Colour Me Ladies Conference | Coney Reyes

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good morning beautiful ladies women of the lord kamusta young lahat did you sleep well last night really i did you know i think it's the first time that i slept for so many hours straight but i kind of woke up in between thinking i might miss the alarm clock so did you wake up with a smile talaga with expectant hearts knowing that god is going to do something really really good in your lives today you know that if you don't know that i'm telling you yes i'm so happy to have been invited to join you in this conference today i'm so happy that i finally made it i've been invited i think almost every year but i always had something to do with elisa or something and it's just so hard when you're doing something like that you don't really have much of a life you just work and then sleep and then take care of your family and stuff like that cebu has a very special place in my heart i've been here a number of times but not in quite a long time let me just say that i'm intrigued will you allow me to pray for you this morning okay oh father in the name of jesus by the power of your holy spirit i thank you for this day thank you for bringing me here thank you for every person who's here now every woman and every family represented i ask lord god that you open our hearts and our minds to what you're going to do today holy spirit we welcome you have your way today in this conference we ask that you move in a fresh mighty way we ask lord that you let our hearts be tender towards you and father i pray would you give me the grace and wisdom to share to know what to share so many things have happened in my life lord you've done so many things in my life and you restored me and continued to restore me and i pray that i'll be able to just impart that and share that with all these women here meet every need lord god we thank you lord that you will give us a revelation a deeper revelation of your love how high how deep how wide how long is your love for each one of us and we pray this and ask you in the mighty name the sweet name the precious name of jesus our lord and savior amen well i can't do anything without starting in prayer so everything that i do i consult the lord in prayer big or small decisions i run to him for we are nothing apart from god you know that we cannot do anything apart from god everything is from him we move we breathe we live in christ you are looking ladies and gentlemen at a woman who has gone through so much do i look like someone who's gone through suicide attempts two actually twice and i went through a crazy marriage i had a lot of health issues had cancer malignant cancer in 1996 but look at me i'm still alive because i believe that just like david i will go to sleep the lord will put me only to sleep when my purpose is done so a big school so i'm going to live a long healthy satisfying life until the day that the lord says okay connie i await my coming before the lord and he'll say good and faithful servant and i want to just be in the presence of jesus i'd like you to meet my family i think we have a picture up here i have three children you missed out on carla i have l.a who's married to macy my beautiful i couldn't have had a sweeter daughter-in-law macy and then that's my daughter carla and my son vico and my three grandchildren lorenzo mateo and alejandro the joys of my life the loves of my life i want you to know that i am a living testimony of god's goodness god's grace god's mercies actually india before i would be laughing and smiling in front of the camera so i had a daily show and then i had a noontime show um i had a daily noontime show and i had a weekly drama and i would do movies occasionally and why occasionally alarm because for me i had my hands full with the daily show and the the weekly drama i wanted to always have time for the man in my life so i'd always just turn down movie offers i'm home so many things have happened i lived a regular life normal childhood my parents were together i had four other siblings i was the eldest in the family of five children everything was good i had dreams wonderful dreams i had a pretty just wonderful childhood in school i did well i was a student leader and academics did quite well was very active in extracurricular activities until the day until i was about 17 or 18 in between 17 18 i was raped and that shattered all my dreams i didn't tell a soul about that i didn't tell my father because i knew you know it might get him into trouble because i knew that he might do something that i might regret later on so i didn't want my family to suffer because of what happened to me so i just kept it to myself didn't tell a soul about it i didn't tell a soul so everything went on i tried to just keep everything normal i didn't talk about it went on with school graduated from college got into one of those supposedly beauty personality contests marion travel girl got into show business and just within a year that i was in show business i got married to the first man who offered me marriage why because i had such low self-esteem thinking no one would ever marry me anymore and so i jump at the first offer to get married sad but true i had two children out of that marriage but it didn't last long lasted for about eight years and then i got into a relationship with my best friend that i was working with he had his own marital problems i had mine and so because we were best friends and clothes he was always after my welfare looking after me when i separated until yon got there's such power of life and death in our tongues you don't know saddam hussein i got into the wrong relationships because i had low self-esteem and then pretty soon i got my annulment that relationship i was talking about with my best friend born as a son but people didn't know that even as i was going through laughing and and just being so joyful in front of the cameras behind the scenes ibangstoria even from my first relationship even even before uh even from my marriage i would just hear all kinds of things about my husband then and then i would start crying behind the scenes and then they'll call me conical but i had to work i was always thinking of my children you know i really thank god that i didn't get into anything crazy like drugs or alcohol or anything like that because well some of my friends tried to convince me even my own husband but you know when i tried it so hard to get up for the next day to work the bus so that was the discipline that god gave me and i just am so grateful for that so there you are i had because of because of the crazy things that happened in my life there was even a time that i put my two older children at that time i had two children only in the car and i'd throw i was driving and i said i was gonna drive off a cliff i said lord you love them so you're going to take care of them and i drive off this cliff you're going to bring them straight with you to heaven and me i don't care if i go to hell that's what i said before and for some reason every time you know that going to antipolo they put the spot on a zigzag i just drive off like that and like all of a sudden i just go to a screeching halt it's like almost and then i just get back to my senses and of course now i know my goodness go to hell excuse i don't want that but of course that time lima you just think of a lot of crazy things i was so insecure i was very confused and i felt like dying inside you have you experienced that feeling that knowing feeling that knowing feeling in your heart in your you know how pain is emotionally it's not physical it's in your heart it's in your mind it's like something that you can almost touch the pain is just so real you want to die has anyone ever felt like that no i would hide myself in my room at the time and me light drapes my dark drapes my blinds i would just wallow in self-pity there just get so depressed really got into depression and then sometimes my children would be knocking at the door and i'd say wait mama just needs to be alone for a while took days weeks my friends would try to come and see me but i always tell my helpers to just tell them she doesn't want any visitors now i would just just cry and cry excuses excuses no but you know but that's why that's one advice that i give depressed people i drag them and say take a bath oh something you know when you splash cold water on this depressed people something happens i kid you not i was talking to an elderly woman who was so so so depressed then i asked her over the phone and she told me or something and then i i just really convinced her to take a bath and i told her it will make you feel better promise it might not heal all the depression take away all the depression but it somehow gets you off it at least for a while and then you get on doing other things at least maybe call a friend or what super important to have trusted friends little did i know that i had friends who were really praying for me i had friends who were really even fasting for me i'm sure that some of you yum and vela and um so she was also very close to me so they were praying for me pala and they were fasting for me well miss tapia was fasting for me by the way she's in the hospital now so please say a prayer for her i love that woman she's like an anion an eye and to me and many others in showbiz in the faith okay so they were praying but for me i remember one day just a day before her birthday helen vela wrote me a note and said the best birthday gift that you could give me is to attend church with me hello hello so what i did i sent my driver home early but i'm excused a long driver better than an friendship you know when you love somebody you just can't say no and this is just a little thing she's asking so i went and then when i went i was just looking around and like suspicious but you know it was the start of my actual really surrender to jesus it was like there was a speaker who mentioned this verse matthew 11 28 come to me all you who are weary and heavily laden and i will give you rest i broke down because i was tired i was so so tired of problems i was 21 when i got married i was 20 when i graduated from college then i got married after a year i said in showbiz so i was 21. had so many problems i just wanted to die that's why i even slashed my wrists one time aside from that i walked before him then i was just thinking when i had children already it was it became different because i'm thinking that's why i went on working i got focused and i just every day i would just say lord i offer you this day there's a prayer in grade school i offer you all my prayers my works my joys my sufferings everything that i do today lord i just offer you help me through the day and i couldn't understand so after i surrendered my life to the lord at the time i also started reading the bible and said matthew 6 33 seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness everything else he will add unto you do not worry about tomorrow tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own and it was so hard when i finally just realized what i was doing i asked god to help me turn my back from my sin and people thought it was so easy for me to do it wasn't easy i would take one day at a time that's what the lord was saying take one day at a time so every morning i would wake up and say lord help me through the day nico kaya help me lord guide me and so be able to go through the day then at night i couldn't sleep i was saying lord help me help me be able to sleep i need a hug lord hug mo lord please before i know it i'm asleep then i wake up it's a new day and then i asked the lord to do the same thing then at night the same thing and then the next day and the next day the next day it took one day at the time one day at a time i surrendered my life to the lord in october actually it was on october 29 1990 that i surrendered my life completely to jesus i turned my back from sin today is march 10 2018. it's been almost 28 years i thought at the time i was going to die i felt like dying like i was telling you that feeling it was the easiest way out you were thinking the time i was thinking that time but look almost 28 years i'm still alive [Applause] and i've been doing a lot of things that i one would not expect from somebody who's been through eight surgeries and all those problems the grace of god is just so evident in my life and it's just given me that that inner joy not dependent on my circumstances no that that joy deep within your being knowing that you just know you've surrendered your life to the right person this time to jesus and then he just know that his plans for you are good in my heart i just know you know i just trusted him with all of my heart i did not try to understand with my mind i trusted the lord all of my heart lean it on your own understanding it says in proverbs 3 5 6 in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make her path straight he will direct your paths so always ask god lord give me clear direction guide me empower me lord to do your will let me be in the center of your will help me bring up my children and you know what my children that the lord promised me i myself will teach your children my ways and great will be their peace that's in isaiah 54 13 and i took that to heart you know it's so important for us to know the word read the word read your bible know the word pray the word you need to know that and how do you know god's promises for you your destiny in the lord how would you know if you're not reading his love message to you his love letter to you which is the bible everything is there the bible will just encourage you teach you rebuke you just help you and guide you in everything if you're happy it'll make you even more it will make you even more joyful if you're if you're sad it will show you it will encourage you if there's something wrong with you you know how sometimes you read the bible and then oh no this is me lord i'm sorry me lord but because he loves us so much that's why he wants to discipline us he loves us so much he's teaching us lessons so in all the trials that we face i always ask lord what are you teaching me [Music] let me understand what you are saying let me learn what you are teaching me so that i may not go through this again and again and again then i've learned it's hard you know it's what i'm saying here as i'm sharing this with all of you i'm also reminding myself okay because i'm not perfect i'm far from it i'm an unfinished business of the lord and finished work but the thing is i am willing to be changed and molded by god let us be willing to be changed and mold by god because that's the best thing to be the best place to be is where god wants you to be it's not where we want to be many are the plans in a man's heart but it is god's purpose that will prevail because god's purposes are good it will always be for your good for our good for my good so if we understand that na talagang lord it's for my good you love me so much that's why you want to teach me this you love me so much that's why you want to discipline me then it will be a lot easier super easier i'm kind of conscious of the time where's the am i making good time okay let's end it [Music] there's just so much you know but i'll still be sharing a lot this afternoon and also in church i think tomorrow at city church but one thing i know is my future is bright because i know who is leading i know whom i have surrendered my life to and he will lead me only to better things because his plans for me are to prosper me not to harm me to give me hope in the future and that is the same plan he has for each one of you plans to prosper you not to harm your plans to give you hope and a future a wonderful future you know stop blaming yourself for things that have happened to you or stop blaming another person just come on surrender nah surrender you know why i was just telling the ladies in the van yesterday when we got in we just got in here in cebu now i'm in a new season in my life grab i'm in a super new season well of course because of age and stuff like that but you know i said i'm embracing this new season in my life i'm embracing it why because if i complain i will remain in the same place for a long time i don't want that so i'll just embrace it and say thank you lord lessons to be learned because i'm an empty nester already you know so i'm like [Music] but then you also think no now i have time for myself and then i'm grateful because my children always you know take care of me they're there but the best thing is i'm single but the lord my maker is my husband that's in isaiah 54. if you're single the lord your makers your husband and who is a better husband than god and then weird no no you know that means you'll take care of your needs he'll feel your heart you'll feel your spirit he knows me more than i know myself so he takes care of me i mean who would think at my age all the offers coming my way for work by the grace of god you know i've been even turning down offers say that so i embrace everything including the wrinkles and the eye bugs and the adipose tissues you know adipose tissues the fats pineapple adipose tissues my adipose tissues anyway there are things we just need to embrace but i am open to anything that the lord would do because i know that the lord's plan for mina is the best so if it's part of his plan then he will lead me to it but i'm not going to go nightclubbing or showing myself to every guy and display myself and think of everyone as a prospect no way hindi as you go on doing what the lord wants you to do if it is time for you or if it is his plan for you then you'll find the person god's best for you but if it's not his plan for you then he has other plans much better okay when i surrendered my life to jesus in 1990 after that i'm thinking oh things are going to get better that's what they said no it got harder for me no because if you are fighting the things of god it's gonna be hard for you that's why it's better to surrender you know what i'm saying if you say lord have your way because what you want is going to be what's good and best for me there's no struggle it'll be easier for you and me believe me hey i was struggling at first lord allah lord you said if i delight in you you will give me the desires of my heart you said if i put you first you will add everything else unto me why is it getting worse why is it getting bad parang this is the desire of my heart then why i remember going to prayer mountain i locked myself in a prayer closet i was crying [Music] and then it's like almost an audible voice that i heard but it was something in my heart and even i was reading the word as i was reading the word it slipped up he said yes i said as a delight as you delight in me i will give you the desires of your heart as i delight in the lord as i put him first as i trust him he will give me he will put in my heart what i'm going to desire his desires which are pure which are holy which are good guys [Music] and then you know as you obey the lord it gets clearer and clearer as you obey the lord he will just begin to understand ending [Music] testimony indeed other plans for me better plans for me and so i just trusted in the lord every day and i cannot stress enough encouraging you all to take one day at a time as i said one day at the time go hit up m glory to god in the highest not overnight don't expect things to happen to you overnight don't expect but everything just because you surrendered to the lord overnight you just need to obey and i just learned obedience is better than sacrifice you can sacrifice all you want make all the offerings you want donate all the money you want if you're not obeying god then it's not as pleasing to him but everything else after obedience is sweet everything else after your obedience to the lord is like it gives god pleasure it gives god joy and it gives you all so much pleasure and joy obeying god there's nothing like being in the center of the will of god not easy but it is possible but because nothing is too difficult for god nothing is too hard for god to do nothing is impossible with god and we when we cling to him we cry out to him then he's not one who's going to turn his back at you you're crying out to him then he will say mommy and i are going to go no way he loved us even before we loved him he loves us so much and today that's what i want to happen is what i'm asking the lord that each one of us will really experience if you know it already in your heart then great if not then i hope that you do find out how much god loves loves you and if you already know that he loves you that you know how much more he loves you because i just realized god loves me so i don't have to look for love in the wrong places anymore i don't have to search and search for the perfect love because the perfect love can only be from jesus from god perfect love casts out fear there's no more fear and we take one day at a time saying lord help me guide me and the wonderful thing is when you acknowledge your need for jesus when you acknowledge your need for god he's there always anytime 24 hours a day never by appointment best friend appointment with god no you just say jesus he's there he will never leave you and that's what i realized he never left me he was always with me that's his promise i'll never leave you nor forsake you i'll be with you wherever you go he was with me through the waters through the raging fire through the deep he was always with me he always took care of me and my children he's my provider my healer to the times that i had the thyroid malignant thyroid cancer through the total hysterectomy through all the surgeries that i've had god was with me and he healed me do you know that with my thyroid cancer with the thyroid cancer that i had in 1996 i didn't have any chemo it was malignant i didn't have chemo and i did not have even radiation the doctors are even surprised of course i need to go for checkups but then and then i have a maintenance or thyroid hormone but can you imagine me doing all the things that i'm doing and then i don't have hormones hello no thyroid hormones no hormones here no hormones hello maybe that's i'm crazy but i have i have you all your hormones are mine oh thank you thank you thank you rika but you know what i'm saying but it's by god's grace because he has a plan and purpose for my life and so that's my that was my that was my annoying that was my [Music] that was the thing that i said when i surrendered my life to the lord i said lord use me however way you want to use me and so i need to obey wherever he brings me whatever he wants me to do and it just brought me joy india he can take it all our woes all our problems the struggles the pain all the complaints you just tell him don't tell the whole world you don't have to always because in this power the leg of life and death in our time we always complain and complain you know we need to just rejoice even through the trials rejoicing through the trials but it's true it's really true the lord is with us and he will always take care of us you know what i want to do right now before i end i'm landing okay i'm landing it's not gonna be a crash don't worry wait um can i may i request all of you to just be silent and still for a couple of minutes before the lord why because i just want i just want us to pray and ask god why he brought you here ask god you personally why did he bring you to this conference who's been here for more than who's here for the first time okay there's quite a lot of you including me who's been here at least twice okay there's a reason why god's bringing you back or why god brought you here today and it's not just to have fun yes to have fun but i think god wants to reveal himself to you in a deeper measure so i don't know what so if you'd like if if you may can you just close your eyes before the lord and just ask him and maybe you can write down later ask the lord what he brought you here ask the lord what you want him to do in your life starting today if you've asked the lord already and you feel that he has told you in your heart or what you you know already what you're asking the lord you might want to write it down and then later this afternoon we'll go through that i mean i won't ask you about it but you know we'll be talking about discussing things about that so you'll remember exactly what okay in romans 8 38 39 it says for i am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor what's this rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god in christ jesus our lord god so loved the world that he sent his only son jesus that whosoever believes in he will not perish but have eternal life that's how much he loved us he loved us so much he loved you and he loved me even before you were born even before you were in your mother's womb he knew you he had a plan for you he loved you so much and there's a reason why god brought you here father i thank you for every person here every woman lord god thank you for the destiny that you have the calling that you have for each one of them father in jesus name by the power of the holy spirit i thank you that not one person will live this room today without a touch of your glory without a fresh touch from you i pray lord god that you give all of us a deeper understanding of how much you love us how wide and how long how high and how deep is your love for us thank you father that you are faithful to complete the work you started in each of our lives and thank you lord for your glorious plans for each one of us we praise you we thank you and even today lord we just give you back all the praise all the honor and glory for what you have done this morning what you're about to do what you are going to do in our futures and everything lord be blessed be pleased in jesus name we pray amen amen before i go i just want to share with you how excited i am about the proceedings for this day be excited be expectant i am so happy that i'm finally going to hear bettina's the testimony from herself from her mouth i just admire this young woman of the lord and how she's been raising her daughter gummy gummy say hello she's so sweet happy birthday gummy it was her birthday the other day seven years old nasha how cute this girl and of course my dearest rica i mean i've known her since she was 14 and i've seen how she has blossomed and bloomed and i love you so much and what i'll be the one to say because her husband i've known since he was a little boy if i've known her since she was 14 i've known joe since she was a little boy and because his mom her mother-in-law is one of my dearest friends so my dear friends my dear sisters my dear um how do you hide my my dear malaka chica this morning it's gonna be a wonderful day god is going to meet you where you need him he's going to meet every hurt and before i go last night before we go diva before i go before i go i just want you to know do not blame yourself for anything that has gone wrong in your life and stop blaming others i just want you to know we live in a broken world we live in a fallen world and this broken world and fallen world broken people and fallen people will always hurt one another and i have discovered through the years of my walk with god that hurting people hurt other people hurting people just hurt others because they don't know what to do with their hurts but if we are filled with love i've learned that god loves me i have to believe that god loves me and in his word i see how much he loves me and because he loves me i have learned to forgive myself i have learned to love myself because i cannot love you i cannot love even my own children i cannot love anybody if i don't love myself too because i see how god has loved me how he continues to love me how he is loving on me and then because of that i love myself not love in a kind of a vain way or prideful way no you have to know your worth how much you're valued by the lord before you can value others then you see you're able to give that love out to others and if you love god with all of your heart and sees how he loves you with all of his heart then you would want to be part of changing what's happening in this world one step at a time one person at a time one day at a time you can make a difference where you are because you've loved god loves you you know how much he loves you then you will love others too ok have a wonderful wonderful blessed day
Channel: Citichurch PH
Views: 176,514
Rating: 4.8925009 out of 5
Keywords: Citichurch, Citichurch Cebu, Jesus, Bible, Faith, Pray, Prayer, Hope, Obedience, Church, Love, God, Savior, Messiah, Jo, Alfafara, Brian, Kairuz, Grace, Rivera, Brian Kairuz, Jo Alfafara, Grace Rivera, Cebu, Church in Cebu, Jesus Christ, Bible Study, Preaching, Preaching Cebu, Holy Spirit Cebu, Worship Cebu, Worship, Live Louder, Deeper, Camp, Recharge, Christmas Special, Production, Volunteers, Ministry, Rahab, Coney Reyes, Coney, Reyes, story, ColourMe, Colour Me Ladies Conference, Connie Reyes
Id: 87HoRlnljLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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