Jon Stewart on why he's going back to "The Daily Show" anchor desk

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I'm sure many of you are curious is my beloved Daily Show going to change well it might subtly and I know change can be painful but from change comes growth a moment for us is gone oh my gosh that is John Stewart's first night as a host for the Daily Show on Comedy Central as he says handsome young man 25 years ago so he went on to host the award-winning program you know this for 16 years becoming one of the most influential voices on television wow Stuart stepped away in 2015 right at the top of his game and starting tonight he's back at the anchor desk at The Daily Show on Mondays we want to talk about why just Mondays through the 2024 election cycle he will also serve as executive producer Comedy Central like CBS we have to tell you he's part of Paramount Global and we're very happy to say John Stewart is in the studio Global baby come on who's got the tote bag Global tote bag GRE room sir swag you're getting before you it was called comp and that was like oh no it's Paramount called Paramount it's par I want to talk about your there billionaires moving us around on a Stratego board yeah and that's yeah you're Paramount Global now and you're now located at top of the Paramount Mountain sir yes you going to talk about that in just a second I want to know you must have watched the Super Bowl your thoughts before we get into your new adventure uh F first of all Patrick Mahomes I I I have not seen someone with that pratal ability to just no man you just knew when San Francisco didn't score a touchdown in overtime that he was going to do what needed to be done it's it's really remarkable to see a guy at that I mean people forget I think he's only 28 years old 28 yes which is 3 seconds John 3 seconds left 3 seconds left oh for the field goal driving down get him over yes yeah yes three seconds I thought 3 seconds left and I was like thank you very much see you later interview 3 seconds left I was like all right good luck this has been a lot of fun thanks for asking about the Super Bowl okay but John John I'm wondering if you you've missed us as much as we missed you who who somebody writes about you about John Stewart yes John Stewart was a voice of reason in my generation it's great to see him returning there has been no better host of The Daily Show since well that's that's very kind I've got some other comments that I've slightly less uh uh what went into your thought process about I want to come back and I only want to come back one night away for now well I very much wanted uh to have some kind of place to uh unload thoughts as we get into this election season and I thought I was going to do it over at uh they call it Apple TV uh plus it's uh it's a television uh Enclave yes very small it's like living in malibo we've heard it yes right uh but they decided that they didn't they they felt that they didn't want me to say things that okay okay so in trouble so you might you have some things you want to say are you back cuz you're worried about what's happening in the country not at all you're totally fine everything's going beautifully no I just thought who better to comment uh on this election than someone who truly understands uh two aging men past their Prime I mean that's I mean look at me baby not so I mean this is where it's at yeah by a third so fair to say you are hoping to have an influence on politics uh I don't know if I'm hoping to have an influence but I'm hoping to have uh a catharsis and a way to comment on things and a way to express them that hopefully people will uh will enjoy but you know as far as influence I mean and and you guys know this from doing this I mean just about everything that I wanted to happen over the 16 years that I was at The Daily Show did not happen you know if if you were hoping for influence and I think I've learned that post Daily Show like sort of kind of being lucky enough to watch you know activists like as they move to the pacted Act and the toxic exposure B like being able to observe that that's having influence you know W watching people do that I like in television to like if you can occasionally provide air support to those on the ground who are actually doing the work and so I don't I don't view it as I really want to have an influence on this uh issue election things like that it's what we do yeah but you you you have had some influence when it comes to 911 victims uh to to Veterans but the landscape has changed since you left oh sure and and so in a world now where people young people get their news from social media from Tik Tok uh how do you think that that is going to change the way you do what you do every night or at least on Mondays uh well generally it's I will be doing it with choreographic dance mov so only in 15 seconds with a lot of Graphics pointing to a lot of graphs Graphics pointing in there Ian I mean they always talk about how this audience doesn't every information is information and if it's good content people will find their way to it I think the worst thing you can ever do is to Pander to this idea that somehow young people uh absorb knowledge and information in a entirely different I can remember you remember the the in news when it got that way they were going to do what show was it 2020 downtown they were going to do downtown cuz the kids are downtown and it was the same show as it was but like John konus had to wear a black leather jacket so the kids would be like I get this guy yeah but but John you do have a unique ability to call out both sides when you see that they may be fluid with the truth is how and a unique allergy to the idea of both sides you want to call out the truth I I think it's it's a question of you know what what are the axes that we're working off of I think generally you like to work off of the difference between corruption and integrity as opposed to right and left or Democrat and Republican and if you focus on inte integrity and and trying to expose what you think is absurd or corrupt it'll find its way to wherever it finds but those are the parameters that you're trying to use and satire is still the way you can do that it's I for me I think it's probably the only way I can do it because I don't really know how to do it and and why why just Mondays because rainy days and Mondays always get me down that's that's a song and what's your influence on the other days yes it's it's it's an excellent question and I I I appreciate that he's not going to answer it I thought it was I thought that was let me say about that question on this question it was hard driving and it was probing well done no I I just felt like just doing Mondays you know when you come back and and you know I was very much enjoying my my life well and when they came back you know but but so Tony's question your influence the rest of the days oh oh I see what you're saying yeah Theo well here's the thing about everyone over there first of all the team there there's a lot of the same people especially in the uh upper levels uh that were there nine years ago they're unbelievable Jen flance who's executive love Jen she's amazing runs a ridiculous ship like just knows what she's doing in a way that is uh really impressive to watch and all the uh the writing staff and the producers it's a building filled with incredibly talented yeah but now they're adding you to the mixed on so that's going to mean something it is it's l something it this is my signal too we have to go it's my just oh is that really I'm going to get I'm going to wipe the off my forehead they're yelling at me now it's them these guys have been up all night God so of you be kind we appreciate you being on and I drove here from Utah oh wow we you should have gotten on the play with us John oh I could have saved myself so much trouble oh Mr Stewart uh welcome back can't wait for Monday for tonight today Monday Gail Gail has no idea what day it is right now it is Monday The Daily Show Mondays on Comedy Central starring John Stewart as host and what yes oh my God baby sign the contract the ink is dry we'll be right back fingers crossed
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 1,367,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, jon stewart, the daily show, anchor, return, show, election coverage, politics, entertainment, comedy central
Id: zHLLxc2nuNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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