Jordan Klepper Recaps the NRA Convention and Clarence Thomas's Corruption Scandal | The Daily Show

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[Applause] this is pretty exciting everyone this is the first time the show has let me sit down in five years we got a great show for you tonight including an interview with AOC but there's a lot to talk about so let's get into the headlines it's a day in America so we're talking about guns this weekend was the national NRA convention also known as cargo pants Comic-Con or or the Westminster stepdad show now people like to stereotype NRA members as gun obsessed whack jobs who want to arm little babies and the thing about stereotypes is sometimes they're spot on I've got three kids two son-in-laws and did you know that I'm also a grandmother not just once but twice have two beautiful grandchildren Little Miss Addie who is almost two in Branch who's just a few months old now Addie who you know soon will need them I want to reassure you she already has a shotgun and she already has a rifle and she's got a little pony named Sparkles too so the girl is set up wow that's the governor of South Dakota bragging about her two-year-old granddaughter owning guns bolds when my kid was little I was covering Outlets locking cabinets and cutting grapes in half because they might be a choking hazard Christie gnome is like here's a shotgun you're on watch tonight six six separates around us look I know liberals and conservatives don't agree on much but can we agree that you should not own a gun if you don't know how to poop in a potty hello although it is adorable that she has a pony named sparkles in fact if you'll excuse me for a second I need to address Sparkles directly Miracles this will not end well for you these people are clearly insane run while you still can there is no time for goodbyes go go my friend go look look to be clear to be clear I'm not bringing up Christy gnome just to make fun of her grandkids I would never do that they've got guns I'm bringing up Christy gnome because she gave us a great insight into what creates the world view of an NRA member my dad taught us life lessons he taught us common sense and often those who are taught during our hunting trips for instance I remember being only about 9 or 10 years old and we had hunted all day miles and miles from camp in the High Country in the Bighorn mountains when my dad turned to me and he said Christy hunt your way back to Camp I'm going to go around this Ridge and I'll meet you there at dark and he disappeared over the ridge now to a 10 year old girl this was terrifying and as strange noises came and darkness fell I had to rely on my instincts and my horse to find my way back to our tent now years later mom shared with me that my dad had followed me at a safe distance all the way back to camp to make sure that I got there safe now before you get all warm and fuzzy on him I also want to tell you that he made bear noises the whole time he was following me scratching trees and growling at me so you know [Laughter] [Applause] an adorable story about alcoholism excuse me one second seriously Sparkles this family is nuts get out of there trust no one six upper tyrannos okay but the real purpose of an NRA convention isn't to tell fun family stories of childhood abandonment no to explain why all the gun violence of the last year had nothing to do with guns in the past they blame video games rap music and for a brief period in the 90s the Rachel it could be anything well well not anything it can't be done anything else and this year was no different you want to do something you can ban social media and kids under the age of 15 or 16 before you take guns away this is a mental health problem it's undiagnosed mental health the motivations of the trans activist this is a cultural problem bring back the family this is a spiritual problem the American Media genetically engineered cannabis all right [Applause] really when I get high the only thing I want to Massacre is a bag of Funyuns violence on weed you're not even trying anymore these people are just name checking things they don't understand on the news it's Chad to the thing this isn't just the NRA deflecting they're stoking these fears fears of rampant crime trans people wokeness mutant doobies it's all it's all coming to get you and you know what happens when you combine a culture of fear and guns you get the story that just came out of Kansas City or a kid trying to pick up his siblings knocked on the wrong door and got shot and wounded by the homeowner that kid wasn't shot by weed or social media he was shot by a scared person with a gun and this is the climate the NRA's stoking they're the irresponsible loudmouth hiding in the woods making bear noises scratching on trees so that you feel scared enough to go and get yourself a gun but you know what it's my first night enough about gun violence let's move on to something more lighthearted the corrosive Rod of our judicial branch of course I'm talking about Clarence Thomas the Supreme Court Justice as I can tell you know he's just taking more free vacations than all the Bravo Housewives combined last week we learned that Thomas had secretly accepted luxury trips from right-wing billionaire Harlan Crowe and that's his actual name not his Game of Thrones Cosplay character and now we're finding out that back in 20 2014 Harlan Crowe bought a house and two vacant Lots from a Clarence Thomas from Clarence Thomas for a hundred thirty thousand dollars which is outrageous I'm shocked that in America in my America there are still places where you can buy a house and two vacant lots for 130 thousand dollars I'm mad about the corruption but I have to admit that's a steal on top of that Clarence Thomas's mom is still living in that house rent free and Harlan Crowe is paid for thousands of dollars of Renovations all of which Clarence Thomas should have disclosed by a law although in his defense the law is complicated and he's only a Supreme Court Justice for more expert Ronnie Chang Ronnie how are you right now where am I what do you think I am I'm at Clarence Thomas's mom's house that's the house oh well technically this this is the pool house I mean they built it the last week but obviously they're going to do a gut Renault because I mean it looks like that's insane Ronnie these Revelations about money flowing to a Supreme Court Justice are frankly they're shocking oh really Jordan you're shocked shark Tom's been violated oh no somebody help Justice Thomas and Harlan Crowe bent over and double team Jordan klepo's innocent principles stop it stop it I'm a professional news person I don't have principles lights and houses and to vote conservative hey news flash billionaire Clarence Thomas is already conservative all right it's like bribing Nick Cannon to hit it raw he was gonna do that anyway give your money oh who I do blame for this uh Harlan Crow's parents for giving him an evil villain name yes but no I I blame these dumbass whiny teachers pet liberals hey if Clarence Thomas can be bought then why aren't you buying him you give better or Rock like a billion dollars to come in third in a student council election right right take that money and Bill Clarence Thomas's mom a new garage a yoga room and a helipore you mean a helipad no I said hello pool okay it's a pool for helicopters so you can land straight in the water instead of walking there like a peasant Maybe [Music] that's so crazy yes yes it is crazy Ronnie you know fix corruption with more corruption what is the message you're sending when you let money influence decision making Jordan I will give you a thousand dollars if you agree with me right now I would never betray my Integrity for a thousand dollars maybe five okay how about three three deal yeah Ronnie chain is Right everyone [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 2,868,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, guest host, jordan klepper, NRA, NRA convention, gun violence, clarence thomas, scotus, harlan crow
Id: O8sqnXnCjDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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