and his scriptural promises still the emotions of losing my brother seemed almost too much to bear i wanted to wake up from the nightmare i had so many questions i just didn't understand now i know how selfish that is because in second corinthians 5 8 it says we live with joyful confidence yet at the time we take delight in the thought of leaving our bodies behind to be at home with the lord so i know where he is and i know he is with our lord one of my favorite scriptures to lean on is in first thessalonians 4 13 where it says beloved brothers and sisters we want you to be quite certain about the truth concerning those who have passed away so that you won't be overwhelmed with grief like many others who have no hope still my grief was heavy and my sorrow over his loss continued to feel so overwhelming i thought constantly of how immeasurable the pain was for my sweet gina and his beautiful parents but we serve a gracious and merciful god so for the context of my next statement i want to read this scripture to you revelation 5 13. then i looked and i heard the voices of myriads of angels in circles around the throne as well as the voices of the living creatures and the elders myriads and myriads and as i watched all of them were singing with thunderous voices worthy is christ the lamb who was slaughtered to receive great power and my wealth and wisdom and honor and glory and praise then every living being joined the angelic choir every creature in heaven and on earth under the earth in the sea and everything they and in in them were worshipping and one voice saying praise honor glory and dominion be to god enthroned and to christ the lamb forever and ever so yesterday i stood in worship here and there came such a sound of praise released in the midst of this worship i had my eyes closed and i saw something and it comforted me so much i was even able to just smile over it i saw joseph he was amidst the multitudes worshiping before the lamb his hands were lifted high his voice was raised and his face was beaming with joy and then i saw something amazing i saw joseph running back and forth in front of the multitudes rallying them to lift their voices even higher than what was being heard it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and in that exact moment my heart it became settled and i was overcome with peace truly that peace that does surpass all understanding what a good and faithful god we serve so gracious and kind he is indeed worthy of all of our praise all glory and honor worthy of every breath and all that we have within us worthiest the land [Applause] may i invite rudy aguirre good evening i'm here representing point man international ministries my name is rudy aguirre this is daniel hernandez i'd like to take a second and have the men from point man international ministries of whittier please stand up you man thank you you may be seated i need you to know folks that these gentlemen that stood up right now most of us are all vietnam veterans there are some vietnam era veterans but for the most part vietnam veterans and i want you to know these guys that stood up right now very godly man they love god as uh jojo did and uh gonna miss him uh we all love them all these folks right now that you just saw right now the veterans they were all his uncles as daniel and i uh our uncles to uh joseph that was pastors uh i guess it was a rule that i mean everybody that come to the house that was a veteran it was an uncle it is uncle rudy uncle daniel but uh god is good huh yeah actually i think it's i don't know if it's a girl's nickname daniel theo fancy huh was it oh was it joseph oh joseph huh it was jojo that nicknamed you that okay right on yeah do your fancy cause uh this guy likes to dress and when when if you see him uh elsewhere or wherever you can tell he likes a dress and he does it very well uh i don't know if it's alma that dresses him or if he does it himself but anima is his wife and she's out there but joseph and i we had a very good communication between he and i uh one thing that that i know that he loved was his guns as as as i do it the last time i saw him it just seems like a short time ago it was like three weeks ago he goes hang on hang on uh pastor joe was supposed to leave me a a key he was gonna go get a 26 footer i believe and uh he forgot to leave the key and uh so joseph is looking around for it he brings a bunch of keys out and we didn't know which one it was i took a couple but they were the wrong ones uh but he goes hang on hang on he says let me let me show you what i packed and so he comes out and he's got this real fancy holster and he opens it up and i i go that's my boy but uh he was a fun-loving character i i mean like everybody i said you just can't help but fall in love with him he was a very personable uh person had a beautiful character he's gonna we're gonna miss him but he's not gone you know he's he's number one he's here with us his memory is here uh he is in a much much better place than we are he's resting i just picture him in the bosom of our lord and god jesus christ i just that's the way i see him i don't want to take too much time because daniel has a few words also so let me turn the mic over to him good evening everyone first of all i want you to know we have a saying that point man jojo knows everything i think you already heard that fix cars fix bumpers fix guitars fix guns fix this fix your marriage jojo knows everything pastor joe was our leader but uh actually jojo was behind him but merle we love you meryl so much pastor joe so much and i've already thanked carmen gina's mother i think you've done outstanding look at your beautiful daughter and all that she has done what a grateful gift you have all been the enriquez family to us i want to talk about a promise and assurance that we have in christ remember when we first got married or when you're young and you get your first apartment or maybe your new home there's an excitement and a freedom and a liberty that you think you're going to go to how much more of an excitement we have when we get to heaven the new earth revelations talks about that 21-1 the holy city the new jerusalem jerusalem the river of living water we're on a journey together all of us and god brought jojo and gina and pastor and you and i rudy pastor all of us together kathy your words were beautiful he's brought us together because we're on a journey together that river that water it represents life so we have life here and we have a promise in insurance in christ that we have a life that we're going to this is a promise jojo's with other family members our loved ones dancing worshiping god and he's thinking of you and me waiting for us we are blessed because of this smile rejoice celebrate and know jojo knows everything god bless you all thank you and thank you all for your service okay at this time i would like to invite pastor eric teats to come and share and then pray over the family praise the lord praise the lord this is uh difficult but it's amazing to hear all the stories and once again uh just to see all the love that's being poured out father i just thank you lord father just just for an extent father of knowing being part of your family lord from so many different places father i thank you tonight as we come to celebrate his life father of one that put his heart his his hope his vision was in you lord father one that was father he didn't talk about it but father god he demonstrated he walked through it and father i thank you tonight lord god that father every heart every person here would be encouraged because lord we know where your son is but father god for all of us i know when i spoke with pastor joe the other day and he was saying you know don't we but he said jojo's passing the baton to every one of you he said right now there's a being a baton being passed to each and every one of you to run the race to carry on to you know and don't worry and well doing but how many how many know but to be able to be to be a blessing that we're living in the last days and when pastor joe was saying you know and he told me he said you know what don't we but you know what jojo's passing that baton that each one of us would put our eyes upon the lord and would hope to live our life with the purpose with the vision sold out to jesus christ that we could be we could be able to run the race and give him all the praise and be able to be effective be effective in this life to be able to come and to give to be a demonstration to the world of what god is and that we don't have to fear how many know there's a lot of fear right now because of the covenant and so many different things that are happening but jesus you know what joe had that realization in revelation that we know that he's in a better place and one thing i'm on behalf of i'm with cornerstone celebration center and on behalf of cornerstone celebration center and thank you for we've been a part with uh regency for i don't know 20 30 years for going way back and and it's a privilege because this is family it's a family gathering i don't have the privilege with uh pastor joe and pastor murrell that when i first got saved and went to their house pastor joe was like a father a mentor to me and jojo growing up in the church you know there's so many memories thinking of jojo because he was everything that everybody said he was you know it was he'd always have light bars for cars he'd always have every gadget that was around he was even even when he was little it was just he was always into doing something and and what was amazing is that he was legally blind but you would never know he never allowed the limitation through christ that strengthens him it was almost like he would he could see and and you know they would say he was legally blind i remember times uh at the church where i remember times we would go on trips uh one of the funny ones we were in idaho and uh jojo if if it moved jojo wanted to ride it if it moved he was ready to get on him and we were on these ski sleds riding and he's like you know me and pastor charles we looked and said go for it jojo you know and even when he would crash and get back up having you know it was just so and and jojo he part in the church you know you could tell the hand of god because you know he was even in all the place how many know there's a lot of church plays and they have all and and jojo would always be the smiley and all these and you know it was just so funny to see god's hand upon him because uh as as he came like i said he did not allow his handicap to hinder him for what god wanted and that you know what he was able to see and and he was always always a blessing i don't know i'm trying to think of the times when he was small okay and and you know he was pretty chunky when he was small or something and so lately that was so funny because he was so innocent and he's like and some kids at school said you know you're fat and you looked around i wonder who they're talking to and he went home and hey mom you think i'm fast but he was not this big and no matter where he was he'd make you laugh and going even as even as he matured and started to get older and as he began to go into the music and he was he was so amazing that all his other senses because of the i don't know what it was but he could hear stuff anytime i had a problem in my car i would call jojo hey jojo i need you to tell me what's what's wrong and he said oh it's your right rear brake i could hear it rattling i mean he could he could hear the things and he was always able because it was it was just amazing how he never let his eyes hold him back and and one of the things that was uh i remember as as he began to start doing music and he started to play in you one of his favorite that uh mentors i guess was morris chapman he would listen and he would play and he would sound just like him and he would branch off but you know how many know jojo was a psalmist when he played he changed the atmosphere when he's saying all of a sudden it was almost like when the sister talked about in revelation and whether they're worshiping i could see jojo right now i could see jojo with pastor charles and ray cocio for those that remember the the salsa band at cornerstone and with and with those that have gone before and you know they're up there with uh reuben barraza and they're partying right now they're saying don't cry for me it's like but you know the the the point of tonight is that if we we're celebrating his life and what an amazing life that he lived and all the testimonies are a testimony to that but he's passing a baton to each one of us to say are we ready to run our race are we ready to fulfill and be the best we can before the lord are we willing to be able to you know what to have a relationship with the lord when it said you know paul said in romans 1 16 he said before i'm unashamed of the gospel because it's the power that's what jojo knew he wasn't afraid it was the power and so one of the things i just i was thinking i remember when we were jojo decided to get a little bit older and he was a teenager one of the things we took him to do was uh pastor charles loves sam wu i don't know but how many know pastor charles loves sam will rest in peace but and they have i'm not a real fan of it i know pastor wayne probably is i mean they have these big old shrimp with the big eyeballs and the antennas that hang out and one of the things we're sitting there we're telling jojo okay you're in it energy you know you're now a teenager it's like you know now you're entering into manhood so to be a man you have to eat the head evil and then praise the lord you know he was he was not afraid of anything but it was what was so amazing that we would take on trips and as as uh with pastor barber we would go to different places and would take worship teams and we would go there and jojo was always the part on the keyboard that no matter what was happening as soon as he would start playing you just know the presence of god would come down and there'd be a window of heaven and that all of a sudden the presence of jesus would be there and that his life that he continue i'm so blessed because i really didn't know joseph as well that i'm hearing these last five years with everybody uh the testimonies of what a great man he became but i remember wayne because i remember jojo brought you over to me one time in the middle of the night so this guy needs help that's when we're youth pastors and you know there was never a dull moment we go to mexico and we'd be down in mexico and you know we're at rosarito we're camping overnight and jojo is sly though let me tell you you get people because all of a sudden we're down there where the supervisors are the chaperones and all of a sudden the youngsters all the youngsters took got all these big skyrockets and we're shooting all the people around we're like hey i don't know where they came from i don't know it just said it just happened and and it's i i just was always amazed to see jojo to see how he grew in the lord and his love for the lord his love for people his love for life and whatever he did he put his whole heart into it and i remember the days that when he was uh recording that gina was his girlfriend you know i could talk to jojo anytime but all of a sudden when gina was his girlfriend i wonder i go where's jojo has anybody seen jojo and we be in texas or we be in a different state i'm looking for jojo and and he hadn't really said anything but all of a sudden he was you know where jojo was he was on the phone with his baby and all and and so it's just an amazing thing of how god moved in their life and made them and you know when i was looking at the pictures i don't know how many noted but you know jojo started off with really little dogs and they kept getting a little bigger a little bigger and then they got a horse for a dog and you know don't you always believe in going big that's it it was it was always you know he was the life of the party whatever he would do and he he was always a spirit of excellence even when he was playing music but you know what he was a worshiper he could spend time and just start worshiping god and all of a sudden the atmosphere would change and also the presence of god would come and it'd just be an awesome awesome time but you know i know he i know was saying that he was going to atlanta georgia he was planning to take the trip but how many know god had a different trip god took him home i looked at the one sign here where it said my beloved son and it reminded me of what it said in mark 1 11 when the when when jesus was there and john was baptizing him and they heard a voice come out of heaven they said this is my beloved son in whom are well pleased and i see the lord just doing that and taking jojo back and taking him to heaven because he's he's alive he's rejoicing he's in the river he's partying and guess what every one of us are going to go through those doors you know and here i'm just i'm going to be real serious we're either a saint or we ain't and there's no in between you know a lot of things and i just want to encourage every person that jojo you know really meant something that you would set your eyes on the one that changed his life the one that empowered him the one that gave him the strength the one that gave him the grace the one that was able to move within his life to help him to be the worshiper that as he passes baton that each one of us would be that person that we set our eyes on the lord and god wants to bless you and so i just i want to thank you for allowing me gina i love you we stand with you stand with the family uh for all those you know even though there's many from uh cornerstone celebration from through the years that have been i know that i just want to say but we're all family it doesn't matter where you go we're all family here yes and because the one thing that knits us all together is god's love that we're part of his family his kingdom and so i get so blessed because when i see lydia and i see every and all the different people that are here it's an awesome thing because we're all gonna we're all gonna rise one one time we're all gonna be in heaven we're all gonna be celebrating we're always praying come on lord give me jesus and we're a family we're a family and so jojo was a king with a pen in that piece to bring us all together tonight and i just pray and i want to pray for the family right now i just asked the family though thank you lord that you just stand and i just want to ask god to release a blessing thank you lord you know what stretch your hands for those thank you jesus just stretch your hand because we want to pray that you yes we do for them i agree but just that hole that they have yes just just that hole that they have in their hearts that only god the holy spirit the comforter comes to feel it and so father lord even as they stand up lord we pray father god that you would just cover them father that you cup cover pastor joe and i agree why do we cry out for your grace and your mercy to be over them right now i agree father right now lord god that their hearts would be so proud to hear all these amazing testimonies yes and father right now for every family member right now god that father is unique that you make them stronger father you bring them closer and father that the holy spirit would just move within their lives father father we thank you from the crown of their heads and the souls of their feet lord that your love which is poor father i'm just remember the scripture to say grace grace grace let it be poured out and strength comfort them and father god give them father lord as we celebrate jojo tonight father we give you all the praise and said seal over them tonight father we thank you father for your presence holy spirit come yes holy spirit come holy spirit come and just put your arms and kill the family right now thank you lord and father they'll never be alone but jojo's right there with them and so father we give you all the prayer glorifying you and all the glory yes in jesus precious name and we all said amen amen amen thank you pat fair we want to invite um yeah we want to invite trisha lopez thank you so much she's going to minister in song for just a moment amen i i've had the amazing privilege to sing with my cousin on several occasions and today joseph today i have the privilege of honoring you in song [Music] when i think about the times [Music] when i look upon these days [Music] for all my [Applause] good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] to fill the [Music] strength [Applause] so much [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] is [Music] again [Music] [Music] thank you know of all the things that have been said of joseph tonight i believe each and every one of us will take a memory a piece of him in our hearts and i believe it will be out of that place that we can honor his life and that we can live in a way that uh really reflect uh reflected our relationship with him and the memory we had of him you know of all the things that were said tonight you know his love for jesus that was very apparent his love for gina was just un it can't even be you know questioned his passion for his his friends his passion for life his passion for cars and guns just so many things it's what made joseph uniquely him you know but there's one memory that i'm i'm i'm delighted that in one hand hasn't come up yet because i get to share it you know joseph loves so many things and it's a memory that he and i got to share at least once a year and what was so amazing is him and troy might have been homies and everything but see there was one time of year that joseph and i got to kind of parade around a little bit like schoolgirls and it was usually around super bowl sunday when we would proudly bear you know the colors of his beloved dallas cowboys so joseph i'm representing tonight the big blue because i know that uh you know in your transition i will still represent i will still harass troy that his team will never oh no but yes joseph was a lover of life he was a lover of god you know there are two scriptures that paul the apostle referenced that that i think in just a beautiful way almost encapsulate joseph's life you know second corinthians 5 and 8 was referenced a moment ago and it says we are confident yes well pleased rather that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord there is no question tonight through the lives that joseph has touched and impact those that he influenced either for the glory of god and or planted the seed we can rest assured that joseph was a man whose life reflected jesus and today he rests in the presence of the lover of his soul his one and only lover which is jesus and i and i think we can gain great comfort and great hope in that but i think there's one other scripture that also speaks to us today and it's in philippians chapter 1 beginning in verse 21 and again i think that's also though paul spoke it i think joseph really emulated it it says for me to live is christ and to die is gain all that joseph did he did as worship unto the lord he lived a life that glorified jesus both in his living and in his suffering there were moments during the process of of contending for a miracle where you know i had a couple of opportunities to interact with him but i'm sure most of us saw the moments where he would boldly get on social media and in a very vulnerable time where most of us would be uncomfortable exposing ourselves he would lift his voice and worship and celebration to joseph to live was christ but to die was gained for joseph there was no loss you see joseph was a man who lived completely and totally sacrificially unto jesus why am i sharing this tonight because i believe that i would be amiss if i didn't at least say i don't want to assume that every one of us here lived with that same passion i don't want to assume for a moment that all of us may have lived with that same understanding of where we would spend eternity we know where joseph is because his life reflected jesus we know where joseph is for all of eternity but i believe joseph's love for all of you tonight he would want me to to communicate this do you know jesus do for is that same testimony your testimony for you to live is it christ for you to die is it gain if you see though we may all be created in the image of god only those who named the name of jesus are the sons and daughters of god joseph was a son he was a son because he had been born again he had repented of his sins and he had given his life to jesus and he lived a life that reflected that tonight as we get ready to wrap up the celebration i want to simply make this invitation to anyone who you might say i don't know where i would go i don't know where i would spend eternity i don't know if i would be reunited with joseph for you see having a friendship with joseph doesn't guarantee our eternal destination but being the friend of god assures where you will spend eternity here's what i want to do before we again we we wrap up this service and we pray i want to give anyone and you know what i just think would be good actually for all of us but if you'd like to pray a prayer with me a prayer of dedication i want to give you that opportunity and if you're praying this for the first time let me tell you i know that joseph's heart will rejoice along with the angels of god in heaven so those of you that would like to pray this with me i want to invite you to do so and it's just really simple it's really not even so much the words that you say as much as the condition of your heart but let me let me let me lead us through this if you want to pray this with me in honor of joseph in honor of the life that he exemplified would you say lord jesus tonight lord i ask that you would come into my heart that you would be the lord of my life that my life would reflect you as joseph's life reflected you lord i realize it in my own self that there is no goodness but all goodness comes from you so lord i ask that you would forgive me for any sin any transgression for living my life for myself and not for you but your word tells us that if we would repent if we would turn from our own ways and we would look to you that we could become the sons and daughters of god so lord tonight i ask that you would come and live in my life wash my sins away and make me white as snow i thank you for that tonight jesus and as a result of this this prayer as the result of your word i now am a son and a daughter of god in jesus name amen and amen thank you all thank you all for the kind words thank you all for the the beautiful memories that you have shared with us tonight let me go ahead if i can and just pray over us and just bless us for just a moment father in the name of jesus lord again our hearts are overjoyed not in the sense lord that joseph has transitioned but because we know that he is in your presence we know without any reservation that he is in eternity with you lord but we ask for those of us that are here those of us that remain we ask that the comfort of holy spirit would saturate every life lord we ask that the joy of the lord would fill us that we would be strengthened that we would be undergirded that we would be surrounded by your kindness by your love and by your your sweet presence lord we ask tonight that you would bless gina that you would bless the family all of the nieces the nephews lord his mom and dad and those that have gathered from far near we ask that each one as we transition from this place tonight that they would be lord sense the goodness of god and the comfort of the spirit and that they would leave here lord with their hearts uplifted because lord of the life of joseph and because of that which you're doing in and through us in jesus name amen and amen for just a moment we want to play a little more of the slideshow is that correct no okay so uh before we dismiss i want to invite um for just a moment the gentleman from emerson white miguel to come and he has a short announcement for us if he would please come up there you are thank you so much pastor gina i love you daughter i love you i thank you for joseph it has been my privilege not only as a director from white emerson mortuary but as an uncle to be able to take care of joseph but at this time we're gonna thank each and every one of you from the enriquez family gina for your participation in the celebration of the life of joseph he meant so much to each and every one of us and to see all the friends and family members that are here this evening i'm sure has brought much joy to the family but we would ask at this time if you can exit through the back gina wants to spend some time by herself so we would ask for each and every one of you to make your way i believe that there's some coffee and some pastries or something like that in the back for all of you and thank you for coming out this evening [Applause] you
Channel: Regency Church
Views: 319
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AxtXxvrNdLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 16sec (6676 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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