Jon Stewart Smashes the Myth of Corporate Morality in Pride, BLM, and Beyond | The Daily Show

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Welcome to The Daily Show please my name is John short we got a lot we got a lot going on in the world today very consequential uh the things that you're seeing on the news and all that huge consequences but I would be remiss if I did not comment on the big news and broadcasting Pat sjck Patrick sjck stepped down from Wheel of Fortune after 41 years it was incredibly emotional and I just want to say to Pat sjck have you thought about is doing Mondays because you can phone that in but of course he is gone just in time for Pride months ironically I won't mention why uh Pride months is of course that time of year when corporations get together and financially exploit the decades long struggle of gay people for acceptance and equality hey remember when you were fir from that bank job after you were outed well Burger King does with a burger that has two bottom buns yeah that's that's not a funny make them up scarred by conversion therapy Skittles is Rel releasing a colorless version of Skittles apparently not wanting to confuse gay people with competing rainbows yeah and then there's this ad showing a family overcoming a father's deep conservative values and as you watch it try and guess exactly what it is they're selling Mom this is Amy hey Amy hey Dad [Music] all over [Music] your happy birthday is that your dad what is he doing did I do it right I love you you like it I love it [Applause] what the f yeah the next time you waste an enormous amount of paint to apologize to your daughter for making a her and a girlfriend walk on eggshells all weekend not even saying anything just standing there with your little glowering beard face in in the shadows you just paint the face and give her an Oreo and then of course there's Target pride month means so much to them that they set up one small area in their 20,000 square feet of store to sell you a pride t-shirt they had made in Indonesia for 29 cents Landing because they believe so much in the cause well Target will be dialing back its pride month merchandise this June what how will I learn to live laugh [Applause] lesbian that's right target is apparently less proud of Pride this year but why retail giant Target is grappling with backlash from conservatives over its most recent collection celebrating the lgbtq community do not shop at Target or else you're gay and you're a pervert [Applause] even if I'm just getting paid with towels is that but that's the burden corporations must bear they care almost too much about The Human Condition often finding themselves in the crosshairs of ideologues and fundamentalists but they stand by their values sometimes for a couple of months for instance post January 6th hundreds of Corporations announced the end of donations to senators or congressmen who voted to overturn the election and that moral stand in defense of democracy itself lasted almost a month yeah they ran the numbers and apparently you can sell more cell phones in a dictatorship but that month appears almost Gand esque when compared to budlight whose foray into inclusion was last April's incredibly not in the Public's face small promotional social media video with a transgender influencer named Dylan Mulaney prompting a conservative budlight murder [Music] Purge dear God man those beers had families Bud Light sales plummeted stocks tanked and it only took two weeks for Budweiser to issue an apology and run a new ad campaign designed to win back the kind of people who shoot at their products let me tell you a story about a beer rooted in the heart of America a talking horse you're apologizing about a transgender influencer using a talking horse well tell us your story National Velvet found in a Community where a handshake is a sure contract this is a story bigger than beer this is the story of the American Spirit first of all I think that horse is scared shitless and second of all the apology gift to the people upset about Budweiser is a Budweiser curious but don't be sad for this is only following in a long line of hollow corporate pandering meant to convince you that not only are corporations people they're good people decent people who care about the systemic ills of this great nation we saw this very clearly in the wake of George Floyd's murder corporations saw people's demand for a Reckoning with America's racist past and they said sure us too we're on a 400 year long journey and scars don't fade but neither does Hope and in a fight against systematic racism and inequality Doritos is committing to amplifying Black voices General Mills serves the World by making food people love and inclusion is one of our secret ingredients at craft times our purpose is to make life delicious and we believe we can't achieve that without one essential ingredient diversity [Applause] [Applause] are you sure you don't mean sodium triphosphate meanwhile while corporations forcefully pronounced their deeply held value of promoting diversity on network television their commitment only lasted until the protests died down time for the Morning Buzz major Tech Giants including Google and meta quietly slashing their diversity equity and inclusion jobs this year and laying off workers in those departments Dei related job postings in 2023 the declined 44% oh I guess they only needed to use much less of that ingredient than they thought they needed turns out the recipe craft wanted called for just a dash of inclusion just a s of diversity so they're very clearly conflicted between the high moral values that they think we want and the amoral values that serve their shareholders so if I may address Corporate America quickly in this moment stop we don't need any of this we don't need to know that your products are used by only the most diverse families walking down sidewalks or camping or diverse families doing a ride or getting a loan or doing laundry or a diverse F or that who I don't know what they are this guy doesn't he's got a skin condition and no way is he dating her no way no way there is no way oh sure we're supposed to believe how many beautiful multi-racial young ladies are dating eczema Opie oh okay okay very [Applause] believable I I apologize I apologize sincerely to that gentleman and by the way for those on the right who wish corporations would just ditch the woke performances and go back to good old-fashioned patriotic values that's all too for God's sakes SpaghettiOs told us not to forget Pearl Harbor by the way why is the spaghettio so happy happy about Pearl Harbor see remembering it or celebrating it I wouldn't be surprised if SpaghettiOs supported Pearl Harbor attack technically a can of SpaghettiOs is a sneak attack on your digestive system SpaghettiOs SpaghettiOs the Arby's of pasta why are we allowing ourselves to get worked up over whether giant multinational corporations are prog gay or have traditional American values because corporations have but one value shareholder value that's all they have that Budweiser horse that wants to restore our American Spirit is actually owned by a Belgian Brazilian beverage conglomerate that All-American Clydes Dale's name is probably je bonaro even the corporations you think are sincere like Dove and their multi-year commitment to body positivity are owned by Unilever also the owner of Axe Body Spray and their decades long commitment to anything that moves there is nothing corporations do that is not in service of their bottom line even when you go to the checkout at the grocery store and the little card reader thing says do you want to round up to help feed some children well the first thing I think is you're the one with all the food why don't you round some of that up and then they got the balls they got the balls to put out a press release talking about how much money they donated to stop world hunger that's my money you tell those kids that's my money let's stop pretending that a corporation can even be woke or unwoke or patriotic or unpatriotic let's just let corporations live their truth as the prophit seeking Patrick baitman Psychopaths they are at the very least we might finally we might finally get some honesty from them as well take a look hi we're Corporate America not any specific one all of them in over the years we've pledged our commitment to some important causes like gay rights democracy and something to do with black people but this month we're proud to celebrate our biggest commitment of all no longer pretending that we give a about any of that part of our new honesty we pledge no more mission statements or awareness campaigns or promises to increase diversity in management you think a year ago would be putting up two straight white people as spokesman God no we've hired two diverse actors to pretend they worked here what a time what a time but from now on we're just going to go back to doing what we are designed to do making products as cheaply as we can and selling them to you at the highest price possible yes but we'll still be carbon neutral because it's important to get to Net Zero I mean we never did that in the first place I don't even know what it means and here at Corporate America Love Is Love no no no we're not doing that we already told them just [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 3,085,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, pride, diversity, corporate, america, gay, lesbian, june, target, burgerking, budlight
Id: TWVbZ0WQ3s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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