Duncan Trussell - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #62

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If they do a season two they have to have an episode with Steve o

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/CloudiusWhite 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody and welcome to a properly epic wild ride with stevo we've got duncan trussell a comedian a podcaster and the star of the netflix show of midnight gospel but what makes it so epic well i've called different episodes different things i said that our tiffany haddish episode was the best one we had recorded t-pain i said was the juiciest one jim jeffries i said was the funniest one well ladies and gentlemen this episode is my personal absolute favorite of all of them that we have done to date why because i got to talk to him about stuff that i am not at all comfortable talking about with most people and that means so much to me we get real into hardcore drugs and spirituality and it's all just fun and funny and i really fell in love with this guy and so will you so let's get into it dude i love that you got a dope ass microphone too so i gotta have one i podcast you got one too sure sm7b it's the standard it doesn't help me sound any less shitty but uh we got to sit friend how many times online if i've been told that i sound like you oh wow really epic oh yes well hey as they say let's not leave it in the hall so if you're ready man i'm gonna we'll dive right in oh i'm ready yeah okay ladies and gentlemen duncan trussell hello yeah dude allow me to introduce you to my co-host scott randolph what's going on dt great to meet you scott and up at the front of the van we've got the gorgeous paul briskey hello duncan how are you what's up gorgeous oh thank you jealous i'm jealous you did the thing this is the thing like though it's the ultimate thing where you put your podcast studio in the van it's final phase it's awesome who's uh who's who's beat us to this because i was feeling pretty confident that the wild ride was was all us um well tom green this has been going on since before tom started the van life but of course let's pay homage to the king who started podcasts in general good point i didn't mean anyone beat you i just mean like you know when you're fantasizing about the freedom around podcasting and you you naturally start thinking [ __ ] what if i just put the whole thing in a van and travel around the country this is before i have kids now i can't do that but in in the old days when i was addicted academy that was like that i'll just put all my modular scents in the [ __ ] thing drive you don't get much further than drive oh yeah it seems like a kick oh where are you is this are you in l.a we are yes since this is on zoom we're uh simply parked where we normally park but uh yeah i love a lot of things you just said i really uh like got turned on by like addicted to ketamine [ __ ] love ketamine i can't have it i can't have it anymore either but best god i i wasn't very cool on it but i [ __ ] thought i was but it felt cool but so that's one of the that's one of the weird things about ketamine is it gives you this bizarre like narcissism like it may really like [ __ ] with your like ability to oh dude what it is is uh like pharmaceutical pcp it falls in the class of drug known as dissociative yeah and uh pcp is a much like dirtier street version but they they have a lot in common hold on writing down need to try pc oh my god i did i was about equally uh uh out there on both um another thing i want to zero in on that uh you know you described the idea of putting it all into a van as like the ultimate freedom but that was so not my motivation dude like my motivation was like you know this whole podcast bandwagon where i mean dude honestly having a podcast is about like having a [ __ ] instagram account these days i mean everybody has one it's embarrassing and because everybody has a podcast it's always been the most annoying question that anybody could really ask me among them anyway like will you do my podcast i'm thinking oh okay so well i can't well well i like you know screw up an entire day to come sit down with you and talk to ourselves well look this is the gift of covet though because to me like there was this uh a pretty superstitious idea floating around which is you gotta be in the room to really do a good podcast you gotta spell their pheromones you gotta like breathe in their mouth and then you can connect and you know i think there's something to be said for that musk inhalation theory but also yeah the the this doesn't uh disrupt it too much we've had some really [ __ ] good ones on zoom man like uh tiffany haddish had us like just about crying i mean anybody listening to this check out the tiffany hatties episode i said it was the best one we ever did are you saying that that's what i said at the time yeah but in any case the reason why i wanted to move it into a van was because knowing how much it's annoyed me over the years people trying to get me on their podcast i just like had a lot of resistance to bringing that question to people myself so i thought if i could put it all into a van then just say hey you know whenever and wherever it's convenient for you we'll just show up you hop in it's going boom get out we'll make it so easy for you so the idea of a portable studio was it's like bang bus it's a verbal bang bus you are watching bang bus and you're like [ __ ] i think this will work for podcasts like this format i'm so glad that you mentioned bang bass because back in the day thank god you mentioned bang bang but yeah i mean think about this let me run this by all what's bang bus i'm just kidding okay i'm gonna run something by all of you guys right now you tell me if my theory is correct okay okay prostitution is illegal okay but what if on the bang bus you've got an ordained minister so you get on the bus you pick out a lady and you ask that lady to marry you now the ordained minister officially marries you so now you are husband and wife you consummate the marriage on the bus and then when you're done having sex then you think the better of it and in all the marriage and then you get off the bus once again unmarried have i not just legalized prostitution well do you pay her at some point in the settlement i mean i think that in knowing the marriage i think that out of respect you might want to uh have some kind of a settlement yeah you want a divorce settlement yeah i think you've come up with your show it's like some combination judge judy you gotta get a judge in there you know so it's like right you could have a contentious divorce who knows how how does that idea come about like steve's like like watching you know bang bust he's like dude i would marry that chick and then he busts a nut he's like nah i wouldn't want to marry that chicken think about that i don't know i just thought i mean i think that i think that my my [ __ ] theory holds water dude i really do yeah i do i think you figured it out like for sure why does that be limited to a bus i mean you could grab a bra it could be like a conveyor belt where like phase one you get married then you just slide along you bang and then you slide along to divorce court i mean talk about the vegas chapel i mean right dude like i just got to move it over to reno i like that cool afternoon [ __ ] you go through a bad divorce yeah that's a roller coaster of a day it's alright it could can we get back to the k hole because i've never i've never been in a thank you thank you scott i'm so glad i'm curious about it like what's it like what's what are your guys's like worst k experiences or like best but when you're in a k hall how long does it last what are you thinking are you thinking you're going to die are you tripping or are you loving it i think that that's the the general big picture answer is that it that it's a real moving target man it's like uh various experiences like are the various you know i mean like i i can but you first man and i'll take it away uh let's not go for best or worse experience but just notable um well you know what i'm gonna look it up real quick and see if i can find it the guy who invented float tanks was really into ketamine and he actually created a yeah here it is it's so funny he did this but he created a dosage chart where he actually mapped the experiences out based on milligram dosages if you look it up just john lily ketamine chart so he's got here now i don't know because i was like insulating i have no idea like what the what the injection what this means compared to like snorting it but at 30 milligrams you've got something he's calling internal reality 75 milligrams which he which he calls i 75 milligrams a day extraterrestrial reality 150 milligrams we the network of creation and then 300 milligrams unknown can you overdose on ketamine oh my god i gotta say i love everything about this conversation that we're having and i also really love the message that i have for you right now because well over a year ago out of nowhere one of my buddies said dude you should check out this company called harry's they make these awesome shaving products that don't cost so much and i thought that's kind of weird but i remembered it and then lo and behold i was in target and i saw harry's on the shaving aisle sitting right next to all these other products that are really obnoxiously overpriced which i had been wasting my money on i thought hmm let me just buy it and check it out and i swear i have been using nothing but harry's shaving products ever since and i love them because they look great they work great and the company believes in it so much that they got a 100 money back guarantee they also have the best deal for listeners of wild ride with stevo what's the deal you're going to get a whole starter kit which comes with the 5 blade razor a weighted ergonomic handle foaming shave gel and a travel blade cover which is a 13 value i know it sounds crazy compared to all those other companies but that's how reasonably priced they are 13 bucks except you get it for three bucks so how do you get it you go to harrys.com stevo to get this killer starter kit i swear by it so much and i love that they're sponsoring my podcast now because i have been religiously loyal to harry's for well over a year i love it you're gonna love it so get this killer deal at harry's dot com slash stevo thank you harry's and thank you for being a listener now let's talk about ketamine i'm so excited to talk to you duncan i mean honestly i had like i'm so excited on so many levels and um like like what you just described there really i think reinforces my personal experiential theory that there's something absolutely spiritual in in drugs and particularly even in ketamine but oh god ketamine is like um one of my friends who writes all these books on the occult calls it occult cocaine it's a it's such a occult substance it's a you know something about the disassociative effect uh it opens up i mean you can call it whatever you want but i think it's a i think i think you you go into alternate universes sure here's what i think is that that like we are sort of relegated to this physical reality or sorry physical illusion in this third dimensional sort of compartment and i believe that when we ingest you know certain chemicals and a variety of chemicals that what we do is we essentially erode the barriers in between said apartments and kind of open ourselves up to entities from other dimensions it's a dangerous thing to do with drugs because with with drugs like when you those those barriers that we are eroding are essentially protective in a number of ways and by eroding the barriers we open ourselves up to sort of uh all you know all things you know other dimensional and that comes with a lot of like very low frequency and low frequency i would categorize as deep demonic you know like demons and high frequency being like sort of angels so when i was you know at the end of my run with drugs and alcohol i was like [ __ ] routinely and i was so excited about it because i felt privy to what was going on like in other dimensions with spiritual beings so i just couldn't keep piling in enough drugs to keep it happening like the the the hallucinations that i was having both visual like hearing the voices you know uh audio uh like tactile where you actually feel it you know and and i ha i categorized all of the experiences with these beings as demons and angels and then the third category which i now think of as demons trickster spirits where they they were just straight trying to [ __ ] entertain me and boy did they because like i was like sitting in a chair i remember i was like snorting cocaine i was inhaling nitrous oxide i had all pills weed everything and i just thought to myself as i went to go do this line of cocaine i just thought there's no longevity in this like i'm straight killing myself right now yeah and then i had to thought [ __ ] it i don't care like i don't care if i die i had that thought i don't care if i died lean over to do this line of cocaine and the swiveling office chair that i was in as i leaned over it physically spun around like a big strong dude grab it and like with the force of like a mechanical bull and now i know intellectually for a fact that i did not actually spin if there was a surveillance camera in my apartment nothing would have happened but i'm telling you i had that experience a very tactile experience and there was another time sitting in that same exact chair the whole [ __ ] chair just straight erupted into flames and like every time i had one of these experiences i'm like okay this is [ __ ] cool you know this is going on let me double check is it yeah i just double checked and it's still going on the flames all engulfing me it's not hot i'm perfectly comfortable but it's just really [ __ ] cool that i happen to be in a chair engulfed in flames like i had this skateboard screwed to the wall uh so it was uh you know vertical right and i had a globe ma screwed to the skateboard so the globe was protruding over the doorway to the apartment you know like uh horizontally and i like like the [ __ ] liquid terminator i watched that globe like my own face like pushed through it you know like like it was the liquid terminal you could see my face push through it and then [ __ ] it just started [ __ ] headbanging and i'm like [ __ ] right on you know i had these curtains do it just on their own open and close and open and close where that wasn't possible there were lights that were never [ __ ] there that was just flashing like it just turned into a [ __ ] rave all this stuff was going on and and and i was like this is the coolest [ __ ] thing i just have to keep doing more and more drugs yeah that's the problem see this is what i love about ramdas one of my teachers is he you know ramdas you've heard of him this guy you know it rings a bell he was he was so he was hanging out with tim leary at harvard and they were the professors they got kicked out of harvard because they were like uh taking lsd and giving lsd to the students and because they were interested from at first because they were both like really brilliant uh psychologists they did and this was a new substance and they thought they had sort of like discovered what was going to be the next phase of uh human evolution or a nootropic that was going to like completely accelerate the civilization uh they get kicked out of harvard at the time ronda's name was richard alpert and so they're like exactly where any any of us have been where it's where we're running into this seemingly like built into the matrix inhibition thing that they uh that currently what do they call it tolerance and so so they're literally drinking lsd like sandoz laboratory 1960s lsd out of vials like liquid lsd drinking it because i didn't even know i've been droppers because i didn't drive i did a dropper sipping it out of like [ __ ] yes i'm naughty look it's crazy there's a harvard psychedelic club yeah because you know they're on acid you do get a tolerance really fast yeah but they were running into the same problem and so the reason so albert goes to india with a like [ __ ] ton of acid that owls lee you know you know you've ever heard of owlsley that bear he's like the dancing bears on the grateful dead that that's owesly's nickname he was the lsd chemist of the dead like steely dan kid charlemagne it's a whole song written about him it's it's you know he's as famous i know someone who went with him delivering acid in san francisco and said these [ __ ] hippies they'd come out of their house and they they call it pranayama i think pranayam they fully bow prostrating to it you know like which is why there's a line in the steely dance song which is like did you feel like jesus you know because he was like blowing over his mind anyway he makes a special batch for albert who takes it to india to give to people who've been meditating for you know their whole lives and ask them what the [ __ ] is this and you know some people loved it some people said this is a waste of time but he meets his guru this is one of the famous crazy [ __ ] stories um and his guru says to him like you have something you want to give me give it to me what do you have and so he gives him this [ __ ] powerful acid to this old man in a blanket who eats it and no reaction nothing happens he gives them like a fl something for us that for me that's fetal position like 500 micrograms like you know that's weeping fetal position what have i done i'm never coming down no response no reaction albert gets back to the united states is telling his psychologist friends this story they're like he got swindled he pawned he put into palmed it you know he obviously didn't [ __ ] eat no one's eating 500 micrograms of lsd and having zero reaction physiologically impossible so the next time he's with this guy neem crowley baba was his name he says to him the last time you were here did you give me something and he said yeah because this guy was telepathic and there's no other way to put it and he goes what did you give me what did you give me and he said lsd and he said did i eat it do you think i really ate it because he knows he's thinking he didn't really eat it and he's like give me more give me more so he gives him a massive doom dose like i don't know how many capsules these are capsules of this stuff what does the capsule look like i mean like you know when you get the uh it's in you know like a pill you know like a died pill is the substrate that shits in so he's like he's holding in his hand taking one chewing it taking the other chewing it taking the other chewing it then he opens his mouth so he sees like his tongue is just covered in like glue and and then he like and i now i know people who saw this from the other perspective because ramdas told this story a bunch it's a cool story but basically he like goes under his blanket and he starts shaking like he's having a seizure moaning like an is like oh [ __ ] i just basically just killed an old indian like i just i just killed him i killed him i broke an old indian man he was like trying to like flex on me or something and then and so then uh after doing this for a little while and i know people who saw ron doss he was like about to cry face pale probably thinking about lawsuits part thing about like how the indian authorities might arrest me for this [ __ ] like uh and then he like comes out of his blanket and he's like smiling come goes about his business completely fine you're just [ __ ] with me you're just [ __ ] with him like is this what you wanted me to do is this like what you were hoping for for did you want to see something like that but anyway he says to him at the end of this day he says to him we used to have something like this in the indus valley uh he said this will bring you into the presence of christ but the problem is you can't stay there with this and it was like just the most brilliant articulation of the problem with these substances which is like it's affirming what we all already know holy [ __ ] it's showing me what's inside the ark of the covenant like i'm seeing past the veil and it's real whether or not sober people or people have never tripped want to believe that what can we do but it's real it's something you're seeing something more than just like mashing your brain but also you can't [ __ ] stay there because it's like we're in school here we gotta go to school here right now like that's what we're doing here you don't get to play hooky too much it's like built in to not it doesn't work out do you think that like we've we've had past lives and that we've spiritually evolved to this point or do you think like this is something that we get one life and then i mean come on dude that's that's a rookie question of course we've had thousands of lives yeah and let me tell you about a rookie move that you might be pulling without even realizing it paying full price for your netflix subscription but only accessing a fraction of the content that they actually offer 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content yeah dude thank me later don't be a rookie get expressvpn now but not a lot of people think that yeah i don't know i don't know if i believe that here's the thing there's so much irrefutable proof of reincarnation that it's kind of laughable for anybody to not believe in it would you agree i love you how sweet is that you're like no this is proven you're like carl sagan over there no we've got the charts i mean obviously i do believe in it and like i have a method for understanding it just based on my own like various incarnations in my own life you know like if you look back at all the phases you've been through and you know every single one you've gone through so many [ __ ] faces for sure like i went through like a like a mild smith's face i was wearing like [ __ ] you know what i mean but to me it was real that was almost like a different life for like you know when i was in high school certainly my concerns were so different from now and also like my physical form so when you look at like just the for you forget like before we're born and after we die if you just look at the general human existence there's so many lives in any human life sure i mean people are reincarnating all the [ __ ] time right and so i think that you know i i whether or not this there's some continuance i think there is i know it's not i don't imagine it to be provable i agree with what's the proof you're talking about i mean just like like the people who particularly when they're babies they'll just like say weird [ __ ] and then they'll check it and you know and yeah there's that like four-year-old that like yeah and predicted her past death and they found the blaze right like like little kids will be looking at pictures and they'll be like oh well that's when when i was doing this they're looking at the picture like a dead grandfather and then everything they say checks out so yeah full disclosure i mean i agree with you duncan i was just trying to get the click bait you know duncan trussell talks about past lives you know i mean right actually look really you're like the mocker valley of podcast that's awesome man wow here's the problem with uh reincarnation i think it's it's it's a a great number of people are tripped up over this because of religion well no it's there's a numbers problem with it you know like if we are reincarnated then how do you how do you factor in the ever-growing population ourselves i solved this are some souls new or some souls recycled and then yeah i think uh sure i think that when you factor in all the dimensions that we're not privy to and then when you factor in the fact that even like a a fleeting thought is is essentially a life you know like there is such you guys are like kindred spirits dude and then when you bring into it like the crazy [ __ ] quantum physics [ __ ] where it's like every single possible outcome of every single possible situation is all simultaneously happening and there is no such thing as right now and all is right now like then it gets really crazy and you don't have to worry about the numbers game anymore then it works yeah yeah that is a that is a valid also um god man this is like a one of my one of the only times i really broke through on dmt at burning man i like did the thing and went into the thing that everyone talks about and i was in the [ __ ] thing and you know but i had this sense of like oh i could like completely like obliviate myself here somehow merge with the universe obviously not true i've never heard of anyone dying on dmt but that dmt not a voice but you know whatever it is said oh you can always go back you can always go back to that moment if you want and then i ever since then i sort of re-uh revised my idea of reincarnation being a thing that starts with your birth and ends with your death and and now i see it more as like uh probably upon like dropping your body or as they call it in the east you might be able to like actually choose frames of your incarnation that you want to jump back into and start your life there meaning that any given moment like future versions of you are sort of pouring into the current version of you just to experience life from this point going forward but you would never know that because it's you and they just sort of resonate with you i mean i think that the primitive idea of reincarnation is that you die and you're you get a break that's a funny one like a lot of new agers have this spa theory where you [ __ ] get hit by a car and suddenly you're like floating in like some you know hyper dimensional spa water like i think next the next life i want to be paralyzed for the neck down that would be awesome sure it's really the blueberry i'm sorry i what it what if it does it's not like that what if it's just you die and you open your eyes and you're like in your 40s going through a divorce there's no space there's no rest there's no anything and you do you just have a little deja vu or like what the [ __ ] was that sure what happened was you just came back in into a new life full with full amnesia of what you used to be sure is a big deal and i have no problem with any of that i want to run by run by you two things and then i want you to tell me if you think uh i'm a genius or if this is just completely idiotic but what if i already think you're a genius okay good i i i really think i've i kind of figured something out with this because the idea of like uh how did it all begin it's just a stupid question right there was big bang all right well what banged you know like okay then you come up with something that banged all right well where did that thing come from you know you keep going back and like so the concept of linear time is clearly a flawed idea right and i i at one point i was smoking some pot i was writing an email and i i felt like i figured it out i said you know there was a time when humans thought the world was flat and and they were actually terrified to get in their boats and go too far because they were legitimately scared that their boat would fall off the end of the world and that they would perish so then i just equated that i said you know like i believe we will come to a point where it is seemingly it is equal right equally ridiculous to think of time as flat such that there's a beginning or an end that you could fall off of when in fact just like the world time is round dude you know it's a cycle and uh i mean and if you think of it that way then what was before that what was before that was nothing was before that because it's a [ __ ] cycle it's round it doesn't begin or end and that's one that was one little sort of thought that i had that i was pretty proud of now i've got one more which is that the idea of of the body and death now we've heard the saying that we're not uh human beings having a spiritual experience but rather we're spiritual beings having a human experience now to give the the idea of like when we die we awaken to eternal life you know that actually we're eternal you know and and all of this um i i like and especially because we're multi-dimensional beings so like like we absolutely exist in all of these we're just not aware of it because when we incarnate in this physical body we kind of make a deal that we forget that we're spirits so we don't know what the [ __ ] going on and we certainly do wake up at the moment of death but now to look at death and and what it really represents the theory that i came up with was to imagine that that the soul so to speak is like uh uh a [ __ ] uh like a radio wave kind of a deal the body the body is essentially uh like a radio that picks up that uh you know now the the i think that the flaw in our view of the human brain is that the the human brain the human body is a generator of consciousness you know like a transmitter it generates the consciousness like yeah you know like uh like said like a a transmitter would but i don't see it that way i see the the i see the the human body the brain as a receiver of the signal which is out there so now you to make it a metaphor you could take a radio that's like dialed in to like a certain station like 106.7 right now you can take that [ __ ] physical radio and you can take a sledgehammer to it you can smash it you can smack it you can destroy it destroy that body into oblivion but you have done nothing to interrupt or kill the signal so what we are is that we're the we're the the receiver of the signal you know we're the receiver the signal you can shoot yourself in the head you can all you're doing is killing the radio you're not [ __ ] with the signal man and the signal is forever dude and on top of that there's so many stations dude there's limit and you can plug that station into a different [ __ ] radio later on down the line and there's your reincarnation and [ __ ] yeah i love it yeah i i thought about this the receiver idea it's particularly wrapped around like uh you know when you meet someone who's all puffed up and [ __ ] and it's like uh it's a quality of confusion i think you know it's like a if there were a sentient radio and it was playing the beatles it would be easy for the radio to be like i'm [ __ ] amazed totally yeah so i think people get a little confused regarding their identity uh in that regard i'll do that that's another great layer on top that just takes another step further i [ __ ] love that it's entanglement is what they call it you know we're entangled in this situation and um yeah and like in buddhism it's uh this is sort of the map of how to sort of predict what your next life is going to be what they say is well look at what you're doing now and that'll get you give you some idea of where you're headed and it's because it's momentum based essentially so it's like whatever this particular frequency is it has this kind of momentum to it the momentum is karma and so that momentum has been going on for you know millennia in calcul this was actually one of my like ketamine visions was i was seeing my past lives i couldn't specifically see him but i i knew somehow like what i was looking at was all my past lives and there was so many of them and they look like fish eggs kind of floating in space just all these ways my karma had expressed itself but yeah it's like so this is why there is uh this emphasis on meditation uh and people get confused about the statement meditation is the pr you know preparation for death and what what it means is like there is an acknowledgement of exactly what you're saying the body is finite but there's this sort of um transmission that is your soul that's never gonna stop and so when you die it's it's i mean just have you ever met like a healthy i mean unless you're like lucky and you just get hit you're like jogging in a marathon get hit by a [ __ ] car or something you know probably you get sick when people are dying they get really sick and confused usually they're in a lot of pain then they start taking the morphine then they sort of like and you've seen someone die it's nuts because they like literally they lift off of that thing you're talking about like it's like watching an airplane take off only it's taking off from the time from time not you know not the earth and so they they're spiraling through like they're they're talking to their mom and then they're talking to like you know somebody that they knew and they're you know you have no idea who they're talking to but it's because they're spiraling through time because they're breaking free but um you know but yeah but the uh the momentum so so the idea here is like you want to die with some tranquility and some peace because if you can't if you can handle it which is something like some of these tibetan llamas they describe it as like being in a snowstorm it's so confusing so if you can maintain some some element of being calm then there is a possibility of at the very least like having a little bit more control over what your next life might be instead of it being like what it is for what what it what it is for a lot of people which is like terrifying and the description is like suddenly you don't have a body you've had a body all this [ __ ] time and it's like what the [ __ ] i need a body because that's what you're familiar with and then you you kind of you you you impatiently race into your next into your parents which by the way which is something really cool in the tibetan book of the dead which is what they read to like monks who've died to guide them into the next life you know the idea is you see all these people [ __ ] not to go back to bang bus or anything but it's like you literally see a field within which there's all these people [ __ ] and it's weirdly like it's like porn it's like the one that turns you on the most you you go to that so basically you were watching your parents [ __ ] and you're like that's [ __ ] hot i want to get in on that and you like go into that and then the next thing you know you're their kid and this is the wow this is and this is why in this life we're so into sex and [ __ ] and all that because it's like that same momentum that brought us here you know continues it's all momentum it's really fascinating it's a really fascinating take on what happens when you die it's crazy god over here is just straight addicted to youtube videos about people uh near-death experiences and like experiences their experiences would happen when they die and i've been fascinated with that and it's it's weird because in the near-death experience is sort of community and and all of these people telling their stories about it there's a lot of common ground man you know you really like there's a lot that adds up and and it becomes credible because everyone's describing the same thing i've never heard about the watching people [ __ ] part but like i've heard about like um they talk about a spirit guide you know comes and and and you feel compelled that you want to like uh go with it go and go with your family they say go with your spirit guide you know like go and go with your spirit guide it's also really fascinating how like the life review yeah the life review dude where you can like i mean dude there's like are we are we uh agreed that life review is like we we can just call that a fact because like that all of the accounts of it are all so like well have you ever had like have you guys ever had like a life review in the drug experience where you go through like different situations because like in the in the near death experience people have these life reviews and they're like feeling how they the person felt that you talk [ __ ] to you and like everything but but i want to bring that up because like um i'm so fascinated with your fascination with life reviews like dude life review is the most crucial thing if anybody hasn't heard this term you can look it up what it is is that like at the at the moment of death like you know they say it in rock songs or whatever poems like your life flashes before your eyes now that's saying about your when you die your life flashes before your eyes like the as it's described in people who have had the experience and that like died had their life review and then come back and and like yeah they're completely changed because they're like [ __ ] i've caused that much damage you experience your entire life like you could say your life flashes before your eyes it happens in a moment but it also happens in super slow-mo like time's just not even you you you re-experience your entire life in this flash with like super consciousness like the consciousness of of like the like the whole like basically god if even if you don't like that term but like you go through your whole life and you personally experience from the perspective of every thing that you had an influence over and with the detail of that if there is a mosquito like off like uh you know further than the eye can see like you have the experience of being that mosquito like the idea of oneness becomes an experience where you actually like you're no longer separated so you you review your whole life and you and it's not for the purpose of punishing you for like the harm that you've done to others it's just for for the experience so it becomes real like oh my god and the the common denominator in having this life review is that everybody who comes back to to being human everyone who comes back to life now they are so overwhelmingly concerned with not [ __ ] over other people they are no longer concerned with material things like they are like totally changed and in such a way and like i've seen so many like uh just been so fascinated with this life if you think that i've like to think i don't even need to have a life review to just trust that's the truth and just do not [ __ ] with other people be generous well it's crazy up your messes you know like it's crazy because the two common denominators that people have i mean like thousands and thousands of people like 90 of them come back and get a divorce and then the other ones come back and and they can't wear watches because watches don't work what yeah i never heard them i mean watches don't hurt like they can't wear watch because it always breaks holy [ __ ] we've added another [ __ ] part of that roller coaster we're talking about in the beginning like before the divorce we put him under like we kill him and then bring him back to life i mean dude and like there's a really good example of a guy who had a near-death experience and there's a documentary about it is that the one called i am but um the dude who who directed all the like just monstrously successful jim carrey movies uh tom shadiak yeah yeah this guy was like private jets like [ __ ] look at my [ __ ] huge mansion this guy was just so tens of millions of dollars for like every movie he was just cranking him out so he just had obnoxious amounts of money then at some point he was riding uh his bicycle had like a hellacious wipeout riding his bicycle and and in that wipeout like had like where he like he died had the near-death experience came back from it and the dude ever since i gave every i don't even gave everything away but like lives in a [ __ ] trailer in a trailer park in malibu like just doesn't has no [ __ ] interest whatsoever in uh like the lifestyle that he had like he's a good example of like how near-death experiences like uh change people you know and i volunteered at a hospice called rose room hospice in la for a little bit and the guy who was like came to tell us how to like be with dying people he was one of those people he had a [ __ ] ton of money he [ __ ] died he went the whole thing the life review the whole thing didn't want to come back didn't that's the other commonality no thanks i'm done it's like no you're not done you're going back and you go back and you and like um it's painful going back into the body yes well he what he said is what's over there makes this where we're at seem like death compared to that other place like we're in a he i think he called it a warp like he said we're in a time warp when you're alive and the other side is so wonderful it's more of the spa theory of things i hope that's the case i really do i i want that to be the the the reality versus like the other versions of it which have justice built into them you know a kind of like like mathematical justice and maybe the life review is enough maybe if you do the life review yeah and and that is the penance it's like experiencing the right way that you may ever feel yeah yeah and that's all you need that's the purification or something but um yeah i don't i mean it's so mysterious but i do think it's like pretty incredible the way that regardless of culture regardless of what your religious background is you're gonna have the same experience when you die that's one of the things the nde experts talk about is it's like it doesn't matter if you're hindu jewish whatever it may be the that's the life review it's the light it's all the things that you hear about and it seems to transcend culture which is another implication that you know it's uh it's something real or if not real the cynical version of it as well it's uh something built into us it's crazy like you hear like a life or like a near-death experience story of um like a 60 year old woman that goes to church every day you know and she she dies and comes back and they're like well are you still a christian she's like no not at all like it has nothing to do with that you know and then you know just hearing hearing that from that perspective you're like [ __ ] man like there's something out there you know yeah i mean it's more there's something in here you know like the the idea of space and time is just such an illusion um but but yeah yeah the the the documentary that i did the whole thing was like i went to india to go meditate to go find like this thing i'm seeking and like i read this thing from emerson that said you know nate quasi varus extra and and it doesn't really tell you what that is and i looked it up and it was uh it's latin for do not seek outside yourself and i just had that app it's like you didn't have to go 15 000 miles to india to find any answers like you could just do it from the wild ride van you know or just kind of sure well that's the classic archetype like you had it in you all along you know like uh we're drawn to those kinds of stories yeah yeah it's also like we can't have this spiritual [ __ ] tourism right now i mean it's like to me like the ironic thing about spiritual tourism when you're doing the thing you get in the plane you fly to wherever you think the holy people are going to the amazon to take ayahuasca is like as you're flying over the amazon you're just like dumping jet fuel on top of the place where you're gonna go after spiritual experience that's so funny so we yeah i think that's a a real great epiphany you had because uh it's it just i especially these days i don't know that i think there's some there's a bit of an illusion in all of that that being said if ramdas didn't go to india with a bunch of acid i think i wouldn't be as happy a person now because he you know because of his experiences there but maybe the idea is they already did that so now we don't have we don't have to do it you know we the data's out there right we're ready for you if you want to sort of uh you know pick up some path or discipline do you have i just have to say that like your comment that it would be easy for the radio which is simply transmitting or receiving a signal of the beatles to be like dude i'm [ __ ] red yeah it's like dude the radio getting all proud of itself for the signal it's picking thinking it's the beatles the radio thinks it's the beatles they've taken credit and then next is led zeppelin down the street i [ __ ] do that that's my favorite thing and and uh as as far as to like the commonality of all the the life review and all these experiences like i think that i do want to give some credit to i believe every like religious writing every like spiritual way of life for even though like it's all so perverted and and you know like just messed up over time i think there's a common ground in in all of it in that the concept of oneness you know that god is omnipresent that we are all like sort of different expressions of the divine yeah and that separation is an illusion you know and i try to explain this to people like and and i can't maybe you can help me figure it out and i got this from uh neil donald walsh i'm a huge fan of the conversations with god book series oh [ __ ] i gotta okay that's the last straw man i'm gonna put this on my list i've heard about this book so many times i haven't read it yet try pcp god got it your conversations with god and and all like uh it is it was a big [ __ ] deal for me you know like uh i i don't talk about it too much but my mom in uh 1998 suffered a an aneurysm where like she had like a capillary like burst and brain hemorrhages subarachnoid brain hemorrhage and it was like almost like the most tragic thing about it was that she survived because she was like heinously disabled both mentally and physical and uh and on top of that she got bed sores and and then and bed sores are the the worst [ __ ] thing i think they they happen to defenseless [ __ ] people who are helpless and they're the most like like my mom and she survived for five years and i like the reason i don't talk about it a lot is because i just don't like to bump people out but but my mom cried you know she cried she when my mom said my bottom like like uh it was it was so hard for me i developed i got it i got really angry i got really angry at any god that could allow for that experience you know like [ __ ] whatever god let that [ __ ] happen you know and you can this is my personal take on it you could be like oh [ __ ] any god that let the holocaust happen you could like the the world is is rife with with examples of like if you want to be mad at god you know but now here's what where conversations with god really helped me a lot was that the the the premise of it is that god is everything you know god said but god has one singular unit which is what we would refer to as god in the absolute the realm of the absolute is devoid of experience because they're there's only like the one thing so you know that's why we call it a relationship you have to have separate things for one thing to relate to another thing that is the realm of the relative and so god as the absolute is perfection is pure love but without any experience of such so god in the absolute and this would be creation has to divide itself into separate things such that there can be experience which stems from relativity one thing relating to another and it is in that division where god divides itself into separate things for the purpose of experience so the premise of conversations with god is that all of creation all of us everything that exists in the realm of the relative is specifically an exercise in god experiencing itself and and and by that view then now i can look at it like my anger at god was based on a flawed premise that god was somehow over here and allowed this terrible thing to happen to my mom who was over there whereas like in the the idea that this is how people react to wendy's like i'm outta here but the idea that like the idea that it's not god was over there and mom but mom was an expression of god you know and and it's not up to me to understand why mom's experience was valuable on any level i mean to be fair it was also a natural cause of a natural law of cause and effect mom didn't take care of herself very well you know you can't chalk everything up to cause and effect because a lot of bad things happen but the idea that god mom was god god wasn't over there letting it happen you know like god mom was god god had that experience god didn't leave her out there you know but we're all god and and and and the idea that god divides itself into all these separate things so that it can have the experience of itself then now the sudden i'm i by adopting that theory i look at you i look at everyone i look at the guy who [ __ ] cut me off in traffic and and i gotta remember oh yeah we we are god divided we're all equally divine and it's gonna come out in the life review it's gonna come out in the live review that like it all comes back together and now we actually have the experience as as god of all the [ __ ] we did so if i so anything i do to you i'm doing to myself anything and like that makes us all equal there's no better or worse we're all god and and then if you can just adopt that theory which i which i took from conversations with god now that just there is no room for hatred there is no room for selfishness there is it just doesn't allow because we're all god you know what rondas cause he says we're all god and drag and it's a cool way to put it but like the here's a here's a i like i love there's a form of yoga called bhakti yoga it's what the hare krishnas do but they're only one example of it and what's really interesting about it is it's a breakdown of like exactly what you're saying and in in you know the detailed way that only like 5 000 years of thinking about this concept could could bring you know and so there's a name for it of course the name and i think i'm mispronouncing it but it's something like a cincasinka beta tatfa which means simultaneous oneness and difference so that's the description of krishna and then what's really cool about it and not to say okay now you you all have permission to be an [ __ ] or whatever but what's really cool about it is that any relationship with god is going to evolve you over time so in other words if you are truly angry at god because that is a connection to the divine via anger and because the divine krishna is the source of all love or the reservoir of pleasure there's so many beautiful names to describe um to describe krishna because that's what you're connecting through to with anger that's going to start coming into you through the anger so the anger you get which is why the more the more your connection to that grows so in the mythology the worst demons who are trying to destroy krishna out of just you know various forms of rage or anger some of them may be justified maybe not they end up becoming the great disciples they they end up becoming the the the like true like best friends and associates of god because oh my god donald trump is the the coming of jesus he's an incarnation of them they were right the heavy duty because the problem is like you know anybody who's getting the thoughts you're getting is it's wonderful because it means that you're you're on you're on the way you're on the path and it's beautiful a lot of people they don't have these thoughts like they're in in the description you were giving earlier about the various entities you encounter in the uh uh astral realm uh is is in the bhagavad-gita they break it down about you know that there's i think there's an entire chapter dedicated to what is a demon what's a demonic personality and the description is very true it's very sad it's a it because what's happened is someone is completely got is completely ignorant of what where happiness comes from so whenever you run into someone like the person you're mentioning you died and suddenly is living in a trailer uh pre-living in the trailer they've gotten confused they think the material stuff is gonna satisfy them [ __ ] it's like exactly your experience when you find yourself like okay if i do the right amount of blow nitrous oxide yeah get all these things simultaneously to happen then freedom and it's really sad it creates a feedback loop you know and and so people like potentially donald trump or anybody who's become so consumed in that themselves as the radio um it's a never-ending terrible cycle that they go through it it's almost like some horrific groundhog day and so which is where the the compassion for them comes in because it's like [ __ ] you're you're like you're wasting the whole thing like you've you're pretending the gross depiction that it gives is like imagine a dog that is so diseased all its teeth have fallen out it's found a dry bone on the street it's chewing on the dry bone and because it has no teeth its gums are getting cut up by the dry bone but it's happy because it thinks that the its own blood is coming from meat on the bone so it's it's it's actually like drinking its own blood i mean like oh what a juicy bone this is the predicament a lot of people get into which is why you know anytime that's a weird you know very cliche experience probably everyone here has had where you run into someone who seemingly has it all and they're the most wretched desperate depressed thing that you've ever run into and it's like you you don't even know how to help them because you know that they're so fixated on the next you know what's around the corner like okay well it didn't work to have the mansion in the yacht and then the other yacht and then the jet and i [ __ ] so many people don't even escape from [ __ ] you know people are like getting like weird bruce lee bodies and they just [ __ ] it's from [ __ ] but it's not working you know that's a problem it's not working empty inside they're humping a leg they're humping a cosmic leg it's like it's just as pathetic as watching a horny dog let me throw this at you um you know like the idea of the materialism doesn't work and everything and i think that like but before i got sober like i had no confidence that i was gonna i was i was certain that i was gonna die young like go out in flames like it was just a matter of time and that and and what made me cool was that i was resigned to that so i didn't care about about making smart business decisions i didn't care about about if i had like knew what was what was going on with the bank account i didn't give a [ __ ] about getting screwed over in contracts because i was in this i wasn't going to live forever but i was going to be remembered forever because i was such a [ __ ] [ __ ] in radio you know and uh then i got clean and sober you know and and all of a sudden started taking care of myself now like like in sort of early sobriety it's like okay so now i'm actually did make it past 30 years old and now i'm taking care of myself and [ __ ] now i might actually live for like now i might not even be halfway through my [ __ ] life yeah like oh [ __ ] is that scary like i think that death is super easy you know death has to be easy otherwise like you know like we don't have much to look forward to that we got death has got to be cool it's living it's hard man and and like i all of a sudden i'm like i'm not i'm still not really afraid of death i'm afraid of the [ __ ] i'd like oh my god i've got all this living to do so now like i gotta actually get clever about business now i gotta actually save up because like what i don't wanna you know and on top of that i'm gonna i'm through and through i'm an attention [ __ ] man and like and and nobody wants to contemplate let alone like really like ponder or they're really like like i would like uh getting you know obsessed with the idea of uh mortality right like people just don't in the east totally easy old people are cool take care of them but in the west like well like you mentioned hospice probably a lot of [ __ ] people in in in the west don't even know the definition of a word hospice right because they don't even [ __ ] want to know like they don't want to think about they got their [ __ ] blinders on like la i don't even [ __ ] think about dying like not going to happen and i don't want to look at an old people because to be old is a [ __ ] party foul you're reminding me of my mortality and that's not cool so so being old is a party fail and and and to be an old attention [ __ ] is the scariest [ __ ] you know to be an addict to absolutely to have an overdeveloped need for for attention as an old [ __ ] wrinkly old person is the scariest proposition i could possibly [ __ ] imagine and that's where like sobriety for me represented okay i need to to like have some some separation between my persona like i ca i can't identify with like stevo or the personality i gotta have some like build an identity as just who i am and relationships what really matters but my question is what i'm getting to you with is that it's such i thought i intellectually philosophically i absolutely subscribed to the idea of material things don't work like you know but then again at the same time like i'm i'm a hustler man i'm a hustler and i'm trying to [ __ ] run as many businesses as i can i'm trying to like i'm i'm looking for businesses which specifically represent a way out of the attention [ __ ] business so that i can be an old person and not worry about where the [ __ ] next meal is coming from right so like so it's such you know like and i got my daily meditation dude i do uh mantra based meditation like i make sure i average 41 minutes every day like wow twenty yeah i've done it for dude like a few days ago like my little thing go ahead and show the camera dude all right i know you want to do that like i'll show you where i'm at i have meditated for 535 straight days averaging 41 minutes and since december 27th of 2019 i have spent 366 hours and 38 minutes meditating amazing i don't like transcend really too much but the fact that i actually have the discipline to sit to sit still and quiet and and try i think it's like it's a big deal you know and i i attribute like uh how well my life is going now with my disciplined meditation practice when he goes to gelson's he's floating two feet above the ground but but i mean besides but i get the daily meditation i really am like i'm devout about about you know being vigilant and disciplined in my meditation practice and and i i really really believe that this meditation practice and the regularity of it never missing twice a day that i've i believe and i know this is like [ __ ] kind of a weird thing to say but i believe it brings about a relationship with the universe such that the universe conspires in my favor call me a freak but i don't care because i i [ __ ] hang on to that and i [ __ ] ride with it and i really feel like i benefit from it but at the same time i can read every spiritual reading about how like it's not the material things and i'm like okay but i'm gonna [ __ ] hustle i'm gonna try to make as much money as i can so that i don't have to worry about [ __ ] there's a funny verse in the bhagavad-gita where christians describing the people that come to christ come to him and one of the descriptions is the seekers after gold and it because it's because if you're if we're going to start working with the idea that every single thing around you is an expression of the divine then suddenly the whole like sacred and profane idea it goes out the window like now we're just dealing with various forms of energy and our own karmic attraction to this this form or that form and so what ends up happening is people get confused like i've you know people especially at buddhism they start thinking it's some sort of passive thing where you sort of hang everything up and then you're just sitting around and your whole life becomes sort of like a mistake or everything you wanted and all that stuff was like an immature thing i think this is a misconception uh because because i really think like the invitation is is not to like give up your life the invitation is live your life as you but really live it you know because if when you look back at the unconscious way you were living uh i think many people would think you were [ __ ] very ambitious even though if you're a nihilist or whatever you're very ambitious but whenever i look back at like unconscious periods it doesn't none of it mattered like i wasn't there anyway so the idea is like you can be in your own life and and one of my friends i remember like very sympathetically put his hand on my shoulder he's like you know you just have to burn off all the karma there's no way out of it meaning all those desires all those things you want all that stuff it's like you still have that and it's still your soul wanting to express itself into the into the universe but now the ideas do it mindfully you know it's there's a big difference but my meditation teacher tells me like here's how you drink when you're drinking the moment you aren't aware that you're drinking anymore stop drinking for the night you know that that's that's one way to do it meaning like and you know and if you do if you try that it's impossible if you're like us which is like three four sips i'm not doing [ __ ] mindful drinking because the demon is coming to me and now it's like i want more moscow mules i don't even know why but there is a way i think there is all i'm saying is don't be hard on yourself because [ __ ] man you're absolutely right and also if you read some of the ray kurzweil [ __ ] watch out your the whole life span the whole human lifespan might be like a lot more than we even think right now if you know and it would be a decision based thing but you think you're now you're thinking like i'm going to kick the bucket when i'm 80 or whatever i don't know it's that's the scariest idea what if it's 160 what are the 200 what if it's 500 yeah you're only 5 of the way there yeah yeah exactly so i do think that and also the contemplation of death is uh as i've been taught like very important and and some people say carry death on your shoulder 100 very dead yeah 100 to dude to live to live with your blinders on pretending today i don't want to think about i'm going to die and we're just going to pretend that that's not a thing then all of a sudden it's like oh wait a second i could have made that like a of the forefront of my consciousness and deliberately to be deliberate about living the life you want to have have lived when it's over you know like you got initiated it seems like into like you some people you know you and i i'm sure you have friends who are bitching about their mom or whatever sometimes and you and i when they we hear that there's a at least there's a piece of me that's like must be nice to be pissed off at your [ __ ] mom you know because like it once your mom's gone that's that's it my friend put it the best ways like it's like the salt goes out of your soup forever or like doug stanhope talks about i heard him say something like there's no one to call and [ __ ] brag to about [ __ ] like the way you came with your mom it's just gone it's gone and so but that's impermanence and when we lose our parents and especially the way you lost your your your mom uh my mom got diagnosed with cancer and then died over about four years but i had four good years with her knowing she was gonna die but what happened to you was was uh and so many other people just one day for whatever reason that vain vocabulary burst and that's the end of your experience with your mom as you knew her for your entire life gone forever and this is the re this is the human reality this is what it's like to be alive and it's i i compare it to the blinders i think of it as like we've all been thrown out of a [ __ ] plane we're plummeting towards the [ __ ] ground full speed ahead into god knows [ __ ] what and a lot of us you know we've like set a nice dinner table and we're like eating and talking and anytime someone's like hey aren't we fault falling into the boy and they're like shut the [ __ ] up eat your [ __ ] mashed potatoes oh my god dude and we can do this forever man i want what a joy what a [ __ ] joy i remember you i really have enjoyed this and uh of course i'm in my head thinking like or is it like did i [ __ ] just shut the [ __ ] up and not talk so much i loved every second of it man no no no this whole thing is like you know it's because you know the other thing about the radio problem is like yeah puffed up radio thinks he's the [ __ ] beatles there's a lot of radios that like think they're the opposite of the beatles you know it's more likely you know that people are like really artificial dude i'm just straight static man i can't even pick up you got like dude the the netflix things going strong yeah well yeah and i you know i my own of course i i have a mandatory podcast called the duncan trussell family hour um which is uh yeah that's that's pretty much i i've got some other stuff cooking i can't talk about but that's my main thing and i love doing it and we i've com if i'm lucky i have conversations like this on it um because they're my favorite kind of conversation to have yeah i can't talk to people about this [ __ ] i mean here i'm with these guys all the [ __ ] time and i feel like they uh heard me say a lot of this [ __ ] for the first time you know like you can't you can't you know that would be really interesting to see how this episode performs for us because this one's super dear to my heart man this is like really yeah yeah thank you any time listen man i know everyone says this to you because you are in the unfortunate predicament of being very famous but anytime you want to just shoot spiritual [ __ ] that everybody reported reach out i love these conversations i can have them all day long it's my favorite thing to do so thank you it's really nice meeting all of you and you're like well that's on your awesome podcast i appreciate it so much man and congrats on everything you got going on dude i really uh yeah it's a joy man so so [ __ ] able to sign off here dude the radio thing and like people think they're the beatles come on i love that and i really believe that our wild ride with stevo podcast just gets better and better man i really truly think the last one was dad the one before that t-pain i really think that we're operating at a high level and i'm super grateful and as always super duper grateful for you guys sticking around to the very end now i haven't said this in a long time to to you guys calling you the street team but man would it mean a lot to me if you would go post a screenshot whatever like just hit up duncan trussell to let him know how much i loved this episode and if you did too please let him know that as well i love you guys thank you
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 361,160
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Id: AXOE0b6c25c
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Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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