Danger Ehren - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #50

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Awesome, going to watch now. Age has been kind to Ehren he looks great.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/nitropartypooper 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Been waiting for this one! ❤️

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/n00xy 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

lots of J4 worries stemming from this one

it sounded like the ‘new crew’ was bullying on Danger Ehren, all because that’s what the ‘old crew’ did

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Soft-Dependent-5880 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

It was nice learning a bit about Ehren. It's very unusual to hear him talk, and he seemed very willing to talk lol. Once Steve-O gave him the chance he almost didn't stop hahahaha, still pretty cool.

Wish we could get to see those really gnarly stunts he mentioned. As fucked up as it might have been, I'm curious about the crew's reactions.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/_donnadie_ 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hey!! Anyone who enjoyed this podcast should also check out Ehren's appearance on Raab's podcast!! The Bathroom Break.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AC-UncleBort 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love this podcast!! I always have a soft spot for Ehren! ❤️ So happy that he is doing so great and going to be a dad! How exciting!😁

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/n00xy 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I want joey diaz and steve o i watch some old shit and fuck it 15 years later thèse 2 together

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Select_Trade_6942 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody and welcome to a wild ride that'll pull on your heartstrings because we get personal we get vulnerable and we pour jackass all over it yeah dude ladies and gentlemen danger aaron yeah dude hi everybody hi hi scott welcome yep i don't have to introduce you to scott have you met my gorgeous other co-hosts yes we met uh several years ago i believe yeah was it it might have been and then you met on facebook once covet hit dude time has been warped so bad like i swear to god we met over a uh a computer zoom call to talk about his tooth that's right when we did the tooth video yeah oh that's right okay and that was i think the only time that was not long ago how long did you say two years ago that was like a week ago or something i mean a week no is like maybe four months the first time i met you was when you guys did the uh the waxing mustache oh yeah i thought we met before that i don't think so that was because i was when you went to portland okay so that was that was like 14 years ago 2014. did the world 2014 that's what i mean yeah would you say it's not a the waxing mustache it was uh that was a [ __ ] classic bit dude that was like early on the youtube deal yeah you guys came up that's when you're growing out your stash to do different looks for acting no i don't think it had anything to do with acting i i for all i know i was growing it out to wax it i don't know sounds about right so long ago i don't remember you had almost you had a beard a beard maybe but let's uh make this [ __ ] kick ass like right out of the gate um have you announced to the world what what you have to announce oh i have lots to announce what you're referring to what what what'd you say you're having a baby i didn't see [ __ ] oh i'm just kidding it is the world and i was joking like are you pregnant yeah so yeah no i thought you knew and then you were just saying that and then you felt bad because you said it because a lot of times if somebody told somebody and they weren't supposed to tell that person that they got told that's the big one it's like oh i wasn't i'm sorry i'm right like full disclosure full disclosure i said it and i was joking and i forgot but we spoke on the phone a couple days ago and you told me when we were when we were talking about the merch operations yes but when it came out of my mouth i was like oh [ __ ] up i'm doing anything i'm supposed to tell anybody i'm just trying to be funny and say oh you're pregnant like you know i'm sorry dude no it's funny i don't have i've been having a moment yeah way to blow it for me dude there's like so many cameras in here it's not just audio taking my glory bro dude but it's it's the first trimester is you only tell people who are like super who are like you're you're you'll be comfortable saying you got a miscarriage yeah but how many times have you been pregnant never okay so i can tell you from my experience it's i've never been had had a child before or anything uh i've i've raised a child i love my step child lucia but i've never actually gone through the process of of birth like this and it's it's a it's it's cr on itself it's amazing and wild and crazy but during covid it's like i don't know i would i don't even know what to compare it to but for people that have talked to me about like having a child during covet they've all been like it's just crazy i can't go to any of the meetings or you know i can't go with this and that and i don't know who to tell because i'm normally you have like a baby shower or you have some event where you can get everyone together so then the event becomes a zoom call or some instagram post how far are steepos not only did nobody know like during the first trimester his child is expected to be born on may 21st yeah and if you think about it literally like a couple months like yeah they're way down the track but i was filming jackass four and at the time i was doing something or very you know let's just say dangerous to a certain part of my body multiple times over and over again and you know maybe he thought that if everybody knew that he was expecting a child that they would be like oh well he's already reproduced like you know we can like go extra super hard on him yeah but come to find out i couldn't go any harder than we already did like so yeah of course we can't we can't say anything but like let's just say that they're gonna have to not show like what actually happened in a lot of cases because to show what happened would just be too much they'd you know just way i went to i was so crazy on this new movie yeah like are you but i broke my neck so many times i told jeff and and knox i'm like listen i can't break my neck again so i'm gonna have to figure out something else to do well we figured it out so they broke the opposite part of your body no it's functioning bro that's enough enough said um about all that but yeah dude so danger's gonna be a dad and and uh congrats congratulations thank you girl girl oh i wanna say two would you would you think about about my covent joke when uh oh last night i went to your show and the the one about not having children well it was just it was just it was about the pandemic i said how like man thousands of people dying every day oh yeah it sounds serious but i don't have any context so i just i i was too curious i had to find out how many people die anyway and turns out before the pandemic uh the average deaths in america every day was 7500 but that's not what's shocking what's shocking is how many average births there's eleven thousand americans born everywhere is that just americans or women in america in america just in america so i'm like okay so once i've given that statistic 11 000 are born every day eleven thousand and one [Laughter] so we're next four thousand a day yeah okay so then the punch line is which begs the question should the coronavirus not pick up the pace we might be in trouble right i mean it's getting kind of crowded around here i mean it is i'm looking at traffic right now yeah it's not just here and around here it's everywhere the population of the earth is sure it's too many it's double what it should be and it's going to continue to rise and we're like we're like ants in a molehill or an ants in an ant farm anthill and all that just like they're everywhere ants are really strong and smart geniuses except for when they take the bait every time that's like come on little bro just brought back all that stuff i'm gonna kill you all with so she killed you last time what are you doing so when we've done stand up like uh together there was there was a period where like a spokane we were doing all like uh you know everybody from jackass except for like like bam in knoxville and we met like all of us were doing shows together and whenever i go up to uh portland oregon yeah uh or seattle like i will do shows together and and you talk a lot about how you grew up in a funeral home and uh like you've got the joke about about what was it that you would like crawl into the coffins and pretend to be dead oh man so i i mean i was a kid you know seven years old but i grew up in a mortuary since the age of three so what's the difference between a mortuary and a funeral home same okay if you know home and more toy um and your dad is a funeral director yes a mortician that's what my cousin is yeah so he does make up the services everything um grieving with the family and it's gnarly man it's crazy but so i don't know like one day i was in the casket room where he sells caskets and the family who was crying and i i got in there into the cast room right before they did and i closed down this casket and i laid in it and as the my dad lifted the casket to show them the inside of it to sell it to them for the one you know they just lost their loved one i jumped out of it went crazy and i got out and he looked at me and just said get upstairs and you know when your dad talks really quietly back in the 80s yeah by his belt that had his initials on it or his whole letter or his whole name on it because back then everyone i don't know it was cool to make your own leather belt and stamp your name into it so he worked my ass doesn't i was alive for like three months of the 80s i i don't understand this new like way of life like just posting everything you do and not doing anything for real i don't know it's how do you how do you keep busy during the day oh wait sorry were you going somewhere i was just curious like is the funeral home still like what your dad does like no he's retired now um so there's not gonna be your kid is not gonna grow up in a funeral home no that won't happen why you make it sound like it wasn't a real treat to girls it was a real treat that's a real treat man you're weird [ __ ] creep yeah what does that do to somebody well basically like so at a very young age i realized i had this epithelia so i came in i remember the lady what kind of an epiphany did you have as a young buck at the age of you know actually it was i was about nine i think and epiphany amber thiessen that was so good i'm sorry dude no but she she stopped me and i just had come home with books in my hand and from elementary school and she stopped me and thought i was part of the family and she's telling me about her the husband that she had lost she was an older lady elderly and she was telling me all these stories and everything and and then i basically just kind of walked off went upstairs to my room but it made me realize that the stories and the memories that you share and the people you connect with in this planet that we call earth is that is what life is and if you can let go of life and be positive and not look back and say i burned people i did bad stuff and whatever then you can just let let go and that's heaven and leaving behind memories of stories with with family and loved ones and being a good person so it meant a lot to me and so i i wanted to basically do that for forever but it made me realize that i wanted to do something to the masses like entertain be an entertainer or something an athlete like do something where i could like make a big splash not just for my little town that's just me personally and then that's kind of however became danger aaron you know snowboarding pro snowboarder trying to just so so you got your way into jackass was very much the same as dave england you guys were like uh like a package deal um well i was snowboarding up in oregon dave had moved up there i'm from oregon um and uh david said dave england got in and he was like yo no it was actually whitey my friend whitey oh yeah whitey okay told those guys because we were filming stuff up there just funny whatever gags snowboarding stuff and i had written a couple ideas and so they flew up there to film the pilot with dave and myself because the idea that i had turned in they were just like oh what that's crazy okay let's do it but what was that idea like urban kayaking oh there was so many urban kayaking blind driver um all the danger aaron like extreme scooting like that whole character didn't you know danger what was the gnarliest the pogo stick this this shirt i love that dude i love when he pogo sticks onto the skateboard it's one of my favorite this is actually a shirt i had made um by mikey boss dog and he he did this graphic for me i said i all i want is a pogo stick i want my orange jumpsuit and my pogo stick from the first skit i ever filmed and that was that was the first game that was um i showed up just to god that was such a genius [Laughter] too i know it's doable i couldn't quite figure it out but i mean how many tries did you take on the the that you mean just the the pogo i would imagine that you would have trouble committing to that no no trouble committing i full committed back in the day and i still do you know you've seen it and this was you you did a pogo stick right on to escape yeah i was trying to basically become the first pogo skater yeah and that's why i made this shirt and and so it's pretty good that's great man i became the first stilts skateboarder there you go and uh wow did that [ __ ] me up i don't think i ever saw that anymore i didn't do i did it on stage at spring break i don't even know if there was [ __ ] footage rolling and i landed just straight on my ribs and like i i didn't even break a rib i just like bruised them right there because that's even worse couldn't laugh you're laughing hurt so bad like and sneezing oh my god yeah the worst and when was the first time that you guys met well so back to this pogo thing um i showed up on for the pilot this was like way before we even had a tv show so it wasn't even called jackass at that point no no it wasn't it wasn't called jackass it was just a show that we were trying to sell to either mtv or comedy central it hadn't been bought yet so we were just doing them you know you had yours was it on that trip when dave england had the the fake baby on the bicycle and crashed the bicycle um that was the following trip i think they came up where they actually came up for about a week to film that first pilot we did was two weeks two days it was a weekend shoot we came up and i showed up dressed as danger aaron for no reason whatsoever i just showed up in that the danger iron outfit with that you care about leaving people a legacy of entertainment yes and i figured what better way to just hug myself off of things was that sorry was that like the character you know danger aaron was it invented for that or it was no no it actually came from um uh two years prior i dressed up as a race car driver and we bought an ltd and we we went backwards all through portland and uh and then the next year i didn't have an outfit for halloween so i went as danger aaron which was the race car driver outfit and all of my injuries were which at the time at the age of 20 i believe it was a neck brace an arm brace a leg brace a leg all your medical paraphernalia yeah yeah and a crutch and and then i went for halloween as danger aaron and then later that you know next year whatever when they showed up i still had that costume and so i showed up with my helmet and my mechanic suit that you know has my name or whatever and then dave was pogo sticking and i just got out of the car and i was like hey can i try and i and then i just went through all through portland pogo sticking bad it's a cute story but the reality is that the name aaron mcgee sucks that's the real truth yeah but stephen glover's much better you're the first gilchrist i've ever heard yeah you know what knoxville's real name is yeah we do yeah you'd love to say it on phillip john clapp what's this what's your piece he's named after an std but wait is clap spelled c-l-a-p-p it is why i don't know how the std no i know his name how much hardware do you have in your body by hardware scott means plates and screws that one gets surgically drilled into their bones when they've been broken beyond what the body can repair naturally so i love my hardware and i love the hardware that i wear outside my body on my right wrist because it makes life like a video game see it's called a woop band and it is the most epic fitness tracking device out there it gives me so much insight into my activities how many calories i burn how much rest i'm getting what kinds of rest that like it just motivates me to stay more active to get better score on my rest to just be a healthier person it makes my life better and i want you to try it get yourself a woop band the woop band is completely free and what you do is you go on woop.com that's w-h-o-o-p com to sign up for your membership and when you do that if you use the promo code stevo you get 15 off at checkout so do that head to woop.com use the promo code stevo get 15 off at checkout and let your life be a really fun video game that makes you healthier now let's talk about dangerous hardware um i have had three broken necks so i've got a fusion at c5 and six a disc replaced at six and seven a disc replaced at seven t1 and then my neck fused itself at c2 and three because of scarring from like injuries um and how many of those injuries you just listed are from jackass uh i broke my neck twice in the last film we did previous to what we are just working on now so what's what bits uh i think it was number three there was uh up in the snow shopping cart he was sitting there and they were gonna have him ski across like some little body of water yeah no but i got in a shopping cart and i've been the fastest built on water skis or something it was uh no it was on regular skis and and eric rohner all right right pushed me through uh down the hill and they built this pond that i was supposed to land in and the gag was that i'd get wet and then i'd walk over to get a towel and they would just a hole like an eight-foot hole drop drops off and then i eat [ __ ] in there and then i think some mistakes or some [ __ ] well no and i told jeff i was like yo i'm pretty good with knowing how like velocity and like stuff i've made a career off of this my whole life has been about hucking my body and surviving and i said i'm gonna hit that wall i'm gonna flip hit that wall and break my neck and he's like no you'll be fine and sure enough i did and it whips and i knocked out and i get in the water and i'm i'm i'm fully concussed and i come too because it's ice cold water and i get up and i'm like oh my god and everyone's looking at me literally like they thought they killed me in full speed and regular speed it was [ __ ] violent as [ __ ] yeah and and i'm standing there like looking at them like like should i be walking right now like what should i do because i feel like i'm i'm dying and they all looked at me like oh god what that went wrong what do we do now and then somebody said the towels are over there and i'm not [Applause] even knowing that i had already probably like i was a [ __ ] ghost i was just walking they they thought they killed me they didn't understand it fell in the hole and i'm laying in there go are you kidding me right now just like that no because they felt so bad that's another example where they couldn't show what actually happened because it was too much if we had just like not the 0.5 because even the 0.5 can't show the like a lot of the gnarly stuff if we had i mean i don't know that there's that much footage that was like couldn't be shown i mean it sounds like like uh you're falling with a broken neck into an eight-foot hit like it does count why but like there's lots of things man we've been doing this for 21 years like why would he what comes to mind yeah well okay take for instance i did something that you would have seen that you might not know the backstory of what you really could have seen um yellow snow cone where i i pee into a snow cone i saw that and i was like man that's low brow even for us no but not at the beginning and it was it was awesome like you can say what you want people remember it that's true absolutely yeah so so my original idea with that was that i wanted to make a snoopy snow cone machine like p cone and we couldn't get like hasbro or whoever owns that brand to clear off that so so i was like okay well what about this and we just stuffed you know date with snowing in portland in dave's backyard and that's when we filmed that and i peed in a snow cone and i ate it and it was pretty narrow but it wasn't like super gnarly like compared to what yeah we do now but back then it was like you don't show that stuff for real on a movie tv or was it on that that was the movie it was in the first movie like you just don't show real stuff like that on a film in a theater theaters at the time and so i did that they've kicked me the nuts that felt really not cool whatever and i dropped to my knees and i started puking because it was disgusting and he hit me kicked me so hard on the dick that my stomach basically like was exploding with all the food that i had just eaten and so i puked all over the place and then i stuff i pick up that snow and i stuff it into the snow cone thing and i look at the camera dimitri i think and i go and now this is the brown snow cone and then i ate my puke in the snow and they never showed that they can't show that it's not because it's disgusting i don't know i mean you can't show that like we did that but there was they ever showed the vomit when uh dave they we had to reshoot that three times just to get it because of all the and that was why they had hazmat suits and [ __ ] i'm not sure i talked to jeff the other day about that i don't know like i can't remember how about on the first movie when you did the mousetrap thing and you were like crawling around in the with all the mousetraps everywhere yeah and that was like it was like all right that's kind of cute but then what was like the most amazing thing that anybody had ever seen was when was it knoxville through the mouse trap yeah like how [ __ ] incredible was that can you imagine trying to do that on purpose you know it'll never happen again yeah the thing about doing the mousetraps that was so gnarly or whatever impressive to me was that when you set 2 000 mouse traps if one goes off a lot of them go off and then you've got the that whole problem and we like were able to set 2 000 mouse traps for me to roll through so that was pretty cool what would you say if they were like okay we're going to redo that old mousetrap bit but it's going to be rat traps with rat traps yeah i i i'm uh why what's the difference bigger and harder yeah they're heavy dude rat traps if a rat trap gets clamped around your balls you you're not having balls dude so just don't just squish them completely so when you put your tongue on a trap it's a mouse trap yeah you don't do a rat trap oh you could yeah rat traps are [ __ ] up what's the point right yes it may be a little too much i don't know i get it maybe so let me let me ask you about this because this is something that i feel like pretty strongly about like over the years like all 21 of them like you've kind of like been uh like sort of a whipping boy you know it's yeah it's like everyone just be mean to danger aaron like where what makes jackass so special is this like camaraderie this charisma or could not charisma this chemistry that we have between us yet like it's just like bullying you've been yeah you've been the victim of very much bullying for sure for like you know a lot of the time dude and and it's hard for me sometimes because well a lot of times for any purpose of somebody being bullied but i'm you know in a sense being uh outcasted and bullied and it's all in good fun is so everyone says but the reality is is no matter what eventually you just get tired of the same repetitive jokes that are being put towards you right and that's it's different because it's my job i'm not like this in person like if you [ __ ] with me like i'm sorry you like i'm not gonna just take it like i do with while we're filming stuff because right it's we need that person like as a group we really do like if we didn't have me i guess but what happens in this situation a lot of times is like one person will say something and in order for them not to get picked on they make sure that they're dishing out and then all of a sudden everyone else will just kind of follow suit right behind it's a normal thing in life people do it right same way in order for them not to feel like oh they're coming after me let's go after that person and then my the attention will not be on me anymore or or you know what i'm saying and yeah it's almost like maybe maybe they're getting bullied at home but they're not kids all i know uh is who i am you know as as you getting hot yeah can we open up that that window sorry dude you can max air that stuff and the little blaster fan mm-hmm this thing's set up for all terrain do you does it ever come also like all-terrain interviews cause people people who watch jackass they feel so close to you guys they feel like they're your buddies so do people come up to you and feel like they can bully you because no no i think most people come up to me and they can relate to what happened that's cool because no matter like yeah there's like you know there's the cool guy and the cool guy like everyone thinks that's cool that cool guy's getting picked on all the time too like even if it's just people don't respect that person or something like we we're all human beings like we have like we need to take care of each other what does morrissey say like i'm just a human and and i i need to be loved yeah there you go i can't remember what we were just talking about though you said that um i said everybody bullies you yeah and i mean a lot of times it's funny i mean like yeah i mean a lot of it's funny and i do agree with you that maybe like to an extent we need that but i said when i brought this up initially i feel strongly about it because i think that you know for a lot of the time it's just gone too far it's totally it's gone past the point of being like playful and fun and it's like what's the point it gets to the point where it's like what's the point of saying mean things to a person when uh there's not even cameras being rolled and a lot of times like not a lot of times but sometimes and it's not just to me it's to everybody like we latch on to somebody else to take the blame off of us and that's what happens with this we get nine guys 10 guys together whatever now it's like a morning everybody gets [ __ ] there's no question about that but it just goes with you it's just it's been too much a lot of the time and it's been when cameras aren't rolling and it's like yeah and and i've just you know i i i'm speaking up for you man because i i love you and you're a great guy hey you don't deserve that [ __ ] thank you yeah thank you well here's what here's what you just said is i'm a great guy i mean i don't know if i'm a great guy but i'm a good person i'm a good guy and at the end of the day and at the end of the day whatever people say or do to me like i go home i'm like dude i'm killing it in life like i'm killing it in life i've got the best life i'm the same person i was before i started jackass like i'm i'm i feel like you can't say [ __ ] to me like literally you can't say [ __ ] to me that's gonna like make me not really know who i am and and respect myself i agree with you think i have to be really strong to be able to still continue to hear that [ __ ] over and over again because i'm not letting it it does affect me and eventually i get over it and i'm just like fine then you guys can talk [ __ ] to yourselves i'm going to walk over here go back to one of your nine houses go back to one of my nine houses and chill dog but you have to be strong like your shirt says you do in in life especially when people are like giving [ __ ] for no reason all you want to do is crawl up into a ball and be like [ __ ] they're right i suck but you don't you know i don't suck i don't care well just look at the people tell me what you want you know it's like even like the comments on some of the videos it's like dude who's actually saying that and why would you say that to anybody do comments on social media it's like the way that the world works right now with social media and how easy it is to just ridicule people and make them feel like [ __ ] for no reason it's ridiculous that's turned into normal society now and that's not how we need to live like what's the point in telling everybody what they're doing wrong instead of like saying hey you're doing this right and you could fix this or do that better but you're not always just doing wrong like like that's not going to benefit us all it's a spiritual axiom meaning like an immutable law of nature that the way we treat others is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and that's why it's all the hating and negativity you know it's like you got some [ __ ] [ __ ] going on with yourself and you don't like it and so you take it out on other people like in general like happy healthy people don't [ __ ] on others yeah you know well you but but it's different with this because we this is this is i mean honestly i am i'm 100 percent sure that we all love each other like yeah like like yeah like we're family and you have a brother or sister and and you love that person and you still pick on that person and it's not it doesn't excuse it but usually what happens when you get older in life like in your 40s and 50s is you're like mature enough to then say you know i'm sorry i i don't mean to pick i didn't mean to pick on you yeah but we aren't mature we are jackass like we aren't supposed to grow up we're supposed to be like doing this as i guess forever but so that normal like growing up phase and and being like hey man i just want to let you know i love you and like i tell you i'm sorry yeah i know i tell that to you too yeah dude so do you think maybe the other guys feel like since you're you sort of said like you know you almost played this role of being like that out of a joke but it's almost their job also to like throw it at you and kind of like give you this [ __ ] and like they're like this is just work for me like yeah maybe you might have a little bearing and you know it's like it's just it's accepted it's it's what as we've done for so long yeah but you know i i don't i i would like to think that if i were on the other side of it like i wouldn't be like rousting the dude over and over again and because i can see when i do it to some of our new crew or whatever i can see their their emotions and their their whole like outlook on like their spirit like like when i when when i see other people start doing things to them i see them instantly just like go into this like oh man i i i'm like oh no like and it totally makes it it'll be hard enough coming in like to a new crew and then you get rousted it's like jesus maybe i don't belong here well there's but you should you should get [ __ ] with you know but there's a certain point at which because i get [ __ ] with i know like okay it's about to cross the line i don't want to like there's no point in me hurting his or her feelings for anything right now we're not even filming what's the point hey man just know this i'm just trying to teach you something that's it that's all cool and then it's like oh okay cool and then it's like seniors and freshmen yeah so what was the conversation that you and i had we had a conversation on the flight of home from india or like yeah was actually going to india and i think we sat next to each other on the way back too i remember bonding i remember that it's been something that we reflected on like many years later but i hadn't gotten sober yet i was a [ __ ] pile of pile you weren't dude it was like the conversation so we're going to india what movie was this two number two yeah we're going to india and they paired stevo up with me on the 17-hour flight to india you guys find the first question steve you were like this was like this was like the beginning of the end this was like this was the beginning of the the gnarliest you could ever be in doing like um drugs like you this was going to india yeah so you got a nose full of cocaine before you got on the flight but i can tell you this i i do know that you did smuggle drugs because i smoked some weed out of your ass okay good so that came from his butt good so yeah i don't know how it got there i swallowed a condom i probably swallowed like five or six condoms full of weeds really you didn't just do one you did like five or six yeah he had weed i got to on this plane for 17 hours and he's like just what i'm like dude um what so what's up like what what do you come like what's your story like like let's we got a lot of time to talk let's talk about real stuff let's talk about life outside of this cool [ __ ] we do of jackass and we got to talk and i was like you know man like none of this really matters like what matters is you're you like you matter and you need to take care of yourself like everyone likes crazy stevo and we all love that crazy stevo but if there's no crazy stevo anymore because crazy steve will kill himself i'm [ __ ] doing too many drugs and you had no responsibility for anything i said to you i was like you need to take care of yourself man and i love you and i care about you and i truly believe you have the ability to be a like a rad person because you were not a red person yeah definitely not and and we talked and we kept talking and and then we smoked uh weed from your butthole later on [Laughter] his response was totally like kind of shocked i remember you were like shocked that i would even bring that up or talk about it like because it was it was like your mortal enemy uh you didn't want to like acknowledge what you were really doing and i stopped you and made you acknowledge it and you were you were like you're really concerned you're on my [ __ ] list for the next day yeah was he competitive or sort of like receptive and so you weren't you were competitive we bonded it was we had a bro down yeah and then that was the second but that was three uh how many years before you got you cleaned up on that about two years before two years that two years more went by so that was like the beginning of yeah really taking off that stuff and then then we did the mtv special the 24-hour takeover before that everybody keeps talking about this 24-hour takeoff oh whatever wait i want to talk about the end of the the second movie like you had the the pubic beard yeah and that idea came about because we had a a writing session at jeff tremaine's house to come up with ideas for the movie yeah and and i said uh just in in this meeting i said hey man for what it's worth i uh like looked at my my bush my pubic hair was just like such a gnarly afro like uh you had to i shaved it off and i shaved it off and it was so much puberty it was such a big bush like i stepped it into an empty drug baggie yeah like uh i've done this several times [Music] it's sitting in my uh in my medicine cabinet in my bathroom um and so we're like okay what can we do with with pubic hair and like it the whole idea didn't come up in that session but that was like the genesis like where it all came so you end up with everyone's pubic hair yeah super glued to your face which by the way i would do that i've said this every day i i i would i i've said and i would really do every day for like i would say almost the rest of my life have to shave off your dicks pubic hair off my beard didn't break my neck again seriously that makes sense so so so i'm like every person in the world would agree with you on that i got one yeah and it was simple yeah [ __ ] movie and possibly all time of jackass and i didn't have to break my neck i don't know dude done with the carbs the pubic beard the big beard was good though because it was like that part within a prank aspect where aaron thinks he's pranking this guy but that prank is all on him like but it was perfect but dunn's car up the ass is probably this is like the best thing that's pretty much the best thing yeah but the reason i bring up the pubic beard and and what the bit was called it was called the terror taxi with the pubic hair on your and then like the the whole terrorist bomb thing yeah and uh you after it was filmed you told everybody oh i knew it was pubic hair i was just being a bro i was just going along with it because i didn't want to ruin the bit but i knew okay you want me to tell you the truth i mean this is a controversy that's that's raged on forever since the beginning since the beginning of the day he's got an answer oh i'm i don't lie i don't need to lie why do i need to lie about anything my life is so crazy already so that whole time you and you absolutely so i walked in this is huge so i walked into train's office and he says to me we're gonna film and i don't care at this point i can tell like anybody everybody and i've told it as verbatim the same way every time because it's the truth but i don't care to tell the whole world now it doesn't matter i don't think that you've told it the same every time i have i've told it the same every time that's the way it went down no i didn't know about the pb okay so check this out so i walk in now we got another version listen i'm going back to the beginning of how i even ended up in this skit i'm not at that time i didn't know there was going to be any hair involved on my face but i can tell you this that tremaine told me that he we were going to film the skit that i wrote years ago and i went through all of my notes when i got home because i write everything down and catalog it and i didn't find it anywhere and i had already turned in some [ __ ] gold for this movie and it wasn't being filmed so i knew it was a setup i'm like i told my girlfriend at the time i said they're either gonna pull a gun out or a knife out or they're going to take me i thought what they were going to do is take me to jail and [ __ ] with me in jail and so that was where mine was my mind was going so when they're put in the pubic hair the dick hair as i refer to on my chin or on my face all over it i even said is this pubic hair and and it's in the film i think it was i think they used that yeah yeah yeah and and and she goes no it's hollywood hair and at that point i didn't even process or give a [ __ ] because i realized that what is happening right now is hilarious right so i went into the taxi i didn't know his channel c car whatsoever i should have because he's neighbors but i'm sitting behind him and dimitri's sitting next to me and we're filming going to do this [ __ ] gnarly terrorist taxi bit and so i'm in character saying take me through the brittany geared for please and all those things and and i don't know it's jay and dimitri's looking over at me saying like saying like hey hey say that one and i said something something that he had said to me and then i started talking about liking women's breasts and stuff and and then i'm like yeah we're going this way and then all of a sudden we're in a parking lot and jay gets out and i'm like i [ __ ] got a bum and why would i say i've got a [ __ ] bomb it's totally fake with the dude who's pointing a gun at me like do you think i would actually be i know i'd be like dude i'm so sorry instantly so the only way out for me was to look like a badass and act tough and so i was like [ __ ] you dude i got a [ __ ] bomb what are you gonna do and all this [ __ ] so you said you still thought this was i'm not real or fake no i haven't you know you knew it was a bit at that point you didn't look like you knew it was a bit exactly but i'm telling you the truth okay okay i knew what you're telling me you can't process it's truth i mean this i don't know dig this story like this no no no the stories go in the same direction the whole time i knew it was a setup i didn't know about the pubic hair i said this is pubic hair but then i didn't even think about it anymore because i want to stay in character the whole time i'm being abducted all of a sudden with the he tells me to get out get on the ground i'm in the back of the [ __ ] taxi and i'm literally laughing my ass off like under my breath because i know i'm mike and bam says something and i go that's ben marcher he's famous you should listen to him like you think i'm gonna say that [ __ ] if i'm terrified of my life but i remember there's a point where you're in the van and you're like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is [ __ ] stupid what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] i'm sick of this [ __ ] get me out of here that was fake no it was entertaining okay so if i understand correctly you didn't know it was pubic hair glue it was pubic hair glued all over my face that it wasn't a real taxi driver i knew it was a setup i knew as a setup the minute jeff told me that i wrote the skit and i went back through all my notes from all the last many years and couldn't find it when i knew that we had already turned in really great ideas and we're wasting time doing this what is this old skit i don't i didn't write it if i didn't write it but we're filming it but he told me i'm writing i wrote it then it's a setup i don't know how it's going to go down but i know it's a setup all right so as soon as the cab driver pulls the gun in your head you know this is a bit uh a prank on me yeah so but then so you just sort of play it for the camera like uh the way you did it i feel bad telling everybody all the time over and over because especially they don't believe me this is one but it's the truth like i'm like it's not just a once and for all because this will spark new conversation of like why like why would you even say that it's not true i'm like it is it's just the truth it's how it went down i am the one person that knows i don't understand what you've explained so let's i didn't know about the pubic hair i knew it was somehow a setup i didn't know how it was going to go down my thought was and i told my girlfriend at the time that it was gonna be like i got a gun pulled on me a knife or something like that or taken to jail where then i get [ __ ] with like leave me overnight with cameras everywhere and i'm freaking out that i didn't know it was going to stop there and then when i come out and i'm acting or i'm scared whatever right right then they tell me about the pubic hair and then that processes through my mind like oh [ __ ] like that's disgusting now that i have a moment to just take a breath and then i started puking because it was in my mouth where i had just ripped out a tooth or something there were crabs in your mouth yeah and then that that was all that's all real like come on man okay good was the dick hair really that necessary yeah and i made sweatshirts too that said right yeah i like it anyways so so i think that of all the guys on jackass that that you are probably the most like well adjusted in that you don't really subscribe to fame or celebrity you don't really identify as that you're just a normal guy you live a normal life and i think you've also been more entrepreneurial with the money that you got from jackass than most any of the other guys in that you've taken it and invested it in all this real estate like you said you own nine houses like uh you had seven right now right yeah and i when i found out about this real estate initiative that you were all into and that you had like at the time like what nine or ten houses i i remember thinking dude danger that's great while the market's doing well but like dude these how if the real estate market crashes you always have a backup plan what's the backup plan well i bought my first house off the first movie where we made just like you know we didn't make that much money but i i bought a building uh down payment in my hometown where i grew up to start a skate shop so i bought the building and got a loan for the business because it's better to own the real estate than it is to have a business you can fail a business but if you own the property you continue to rent it out and whatever else and so that's the mcdonald's movie yeah no this was way before that movie came out but it's the way it is [ __ ] that dude he's a liar i'm gonna tell you the truth no i'm kidding so i i took the money that i made for that movie and i moved back i lived in hollywood at the time for like three years trying you know being a part of the whole thing whatever it was great time but i moved back to my hometown and started my skate shop and bought a house and since then i've i've acquired many homes uh that i've you know vacation rentals and whatever else being involved in real estate is a long-term game it's not something you do there's a lot of people that flip homes and if you have decent credit you can get in the game of that and that's a pretty good living but my plan was because i'm fourth generation oregonian i love oregon i wanted to own as much in oregon that places that i would want to live and that's my philosophy behind it and basically uh in the long game of it is there's like a up and down it's a roller coaster the real estate market it's the same as anything with inflation uh you know the only way to protect your uh money like when i was a little kid in elementary school i used to buy suckers for 10 cents and take them to school and sell them for 25 cents to my to my classmates so i'd make 15 cents every sucker and i'd sell like 20 suckers a day and then one day i went to the store and that sucker that was 10 cents my price was now 25 cents so i had to buy them for 25 cents and sell them for 50 cents i made more money but if i had bought in boxes at 10 cents then i would have been rich and that's my philosophy with houses is inflation hits you know and when inflation hits the only way to protect your money is to have it invested in something that goes up with inflation instead of just sitting in the bank how many of those houses are rented out they're all i mean i bought my parents a house like one of the first and uh my house i live in and then and you do all your own construction yeah i build great yeah i've been to one of your houses they're beautiful yeah yeah dude i have a lot of really it's incredible what you do with houses man it's [ __ ] badass i've obviously don't do it alone i have a lot of good friends that you know our contractors and along the way i like to be involved in it so i can learn because like what's the point if you can't learn how to do it so i feel like you were building a sauna in one of your houses yeah i slept in your house i was scared of the ghost in your house yeah wait wait what you did yeah when we were in that one city so anyway let me ask you this if you're so [ __ ] entrepreneurial with your suckers for 10 cents like the [ __ ] don't you sell merch well yeah good question steve you have nine houses we have you're watching you got to find me somewhere like where's waldo like where's danger and i'll give you the one on my back or i have a whole stack in my truck and then you take the credit cards that the people want to play with well that's what i'm going to talk to you guys about with thai box yeah type box packaging so the merch stuff the merch stuff and all that comes with the the whole idea of in a sense fame and [ __ ] thing so it goes against where you're at but no it's not against it you want to sell suckers for you at tight box yeah [ __ ] yeah he's like does that immediately suck it with every purchase there you go wow honestly what i was doing and what i've been doing and continue to do right now is i when i lived in l.a and i realized that it like basically whatever career i want to have is based on what other people think is cool whether they think i'm cool this week or next week i'm not cool and i like i don't want to live by that i don't i need a base like a i need a safe zone a place that i can say okay if all that [ __ ] falls apart i have a life and so that's why i moved up back up to oregon and did all this stuff and and i have that now like i have a great base that i've worked on for 15 years like like i can say that if the hollywood stuff and all this stuff if it doesn't happen anymore i don't care i have a great life like i really don't need to be hustling in the game of hollywood like i don't i don't even like it's fun and it's like it brings me back to the old days you know like being around stuff fun like being in hollywood and stuff but to be honest without having that uh base and that grounding the being grounded in what's real without having that i i didn't want to be a part of any of this fame and that's just the reality was there a moment that like made you sort of distrust fame or did you already come into it with that sort of like this i already knew because we're all going to die like and all i cared about was living a life where i was a good person and all those around me felt good about the name my my name and who i was and whatever your name sucks that's why we call you change no no i'm just saying like like you know and that's the truth yeah all right so where can they buy the merch well we haven't figured that out yet but i mean how did how did you lose your own website to the russian hackers man i don't know the russian hackers got in and they just they were like we were determined to get aaron.com so sooner or later we'll be able to facilitate merch on that hopefully if the russian hackers will let it go for for less than a hundred thousand dollars we're doing a venmo to give me my dot com back if you want to venmo that's called yeah yeah all right dude well [ __ ] man um i i do believe strongly that we're going to get your merch operation up and running yeah i do think that you're uh like a i think you're a good person i think you're a great guy i think you've got a really healthy view on the world and your role in it you know i think that we should take advantage of the moment that we're about to have for sure for sure and i love that that you know we can do this together man it's [ __ ] cool dude yeah yeah we love you i've had some great talks with you i love you a lot well here's what i would like to say in the end of all this in this awesome wild ride van is that um you you asked how i maintained being a somewhat normal real person and it literally goes back to me being a child uh growing up in a mortuary and you asked what are the benefits of that it was very beneficial it opened up my eyes if if let's say everybody at the age of 18 has to experience death so they can appreciate their life i think that's a great thing but i was experienced at a very young age i didn't and it was very impactful to my whole existence and i just think that that we we don't have a lot of time on on earth like we don't like 80 years is in a long time 100 years no there's never and you don't know when it's going to end but i can tell you that's in my experience when i've died and i survived something where dmt was released in my brain and i experienced death but survived and the life flashed everything and then at the end i was able to let go surely dying of my life on this planet because of being at peace with my decisions and the things i've done and who i am and that is i think the most powerful thing and the most important thing that we all need to think about and really consider because it can come like that how did you almost your heart stopped no uh i went skydiving and oh dude i went skydiving for the first time and only time and they partnered me up with this dude named stevo i'm not even kidding and and he was a dread dreaded kid like in his 20s and i went skydiving uh tandem and the parachute didn't open correctly and so we went into this g4 spiral and then he cut the parachute and then i i was falling and that was it as far as i was concerned and i had no control over that dmt releasing in my brain it just did it totally did and i was that was it we were free falling to death and he was screaming too and i'm like and it popped and you know that is one time and i've had it another time not as severe and i realized these things it's just really neat to like you know that's crazy yeah the thoughtful of the existence there's a talk given by alan watts where he was like one of the best things you can do in life is contemplate death for a long time because it's a similar thing where you it's like pouring manure all over your brain because then flowers start to spring from it and i always kind of really like that yeah that is good i mean it's a western society thing man people just don't want to [ __ ] think about it they don't want to think it's much better to think about it so that you can have lived your life deliberately exactly you honor [ __ ] exactly sure like you didn't just let things happen to you you you were good let's go party dude let's go party yeah dude i love you man you did really well thanks for doing this man thanks for having me yeah dude [ __ ] right on and follow danger on instagram yeah at danger aaron and buy his merch at well we're gonna be going to uh hopefullydangerairin.com yeah give me my website back dogs i'm back in the game [Laughter] that was fun how can you not love danger aaron he's just a sweet guy and he's my bro you know like when i was talking about hardware before i loved the way that i got the hardware removed from my ankle and mounted in exactly the same way that it was in my ankle on a like the model of an ankle i can't wait to do it again with the plate and screws that i got in my collarbone of course i'm not going to say about how i got it in my collarbone but i am gonna say thank you guys for watching listening whatever you do man i just really appreciate it man can you believe it [ __ ] episode 50. i should have probably said that on the intro but whatever yeah dude
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 353,536
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Id: U4x36LIwrxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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