Jon Jones - Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #13

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Steve-O and Jon Jones 😯

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/BoxCon1 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Isnt Steve O sober now? Should he be hanging out with Jones?

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/KelvinsBeltFantasy 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jones got that dick pills in the system face

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/colossuskidd 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yo steve-o has perfect teeth , them shits look like veneers.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/placatedpelican 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

That feather man story was good

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Da_Bawl_D 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jonny Bones!!!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/backfromthedead 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey folks we're back with another episode of wild  ride with steve-o and I think this week there's   a lot of media paying very close attention  so how about we get right into it with the   light heavyweight champion of the world ladies  and gentlemen Jon Jones the champ is here in   Albuquerque New Mexico were parked outside of  John Jones beautiful mansions overlooking the   sound Sandia Mountains it's got a guest house  what's the Stephanie Lowe mansion ah probably   this place you bought this house from Holly home  I bought this house from Holly Holm and her dad   Roger yeah when it's been creeping up in three  years now okay all right yeah so what does that   mean that when she knocked out Ronda Rousey she  thought it was time for an upgrade yes I got that   great for her for sure she wasn't living here she  sold you the house yes yes I'm sorry yes she sold   me the house she's a real estate agent and if she  did live here that'd be pretty cool too it's a   good thing she's got a day job after the whooping  I gave her yes that was it was it was like if you   know if I got in front of a car you know like  it was the same so know how this came to happen   John we reached out to me last week yeah yeah I  I've been a big fan of the power of momentum you   know we have great ideas to not sit on them  but to just go for it and I have this group   called the Care Project where we are nonprofit  in Albuquerque New Mexico stands for community   appropriate relief effort you beat me to it good  job Steve oh yeah and I know that you've spent   time in Albuquerque I've been in several shows  here in Albuquerque which are awesome by the way like two and a half years yeah 96 98 yeah man I  know that I see the turnout people that comes to   your shows and I know you got a lot of querque so  I just thought I'd give you a call man use that   momentum and just see what's the worst thing that  can happen you can say no right it was so awesome   I remember I was at the skate park I'm gently  trying to get some tricks and all the sudden my   phone's ringing in my pocket I look at it says it  says Jonny bones Jones I'm like dude I'm getting   a call from John Jones right now all right what's  up dude he said hey man like I got this new it's   new initiative this charity where we're cleaning  up Albuquerque we're doing all these things to   help out the people and and I wonder if you could  get behind it and I said dude why don't we get   together and and film something together to make  it happen I'll be there next week next week and   then that put that that was last week so I come  out here we have made news all over the place yeah   man you're many are worthy of our respect there  every Dave I just got out because the news people   were expected nah I just got a text from my guy  you know when I got a story I contact TMZ try and   I told him I said absolute exclusive human fiction  or said I am such and this got this got published   like minutes ago says wanna see steve-o Ollie over  the greatest MMA fighter ever good cuz TMZ sports   has obtained video of the former Jackass star  star boarding over John Jones at a New Mexico   skate park this week and it's both awesome and  terrifying oh yeah check out the footage Jones   laid down on a ramp and let steve-o skate over him  and the first attempt nearly cracked John's ribs   by the way if you're wondering why the duo are  spending time together in New Mexico it's all for   a great cause steve-o joined the UFC champ to help  his efforts with the Care Project raising money   and support for communities impacted by covet 19  pandemic in New Mexico steve-o was a massive UFC   fan and has been a regular at UFC fights for years  what that's big man absence in man absolutely it   felt so good to get to bring some acknowledgement  to the care project man and and to have you come   back and support and to bring exposure in such a  positive way doing a stunt and giving back to the   community it's gonna be huge but I really hope  this this cure project thing just takes off and   everybody in the community wants to be a part of  it at some point and then that's that's my goal I   want to be the biggest nonprofit in Albuquerque  and and have it to where every ever every other   nonprofit that needs anything whether you're the  Boys and Girls Club or not I'm not sure if they're   nonprofit or not but whether you're the Boys and  Girls Club or a food bank I want the care project   to have their hand in every company so that that  they need absolutely nothing I want to provide   for it for this whole town and this all came about  that night when you saw it you taking this spray   cans out of people major riots going on looting  people are just being disrespectful of the City   of Albuquerque and then you see on the news John  Jones in the streets and like just [ __ ] people   forcibly taking away spray cans from kids that  are like you know trying to destroy property and   saying look that's disrespectful to our city I'm  mad too but this isn't the way and like that got   the attention of the whole world yeah I think I  think what it I think it stood for an idea we're   saying people all over the world looting cities  and taken over police stations and and and I   think what the Care Project well we weren't the  Care Project then but I think what I represented   that night was an idea of of civilians standing up  and saying hey not in our city you know who knows   what could have happened in Albuquerque if the  care project wasn't created or that that message   wasn't send that that right people you know the  message that was sent was that you know we're not   gonna stand by while the police stay three blocks  away we're not gonna just stand by and watch you   spray paint and watch you whatever you want to  do the missions got really clear that there was   gonna be a group of men that's gonna speak up  and sure enough man we you know I've got 30 men   to go out and and cotton police are protest and  this was on a following night I was surprised   did you take spray can away yeah and then like  maybe like the next night like whatever it's a   couple days later I started on all the MMA you  know YouTube videos now you've got like a whole   crew of 30 people you see weapons you see like  route to here but nobody's messing with our city   tonight and I know a lot of people got a little  bit uncomfortable seeing that because it felt a   little bit vigilante yeah yeah so we we walked it  back for me to come out here and we what we did   was we went the complete opposite route the first  night we went out we had 30 men with us and we did   go out as a nonviolent group what we did also have  about five over 30 guys have their sidearms just   for security for the group members you're not not  to approach protesters you know were you worried   at all for your safety when you're out there oh  absolutely absolutely and people thought we're   police officers cuz we did some job jackets on  and stuff like that I was definitely worried for   my safety but we made it real clear that we are  nonviolent and that we were here with the people   we were they're a part of the protest but we also  wanted to represent our community well by having   peaceful nonviolent non non you know vandalizing  type rotation so and it worked it worked we only   had to show up one time as as over Watchers and  I think the message was sent we we actually kind   of apprehended someone that night and took  cans from another group of people that night   had searched their car for more cans and found  more cans we only had to do that one time and I   think the messages were sent that you know John  Jones and and the care group are out here and if   the police are gonna state blocks away these guys  will will do something to you themselves you know   we're not gonna hurt you or anything but a bunch  of crawfish CrossFit athletes and power lifters   and UFC fighters fighters you know yeah asking  you to not do that you may be may stay home I'm   surprised it took the kids so long to give you  as can I mean you could use like get over here   like yeah you're the older brother like hey  idiot you know it was a surreal moment you   know cuz every act of aggression or I've done  every eye I'm a very laid-back peaceful chill   do you know I never get confrontational I don't  like to argue so anytime I get that that feeling   of anger is it's usually in a UFC situation so I  hadn't I haven't I haven't been in a street fight   since Daniel Cormier I don't get in arguments  face-to-face conversations like this iam gran   and in the arena few years ago back and I'm sure  a year that was but yeah did it beat it was the   first one yeah the first fight yeah the first time  we faced off we worked forehead to forehead and   he shot me in the throat I ended up pushing him  over tackling him off the stage it was crazy yeah   I thought I thought the best of them he ended up  taking off his dress you and winging it across the   room trying to hit me in the face to get the last  lick and ended up hitting a female reporter in the   head instead it was crazy that's not good moments  later we go backstage and we get in this heated   argument and then that's when there's this famous  hole are you still there [ __ ] hey [ __ ] are you   still there have you ever heard that light nah  he's like I just want to [ __ ] spit in your   yeah yeah their form is like I will end you I  was like I absolutely kill you yeah if you do   that a sec you think I'm just gonna sit there  let you kill me Jon Jon's whole argument with   it was clearly by 2016 or before right because  I only really became like the die-hard UFC Fan   like around that time and since and I guess that  doesn't make me very diehard but man I don't miss   a fight are you you draw a Yuna you DC cool now  or just yeah I respect DC III I think he's an   outstanding man I I think he represents himself  very well I think he represents african-americans   very well I think he reps that you will see very  well being a father being an athlete you know he's   very well-spoken he's a great commentator his  analysis of fights is just so fantastic and for   that matter everything every one of them every  Dominick Cruz Joe Rogan they kill it they got   the best chemistry when the analysis just  the knowledge like okay now he's gonna like   you know you're gonna swivel his hips is gonna  who knows what they're watching yeah they're so   articulate and so like just impressive I could do  that like a kick and then a veni punched him four   times I would be being biased and siding like to  subconsciously siding with people like oh could   you have her like scotch people and stuff that's  why I would go over especially if you knew him   too yeah yeah exactly it'll be you know obviously  I was rootin for you're super articulate guy have   you thought about getting on the commentary  scene before Jon Jones gives his commentary   on commentary let me tell you about what I'm  wearing on my right wrist it's called a whoop   strap and it's a fitness tracker which provides  more insight into your overall health than any   other device out there this thing works with an  app and it's constantly giving me information   like for example sleep the exact amount of REM  sleep deep sleep how many disturbances there   were plus all of my exercise activities my heart  rate variability there's so much information and   I'm able to have groups of my buddies so that we  can compete over who's doing more exercise who's   sleeping better who's in overall the best health  it's just plain killer and I have no plans of ever   taking it off because I don't have to you see I  carry the charger in my pocket at all times it   slides right on and boom it's charging the thing  is just so killer I cannot recommend it enough   it works as a membership service gives all kinds  of cool perks like the strain coach the recovery   coach constantly giving you information about  how you can improve your health and if you go   to whoop calm that's WH Oh Opie calm and use the  promo code steve-o you're gonna get 15 percent off   at checkout again I can't recommend it enough so  again it's use promo code steve-o at whoop calm   for 15% off at checkout and you gonna thank me  for it now let's get back to the commentary no   no not at all why's that um I don't know man I'd  like to act I like Jews well I think that that's   sort of like you know pushing the same boat yeah  give it a shot man yeah I wouldn't be buying I   wouldn't mind doing something like doing like a  guest hosting gig or something like that but well   the most part I've always had it in my heart to  be in a movie I think my daughter's really proud   and I think that a little bit of commentating  would like help facilitate that you know it's   in front of the camera not fighting like would  it be like an action movie were to be like the   notebook I could see myself doing something like  a military role to start off just to get my feet   wet you know being able to wear like a military  uniform and be like an elite squad member of some   SEAL team or something like that I would love  that you know some real simple lines for just   to start me off and you know I think I think if  you're right down my alley I mean it's always been   a dream would be worried about though that I see  that most people that get into acting don't really   do well in their next fight so would you want to  wait till you're done fighting is that fair to   say I mean their correlation between people [ __  ] around with with anything that distracts them   and that's probably a good reason to not even be  worried about the broadcasting in a commentator   yeah because it's like you know let me keep my  head in the game and not you know I I think that   I think that I will when I do get into acting  I would want to do it wholeheartedly I'm not I   would like to take like a movie role like sometime  soon just exist to try like being an extra having   a small role like I was just saying but to like  actually pursue a full-time is one I think I'll   get into that when I retire I want to hire an  acting coach and and do it take the same approach   that second to my mixed martial arts career and  to acting and with commentary another reason why   I haven't really tried to pursue opportunities get  into that and it could be a subconscious thing I   don't want people to get into my psychology too  much while I'm still an active fighter or I feel   like if you're smart enough you couldn't listen  to I always say if you want to know what's in a   man's head you just listen to what comes out of  his mouth and you'll start to get a true sense   what's going on in his head right that's going so  so so meet me explaining the way I see positions   and things like that I think I'll give people a  little bit of my sight yes exactly I want them   to think that it's just my long arms that makes me  win yeah all right so we come up to your house and   by the way it's so hilarious like camped out in  front of John Jones and I was so many things so   much more friendly right now and and right when  we pulled up parked the RV get out and you're   covered in sweat you just got back from mountain  biking with your endurance coach your endurance   coach says to you yo man our top speed was 39  miles an hour and and that's like biking on a   mountain bike down a mountain yeah it's pretty  dangerous for my experience level for sure I   mean there was there was some cyclist who would  probably go way faster than that but to be on   mountain bikes and me bein an amateur that was  the fastest I had ever gone and baby steps man   so yeah I loved it my first thought was like dude  that guy's on your team he's putting you in that   kind of danger I'm serious but I thought like  should I see John think about firing this guy   what we've been realizing is that biking mountain  biking and biking it correlates it translates over   into fighting a live wrestling and I'm actually  trying to get my little brother Chandler Arizona   Cardinals football player to start my mountain  biking a lot more I'm noticing that I'm spending   so much time and this hunched over bent over  position where my knees are kind of bent I'm   not standing upright and and it's a lot like an  aggressive attack position like that's fighting or   shooting in for a double like dive or something  like that so I feel like my knees are getting   stronger and more healthy it's complementing my  power lifting a lot and I think what he's getting   I was like it's it's if you fall you're [ __ ]  oh I would be thanked for sure so it's not like   you're swimming laps or something like that like  well that's no it could be a career changer that's   another thing the hey that coordination type of  thing when you're on a mountain bike you have   to you have to be totally engaged with how fast  you're going is the gravel loose you know is it   gonna is this bike gonna tell whip on when I try  to turn this corner this Boulder is coming up in   my left I got a jump and I gotta make it so it's  it's you you know you're your eyes and your and   your your brain and your body's all moving it's  it's so good for you man is that like fast twitch   muscle twitch muscles reaction time I think it  enhances so much I really recommend it alright   I think you'd like mountain biking luck Steve  cycles you know I mean you've been BMX in your   life why do the the road bike okay it's cool  it's but I didn't you never got into grinding   and bikes okay skateboarding I got a question for  you okay I can't read what just went through this   trip I came to the mountain bike where we're  here we'd like John Shuster of course is good   so then the next morning we wake up and it's  like we go to Jackson wink this is like the most Jackson wink is your training facility steered  your coach we train it's I it's I think American   Top Team is pretty well known but Jackson wink is  we've been up there we've been up there for a long   time there are some teams that are definitely  as known as US and they're getting really big   and as of today we may not be the best team in the  world but over the last decade we have been in the   top three top five and so yeah we're legit we got  guys from all over the world that comes in and and   Holly home we got we got some new guys that are  coming in air and pìkô a guy named Patchi these   were Bellator athletes that I think could compete  for the UFC world title right now yeah I saw her   running in and she was just dripping sweat and  then she went into kicking Steve's ass and then   she went into like hitting bags and [ __ ] well I  was home she trains about five or six times every   single day I hear there's like a disease like  a workaholic disease where people like worked   themselves into she could have it man she is she  she runs she told me yesterday she has this goal   to run a hundred miles a month a hundred miles oh  man she runs and for UFC fighter I think that's   ridiculous she does CrossFit type workouts she's  in shape she hits rip Winkeljohn three four times   a day sometimes and she's always in the gym and  she's very humble she's very humble in it see I   respect that the most about Holly Holly's one  of the most recognizable people in Albuquerque   so everywhere she goes in Albuquerque I'm her  cameraman automatically look can you take a   picture of me and Holly no really man people love  her here she had a parade 27,000 people showed up   to her parade after she beat around the Rosie yes  and the way she just so gracious with every single   fan man it's it's really it's really special how  she does what celebrity we got we got some of them   some of the news that we made since we've been  here like Holly that was one that's out all over   the place so then we go from the gym when we go  to Walmart we buy like like two thousand dollars   worth of towels underwear toiletries all the stuff  works yeah and would you go around gave it to ya   we got to go to tint town this is a place I've  never been more just tent town was next to the   skate park where we did the terrifying ollie oh  yeah and then we went from there to go jump off   of I want to go jump off this building back when  I lived in Albuquerque it was a big deal for me   this three-story roof and off the roof I did a  front flip into five feet of water and almost   25 years later I asked myself could I do it again  and I didn't want it I'm glad I did and I came out   here to help the City of Albuquerque so we've got  this one frame sequence of like one photo of the   building but I'm there there there there's like  ten of me doing this front flip off the building   it's incredible and to help the Albuquerque Food  Bank up shout out to wolf Fox Photography by the   way all Fox yeah what are you gonna do with that  poster do you I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make   card stock eight by ten sign every single one of  them and sell them on my social media platforms   and 100% of the proceeds go to the Albuquerque  Food Bank because people have been listening to   this guests have heard me say it breaks my heart  that with the corvid pandemic the people like our   food insecure the idea that people can't eat like  I want to do something and so finally here I have   this initiative I think that I might be able to  some of those autographed pictures potentially   raised like a hundred thousand dollars for the  Albuquerque Food Bank what do you guys think at   home you guys gonna buy a single shot and be  people at the same time yeah I know that Tony   Hawk raised a hundred and twenty-five thousand  dollars doing exactly the same thing I'm just   copying Tony Hawk's model and and he did it for  a cove it wasn't food bank specific but it was a   cove aid relief in general they say if it's not  broke don't fix it alright tell me about your   relationship with Tony Hawk you've mentioned  him a few times I love the guy before I talk   about Tony Hawk let me tell you about what I'm  doing right here I'm harvesting my pubes and you   see I've been collecting my pubes for just about  two entire years so that I can make a Sasquatch   suit out of them well you know shaving my pubes  got a whole lot easier once I was introduced to   manscaped no more nicking my balls bleeding from  my privates now perfectly comfortable cut free   and grooming is a treat plus you know they've just  launched command scaped in canada so all you hairy   Canadians can get your act together a girl doesn't  want to see that bush you gotta get down there and   groove it yeah plus I'm never gonna have any hair  coming out of my nose or my ears because of the   manscaped weed whacker yeah if you don't have man  escapes lawnmower 3.0 and the weed whacker then he   just gotta get your act together and it's easy to  get it too because if you go to manscape dot-com   use the promo code steve oh you're gonna get 20%  off your order and free shipping and I'm tellin ya   if you if you're cutting your balls the way I used  to man life is gonna be a lot better once you get   into the manscaped way of life so enjoy and one  one more time manscape comm used the promo code   steve-o for 20% off your order and free shipping  now let's talk about the Birdman what is it about   him that inspires you I mean he's just such an  icon he's such a legend of course I'm just a fan   and having grown up in a skateboard and it's a  good dude and our jackass family came from the   world of skateboarding and going back to the very  beginning when it was just a little skateboard   magazine any time that any of us ever reached out  to Tony Hart to ask him to do something without   question a hundred percent he was there he did  it and and sometimes it involved like making   fun of him like he's just like he's very like  self-deprecating he's he's happy to be the butt   of the joke he just doesn't take himself seriously  and I mean like and we can help each other   sometimes he reaches out to me hey do you know you  want to be a part of this thing always a hundred   percent yeah and vice versa so we just have this  relationship hey that's cool and I really our   relationship is like that it's this fantastic like  the these worlds collide because like when I'm   jumping off that building yesterday John Jones  is flying the drone Charlie's the drone camera   back Joe is that a Mavic - I got this we had local  Albuquerque news crew following us around - so and   and John's like John says to the news guy hey man  this jumping off the building thing probably goes   probably not legal and and we probably don't want  you to cover it because we don't want to reflect   badly on the care project and I'm like cool this I  got this I'm taking responsibility for this and I   didn't even know that I thought that was something  separate from the whole help Albuquerque and it   turns out that might be the biggest oh yeah stunts  is what put you on the map first place so for you   to come back to Albuquerque where you grew up or  where you spent time and freaking jumping off a   building that you've done 20 it just it just it  came out great it wouldn't be Stevo coming into   town let's leave all did something wild all right  so I'm glad you did it man just gonna say you put   your health on the line to raise awareness but  now you say you're gonna do it no matter what   so I take that back I visited the building they  climbed on the roof I looked at it and I was like   man that's shallow I'm six feet tall and that  pool is five feet deep I'm not sure if you've   talked to anyone about your one two three and  I'm like okay I'd like I assess it and then I   don't there's no getting myself to do it and then  I'd but I just have this trick I count one two   three go and when I've done that I've never backed  out in my life of anything and we got to watch it go once you started coloring it you know what  I'm gonna do that I feel that people can take   that and just implement that in their own lives  you know I mean just dare yeah one of my favorite   songs well it's not one my favorite something but  I I love that song I hope you dance by who I came   to think of the lady who sings it but I listen to  it all the sides like I hope you still feel small   when you stand beside the well I think it's a  great song cuz that's dancing that's like you   know I hope you take that dance I hope you ride  the bull' I hope you freakin you know what I mean   that's that's living that's a good and people can  live people can learn something from that you know   what he did yesterday was superhuman like climbed  up climbed down and then after we got done giving   away all the the care packages I said to you I  don't ever want to say this out loud but that   roof I told you about is point three miles away  John says let's go John Reed thinks it like man I   don't know if this is legal but dude it worked out  great man it worked out great I'm saying I don't   this is illegal once you're living in strange  times what's happening you're all grown up now   I don't know what's happening and then just to  bring it up to two currents and then we come   back to Johnson's he's got his his championship  room with every vote every fight poster ricktum   like they call out the victim hall every  fight poster just wallpapering the walls   his UFC championship belts like this is like and  this huge screen and I got to screen for you my   new project this multimedia comedy special  that I'm releasing like imminently council   real I got I got some of my buddies who wants to  steve-o's one of his last shows in Albuquerque who   absolutely adores this man and for medium blight  over my best friends and closest closest friends   to watch as screening and my theater with Steve  Hosting it in between sets and everything it was   mind-blowing it was it was one I mean yeah my  wife has always said she wants John Legend to   come sing at our wedding I mean that's that's  right up there I mean I don't know how we're   gonna top that that was amazing experience last  night Steve thank you so much well in that that   movie is gonna be nice guys I feel like I have a  me and my friends have a secret at the that only   we know in the whole world don't know about it  is going to be nuts when it was over we all felt   emotionally moved inspired in some way I mean you  were vulnerable you you you gave us visuals with   some of the stories we already know about you it  was a lot man so many different emotions it's it's   something that you that you can't forget and and  everyone has to watch it who are 18 and over okay   because there's so many important questions and  there's so many little things I'm curious about   let's start with your your characteristic your  trademark entrance of the to the I you enter   the Octagon crawling and then the fight starts and  you're on all fours essentially crawling when the   fight begins yeah yeah and and and what is that  about my first crawl not up into the cage but   crawl towards one opponent once the fight started  and that was with Rampage Jackson and then ran   space Jackson fight normally you see two fighters  they're always standing up and and you know John   McCarthy are you ready are you ready let's get  it on right and and both guys come skipping into   each other you know I feel like I was I was the  first fighter to ever crawl towards an opponent   while the fight the why the time sticking right  you get down sometime you look at the next guy   that cuts you off in line or something you just  get down crawling up to him so it's intimidating so with Rampage Jackson I kept having these  nightmares that that I would get knocked out   and no matter how the fight played out I would  always get knocked out and it was always within   the first 30 seconds of the fight so you know  once you know I've run out he'd run at me Swink   a huge over here right the other he would throw  a right uppercut and then another dream it was a   left hook and I couldn't avoid this inevitable  knockout that I was going to experience in the   first round and you know I'm a big fan of sports  psychology so I call I called those Redstone   thoughts and I actually learned that from a shot  Evans you know when you have a negative thought   immediately cancel it with a positive thought you  know instead of thinking of somebody beating your   ass you think of yourself exhausted your winning  fights almost over just think something positive   and I just couldn't avoid these images and in  actual nightmares of rampage Jeffs and knocking me   out so on fight night I felt like I was gonna get  knocked out and I felt like this was coming for me   I felt like energetically like I was getting these  signals from a higher power that like John this is   gonna happen to you tonight and I couldn't avoid  it so I just had this super deep prayer where I   got down on my knees and I and I touched my body  from my head to my toe for the first time and I   pray this prayer asking God to just give me the  super natural like reaction abilities from speed   flexibility awareness and and as I was as I was  praying this prayer and touching my myself rubbing   myself and in meaning every ounce of this thinking  my life is on the line I noticed looking at myself   that I was covered in feathers I was covered in  white this nation it wasn't a hallucination and   it was it was it was real spoke to you it was  very real to me it was very real to me I could   see myself covered and like there was like small  feathers in between my fingers and I was covered   in feathers and they came up like to my neck and  my face was still like normal not in competitors   but my hands our feet were covered and I felt like  I was like this fighting thing that wasn't earthly   almost and I like felt this surge of energy power  for flexibility mental acuity and awareness and   sharpness that I had never experienced before  and I like jumped off my him my knees and like   landed a bull feet immediately and I was just like  whoa Wow I was just when just like my coasters is   looking at me like like they could feel like okay  he is pumped up and coach Winkeljohn is like let's   hit let's hit and immediately I kicked the pad and  it was like mmm and it like it like it was like   whoa and like my kicks were lightning fast and I  didn't need to stretch any more I didn't need to   warm up my lungs anymore my kicks were going up  high I was jumping higher I was kicking faster   and higher it was an unbelievable experience and  I actually was able to hang on to this feeling and   this illusion of myself being in this alter ego  all the way through the cave all the way through   my walk to the cage and and I felt like in that  Rampage Jackson five I walked into that fight   as this feather man for the first time and my  my idea to crawl towards him was the only thing   that had it happened in all my nightmares right  because in every place I started on my feet so   something just said good on your knees and crawl  up to him and then automatically the dream voids   itself of him knocking you out immediately right  so I did that and I got to kind of I don't know   fighting up fight an alter ego kind of stayed and  it was super powerful now to this day I say that   same kind of Prayer over myself and I believe that  that I transform it to something I love that she   got a million things like that you know when you  were in that fight was time slowed down for you   were you're kind of like this is what time things  went slow down but you you you get to this belief   place that you are that you are more than human  at the moment and then you believe that things   as far as just on every realm are not designed  to go against you at this moment's this is all   you're actually living in your actual purpose at  this moment this was exactly what you're designed   and born to be doing this is your mark and and at  this moment I'm being used by my higher power to   like a fuck-shit beautiful story very much I got  a question about the walk out mm-hmm with with   the music like I was so impressed when you had the  the song the Queen saw the song by the mousse yeah   like you know like did I get goosebumps from that  like what's the lyric I remember and when on your   walk out science second dude it was incredible  the question is are our fighters allowed to just   pick any song they want they have to license the  music so we are not allowed to come out to music   that has not been published by like professional  like label and stuff like that I think that's the   way it works so at before the UFC we would have  all the local kind of homies making your your   local your song or whatever and I think copyright  and lawsuits that people wanted to get a piece of   the UFC oh you guys played my song on pay-per-view  now I should get a cut and all this type of stuff   so data wise you said hey you know the ones they  I think they played the fight live when you come   out that night and then even reruns on TV on  television are always but the more known music   like Queen is gonna be considerably more expensive  to license I wonder how that I've never asked but   the UFC I work with a woman named Heidi who  works at the UFC offices she always does the   customizations of ourselves and and they can they  got some hella DJ's that can cut up any song any   three four five songs you want the walkout music  is just such a big deal in setting the tone for   the fight yeah I try not to I'm not I try not  to be too superstitious about you know music   and little things like that just because just  in case if something doesn't go your way say   the music stops or audio goes out or whatever  you're always able to get it out no matter what   state you know so right okay yeah I don't hang  on to the music too closely but every once in a   while I would try to put subliminal messages and  in the song that I choose but I don't allow it   affect my mental state that Queen use that Queen  tune right I've used it a few times I've used it   maybe two or three times since the first time okay  yeah but it's a relatively new thing that's great   I would normally be all over and but right around  flight time do my phone gets crazy that pisses me   off purse I don't like it either I don't wanna  mess with the fighter I don't want to contact a   fighter like we're feeling you get because we're  gonna distract a man when he's got a war to go   into it's like a one in you appreciate people  reaching out to you and saying good luck tonight   on the other hand you don't appreciate people  reaching out to you that you haven't spoke to   in a year or several several months right and  then they write you something of non substance   like kick his ass oh my bro you didn't write me  something right now I feel like my mind is it's   at a high capacity on fight day like a useful  useful useless [ __ ] [ __ ] it annoys me on   fight back say something and powerful impactful  said give me uh give me give me a scripture give   me something that's gonna like I can pull from  later on tonight don't say cookies ass cuz me   reading that thousand times today is not helping  any tax disruption I got better advice leave the   [ __ ] man alone let him concentrate let him be  with his team with his coaches and and and then   congratulate him when he wins yes yes yeah you  know I think that's what people are starting to   learn to do because I never I'm starving that's  it to not reply right before the fight and I'm   starting to get people get clever enough to write  me a whole month later after a fight they say you   know I see that you want to fight last month  I'm imagining things are finally starting to   calm down for you I wanted to reach out to you  and tell you that I'm so happy for you but those   people are the ones would get the best responses  from me because I'm actually in a mental place at   that point where I can actually give you my full  attention to everything like that but you know you   get it when you make a movie everyone your names  everywhere and everyone wants to be a part of it   at that moment and that's when unfortunately  you don't really have time to go into smaller   conversation the worst is my birthday you know  I've [ __ ] birthdays and holidays it's just   like it's so many people happy birthday happy  birthday and I know that these are people that   are wishing me well people who care about me I  wish you happy birthday response happy birthday   and I said something else the answer to something  else I [ __ ] hate because now I make a whole year   older we're drawing attention to have [ __ ] old  I am and my phone is bothering me all day with I   got more work to do replying to texts then then  I mean you're probably coming across as the most I want to take it back to fight day like what  what's that like for you waking up but you have a   routine that you do every fight that day or is it  start before that or is it like we have pancakes   [ __ ] zoned out yeah my fight day I wake up I  wake up whatever my body looks me up so you know   sometimes that's one o'clock in the afternoon  sometimes that's 10 a.m. it always varies and   the coaches are always on standby we will have a  breakfast I never eat meat on the day of a fight   I believe that meat do you hide I jest really slow  and it gives you energy for like the next day or   the day after that day definitely not the same  day you know so I don't mean eat me on the day   of an event I'll eat meat Friday after my Williams  I'll have some meat probably like a fish or like a   white meat but the day of the fight I don't have  any me and I'll eat a lot of sugar I love slow   burning sugars I'll have in the afternoon and a  lot of carbohydrates throughout the day I'll chew   on some rice some yams you could never be overly  hydrated on Friday so I'm sipping water all day   long are you talking to people or you just like  don't know no I touch to very certain people on   fight day that's my wife I talked to my my father  I talked to my spiritual leaders spiritual you   know advisors does it suck being the last fight  of the night or would you rather be first and   get it over with I be in the last fight of the  night is all I have ever known it's all so mean   I came out the womb two or three fights in the  UFC I had before being the main main event guy   the goal is to be main event guy for the rest of  my career that's the goal the case I think that's   gonna be the case no matter which way it goes  let me ask this fighters we get the impression   are like really guarded about anybody knowing  what their natural walking around way it is   fighting not me but when they're on an interview  they're like school can you talk about what your   way now and they didn't ever answer the question  why do you do that I don't know usually it's a   psychology you don't want your opponents to know  where you're at you know you can tell a lot about   a guy based on where he's at you know if he's a  little tip he's ten pounds over if he's under it   shows you where his kind of mental is at at that  moment so does it also indicate how much power   might be depleted from him on awake absolutely -  yeah if I know I know you're 20 pounds over and   we're fighting in two weeks that's that's a huge  psychological health E mm-hmm and then and then   and then mentally to like you know when you lose  20 pounds in two weeks you're not gonna you're   not gonna be right not gonna be there so uh and  when you know your opponent's having a wig tough   weight Club I like to really get tricky with my  words and manipulative and really start to try   to pile on certain things bully the guy almost  it's trying to break him before the fight even   especially if they miss weight by 0.5 pounds Oh  that'd be bad who you talking about you know I'm   talking about didn't you say when these to move  your fighting DC your life you'd be the champion   of you know six point five no no no no so if you  fight for a title you have to make two or five   point zero if you're if you're fighting at U of  a UFC G's 205-pound exhibition then you can weigh   in at 206 okay so if a championship you gotta be  205 I remember saying that and I was like oh this   guy's down you know like you got it going on I  but I want to preface me talking about any UFC   fighter I am well aware that they can [ __ ] me  up at any time and so I'm very talking about them   very easily Scott like judgmental about it because  I'm like bro these guys will just [ __ ] kick my   ass so I just don't want to come off as talking [  __ ] no I didn't come across that way at all and I   do appreciate you having respect for the fighters  you know a lot of a lot of fans give UFC fighter   [ __ ] for a lot of different things then and  at the end of the day man we put our lives on   the line to be entertainers you understand that  you know I mean so there there's always a certain   amount of leeway that I'm gonna give fighters for  certain things it's a lot that goes into what we   do especially the keyboard warriors are just  [ __ ] a face made top top top top band but uh   you ever seen one of them in person you're like I  know you do no never in person no I've had maybe   one or two people flat-out tell me in person  I don't like you yeah it's baby happy once or   drunk in over a decade yeah and they're usually  alcohol involved yeah yeah but um I'm learning   to really appreciate haters because a hater is a  person that is emotionally involved they care all   right it's true they care and they can be very  motivating I've definitely been more motivated   by negative [ __ ] than I've ever been motivated  by a positive [ __ ] I'm the same way right I'm   saying right now though honestly being involved  with the care project and being detached from   UFC and trolls and all that type of stuff this is  motivating me way more than a world championship   fight I mean I've been title fights for so long  now I'd get what that feels like I know what the   after-party feels like I know what it feels like  to be called champ and looked at as the greatest   fighter forever I already been experiencing these  things for so long now that that [ __ ] doesn't   really tickle me anymore changing my changing my  life and giving back to other people and and how   do people say thanks for what you did for the city  last night of some of that my neighbors look at me   like like a person that they're incredibly proud  to be neighbors with that means so much more to   me than being a UFC champion and I'm so relaxed  that's so much more so much more fulfilling part   of me part of me believes that that's the way  it's gotta be I mean I know it's gotta be that   way because I i-i've for one I had to learn how  to separate my like personal identity from this   like steve-o character because like I'm just gonna  be barreling towards misery if I don't you know I   got to be able to be healthy without the career  you know have no future but I also know it's a   little bit like trickier it's hard it's easier  said than done you know yeah it's like you got   a legacy to worry about yeah and like when you say  oh that doesn't tickle me anymore it feels better   it feels better Stevo honestly it feels better to  leave my legacy behind for a while you know I'm   still 30 I'm still 32 years old and every time  I fight I'm taking such a risk yeah and we got   to talk about that too but first let's talk about  your Twitter and anything I'm just acknowledging   what's out there okay because did you let it you  let it ride on Twitter right yeah you let it ride   on Twitter and when do you tweet something it  makes news you know and there's been a lot of   people talking about UFC pay lately you know it  came out I think like last year there was some   like revelation in the media that it's you know  most sporting organizations pay their athletes   50% of all the revenue the UFC pays 18% right  can you explain what that means because I hear   you say that but I don't know what that means  I think take all of the revenue 250 all the   revenue that came in from UFC to this because  I've heard it said that the fighters don't see   a penny off the gate I know we make no money on  gate concession merch we do actually okay much   they give us a check every once in a while and  I'm not trying to goddamn that my employer but   yeah it's definitely it's definitely nothing to  right it'll pay a bill and definitely not see   so many John jokesters honestly people ask me  all the time where do I get the lion shirt with   the half lion half face and I just like honestly  it's a nice shirt you can get it probably in the   UFC website but if you're doing it to support  me that I don't get anything off that damaged   t-shirt you know see seven cents per shirt that's  Bobby if that I don't know I'm glad John said that   because I'm terrified to like you know mess up my  relationship to the UFC because I've [ __ ] loved   going to the fight and it could be said true that  there's no other game you know what are you gonna   make money going to Bellator well yeah that's  that's the most messed up thing about about my   situation currently is in any other profession if  you're unhappy with the way you're being treated   or the way you know you're being paid or whatever  you can just you know take your [ __ ] and leave   and and go to the next boss and see if they value  you more and in my situation I would be forced to   retire from fighting completely unless I wanted to  coach your own in gym you know my hands are tied   so that nobody's paying 5 million bucks a night  to coach a gym but I do believe wholeheartedly   that that you know the companies that own Bellator  and some of these other leagues do have the same   amount of backing financial backing that the UFC  had and I do believe that having John Jones would   be the new face of your promotion especially today  when I'm really making an effort for the first   time to really get my [ __ ] someone together I  do feel good my mass Twi has done a lot for me   man it set me free in so many ways it embarrassed  me it reality checked me it you know I've never   been on camera drunk for the public to see like  that it was it was humiliating and somewhat of a   bottom for me and and I'm ready to snap it into  high gear but um but anyways I think right now   is a good time for any company to have me for  sure understand my goal is to be an asset to any   company that that I'm a part of and I got a I got  a feeling that if I am able to get out of my UFC   contract that I would be huge for another company  for sure you know I just wish that my relationship   with Dana wasn't the way that it that it is  and it's like I get that you want to make these   hundreds of millions of dollars off me but if you  don't like me anymore if you sleep flatout don't   like me you could easily say what you wanted what  you want to say but I don't like he actually likes   me I've never had whiskey night and dinners and  and and [ __ ] like that and I was there man and   and you know I wonder because I believe that our  perception of something can be so wildly different   than the reality of I don't think I'm his favorite  person I think it's really clear when you watch   one of his interviews when I come up and my point  is that if if that's what it is if this has gotten   to a place of being personal then I would just  much rather work for a company where I felt like I   went home I'm home when I go to work the employees  and I do have great relationships well with UFC   staff great relationship with UFC staff but um you  feel like you feel like they don't really want you   there my perception is different and and when you  say I think Dana doesn't like me were reacting to   the same stuff we're watching interviews you know  it's not a personal conversation and I my take on   it it's not that he doesn't like I just think  that he's been put on the spot and John Jones   wants more money and then it's like oh and so  you're kind of at the negotiating table with   him in front of the whole world with the media  covering it all and so I don't think that it's   a question of whether he likes you as a person  or you know or is respectful of you I just think   oh now I'm being forced to negotiate on a world  stage which is an ideal and so he's just kind of   defending his position in a way that he I don't  think when consider personal on any level now   you're taking business and you're spilling it out  and - you know I mean that's just what's happening   yeah and so I think that he's I think he cares  for you very much when I hear him say he could   have been LeBron James I look at that and I think  that he wants you to be the LeBron James you know   I do believe that yeah I think I think he does  like you I think he does care about you and I   think that he's a shrewd businessman you know and  I think that he's got a monopoly on the entire   sport of MMA so he is in a luxurious position to  pay people what the [ __ ] he wants to pay him   he's basically the man he's the man and and we're  huge fans of his we're huge fans of yours and you   know I hate to say it to you but I don't give a [  __ ] who's fighting I'm never missing a fight hey   listen I'm a fan of the UFC myself the UFC will  go on whether I fight or not I got I got I got   nothing to lose being in the position that I'm in  you know I you want to fight soon no I don't want   to fight soon I don't want to fight soon I have no  interest in fighting in the UFC until I get paid   what I believe I'm worth and a lot of fans like  steve-o like just said we'll continue to watch the   UFC and support the UFC and I have no problem with  that I just ordered the last pay-per-view myself   but I think it's really powerful when you stand up  for what you what you believe is right and and I   think I think that I think that eventually the UFC  will realize that they're being stubborn they'll   realize that that they do have a special athlete  in myself and I really I think they'll realize   I think they'll eventually meet me halfway is  there a certain percentage point you want to see   or is there if you can wave a magic wand to get  your needs met what does that look like that's a   good question though but in it but and I won't get  into specific numbers I'm not asking for anything   outrageous and I know we're in a pandemic and  I know when you're multi millionaire you asking   for more it makes you seem like this greedy person  and all these type of things I'm very aware of all   this but I'm also very aware that that that I have  the voice in the platform to make change most of   the guys who are doing the absolute worst are not  in a position that they could say publicly I have   a second job I'm borrowing money from my parents  I know so many photos that are living in Jackson's   MMA gym because they can't afford to have their  own apartment and there were UFC fighters and   they just so this is sad and and if I have to have  a bad relationship with Dana sit out for two years   three years to bring to bring light to bring light  to what's happening let's not sit out for two   years to bring light to what's happening then then  this see these are the things that people remember   you for more than winning belts the guy stood for  the younger fighters legacy thing it is already   sealed the legacy with with fighting always like  who are you what are you stand for what are you   about and what way are you innovative trying to  change the world for a better what are you doing   because and I can't I gotta just stop me there and  say it again let's not go two years without fun want to say that as it relates to what you're  worth there's something there big time and I   think that you're worth exponentially more now  and this is just my take this is just my take   but I think you're worth so much more now because  you've been in a place that's the worst place to   be for a UFC fighter where nobody even [ __ ]  necessarily cares that much because they know   you're gonna clobber your opponent so bad it's  just like okay you know we got a main event but   it's not even like really the interesting fight  because it's such a blowout it's so one-sided   it's like the problem that Amanda Nunez has right  now Mike Tyson Valentina Shevchenko Mike Tyson is   a little bit of different of a story because  they just wanted to see how fast it wasn't how   how explosive it was but Amanda Nunez Valentina  Shevchenko John Jones there's names I can think   of where it's like man there's so there's  they don't have a fight who do you put them   up against it's not even interesting right  and now we're I'm finally at a place where   there are big fights Dominic gray as General  Santos rematch I mean your last chance has   gotten people saying like John Jones looks human  in his last treatment he seems somehow beatable   I'm not necessarily saying I believe that's the  case but there's there's theories out there what   is that why are you looking like that I'm good  the city we are bad days at work I think that's   the best thing for me because now if the belief  is out there if it's in the consciousness that   John Jones is beatable then your pay-per-view  numbers are way up you are worth way more as a   potentially beatable fighter than you are as the  guy that you know it's gonna be a blowout I have   100% agree I think that I'm even more beatable  as a heavyweight and that's why I went to Dana   White looking for a raise Daniel Cormier got  a raise when he went heavyweight I was looking   for a raise to go heavyweight Francis Nagano is  scary you know there's a big chance that he could   break my jaw and I'm okay with that I'm okay with  that as a fighter I've whipped enough as that as   someone eventually gets me then we all have our  day I'm okay with that but I think that [ __ ]   with an increase of pay I think what about yeah  heavyweight the pay-per-view numbers are going   to go up inevitably more people are going to  watch but I think Dominic raise again absolutely absolutely but the fact that the UFC wasn't  willing to budge at all they didn't want to   talk about hey listen let's pay you a little less  let's enhance this this let's make this their that   it was never zero no negotiation whether you go  heavyweight next whether used to fight dominant   rail snacks whether you fire yan block a [ __  ] next you were gonna get paid the same event   the same amount and that's what made me retire I  just okay it was okay but but the percentage on   the pay-per-view you do get paid more if it sells  better I get paid more after more people start to   buy the fight so I thought on the first million  buys you know you get like a certain amount of   dollars and then after two you know after the  first hundred thought you giving them Sam that's   all incentive based sure so yes its back end like  I'm Jackass movies yeah what I wanted was just   the guarantee upfront to to go up a bit because at  the end of the day when I fight you know I don't I   don't know exactly what the UFC brings in but I'm  assuming it's somewhere wrong it's so funny how   exactly like the movie business this is because  there's two pieces of our movie contract there's   the upfront money what you're talking about and  then there's the backend money which is it once   the budgets been recouped and then tries to tell  you have to tell you have to trust them to tell   you how many movies are selling are you obviously  and we've got our lawyers do UFC no one questions   what was happening in the backstage is no one's  really auditing them to see how many paper user   actually did so you just they could say hey you  sold 200 bars this time and here's your check or   they can say there's been 700 bucks but it's  kind of like I'm saying like hey we're gonna   pay the same amount for jackass 2 then we do  for whatever you know right right of course of   course you should be always and and I think I  think you're because people are turning in for   the possibility that maybe Jon Jones is gonna  get beat especially a heavy well a heavyweight   more beautiful if it's got bit it's just simple  guys see they hit so much harder they hit so   much harder so the chances of getting knocked out  is higher but at the same time I've been facing   heavy weights for a long time and I do really  good against those guys I'm surprisingly really   strong really strong and I'm fast that I just move  well my body mechanics move very well so I think   I can do things that they just don't do and they  they just can't do it's kind of a question just   getting through the first round with him and  then you just get so tired well Francis Logano   it's very it's very simple get comfortable with  the worst-case scenario worst-case scenario is   he knocks you the [ __ ] out he possibly fractures  a bone in your face that's the worst case scenario   you get real comfortable with that idea and then  it becomes easy if he doesn't knock you out and   break your face you're smart you're fast you have  a chin you have great head movement you know you   can wrestle you can there's a lot of there's a lot  of ways things things can play out so I just think   about the worst-case scenario and get yourself  mentally to a place where you almost walking into   that like okay I'm getting ready to go out there  and this guy could possibly hurt me tonight okay   now that I've faced that I've swallowed that I'm  sure you have the similar conversation before you   jump off something you're like okay this could go  this way sure so that's the way I look at it so I   get friends about his dangers yes I believe that  he has a chance to knock me the [ __ ] out let's   sit let's say that out loud but if I don't get  knocked out I believe I win that fight I just   gotta get through round 1 and I wouldn't that  fight yeah how do you want to beat the gunner   you want to knock out or any any way you can  I just want to be the scariest baddest dude   on the planet and if that's Francis steep a or DC  yeah I just want I just I'm just ready to finally   stop playing games with greatness and just go for  it it's like John if you if you believe that you   have something that that is special that is even  a gift from your higher power then stop question   it because it's insulting it's insulting to you  that your Creator that you believe that he will   put limitations on what he's given you okay man  that's huge yeah hi then we're just about there   but I just said something that was a big deal and  he said I'm get comfortable with the worst-case   scenario mm-hmm is it an inevitability that you're  gonna fight until there is a defeat do you want to   try to get out while you're still undefeated my  goal is to get out while I'm still undefeated but   my goal is also to risk it all for my last few  fights I love it I love it I had a conversation   with Ronda Rousey on her YouTube channel and  she said some some pretty heavy stuff because   notoriously like it was well known that she took  the Holly home defeat real hard and she took the   the núñez to be even harder you know she was just  in a gnarly place and but then she came out of it   like a healthier person she told me she said you  know I feel like if I would have left undefeated   if I would have walked away with the belt you know  like that would have been selfish she says the way   I did it I'd say I feel good about I passed the  torch you know to there you know I didn't keep   it for myself and like I mean maybe that's where  you wind up when when you work through something   but my question is like if there is a defeat what  kind of by preparation what kind of like like like   like whatever head round walks that's a question I  feel like I have taken losses throughout my whole   adult life publicly to be accused as steroids  people you go from hero to zero immediately in   some people's eyes and even those you saw has  proven that that there's a reason for those   picograms and picograms gives you zero athletic  performance don't look like a guy was on steroids   even though I'm you daz a steroid user in some  people's eyes for the rest of my life which which   hurts me deeply honestly that's a defeat you know  I lost my mom you know that's a defeat I lost my   sister to cancer that's a defeat you know and  a hit-and-run it's a pregnant woman humiliating   and just you looked at as a monster you know to be  able to involved with something like that that's a   defeat you know so I've dealt with so much defeat  already and and I feel like my career has been   such a tremendous blessing already and everything  that I do in my career is just a cherry on top of   something that's already been great yeah if I were  to retire today they said that kid truly you know   came saw and conquered and you could retire yeah  it could be tired so I look at losing is at this   point in my life as is as John you are you're  already the greatest light heavyweight of all   time a fighter as a light heavyweight though  I'm the greatest light heavyweight of all time   and I don't think that's arguable right now so  I in my psychology I've already retired that and   and that UFC career is already on the shelf and  now I'm trying to focus on Who am I as a person   on Saturday that's what I'm talking about and  and got to separate you the person from you the   fighter yes because like the in suspended also  has helped me with you know I was suspended at   one point for almost two years for that steroid  thing so that helped me start to process John who   are you when you don't have the UFC to lean on  who are you and I've learned about myself that   I right away I find someone to work out with and  and that gets me off to college and you know and   then right now I have the cure project and it's  the first time in my life where I finally am a   part of something through this cure project is  is some so big for me it's it's like all I've   ever been my whole life is a father a man to my  girl Jesse a friend you know and like this this   UFC fighter I feel like my whole image has been  based around I've been John Jones Jon bones Jones   Jonny bones Jones I'm trying to create a life of  more substance outside the UFC I'm trying to get   to a place where I don't want to fight anymore or  I don't care about fighting anymore because we're   not getting validation from that and more I want  life that she's so powerful fulfilling outside   of UFC so that that if I do come back my ayat my  idea will be that I am truly giving them a gift   this is not for me this is you guys have paid me  enough to get me to come back and this is for this   is for like the fans of the sport but this isn't  something that I need to do anymore I want life   outside I want I want my friends to thank yo John  is the [ __ ] best friend to ever be friends with   I want I want my daughters to which they already  do absolutely love me and Amira me and respect   me I want my girl to look at me like yeah I got  the baddest [ __ ] man ever you know like that's   what that's what that's what that's where I'm  at right now it's like being the UFC champion   doesn't matter to nobody but but it's gonna call  it's really affect at the end of day me and my   circle right having money who does that affect  me and my kids right being an athlete don't mean   [ __ ] if you're not doing something with it  you're not in fact impacted somebody else and   some type of positive way our friends family and  and what really matters so the UFC MMA up and try   to get me back before I develop this identity that  has nothing to do with fighting and not want to go   back what I've noticed about you is I've always  seen you on you know on ESPN and I've had this   idea of you but like getting to know you over the  last couple days you're really [ __ ] funny dude and in this care project deal the biggest thing  for me and you know spending this this the last   couple days with your with your crew man what of  the last couple days mr. Cruise trips been so epic   and I'm talking to your crew it's like everybody  who's involved in this care project these are the   people who are like a positive influence on you  yeah and I've heard it like you know I've heard   some of the guys say you know like man if if he  stays with this circle that you're this group of   people around him then like he can't go wrong you  know there but there is like some kind of other   element there's some kind of other crew yeah like  if you wander over and start with them it's kind   of all bad yeah I feel like the coronavirus in  my last DWI it the corona virus itself it changed   something in my psychology it just made me start  looking at everyone that I was hanging out with a   little differently I'm trying to look at like okay  I got a lot of buddies that I go to the bar with   and stuff and since the virus truck it just helped  me look at the people that I surround myself with   and ask me like okay you know what do I get out  of this friendship what is this doing you don't   need a corona virus to do that's what really  helped me though yeah it helped me it helped   me learn how to stay home on Fridays and Saturday  yeah you know I you know I I uh my wife she she   loves me to live the way I want you know pretty  much and she doesn't harass me about going out   and stuff like I had with my boys and stuff so and  so before the world got put on hold I you stopped   this fear of missing out I had to be how I had to  be at the party I had to be doing something that   I considered wild and fun and and coronavirus  really helped me realize that John you're not   missing anything out there and that everything  that really really matters is happening during the   daytime and in with your wife with your kids in  and coronavirus just really helped me detach from   the night life and now that it's reopening and you  know people are hitting me let's go here they open   here there's mad people on the patio over here and  now I've learned this lifestyle of accountability   partners and I'll have my strength coach you know  Garret meet up with me three days a week and then   I'll have my endurance coach Lawrence meet up with  me twice a week I don't know how my dog trainers   made up three days a week and then my family to do  these little date nights and my daughter's to box   two days a week and then before you know it you've  locked yourself in with so many sober people and   you can't you know so I I'm like I got like two or  three things to do almost every day with somebody   who's sober who that's a physical activity and I  don't have time I don't have time to be getting   hungover or doing stupid stuff right now and and  it's my accountability partners and my friends   close friends and coaches set me free and it got  me operating at closer to like a 80% level right   now when for the longest time I was operating at  90 percent in training camp and then I will go   back down to being about a 40 percent person [ __  ] train I used to never train dude I used to just   man I just I was smoking ton of pot in between  fights get drunk on the weekends be going to   church on Sunday I love God with all my heart that  that's something that is very genuine about me   well yeah I had this side of me that just didn't  work hard or try hard at all I would only try hard   and camp in just being a loser man I was lucky I  was lucky that I didn't get in trouble more than I   actually did did get in trouble but right now I'm  opening up this this new idea in life I am busy   and I'm happy the first night that we met right  like you came to the green room at the show like   I'm a doing the [ __ ] show and the venue manager  says hey John Jones is here he's wondering if you   could come back and say hi I'm like what the  [ __ ] no way of course so John comes back we   hit it off we exchanged phone numbers and I'm  like yo dude let's beat up my ear tonight you   cauliflower ear it's on you we're gonna do it and  I'm like okay I gotta finish my meeting great but   then we'll meet up right and I mean like it's all  good but it seemed kind of evident to me that you   were with bad circle yeah yeah you know I know  everyone knows that but your sobriety and for a   while I felt like I surrounded myself with people  like to drink and smoke and and so out of respect   for you you know we took off but right now man  I'm at a place where I realized the responsibility   that I have the platform that I have and and I  realize that people respect you way more way more   for for what can you do for others for serving  then winning championships dude winning another   championship for Albuquerque like I do it for my  city I represent the board okay the 505 that's   nice what bro yeah donating half your endorsement  money to charities a month or and doing that type   of stuff is like I feel alive right now dude it's  like it makes you want to behave it makes you want   to keep that go on behaving for at behaving to  be the champ that's no pressure people expect a   world champion UFC fighter cage fighter to be a  little while you know but when you are the face   of a foundation about care it forces you to to  mature and to elevate yourself to a to a person   that is always on always on and always trying  to do the right thing so I'm excited to see what   I transition into over the next few years yeah I  mean especially with guys like you man who's just   the freakin former wild boy who's completely sober  now Matt wow this [ __ ] you always try to stop me   when I'm complimenting you the way the way that  you have changed your life bro and even seeing   your movie last night made me respect you so much  more birla just you went from such a I'll say dark   place man - just now you just [ __ ] you just  filled with a smile and and just you're trying   to use all that same fire and energy to change the  world for the better and I'm honored to be your   friend bro like I want to look at you as someone  as a mentor to people like Steve as a mentor   steve-o as John Jones is meant to I think I think  I think you'd be a good ear thank you so much and   I hope that you know any any part of this it was  like wasn't there wasn't any part of this there   was like rude or disrespectful or anything because  I have like so much respect when you were in the   pool yeah pull your shorts up all the way my wife  hates seeing your ass correct I could say - I love   you John John what a bitchin episode and you  know what else is really [ __ ] this signed   8 by 10 print of that building jump yeah they're  available already at Stevo comm so please head on   over there and get it because 100% of the revenue  is going straight to the Roadrunner Food Bank of   New Mexico Plus look right there that signature  looks just like a dick that's why I call it a   Ditka graph yeah and it's only 25 bucks which buys  up to a hundred and twenty five meals for hungry   New Mexicans so please do the right thing get  yourself this super dope signed 8 by 10 and you   know the street team I got I love you guys thank  you so much and yeah we'll see you next week Wow
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 414,676
Rating: 4.8765168 out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wildride, scott randolph, paul brisske, jon jones, ufc, jonny bones jones, the goat, ufc podcast, steve o ufc, ultimate fighting, mma, dana white
Id: Iv81UfE1ms8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 58sec (4678 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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