Life in the Spirit, Part 4

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh good morning everyone [Music] good morning i believe the lord has something rich for us this morning i'm just going to invite those of you that are gathering in throughout the building to do so just agree with us having a few technical difficulties but we know that god reigns supreme and i know that the lord is going to release upon us a fresh impartation of his presence i believe the lord is going to release upon us something that is transformational transformational i believe that as when the scripture teaches us that the mercies of the lord are renewed every morning it tells us it tells us that every day god wants to bring us into abroad in a wide place not the leads to death and destruction but a broad and a wide place that leads us into the unlimited realm and unlimited possibilities found within the kingdom come on can you agree with me this morning are you are you an expectation this morning well if we would can we just lift our hands before him can we just lift our hands as a sign that we are all in there's no resistance there's no resistance this morning so father as our hands are lifted up we say no resistance lord we say that there's no resistance to what it is that you want to do lord our hearts are completely and totally lord to the best that we know lord yield it to you right now we cast aside everything that would hold us back from leaning into you lord this morning as our hands are extended our hearts are wide open and we say come and do come and do lord come and do lord what only you can do come and do lord what only you can do so we bless you jesus and we give you all glory and we give you all praise amen amen the altar is open we invite you to worship together let's go after god amen let's bless the lord [Music] good morning church how are you guys doing this morning are you guys excited to worship the lord to declare his power to declare his faithfulness amen this morning as we worship as we exalt the name of jesus we're gonna declare his strength his power his might [Music] here we go [Music] reaching [Music] faithful is the one who's [Music] [Music] the yours [Music] on that day when time is over [Music] jesus in your name will rise and the glory is yours the glory is yours oh god the glory is yours the kingdom is over jesus in your name realize that the glory is yours [Music] nobody beside you there has never been anyone anything like you nobody beside you there has never been anyone anything like you nobody besides you there has never there has never been anyone anything [Music] [Music] oh god the glory [Music] the glory is yours the kingdom [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] nobody [Music] none can do [Music] church how many know that we're we're in a spiritual battle how many know that [Music] but we know that we are more than conquerors through christ how many say amen this morning i want to sing that again listen again i want you guys to be encouraged this morning to know [Music] that our worship is a weapon how many say amen so we're going to raise up our worship like a sword this morning we're going to lift up our worship as our weapon this morning and how many know that the way that we live our lives today the the the position the the way that we live our lives is gonna have a lasting impact on generations to come [Music] what you choose today is gonna have a lasting impact on your children and your children's children amen so this morning as we sing this out we're gonna declare that we will not be moved we will not be shaken the battle belongs to the lord and we are more than victorious in him amen and oh god the glory is yours the kingdom is coming the battle is over jesus in your name we [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] the kingdom is jesus in your name we rise and the glory is yours [Music] the kingdom is over jesus in your name we rise and the glory is yours [Music] glory glory o glory glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory because you're the god of the turnaround you're the god of the turnaround and you're the god of the impossible [Music] every red sea breaking open before us every obstacle torn down before us as we exalt your name as we exalt your name jesus [Music] you're the god of the impossible you make the sea turn to dry ground the god of the impossible [Music] you make a way where there seems to be no way we are confident we are confident in the god of the turnaround we are confident in our god of the turnaround [Music] emmanuel the god who's with us [Music] the god of the impossible the god of the impossible is not just in us but he's walking with us the god of the impossible [Music] the god of the impossible he's not just in us he's walking with us on dry ground god of the impossible impossible is nothing to you it's nothing to you god [Music] yeah we're gonna see every victory we're gonna see every victory [Music] and i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you lord sing with me i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs let's sing that again come on sing it i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you lord i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory [Music] comes [Music] the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't prevail cause the god i serve knows only how to [Music] and triumph declare together oh my god [Music] there's power in the mighty name there's power in the mighty name of jesus every war he wages he will [Music] cause i know how [Music] i'm gonna see a victory [Music] victory [Music] belongs to you [Music] victory [Music] we worship the god of the turnaround [Music] sing it you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it forward [Music] you take what the enemy meant for [Music] and you turn it forward [Music] foreign [Music] can you turn it [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] foreign [Music] i'm [Music] belongs to [Music] the weapons may be formed against me but they won't prosper the weapons may form against me but they won't prosper the weapons may form against me but they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they will prosper they will prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they won't prosper they want pasta [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] in every [Music] [Music] in every [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] i know i know i know the work you began in me you're faithful to see it through [Music] you're faithful to see it through i know the work you began in my children you're faithful to see it through in every season and every moment your faithful god your faithful god [Music] you turn things around you turn things around for my good you turn things around you turn things around for my good you turn things around you turn things around [Music] you take [Music] every single thing [Music] meant for me foreign [Music] you turn it forward [Music] [Music] i know you'll never leave [Music] but we won't be moved [Music] the rock of my salvation faithful through the ages you are you are faithful through the ages the same yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] just let your voice rise right there let your voice rise and worship oh that's so beautiful come on intensify that shoot him on foreign [Music] oh [Music] come on intensify your worship come on there's power in this right now there's power in unity there's power in unity the unity of our worship fill this room fill this room fill this room fill this room with your worship [Music] oh be still and know that i am the lord we still know that [Music] you're in the midst of a sword [Music] how beautiful it is [Music] [Music] [Music] king of glory king of glory king of glory you have my heart you have my heart king of glory [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] he removes the hindrance [Music] [Music] heaven and jesus we join heaven [Music] fill this room with worship you've filled this room [Music] this morning lord let our worship [Music] sometimes [Music] i'm so glad the enemy can't touch me i'm so glad i'm so glad that the enemy can't touch us [Music] our glory is to your name all praise [Music] oh [Music] glory all praise [Music] all praise [Music] lord to your man all praise all glory to your name to your name alone to your name alone to your name alone [Music] jesus [Music] your name is victory jesus [Music] your name is victory [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] your name is healing your name is healing your name is power [Music] [Music] more than enough for me jesus [Music] you are more than enough for me jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we love you jesus [Music] [Music] there is no one like you in the heavens or on the [Music] there is no one like you in the heavens or [Music] there is no one like you in the heavens [Music] there is no one like you in the heavens [Music] [Music] there is no one like [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] now that i know you i can never look away [Music] jesus you're beautiful i can never look away [Music] cause i've seen your face you're beautiful i could never look away [Music] cause i've seen your face [Music] oh yes come on let's sing that real softless rankings come on let's sing that together just make that your proclamation jesus [Music] [Music] there is none like you in all the heavens you are yahweh you are the supreme all-sufficient one you have neither beginning nor end you are the first and the last you alone are worthy of honor you alone are worthy of all glory have tried to stand in your presence but there are none that have been found worthy to open the book there are none that were found worthy [Music] to redeem lost humanity back to themselves to yourself jesus you are beautiful none like you nowhere come on raymarie yes declare [Music] is that one like you in the heavens or on the earth [Music] oh yes there is [Music] one [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus we love you you are so beautiful lord may we discover the greatness of your beauty may we discover the vastness of your ways may we enter into that place where we are fully known of you [Music] lord we ask that you today enlarge our understanding not intellectually primarily [Music] but we ask that by divine revelation we would illuminate our minds that the reality of our hearts would encounter the greatness of you oh god we thank you jesus we thank you we thank you may we know you in a greater dimension and in a greater capacity we ask this lord in your name jesus amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to ask that you would just prepare your hearts and prepare the elements you can greet one another as you're heading back to your seat to someone you don't know just just extend a smile across the aisles but let's prepare our hearts as we partake this morning i want to invite raymarie to come and and let's just keep as we partake this morning that which we just declared jesus you are beautiful there is none like you in all the heavens can we just can we just lean into that for a moment guys i know we're greeting but can we just tap into that as you gather your element the elements let's not completely let's not detach from that which we were [Music] in but let this be an extension of that [Music] i'm still even just kind of thinking what frankie had proclaimed about how we will never look away yeah we have seen his face thank you jesus yes it is so beautiful if you can just uh bear with me for the next few minutes i'd just like to share something that is on my heart if you were like me you grew up in church if you were like me you may have taken communion and if you were like me you may have seen a table that says do this in remembrance of me yeah i remember sitting there as a child in the in the seats looking saying do this in remembrance of me this is referred to first corinthians 11 23-25 when paul says for i have received from the lord what i have passed on to you the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took the bread and we and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way he took the cup the cup is the new covenant of my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me so what paul is sharing here is that jesus instructed the disciples not to just take it but to remember what is it that jesus wants us to remember the the obvious and the most truest answer is his death on the cross he that this is represents his body in the blood it recalls the pain and the suffering that he crucified for our sins but what's interesting to me is that the night the last supper took place it was before the crucifixion even happened and i feel like in total jesus's true fashion like kind of preparing the disciples like do this because this is gonna happen okay you know but what i also believe is happening here is that imagine the disciples they're trying they're getting this instruction to take the blood and the body for something that hasn't happened yet and jesus is saying do it in remembrance of me they're like okay but i don't know you dead i only know you alive bear with me for a second so imagine being the disciple and thinking of okay if i'm doing this in remembrance of you let me remember all that i know of you jesus let remember the last three years that i have followed you jesus let remember the jesus that i saw i saw the calmer of the raging sea the jesus i remember was the provider who fed the thousands the jesus that i remember right now while i'm seating right before i take this jesus the one i'm thinking of right now is the healer to men to women to children the jesus that i'm thinking and i'm remembering right now is the one who brought life to the dead the jesus that i remember is the forgiver the one that said no more of this and i'm going to touch the man's ear and heal him he still found it to heal the man who arrested him beautiful the jesus that they remember was the waymaker come on wow what is impossible with man is possible with god the jesus that they know is the son of god and the promised keeper because what's about to happen is that he's going to die on the cross conquer the grave and rose again just as he said do this in remembrance of me remember me because i am jesus do this in remembrance of me one of my favorite scriptures is hebrews 13 8 and frankie even said it out today it says that jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever will you say that with me that jesus christ is the same day yesterday today and forever so who he was then and who he was on that night and who he was going to be that next day when he was crucified did not change so church and even my friends on live stream as you take these elements this morning yes we remember jesus death but i also remember his life and i want to encourage you to approach this as we partake in faith and receive it with the life and the healing that it brings so if you just bow your heads with me right now just as the word says in luke 22 19 we take the bread we remember your life and we remember your body that was given for us we take it now with thankful hearts and just as it says in luke 22 20 we take the cup as the new covenant it represents your blood as the son of god the only son of god that was poured out for me we take it now humbled by your love and if you could just close your eyes and lift your hands where you are yes you should be in agreement with me jesus we remember you we know you we love you and we think you're so beautiful thank you that each time we take our take in this communion that we can recommit our life and our heart to you we ask you now to just fill us with your spirit we are so thankful god that you are the same yesterday today and forever we ask you now god to just fill us with the life and fill us with the healing that only you can provide we love you lord and we keep our eyes on you in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah can we just lift our hands ruth can you play a little stronger for me for a moment thank you beverly would you please stand [Music] for daughter the lord says to you today that you are even crossing over into a new season into a new time the lord said that i've even kept you even in the cocoon of my love and under the shadow of my wings and the lord says there are even moments where that did not feel as if you were under the shadow of my wings but that maybe you had been in the cave of a dulum but the lord says today the lord says you cross over into a season of promise and a season of purpose for the lord says i've even hid you and i've even kept you so to say in a place of secrecy and a place of hiding but the lord says you are crossing over even as joshua led my people across the jordan into the land of promise the lord says you are entering into the season of promise for the lord says you will know fruitfulness like you have not known it says the lord for you i'm even now releasing upon you not only a greater fruitfulness but a greater potency of my presence and of my anointing for the lord says yes you have operated in a great uh level of efficiency but the lord says there's coming a greater release of my tangible presence as you struck as you and teach as you deliver as you proclaim the lord says i am going to confirm the words that you speak oh with a great release of my tangible presence men and women will not only be transformed but they will be delivered says the lord for daughter i've not forgotten i've not forgotten my promise that i'm made to you for the lord said i cut covenant with you many many many many years ago and the lord says i am faithful to my promise i'm faithful to what i have said and the lord says you will see my hand oh you will see my provision you will see my favor upon you for the lord says this is the hour and the season of my promise manifesting in your life says your god we give the lord a handclap of praise daniel vega would you please stand please stand for the lord says son i am even moving you into a place of restoration the lord says what you have seen and what you have experienced yes has been traumatic but the lord says i will not leave you in your place of trauma i will not leave you in your place of brokenness the lord said i'm not abandon you i've not forgotten you but the lord says son as you continue to seek after me you're going to find oh a newness and a freshness in me says the lord for i'm going to bring you out of the place of difficulty and pain and i'm going to bring you into a broad and a very wide place for the lord says your best days are even in front of you for the lord says i will restore that which the enemy has taken from you i will restore what the palmer worm the cankerworm the locusts have even taken from you for the lord says i will even cause you to know me in a greater place in a greater way for your place of pain the lord says will not be a place of devastation and destruction but your place of pain will be a place where you will see my goodness and you will see my greatness for the lord says yes out of the ash heap of difficulty i will even raise you up out of the ash heap of pain and suffering i will cause you to know my goodness for the lord says i am for you i am not against you and i'm even bringing you out and i'm restoring to you that which has been lost says the spirit of the lord this morning oh god i bless him i bless daniel in the name of jesus god i thank you for pouring in the oil and the wine and i thank you god for doing what only you can do lord i thank you jesus for making yourself known to him in a greater way in jesus name amen and amen can you bless the lord can you bless the lord this morning hallelujah glory to god well good morning so delighted that you are here so delighted that we get to worship together let me find out what i'm supposed to do yes the older you get the more you got to make notes all right well again good morning and we welcome you those that you are here that are here in whittier as well as those that are watching by live stream i just know that the lord isn't finished with us today this thing that he wants to release the things that he wants to do and and i believe as we remain open to him that we will be able to uh walk in that um there's a few things i do want to share with you but before we do i'd like to ask us to prepare ourselves um to give out of a place of worship and a place of devotion to the lord that which he has given to us i'm so thankful that as i look through my life 53 years that god has never once failed me it's not part of it it's not even possible it's not part of his nature i've seen his provision over and over again and i believe as we continue to trust him we will see the blessing of the lord in and through our lives so if you would like to today if you would like to text to give you can do so at 833-245-5599 if you'd like to give online you can do so those of you that are watching by live stream the numbers on the screen we say thank you to you thank you for partnering with us thank you for your generosity god has placed such an incredible vision within our heart he's entrusted us with things and that we know that will have an eternal impact and that which gets done is by the goodness of the lord the faithfulness of you as people as we partner together and see these things accomplished you can also if you'd like if you would like an envelope if you raise your hand one of the ushers will put one in your hand and you can place it in the receptacle on the in the back row there's one over here and or on the altar we understand the connection to the altar we understand the importance of of laying our life down and if if if that ministers to you and there's a sense of connection to worship and to the lord please feel free you can place it on the altar in whatever capacity we are just truly grateful to you for doing so again as 833-245-5599 doing that i want to bring a couple of things to your attention that um this thursday september 9 can we say september 9th we really believe we are going to be gathering here at the church at 6 30. and you might say gathering well what what are we doing i'm glad you asked [Music] we're gathering to seek the lord we believe that the lord is wanting to do something in us that will require us to one just align our hearts but we also understand that all that god does much of what he does on planet earth he does it as his people pray and i want to read a scripture for us out of deuteronomy 31 12. and it says gather the people together men and women and children how many can relate to any of those right it says gather the people together men and women and children and it even goes on and it says and even the stranger that is within your gates in other words there is a call of the spirit of god to gather together in order to call upon the lord and to hear what the lord is saying it says gather the people together men and women and children in the stranger that is within the gates that they may hear and that they may learn they may hear and that they may learn and fear the lord your god and observe to do all the words of this law in other words god by the his spirit will call to us and instruct us in times and seasons to gather together you may remember a few months ago that we invited you to participate with us on thursdays as our corporate day of prayer and fasting that has not changed it's not diminished but it is ongoing i want to remind us this morning that if you have not taken that opportunity we invite you to do so there is something powerful that takes place when we seek the lord there's something powerful that takes place when we cry unto god and i believe what god has entrusted us to do will come forth and be birthed together not only as we act but as we pray so this thursday beginning it was actually the first thursday of the month september 9th if you will also stay connected via our church app you will see october and november's dates it's imperative that we don't trivialize this all right are you with me this morning i believe one of the measurements of our hunger for god is directly related to our willingness to pray i didn't say desire because your flesh doesn't want to pray so let's just throw that on the table i understand you work i understand your body's tired but i've also come to understand that we have the power to choose and i would ask us in this season to hear what's being said and to decide not tomorrow not to go let me look at my schedule but make the choice right now that i will be here because god is up to something and what he wants to do he's going to do through us we have been aligning ourselves again over this quarter in august we brought tony kim to release the word of the lord to us in two weeks we will be hosting apostles tom and jane hammond in october we're bringing prophet dave wagner i pray that you've been attuned to what god is doing he is aligning us for something that's bigger than us and the way that we show god that we mean business is by making the things that he makes a priority a priority yeah we can be religious and we can go through the motions but i will promise you there's no amount of religion or religiosity that will bring about a move of god there's no amount of religiosity that will bring someone into an encounter with jesus sometimes it takes the raw discipline of spiritual truth to bring about something that has eternal impact are you hearing my heart this morning this is important and i ask that you would make preparation and be here with us so again if you've not downloaded the app do so we want you to be very much aware of everything going on and apart from i don't know i don't want to staple it to your brain but i do want you to know what is happening and that is one of the ways you can do so so again please you'll find that um your heart will feel connected as we do that all right amen well at this time we're going to go ahead and release high school down to their class so as they go lord we bless them we bless our kids y'all are with me this morning right all right i think you all need like an iv of like holy spirit you know anointing or something all right are you alive all right are you the people of god okay this always works better when we collaborate okay all right thank you jesus well amen amen how many were here last week all right well i pray how many of you this week face some giants how many of you ran to the battle how many of you pursued and over took [Music] oh come on say you're going to work with me today or we're going to have you all stand all right i'm i look i i i there's something about remaining in a place of act of faith there's something about remaining in a place of of expectation that positions our heart to be able to receive all that god wants look i like you like to recline and have a good time but we ain't doing that right now you can go to the movies later today at amc and get in your recliner order food and have a good old time but right now we gonna be attentive we're go there you go i see oh the level is rising the water is rising the expectations rising all right thank you thank you make some noise in here somebody jesus is alive i know religious people say he's not deaf but he ain't nervous either so come on somebody all right that's a little bit better now i think i came home all right well this morning we're going to continue our series that uh we've been in life in the spirits and there's something about those four words that truly resonate with me and i pray that it resonates with you is life in the spirit you and i were designed and created to live life in the spirit thank you troy i'm going to come over here and see if i can get an amen from frankie right life in the spirit we were created for life in the spirit how many believe that in other words god formed and fashioned you in his image and likeness in order that we may live in the realm where supernatural things take place the bible is not a religious book but the bible is the story of redemption the bible is the history of jesus redeeming lost humanity back to himself and giving us a picture of what life in the kingdom looks like life in the spirit i understand that to those that are maybe listening from a distance or those that may be new to their journey and their walk with god you may say what is life in the spirit means like because i live on the earth you do live on the earth thank you jesus we're glad that you live on planet earth but we understand that as believers we live on the earth but we also abide in the heavenlies i didn't say you're schizophrenic but i said that you you live in two realms in two dimensions you are spirit you are a spirit being you are made in the image of christ those of us that are born again we have access to a realm known as the realm of of the supernatural but we also are called to live and and have an impact on the realm known as the natural but as real as this realm is equally as real as the realm of the spirits and not forgetting that is essential to us walking and living life and the spirit so this morning we're going to continue this and this is going to be part 4 life in the spirit and i'm going to drill into a specific area life in the spirit and how to respond to a prophetic word now i'm not going to be able to finish this today so i'll finish it next week but i'm going to lay a foundation for us that part of life in the spirit is to know how to respond to spiritual things to know how to respond to the word of the lord to the prophetic or to when god speaks to us prophetically we're going to answer questions this morning on why does god speak to us prophetically if we have the bible because a lot of people wonder that but we must understand god speaks to us because he has something to say please follow me with your notes that are in the app this morning if you would like but we understand that when god speaks he always speaks for divine purpose how many understand that i'm not saying that god's not relational i'm not saying that he doesn't like to maybe chit chat i know that must make some of you very happy right but we must understand god speaks he speaks for a divine purpose isaiah 55 11 tells us that when his word goes forth it will not return back void so in other words when god speaks you can rest assure that what he releases he does it for something that is intentional in something that is significant if you see when god speaks he speaks in order to reveal something about himself that he wants us to discover or something that we did not know previously are you following me this morning god speaks because he wants us to know something about himself or he wants us to discover something that we did not previously know we see an example of this in exodus chapter 6 beginning in verses 2 and 3. i want to read it for you out of the new living translation and god said to moses i am yahweh the lord i appeared to abraham to isaac and to jacob as el shaddai i appeared to them as el shaddai the omnipotent one but i did not reveal my name yahweh to them do you see that we often make the assumption that we know everything about god but we don't it's interesting here that god in speaking to moses showed moses that i showed abraham isaac and jacob a certain a certain attribute about myself that they needed to know but moses in this season there are things about me that i want you to see that i did not show in a previous generation oh are you with me today for you see god speaks in order to get something to us in order to reveal something about himself that we did not know it wasn't that he didn't know it but that we didn't know if you see when god speaks he speaks to awaken something on the inside of us when he speaks he speaks to awaken something in us and to summons a generation for what is to come oh are you with me this morning god speaks to awaken his people and to summons them to that which is about to take place to that which is about to happen he speaks to awaken a generation to that which is about to happen so that they can prepare themselves and become the benefactor of what it is that he wants to do oh are you hearing me this morning amos chapter 3 beginning in verse 7. it says that indeed the sovereign lord does nothing until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets in other words what god is saying is when he's about to do something he makes a declaration about what he's about to do in other words if we have ears to hear it will not take us by surprise but rather we will be prepared in order to walk in what he wants to do see god has been reminding us of his prophetic promise are you with me this morning god has been reminding us of what it is that he has declared over us he has been reminding us that he has called us to be a people who will give birth to a move of god oh see we we we've got to we got to just grab hold of that he declared to us recently that we were moving into this he was establishing a second story of our life are you with me he's been reminding us that he has established us to be an apostolic center are you with me in a kingdom embassy he has been communicating to us and reminding us of his promise to us that is a multi-generational promise oh are you following me today come on somebody see i believe that he's been reminding us so that we will prepare ourselves for that which we are called to carry for you see the lord has been speaking to us not only that he was re he that he was preparing us for the second story of our of our journey together but that we were to not only reach the city but to build a city come on see when this is the things god's been speaking when tony was here in august the lord declared prophetically that i've called you to not simply reach the city but to build a city to build a habitation for yahweh to build the dwelling place of god in order that those that in order that the glory and the presence of the lord would come and dwell among us in a greater way that we would be a people who would would become a gathering hub in a gathering place for the nations to come and be impacted to be to be equipped to be strengthened are you hearing what's being said god has been announcing to us the things that he wants to do he's been announcing to us the things that he has promised that he has called us and raised us up to carry a multi-generational work the question is how will we respond the question is how will we respond you see my objective this morning is to provide for us principles and i'll start it today but we'll continue it next week principles through which we can appropriate god's prophetic promises in our lives personally in our lives corporately if you understand when god speaks he speaks with intentionality and his intention is that which he speaks comes to pass but it is up to us to respond in faith it is up to us to respond and say god if you said it i believe it i will apprehend it and i will do all that you grace me to do to see that word fulfilled we often think that when god speaks we have little or no responsibility but may i remind us this morning we are co-laborers with heaven we are partners with heaven in other words what god does on planet earth he does it through his people in a general sense so i need us to understand a couple of things if you see here at regency it should always be assumed and clearly understood that we believe that god still speaks today are you hearing what's being said i need that to be very very clear that it should always be assumed and clearly understood that we believe that god still speaks to his people today and that the gifts of the spirit are a byproduct of life in the spirit are you hearing what's being said in other words life in the spirit isn't just the idea of being converted being transformed though that is where it all begins and that is a beautiful thing that once i was lost but now i am found but life in the spirit goes beyond just being converted life in the spirit is a life of following hard after jesus it's a life of dedicated self-sacrifice and discipleship that means where you lead i will follow what you say i will say what you do i will do and that requires living differently than what the average religious person lives life in the spirit is not just walking in the power of the spirit but it's demonstrating the life of the spirits so i needed to be very clear this morning that we wholeheartedly believe and embrace the present move and the work of the spirit in our generation we believe in a gospel that is filled with power we believe in a gospel that is filled with liberty we believe in a gospel that it when jesus said it is finished we understood that he meant all that was accompli all that needed to be accomplished in order to redeem lost humanity back to god was done at calvary and from that came a powerful release of the spirits in our lives so it must be understood that we believe that life in the spirits is demonstrated by the gifts of the spirit and the working of the spirit and the life of the believer we also believe that this should be regularly cultivated and consistently demonstrated within the life of the church oh are you hearing what's being said it is a difficulty or biblical inconsistency to say that we are men and women of the spirit and there's never any demonstration of the spirit oh are you hearing me please people of god let us not allow ourselves to have labels on our lives that are not manifest that are not validated by a manifestation of that very thing that we are saying so in order to be men and women of the spirit there should be a regular demonstration of that within the life of the church and within the life of us as believers it should not be a foreign thing when in our homes you know what when someone isn't doing well or or we need wisdom that we pray it should not be a strange thing that when we don't understand what to do that we tap into the realm of the spirit by the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge and ask god what to do these should be normal practices matter of fact it should be normal amongst us in our language i'm about to meddle get ready all right get ready that it should be common for us to say i feel like the lord's been showing me this when all we talk about one with another is the news and all we talk about is what we you know been doing in our careers and we never say you know bro i really feel like god's been showing me this you know what do you think about this we can't say we're prophetic people and we never have a word from god see we need to elevate and ratchet up a little bit when we gather together we should have a word and a song and a hymn and a prophetic utterance and an expression see we need to get off of our blessed assurance and one thing to understand that we need to come with the word of the lord in our mouth because we've been spending time in holy devotion with god like when we ask one another how are you doing it shouldn't just be the same humdrum you know mealy mouth week well brother you know i'm okay [Music] we should hear from god we should encourage one another we should reach out we should be in our life groups there should be a demonstration of the spirit in our gathering together in the foyer over you know the holy anointing jews called jabba you know we should be released come on work with me this morning here you know come on coffee the nectar of the prophets i understand we should be encouraging one another we should be blessing one another this is called life in the spirit it's normal it's abnormal when we never want to pray for one another it's abnormal when we don't want to release a word of encouragement to one another it's strange when we get together and we never say you know bro i just really feel like the lord is just doing this and and and i feel like you know he wants to just you know do this in your heart in your life like that's called life in the spirit so there's our our challenge so my purpose in teaching us this morning is not to try to prove the statement i just said that the gifts of the spirit and life and the spirit is that but i just need to go on record and clarify our position do you hear what's being said all right well let's answer this first question why does god speak to us prophetically if we have the bible how many think that that's a good question that we should be able to answer because you've been asked that before haven't you come on right why does god speak to us prophetically if we have the bible he speaks to us prophetically in order to reveal to us his purpose he speaks to us prophetically in order to reveal to us his purpose as well as give us insight into the specific grace gift and assignment he has for us this should be in your notes he speaks to us prophetically in order to reveal to us his purpose are you following me he speaks to us prophetically in order to reveal to us his purpose as well as our specific grace gift and assignments he speaks secondarily he speaks to us prophetically to give us a vision for the future you with me he speaks to us prophetically to give us a vision for the future so that we will live out from the lands of eternity instead of the eyes of humanity are you hearing me he speaks to us prophetically to give us a vision for the future so so that we will live out of the lands of eternity why why is that important because our human mindedness is what often blinds us to god's greatness our human mindedness is what often blinds us to god's greatness we see things through a certain lens that prevents us from seeing the greatness of god therefore he speaks to us prophetically to give us a picture of what he wants to do in the here and the now as well as in the future he speaks to us so that we will have a vision for tomorrow how many understand having a vision for tomorrow and this season is a pretty incredible thing many people have have have resolved to the idea that there might not be a tomorrow but let me explain to you one thing to be sure jesus christ is not only the god of yesterday but he is the god of yesterday today and tomorrow he is the alpha the omega the beginning and the end and what god speaks he intends to do he watches over his word to performance so he speaks to give us a vision for the future so that we would believe him for the more that we would believe him that we would be a people who would live with hope dark in a dreary generation see our narrow mindedness or our human mindedness limits us from seeing the vastness of all that god is god speaks to us because one true word from god can change the entire trajectory of your life it changes the trajectory of your life causing our minds to be renewed so that we can see and think things from a heavenly perspective are you with me the reason we must have a heavenly perspective is because there are so many things around us that bombard us and cause us to think earthly we live in a constant place of turmoil in the sense that you are being bombarded by the things of the natural there are circumstances there is there are voices there are things that continually attempt to tie you to to a place of limitation and tie you to a place of the earth that often will prevent you if we believe it ultimately stop us from entering into what god has so he has to interrupt us by speaking into our present day reality in order to give us a picture of the future you see the prophetic disrupts our carnal reach our carnal routine the prophetic disrupts our carnal routine and invites us to walk in the rhythm of the spirits oh are you with me how many have received a word from god that it was as if my world got turned upside down and to from upside down to upside rights come on right see it it changes things it disrupts the norm it disrupts see when god speaks he usually speaks into situations that appear extremely impossible the things god spoke into my life many many i mean 30 30 and 35 years ago seem completely impossible but i am living out today words that god spoke over my life three and three and a half decades ago why because he was endeavoring to disrupt my reality in order to invite me into his reality so he speaks to us prophetically in order to give us an understanding of what he wants to do in us personally you've heard me say it many times before the bible was not written to you but it was written for you we were not the original audience and i know that my might make some of us feel awkward i'm sorry you weren't born in the first century you didn't live in ancient palestine you ain't roman or jewish necessarily like you you weren't there i wasn't there so there we weren't the original audience but we must understand god spoke a word of redemption in order to have impact into every generation of believers who embrace the truth of his word it doesn't make the bible any less relevant to us today we just need to understand the context in which it was written in so he speaks to us prophetically out from the truth of his word in order that you and i will be able to walk out his promise and his purpose for us in our generation the prophetic disrupts our routine invites us into a place of walking in the rhythm of the spirit but it never condemns us it never condemns us when god speaks he doesn't condemns us but when he speaks prophetically to us he speaks so that it will re-prioritize our choices redirect our choices right this may seem contradictory it may seem like a conflict but see paul lived with this conflict paul said for me to live is christ to die is gain in romans 7 i think it's 15 he said the things that i want to do i don't do but the things that i don't do i want to do like he was living in these in this realm of conflict but see the prophetic the word of the lord the promises of god help align us into what god wants to do in and through us let's look at this the importance of holding fast to the promises of god that he speaks to us proverbs 29 and 18 out of the esv where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint but blessed is he who keeps the law let me read that for you out of the message if peop if people can't see what god is doing they will stumble all over themselves that is so beautiful let me read that again if people can't see what god is doing they will stumble all over themselves but when they attend but when they attend to what he reveals they are most blessed in other words god speaks to us prophetically so that we don't just lose sight of what's important he speaks to us prophetically so that we don't trip trip up trip out oh come on god speaks to us prophetically so you don't trip out so you don't fall apart in other words one word from god gives you something to anchor your life to and to believe for the bible says without a prophetic vision the people live recklessly oh come on come on how many understand how many understand you get a word from god listen it causes you to begin to see your life differently are you hearing what's being said it causes you to begin to believe differently it causes you to make decisions that otherwise you wouldn't make you wouldn't necessarily make but see when we don't allow the word of the lord to impact our lives we do dumb stuff okay i'll come over here because they're feeling what i'm saying like when we don't obey the world we do dumb stuff right come on how many have done dumb stuff they all in the name of jesus man we blame god for so many things that he never did so the significance of a word from god is so that we live in a way that is intentional and purposeful and what am i really trying to say what i'm trying to say is when god gives you a word he's trying to get something to you so you will get on the right path and then you will make decisions that have eternity in mind and not your pleasure we have to understand god isn't concerned about your happiness oh oh i thought jesus loved me oh he loves you but the problem is you think jesus loves you just so that you can be happy he could give a rip about your happiness like this western christianity thing has got to die we need to strike it dead god is not concerned with your happiness but he is committed wholeheartedly to his purpose on the inside of you and one thing i've come to understand when we walk in his purpose not only will you be happy but you'll be filled with the joy of the lord you'll be filled with fulfillments don't trade for don't trade happiness for fulfillments don't trade temporal happiness for fulfillment people don't be intoxicated by worldly pleasure when god invites you into the realm of the supernatural see listen i spent 10 weeks we as a leadership team spent at least 10 weeks talking to you about our core values i tried to warn you what you were signing up for i tried to make you aware of what we're calling you to i tried to warn you that this is a house that god is calling us to deep devotion truth talk things that call us to live out from the realm of the spirit and not to be governed by your emotions listen there is a place for everyone here it is if you choose to be here but you must understand what we are called to all right without a vision people cast off restraint god gives us a vision so that we can live intentionally and walk out his purpose for us okay let's again answer the question why the prophetic let me add another dimension to this why does god speak to us prophetically if we have the bible you see the bible reveals to us god's unchanging plan of redemption for the past present and the future hearing me the bible reveals to us god's unchanging plan of redemption for all of mankind past present and future while the gifts hear this while the gifts of the spirit assist us in discovering god's plan for us today and how we fit within that purpose do you see the connection it's how many understand that a two-headed coin is worthless it has no value when we read the scripture religiously without the illumination of the spirit it may or may not have any impact on your life because there's a lot of people who read the scripture theologically and historically matter of fact they even read it as literature but it has no transformation in their life therefore the scripture must be revealed to us by the spirit of god in order that we can be the recipient of its benefits but i'm answering the question why does god speak to us prophetically if we have the bible because the bible is god's redemptive plan to us for all generations but we must understand the prophetic is so that god can speak to us how we fit into that plan in our generation oh do you see the connection they are not diametrically opposed actually they are beautifully married together we need both the letter and the spirit we need the word and the spirit are you hearing what's being said and when we when we eliminate either one of them we are unbalanced when we trivialize one over the other or or marginalize one over the other we miss the entire intention this was the problem with the pharisees they were all letters but let me tell you we need the truth of the letter so that we don't get weird please quit saying god's saying things that he doesn't say please please please i beg you i understand the scripture teaches us and gives us all things pertaining to life and godliness i understand the scripture teaches us certain foundational truths that are for all believers so when we talk about the scriptures god's redemptive plan for all mankind past present and future i understand that the prophetic isn't the fix-all but it also is something that we must not ignore we see as believers we all have the biblical mandate and assignment to do certain things in other words all believers should pray all believers should give should serve all believers should share the gospel these are foundational truths but it is also true that god has a unique assignment for each one of us are you following me it is also true that god has a unique assignment for each of us and it requires our unconditional agreement to see it fulfilled if you see prophetic words what we might i think we forget are usually conditional when it comes to okay let me let me classify let me let me clarify that personal prophetic words are always conditional messianic prophetic words that are recorded in scripture are always always will come to pass but when we talk about the word of the lord they are conditional they're limited to our faith obedience to believe and act upon what god has instructed in other words you can have a journal you can have hours of prophetic promises but if we never do anything with them if we never do anything with them we can't blame god because if you go back to those promises i assure you that there were conditions if you see in addition to our faith obedience god has chosen a particular environment and a specific ecosystem in order for these words to come to pass oh are you following me in other words the word of the lord in your life will not be fulfilled in a vacuum the word of the lord in your life will not be fulfilled with you just living on the backside of the desert but god is established an ecosystem for his word to be fulfilled in and through our lives and it is the ecosystem referred to in the scripture as family uh uh-oh i know i was doing really good when it was just you and jesus but now it involves people but see because every prophetic word has a condition tied to it and it requires our faith obedience in order for it to be fulfilled we must also understand the environment in which these words are fulfilled and it's the bible teaches us it's within the context of family or the life of the church matter of fact this ecosystem is what god has established so that you and i can can live together in divine harmony so to say so that the life of god can be developed in us ephesians 1 and 5 in the new living translation god decided in advance to adopt us into his own family did you see that god decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through jesus christ this is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure i don't know if it gave him pleasure to watch us work together oh come on right family dynamics aren't they beautiful we see here that god put us together in the context known as family the word of the lord will be fulfilled in your life within the context of family y'all ain't as happy as you were about five minutes ago why because family becomes the incubator which gr god causes his nature to grow on the inside of us all ministry flows out from relationship all ministry flows out from family or team in other words we were not called to live as an island to ourself right why is that why is this idea of family so important to god well number one because it was his idea but it's important for a couple of reasons because i have observed this in my walk with god that until you find your family or your tribe you will struggle to find your identity let me read that let me say that again until you find your family you will struggle to discover your identity it's important that we discover those that we are called to run with called to do life together again if you noticed we're not talking about things being perfect but we are talking about them being a part of a divine design see i've watched many leaders who are extremely anointed extremely gifted who didn't fully realize all that god had for them because our purpose is never fully realized when we operate alone and outside the ecosystem that god created it's important is it easy nope is it sometimes difficult yep do you sometimes want to run for the hills uh-huh do you sometimes want to slap someone amen sister like let's just throw it all out there right one thing i've come to understand is we don't get to choose our family we do get to choose our friends but when god formed us and placed a certain dna on the inside of us it gives us an idea of the family we're supposed to run with this is why you need me but i need you oh are you hearing me this morning i need you you need me and we need each other even when it's hard even when it's difficult even when again you want to quit you can't quit your family you can ignore them it ain't right but you can but you can't quit them you can ignore you can pretend you can treat them unkindly again doesn't please god but this is we must get revelation of this where we are so convinced that god brought us together for a divine purpose that he has spoken prophetically to us and that that environment and that word will only be fulfilled when each of us run together you might say show me that in the bible sure genesis 2 and 18 it is not good for man to be alone it is not good for man to be alone you're probably asking why i'm quite happy alone why is it not good for men to be alone all we have to do is ask the wives and mothers in this house and we'll know why it ain't good for men to be alone why is it not good for men to be alone or man to be alone mankind because it's a violation of the divine order it's not good for man to be alone because it is a violation of the divine order what what do i mean by that it's well what i mean is you cannot reproduce alone you can't increase alone you can't multiply alone [Applause] it takes agreement oh i wish you would pick up what i'm putting down today you cannot reproduce alone it takes agreement it requires connection and it requires commitments this is why it's not good that we're alone as i said all ministry flows out of relationship and relationships are the foundation on which the family is built god initiated the concept of family in the garden and ratified it again through the sacrament of communion and the selfless act of redemption you see that god initiated the concept of family in the garden genesis the book of first things theologically god showed us his intention his heart his purpose it's imperative that we understand that all right what is meant by the term prophetic word right we answer the first question why why do we need a prophetic word if we have the bible well well let's let's define for a moment what a prophetic word is when i use the term prophetic word i'm referring to god speaking or revealing his heart in intentions to an individual or a group of people do you hear that a prophetic word is when god speaks his heart and his intentions to individuals or to a group of people this usually has something to do with his personal purpose in and through their lives are you following me it has to do with their assignment for their lives it has to do what he intends to do in their lives this assignment in prophetic word is always hear this always subjective to the spirit and the truth of the scripture i'm going to ground us now because some of you were running out of here going yeehaw i got all these words but all the words that we have are always subject to the spirits and the truth of the scripture why because god in his word are one god in his word are one which means he will never speak something contrary to his word but on the flip side to say that the prophetic is not relevant today is a biblical and theological inconsistency because if god is the word made flesh and in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god in other words jesus is the word that was made flesh then we can't separate the spirit from the word or the word from the spirit we can deny the one we can quench the one we can resist the one but you can't preach the word truly wholeheartedly without the spirit of the word coming through it you can quench it but we find out here that a prophetic word is a word that god speaks to an individual or a group of individuals communicating his intention his purpose or their assignment but that assignment never violates the truth of the scripture because again god in his word are one he never speaks contrary to his divine nature what god has revealed about himself is true what can we conclude by this we can conclude that any work of the spirit is always in harmony with the written text are hearing me we can conclude that any work of the spirit is always in harmony with the text we can also conclude that god will never tell you to do something that is inconsistent with its nature i need you to hear this god will never tell you to do something that is inconsistent with his nature the bible or the spirit of the scripture he will never tell you to do something that will harm someone he will never tell you to behave in a way that is contrary to his revealed word he will never tell you to treat someone in a way that is contrary to his heart in other words when we behave outside of the parameters of the scripture or attempt to justify our choices and blame god for things that are outside of his nature we are in error and we are in rebellion this is why we don't get to say god told me if it's in direct violation to the written text do you hear me in other words we like to justify our bad choices we don't get to use the scripture to do that just say you decided to be a jerk like renee haven't i had to say that before baby heaven i had to say honey i'm sorry i was a jerk i can't say the devil made me do it because i'm not controlled by demons aren't you happy about that but we make carnal choices but let us own it for what it is not blame god not say god gave me a word to do this that's contrary to his nature we need the word of the lord to keep us focused we need the word of the lord to keep us on track we need the word of the lord to keep us in our assignments but those words that god gives us will always coincide be backed up by the truth of the written word of god to hear what's being said amen i want to invite the team to come and you can stand this morning my prayer is that we will become sensitized i'd like to invite you to stand that we would become sensitized to the voice of the lord that we would become sensitized to that which he speaks to us that we would allow the truth of the scripture as well as the beauty of the diamond-ism of the work of the spirit in our life to be something that's we hold as sacred may we not allow ourselves because someone misrepresented god or someone abused the gifts or someone used them for personal gain that we say they're no longer relevant it's easy to take that posture you know why because it requires no work healthy culture healthy family requires effort commitment and a willingness to believe god my heart today in this first portion is that we would be sensitized to the voice of the lord that we would allow god to just attune our ears remind us of his promise that we wouldn't forget the things that he said about us i feel like there may be some of us under the sound of our my voice this morning both here and possibly even by live stream you have prophetic words that were intended to be a blessing in your life somehow become a curse but i want to ask you today to hear with fresh ears what god has said and don't allow the disappointments or what appears to be delay to prevent you from revisiting them god is committed to fulfilling his word within your life matter of fact he's more committed to fulfilling his word in your life than you are because he was all in he held nothing back he gave everything in order to position you and i to buy us back from the slavery of sin [Music] make us his sons and daughters so this morning i want to ask you to revisit the promise of god over your life it could have been a prophetic word it might have been an illuminated scripture that god spoke to you in your devotion matter of fact one of the i'm just reminded of this i think i was i might have been 12 years old i actually am just recalling this right now it was in san jose california i was waiting for my mother to come out of the mall and the lord spoke to me through the scripture that he had anointed me [Music] to declare good tidings to the broken and i was reading that scripture isaiah 61 and i thought wow that's pretty powerful but i felt like the lord said that's what i'm calling you to i had no reference matter of fact i was a little embarrassed going me serious who am i but i believe there may be someone under my sound of my voice today that god spoke to you through the scripture and it seemed very insignificant it almost seemed as if and that was just you may i remind you it wasn't just you god was giving you a glimpse of the future he was revealing to you his heart if you see the prophetic is god illuminating his heart whether through the the written logos or by the spirit of the lord showing you what he wants to do if you're here in any of what i've just said relates to you i want you to throw your hands up just as a place of openness say god yeah you've made promises to me please don't put them down just throw them see we're going to commune with god for a moment lord see your people holy spirit see your people god see that their hands are uplifted god there are so many promises there are so many words there are so many things that have been spoken over their lives i ask that you would rekindle that this morning i asked lord that you would stoke the flame stoke the promise of god that has been spoken over them lord i pray today to in this very holy moment that you would cause your word to resonate once again within our heart the god that life and the spirit would not just be a fleeting idea but would become a living reality that we walk in day by day that we would respond correctly to the word of the lord that we would hold diligently to your truth that we would not forget that that which you have said both through the written letter as well as through the work of the spirit that it is true remind us oh god remind us if you would i want to invite you to repeat this prayer after me say lord jesus i thank you for your word both your written word and your prophetic word lord i thank you today for reminding me that you have that you you've reminded me of your promise lord i thank you for causing me to hear your word of fresh and anew i thank you lord for helping me to walk out your promise lord i thank you for helping me to not forget what you have said [Music] lord i receive i embrace i take hold of every promise that you've made to me lord let me walk it out faithfully obediently in jesus name amen lord i bless your people i bless them today lord i pray that you would remind us of your promise i pray that you would activate every word on the inside of us every word that we have prayed every word god that you've revealed to us not our human imagination not our human mindedness but your eternal purpose lord i ask that it would be fulfilled in and through us in jesus name we ask amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah as we get ready to dismiss if you're under the sound of my voice and you don't know jesus as your personal savior i want to give you an opportunity to receive him i want to ask the altar team to come make their way to the front but if you're under the sound of my voice and you were to die right now where would you spend eternity in other words would you be lost for eternity or would you spend eternity in the presence of the lord if you don't know that reality but would like to i want to pray with you if you would like to receive jesus as your personal lord and savior i just want to invite you to just lift your hand anyone within this this building anyone watching by live stream if you want to receive jesus please type on the screen i want to receive jesus [Music] all right well let me just pray for those of us that are watching father in the name of jesus i pray god those that are watching by live stream as well as those that are here lord if there are any that don't know you lord i ask you would speak to their heart today cause them to come to know you lord we ask that you'd reveal yourself to them we ask that you would make yourself known lord we pray for the conviction of the spirits to draw men and women from far near that they will know of your goodness that they will know of your kindness and they will come to know you as their personal lord and savior in jesus name amen and amen if you need prayer if you need if you prayed that if you were too bashful and you do want to know jesus or rededicate your life please come and let this team minister you in any way they would be delighted to do so we bless you have an amazing day have a great week and we will see you next week god bless you all in jesus name amen amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Regency Church
Views: 144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4igim0r_z8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 19sec (8059 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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