JOJO Explained By An Idiot

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JoJo in a nutshell no my God it's a non-tech spirit look at what they're doing to my brother if you're not a Kanye supporter they don't mess with you these guys better give him 20. all right so this is when JoJo pulls up and he's like shoot me shoot me you won't and we already know the cops are up today challenge well little does a cop know JoJo's got his own gun and he just ends the fight by destroying his finger oh damn look at his Speedway he's standing like Hitler oh no why'd you do Speedwagon like that all right beat a Speedwagon 1994. all right so now we head to another scene this guy starts trash talking Smokey I mean I can't blame him what's up with that cut bro I don't hate that cut but why is it floating why all right so right here JoJo catches glimpse of a stalker aka the guy that killed Speedway he already noticed you Joseph don't go like that he keep a Tommy Gun up in his pocket you look good bro I just love tommy guns this shooting up into the restaurant guys this is what it means to be American Joseph's just so out of pocket hey get out now or a French kiss you all right so here stronzo twist out the bullets I'm just got JoJo freaked up but Joseph is just always one step ahead even though frazzled shooting lasers out of his eyeball it's even though it hits him in the head in the neck Joseph was still prepared his enemy's been staring into a mirror how does that happen I don't even know all right so next JoJo just comes and hits him with the Tommy Gun if so now straws is making a helpless girls stand Joseph doesn't care though he's already planted a bomb on him so stronzo just instantly throws his grenade it does when he breaks his neck and realizes oh [ __ ] yet again another vampire just getting absolutely booty blasted but this dude straws I was just coming back together man he an absolute Beast so no Joseph just starts to run away his IQ is up to charge all right here we meet this reporter real quick we already know what's about to happen to her she just gets her dumb ass capture I already know this dude does not wash his hands that's so nasty so right now Joseph's acting like you don't care about this girl and again that's what I would do look at what draws does he just takes her tooth out and throws it to the ground now obviously she died from that yo how Joseph would get up there so quick he got Mega Hogs does Loki look like a street fighter scene all right so he just shoots laser beam eyes at him but yet again Joseph is just always one step ahead man I don't even think Strongsville touched him yet look at this this is just lethal comes back around and just boom just Nails him in the head all right so right here JoJo gets pissed pissed because stralzo does without telling JoJo all the information he needs hey yo do you guys do this when you're mad just go food Donkey Kong all right so right now we're in a German camp in Mexico and this woman just accidentally Cuts this guy's face while she's shaving him bro what the freak who invited Andrew all right so right now Joseph's trying to sweet talk the girl you say but she just pushes him in the chin man some people are Petty as hell look at what he says and then look at her response foreign JoJo's riding in the deserts of Mexico and that's what he notices that someone's randomly even following him or at least he feels like that he hasn't seen anyone little does he know dude pops out of nowhere like Houdini my bad I meant zabelli slices through his arm yo what's up with this dude's face no wait what's up with this cheese he's looking like Demi Lovato all right so he throws his little sheet at him he just pulls his fist out he actually punches a cactus all right so he just comes and knees JoJo's head slams him into the ground he's like all right JoJo look the butt on my boots and it looks like JoJo's about to take the L this guy just watches his Cactus get ready to explode straight into his face no it got into his tongue I can't even imagine that just kicks him while he's spazzing out bro I'll be so sick he just ties him to a cactus and leaves him there to die all right so now we head back to the German facility I love whenever Speedwagon just passes out 90 of his dialogue is just him going crazy all right so they bring the statue to a German facility and they fetted a bunch of pilgrims and that's what it just starts bleeding out their blood then this dude just comes out of it the statue turns into a man nah can't trust Dudes Only in their underwear like that hold the fetus stuck his arms into his arms that sounded dumb but that's literally what he did and now this dude just starts biting on him trying to feed on him and that's when this dude just starts to swim through his body ah look at that wow he just sucks up his whole body we need a dramatic pull out for that and then now we cut to some baddies oh my God they get met by some dirty old German soldiers and that's when they get met with JoJo the cutest JoJo there ever was even better than Jolene yeah so these Soldier is about a shooter so Joseph just ends up doing what Joseph does best in outsmarts the hell out of these soldiers literally Knocks half their teeth out and now he's undercover as a German but now we're back to this facility and that guy from earlier he's crawled into an event look at the way he did it he just started running and just shifted his body like a God dang I'm a mellow and as always there are these dumb guards why would you peek in there why would you peek oh my god oh no this about cursed as hell oh see this is why you never repeats I love how there's always just four men shooting at the guy so he collected those bulls and he's now shooting them with his fingers oh right look at that hair bro all right so Joseph's now revealed himself he's here in the battle with them Joseph a clown bro so here he just starts messing with the Vampire but eventually he gets ignored and Joseph don't go like that so we try to kick his butt look at that foot guys and then after that he just starts taking apart a gun like a mechanic after this he blasts JoJo's so no JoJo gets hit in the stomach and then he starts getting pulled inside of him little did he know this was part of Joseph's plan his Homan wasn't affecting this guy he wanted to get inside him so he can attack him from the inside but still that doesn't kill him he's gonna need the sunlight so he just drags this man all the way up the stairs wait since when could he hop around like that what this dude just completely for her man if you don't know who this is the commentary but all of us and all I think this part is hilarious he's about to open the door but he decides to look back and then he gets captured I should have opened the door my God how to get his leg chopped off yo this is how I be feeling whenever I go outside not gonna lie all right so he was burning up but now I don't even know what he's doing what can I get a zoom in oh no he's going inside of him wait did I just say A Jojo reference all right so this dude Vaughn decides to just blow himself up but the bomb didn't even touch the vampire all right so right now the zombie's trying to head into the well where there's no sunlight eventually they start falling into the well but as always Joseph is one step ahead he knew that the sun was right above the well and the zombie could not reach the water in time ew black spaghetti Nanny that's what I'm saying why would you put ink in your pasta yeah it looks even worse in real life here I'll show you guys a good looking picture but the rest look disgusting all right so this guy's name is Caesar and he's a straight up player so Joseph obviously hates this guy so he turns his spaghetti into death weapons tries to flick it and he killed him both in the process like imagine just getting attacked by black spaghetti all right so here Joseph and Caesar are about to get into a fight so Joseph just rushes him but then he just gets grabbed by this woman she could grab me like that and Caesar is basically controlling her God damn she would just start Platinum dirty and now Caesar whips out some bubbles guys listen to the sun effect they got Joseph swimming imagine about a kiss a girl and then a bird just comes out of her mouth so yeah their little fight just basically ends in a draw here we get introduced to this guy named Mark he's about to get married look at the way he'd be driving I feel like this is how people used to drive 80 years ago I don't even know if they had license back then they were just Wilding all right so yet again we have another dumbass looking into a hole he just gets fight these guys are alive now and they just killed everybody he kills them all and uses their blood to block the light and basically these vampires need the dark and since he's a JoJo character he just comes out in the most dramatically possible I'd love to see it and look at the way he kills he sticks all their hands together right and then he deflates them I don't even know how that works see you can't just be a random person in any anime the chances your build different are literally zero like who wants to fight these guys man feel like a perfect example guys oh my God that would be me I'll just start randomly running and then not see this guy this is me this is Vega even do anything he got bumped into and then his face just gets melted he's looking like a little freshman no but how is he still alive he has half of a brain oh all right Joseph's got some new tactics he's basically hiding his weapon behind his back and then he just unleashes it on him but look at how clean this dude is with it look at how wavy he is and then he says Joseph a death threat but little did he know Joseph is always one step ahead he almost knocks inside his brain he's put his whole head open so no Joseph to start swinging at him start going crazy but that's when this guy that's also in Joseph his Attack Just creates a whole as Sandstorm it almost kills JoJo since when did Joseph Have Eyes on the back of his head how does he know when to lie back down again he's just built different but all right he's finally in the car so he's leading this guy away from the speed wagon into pelly but yeah guys JoJo's out of home so what he does here is try to bribe this guy into not killing him he says give me a month and I'll beat you anybody noticed meathead's gonna accept this deal but he has to make a contract with him he puts his ring around his heart and the only way to get it out is if he beats his guy and then his homie just joins in on the fun as well technology just fly off into the sky I'm pretty sure this is the last system that they've lost all right so here are this random Mass woman just attacks him and what do you know it's Lisa Lisa and look at the way she just comes flying in and then she slaps on this thing that makes it harder for Jojo to breathe basically a good way for him to practice his home hey man I might come back to bite you later all right so he basically starts making them train and they have to climb this tower that has oil trickling down and of course Joseph already found a way to cheat exactly what I would do but guys Lisa Lisa is a Savage so he just ends up falling back into the water he don't care at all she'd kick down a puppy if she had to and so they spent a whole episode on this butt yeah eventually they make it out all right so this Stone right here is what the vampires are gonna be chasing up in obtaining it will make them completely Immortal all right for practice they've got to defeat their Mentor I haven't told you guys about their mentors because they don't matter look here's JoJo's Masters exe gets killed before JoJo can even fight him and JoJo ends up playing this guy's arm it just destroys it which makes this guy cry like crazy yeah I'm not gonna lie this joint is weird and then he just randomly stopped screaming which is so scary look at his face now I calm down by crying for a while he says yeah okay buddy don't try to play it off yo the way they be dodged in attacks is wild ew his fingernails just opened up like the hood of a car and then it gets even nastier oh no not his toes too all right so this means Joseph just ends up tying him up he's some broke witch trickery magic I don't freaking know what he meant but man and his dialogue by saying a simple trick okay buddy that drone was crazy look at what he did there it looks like he's only been eating being talkable for the last month all right so he kills this dude Flex his nose ring and remember this nose ring freezes next also I love how he says it reminds him of Sonata right out there he proceeds to eat it with the Somalia all right so this thing is following JoJo home it was that dude's remains alright so JoJo comes home instantly scares Susie I mean how to be scared too bro looks like a freaking linebacker he essentially turned around and saw a gorilla yeah so we get a little bit of flirting no so you can't see that and not saying on it I know you saw that Joey bro oh damn Joseph she into you look at the way she ran away all right so we got a few Lisa Lisa bathshaws but after that we get this sketchy shot of Susie Q oh no what's happening this is Susie Q she was forced into doing a JoJo pose she couldn't help it yo the way she just comes in this cake season is hilarious teacher just be getting done dirty stop ruining Susie Q oh yeah oh wait I didn't even say this yet she's being mind control oh God all right so eventually Caesar and JoJo team up in his and not actually end her they end the zombie yo Sue these bodies just about to be freaked up after this the brain just coming all out of her but yeah the brain just eventually dies to the sunlight oh no Joseph I don't think you should ever come back he kind of looks like she got AIDS look at her face you can't trust her man oh no these two guys are gonna run over a door oh hell no these guys picked the wrong night to drive bro they got me messed up I love the way JoJo rides dogs who gave the dog LSD all right so he's found the Germans bro how did he even do that why man's still alive what can I say guys German technology it's just on a completely different level you look at the robot's fingers bro if you don't think that Germans actually have technology like this you're hard capping they do okay you just got a hundred rounds come on did you just use up a good JoJo pose JoJo was saving that one for Lisa Lisa oh wait I met Susie Q not Lisa Lisa this guy is really slicing the bullets in half nah his sword got little swords on it like short teeth yet again this guy's getting wasted bro it's just a torso now I love the German soundtrack every time this guy appears all I hear is German technology once again taking it to a whole nother level again they definitely have this the Germans are just goated all right so he shoots the stone out of his hand and now it's sliding down the hill and now JoJo about a kick calls his head off but he misses this guy uses his hood to grab the chain but JoJo's kick was meant for the snow which makes the other guy go slower allowing JoJo to grab the chain he must have spent a long ass time thinking about that one and now this guy just pulls a knife out of his foot grabs on the JoJo brings him down it's about to be a long ass fall JoJo ends up holding on to ice the ice breaks and this is when they use the ice as a little robe that fight went crazy man's was fighting midair for two minutes straight all right so currently this guy is still falling actually and then as he just hits the wall and just starts bouncing around what a crazy land yeah this man's a psycho bro he just starts laughing out of nowhere alright so right now they're waiting to go raid their Hideout and Joseph is such a dick bro look at what he's doing to the cat all right so at first it just looks like some normal teasing right but this is when he owes the cat his career is over all right here Jojo and Caesar are in an argument JoJo said that they wait until ninth attack but Caesar wants to go now and this leads Caesar to end up going alone but before he enters we get to see into his past and how he used to live with his dad and siblings but that's when one day the milk was calling of course his name was Mario only a guy named Mario would leave four kids hopeless damn now Caesar beating people up with James that is unnecessarily violent So eventually Caesar just randomly sees his dad and he's like what he's not looking for milk so that's when Caesar plans to murder him but as he was following him he gets attacked about a pillar man and that's when our hero Mario comes to save his son he died without taking out the vampires just like the OG zabelly all right Caesar it's up to you now this is a bell he's on a loser streak you must avenge your father and your grandfather all right so instantly he gets attacked by WAMU well actually his mentor does why is the mentor was always getting one shot they're so useless the JoJo altar treats the mentors like he treats the dogs all right so Caesar's ready to avenge his father now mom who's power is when while Caesar's is bubbling and so Caesar purposely made it so that his bubbles get sucked into the wind and look at this he traps the wall move once again and now he's about to use his sunlight as a freaking laser beam this man about to get blown up oh my God that attack is crazy you know secret about to come from the top rope and kick his head but that's when Caesar accidentally blocks his son and blocks the sunlight for only a split second which is enough that is completely destroys Caesar he's looking like Little Caesar's pizza sauce right now it looks like it looks like the zabelles are 3-0 I mean oh and three oh hold up does a pelly got up oh man he bled out y'all I look you feel bad for Caesar but in the end he takes the ring for Jojo and Caesar dies to some rubble a zippy hasn't been through enough but again he sends his ring to Jojo so he can finally be free of his poison and they're like hold up we're Cesar at eventually they find his dead body already Pizza the most respectable zapelli he didn't deserve to get done so dirty but now they're about to go event Caesar and look at Lisa Lisa Lisa is just a cool ass character he's just so cool with it no matter what happens look at her bro this joints light work for her look this guy charges at her right and all she needs to do is wrap her scarf around him and he just instantly dies see look at her look at how cool is that all right so you see Lisa Lisa right here Lisa was actually his baby and it was Arena who saved her the biggest plot twist ever actually the biggest plot twist was that that German was still alive all right so JoJo better have a race with the Enemy and it's about to be WAMU versus JoJo damn those are some berserk horses over there and at the halfway point of the race they'll be able to pick up a weapon and whoever gets there first gets to choose which weapon they want so what JoJo does before this match even starts is throw rocks under this guy's wheel giving him a whole head start allowing him to pick which weapon he wants but that's when this man just picks up a whole pillar and swings it him with his homie on it oh no he just got hit with the ultimate just every time I see that man this dude does not have a limit on his ultimate this guy Lisa Lisa messed up yo look at woman's body so basically JoJo almost chopped his arms off and really JoJo didn't even get touched what was all that blood weasel it was never explained but all I know is that JoJo freaked him up and they did explain how JoJo wrapped how Moon Fields Reigns around him and he got one more looking stupid now in desperate situations a ritual was needed his ritual is to take down his eyes bro said that he was relying on his eyes too much yeah so basically he's detecting his location by using the wind so he don't even need his eyes you know JoJo is just starting to lose it he's throwing rocks at him but in reality JoJo was just stolen he just gets shot from behind all right see these mummies you just be pulling out BS out of nowhere all right so now he's getting choked out yet again someone's attack is better go so hard that they had to hit us with a cliffhanger and so now there's a win rate better take his head off but just in time he's able to again all part of his plan it was Joseph's plan to get him to suck it up and since we're dealing with JoJo characters it was homo and so this guy can detect objects but he can't detect the liquor with a little bit of fire disjoints over it's a wrap and he just goes and takes out some zombies these zombies are about to disrespect Jose everyone in this anime is just this big falls to the max all right so he's finally got the poison out of his heart big dubs were taken here finally we about to see Lisa Lisa fight let's get it let's get it all right so our opponent instantly comes from behind look at Lisa Lisa she is so cool with it she was basically one shot so she is op to the max look at the way she left them but that's when Lisa Lisa gets stabbed from behind damn bro come on at least one of the Lisa Lisa get one more fighting so basically Lisa Lisa killed the double and Joseph was gonna have to fight a whole Army of zombies but that's when the Germans arrive dang so they bring the whole Speedway in court and they brought this dude I haven't seen him in like 20 episodes [Music] all right so Lisa Lisa is tied to this bro and JoJo has to stop the world no matter what so this push JoJo at a disadvantage come on Joseph don't drop her bro all right so here call is the size of the cutter off Putlocker is so simple it's one step ahead somehow he's using the vampire to hold them up and Joseph is flying able to hit him with the homework and if those look like he's about to die but there's still two episodes left let's not get ahead of herself all right so here we get a quick history on Lisa Lisa and we learned that Lisa Lisa is actually JoJo's mother who wouldn't know and she married Arena's son but sadly he was killed by a Nazi and Lisa Lisa hears the news you already know how Lisa Lisa Works instantly as soon as she hears the news she puts a baby down blah is out to the guy and instantly kills him and gets a bounty on her head which means she couldn't see Joseph ever again because people are just gonna be hunting her which would have ruined JoJo's life all right here got some more German technology we'd love to see it but oh my God you know how that stone is supposed to suck up sunlight German technology literally suits sunlight and so he gets hit and becomes God instantly he just gets up and create a squirrel from nothing which makes Speedwagon surpass out no look at it it's pretty cute it's pretty cute right guys it's like oh some scroll up hold up oh now the sun just pulls up fast as hell it burns all the zombies but again this man is invincible so no those images out of here bro you can't sign up for this but this dude can turn into anything any animal he starts chasing him with his wings but JoJo was able to find Speedwagon's flame alright so here Joseph just get shot up by some feathers and there's a feather who just turn into some piranhas oh my God and then he turns one of the feathers into an octopus bro so here Carlos just gets baited by this fake dummy and then Here Comes JoJo with the whole helicopter you're trying to send him into a volcano Where did German come from bro that was a nice ass catch oh look at the way they went flying all right so this man is just burning up in the lava he is bacon I don't even know how he's still alive it should be instant do people even instantly die if they get touched by lava no no they definitely do so now we just see Joseph celebrating and now he's just gonna go home to see the cube put plot twist this enemy is still alive it's called Live In the Flesh basically he had crab on it and he had bubbles inside of his suit that would just keep rejetting his armor look at him standing All Pro look how cute as My Little Pony all right so this man Joseph tries to hit him with some humming but this guy just pulls out his own home oh no look at a posey made Joseph dude that is not a very Cash Money pose all right so Joseph just accepts death at this point he's about to get finished but that's when he pulls out this Crystal and do you guys hear that sound you already know something about go down it causes a whole volcano to just abrupt and they just get taken to the sky look at that join bro tries to fly away and that's when JoJo's hand Ram he comes and attacks him in the neck hey yo this is the first time Joseph used luck to win hey to be fair though he deserves a little bit of luck not gonna lie look at this dude just bumped to his own song yeah so this dude JoJo Just dies Falls straight into the volcano meanwhile this dude is in outer space and then he just instantly starts freezing damn that's sound effect though look so now this man became half mineral half animal and even though he wanted to die he just floats out in space for all of eternity sounds like what happened to Kanye's mental Connie always looks like he came home from painting a house so now he cut to Joseph's Joseph's grave why this guy remind me of Roddy Rich all right so randomly JoJo just comes up out of the cut as always heading up a pose turns out that he's alive who would have known God damn look Susie look at the way she's walking bro's been gone for two weeks and already got a wife you're like Susie bro Suzy a boy she Make Me Wanna foreign
Channel: ZUFFY
Views: 381,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ay3Pf-GDoTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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