Tom & Jane Hamon - Sunday, September 26, 2021

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i choose to be set apart ready [Music] cleanse me from within [Music] cleanse me from my sins [Music] is [Music] me [Music] ready to do your will [Music] is [Music] i'm ready to [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm ready [Music] ready to deal [Music] is is [Music] i choose to be set apart for you my master ready [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] good morning regency how many came to lift up the name of jesus this morning oh that was that that was a little soft can we try that one more time how many came to lift up the name of jesus this morning come on how many would say that the shout of the king is among us this morning can we open up our mouths and roar before the lord and just begin to proclaim his goodness on the count of three one two three [Music] all right that means you're alive today let me welcome you this morning my name is jim cutter along with my wife renee we are the senior leaders here at regency church we are so delighted that you are here we are honored that you are here but i must tell you something you and i are not the most important person oh did you hear what's being said today we're not the reason we've gathered but we are here to proclaim the name of jesus to be a christ-centered to be a jesus exalting people so as we're standing can i invite you to just lift your hands as a place of openness as a place of receptivity all right let's go before the lord father in the name of jesus lord we are again delighted we are again overwhelmed we are again overjoyed at your faithfulness of your goodness of your kindness of your tender mercies lord if it was not for your mercy we would have been destroyed if it had not been for your kindness lord we would not even be here today but lord because of your goodness because of your generosity because of your loving kindness lord our hearts are filled with gratitude with thanksgiving with celebration so lord as the people of god this morning lord we rejoice before you in celebration in exaltation in proclamation we lift up the name of jesus the name that is given among men whereby we must and only can be saved amen do you believe that this morning come on do you believe that this morning all right this altar is open let's worship jesus together let's believe him to do the impossible because he is a miracle working god amen bless the lord lord you are good lord you are good [Music] we praise your holy days [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] we praise your holy days [Music] [Music] come and have your way lord [Music] come move [Music] [Music] come on we welcome you lord we welcome you holy spirit we welcome you holy spirit would you say that this morning with you we welcome you holy spirit to come and move we say yes to you lord we respond to your invitation this morning father and we yield ourselves to you [Music] [Music] there is no rival [Music] already [Music] on [Music] you've always been with us [Music] show me one thing he can do show me he's the god of the breakthrough [Music] show me one thing that you are [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you believe it hey show me one thing that's too hard [Music] nothing's too hard for you [Music] shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory dance i will dance [Music] a [Music] is [Music] [Music] show me a [Music] show me one thing [Music] we're gonna go back into the bridge so that we don't miss the opportunity to give god the praise that he deserves let's sing this bridge again now i love this faith declaration we're declaring all of my fear i will turn into praise [Music] every thought every worry i'm gonna turn into praise the thing about praise let's bring it down just a little bit just a little bit the thing about praise many times people think this just has to do with instruments and singing did you know that when we put our trust in the lord that's an act of worship [Music] our putting our trust in the lord is an act of worship we worship the lord with our lives with the way that we love our children with the way that we serve putting our trust in the lord is an act of worship so we're declaring that all of the fear every every thought of fear every every worry the uncertainty of what tomorrow might bring instead of worrying instead of being fearful lord i'm gonna worship you i'm gonna worship you because i know that you're faithful i know that you're good then it goes on to say we're gonna shake off despair as we sing out your name in case you don't know what despair is i had to look it up personally just just to get you know it's good to live by definition amen so the word despair means hopelessness and we're just talking about this on friday night we're gonna shake off despair we're gonna shake off hopelessness as we sing out his name as we declare as we worship the prince of peace the one who brings order to chaos [Music] you all ready i said are you guys ready come on let's lift it up [Music] [Music] let your dance be your breakthrough [Music] disappointment [Music] i will [Music] show me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] faith is rising faith is rising in this place [Music] we believe in you [Music] cause i know i know [Music] [Music] [Music] just a voice [Music] and it won't stop now [Music] now is it one more [Music] come time [Music] show me one thing he can't do show me one thing he's passing it out show me one thing he can't show me one thing [Music] depression is defeated show me [Music] show me one thing he can do [Music] show [Music] is possible [Music] [Applause] anything is possible anything is possible we believe [Music] [Music] [Music] lord that you never stop working you never stop you never give up [Music] [Music] my god that [Music] my god that [Music] in the is my god that is [Music] [Music] light in the darkness my god that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not just what you do it's who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear what the lord is saying this morning can you feel what the lord is doing in this place [Music] the weapon may be for but it won't prosper [Music] knows [Music] [Music] [Music] may be formed the weapon may be formed [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] there's power in the mighty name of jesus [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] the battle belongs to you are we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony we overcome by the blood of lamb and the word of our testimony [Music] you turn it forward [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] i'm gonna see [Music] i'm gonna see [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank you for the victory we have in you jesus but we thank you for the victory we have through your blood jesus [Music] because you already overcame lord we thank you that we get to live in victory lord by your god lord we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood lord that made a way [Music] he made [Music] belongs [Music] lost [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] for the deliverance [Music] for the hope [Music] thank you jesus [Music] for the transformation that only he can do thank you jesus for fighting every battle on our [Music] behalf for singing songs of deliverance hopelessness [Music] for interceding on our behalf [Music] thank you for being the mediator the mighty deliverer thank you jesus for being the lover of my soul [Music] that's good news [Music] oh how we honor you today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every heart that is [Music] great are you [Music] every heart that is [Music] it's your best [Music] so we pour out our [Music] only two only two [Music] every heart that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will save [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] is [Music] [Music] will cry [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] if [Music] our hearts will cry these wounds will cease [Music] all the earth our hearts will cry [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] cry yeah [Music] bones will shout you'll pray [Music] oh come on make that your declaration this morning [Music] you're [Music] is [Music] come on bless him come on bless him come on create is the lord and greatly to be [Music] it praised pour it out pour it out pour it out pour it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] we pour [Music] pour it out [Music] pour it out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] our hearts will will come [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] yeah jesus [Music] [Music] all the earth will shout will shout all the earth [Music] oh [Music] come on let's give the lord a shout of praise this morning come on let the shout of the king be among us this morning [Music] oh yeah do it one more time oh we bless you we bless you we bless you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah glory to god glory to jesus oh we bless you oh we bless you god without hesitation we bless you for you are good [Music] we bless you god we bless you oh we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you oh god for a thousand times to proclaim your greatness we bless you oh we bless you oh we bless you oh we give you glory give you honor you just lift your hands please jesus [Music] god we stand before you today as the ecclesia those who have been sensed with delegated authority for the kingdom assignments we thank you lord for enlarging our capacity today increasing our vision sharpening our hearing causing our hearts to burn with intense passion for you i thank you jesus that we have not gathered here today for ourself but we are here that we might hear from you but we thank you for the covenant that you've cut with us for every song that we have declared every word that we have proclaimed this as the results of your divine covenant elder fred would you join me up here please we thank you lord [Music] that you took the cup the cup of blessing and order god that we might be redeemed back to yourself we pray that we would never forget that it would not become [Music] religious activity be may we always walk in the divine revelation we lead us this morning in communion hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i want to take a moment to expound on what some theologians call the greatest miracle and i'm going to agree with them well because they're theologians amen you know there's nothing more grand than the miracle that makes possible the revelation that makes god's kindness towards us amen i mean god is so good god loves us you know and this miracle had to do with this coming it's the miracle of the incarnation god became man see god becoming man is beyond calculation this is not to trivialize or to minimize any other miracle in the bible creation is a marvelous miracle salvation is an incredible rejoicing miracle amen and the resurrection is the miracle that that puts the seal on who jesus is and from the beginning of the bible to the end of the bible there's miracles the opening of the red sea turning water into wine the multiplying the fish and loaves and the one i really like is walking on water see i'm an old surfer and when i would just love to walk on water amen i would love to go out there and surf and not even have a board amen wouldn't that be awesome but we read miracle after miracles but the miracle nature of the incarnation is beyond calculation see the proposition that the creator of all things becomes a part of his creation he becomes a part of his creation the bible says and the word becomes flesh and then jesus came to eventually say this is my body this is my flesh which is broken for you and the word flesh here has nothing to do with cardinality it's talking about his humanity and he came how he came is the greatest miracle of all he entered and became creation see we're not even inclined to believe it's a miracle sometimes i just think it's a fact you know we hear it so much that it's just taken for granted and the bible says that jesus spoke to the father before all the worlds he says lo i come in the volume of the book it is written to do your will o god amen see this arranged beforehand that a redeemer would come that a savior would come it was arranged that a redeemer would come before sin even existed you know and i want to go into just scripture for for a minute john 1 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god and all things were made through him and and without him nothing was made that was made and in him was the life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it and that text literally means and the darkness could not overwhelm or put it out okay but the scripture i'm talking about is in verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld as glory the glory of the only begotten of the father amen now i want to share a really brief story and i was told this is a true story i read this and it's about a farmer and his family and this takes place on christmas eve and the family's getting ready to go to church everybody but the father the father was a good man he loved his wife he loved his children he provided for them he protected him he was known as his neighbors as a kind man he took care of all his responsibility but and but he didn't want to go to church when the family said come to church with us we're going to worship jesus it's christmas eve he says i'd be a hypocrite if i went to church because i i just can't fathom why god would become a man why he would enter a world with nothing but world with with worry and in in in trying trials and tribulation so they went to he goes you go i'll be here waiting for you so they went and he sat by the fire and began began reading the book and as he's reading he heard a thumb and he didn't know what it was and all of a sudden he turned around and he saw all these little birds hitting his bay window and the birds went thumping they were falling and he went outside and realized that the birds were looking for shelter and safety from a storm that was coming so he wanted to help them so he got a blanket and started chewing them away and they went away and as soon as he put the blanket back thump thump thump he said what can i do so he went to the barn and opened the doors and turned on the light and thinking they would see the light and they would go in but no they were concentrating on the light of the fire and hitting the window thump thump thump thump and he's like how can i help these birds he goes if only i can become a bird to help them stand and the revelation came and he answered his old question of why god became a man amen because there's no way that man could have understood apart from becoming a man so personally his his completely and personally apart from jesus amen see the word became flesh the total union of humanity with no sacrifice of god in theology this is called the hypostatic union the union of divinity in humanity he is human and completely god see the word became flesh see jesus by his own right refused to operate as in deity as he was doing miracles it wasn't like flashes of deity was were coming to him he relied fully on the holy spirit so he could teach us how to be empowered so we could lead empowered lives see john 14 john 1 1 and john 1 14 describes jesus as the word and the word is a rather profound term in its own right it was though it was a word that was popular in the time this text was written in the word we all have heard it it's logos okay we all have an understanding of some some part of what this word means but the word logos is where we get the suffix ology and we add it to the end of words theology anthropology archaeology it describes a thought process that causes reasoning in various disciplines of study see now the word logos was used here in in these verses to describe reasoning behind everything that when john when when john wrote this in the text he was describing reasoning see the the the great philosopher philo wrote on the reasoning of all things and he used the word logos all right so when so when john began this text he begins with in the beginning is the reason for everything in the beginning is the reason for life in the beginning is the reason we exist i just got a flash right now it's the reason behind it he's the reason for it all and the word became flesh and then he came to a point in his life where he says take eat this is my body which is broken for you the reason for it all the reason i came is so that you could be whole through my flesh through my body amen church [Music] so let's just appreciate let's remember that we don't only activate our faith but let's remember the reason behind it all amen so let's partake [Music] thank you jesus and then the reason for it all said this is my cup of the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink in remembrance of me never forget the reason church never let's partake thank you father hallelujah give him praise come on thank you jesus thank you that aren't you our healer lord jesus amen thank you elder fred blessings amen don't you just appreciate jesus i believe the greater revelation that we get of jesus will be the greatest greater understanding we will have of the kingdom i think what often happens is we seek to understand the kingdom apart from jesus and we often get into strange ideas but the more of him that we behold okay see there was something on that when i said that the more of him that we behold [Music] my prayer my heart my desire is that in all things everything we do every intention of our heart that we will proclaim the name of christ yeshua yahweh the anointed one because when he is exalted he brings the breakthrough when he is proclaimed men and women are set free when he is proclaimed lives are transformed there is no amount of intellectual stimulation that i can give apart from him [Music] but when he shows up everything changes everything changes all right well it's not my day so i'm gonna honor our family i got a vacation coming and i'm going to be in trouble all right well good morning everyone we're just delighted you're here welcome family um we're just truly excited about what god has been doing in and through us but one thing is for sure we don't live in the rear view mirror we live looking forward how many understand that car manufacturers made a windshield bigger than the rear view so that we drive straight so we move forward and i believe god is enlarging our vision he's increasing our perspective he's enlarging our perception of what he's doing and he's calling us into a brand new place and so i believe this over this weekend we have really been again we've uh we've been imparted and we've been hearing what god is saying to us and that will continue today so in just a few moments we're going to turn loose our our family to just speak to us because i believe when family gathers incredible things happen all right well before we get to that i just real quickly want to give us an opportunity to give you are a faithful people i do want to say regency i'm going to ask that this first offering would be for the house and then following ministry we're going to take a second one in order to bless our family we believe in the grace of god that is upon tom and jane i'm telling you i i have seen their life both here on the stage but i've seen it privately and they're the same you know what that's called that's called integrity oh see only about four of you were happy about that see i love to be around people who are truthful i love to be around people who live holy when no one's looking oh some of you still considering if that's a good idea but i promise you it is so at this time if we could just prepare our hearts to give um can you put the the texting number up for me please uh up on the screen um for those of that may want to to give you can also go to the website or if you would like you could uh receive an envelope and place it up here um on the on the platform but again we know that god has given us a great work a vast work to do and it requires us continuing to be faithful to that in partnering together for the purpose of the kingdom so thank you regency for being so faithful all right all right well while you're doing that i do want to take a moment to acknowledge uh any ministers pastors leaders that are here visiting with us if you're visiting and you're again a senior leader out on vacation or maybe a head of a ministry would you just stand for a minute so we can acknowledge you or just wave at us the berries bless you bless you andy and rosa we bless you we bless you any others we over here we bless you thank you so much we just honor you we honor who you are and we thank you for for worshiping with us this morning okay okay well am i supposed to release who someone help me fifth grade down or do i have to do a prayer line and release all of you what is it oh yes but who am i supposed to release ruth you're you know that was a cheap plug right there i mean my goodness come here ruth come here come here see since you did that you're going to do this but it is fifth grade down right all right fifth grade down here we are so together this morning fifth grade down to their classes okay unless you want to stay up here no just kidding i'm messing everything up but share with us about prophetic training that's coming soon see how i did that that was fun i hijacked it yeah so we have prophetic training coming up um the thing that i love about module 3 with prophetic training is that we get to learn how to use the prophetic in a different setting so we in module 1 and module 2 we learn how to hear the voice of god how to minister his heart but in module 3 we get to learn how to use the prophetic to release healing and miracles so if you've ever wondered if you've ever felt the prompting of the lord if you've been just out and about if you've been at home if you've wherever you've been if you've ever felt the holy spirit say hey go pray for that person because they're in pain this is how you learn how to do it it's so amazing because how many of us know that we don't have to there's things that we don't have to tolerate in life and pain is one of them it may come but it doesn't have to stay and so that's the foundation of this material um so we're so excited to have it that is going to be if you have your regency app this is another shameless plug if you have your regency app uh prophetic training is going to be october 20th 21st and 23rd and there is an early bird pricing until october 1st so if you've been thinking about it if you've been on the fence you're going to want to get in on that good price before october 1st and other shameless plug module 3 is written in-house was written here at regency by apostle jason so if you want to come and learn uh it's just an amazing an amazing module so we'll see you there thank you and how can they sign up how can they sign up you can go to the website to sign up you can go to the shameless plug go to regency you can go to the website you can click on prophetic training and you can register there if you are paying by cash important to note that there is a place that you can mark hey i want to pay by cash and then you can come and drop it off at the office during the week or you know sunday service and that's how you can register if you're paying with cash money thank you thank you thank you thank you you know god has or anointed his people to hear his voice and in order to and we need to be equipped and we need to be trained to hear the voice of god to move in the supernatural because we are supernatural people all right you're a tripart bean yeah i know that's a long word but you can look it up you can google it right all right well at this time what we want to do i'm going to ask you to stand and we're going to invite to the regency platform again our our friends our family um tom apostles tom and jane hammond and i just want us to give them a great welcome this morning as they come to minister to us awesome hallelujah all right all right are you gonna share come on just remain standing let's give an applause to jesus give him all the glory and the honor and the praise we love you lord and we lift up your name in this house and decree you are great amen all right we'll turn to somebody say you look like you're ready to receive you may be seated in the house of the lord we love you guys we do feel like uh family and uh pastor jim renee we so appreciate your heart you know when you go on vacation with somebody you know that you know them and so we we have had wonderful times together and so we appreciate them and count all of you and apostle kathy as friends and uh you know what in ministry when you have good friends that makes all the difference of how you succeed and so we appreciate those of great value and great strength and this is my lovely brian you've never seen her before but my wife apostle jane i think we've been coming we were trying to decide 23 or possibly 24 23 years okay the the voice has spoken uh we've been coming 23 years and uh isn't that great to have long-term kingdom relationships amen um we want to invite actually apostle cathy and apostles uh jim and renee to the to the platform right now because we want to minister to them in front of the house um we believe that it's very important that as we minister to them actually now they can come what they're coming up all right they're coming up you can come up yes come up yes um because we believe that as we minister over them it's in effect ministering over you right because a word to them is also a word to you so do you guys mind just standing while we minister to them and just stretching your hands out towards them because we believe that it's more than just a word for information but we believe that when we minister it brings an impartation that brings transformation amen how many want that in your life amen stretch your hands out stretch your hands down it's a sign of blessing and support and uh i hear the word of the lord saying my daughter i want you to know i've watched over you in this season and my decree over your life is i have saved the best wine for last says the lord and surely it's been a season when you kind of felt like you were tucked away and you wonder god what's going to happen today and tomorrow when you walk through the best that you could and you believe me and the lord says i saw you in your sorrow but i also saw you when you allowed me to anoint you with the oil of gladness and joy and you allowed me to embrace you and bring grace to you in the ways that i wanted to and the ways that you allowed me to and the lord says daughter because of that there has been a fermenting process there has been a new potency that has been released inside of you and you're gonna find that as you begin to pour out the new wine that i'm placing in your life that there's gonna be a quickening upon it says the lord in fact people are going to get drunker faster than ever before they're going to begin to say where did you save this where did you get that revelation is going to flow but more than that an impartation of great grace and strength is gonna come out of you says the lord for i have trusted you with my mysteries and i have given you the hidden things says the lord and the nuggets are gonna begin to be seen afresh and anew as you read and as you write there's going to be an opening of vision upon the hearts of many and you shall be amazed as ones will sing and ones will praise and ones will say i've never heard it that way and they'll call you day and night they'll text you and they'll say that made all the difference in my life i watched what you did and i saw how you navigated and got to the other side and so i'm able to as well and the lord says daughter you will always be a pioneer for me and you will always be a trailblazer and you will be one that will be willing to be on the front lines and so i just rotated your back enough to get refreshed to get blessed to get re-envisioned and you get hope in your heart in that new beaming light and so the lord says you're coming out fighting and you're coming out on all right and you're coming out uh up and ready to roll and so the lord says i have your daughter and i surrounded you with a fresh release of not only peace but also even a new teaming up and there's going to be new connections and networking places you haven't gone before people you haven't known before are going to come knock on your door and so i loose right now the new doors of favor that you've decreed are hers in this season in jesus name amen and as i was laying my hands on you apostle kathy i remember that just a little over two years ago when i was here last the lord had us lay hands on you and release an apostolic anointing on your life and then within a very short time you went into lockdown and the lord says daughter that i actually was was marinating that apostolic anointing and the lord says get ready i'm get ready says the lord because i'm getting ready to serve you to the body of christ i'm getting ready to give you your your best years says the lord i'm getting ready to give you even the best words that are coming out of your mouth and the lord says daughter it's not going to take a lot of effort it's not going to take a lot of work the lord says daughter you're just going to open your mouth and let it flow all the years of investment in the word and all the years of investment even in the ministry the lord says daughter are like apples of gold and the lord says daughter that you're gonna open your mouth and share them these apples of gold with people and the lord says daughter it will set them free and the lord says that even as you speak the lord says i'm going to release angels of deliverance to people that is going to bring them out of lifelong cycles and set them on a brand new course and i just keep seeing the picture of the angel coming down and and setting peter free from the prison cell and the lord says daughter i believe that as you speak the word and as you share the truth the truth bombs that i give you and the wisdom that i give you the lord says i want you to know angels will be on assignment to go and set captive free to open up things that are locked and to begin to bring liberty to many so the lord says daughter take a deep breath for i'm getting ready to release apostolic strength for the apostolic mission i've called you to says the lord amen father we lose the second wind anointing we lose the winds of heaven to blow at her back and the strength of the lord to carry her into the new that you decreed now in jesus name come on let's celebrate you know when you celebrate you elevate father we're so thankful for this couple and for the anointing upon their life and the lord says son i gave you even a head like flint and i said don't flinch don't look back and don't say well what if i would have taken a different path for i've called you for this time and for this season and i've aligned you even apostolically for my purposes and i have put things inside of you that you are even now discovering and day by day as you grow and go and flow you're going to be amazed that there are the things that i have placed there even from days gone by for surely i decree to you that the legacy of regency lives and there's that which i have laid as a sure foundation but even more than that there is in the ground a richness says the lord there's a fertility and there's an ability to bring forth great productivity this will be a hot house for me this will be a place where people will begin to feel the intensity of my presence and they will feel the saturation of my atmosphere of faith and glory and they shall grow up quickly says the lord and they shall know me and reflect who i am and so i called you to create a culture in this season son and daughter i said i want you to set the tone and i want you to hear my voice and i want you to be willing to step out into what i've called you to be and there's a uniqueness of the anointing but the dna is from the father and it's flowing into your lives and it's now being expressed my way says the lord for this season for this day and i'm going to cover you says the lord i'm going to keep you even the ones in your family even the ones that you've hold dear and close you're going to be amazed at the grace that's going to grow then in your old age you'll say look what the lord has done and because i was faithful this is my testimony and this is the truth of my life because i lived through it and i live to tell the tale and i live to show the glory and show the way god moves and the lord said son and daughter i have refined you and i have caused you to be ones that have come into a unity of not just family but ministry and understanding about issues and even you complement the giftedness within each to bring forth even the flow that i need to cause many to grow higher and more fruitful than ever before and so the lord says don't be uh afraid even to cut new paths because you're going to see the forest but you're also going to see the way through it to the other side and the lord says i'm going to keep you i'm going to walk with you i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you i'm going to be closer than a friend or a brother and i'm going to cause certain ones to stand along your side that you will know they are trusted and even when you go through sometimes when you feel like the fire is growing hotter know this i'm purifying and i'm preparing you for the higher place of my grace that will flow out of your life we anoint them now right now for this fresh season for the purposes of heaven to unfold not just for them but the powerful transformation impact that you want to bring into this community they've already decreed it's time and so god we now agree let it be let it come forth and let the harvest come in in amazing ways in unique and creative ways in ways that people will shake their head and said i didn't expect that but look what i got i loose now that anointing to flow out of this house into this community in jesus name and i just hear the lord saying that there is a uh that there is a light that shines out of regency that is going to grow brighter and brighter and the lord says as a result you're going to actually be those that help to light up different aspects of the community and i'm going to give you great influence with the mayor i'm going to give you great influence with other churches i'm going to give you great influence with business leaders in this community and the spirit the lord says that pretty soon the light that you shine is going to be reflected in other lights beginning to shine and the lord says that's going to be a part of the awakening that i'm bringing even to whittier says the spirit of god and the lord says daughter i want you to know that i've anointed you as a prophetic teacher and the lord says that i'm going to put the microphone in your hand and you're going to teach the lord says daughter i'm going to stretch you out of your comfort zone you're very comfortable prophesying and the lord says daughter just think of it as prophesying with the word backed behind it because the lord says daughter as you do you're going to find a flow of anointing that you've not yet tapped into you know how to create an atmosphere but the lord says daughter you're going to know how to operate in this different flow of the prophetic grace that i put on your life and the lord just also says son and daughter i want you to know that you're a man and woman of covenant and you've raised children of covenant and i covenant with you says the lord for your children and for your children's children's life and the lord says i want you to know your children's marriages are going to be blessed the lord says your children are going to marry in the will of god and the lord says that even as two of your daughters are married and two are yet to be married the lord says son and daughter i want you to know that this is a new season of the winds of covenant blowing over your family's lives and the lord says i will keep my covenant to you and i will keep it even through them says the lord even to the next generation and the lord says even then the generation after that says the spirit of the lord i hear the lord saying and i know this is kind of strange what he says don't let anyone despise your youth and it's not like you're that young you're not even that much younger than i am but uh uh and i'm really um but anyhow uh so but i heard the lord say that you kind of felt like new kids on the block and some respect but the lord says he's bringing respect and honor to you and there's gonna be a wisdom and there's gonna be favor upon your life that even ones that have been uh in position longer ones that are in government and ones that have uh even a tenure that's different than yours uh are gonna look to you and you're gonna have an apostolic grace to gather and to bring people into the fresh and the new and the excitement of what god's is releasing today and so father i grace them with that wisdom that they need from on high because they've asked it of you like solomon did not for themselves but those so they can serve your people well and we bless them with it now in jesus name come on give the lord a handcraft a praise a hand clap of an applause of love [Music] hallelujah we love you guys i love you guys so much you know you may be seated in the house of the lord you know we love uh apostle jason so much in the grace that uh he had upon his life that he just that mantle fell and the double portion is in the house and we're we're blessed to be a part of that as well and it is good to see fred and wilma from flintstone california and oh no sorry yeah okay yeah hallelujah no they're powerful with azusa street and everything oh honey you have a new book out i was going to let everybody know declarations for breakthrough come on how many can we use a breakthrough let me just uh uh encourage you this is such a powerful uh book it's fresh off uh the press and uh it's all about the word of the lord and how it brings impact in our lives and about how uh the word of the lord was used in our ministry over different seasons and some of the decrees that god released to us in particular uh seasons of life and i think they're all so very relevant even to uh today and so i just encourage you about that and just feel blessed in every way so if you want to get a copy of that there's also a book on discernment there's a book uh on the seven anointings for transformation cyrus decree deborah anointing hallelujah some wonderful things you gotta oh we ran out so discernment's an amazing book as well so you may have to get that uh online you know one of the most powerful things that god ever gave to us was that a little slit in the middle of your face called your mouth and the tongue that's in the middle of it that powerful little piece of meat between your ivories uh it's called your tongue and there's the power of life or death in that tongue actually it says in scripture death or life and so it says choose right and so what we decree what we say actually can shift the atmosphere it can change our future it can shape our lives it can bring a transformation impact and so that's really been a big part of our call of by the spirit of god in pioneering the prophetic and bringing the word of the lord it's not just to say what is god doing uh a hundred years from now five years from now or just uh in the future but it's really about how do we shift things righteously and how do we use the word of the lord to bring the change that god wants to bring and so you know jesus never really prayed for anybody to be healed what did he do he decreed and he would say take up your bed and walk rise and be healed he would decree stretch forth your hand be made whole woman thou art loosed he would decree with all authority and so can for a moment we just believe that we have faith that what we say is going to bring change and can you look at somebody we're going to say i decree your victory can you look him in the eye and say i decree your victory and there's power in our words there's power in our life there's a power in our decree and that's part of the reality that god created if you will speak and say to this mountain it shall be removed and so even before jesus came he sent the the spirit of elijah in john the baptist and his anointing was a voice crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the lord why did he have to go out and begin to speak because he literally not just was getting people's hearts changed and minds in alignment so that they could be ready to receive jesus but i believe prophetically by the spirit he was changing an atmosphere from the dead from the religious from the old mold from the things that would have tried to hold back what god wanted to do and he was speaking into the atmosphere change things are getting ready to happen and as he began to speak that word all of a sudden hearts eyes ears minds begin to open up to what god wants to do how many had a ear to hear and an eye to see all that god is decreeing lift up your hands as we start today and let's just pray father this is our heart we want to be constantly listening we want to be constantly alert and awake father that's why we need an awakening that's why we want to be alert that's why we want to watch and pray that's why we want to be in the middle of the place where the glory is being poured out i want to be under the spout i want to be right where you are moving so give me ears to hear give me an eye to perceive and see give me a heart to receive what you were saying i never want to be left on the sidelines i never want to be on the back row only god i want to know you and i want to be running for you and running to you and running with you in this hour that's all i all that you want to outpour that's my heart that's my dedication that's the place i want to be in you in jesus name give the lord an applause you know when you celebrate you elevate right when you celebrate you elevate that's why a lot of times we will prophesy people and we'll say let's celebrate let's applaud or we'll praise or god will give a word and we'll say let's celebrate because every time you celebrate that's why god instituted the seven feasts of israel is that god had done amazing things but every time they chose into celebrating what the lord had done and what he is doing it began to elevate him in faith to be able to receive it again the word testimony and the word decreed actually let me do it again god turn to someone and say god's gonna do it again god's got something on his agenda an honest mind in this time and you know what when we have ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying remember those seven churches in the book of revelation every one of them got a personal prophetic word it wasn't the same old same old word some of them he said i know your works i know some good things and i know some other things but something needs to shift and if you'll change you know what you'll become an overcomer and how many believe that we might need a little bit of overcoming faith in overcoming grace in the days that we're living in and so god's looking for people that will not live by every word that proceeds out of cnn or fox news or anywhere else but every word that proceeds out of where the mouth of god because faith comes by hearing and hearing what what god has to say and when you hear what god has to say you know it has the opportunity to do change your mind it will renew your mind and when you change your mind it may change your perspective oh my you mean we can get caught up in the world and not see it right you bet that's why it says don't be fashioned or conformed or shaped after the world but you constantly got to get the word in you constantly hear what god is saying constantly listen to the voice of the lord then don't let these other things shape you let god's word begin to take you to where you are called to go so that you don't let go of what you're called to hang on to and lay hold up and so that's kind of the times i believe we're living in we like to believe for the word of the lord and the season and then the time and you know we're always looking for what god has to say why it shapes how we look at life it gives you a world view that hopefully is a biblical worldview and it gives you an opportunity to be able to advance no matter what is taking place naturally you understand what god has to say how many know when moses was standing there and the red sea was in front of him and pharaoh's army was chasing him down hot mad ready to take him down kill him and put him back as slaves that that was not a natural predicament that anybody would want to be in in fact that looked like as bad as bad can get and yet god said what do you have in your hand he said don't get caught up in what you're feeling and sensing of that fear and that panic because i'm going to do something that is unprecedented i'm going to do something that is powerful i'm going to do something different than what you can perceive naturally and if you have faith and you use what you've got you'll see that i can make a way where there is no way and so god hasn't changed his methods and his ways we still find ourselves in those kind of places and god says it's only by my grace but you know what the word grace is also translated as it's the word favor come on and you know what favor does it gives you something you don't normally get it's a privilege it's a blessing it's above and beyond response it's something you wouldn't get even in your natural condition but somehow favor was shown to you wow turn to somebody so i see some favor on your life turn back so you really need some no don't say that the word of the lord comes and you know a lot of times it says when you prophesy one of the things that says it says it it edifies and it encourages have you ever felt like you just need a little encouragement oh you guys are so spiritual okay i don't know about you but now and again i do you know i'm facing something it's a challenge and you know one little word in the right season can make all the difference whether you make it or not because somebody took you by the hand looked in the eye and said i believe in you i believe god's gonna do and they blessed you and encouraged you and he caused you to be able to have the faith you know the word encouraged literally means it means to give courage what did he say to to joshua i i got this land for you it's yours but only you got to be strong and you got to be courageous you're going to have to be bold and you're going to have to be brave well what's the opposite of that the assignment that the enemy has said against you to try to stop you in your track to paralyze you in your way and so encouragement gives you courage and says okay that word gives me a little breath in my lungs it gives me a little water in my desert it gives me just enough that if i'll take it and receive it and assimilate it i can get to where i'm called to go it gives you a little information the word of the lord gives you a little direction i mean when jehoshaphat prayed and jehazal said the battle is not yours it's the lord's but he also said go up this way and go that way and then they got a strategy to praise and god says i'll meet you right there and your enemy will be defeated it'll always give you enough direction in the midst of the process but sometimes it may say well god you said you were going to fight but you know how is this going to work out they had to believe god and believe the prophets and then they had to put themselves on the line right they put themselves on the front line and said let's go out and praise let's go out and decree what god has to say and just believe that god's going to show up my wife had a word a number of years ago if you will show up god will show off come on but how many know if you don't show up god may not show off uh-oh why he needs a human vessel who he has invested himself into is his representative in the earth to say okay i'm going to take what i know about god and what god has said to me and i'm going to put myself right in the midst of the mess and to believe that god's going to bless i believe god's going to show up and show off if i show up and do what he asked me to and then wonderful thing about this word grace it's not only the word favor but it also the word grace means enablement or empowerment come on it's not about who you think you are what you have and what you've got or what you got from someone else it's about what god himself can give to you i'd like to say it's his dna the dna of the father divine nature attributes god's saying i want to flow into you with a little bit of me and i want to show off call my glory through you and so it's in empowerment and enablement lift up both your hands father will come in agreement that in this hour that you're going to give us your power the kingdom does not come in word only or just in nice thoughts or nice things but it comes in power dunamis miracle working power and so god let us be empowered and endued from on high with the anointings that we need to do the work that must take place in our generation and in our day we must be bold we must be courageous enough to put a sword in our hand and go against strongholds go against giants go against that would just been ensconced in the land and say hey god is with me who can really be against me if god has sent me apostolically i can bring transformation i can break through the walls i can begin to liberate the land and i can do what the lord has decreed i can do because i am who he said i am come on celebrate it for a moment receive that grace receive that anointing you know i think that in america we are a little bit in the crossroads we are in a place where god is looking for us to either have faith or not and yes there's a lot of things that kind of going this way and that and it can make you wonder and wonder where are we god what's taking place but you know at the beginning of the pandemic god just began to speak to me and he kind of spoke to me out of matthew 8 you know where he talks about that decree that he gave to his disciples and he says hey guys get into the boat and we're going to cross over to the other side i mean he didn't make a divine suggestion he actually made a divine command we're going to cross over to the other side come on guys get in the boat here we go if you remember we won't go through it but there were a lot of excuses one of them he had to say hey let the dead bury the dead he's kind of saying hey don't hesitate don't live in that dead place you've got to break free now or you may never get free at all and so sometimes you just got to make a choice i'm going to move with god god's moving i'm going to move with god and so he said okay let's go now they get in the boat they start crossing over how many remember what took place in the middle of the lake a furious storm arose how furious was it i'll tell you it was a florida hurricane i mean it was it was so bad that these seasoned fishermen were panicking and they were crying out we're gonna die we're gonna die and where was jesus anybody know in the boat what was he doing why he had already given command he knew where he's going he was okay hey i'm at peace we're going to get there now they come and wake up jesus right jesus we're gonna die don't you care you ever felt that way jesus i'm gonna die don't you care jesus is like what what oh so he goes up right stands at the bottom of the boat i guess and looks over that storm peace be still the word be still literally i mean submit to the will of god shallow peace stop it's funny that he talked to it as if it were a thing or a person not just some kind of random storm right well why is that why i tell you why i think it is first of all let me just say jesus said peace be still bang it takes place but how many know jesus is not exactly happy why he turns to his guys like why did you wake me no i mean maybe that's what i would feel i'm not a little early right why did you wake me up man i was just in the zone me and the father you know is having a good dream whatever he said why are you afraid and where is your faith ooh i imagine in the middle of this lake where jesus himself had prophesied we're going to the other side that when that storm arose maybe they went back and said i got to get my prophecy book out where in the word that did it ever prophesy this kind of storm where we think we're going to die and was it there well no jesus ever said a word you would think that if they were going to cross over to the other side and jesus knew in the middle of the lake they were going to hit this kind of storm that he would have said something hey guys they're going to be a big storm but it's going to be okay didn't say anything hmm 20 20. okay what was the decree we were going to the other side and so jesus was saying hey i already gave the word i already gave you the direction i already told you where we were going now what was he going to do when he got to the other side he was going to begin to deal with a controlling territorial spirit caught that was in a gathering that controlled everything that took place in that land and that demon and that horde knew that and so what did they do they stirred up a demonic storm to rise up to intimidate the disciples to try to send them with their tail tucked between their legs running back home saying uh oh we're gonna die and jesus said did i get out of the boat or was i still with you yea though you go to the valley of the death the very shadow thereof i will fear no evil why because you're in the boat god because you never got out of the boat god well you were asleep i guess at the will because look what's happening and god said no i haven't changed my mind i expected that if you saw an assignment demonically loosed from the pit of hell against you that you would rise up and you would have faith and you would say jesus has said we're going to the other side he spoke to the church and saying we're crossing over we're getting into a place where we're going to deal with some spirits that are in the land trying to control things but the enemy is panicking and he's rising up with a threat to try to do everything he can to cower us down but he's saying come on church why are you afraid and where is your faith we're going to the other side turn to somebody say we are going to cross over coronavirus come on it was formed in the pits of hell as a strategy to bring an antichrist agenda into the earth but i'm telling you what god said to me the antidote is the christ anointing that i will lose in the spirit of awakening and revival and the things that i have to creed is going to take place i'm not intimidated by the storm the lord says i haven't changed my mind i still decreed we're crossing over to the other side we will deal with this assignment of the enemy along the way and when we get there as well now i can remember a time in my dad's ministry a lot of you know my dad bishop him he sends his greetings he loves you guys in this house greatly and when he was young he called from a young age and kind of was on his own in ministry and kind of had to just grow that way and god made him a pioneer but he hit this place you know my mom was the rock okay my mom was stable wisdom you know just kind of and my dad he needed her so bad so my dad's the racehorse which way which way oh let's go let's go somewhere oh wait what did i run over okay um you know my mom's like honey come on he sees the the plotting you know clydesdale let's let's hold steady now we're gonna plow this thing just hang in there so anyhow my mom had great wisdom she had a lot of great sense of humor and love and uh she's been in heaven about seven years now she's up there with with jason they're dancing around but and uh so one time he just got discouraged because man i felt like bang bang bang bang bang everything every door closed no hope for the future it's like god that's the kind of all i've ever worked for is down the drain i've been betrayed people talking against me it looks like nothing's ever going to work for me oh god what do i do and he said i need a word prophets don't ever need a word oh yes they do we're not self-sufficient nobody ever is and so we need each other and so he was just pioneering anyhow he said i need a word but the word of the lord was rare in those days so you know it wasn't really hardly anywhere he said i know one prophet and he's coming through san antonio texas where my dad lived at the time and i'm going to go to his meeting so he ran over to his meeting and said go on you know me i need a word i need a word here am i you know none of you would be here today saying that you know anyhow god i need a word and sure enough is it brother bill back then dr bill whatever he called wasn't bishop back then it was just wild bill i mean something like that yeah he was called that come up here i got a word name he starts i see the anointing of god upon your life and i see you traveling overseas i see you in africa and i see thousands of black faces and for i see you in asia and i see thousands of uh brown faces and yellow oh i see the anointing in these uh uh regions of the earth and all this powerful word about the prophetic and the power and the anointing it's all come to pass right but at that point he died on his way home as well talk to mom huh yeah at that time was talked to mom and he said honey i've never been on an airplane in my life and now they're saying i'm going across the ocean into africa and asia and that sounds so powerful and so great but god i honey i just want to know are we going to pay the bills are we going to survive till tomorrow is anything going to work in me and for me my mom smiles you know honey bill don't you know if you're gonna do all that then and there don't you think god will get us through today tomorrow this week this month this year if you're gonna cross over to that other side do you think god has a plan from here to there to get you there and so sometimes you know you think david this word he got was pretty great when he was 16 a little kid you know just running around shepherding sheep and the word of the lord from the prophet samuel goes through his brothers and gets to him you're going to be king whoo i've got it made in the shade now i'm the anointed i'm the next here i come watch out world i am king i got a card we'll govern you hallelujah well you know we talk about joseph when he got a dream and then he got put in the pit what's a pit profit in training right okay so we won't go there that's too long of a sermon but uh david had a little process to go through before he became that king right in fact there was something powerful about david the spirit of david and we teach a whole class about spiritual authority and i'm not going there but it it is powerful uh how he knew the ways of god and and he allowed his heart to to work right through all kinds of difficult tight places even with in authority under authority around authority that i think god kept him even though david made some big mistakes but he had a right heart about a lot of issues in fact when he could have killed saul his tormentor his attacker the one who was despitefully using he was putting him in a cave in distress and debt and discouragement and discontent and all the rest he his men said he's right there you can go kill him right now he thought about it and he thought twice they thought i'll just go over and take a little part of his garment just to show i could have you know and so he stands there and he waves the garment at saul and says hey king i could have taken you out but i didn't see and then all of a sudden you know what he felt bad he said you know what threw it on the ground it says i shouldn't have even done that i knew some stuff i could have taken you out i could have done it but i i don't even want to brag about that either that kind of heart is what god honored but there was something about david from a young age see i believe that what was god's looking for in this hour is a unique anointing upon people that maybe is equality we don't always find in our population or normal people but kind of what we just celebrated with the 20th year of 9 11. this thing where people when they hear something negative or see tragedy or difficulty they don't run away they run too now i know about you my wife and i we've been a lot of nations we've traveled a lot of places and some of them are a little strange and with i'm walking with my wife on my arm and we're going down whether or on a cruise or uh excursion or whether we're ministering or whatever it might be i remember one time we were in israel right and we stopped to eat some ice cream and i was like we had this big explosion and we'd look at the lady she didn't know much english she'd go what kind of what what was that she was like i got you said it we're going the other way you know if we see the commotion over there dangerous oh no come on honey we're turning around we're going this way but there are people that we call first responders and you know what they do when they see tragedy difficulty when they see brokenness when they see something happening that shouldn't be they run to the towers they run to the problem they run to the scene of the accident and most of us that's not our natural way of thinking but if you're trained if you're equipped if you prepared yourself and you know you're made for this moment then when you hear that sound crash i'm running as fast as i can maybe i can save a life at that moment of tragedy and i believe god's trying to raise up the greatest company of first responders called the ecclesia that knows how to operate in times of danger and difficulty and we don't run away and hide we run to the battle we run to the place of need we run to the darkness and say we're the lights last year was it hurricane michael last year honey 2018 we had this big hurricane show up late in the season and it was coming straight at us and we were we decided to stay and pray and so we were on our property we have a lot of acreage one point i said dad honey let's jump in the truck we're gonna do a facebook live the storm is supposed to be a hurricane category one well it's blowing up in the gulf it's getting stronger as it's coming and it's already a category four and it's getting stronger and headed straight for us a couple hours out and so we get in our truck in my trunk because bishops is too nice to go out into the terrain where we go and and we do a facebook live and we praise and pray and just decree and say god you're going to keep us safe and maybe looking back we're thinking that's a little crazy okay because when that storm came in it was devastating last minute it turns heads over and hits panama city rips it to shreds i mean it's unbelievable i go over the next day and we're part of the chainsaw crew or part of the uh disaster uh stationing and all the trucks with all the food and we ended up having 160 disaster workers in our church that we fed and took care of for a few weeks well maybe how long was maybe three or four weeks whatever it was and they were in and out of my shower and i won't tell you what to do anyhow so they were they were tearing for them in their rough crowd they were i didn't know that there's a whole crew that goes with disasters that is the whole industry anyhow they showed up we were taking care of them so pastor we they had a rainy day and so they couldn't go out and work the disaster and so most of them came to church praise god they're there at the church you know we have a guest minister that sunday let me just say we had powerful praise and worship and ministry a bunch of them got saved i think about 50 of them raised their hands to give their heart to the lord we were baptized in them throughout the next week and it was just a powerful time of touching their lives but it was interesting that as uh the the man that we had that morning was uh ministering he uh you know he had heard about it so he wanted to address him and so he said uh yeah i i've heard that we have a lot of the folks that are working the disaster here and we have a a bunch of uh first offenders here today and i said man this man is a prophet he he knows what he's saying because to be true the honest was honest truth is not like that but anyhow god used that to minister to a lot of people but you know it says in first samuel that when david came on the scene and he saw a tragedy he saw the people of god cowering and he saw goliath bellowing out mocking intimidating blasphemous words that something rose up in david and he said this should not cannot stand and i am gonna do i'm gonna run as a first responder i'm to get myself into the middle of this mess and somehow god's going to use me to turn something around i'm going to just read this it says then all the assembly knew this is chapter 17 of first samuel verse 47 shall know that the lord does not save a sword or spirit or money or influence or politics for the battle is the lord's and he will give you into my hands he's prophesying guys you know when the devil prophesies at you and says i'm going to kill you i'm going to take your breath you're going to get coveted you're going to die you're this is going to happen to your family you've got to rise up and look him in the eye and say i'm prophesying back to you you foul demon in the name of jesus i'm taking you down i'm taking you out you're not going to win god's already decreed my victory and all of a sudden he began to do that remember he said i'm taking your head i'm feeling it to the fact you think you're doing it to me i'm telling you god's on my side you better watch out buddy because here i come wait a minute i'm goliath i'm a champion of champions i've never been defeated i've got all this armory look at this spear how big it is look how strong and ugly and what bad breath i have i'm going to huff and puff and blow your house down no the battle of the lords that he will give you into my hands is not by my sword or by my spirit so it was when the philistine arose and came and drew near to him that david ran to the battle sometimes you can't just sit back and say whatever will be will be you've got to challenge yourself and say i'm the first responder i'm going to respond to god and i'm going to run to the battle and so as this thing unfolded this pandemic you know the spirit of pan panic fear phobia you know the beginning of 2021 the lord told me to do something kind of unique he said son as you're looking into this new year i want you to look at the word and the strongs and my wife did something similar this year as well look at the number 2021 in the greek and in the hebrew so i looked it up in the word the word 2021 that you find in the strong's number for the hebrew is the word hudson and this is what it means to be sharp and strong as a weapon of war and you know what it means in the greek 2021 is the word epicureal you know what it means to take it in your hand to grasp it as your own to lay hold of the task come on can you just put your hand up right now and we decree that the church is not cowering down we're not backing up and running away we're putting a sword in our hand like joshua did we're putting the sling in our hand like david did we're beginning now by faith to say we are strong and courageous we are bold we are brave god you've called us for such a time as this and so we're taking that which is sharp and that was just strong in the word of the lord and we're taking it for ourselves and saying i'm going to use it valiantly i'm going to use it righteously and i'm going to turn the battle at the come on celebrate so that you can elevate into a new place of faith that god's called you to operate right there and so god was saying this is going to be a year you're going to have to contend and fight come on i'm just a lover puzzle tom i'm a lover i found out if you're really going to be a lover you have to be a fighter because if you love your wife you'll fight for your marriage if you love your kids you'll fight for their destiny if you love your church you'll fight for its purposes if you love god and the kingdom of god you'll fight for god if you love your country you'll fight for your country and so god's saying he's looking for david who was a great lover that's where we get all those psalms wonderful songs of beauty and intimacy with god but he was also a warrior for god at the same time and so the lord said that as this coronavirus was unfolding he said it's not really just a natural virus it is a demonic spiritual attack i know when we had coven same time my dad had covered my sister had covid last october and uh yeah we know the fatigue we know the the sense of the assignment let me just say this first of all it doesn't just attack your body it attacks your mind and there is a demonic delusion a demonic seduction to death that the enemy tries to take people and isolate them and then all of a sudden say it's your time you might as well let go you might as well die i had to praise some people out of that i saw it and i remember in the middle of that uh my dad has a spiritual son that guillermo maldonado down in miami has a church about 20 000 people but he he moves in miracles and deliverance so powerfully and he called up my dad and i was there on the phone he said bishop i'm praying for you but look this is what i found out this virus is not just a natural disease it's a demon and so you know what i do when i pray for people i cast the spirit of covet out of them because it's an assignment of death that has come to attack them body soul and spirit and i know at the beginning of this we had a pastor of ours marty layton before it really even happened he said i saw this demonic uh witches convening and making a decree about the things that would take place i know chuck pierce prophesy about this uh disease that would come from asia that would try to afflict the whole world and my wife had that dream over in korea and so god was giving us little inklings but it was kind of like in the middle of the lake god wow we're going to die or what but god's saying the assignment was a threefold cord of a demonic spirit that has been loosed and was fear fatigue and fatalism and that these three demonic assignments were really the attack that you and i are contending with so let me just talk to you just a moment about fear because you know what paul said to timothy this is not just some natural thing and it's not from god it's a spirit of fear that you're having to fight and so there is an assignment of a spirit that has been loosed in the earth of intimidation that the enemy wants to why does the enemy bring fear i'll tell you why he brings fear you know when he used the word phobia and that's not to to diminish anybody that deals with real phobias but the truth of it is a fear always comes against you to control you if you are operating in fear that fear will try to control an area of your life and the problem with uh fear it never wants to stay in one place it's like a cancer that wants to become malignant it wants to be that which invades every area and control your life and so the enemy is trying to bring a certain level of control against the people of god and he always uses a spirit of fear and it has with it an antichrist agenda well i'm afraid of the antichrist well don't be they said in the new testament right the antichrist is already in the world and that is working the spirit of antichrist is against christ what is christ the anointing against the anointing and so the enemy has never changed his tactics he's just trying to bring a greater wave of it today but you and i are the antidote we are the people that know how to pull down strongholds and evict strong men and begin to take the land that god has promised to us and so you have to contend against this spirit of fear that wants to attack your mind and attack your heart that's why when jesus sometimes will rebuke his disciples you say oh ye of little faith ever say why are you afraid and where is your faith didn't i say we're crossing over and so the assignment of fear it says in scripture actually has torment with it how many have ever had a tormenting fear don't be ashamed everybody's had it at one time or another sometimes it comes at night in the form of a nightmare but you know what the lord said to me not only do you have to pray through people through to the other side but then you also have to close the door behind them because there's assignment that the enemy likes to use called trauma in fact for soldiers it works this way they go over they fight they win the day or they survive they make it through the difficult place but then if they're not able to or understand how to close the door the back door then they can come back home they can be in their family their community their business they can have everything in front of them to enjoy but they can't because of what ptsd right post traumatic stress disorder what what happens to them they made it through the panic they made it through the terror they made it through the the peril and what was trying to kill them they they survived kova they survived the the panic they survived the bankruptcy they survived the difficulty and now they're on the other side but sometimes they've got to choose and agree with god to close the back door because the enemy wants to sneak back in so can you just kind of stretch your hand off to the side or back and let's agree father in the name of jesus you said you would be my rear guard you said that you would watch behind me goodness and mercy will follow me not panic and fear and trauma i choose now by the authority granted to me in the name of jesus and as an apostolic voice i say i shut the door of trauma in your face devil you will not revisit my heart you will not revisit my home you will not revisit my marriage you will not revisit my future i break your assignment now and i shut the door you've given me the keys of the kingdom and i can open up but i can lock down and if anybody's going to be locked down it's you trauma and as you fear now in jesus name come on celebrate and receive the peace that god has for you in this season the other problem with fear we think oh it's a pandemic it's an epidemic oh it's everywhere you know what's contagious fear is contagious in fact you know what it says in deuteronomy 20 it says if you're going to go out to war here's the strategy if you got any fearful or faint-hearted send them home send them home don't we need all the soldiers we can get no why they're going to be contagious and they will cause the heart of their brother to also be fearful and run away what's that say you got to be careful what you listen to be careful who you're around be careful what infects you oh we're worried about covert we need to put a mask on a few other things i'll tell you what and just say you're not talking to me i'm not listening to that i'm turning that off but you know what i've also found that's even more contagious faith and then you get around people why do we come to church because we need to get infected a little bit we need to have a little epidemic going on we need to be able to have something infused into our system that overcoming faith overcoming grace we're gonna make it to the other side get around the right crowd and you will change your whole view come on and so not only is this spirit of fear but the spirit of fatigue how many have felt weary in this time oh too tired to raise your hand i see you oh thank you brother curtis is good man he's on target and it with covet boy i don't know how your experience was but it was real i mean it'll try to wear you out you remember when it said here's the heroes of the faith in hebrews 11 and here's hebrews 12 you're going to go to mount zion and here's the powerful thing that god's going to do but he said watch out let your hands go hang down your head just hang down your legs so that you know it says here's this great cloud of witnesses mom hammond's up there apostle jason's up there they're looking down at us and i did my part i prayed i i prophesied i sang the song of the lord i ministered in my day i was a hero of the faith i gave you the baton now it's your time to run break the tape finish this thing come on don't get weary don't get worn out shake it off come on [Applause] there's a legacy to fulfill there's a calling that we're a part of we got the anchor leg and the baton is in our hand don't be faint don't be weary don't be warned oh it's so hard it's taking too long what did the children of israel say oh it just took long it was harder than i expected but i'm telling you what god's made some promises to you in fact i want you to lift up your hand i want to pray this prayer over you out of isaiah chapter 40. have you not known have you not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary god's not getting worn down god's not taken by surprise god's not worn out no god's energized and he wants to energize you his understanding is unsearchable okay we don't always get it we don't always understand it god why is it happening this way but god has a plan he gives listen power lift up your hand a little higher to the weak and to those who have no might he increases he increases he increases your strength even the youth shall fate and be weary and the young men shall utterly fail this is not a natural strength this is a super natural strength from god and from the spirit of the lord but those come on wave your hands who wait upon the lord they shall be renewed they shall be refreshed they shall be revitalized they shall be strengthened they shall rise up in their strength and they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and they shall not faint why because they're right in the wind they're riding like an eagle the winds are contrary we just go higher over the storm it doesn't matter which way the wind blows we know how to soar and rise up again and again and again claw get your energy the joy of the lord the joy of the lord the joy of the lord is your strength we receive that lord you know i remember we had our conference we're getting ready to have it in october again and our sanctuary is a pretty large sanctuary and it's kind of in a round a bit and uh it has a slope floor and so we're ministering and you know my wife's up there and she's prophesying and speaking god's gonna heal somebody from chronic fatigue syndrome where are you god wants you to come down right now and so in the back of the auditorium this woman steps up so shakely she has her two sons i think with her and they begin to walk her by taking their elbows and walk her down to the front it seems like it takes forever for her to get there but she does and so my wife's ministering other people okay yeah are you the one with chronic fatigue yeah i am okay are you ready to receive i don't know i can't breathe okay oh yeah i guess so hallelujah all right all right be loosed from the chronic fatigue rebuke you know in the neighborhood just goes for it right prophesize to her minister to the word of the lord wow that was great great it's all right are you ready to do something you couldn't do before i don't think so god says you need to walk around this auditorium she looks back like are you are you kidding me not only is it long but it's uphill over there you know and so she starts walking and boys are got her and let her go she looks let her walk on her own okay i mean just barely i mean it's like man that's gonna be like until midnight before we get to see her again you know she hits the incline and go oh god and uh she leans into the wind right she starts leaning she's coming around going around you know and so my wife's doing other things sure enough she made it back she's got her eyes so big and she goes i can't believe i did that i can't believe god says you're healed god's got anointing on your life you're free you know what you need to do it again take another lap this time i want you to run my wife's crazy watch out watch out if you get around she was so scared she just took off [Applause] before she knew it she was back i read ah ah god's healed me god's healed me guys heal me and i want you to know this is what happened she was staying on the condo down to the beach coming to our conference sugar white sands caribbean waters if you ever want to come okay it's beautiful she's staying at this condo she texts my wife after a couple of days i'm healed i'm still without energy i can't believe that's a whole new life for me it's been 20 years and she sends us a picture i wish i would have pulled it up but it's so beautiful it's a picture of these two eagles in full flight fighting over a redfish right on our beaches now at that time i didn't know that we're the second most populous state for eagles next to alaska and here were two beautiful bald eagles on the beach in front of her on the condo that she was staying in santa rosa beach what do you think god was saying to her you're going to mount up with wings like eagles you're going to soar with the wind you're not going to be grounded you're going to be able to move beautifully and be blessed with strength in your life come on lift up both your hands father i decree we're not a weak church we're not a broken church and we're not going to be a fatigued church we're not going to be worn down so the enemy can take us out we're decreeing we're rising up with faith and strength and anointing and breakthrough ability god you have a church that's powerful and wonderful and on assignment and we're going to accomplish all that you've decreed we can do in this hour we're not backing up we're not afraid and we're not giving up because we're weak god you said to nehemiah the church oh the strength of the labor is failing because there's too much junk i don't care how much junk is going on i'm going to have strength to rebuild the walls to reset the righteous foundations to restore worship to restore what you're doing in the land we're going to build at your command we're going to hear the word of the lord we're going to prosper because of the word that came through the prophets and we're going to break through to the other side give the lord a hand clap and praise thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] and let me just say this word fatalism just simply means i heard it i forgot who spoke it this morning talking about hopelessness fatalistic thinking will get you thinking even prophetically it's the end times it's supposed to get darker antichrist is rising where's the mark of the beast i mean we're right there aren't we and uh here we go flush the toilet we're going down god rescue me out fast get me out of here with your hell heavenly helicopter before the world goes to hell because it's happening fast it's darker and darker what's isaiah 60 say well when it gets dark and even the people look a little gross dark you know seen a few of those uh what's gonna happen i will arise and shine upon those that are mine i never read in my bible well it says oh it gets so dark stop shining your light it gets so hard stop doing the fight oh you might as well shrug your shoulders and say it's been prophesied it's just where we are no god said if my people who are called by my name know how to cry out and pray i will hear their cry and when i hear from heaven i know how to heal their land i've given you the keys to the kingdom i've given you power and authority over how much power of the enemy over all the power of the enemy i've given you my word i've given you my voice i've given you my presence i've given you my anointing that destroys the yoke god never said oh roll over and go back to bed no he said wake up and arise and set yourself on fire you are the answer you are the ones that the world needs you are the light and the salt without it it does go to corruption but with it things are preserved more than that things begin to change stand up with me and i want you to lift up both your hands god's not done god's still moving by his power i believe god can even move in california i believe that the west coast that wants to be the left coast you're not going to be left out i believe god's going to take the turmoil and turn it around lift up your hands toward heaven father we come in agreement with the call of god in esther's day it was dark in destr esther's day haman not hammond but the haman scheme that was going on behind the scenes looked like it had won it looked like he had heard and had climbed to the highest echelons of power it looked like he had already written the laws it was already signed off on it looked like it was too late but mordecai said no esther it's not too late if you will present yourself to appeal to the king and if favor is granted i can turn it on its head the hebrews the jews celebrate purim you know what it's literally called the feast of divine reversals the feast of reversals when everything looked like he was already set for the destruction of the jews the people of god were going to lose they were going to either die and have everything confiscated or become a slave esther in a moment when the word of the lord came to her and said if you don't understand that you've been positioned for this purpose here's the word go and present yourself if you're willing to be a part of the esther church lift up your hands toward heaven right now father you're looking for the esther ecclesia the esther church that's willing to say god we're going to make our case we're going to present ourself we're going to put ourself in peril if i perish okay i perish but i'm not going to die without fighting i'm not going to die without presenting myself and it just might be the god you would grant favor you would extend your scepter and you would say to us right now write your new decree and whatever you decree i'll sign it and i'll begin to turn it around and then haman and his ten sons will be hanged on the very gallows that they made for the people of god come on god knows how to turn it around and so god we believe you we're just simple enough to present ourselves by faith to say god i believe you can do the same thing today and so fathers we're here this morning i decree the church is not going to get infected with fear it's not going to be infected with fatigue it's not going to be infected with fatalistic thinking yeah we're facing covet 19 and delta and anything else they want to throw out there but i'm decreeing that antichrist agenda will bow and snee and decree jesus is lord to the glory of god the father and that the christ anointing is the antidote lift up your hands right now father i pray for that christ's anointing to be loosed in regency i pray for that christ anointing the antidote for the antichrist agenda the christ anointing released by the power of the holy spirit sanctioned by father god is going to be loosed into this house and that god is going to be a beacon of hope it's going to be a lighthouse in the storm that this house will have a place of great grace and restoration that the broken and the hurting and the wandering and the wondering are going to begin to find themselves being brought in and they're going to say i've been saved i've been rescued there's hope in my heart again and they're going to be blessed and set free father i pray for every individual here today the lord you'll lose us from every grip of intimidation i did want to read one more scripture let me just turn to it let me just read this that's just a wonderful decree in hebrews 6 and verse 18 just open your hands to the lord so it is impossible for god to lie this is in the passion translation so it is impossible for god to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change and now we have run into his heart to hide herself in his faithfulness this is where we find just receive this strength and comfort and he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time an unshakable hope an unshakable kingdom and song of solomon chapter 2 verse 13 can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you the early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth the budding vines of new life are now blooming super blooming everywhere the fragrance of their flowers whispers there is change in the air arise my love my beautiful companion and run with me to the higher place for now is the time to arise and come away with me god let us be a people that have eyes to see and ears to hear let us be a discerning generation living by every word that proceeds out of your mouth let us be a church that knows what you're doing and be at work when the bridegroom comes let us be fighting and doing all we can wallace day let us be the ones that are decreeing and releasing truth and setting captives free let us be on the front lines god not hiding out and playing it safe but on the front lines saying god we're going to be the first to respond to you we're going to be the first to respond to the need we're going to be the first ones on the scene changing everything father we're thankful for it and we give you all the praise turn to someone and say you are a first responder not a first offender hallelujah hallelujah come on can you give the lord a hand clap i want to ask us just sit for just a moment how many have been hearing what the lord has been declaring over us this last few days you know god has been speaking to us for about nine months that this is a new era this is a new time this is a new season three weeks ago prophetically i had had something else planned many of you remember god spoke to us it was time to run to the battle did you hear what he said today come on are you connecting the dots we are whoa we're being born along by the spirit of god i love when god not only speaks to us out of eternity but then he confirms his word so in the last four weeks god has been saying it's time to arise it's time to run to the battle it's time to pursue and overtake it's time to advance it's time to increase it's time to break through and follow all the way through here's what i want to ask us to do i believe in a principle [Music] that's what we value we invest in whether it's our time whether it's our gifting whether it's our grace this morning i'm going to ask each of us to do something you might say i don't have anything we all have something please do something to show value and to treasure that which has been imparted to us so here's what i'm gonna do those of you that are regents you know how to text to give you can do so and you can text to give and then under the the keyword guest speaker if you would like to receive an envelope please raise your hand and you can bring those up here and then in a few moments after we do this we're going to invite tom and jane for a few moments to minister as they feel directed by the spirits but i believe god is really imparted to us this weekend come on do you agree with that and i'm going to ask you to go back and rehearse the word of the lord through the recordings that are available to you online but let each of us do something you can make your checks to regency church we'll come back in a few moments thank you all so much for standing with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen again if you have not done something please go ahead um also um those of you that have your children if you could please go find them [Music] i'm sure i'm sure all of the amazing teachers would love to um come on up for uh the last but few would be so kind to please uh retrieve them and then um come back into the sanctuary as needed but at this time i want to invite tom and jane back just i'm going to ask you to just remain active in your faith excel release the anointing that is resident on the inside of you and let's believe the lord to uh continue to minister uh his love one to another all right man and woman of god come on hallelujah how many know god is good he loves to speak and so holy spirit we just invite you right now to flow is the way you want to we just open our hearts father we all have received a word but god the things that you want to release right now we just hold near and dear uh to our heart uh i think what matt i want you uh mindy i want you guys to come up here um just to stretch for their hand toward this couple that's come in agreement and hear the lord say son this has been a season where you've had to walk and navigate and it felt like in the dark you did your best but you felt like you stumbled a couple of times he said god what is wrong with me and why are these things like this but i said son i am teaching you uh how to operate even in the dark when the light has to be inside of you and so the lord says i begin to contend with you in those times like i did even jacob of old and you begin to wrestle he said god i don't want to have to be like this but i said son if you will fight this good fight and break through i will shift even your name and i will put upon you even a new authority and you will know that you have prevailed with me and you have prevailed with man and the lord says son of taken you by the hand and yes you've been broken yes you didn't know which way to turn and i said that's right you're going to have to look up and you're going to have to have faith like even my servant david in the moment of zig lag when he said it feels like everything is crowding in he had to encourage himself and i've taught you how to work through those issues where the waves wanted to sink you and where you felt like you were underneath and i said you're called to be on top but the lord says i put a strength in a reservoir and i kept you full of breath and so you could not go to the bottom you were gonna rise back up again says the lord and now there's an anointing of resurrection life that i have placed upon you says the lord and you're going to look back and say this is what the lord did for me that day and you're going to have a word of encouragement and a word of life that will flow out of you again and again then the lord says yes there have been eyes on you yes you have known that how you operate was going to be important not just for you but for others as well but the lord says you've been able to bear the weight you are the pivot point and all the pressure came but yet i helped you to turn it uh that which was meant for evil for good that which was meant to destroy to be able to build a fresh foundation for the future that i have decreed the lord says you've been stretched in ways you did not expect and you thought you were gonna break but the lord says there's a greater flexibility inside of you than you have even known and the lord says i am enlarging the place of your dwelling and i'm enlarging your faith and i'm enlarging your hope and i'm enlarging your love says the lord and i'm getting down and i'm going to tap into your passions in this hour and some things are going to be refined and aligned and you're going to be amazed that what i place there is what you actually enjoy and you're going to find yourself in the marketplace within a daniel anointing to able to operate with great grace to speak to dark places to speak to places of influence to speak to where the enemy is decreed this is my stronghold and i said no i sent a stronger one to come and to spoil your goods and you're gonna have an evangelistic heart to be able to capture people and pull them out of the very jaws of hell where they feel this heat on them and yet you'll say no not today this one's going free and so father i anoint this man with a fresh vision i anoint his hands to bring great healing to many lord father there is an anointing and the lord says stop doubting in the dark what you heard in the light stop doubting in the difficult days what i decreed lift up your voice and praise i need to hear the sound out of your voice i'm listening and as i hear so it shall be says the lord the lord said daughter you are near and dear to me you felt like almost you had been forgotten and you were just along for the ride and you were trying not to fall out of the roller coaster as it went upside down flippity flip and you said god what's next how do i handle life and the lord says you are my life you have my life and i'm breathing into you and even that silent stream inside of you that you didn't even know what to do the stress tried to work against your heart and to try to work against your systems and your hormones and i began to even speak peace to the storm and i'm relaying some things to you and i'm relaying fresh foundations for you and i'm setting you for this next season says the lord god has calibrated you in this time it's almost like you fell out of time you felt like everything was out of rhythm and you didn't know what to do even with your own emotions in your mind and you're not going crazy you're not out of sight of god's grace god says i've been working in the midst of these issues and i'm setting you right now there it is setting you right now right now right now the rhythms are coming in alignment now into your systems by the power of the holy spirit and i decree the sounds of heaven shall come to you and you shall sing you shall dance and you shall rejoice and you shall flow with the rhythm and i saw you literally dancing through danger and just not even being worried about anything god says daughter don't worry be happy don't worry be happy don't worry be happy i gotcha and you're gonna see that it's not as hard as you thought it would be i bless her now with grace multiplied in jesus and hallelujah come on give the lord a handclap of praise hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah amen [Music] can i minister to you what is your name peggy the lord says daughter i want you to know that i saw you when you didn't feel like anybody else did i saw you when you felt like you were forsaken when you felt like you were abandoned when you felt like nobody cared and you almost actually gave up but the lord says daughter it was in that place that i let you know that i was real it was in that place that i made myself real to you says the lord and the lord says i'm taking you through a process of healing i'm taking you through a process of me beginning to fortify you and you say now lord but now lord it feels like my life has passed me by and the lord just begins to laugh and he says daughter i want you to know you ain't seen nothing yet the lord says daughter i want you to know you're gonna be my hand extended you're gonna be my heart extended you're gonna bring life to the hopeless you're gonna bring freedom to those that have been captive the very places that you were delivered from the lord says i'm going to make you a deliverer says the lord the lord says daughter your words are going to be pure words that bring hope and freedom and deliverance to the lost [Music] but the lord says daughter i want you to know that i'm bringing restoration in family and so the lord says daughter restore [Music] because hope produces faith and when you start moving in faith faith produces the supernatural and the lord says daughter that you're going to be a voice of hope to many father i loose the freedom and the anointing and the hope and the zeal of the lord just to overtake her on every side in jesus name amen sister right here what's your name you can stay seated if you want all right okay pat i just hear the lord saying daughter there's always been grace for you and a place for you and i have established you even through the things that you've walked through and you felt like for a time i don't know if this is what i'm gonna live to see but the lord says i put a grace in a faith inside of you to break even an assignment of death and even an assignment of hopelessness and have caused you to be one that would hold yourself steady but also that you could be a bedrock for many and so there's going to be those that will come and stand alongside and stand even on your faith and just say i can't carry them god i don't think i can the lord says i'm just asking you to stand and having done all to stand and you're going to place them upon the rock that i am and you're going to be amazed how they're not going to break and they're not going to run and they're not going to give up along the way and the lord says daughter my great love is being poured out upon you even in this season and i saw the liquid love of heaven going through your blood and going through your system i saw a light radiating throughout even every system and part as you ask god too and god says we're getting a restart in a real hearted uh release now and so father i lose your grace to this woman of god the lord says you're not forgotten you're not just one that is just there you're one that is standing and you're a sign and a wonder and people look and say okay i know i can make it or i know i need to change or i know what's taking place because you're there standing as a sign pointing the way speaking the truth and releasing life the lord says i'm covering you my daughter i'm covering you right now i'll just see you in some situations where the enemy thought he would come and dog your trail and kind of uh seek you out and the lord said just like when jesus walked amongst those that were opposing him he was covered and they couldn't see the lord says i'm going to cover you and the enemy won't even know you're there and cannot hurt and harm so i loose the grace of god to her multiplied now by the power of the holy spirit in jesus name god give the lord a praise hallelujah amen father i bless this amazing woman right now lord i thank you father that the lord that you have put your hand upon her put your hand upon her family lord in this season of time the lord says daughter that i'm actually rolling back the the stone that has tried to keep you in a place of sorrow and keep you in a place of grief because part of your anointing is joy the lord says daughter part of your anointing is to release joy to others to release the joy of the lord to others to activate that because the joy of the lord is their strength and yet the lord says daughter will you walk through some places where your heart's not broken you've walked through some hard places says god where you just had to navigate and just pray in the spirit you walked through some disappointments where you felt like you prayed one way but then it seemed like everything turned out opposite of that and the lord says daughter it's not because i haven't heard your prayers the lord says daughter i want you to know that i that i am i've gone before you i've prepared a way before you says the lord and the lord says daughter joy is rising up to meet you you're going to go out with joy and you're going to be led with peace and the lord says daughter this is actually a reset season for you i'm resetting some things internally and i'm resetting some things in your faith says the lord you're shaking off the grave clothes of of of fear and the great clothes even of sorrow and the lord says daughter i'm gonna turn your morning into dancing and i'm gonna turn your sorrow into joy says the lord and the lord says daughter there's been some things that you've been praying for some people near and dear to you that you've been praying for and the lord says daughter even though it feels like their hearts are getting harder the truth of the matter is i'm reaching them in the deep place of their hearts says the lord that you don't know and you can't see but the lord says i'm setting them up for major visitation you've almost said god i don't want to raise my expectation because i don't want to be disappointed again but the lord says daughter raise your expectation because you're going to see my hand of visitation come and you will not be disappointed says the spirit of the lord father i loose that over her god i activate the faith gift that speaks to the impossible and sees the impossible situations turn around i wish that over her now in jesus name hallelujah you know what i i i heard the lord say i'm releasing a high hand and you know when the children of israel came out of egyptian bondage 400 years they had lost a lot but god did not just bring him out just to survive but he brought him out it says how with a high hand and that high hand was the release of the wealth of egypt in their hand they took the raiment the gold the silver the blessings the the cattle everything that they had lost they regained in a moment of time and when i heard the lord say there's some here today that he's going to bring you out with a high hand for your house and i really believe and that includes uh lands and houses and if you're in that kind of place god i need some grace for that i want to go to a new place stand up and lift up your hand we're going to speak to that right now uh and maybe some of you are saying that for your home is in your family but uh i really saw lands and property that god was going to bless some people with a new home we said on friday night that we began to speak super bloom over our church at the beginning and before the pandemic broke out and the lockdowns happen and we've had 32 families buy new homes in this season so i know that there's an anointing upon this time so lift up both your hands toward the lord god you brought the children of israel out with a high hand that means that you did not just bless them a little you bless them a whole lot and so i decree for those that have faith to receive today that you're opening up the door some of you right now need to receive the keys to a new home just if that's you by faith i want you to just take it into your hand and say okay god you want to give me keys i receive them by faith a key of favor a key of financing a key of my future i decree i'm receiving it now some things are going to sell we're going to lose and other things we're going to take you're going to sell some things and then you're going to impart increase and we're going to have the more we decree right now that that's your heart we're going out with a high hand and even our families the prodigals the things of alignment the things of unity god says in this house of regency there is an anointing of unity that has come because people have walked in humility and they've gone through the hard times and done it right and because they have labored to enter into rest and they have labored to stay in that place where they agree that there's a grace upon this house and it's gonna overflow now to your house to your house come on give a shout to the lord hey hey hey just while we're while we're on this let me say this is that uh this is actually the hebrew year that means house it means house it's also what they consider a shemitah year a shemitah year is the seventh year and every seven years they remove debt hope come on come on and so father i thank you god for that supernatural what's that remove house dead then come on let's take it together let's put it together that's right that's right so father we just got that right supernatural financing we literally shall increase crazy said to me in this speaking year in jesus name can i get a shirt to you what is your name frankie come on down that is my po that is my dad's name are you married frankie are you married is your wife here okay stretch your hands out to frankie lord i just release your anointing upon this man of god lord i thank you father that he that he uh lord carries the heart of david father god lord he manifests father god the heart of david lord in all that he does and the lord says son that i took you out of a lowly place i took you out of a place where it was almost like the enemy had put his mark on you and you felt like no matter what happened you had a hard time breaking free of the bad things that were happening and there was even a time in your life if you wondered if you didn't have a curse on your life and the lord says son uh you watched even some friends uh not make it uh you watch some friends in your early lives uh that the enemy came and took them out and you wondered when was gonna be your turn when when was it you were you gonna be next but the lord said son not only did i send angels down from the time that you were born actually from the time you were in your mother's womb the lord says i sent angels down to preserve you i sent angels down to follow after you and even when you were going your own way the lord said there were multiple times that it could have gone really really wrong for you but the lord said i sent angels down and a matter of fact a couple of situations kind of stick out in your head as yep i have no idea how i didn't die that night and the lord says well son i do because the lord said there was divine intervention and the point is the lord said son i saved you i preserved your life says the lord you've been bought with the price your life is not your own and the lord said son see i'm a god that takes what the enemy meant means for evil and turns it for good i'm the god that turns the curse to a blessing for you says the lord and the lord says son i want to make an example of you i want to make an example of you for somebody that society would have thought was a throwaway but the lord said son i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna prosper you i'm putting my hand on you as a matter of fact the lord says son i'm taking limits off of your thinking the lord says son that i i'm breaking you out of limited thinking i'm breaking you out of low thinking yes there's humble there's humility but the lord says i'm breaking it out of small thinking says the lord the lord said son i want to anoint your voice i want to anoint you says the lord to sing my songs i want to anoint you to write my song says the lord but i also want to anoint you with promotion even in the things that your hands are anointed to do the lord says that you're going to find that i'm going to bless you i'm going to bless the work of your hands i'm going to bless the things that you speak and that you say says the lord the lord says stay in that humble place in your heart but allow your expectations to soar for the lord says son my hand is upon your life and you're going to step in in this season to the fullness of the blessing of the lord and you and your wife need to actually sit down and make a list of the things that you're believing for and the lord said son i'm going to challenge you to believe you for more it's for you to believe for more than you ever have before because i'm breaking a small-minded mindset says the lord and i'm beginning to bring you into big faith i've actually put a big faith gift on the inside of you and the lord says it's going to bless you personally but it's also going to be a blessing to many because not only are you going to lead worship the lord to the son there's a signs and wonders anointing that i put upon you son there's a signs and wonders anointing that i'm releasing to you so father we just lay our hands on this man i bless him father god i thank you for the anointing god the breaker anointing and the break of release that's upon this man father god i loose the spirit of david the warrior the worshiper father god and the ruler lord i loose it on his life in jesus name hallelujah you know forget to saw also just like gideon was hiding amongst the stuff and just trying to make it through and god says son you showed up at the right time because here i am and he said mighty man of valor and you know gideon had a hard time because he said hey i'm not for the right family and even in my family i'm not much and uh it looks like i don't have things naturally going my way and the lord says shut up i mean they said don't talk like that says that's that's not the truth about you you're a mighty man of valor and i heard the lord say that he's made you for influence in fact i felt like you were going to make inroads into some hollywood crowds uh you're gonna be amazed in the days ahead how you just rub shoulders and make friends with people that other people might say whoa really how could that be they said well i don't know it just happened this way and and i pray for them and they ask me to help out with this or that and the lord says son you're going to have influence for my kingdom's sake and i'm going to use your giftedness and it'll bring you before kings and the mighty but you'll always stay in a heart of humility knowing your ability has come from me and so father we grace him right now that gideon changed and turned the tide in his generation because he cried out and say god something needs to change why not me use me and so the lord says i've heard your cry and i've answered you and you're going to be a key to unlock many things for my kingdom's sake we don't eat them now with fresh oil in jesus name come on give the lord a hand clap of breathe well we love you guys we bless you in the name of the lord [Music] all right as you're standing let me just bless you father we thank you for your people we release them into your loving care we just thank you lord for just reaffirming to us your covenant and we thank you and we give you glory in jesus name amen have an amazing afternoon don't forget the books in the back and we'll see you next week blessings guys [Music] you
Channel: Regency Church
Views: 291
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZCN2E9VrlbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 1sec (10561 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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