Jordan Klepper: Correspondent Debut to Guest Host | The Daily Show

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for more on the story we're joined by our new senior Caucasian correspondent Jordan klepper Jordan thank you for joining us on the program uh welcome to the show first of all we're excited to have you uh you are in Crimea obviously uh you have studied this region for years yes that is 100 true okay as you know the Crimean Peninsula is ethnically Russian now it's important to remember a peninsula is a land mass surrounded on three sides by water unlike an island or an isthmus now the Crimean Peninsula is dependent on Russia for most of their natural resources actually they're dependent on the Ukraine for most of their natural resources right right stupid I'm sorry I don't know why I said that I'm not gonna fail you Dad John it's all right Jordan it's fine okay just relax how are the people feeling they're scared John real scared a little sweaty because they have ties to both the Ukraine and Russia is that up sure I mean if you'd asked them a week ago would you like to be a part of Russia they would have been like yes Russia is my favorite I'd love to join Russia I watch Russia every night but now they don't know what they've got themselves into you know and they think maybe I've gotten a little bit in over my head it's fine you're doing fine stay focused what have you learned so far today uh well uh you have to dial nine to get an outside line um lunch is at one uh and if I keep my head down here for a couple years I've got a real shot at my own sitcom on NBC oh were you you were talking about Crimea right yeah I'm glowing it I'm blowing it everything's fine you're in Crimea uh now obviously it's Daybreak there oh actually I'm gonna stop you there John it's it's 6 15 at night although obviously we are pretending it's 11 15. which in Crimea is 6 15 in the morning where I'm supposed to be Dad I am so sorry no I'm so sorry you're not you're doing great okay there's don't there's almost nothing you can do to mess up one of these reports trust me thank you that's oh I mean this is this is kind of a big deal for me John you know this means a lot to me and my parents are watching at home you know stay clean and sober Jordan you know and that record will get expunged just keep to it work hard [Music] I think you could go back to Crimea you got it Boston live from Crimea everybody we'll be right back I remember my first night on the show it was wild I auditioned on I think a Friday and they told me come back four days later with a suit uh because they had no money to pay for the suits uh and luckily I had one suit because I'd gotten married a few months earlier and I came back with a suit and the day was Bonkers uh I arrived and oddly enough it was the day Crimea was invaded and I know uh we actually know where that place is now because I didn't that morning and I showed up uh and I went to this morning meeting which is an amazing thing at The Daily Show um so many funny thoughtful people in a room and I get thrown in there in such a welcoming place and there's Jon Stewart somebody I've watched since I was very little uh he's very old and decrepit also very short small man uh wise Beyond his years but many years uh um we were talking about Crimea and all of these things and they're like Jordan you're gonna do a chat uh you're gonna do that tonight we're gonna talk about this let's go and you brainstorm some ideas for the chat and remember they bring me into John's office like right after the meeting I'm very nervous I don't know how this day works and we sit down and John starts talking about not only what happened but essentially he's talking about the um the commentary that's been written in the morning about what already happened in that room and I'm sitting across from him with a few other people Jen flans is over there right now EP showrunner she's in that room as well she's the best and there's there's a reason these shows can still run like they do with a different host every week and it's because of the team that we have here at The Daily Show and uh I remember uh John's he's talking about all these things with cry me and I just keep thinking I don't know where Crimea is I don't know and then we Usher off and we we brainstorm jokes and uh bits around the uh Crimea Invasion and it's fun it's a wild day uh the chat comes up and you go into a rewrite right before you come on out there and you you go one last time over it and the process for a chat essentially the the idea of this chat was John is throwing into their first time correspondent who's in Crimea and he's overwhelmed uh by the experience truth and comedy it's always the best way to go um and I remember in the rewrite you're in the small room and you're throwing jokes out there and uh John opened up like how would you react here and I said I'd say like uh I don't want to disappoint you Dad uh and it made him laugh because that's how I was feeling in the room in that moment I don't want to disappoint you Dad uh it was like that's good that was the first joke I got on the show and I was like all right we ready to do this and you don't waste time at The Daily Show when you like print the script it's like great we're on in 20 minutes and so he comes out I go back my brain is spinning I've been doing comedy and entertainment for 15 years but never had a break anywhere near this been living in poverty up until this point I'm like holy [ __ ] I'm on The Daily Show I'm about to be on The Daily Show I'm looking through the script looking through the script um John comes out I'm right back there and I'm looking through script looking through the script he says like we have something special happening today we have a new correspondent we don't have that very often I'm getting nervous and uh Born to Run starts to play which was the song he always played before he came out and then he's like you guys ready for a good show and they say yes he says welcome to the Daily Show and he runs back and we just had this little one one-on-one moment he just says don't [ __ ] it up and I remember like he came back out there and and right back there like tears because it was so much this industry is it's it's hard it's tough and you're rarely in such supportive rooms like this and for every break that you get 10 other people don't get it who are worthy of that exact same break and in that moment I was like there's so much emotion right now in this space and I'm like tears I'm like you can't cry you're on TV in three minutes pulling it all together coming on out and nervously doing my first chat from right over there so to get a chance to be here on a day like today with you guys and share that uh it's real special thank you thank you
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 542,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, jordan klepper, jon stewart, throwback, tds throwback, after the cut, correspondent, russia, putin
Id: kEzL9_olPaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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