Jordan Klepper guest-hosts "The Daily Show"

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we are very excited about our next guest it's comedian Jordan klepper the latest guest host of The Daily Show that'll be starting tonight you know clever from two decades of Comedy including as a contributor on The Daily Show both with Jon Stewart and then with Trevor Noah his field pieces have been viewed more than 100 million times and that's what you get with interviews with vaccine Skeptics and insurrectionists I like a big range of people and recently klepper spoke with supporters of former president Donald Trump who were outside the New York courthouse where Donald Trump was arraigned take a look in a listen while I had fun getting into the scrum I was surprised to find there were people who wanted to have meaningful conversations about the justice system I don't believe we're what we're seeing what you're seeing is Justice you don't believe in the grand jury process I don't believe if if this was a civilian it would I mean he is a civilian he's a person but New York address so he shouldn't go through the grand jury process I believe it should be [Music] because because um I I'm going by General gut feeling you can see the look on his face yeah he realized I don't really have a reason yes I just like that of feeling I no longer want to answer this question yeah I mean we have a legal system in place but Bill's gut seemed as good as anything he's got a feeling here or maybe somewhere else on the body is where that feelings come from uh okay The Daily Show uh or uh Jordan clever joins us now I didn't give you the proper introduction so I wanted to thank you I looked into the camera Jordan Clepper of The Daily Show as a host now this week I can give you notes uh always find your camera you've got to find one cameras the words are there this is oh I know and if the prompter goes out I mean because the state of nature really quickly flip the table we're making fire uh I'm sorry we have you in this chair and now that you're an anchor and not at the anchor desk over there yeah frankly people see my legs makes me uncomfortable yeah so what did you learn if anything about the opinions on the Trump arraignment that you found outside the courthouse and did you see crying people Donald Trump said he saw police officers and people that were crying and apologizing did you see any of that I I saw very few weeping people outside the Trump indictment I saw a ton of media what I learned I don't I don't go to Trump events looking to learn uh rarely there's a lot of Education being given out the indictment what you did see is a media circus uh just Amplified by a few Maga faithful who were not going to be at all thwarted by any information about this upcoming trial and then folks like Marjorie Taylor green and George Santos coming in to try to get some of that shine George Santos was there you asked him uh about where he went to law school Stanford Harvard that was really great and then the volleyball Legacy yeah any answers on that you know he's still quiet about it I think America this is why you send a comedian into the field as there's questions Americans have about our volleyball history as a nation it's not in books and so if Santos won't answer these questions how else are we supposed to know so Santos has not announced that he's running for president but other people have they're going to challenge Donald Trump uh how do you feel about the Republican field I don't see anybody who's actually offering a different point of view outside of Donald Trump uh the Santa seems to want to run alongside him and I think when I talk to folks in the Maga Universe there's interest in DeSantis but nobody's letting go uh their big red hat yet and I think until somebody grows enough of a backbone to say I'm not him I'm me but he seems to be the choice well listen Donald Trump's core base is still extremely strong despite the fact that he's been indicted and other cases are waiting in the wings and now we're all looking at the Dominion case this week do you think that there's anything that will come out of that case that could change their minds how do you think they're looking at that particular trial I mean frankly I think where they're going to go for their news they're not going to hear about this case uh Fox isn't going to talk about it I don't think Newsmax or oan is going to make that center stage and yet they've sort of been conditioned to take any information that's not pleasing to their worldview as something to dismiss it completely so your guest hosting this week you are well known for those field pieces I wonder what kind of field pieces we can expect this week and kind of guess because what's been interesting is each guest host has had an interesting perspective on the kind of guess that they want to talk to on the show and want to put their own spinner that's right yeah yeah I mean I love going out into the field and I wanted to bring field elements into the show this week I went to the world's largest gun show in Tulsa to talk about American Gun culture so you're going to see me there I went and talked to AO not any gun CEOs Tony and I have been talking about this were there any people who actually are CEOs or gun manufacturers there at this gun show event they do not want to talk to me for some reason I figured gun CEOs don't return my text messages uh but gun owners tend to talk to me in a parking lot and I got to see The Gun Show loophole happen in real time people bring out money they're in a parking lot they show a gun and they exchange hands so that was sort of mind-blowing for me to see that up close I'm also going to talk to Gretchen Whitmer AOC I kind of went out into the world I want to bring kind of important conversations to this week why do you want this job does your mom want you to get it most ly for their kids but does she want you to get it my mom is the best we're from Kalamazoo Michigan and she says drop that Midwest nice and tell them what you want I would love this job I've been a fan of The Daily Show since I was a little kid uh Jon Stewart started 47 years ago and so I've been watching ever since and a chance to sit behind the desk uh work with such great talented folks uh I look forward to a great would you change it up would you want to change it up would it change the show up yeah I totally changed it up I think late night is constantly evolving I think you have to bring in new voices whether they're sitting next to you or you're talking to them you also have to go out into the world the benefit that I have as I talk to Real Americans I see those experiences and I think we covered news in real time we're the only late night show when the indictment happened that had somebody who was there that day yes yes I hope you can remain friends with all of your former colleagues who are also trying out for this job that's right we those tensions have been frayed for years they're not coming back Jordan clever thank you very much nice that's what Mom said you can watch Jordan guest hosting the Daily Show uh tonight on Comedy Central Time time what time it 10 p.m 11 11
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 44,364
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Keywords: video, cbs, news, jordan klepper, guest, the daily show, comedian
Id: 866UuIc3JdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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