Tom & Jane Hamon - Friday, September 24, 2021

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[Music] [Music] good evening everyone can i invite us to stand throughout the building we want to welcome you to regency church we just want to say we are so honored that you are here with us and as our honored guest and and even family we want you to know that we want you to truly make yourself at home we want you to connect with the lord tonight so if that means standing please stand that means sitting please sit but in whatever you're doing i ask that you just open up your hearts and make yourself open to have an encounter with jesus tonight how many came expecting something from the lord tonight well i believe that the lord is gonna pour out his presence manifest his goodness and his love upon every hungry heart so i just want to ask that would you just extend your hands towards heaven not for any other reason other than a sign of openness a sign of complete and total surrender before the lord because i've come to understand in my own life in my own heart that when i open my heart to him and i say jesus come and do what you want to do not what i want you to do but what is on your heart the scripture tells us in matthew chapter 6 when the disciples asked jesus lord teach us to pray he instructed them to do this he said pray in this manner he said our father which art in heaven hallowed or holy righteous be your name so beginning with a heart of gratitude beginning with a heart of celebration and then asking the father to cause that which is already established in heaven to be manifest in the earth that's our prayer tonight so as our hands are uplifted let's just go before him in prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you tonight lord that you are already here you're already present because your word tells us that when we gather together in the midst in your name that you're already here you're not afar off so lord we ask tonight that you would be exalted in our praise that you would be lifted high in our proclamation lord we ask tonight that jesus would be exalted above everything else that jesus you would be proclaimed above everything else that you would be seen above everything else so we asked lord that you would be exalted in our worship that you would be exalted in our praise we ask all this in the name that is above every name the name of jesus amen can you give the lord a shout of praise as we go before the lord we want you to know this altar is open make yourself at home let's go after god tonight bless you all [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] exalted tonight [Music] we build you a throne with all praise [Music] lord [Music] i raise a hallelujah presence of my enemy i raise a hallelujah [Music] louder than the unbelief i raise a hallelujah [Music] my weapon is a melody [Music] i raise a hallelujah [Music] heaven comes to fight for me [Music] the king is alive [Music] come on let's lift it up [Music] i raise a hallelujah [Music] with everything inside of me i raise a hallelujah and i will watch the [Music] raise darkness hallelujah [Music] in the middle of the mystery [Music] i raise a hallelujah [Music] [Music] death is defeated [Music] my [Music] praises alive [Music] sing a little louder [Music] sing a little louder [Music] a little louder [Music] louder [Music] is [Music] louder [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] the king is alive [Music] i'll raise a hallelujah who does the impossible i raise a hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh we praise you lord come on lift up your voice to him right now oh we praise you we praise you there's nothing like you jesus there's none like you jesus [Music] there's nothing like you jesus [Music] do [Music] as he walks into the room [Music] this is [Music] he hears me [Music] sing his praise [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] there's a sound there is [Music] is [Music] to sing his praise [Music] is [Music] when he moves and when we pray [Music] is [Music] [Music] now it's time to win is [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] praise [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] we set the atmosphere for you to move tonight we set the atmosphere for you to move tonight [Music] we've come here tonight we believe that you're still moving we believe [Music] when he moves when he moves when he moves and when we pray [Music] is amen when he moves make no mistake [Music] when he moves and when we pray [Music] is [Music] wake my soul [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] wake my soul to sing his praise [Music] [Music] wake my soul every soul awake we speak it out we speak it out come awake come awake we speak to the dry bones tonight come alive come alive awake [Music] i believe [Music] and this is a place where we proclaim your name this is [Music] [Music] this is a house of worship this is a house with every hand lifted high this is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is [Music] we bring everything to the feet of jesus [Music] churches [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] we bring everything to the feet of jesus [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] this is a house of hope we declare tonight that hope is rising hope is rising hope is alive healing is alive peace is alive [Music] all things [Music] [Music] all things work for us [Music] god [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] everything in the name of jesus [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] we bring everything to the feet of jesus [Music] [Music] nothing's too hard but nothing's too hard we bring it all we bring it all we bring it all we bring it all [Music] we bring it all we bring it on [Music] [Music] nothing's [Music] we bring it all [Music] bring it to the one who's stable we bring it off [Music] to the one who heals [Music] [Music] we bring it all to the feet of jesus [Music] to the one who brings wholeness [Music] hope is alive redemption is alive yeah i said redemption is alive [Music] [Music] you are moving you are moving [Music] you're turning [Music] you are moving you are moving turning it around [Music] you are moving now just [Music] we find you in the midst of it all [Music] you're speaking over and over we hear your voice so [Music] so [Music] cheers so nothing else nothing else nothing else nothing else else [Music] i'm caught up in your presence and i just wanna sit here at your [Music] feet this holy [Music] oh [Music] jesus you don't owe me anything [Music] more than anything that and i'm sorry when i've just gone through the motions i'm sorry when i just sang another song take me back to where we start i open up my heart to you i'm sorry when i've come with my agenda i'm sorry when i forgot to join up take me back to where [Music] i'm caught up in your presence [Music] holy [Music] oh i'm not here for blessing jesus you don't owe me anything but more than anything [Music] [Music] i just [Music] nothing else nothing else nothing else we'll do i just want you and nothing else and nothing else [Music] nothing else will do i just want [Music] nothing else will do i just want [Music] nothing else we'll do [Music] i just want [Music] nothing else [Music] if nothing else nothing else [Music] nothing else will do [Music] all i need is you [Music] all i need [Music] is you all i need [Music] is you foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] nothing else nothing else [Music] nothing else [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] is i want is you lord [Music] all i need is you [Music] all i need is you lord [Music] [Music] oh yes worship the lord come on worship him worship him lift your voice [Music] come on sing that guy sing that it's only you god it's you alone [Music] okay [Music] us [Music] [Applause] adventures [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] the lord spoke to you this morning [Music] the spirit of the lord is gonna blow through this [Music] you have to strive for i want you just to lift it up to receive even now spirit of the lord come spirit of the lord come yes [Music] even now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the heaviness all the oppression it's leaving now it's leaving us [Music] open up our hearts to receive all that you have why don't you put your hand right here and say lord i receive all that you have for me tonight receive all that you have for me today i open up my heart afresh open up [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah go ahead and bless the lord bless the lord come on bless the lord o people of god [Music] i want to make this declaration over us [Music] you see the song that we were singing in its very essence is a song of a people whose hope is in the lord in psalm 71 david makes this declaration and i want to make this declaration over you tonight psalm 71 and 1. it says in you o lord i have taken refuge oh i don't know about you i don't know if you understand the significance of those words [Music] when we learn how to take our refuge and find our hope in god good bad and ugly can come but we won't be moved david was making this declaration he said in you oh lord i've taken refuge let me never be ashamed in your righteousness deliver me and rescue me in your righteousness and climb your ear to me and save me verse 3 be to me a rock of habitation be to me a rock of habitation to which i may continually come you have given commandment to save me you are my rock you are my fortress verse 4 rescue me oh god rescue me out of the hand of the wicked how many have felt in this hour that we've needed the hand of the lord to deliver us out of the grasp of the wrong doer and the ruthless man verse 5 is what i want you to hook your heart to tonight for you are my hope for you are my hope oh lord god you are my confidence from my youth by you i have been sustained from my birth you are he who took me from my mother's womb i praise my praises continually of you i believe tonight as we were worshiping the lord is removing off of many of us a spirit of hopelessness if you if that relates to you i want you to throw your hands up right now all over this building god is declaring over us renewed hope renewed confidence in him in this hour within the bits of the chaos god is affirming his faithfulness to we to us as people if you see in the midst of great conflict is when god always arises in great power for it is in the midst of this great difficulty that we find ourselves in that we can trust in the lord so tonight as your hands are uplifted father you reveal so you can heal so i declare lord over your people right now that every spirit of hopelessness every spirit of despair is being broke off right now father i declare that hope is arising within the pot within the hearts of the people of god every feeling lord oh god of a faithlessness of unbelief every feeling lord of despair i thank you that you are lifting it off i thank you lord that you are our hope that you are our refuge you are our rock you are our strong tower we declare as david did of old and i was young but now i am old but i have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed bacon bread i thank you that in this hour you have not only provided for your people but you will continually abundantly provide over and above what we can ask to thank lord i thank you tonight that you are causing hope to arise within the people of god i thank you lord tonight that we are not leaving here discouraged we are not leaving here downtrodden we are not leaving here oh god without fresh pigeon but i thank you right now that your people are arising come on if you believe that i want you to lift your voice shout unto god and with a voice of triumph come on bless the lord o my soul oh bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me for we will take courage in you o lord oh we will take courage and use in jesus name jesus name amen just for fun will you shout unto god [Applause] yeah yes yes we bless you we bless you o god we bless you we bless you oh we bless you oh yes we bless you something's happening come on bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord come on tell your soul to bless the lord [Music] we bless you jesus we proclaim your majesty we ascribe glory and honor unto you oh we glorify you in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh you are good you are so good we worship you lord now don't you feel so much better amen amen well before you find yourself you just greet one another would you go across the aisle if you don't know someone just welcome them tonight hallelujah thank you jesus oh we love you lord we glorify your name glorify you jesus [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] glory to jesus [Music] oh yes all right you guys go ahead and bring it down they like to provoke me amen well good evening everyone i just want to take a moment to introduce myself my name is jim cutter along with my bride of 30 years we are the senior leaders of this incredible house incredible family known as regency church we are truly just blessed to be able to serve the people of god and to labor together for the the purposes of eternity for the the advancement of the kingdom and we are just so delighted that uh you are here with us tonight in just a couple of moments we're going to go ahead and invite up our guests who really aren't guests they're really family they're family we we've been in relationship with tom and jane and the hammonds um for decades and we just value who they are we value um their consistency and their persistence and their faithfulness what i appreciate about leaders like them is they're not fair-weather saints come on they're they're the they're the real deal and we know that god has something really incredible for us tonight but um i just need to do a couple of things before we turn them loose because when we turn them loose there'll be no reeling them in they're wild they're just wild people but we love the wild ones but um what was i gonna do see when i go off the rails i i lose my own self oh i know what i wanted to do i just wanted to take a moment um you know and acknowledge anyone that's here that is a senior leader of a ministry a church senior pastor founder of uh you know school of ministry i mean would you if you're here would you just stand for a minute we just want to acknowledge you every senior leader that's here all please keep standing over here over here amen amen please stay standing for a minute i just want to say we bless you we honor you we thank you for your faithfulness we know that this has been an unprecedented season we believe tonight that the lord is going to encourage your heart can we just extend our hands all through the building if someone's near i just want to bless them i want to bless their life i want to bless who they are father i thank you lord for these men and women of god lord who lord have put their hand to the plow and they've not turned back i asked tonight lord that you would bring about refreshing to them i ask that you would strengthen them i ask the lord you would release lord upon them that which lord they have need of for you are their sufficiency you are their strength you are their portion i thank you lord for illuminating to them lord that which you desire lord to speak to them in this next season i thank you for strengthening their minds i thank you for undergirding their spirits i thank you for strengthening their souls i thank you lord for causing their bodies lord o lord to be filled with strength and vigor lord i bless their hearts and i bless lord that which they are doing for the sake of your kingdom in jesus name amen and amen thank you so much we love you so many of them are our our friends and we are just honored to be able to co-labor together for the sake of the kingdom and it's sure good to see you all so good to see you leaders you know i'm one of those guys that i got to greet a few of you tonight and someone said to me can i hug you i said please hug me i am hug deprived in this last year and a half then there's others that i know it's like don't touch me some of our staff but we love them so i'm the hugger it's like you know there's just something about the connecting together uh and we're just so delighted that we get to do that tonight so thank you leaders for being here we also would like to take this time to just um receive an offering so that we can see the the expenses of this conference covered we want to bless our guests so i just want to ask that this moment if you would prepare something tonight you can give in three ways you can either give um by texting to give those of you that are technology driven that number is eight three three two four five five five nine nine and if you would like to do give that way please just the dollar amount to that number and it'll give you all the instructions if you would like to give by check you can make your check out to regency church and there are receptacles up here if you'd like to go to our website you can go ahead and do so if you would like to give by check and you'd like to just raise your hand one of the ushers will place an envelope in your hand so we will give you just a few moments to do that anything you do we do appreciate it we thank you for being faithful we thank you for your generosity but we do ask that each of you would do something we'll be back in a moment to introduce tom and jane [Music] you said if we would pray and we would seek and humbly lay our lies down at your feet that you would bring us to a place where earth in heaven for your glory make us holy [Music] make us [Music] [Applause] come and consume us with your [Music] [Applause] we need [Music] yourself [Music] miracles and life will flow as we reach [Music] make us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need an awakening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] commanding [Music] we [Music] [Applause] commanding those in [Music] we're bringing awakenings [Music] we need you in [Music] this bring it away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it away [Music] [Applause] we need an awakening we need an unprecedented move of god to come and bring about global transformation all right are you with me this this evening come on amen amen well thank you all of you that have given tonight we bless you we thank you for your generosity at this time we want to go ahead and release 5th grade down if they're not already in their classes we do have children's ministry for them tonight so yes there are some of you that may need to go now over here steve no just kidding all right all right bless you bless you well at this time i do want to invite to the regency platform and i'm going to ask you to stand as they come we just want to bless again our dear friends apostles tom and jane hammond all the way from santa rosa beach florida please as they're coming let's just greet them hey man amen we just love you guys so much thank you for for being here um you truly are friends of this house and uh family and we are just so honored that you're here so take your liberty and uh we just love you so very much there you go awesome okay all right come on give your pastors a big hand we so appreciate them and uh you know it's such a such a blessing to be in this house we do feel like family and uh pastor jim and renee we're so proud of you and what god's been doing here in this house and uh you know uh apostle kathy uh i was just thinking as we were worshiping and the anointing in the house so powerful you know it says there's a great cloud of witnesses right that watches over i couldn't think uh but hell but think of apostle jace in fact you know i felt the song of the lord coming on me i said oh boy you know i'm going to hold that back but man i thought it was going to come out no matter what but i just held it back and said okay he's singing in heaven and it'll come out where it needs to but boy uh what uh the ground has been plowed uh the place has been established for god's grace to show up in so let's give the lord a wonderful hand of appreciation father we're thankful for the house of worship that you have created right here i want you to turn to someone and say wow you look very anointed tonight wonderful you may be seated in the house of the lord let me just say thank you and to see so many friendly faces people we know in this house people we know uh in this region and we so love each and every one of you you know we actually lived in los angeles for a couple of years and so we learned all about la la land i mean all about california and so anyhow uh we had some good experiences too no anyhow we we uh we were out here a couple years going to school at life bible college it was wonderful but as i was worshiping there i just heard the lord say i'm gonna ignite this region and you know i got that that picture of just the wildfires that we contend with out on the west coast right uh and i also saw you know it was like that launch pad you know and then they say to that rocket you know houston we have ignition all of a sudden there's a preparation and a launching pad and then there's a whole release into a new level and so i heard the lord say just that little spark can begin to do amazing things we remember the santa ana winds when they begin to blow and it's almost like a little mini hurricane right but if you release a spark i mean the wildfires begin to grow so quickly and god's saying that's just a little picture of what i want to do in this season and so i want us to come in agreement for that grace i was thinking about psalms 24 where it says lift up your heads oh ye gates right and it says if if that uh little tongue in the middle of your face if that tongue is set a fire of hell what happens it can start a whole forest fire but if it's set on fire of heaven come on the prophetic word the word of the lord begins to be released the decree of heaven begins to be heard then god can start a holy ghost wildfire amen and begin to sweep over the hills and into the valleys i want you to lift up your hands father we're praying for a great awakening god you've done it in california before you've done it uh even by your anointing and so god we're praying that you will begin to flow and you will begin to cause your wind to blow as we even heard prophetically decreed tonight now set that spark loose in the land that there can be a sweeping move of your spirit let the fire burn let the anointing come and let that which you've decreed come into place in this season in jesus name and let me just encourage you then this season we've been through a lot come on everybody's walked through a lot we've had to contend like never before for the grace the hope the peace the strength that god has for us and uh i want to just pray a scripture over you that we've just spoken continually in our house and it is out of romans 15 13. so if you don't mind just lifting your hands again let me pray this over you and i believe the grace of god is going to be multiplied in your heart may the god of hope fill you with all joy and all peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope overflow with the hope of heaven the hope of god the hope of the vision the hope of life by the power of the holy spirit keep your hands up let me pray and just to create out of the passion translation it says it this way now may god the inspiration and fountain of hope fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and peace perfect peace as you trust in him and may the power of the holy spirit continually surround your life with his super abundance until you radiate with hope father we loose that overflowing grace anointing upon this house right now upon this city upon this region upon the valley father we decree that we're receiving the anointing on the west coast that you have decreed that we're not going to be left out lord we're going to be right in the middle of what you've decreed and so we lose that grace we lose that anointing we receive peace hope and strength by your hand by the power of the holy spirit give the lord another shout of praise hallelujah well we love to minister together we're blessed we've ministered in the nations of the earth as a prophetic apostolic team and we're going to let you get the fire going right now give apostle jane a big hand as she ministers amen amen it is so wonderful to be here at regency we've been coming here we think 23 or 24 years somewhere in that region um and we have just loved being a part of regency family um and we just look forward to seeing what all that the lord's going to do tonight i do have two new books since i've seen you last okay um this is a a book that was released last year and it's called discernment an essential guide for hearing the voice of god how many have read this book anybody here read this book yet i know pastor steve has over there yeah this is probably one of the one of the my best books that i've that i've written so i encourage you to pick that up i believe it's a message for today and then this one came out this year it's called declarations for breakthrough how to agree with the voice of god you know it's not a matter of just hearing god's voice we've got to know how to actually come into agreement with the voice of god amen and so fred and wilma why don't you guys come on let me just minister to you i'm going to give you this one because i just sense a spirit of breakthrough on the two of you stretch your hands out towards them father i bless this couple right now and i thank you father god for the anointing that rests upon this man and this woman and the lord says son and daughter i want you to know that i have positioned you in this season to be fire starters says god to be those that know how to take a spark to take even the ancient spark over this city and begin to fan it into full flame and the lord says that yes i've called you this city but i've also called you to the nations and even though it's been a challenging season for you the lord says son and daughter i want you to know that your influence in the nations is expanding and your the influence even in leaders of nations is coming into a new place of influence and the spirit of the lord says that i've been breathing on the two of you in this season of time and i have been causing an ignition of new vision and new fire and even new strategies to begin to come the lord says son son and daughter i want you to be ready because even between now and the end of the year the lord says i'm going to begin to uh to to bring the details uh to the vision the strategies to the vision for the lord says i've already dropped the big picture in your heart but i'm going to begin to lay out the small details says god there are people that have been moved out of position and there are people that are being moved into position and the lord says don't curse those that were moved out the lord says bless me for moving them out and the lord says that that even as i move them out the lord says i made even a proper place of alignment so new ones can be moved in to facilitate the broadening of the vision for this next season of time and the lord says son and daughter i want you to know that not only am i moving um even for my kingdom's sake but the lord says son and daughter i'm also moving for your family's sake as well and the lord says i've heard your cries i've heard your prayers the lord says there's generational connectedness that i'm bringing into this season and a generational continuity in the vision and the mission that i've spoken to you so watch and cease as the lord as i begin to bring your kids and even your grandkids says the lord into a place even of serving the vision and being able to run with it so father i lay my hands on them i thank you god for a brand new mantle for a brand new day god an ignition of your fire and of your vision for the future in jesus name can we thank the lord for them amen amen and and i want to give this book discernment to brother stan de coven yes and is this pretty lady with you married to you she's married to you she married you no let me minister to you nice to meet you joan father i bless this man and woman and i thank you father god for lord your strategic purposes father in bringing them together lord uh father helping them to run together helping them father to uh to be an example father to the generations that are to come and the lord says son and daughter that this is the time where i have uh been resetting you i have been recalibrating you even for the future days the lord says that a couple of years ago you almost felt like i pulled your plug son because you were so full of vision you were you were ready to run with so much that i had put inside of you and yet it felt like for a season that i had pulled your plug and you weren't exactly sure how to move forward with all that i spoke to you and the lord says that during this season that i have been resetting you i've also been resetting the vision i've been resetting says the lord the connections i've been resetting the mission that i even gave to you decades ago and the lord says that you're going to find says god that people are actually ready to go to the next level people are actually they've become hungry and they're ready to go into the deeper things with me they're also ready to come to a place of greater commitment to do what it takes to see my kingdom come and my will be done now the lord says son and daughter that i have that i have caused you to even be in this state says the lord very strategically and there have been times that you've wondered even at my hand in my plan but the lord says there's a season of putting your your roots down says god um for a season the lord says if you have a mentality of only being here for a short time the lord says your roots won't properly uh receive the nourishment and you won't you won't properly be able to grow the branches of influence that i need you to grow says god i'm growing the two of you together the lord says that i'm meshing vision giftings abilities and talents even together and the lord says daughter that i have put a very strong gift of discernment inside of you the lord says daughter that you pick up on things sometimes it's been a great frustration to you because you don't know what the heck to do with the things that you see and then the lord says daughter but i want you to know i'm uncapping that gift in this season and the lord says daughter i'm moving you into a greater prophetic dimension there's going to be prophetic dreams prophetic visions there's going to be prophetic intercession that i'm going to have you involved in the discernment that you have says the lord is going to be so necessary in this day and the lord says part of the reason that i brought the two of you together is to form one of those apostolic prophetic teams and the lord says daughter that i want you to know that there is a place for you in this vision and the lord says that there are the giftings and the gift mix that i put inside of you that i'm actually adding some ingredients to during this season that's going to cause your whole gift set to rise in this season to be able to be more effective and to accomplish more and the spirit of the lord says that he's infusing both of you with strength physically he's causing a a breath of heaven to fill you both right now and the lord says son and daughter there's going to come even a place where that spirit of weariness and at times that spirit of heaviness that has tried to weigh you down the lord says you're putting on garments of praise instead of that spirit of heaviness and i'm going to cause you to run and not be weary to walk and not faint i'm infusing you with new life new strength new joy for all that is ahead says the lord father i loose this to them now in jesus mighty name amen and amen god bless you both amen did i give you a book did i did i give you the book oh they're very good okay all right very good he's even going to read it hallelujah that's even better you know some people just take the book and lay it on their head thinking they can get the full impartation you know from what they have well we were here i was here uh july of 2019 and i ministered a message on friday night that was entitled from survival to revival little did we know we were getting ready to go into survival see now this is the thing about the prophetic as we get this great word and we have no idea what's getting ready to happen right but the lord was warning us listen you're going to go into a season of time that's going to feel like a time of survival but what god's saying is that he's going to set you up for a time of revival listen let me just say this it's good to survive it is good to survive the word survival means to keep going even though all hell is broken loose can i say hell here okay bishop hammond likes to say when you're going through hell don't stop just keep going but the lord was telling us he was going to take us out of survival and to bring us into revival and i feel like the lord is saying even to the church in california the lord says i've heard your cries for justice and the lord says i've heard your cries even to come out of that place of lockdown and limitation but the lord says the very things that tried to shut you down and shut you up have actually fueled a fire inside of my people says the lord it's actually fueled a fervor in the hearts of my remnants says god and the lord says truly i'm going to bring the church in california out of a place of slumbering into a place of being fully awake says god and the lord said did i not promise that i would bring california into a new day well what precedes a new day but a time of night do not be afraid of the night for the lord says it is in the night that i begin to set up a plan in motion that begins to expose the plans of wickedness that i begin to expose the things that have been done in darkness to prepare my people to arise into the new day says god for surely there is a new day that is coming upon california and the lord says even as the people have said enough is enough the lord says so i have said enough is enough and the lord says i am moving on your behalf and i am raising up a remnant army in this state that is tired of religion that is tired of going through the motions that is tired of just sitting back and doing church as normal the lord says i am igniting a fire in a revivalist generation and the lord says that i am fanning that fire into full flame the lord says watch and see because i'm going to take your trials and turn them into a triumph i'm going to take your opposition and i'm going to turn it into opportunity says the spirit of god the lord says i have not forgotten the promises that i have made to this state i have not forgotten the promises in the birthplace of azusa street i have not forgotten the promises to the state that birthed the jesus movement i have not forgotten my promises to this state and it seems like the enemy has overtaken and won many victories it seems like jezebel has gone unchallenged but the spirit of the lord says i have been positioning angel armies in this season of time and i am sending angels down to begin to uncover the corruption to begin to expose the wickedness and i am giving the enemy just enough rope to hang himself [Applause] so the lord says this is not a time for woe is me the lord says this is a time for celebration this is the time to break off the limitation this is a time to let the roar in the hearts and the lives of my people begin to rise says the spirit of god for i've heard your prayers and i'm moving heaven and earth on your behalf because i will have california [Applause] i will have california i will have california and it will be a state of revivalists and reformers that will change not just the state but the nation says god i am fighting for you says god i am fighting for my church in california i am fighting for the remnant in california i am fighting for your house in california break off the chains of hopelessness and despair and release a shout of triumph to your god because i am moving on your behalf says the lord yes matter of fact would you guys just mind standing together just i want to do something corporately and then we'll actually read a scripture okay hallelujah listen i did a study a couple weeks ago on what happens when we shout like a shout of triumph scientifically do you want to hear some science listen god said god said shout out to god with a voice of triumph if he's going to tell us to shout with a voice of triumph he must know there's something that happens not just to him but for us so listen to this scientists have proven that when we shout with a shout of joy or a sound of triumph um that it actually releases endorphins in your body which is the feel-good hormone and it actually physically combats the effects of stress anxiety and fear that's the first thing that happens the second thing that happens is they say that when you shout together in a group like say at a football game or you know something else they say that what it does is it breeds a connectedness and a camaraderie that isn't accomplished any other way think of a band of brothers going out to a battlefield and charging a line they don't do it quietly they shout they charge and they shout together or a football team when they're lined up they shout together as they as they charge their opponent and they say that it actually breaks the effects of isolation come on shouting together connects us the third thing that happens the third thing that happens is that they they have actually measured the physical strength of athletes and they say when an athlete shouts it actually increases the strength of the athlete have you ever watched tennis and they make that annoying sound every time they hit the ball have you all seen that okay you know what they've determined that they've measured the grip strength with a shout and without a shout and when they shout the same time they're hitting the ball their grip strength is 10 stronger so literally so it combats stretch the stress and anxiety it breaks the effects of isolation and it increases our strength all right so we're going to do some good old therapy here and we're going to shout out to god with the voice of triumph now what happens spiritually is that when we shout unto god it actually said that god arises amid shout to praise so when we shout god rises up picture god up on his throne all kicked back watching the worship service down at whittier but when we start to shout god goes oh wait let me see what's happening down there come on and then it says this let god arise and his enemies be scattered come on honey now listen i heard psalms 24 very clear over this house and god that's made this decree through my wife that says the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof california is mine god's saying it belongs to jesus and it says what lift up your heads oh ye gates he's speaking as if we're not talking some iron gates somewhere we're talking about you lift up your head and what's the greatest gate god ever gave is that little slit in the middle of your face between your nose and your chin called your mouth and when you begin to open up your mouth that gate begins to open prepare the way for god to begin to be loosed into the region into the city into the state and so we're lifting up our heads and we're saying king of glory come in the lord strong and mighty in battle who is this king of glory the lord of the angel armies let's begin to lift up our voice begin to open up our gates lift up your head lift up and shout oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of glory yes lord yes lord yes lord coming to california come in the windier come into los angeles come into san francisco come into sacramento come along the coast go into the desert go into the wine country go into the places that need you most now now now in jesus name hey hallelujah oh amen [Music] we lift up our voice let the king of glory come in to california oh [Applause] yes hallelujah let me say this we we started the week in pensacola florida which is the westernmost part of the state of florida now the panhandle of florida is actually the earliest western civilization in this nation it actually predates jamestown by almost 50 years it's an ancient gate pensacola was the first um the first establishment the first colony here in america i'm bringing this up because during worship when i was there the lord posed a question to me and he said who is guarding the west gate and that was the west gate of the state of florida at the west gate right this is the west gate now what was really interesting is that when i wha what would a normal prophet do google who is guarding the west gate yes profits google okay and you know what i found out who is guarding the west gate is actually a part of the initiation of freemasonry so who's been guarding the west gate not the church uh-oh how many hear say i will guard the west gate come on come on god is looking yeah for an ecclesia that will rise up that will begin to take territorial dominion in the west we break that masonic spirit so we do right now we come against that assignment of witchcraft that assignment of satanism that assignment to try to even be birth the church of satan in this west gate but we decree now that the christ anointing is coming up and arising against the antichrist spirit that wants to arise in the west gate and we declare we're taking our place at the gate and we're raising up the garden for the king of glory yes hallelujah lift up your heads [Music] and the king of glory shall come hallelujah hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey look at your neighbor look at your neighbor as we do this [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] come on let's give the lord a big shout out one more sound [Music] [Applause] those three things that you said took place god will begin to release joy into the house of the lord in california the joy is coming back and the grief is being broken now in jesus name the isolation is being broken and the walls are beginning to fall like never before and the strength of the lord is arising in the house of the lord in this state give another shout to the king hey [Music] yes lord and the lord of the angel armies the angels i saw them marching over los angeles the city of angels as we were making that decree michael and all of the hosts of heaven begin to say now we can move even at the release of the ecclesia and the shout of the lord and the shout of the king we cannot be cursed because the shout of the king is in the house of god yes now i want you to turn to your neighbor and what we're gonna do is we're gonna give one another oh can we do this y'all care we're gonna give each other a high five you know what it says when they came out of egypt they came out with a high hand oh come on they were coming out a high hand of victory looks like this come on trying to give somebody a hug say we're coming out there's victory in the camp joy in the house joy in the house joy in the house joy in the house joy in the house joy in the house joy in the house enjoying the house joining the house joining the house they're joining the house enjoying the house enjoying the house enjoy your house [Applause] to hopelessness they enjoy the house they join the house they join the house they're enjoying the house they're doing house [Music] shake off the heaviness shake off the grease [Music] off that heaviness shake off the heaviness shake off the heaviness shake off that heaviness shake off that heaviness shake off that heaviness shake off that heaviness shake off that heaviness shake off that heaviness [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey all right let's give the lord one last shout hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Applause] don't you feel better [Music] hey man amen [Music] hey man [Music] hallelujah amen it's good to be at regency it's good to be at regency yeah yeah hallelujah y'all sit down hallelujah there was revival going on in that you know what revival mean it means to bring dead things back to life come on god was reviving us psalms 85 verse 6 actually says lord revive us again i know you will you're going to give us a fresh start and renew us in joy how many felt renewed enjoy tonight amen listen when i was here last i gave a prophetic word over over california and i and i said this those of you that were here might remember me saying that the first thing that i said was to tell people and i tell them this all over the country i tell them quit cursing california quit saying things like it's going to fall into the ocean or quit saying crazy things like that god loves california we need to be praying for california and then i began to prophesy some things over southern california about revival i don't know how many of you were here and remembered that what was so interesting is that last year i met a young lady by the name of jesse green how many of you know who jesse green is jesse green um actually was the spearhead of something that came to be known last year as the huntington beach revival now listen to this this is so fascinating because when i met her she and her husband um their their leaders here in southern california and of course last summer all the churches were locked down right and so what they did is they took a worship team out to huntington beach they set up a platform and they just would go down there and rock out for jesus worshiping the lord praising jesus and suddenly hundreds of people then thousands of people started showing up in huntington beach on the weekends and what ended up happening did y'all know this was going on so what ended up happening is that they would give altar calls people would get saved right there they take them straight out into that cold pacific ocean and baptize them as soon as they get saved and what was so interesting is that somebody that was here that night sent jesse um the uh the prophecy that i gave over the la basin over this la area and what was interesting is that the la times did an article on the huntington beach revival and they actually didn't quote the prophecy i gave but they used word for word lines that were given in the prophecy that was released here in july of 2019. the la times was repeating what god said [Applause] now you know that's jesus right come on god began to break out of the typical ways that we've thought about revival and he began to say don't put me in a box don't put me in a place where i have to do it the way i did at azusa or i have to do it the way i did in the jesus movement god is saying i am going to do a new thing and you don't even know what it looks like so let me tell you a couple of other crazy revival stories that happened in 2020 how many remember of course everybody remembers the death of george floyd in minneapolis well what you may not know is that living just about three blocks away from that spot that george floyd died um there was a young man whom god had relocated from uh uh from north carolina a young african american preacher by the name of joshua giles and joshua giles moved up to very cold minneapolis and he wondered many times did i actually hear god because it's very cold and he was still in the formative stages of actually starting his church well when that happened with george floyd he just felt to go down there and stand and pray on the spot that george floyd lost his life and after a couple days of praying over that area and of course people were coming in protesters were coming in all kinds of stuff was stirring up the lord told them i don't want you just to go and pray i want you to go down there and begin to preach the gospel so he started going down and god started sending some other revivalists down and right on the place that george floyd lost his life and sparked all the protests across the nation that young man started preaching the gospel he started moving in the gifts of the spirit on that street corner he started calling out muslims and telling them what was going on in their life and that jesus the prophet was speaking to them muslims started getting saved uh protesters started getting saved people that came down that were just that were just you know just wanted to come down and look at what was going on they started getting saved so many people started getting saved that they erected a baptismal tank right on the spot that george floyd lost his life and they were getting people saved and baptizing them right there on the spot and let me tell you hundreds of people came into the kingdom on the very site that george floyd lost his life come on revival's going to look different in the coming days so let me tell you another one come on do y'all like this so let me tell you about a bar owner on bourbon street y'all know bourbon street don't pretend like you don't know bourbon street okay there was a bar owner on bourbon street and he was going through a personal crisis decided to take a few days away and while he went away he had an encounter with jesus and gave his heart to the lord a bar owner can jesus save a bar owner yes so he thought and he said to the lord well lord i guess i'm gonna have to sell my bar and the lord said no wait i have need of your bar i just felt all the religious spirits run out the door okay and so he invited a young worship leader by the name of chris burns and every night they do worship sets in a bar on bourbon street it's a bar that's now called sinners and saints and they do worship sets and they preach the gospel and they give salvation invitations in a bar on bourbon street and when people give their hearts to jesus they don't just let them go out the door they have this little platform that they walk up three steps and they've got a baptismal tank right there so when they come in and they give their lives to jesus in a bar on bourbon street they also get baptized that exact same night come on guys we've got to be ready god may use you to spark revival right where you live right where you work because god this next revival is not just going to be driven by platforms it's going to be initiated by people come on by people everywhere we go god's saying i want to put a spirit of revival on you i don't just want to do revival i want you to be revival look at your neighbor and say be revival now listen what's interesting is that this year is on the hebraic calendar we just came into a brand new hebrew year it's the year 5782 how many follow this anybody here follow this okay so we've just come through rosh hashanah and through uh the feast of trumpets and through the day the the day of atonement and all of that okay so and and tabernacles so i think we're still in tabernacles is that right are we still in tabernacles is it over i don't know it's close to over yeah anyway so 5782 um i'll share a couple things about that but let me just say this last saturday night i was at home and i was thinking about the this new year and this new season hebraically that we're in and i just thought you know i and i felt like to go look up the number 5782 in my strongs y'all know what a strong's is it's where you go and you look up hebrew and greek okay so i just opened up my concordance and i looked at the number 5782 and it's the word er i know that doesn't bless you but let me tell you what it means okay listen listen to what the the number the strong's number for this year actually means it means to open up the eyes it means to awaken it means to lift up to raise up and to stir up come on can god speak to us through a strong's number come on i believe god is telling us it's time for us to awaken amen it's time for us to be stirred up and to awaken now in the midst of this awakening i believe that there's a lot of shaking there's a whole lot of shaking going on right and so in the midst of this time where we're talking about revival i believe that we're in a time of awakening now uh when i was a little girl i had three brothers so i was blessed to always get my own room no matter where we moved to i had my own room and so i slept in my room by myself and my dad would come in to wake me up in the morning and what he would do is he would quietly open my bedroom door he would step into my room and he would make this really horrible loud whistle i can't make it who can do it who can make i feel the trauma just when you do that okay i feel it just go through me and i would sit up in my bed and i would say i'm awake i'm awake and then as soon as he closed the door i would snuggle back down under the covers okay because i'm one of those guys one of those those girls that believes the last 10 minutes in bed are the most comfortable 10 minutes in bed okay do i get an amen for that from anybody okay i see that hand i see that hand okay all right so but here's what would happen is that if if i fell back asleep my dad would listen at the door of my room and if he didn't hear movement how many know that if we're really awake there should be movement if he didn't hear movement what he would do next is he would quietly open my door again but this time he didn't whistle this time when he came into my room he would move very quickly he would strip the covers off the off of my feet i know it's child abuse right i learned to wake up to the whistle right well this is what i heard the lord say the lord said covid was the whistle and there's shaking coming lock the doors don't let anybody out the news does get better okay the lord said two months ago when i was praying he said listen tell the people that they're shaking that's coming but tell them the shaking is not going to be their breaking the shaking is going to be their making the church needs to hear this okay and the lord took me to i'm going to read your scripture just so that some of y'all will feel like we've been in church okay hebrews chapter 12 starting in verse 25 and this is honestly where i really feel like we are and what's happening right now in the world i'm going to give you a little bit of prophetic perspective and then i promise you before we leave here tonight you're going to have so much hope so much expectation for what god is doing okay it puts into perspective what god is doing how many believe that god knows what's happening all right all right so let me read you i'm reading out of the passion translation okay it says this starting in verse 25 it says make very sure that you never refuse to listen to god when he speaks i could just stop right there and say amen and that would be the word of wisdom to every one of us tonight right make very sure that you never refuse to listen to god when he speaks for the god who spoke on earth from sinai is the same god who now speaks from heaven those who heard him speak his living word on earth found nowhere to hide so what chance is there for us to escape if we turn our backs on god and refuse to hear his warnings as he speaks from heaven the earth was rocked at the sound of his voice from the mountain but now every say now now he has promised once and for all i will not only shake the systems of this world but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm if you want to know what's happening right now god is shaking the systems of this world and he is also shaking the unseen powers in the heavenly realm do not think for a minute that the devil is winning do not think for a minute that god is at a loss to know what to do don't think for a minute that god doesn't hear the cries of his people don't think for a minute that god doesn't hear the remnant's call god is shaking king james says everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken will remain this says it this way now this phrase once and for all clearly indicates the final removal of things that are shaking that is the old order so only what is unshakable will remain since we are receiving our rights to an unshakable kingdom i love that verse since we are receiving our rights you know what this word receiving our rights means it's the word para lambano para lambano i taught you about lambano last time i was here right lambano we lay hold of it you know what this actually means this actually means to take your office as the ecclesia and dispense your duties dispense your official duties as the ecclesia as the governmental spiritual legislating power in the earth since we are taking our office as the ecclesia to dispense the duties of the kingdom of the unshakable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer god the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender does that sound like a god that was taken by surprise with covet 19 listen i want to share with you my prophetic perspective y'all want to hear it can i can i step onto the floor is that all right i never know with um cameras and such is that all right cameraman camera woman can't i can't see you okay all right thumbs up okay so i'm going to take you on a little prophetic journey to understand a little perspective on what's happening 2019 my husband and i were in seoul korea somehow we drew the straw to go to very cold seoul korea every january okay while i was there i had a dream in the dream i was i had a sword in my hand and i was battling a seven-headed dragon you can see the seven-headed dragon in the book of revelation you can see it in the book of psalms described as leviathan different the many had a dragon but i was battling this seven-headed dragon and i had the ch the uh korean church who are praying people they were standing at my back they were praying as i was fighting okay and i was fighting in the dream one head of the dragon okay and as i fought this one head of the dragon the church surged in prayer and i swung my sword and i took one head of the dragon off yay but there's six more heads okay so as i went to battle the next head the first head grew back so it was obviously an unbeatable foe right there's no way i'm gonna win this even with the prayers but then in the dream it was like something happened that actually got the attention of the entire world january 2019 got the attention of the entire world and the entire world started praying about this battle with the dragon when the entire world engaged and we know there's been a lot of global prayer that's gone on during this time when the entire world engaged i saw the hand of the lord come out of heaven i didn't see anything but his hand with a sword and i saw his hand come out of heaven and just go take off all seven heads and just to make sure he was really dead it's like have you read when david killed goliath it says he slung the stone and hit him in the head and he died and then it said he went and got his sword and cut off his head and he died again okay he's like really dead okay so just to make sure he says that the i saw the hand of the lord with a lance and the lord drove the lance into the heart of the dragon welcome to my dream life okay uh and when the lord pulled the lance out a billion soul harvest spilled out of the heart of the dragon what was very interesting is when covid hit last year i was sharing this you all know becca greenwood because she was here i was sharing this on a prayer call and becca said you know that's very fascinating because a couple years ago i was in china and i was working with a lot of the chinese church leaders and we were mapping spiritually mapping china and spiritually mapping the effect of the dragon spirit in china because if you've been over to the far east you know that there's it's all controlled by this dragon spirit it's very occultic spirit and she said the interesting thing about what you're saying is that several years ago when we mapped china we determined that the heart of the dragon was located in a then little known to the western world little known city that's called wuhan when we actually see in psalms 51 when god is talking about a awake a waco arm of the lord and break to pieces rahab rahab was not the harlot rahab was a dragon spirit that was in egypt and it was actually his his classification was that rahab was called the god of chaos the god of chaos and destruction i'm going to weave a little weave a little thread here okay so the lord told me that when we came into kova that the lord was going to take us out of crisis into a mighty comeback but it was going to come through contending come on it's not just going to happen it's going to be as god's people rise up and begin to contend so last august when i was in a time of prayer at our church the lord said three things to me which really got my attention in light of what i just told you he said to me last august august of 2020 he said tell the people of god chaos is getting ready to increase yay actually said lord that's not that's not an encouraging word okay and the lord said but the next thing you need to tell them is that i'm going to use chaos to strip off the covering that has hidden corruption i'm gonna use chaos to strip things script strip the covering off and then the third thing he said to me was he's i heard him say it three times he said then tell them the god of peace is rising the god of peace is rising the god of peace is rising he said it three times and of course that refers to romans 16 20 which declares and the god of peace will soon crush satan underneath your feet come on the god of peace will soon crush satan underneath your feet and when i started thinking about the god of peace i thought about isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 which declares his name shall be called wonderful say with me counselor mighty god everlasting father the what prince of peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end so i thought about the phrase prince of peace in hebrew it's the phrase sar shalom say it with me sar shalom sar is the word for prince here's what it does not mean it does not mean one that sits on the throne wearing a crown and a lovely robe waving at the crowd okay no no no this word sar listen to what it means one who wrestles one who wars one who governs and one who rules let me say that again one who wrestles come on how many understand god is wrestling for us one who wars he's fighting for us in this season one who governs and one who rules and then of course we know the word shalom right it's a jewish greeting means peace but it means more than peace it means tranquility it means rest it means prosperity it means to have favor with god and favor with man it means wholeness it means completion what is he warning for he's warned for all those things but what was so interesting is that the very weak the lord spoke this to me we were on a zoom call how many have done zoom calls my husband says god is a consuming fire okay so okay [Laughter] we were on a zoom call with one of our bible college teachers from over 40 years ago and we were i was telling him what the lord had said to me and he said you know that's so interesting because i was just meeting with some hebraic scholars this week and our discussion was about this word shalom now here is where it gets good i mean it's been good right but i mean here's where it really gets interesting is that he said they were telling me the hebrew scholars were telling me that there's a deeper meaning that the rabbis recognize about the word shalom in hebrew shalom is actually written with four hebrew letters every letter in hebrew has a word picture associated with it for example this year is the year bait spelled b-e-t but it's bait and it literally refers to the house the house of the lord okay because it looks like a house so this is what they said they said when you look at the word picture of the four letters that are used to spell shalom the deeper meaning of the word peace or shalom is this peace comes when you destroy the authority of chaos and we have our assignment everywhere we go our job is to destroy the authority of chaos everywhere we go we have the the the mandate to destroy chaos over our children's lives to destroy chaos over our financial lives come on to destroy chaos over our cities come on chaos over our state chaos over our nation come on god is speaking to his church and saying i don't just need a group of worshipers listen god's got angels around his throne that do nothing but praise him 24 7 crying holy holy holy doesn't mean he doesn't love our worship but what god is looking for is an ekklesia who is a ruling governing body that says we will rise up and we will begin to destroy the authority of chaos every place we see it happen and we will partner with the king of kings we will partner with the god of peace that's why it says the god of peace will soon crush satan underneath our feet come on i've had a few more dreams i'll tell you one more june of this year june 4th i'm looking at him like he knows he looked at me like june the 4th i had a i had a vision actually and in this vision i could see the lord roaring and he was roaring from the east coast and the and the sound of his roar reverberated all the way across america and it was just like as he roared the entire nation shook new york city shook washington shook and honestly when i saw it it was a little terrifying but as as his voice began to shake the nation i knew that god was saying watch and see what i do well let me let me back up and first of all just say this is that in january and january the 4th we were meeting with all of our watchmen intercessors like our core team of intercessors and we were asking the lord what are you saying right now and i heard the lord say this and i wrote it down on my notepad as i heard him speak it the lord said tell my people i'm up to something i leaned in thinking he was going to tell me what he was up to and he did not but i knew how he said it i knew the lord was saying you're gonna have to trust me and my people are gonna have to trust me in this season now more than any before ever before he was saying your government's not going to save you your economy is not going to save you your military's not going to save you the scientists aren't going to save you a man who shall remain nameless is not going to save you [Music] you're gonna have to set your eyes on me you're gonna have to trust me that i'm up to something you're gonna have to put your trust in me as never before you're gonna have to get eyes locked on the savior and know that he's the only one that can save us see i believe that the lord has made a decree over america that america shall be saved i believe that that's god's response that was a dream from gina golson that god had very very clearly decreed that america shall be saved and we've been saying that but understand something there's gonna have to be a whole lot of shaking going on for america to be saved so back to my vision of the lion and i saw the lion roaring over america and as the lion roared over america the whole thing just started to shake and i saw congregations like this one lifting their hands and just worshiping god with all their might all their might just worshiping him during this time and as these people were just lifting up their voices and shouting and worshiping the lord it was like our voice our faces our mouths turned into lion's mouth and literally it was this roar that started coming out of the church this roar that started coming out of the people of god it wasn't a uh it wasn't a religious happy sound it was a sound that was crying out roaring against injustice roaring against corruption roaring against darkness roaring against the antichrist agenda come on there's been an antichrist agenda in this thing from the first moment listen what was the first thing they did is they shut down everything including churches because the enemy knew if i could break the churches apart and keep the people of god from assembling i can begin to implement my plan come on nobody felt that more than california [Music] come on ha ha ha devil how many of you got a little angry come on you know what's happening there was something awakening in the church and when this roar started coming out of the church maybe it was against certain injustice and certain policies but i'm telling you what god was doing was he was awakening his people he was reminding people listen it's not just hang out it's not just social club when we gather there is power that happens when the people of god get together and when the people of god come together to pray when the people of god come together to worship there is a synergistic effect that happens in the spirit that matches no other force on earth let me tell you what happened when when the roar of the lion started coming out of the people of god it was again this place where what i saw in my vision was i saw this covering of darkness this cloak of darkness that's been on the nation begin to be stripped off and i saw interestingly i saw newscasters news people speaking the truth [Music] and it was like as it came out of their mouth it was like they were looking at their mouths going i can't believe i just said that but i don't mean to be irreverent in the middle of a vision from the lord but you know what it made me think of it made me think of an old movie please don't think i'm unsaved when i tell you this movie but it was a movie called liar liar with jim carrey and it was like suddenly he could not tell a lie and this is what began to happen throughout the media it was like no matter how much they tried to lie they had to tell the truth [Music] come on can god cause the those that are in opposition to his will to actually be put in a position where they are snared by the words of their own mouths and the lord led me to joel chapter 3 verse 16 which says this the lord shall roar from zion you know who zion is yes i know that it has a reference to israel as well the lord shall roar from zion and utter his voice before jerusalem listen to this the heavens and the earth will shake the same heavens and earth that we just read about in hebrews chapter 12 the heavens and the earth will shake but the lord will be a shelter for his people the lord will be another translation says hope for his people listen to this that word shelter or hope is a hebrew word that means this the lord will be a protection against storms against trouble and against falsehood tom's brother tim apostle tom's brother tim did a great study years ago about why a lion roars and he said he did this study about african lions because bishop loves lions you all know that right so by the way bishop is 87 traveling all over the country he's going to be here at pastor ramon and pastor aurora's church emanuel and aurora they're going to be at their church where is that covina first weekend in november bishop's going to be coming 87 years old let me just tell you he he's not wasting any time he's going right for the jugular for the enemy these days okay he bishop hammond and all of us we had coveted together last year and uh we're from going from survival to revival that's right we we're we're all fine bishop did fine um but this is why i said this is why dr tim said lions roar number one a lion will roar over his territory and what he's saying when he roars is this land is mine now think about the vision i just had of jesus roaring from the east coast all the way through the west coast this land is mine [Music] number two these are mine he roars over his family come on so there's a roar inside of you i'm not saying go home and roar at your kids okay okay don't don't do that people think you're a little screwy okay but we may do it here in church okay he's saying these are mine this is my family i'm going to roar over those that belong to me and the third reason that a lion roars is to tell every intruder every rogue lion every interloper you better back off so when i see jesus roaring over america i hear the lord saying this land is mine it belongs to me it's dedicated to me these people are mine the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and all they that dwell there and these people are mine and better enemy you better back off so they're shaking but i'm telling you we're in one of the greatest seasons i believe one of the greatest seasons coming into the greatest awakening this earth has ever seen all the shaking is just to wake us up because we didn't wake up to coven a few of us did but then it's really super easy to just go back to sleep pull the covers up over your head come on but this is the year 57 82 82 in hebrew is the year pay bait bait has to do with the house but it means it's two it's double pay is the word for mouth did you know that the 80 decade is all about the mouth all about what we speak all about what we're saying psalms 81 verse 10 passion translation says this this is another challenge lord's giving us he says this open your mouth with a mighty decree i will fulfill it now you'll see the words that you speak so shall it be when i read that it made me determine i was going to start speaking nicer to my thighs you know if words create my goodness what have i been creating with my words bless my thighs lord now listen this is a this is a decade of our mouth do you know something i believe our breakthrough is voice activated believe our miracles are voice activated and i want to encourage you in this season one of the ways that we war a warfare is by opening up our mouths come on you can't even speak in tongues without opening up your mouth try it try it right now just try it no you can't do it right you can't shout without opening up your mouth even the word meditate in hebrew is a word that means to murmur something under your breath out loud so what we have to do is we need to pick up the word read the word out loud we need to make some decrees we need to start decreeing some things into the heavens you shall decree a thing it will be established for you so light will shine on your way in the midst of all the darkness we gotta start saying what god says it's the decade of the mouth you add a two to it and that means there's double portion anointing as a matter of fact if you look up the phrase double portion in hebrew it is the phrase in hebrew double pay [Music] double pay twice the power and what's coming out of our mouths double portion year double pay now let me just illustrate this for you at the end of 2019 i don't know if i was talking about it when i was here in july did i talk to you about super bloom okay let me tell you again because i'm gonna tell you what happened about midway through 2019 i heard a uh a british prophet mentioned super bloom from the perspective of what happened in world war one in in uh belgium in the area that we call flanders and have you ever heard flanders field it's the place where there was trench warfare and tanks and lots of blood lots of death and the boots marching across this field that ended up agitating the soil and after the war was over it sprung up a field of poppies have you ever seen this picture of just a field of poppies and something about what she said just grabbed a hold of me and i started studying this concept of super bloom and if you think about what a super bloom is here in california i think you've experienced a super bloom previous to this season it was about once every 15 years to have a full super bloom but i think you've had a super bloom four out of the last five years is that right four out of the last five years so let me explain a super bloom too and i'm gonna i'm gonna bring this to understand what god's asking of us so on in the desert when the seeds for the flowers blow across the desert floor and the conditions are not ripe for that seed to take root what happens to that seed is it works its way down into the cracks and the crevices of the desert and it lays in the ground dormant not dead dormant waiting to be awakened now what is that seed that we're talking about prophetically it's the prophecies you've received it's what god has spoken prophetically over this state it's what god has spoken prophetically over our nation it's the promises god has made it's financial seeds you've sown that maybe you haven't seen your return on yet and that's those seeds of promise have worked their way down and they're laying dormant in the ground waiting for something to come and agitate the ground now what that something might be could be a fire california fires could be a flood could be extreme heat could be extreme cold could be an earthquake y'all had some of all that you are an exciting place to live okay what is yeah y'all didn't get hurricanes though do you no see the real sinners get i heard that from over here the real sinners get the hurricanes okay so all those seeds are laying in the ground waiting for something to come and agitate the soil well i don't know of two more agitating years then 2020 and 2021. [Music] so you want to know something else that came along last year right before we went into covid lockdown on february the 20th 2020 the dead sea region of israel how many have ever been to the dead sea region of israel it is the brownest driest most desert barren land that you'll ever see the dead sea region of israel for the first time in recorded history had a superbloom [Music] all those dry baron hills were riotous colors reds and oranges and purples and and yellows all this green grass and the mountains were thriving in the dead sea area now if that's not a prophetic picture i don't know what is guess what i was just in tucson arizona and while i was in tucson arizona last month they have brown brown brown barren dry hills how many have ever been to tucson now know what i'm talking about you know what when i was there those mountains were as green as the hills in vermont they're having a super bloom god's sending us signs so we started decreeing super bloom back in 2019 we came into 2020 we saw this phenomenal display signed from the lord and you know what we said we're like god's continuing to decrease super bloom then march happened and we went into covet lockdown you know what we said to our church we said don't doubt in the dark what you heard in the light in other words if god said it when everything was going good he said it for the purpose of when everything wasn't going so good the same things that god was saying to you in january of 2020 that we're full of hope and full of vision god wants you to remember what he said to you before coppit lockdown because he's saying i haven't changed my mind you need to begin to take those prophecies war a warfare with those prophecies stand on the promises of god and believe and expect to see those things come to pass so this is how we positioned ourselves as a church in the last now we're a congregation of about 300 i don't know how many families but that's about how many people show up when you count men women and children and animals if they show up okay okay sometimes they do show up okay um we have about 300 people in our church since coveted lockdown we've had 32 families buy new homes we have seen every business in our church hit record numbers some of them have expanded and have started new businesses in addition to the businesses that they have we're seeing miracles and families we're seeing an unprecedented presence of the lord we had the strongest financial year i think our church maybe has ever had super blown that wasn't just a word for our church that was a word to the body how many think maybe there's a super bloom for you anybody have some things you haven't seen fulfilled yet anybody see have some promises that you know god that it's not dead it's just dormant come on so as i wrap this up and we'll minister to some of you oh good lord i've been talking a long time sorry we ward and danced and prophesied for a while where are y'all going to go right so in in may of this year we went and we prayed over a business um the number one nutritional company in in america today it's a called ancient nutrition some of you might know the the owners are a man named jordan rubin he wrote he wrote the makers diet and josh axe who has um the ancient nutrition products and stuff anyway they're spirit-filled believers and they said you know what we need to gather some prophets to prophesy into our business what a great idea huh so we and several other prophets flew up there and one of the prophetic words we gave to them was that this was going to be a double portion year for them a double portion season you know what it's very easy to just hear a word but are we warring are we contending with the prophetic words that god's given to us so i have a little video and it's got sound so if you guys don't mind turning that sound up and we're gonna let you guys hear this and then i'll come right back this is a very unique miracle video what you're looking at are six eggs six duck eggs we've been consuming duck eggs for three years they are super nutrient dense in fact they have as much as eight times the vitamin b12 of chicken eggs they have more of almost every nutrient primarily because of the yolk now i'm showing you these duck eggs for a reason over the last three years i've estimated that i've cracked eight thousand duck eggs and all that time i have witnessed one double yolk where you have one egg with two yolks in it there's a one in one thousand chance of having a double yolk in a chicken egg i think a duck egg the odds are even greater what you're witnessing is six eggs from a dozen the first six eggs each produced a double yolk the odds of one dozen eggs each containing a double yolk is one thousand trillion so one and one thousand trillion odds of getting 12 eggs in a row with double yolks this happened about a watch and see what we've got here now what's miraculous about this is i'm believing that these double yolks symbolize a double portion of the anointing so i'm gonna go ahead and separate these eggs i don't know what's in here obviously but i'm believing that this is gonna be another double yolk and it is so this is the seventh in a row from this dozen see how there are two yolks fused together i'm separating them there you see a double yolk this would be number eight and it's another double yolk i'm literally blown away one out of a thousand chance to get one double yolk in eight thousand duck eggs that i've cracked i have seen in the last three years one double yolk right there that's two and this really represents eight watch this i just believe it's gonna be another double and it is so we are literally seeing something that's probably now incalculable in terms of how rare you can see them all in this one bowl and that one's even separated this is literally representing i believe a double portion of anointing here's another one and i'm taking it for granted now i just literally have faith that every egg i crack is gonna be a double yolk again i'm trying to separate these i'm using the egg yolks for a recipe there you go you can see two four six eight eight yolks and four eggs here's another one one out of a thousand chance and another double yolk i am literally blown away here this is absolutely amazing this is probably defying almost every odd you can think of this is it this will be 1 000 trillion if this is a double yoke and it is look at that two completely separate yolks from one egg i don't know what else to say other than that was six eggs those are 12 egg yolks and as i told you the previous six eggs from this very dozen were each double yolks that is 12 eggs in a row from a full dozen with 24 yolks is that cold what's really cool is that in the next three weeks they cracked 144 double yolk eggs and they raised water buffalo because the meat of the water buffalo is more more nourishing than um than beef and one of their water buffalo gave birth to twins how many think god's up to something come on can you believe with me that in the midst of all of this shaking that god has a divine plan and a divine purpose that god wants to cause a super bloom of his promises a super bloom of his prophetic purposes a super bloom of destiny that needs to be stirred up in the hearts and the lives of the church we're gonna believe for a double portion anointing and for a super bloom anointing being stirred up upon you and that we're gonna believe that god's gonna give you the strength to contend and to destroy the place of chaos in your life that's trying to come against your family that's tried to come against your business or your ministry whatever it is i just believe that god is getting ready to breathe on us in a whole new way and cause a super bloom to happen that where the enemy tried to create a desert god is beginning to create a super bloom of anointing so could we stand together and i'm gonna ask my husband to come and just pray we're gonna pray in the spirit together for just a moment and we're gonna just begin to just stir ourselves up come on just open up your hearts open up your spirit man right now father in the name of jesus we begin to release the atmosphere of faith in this house and in this region for this season god we begin to open up the heavens as we begin to pray in the holy spirit open the heavens god open the heavens god rain down righteousness rain down father we decree right now lift up both your hands that it's the season of the double that's the seeds that you're going to begin to bring an increase exponentially god is the season of the super bloom anointing beginning to be that which is in the midst of agitation it's gonna bring a production that we've never seen before we decree oh god it's a time that you're gonna bring an exponential increase upon our seat oh god that there's going to be a release that's going to take us to a whole new level father we lose the super bloom come on decree it we loose the super blue we loose the super bloom we loose the super bloom in jesus name we lose the double portion and the increase only you can do god this is the season that you want to begin to blow our minds open up our spirits and take the limits off we decree the extravagant god is gonna do amazing things and we're gonna see it right now upon our families and father as we lift up our hands we come agreement in agreement now that no spirit of chaos no spirit of lawlessness no spirit and antichrist can withstand your hand can withstand your voice can we send what you want to do by the christ's anointing now in the name of jesus give a shout to the king of glory oh hallelujah [Music] you can be seated but let me just say this why else do you think god allowed california to have the super blooms [Music] number one california needed it as a sign but number two it speaks to the super bloom of prophetic promise for revival and awakening for this nation come on this state has birthed revival has birthed a move of the spirit has birthed an awakening and god was saying i'm going to take all your agitation i'm going to take all your frustration i'm going to take all the shaking that's been going on over this state and i am going to cause it to produce the greatest awakening the greatest revival the greatest harvest of souls the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit and the lord says do not look to the past do not look to the past to see what the future will look like dig the old wells but the lord says let me bring the revival because i'm raising up a revival generation and a reformers generation in this state that's going to shift everything when california shifts the whole nation will shift and the lord says the shifting has already begun says the lord come on give the lord a hand clap for that hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah father we just blessed pastor jody right now lord father right now in the name of jesus we come in agreement for the very things that have been decreed over your life even when you were young says the lord began to be a burning fire inside of you and you said god if i have to i'll lay down everything i'll follow you completely and you begin to even hear my voice and i begin to speak to you in very distinct and unique ways and there were things that you would say and you would hear it coming out of your mouth and you would say that's the word of the lord for surely i've caused you to be an artesian well i've caused you to be one that would dig deep and begin to open up things that had been shut down and so i've given you a word in due season at times you felt as if you were almost consumed by the things i put inside of you and i say son it's not just for you but it's that what you do as as you release me i'm gonna cause captives to be set free in fact i see very uh unique situations where god would give you opportunity to deal with very hard cases and be able to even contend for destinies and purposes and for ones that had been in captivity and the lord says son there's a sound and a song of deliverance that comes upon you and it is a mantle that has been placed upon your life and even though at times like joseph of old you almost thought is this a blessing or a curse it felt like uh oh this was great when it was a dream but now as i'm walking out this thing it feels like things have gone from bad to worse and the enemy tried to do everything he could to try to rob you of that coat of many colors that i placed upon your back and i said son you're favored i said son you're blessed i said son i'm gonna use you in the courts of men and i gotta cause your voice to have influence for me in seasons and of great needs says the lord and so the enemy came to rip that coat off your back many times you thought i don't know uh even what i'm gonna do next because it felt like you had lost everything that you had worked so hard to receive but the lord said you've never been in the hand of man you've never been in the plan of man you've been in my heart says the lord and i have decreed over you again and again and you've lifted up your head and you've lifted up your hands and you've lifted up your voice for me says the lord and so you will see there's yet another move that i will do and i'm gonna the one that is the master chess player and i am right now positioning you even the things that the enemy could not see and you're gonna say check me i am there where i'm supposed to be and you're gonna stop the hand of hell working even in the land away it has maneuvered itself too because i am giving you the right moves says the lord and i'm going to use you in a powerful way and you're going to have the ear says the lord to be able to speak into issues that people that have been closed off because of what they thought naturally closed off even from the church and closed off from my work but i'm gonna begin to open their hearts in the midst of what they're walking through and you're going to have that word that's going to begin to loose them and cause our eyes to see says the lord you shall also speak in words even behind the scenes and the lord says judgment will flow righteously out of your mouth and i will deal and ones that have to will have to bow their knee whether they want to or not they're going to confess me and so i loose that mantle upon this man now in jesus name come on let's give that the lord a hand amen thank you lord join your hands father what are your names joshua and darlene father i bless joshua and darlene and the spirit of the lord says son and daughter you have built an altar for me says the lord you have made dedication to me you have made sacrifices to me says the lord of your time of your desire of your future even says the lord and the lord says even as you laid some things on the altar your isaac in your heart was even counted as gone and the lord says son and daughter i want you to know that this is a season that just the same way that i raised up isaac off the altar for abraham so the lord says son and daughter watch and see how i raise your isaac up in this season of time says god the lord says that even as you counted that isaac god even as you accounted that isaac even as a sacrifice to me the lord says what it actually did is it accelerated destiny it accelerated my plan and my purpose you are not stuck you are not on hold your destiny is not delayed the lord says that even when abraham did that the lord said to him now i know that you love me more than the promise now i know that you love me more even than that which i gave you and the lord said son and daughter i put you through the test of a lifetime and the lord says that that you weren't sure if you were going to come out of it on the other side but the lord said son and daughter i want you to know you passed the test and the same way that abraham even then stepped into the fullness of his destiny the lord says son and daughter you're going to experience the acceleration of my hand and my plan you're going to experience the acceleration of anointing you're going to experience the acceleration even even of the open doors and of opportunity so get ready son and daughter stay in unity it's the most important thing the lord saying stay in unity the lord says because wherever your prayers are in unity wherever you're in agreement your prayers will not be hindered the lord says a son and daughter keep your eyes on me stay connected to one another's heart write the vision make a decree says god and as you do you will begin to see the things that i promised you begin to come into view and the lord says that you're gonna find that it's a whole lot bigger than what you ever thought it was says god and now your hearts are humble but the lord says get ready son and daughter because i'm going to bring you in to the fulfillment of that which i put in your in your hearts says the spirit of god so lord i loose the anointing over them i thank you father god for the breath of heaven that's just breathing upon them now lord and i loosen over them now in jesus name in jesus name father i loose it now dreams and visions upon your daughter dreams and visions manifesting prophetic mantle being stirred up in her right now father god the anointing of the spirit right now god shukran revivalist anointing all over them father in jesus mighty name release it lord release it lord release it lord shot on what are your names dan natalie are you married gonna be married okay all right not yet though so father we bless daniel right now and the lord says son i want you to know that i have uh even stirred in your heart even the vision for the future and you knew that even what two years ago you knew that the level of commitment that you were in was not gonna cut it and the lord said son that i had to reach down and i put my hand on you and i began to challenge you son to step up to the plate in a new way i had to challenge you says the lord to let some old things die and to be willing to step into the new that i had for you says the lord i took you through what felt like a very painful process of letting go even of some things from the past and the lord said son it was all for this time it was all for this purpose it was all for the season the lord said son i tested you in every single area i tested you financially i tested you in your heart you felt like i was stripping things away from you but the lord said son what i was doing is i was emptying you out of you so that you could be filled with more of me because the lord said son i put a big vision in your heart i put a big dream in your heart and actually it was a dream that there was no way you were gonna accomplish by yourself and the lord said son i needed to empty you of you so that you could be filled up with more of me and so that you could make room for her [Music] she will be your double portion son [Music] and you're gonna say god all that i went through has been worth it because the blessing of the lord is going to overtake you and the lord just said i'm not just talking about wealth that's going to be part of it but the lord said son the lord says you're going to use your wealth for kingdom purposes you're going to be a man that knows how to take that which i've given to him and extend and expand the kingdom and the lord says get ready because you're going to begin to see uh doors of influence open to you your voice is going to have power your voice is going to have influence and and the lord says quit telling me all the reasons why that can't be so the lord says forget the things that are behind and reach forward to the things that are ahead father we loosen us over his life now in jesus name and father i thank you lord for his fiancee for natalie i thank you god for this woman lord that's called to stand by his side the lord says daughter you're going to learn what it means to actually become the prophetic intercessor that i've called you to be says the lord the lord says daughter there is a depth of revelation that comes to you there is a depth of understanding that begins to stir up in your heart but along with it comes a real place of wisdom and the lord says daughter i'm mantling you with wisdom for the days that are ahead that are going to partner with that prophetic revelation that's inside of you and the lord says daughter you're just going to know that you know that you know and the lord says daughter i want you to know that i've done an amazing work of healing in your heart because the enemy came in and wounded your heart he broke your heart and he made you feel like there would never be any full repair but the lord says daughter i don't just bind up a broken heart i completely heal as though it's never been broken and the lord says daughter that is restoration and the lord says daughter i'm going to use you to restore and to bring healing to the brokenhearted and to restore them as before says god and to release the shalom anointing of god you're going to help people to overcome chaos and the lord says daughter i'm going to give you discernment of where chaos is operating now lord i just thank you god for this anointed woman and for all that you have prepared for her father god and for that intercession god that rolls out of her father god that opens the heavens over her life and over the life of those that she loves lord i loose this over her now in jesus mighty name clap your hands for this couple amen [Music] what's your name father i thank you for this man for the anointing upon his heart and the lord says son i want you to know i have heard your cry and i have been at work even on the inside says the lord and you've said god i want these things to change and i said son i'm going to start with your heart i'm going to go deep and the lord says i even began to work in your innermost being with some of the issues that you walk through even when you were young and some of the things that you had done he said god how do i get past that and i said son i'm gonna cause you to be able to put the axe to the roof and i'm not only setting you free but i'm making you a freedom maker for me and i'm gonna show you how to deal with the enemy and be able to even break the assignments of the patterns and the fruit that he wants to bring and the lord says son if you've asked me for anything you've asked me for the power for transformation and the lord says you're gonna have even an impact upon your life even in this time that you're gonna recognize that i am well able and then i can do the things that man cannot in fact you watch as religion and the hand of man in psychology and thought uh that man thought he could do this or that and you've seen the futility and so i'm gonna give you my wisdom and every time you ask i'm gonna pour in more says the lord and you're gonna have the tools that you have need of and there's gonna be an anointing upon your life to be able to operate in the word of the lord and the freedom of my spirit and there's gonna be a grace upon you to break the patterns that have even gripped the hearts of many says the lord and there's a season even in their own brokenness i began to bring an openness to you to the new that i want to do and the lord says you're going to be one that will be used to break the back of a religious spirit in the assignments of hell that have tried to enter in to the path of many along their way and the lord says son this is a new day for you i don't want you to look back anymore but look even to me and i'm going to be the one that sets free and i'm gonna start even in some of the issues that you brought to me in this last season i see you coming to the altar i see the light and the brightness of god just renovating and even consuming the things that you've asked them to and there's going to be a fresh word and due season that's going to come out of your mouth and lord says i love you son and you're going to find that that truth is going to now resonate through you more than ever before you've been one that knows how to do and work and cold labor and be alongside and even do the things i've asked you to do but now it's gonna be fresh there's gonna be a wind at your back and there's gonna be a fire that's gonna begin to burn i lose that mantle of the holy spirit now to be real upon this man there's a renovation coming to your house says the lord let me rearrange let me re even ignite let me begin to release the light and i just see every bit of darkness that's around about you god says you're going to see things with a whole new view and it's almost like some tried to say you've got to say the emperor has clothes when he doesn't have any and the lord says you're going to look now and you're going to expose that which the enemy has tried to say that's a lie but you're going to open up now the brightness of hope and an opportunity to step in to the way that will be truly life and freedom and so i grace this man of god i lose his hands now to be the hands of deliverance i lose his heart now to come alive with a fresh start i lose his eyes now to see with the eyes of christ and i anoint the love of god to be a seal that burns deep inside of him and god he's even gonna go in some places that he would never thought he'd be able to and yet when he shows up he's gonna have the answer that comes from you give the lord a handclap of praise amen yes i want to minister to this family could i have mom and dad come on over here tell me your your names again fred and crystal that's right father i bless fred and crystal in this family and the spirit of the lord says son and daughter i want you to know you're not on hold you're not waiting for something says the lord the lord says that actually i would have you be in a very aggressive intentional positioning during this season the lord said i would have you ask i
Channel: Regency Church
Views: 308
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uEuwxgcv5gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 56sec (10676 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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