JoJo Stand Tier List: Stone Ocean

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all right stone free is the probably the weakest stand of the main JoJo's yeah it probably is I mean that's not to say it's bad or anything but like it's a strength yeah I I really did enjoy how versatile was and even the little infinite loop de loop whatever it was called Mobius Street mobius strip yeah but other than that I mean I don't know how much there is to it put it in C with Hierophant because it's kind of the same as - it's similar I mean it could do about the same stuff so - the emerald splash but I'm like - this one actually hits the targets true-true Goo Goo Dolls is buried out better than Little People instant yes and so I'm thinking wherever we put like the little feet we should just like see what everyone step about beep yeah so you put him in see you know I think with this placement we probably just made med East a Manhattan transfer is terrible Oh Manhattan Transfer was so stupid oh we're into stone ocean we are we are prime stone ocean yeah Brian stone ocean I mean I have my opinions on the worst part right I'm not going I mean as much as I meme it people actually believe that I hate stone ocean which it's absurd it couldn't be further from the canary let's just put in an F word cuz it just kind of just floats around tells you like the only thing good is that the user was a trained sniper yeah yeah but what was it real because it was white snakes who loosen a white snake let's talk about waiting waits made okay white snake is s first off it has it to do when it it just he disguised himself as weather report that one time and also you made people hallucinate which is something I guess but also it's disc like first off you can grants and users cool put it can remove stands and memories terrifying which is a one-shot thing though ultimate cars hey who are you body I have your memories here I mean that's granite if white snake could even get like close enough tall to me cars uh hallucinates mean I don't know he's got a smaller ain't gonna Scott eating this guy's himself as wamu or ac/dc or Santana why not why not he's the other best dog of jojo's all right put him in a minute all right fine I'll give you that one I'd say I I think the weird thing is made in heaven and white think deserved meanness but see moon doesn't see moon definitely just weird because he's like we'll get there we'll get there all right highway to hell f.cuz again this one's who can grant this one isn't even like notorious b.i.g where you can get more you have one it's not like keep sure this one's a trade right and it's literally the worst straight up and you have to die by your own hands but then again it's Lightning McQueen is using Lightning McQueen burn down the house put in with the put up with mr. president because I'm also gonna say this I'm also gonna say this it's any room that previously existed so you can't use it everywhere but you don't need the turtle with you no no no that's true right but I feel like it's so inconsistent because he was actually using his ghost gun it's like a real gun yeah you get a computer with him I had a computer with him at all times I put it with you mr. president yeah that's fair totally fair I don't even know what to say about this I'd say you'd be like all the time I had I'm just thinking be tear out loud because I can't really see you anywhere I mean its stats are busted but its ability is just make two of them and it hurts when they come back it doesn't kill you it just hurts a little it hurts more than like just a little don't feel so well hurts hurts I don't care what people say doing is always gonna be funny yeah yeah well you know you have to remind everyone to have like a beautiful doing that is true all right all right all right all right best girl from part six I'm thinking a no wait how can you not be a fan of sentient plankton it's sentient plague didn't look at all the stuff we can do it it's got guns could defeat it Spice Girls could probably defeat it I bet she's a cute plankton why food I know I know just put it in deep you can't you can't do this to me man you can't you can't throw objectivity out of the window just cuz Foo Fighters is amazing just put it in deed okay but you see the difference here is quarters and is the care quarter itself stop stop don't you're tearing me up so they're they're not completely separate able you have to consider her character when judging her you're tearing me apart sacrificed a is greater than B and F is greater than don't don't do that put it okay I will I will agree its side ability of just basically being sentient on its own right is pretty cool come on man put it in deed it belongs we both know it belongs in deed looks like we gonna split the difference so I yeah you come on I'm trying to argue like the best thing in all of Hearts takes just let let it be a little higher okay fine what's the next one Marilyn Marilyn Manson which requires a setup but this one can steal your liver whatever what I do but again it requires a setup where's where's um Adam II you put it with the atom is in huh no I thought Alan was an e it's indeed no no not atom heart father at home Oh home yeah put it play with E yeah I'm totally fine with me because she's kind of like the third daughter P brother the narvik sister so how do you feel about jumping jack play is a stand that was not used as simply as it should be so it's got a pretty cool ability right make zero gravity yeah you can remove gravity you can fill in your own centrifuges oh hey man I'm reading this straight off the wiki because you think I actually remember stuff from parts I don't I do not remember um in that case while we're already an hour and 30 minutes into this in that case I'd say that's a seat irritability I mean cesium there seems fitting by the way for the viewers at home Foo Fighters belongs in D and Pearl Jam and Cinderella blog after just limp Biskit blasted pancakes are my favorite breakfast food flaccid pancake dude I love this dude this is my oh my god this is such a good stand keep rollin rollin oh I don't think it could be the ultimate cards but I think this is an easy eight I put in a cuz its zombies it is it is zombies that's his ability invisible zombie crocodile cuz Florida okay now the diver down are we gonna pretend like it has both of its ability that we're just gonna go with its likability that was you know the real one after it was kind of solidified cuz storing potential is cool but it was kind of like Rhett calm down I made my rock he forgot people gave me so much crap for diver down because they thought I actually didn't know what its ability did but no I was talking about the actual ability that was right calm I just love how in part three it's like yes stands can just phase into people that's like what stands do and then diver down and part six is like my ability is facing people I think the only different thing was when weather lost his leg he actually had a diver down Lee which is which is busted it is busted you can just you can rip someone's heart out put it in B yeah I'm fine with that good stats it's like kiss it's as good stats out oh we got the weakest and we Stan goes in that um yeah fine all right planet waves or originally Earth Wind and Fire but I actually really like the standard it reminds me of like when Thanos throws the moon at them an infinity war yeah that's cool I just I just can't forgive that this is in the worst arc ever written the maximum security arc you're right that's the worst start but and its user was just a brainwashed dude doesn't help okay okay but now you wanna care about the user or not when it comes to best waifu foo fighters no no no put it i haven't filled a plate where ever you want alright i think it's fine and be yeah thank you you know credit where credit is due this is probably the best stamp from that entire art here just delete dragons dream don't it not even a nap just delete it are you sure about that just delete it it doesn't deserve to exist there we go that's this this this I love this list no no no you know speaking of things that don't need to exist yo-yo ma I love yo-yo ma you could argue that he's funny but like it's so stupid it's so dumb I think I think it's as bad as Marilyn it's it's good misleading like it's good for unintelligent people because it it looks like a trustworthy little guy it's like hey I'm gonna help you and you're like oh [ __ ] yeah let's do it but then he's like I'm actually here to kill you and I have a bottomless stomach I'm under he's indestructible it is indestructible give you that but it doesn't really have any offenses goodies that I'm thinking see no offenses is saliva was like acid dude remember you think I actually remember stuff from parsec a hey now let's just split the difference on this one again you know dude indestructible didn't it affect the user and acid like slime all right time s alright make your case floors ears my green grass you don't like the sand but try to change my mind the strongest standing I think because this is like super fly it's not an attack it's a defense now it's exponential which we've been over before and I'm gonna put it this way let's say someone fired a gun at you so boom something fired a gun on you ah watch out the bullet will keep getting smaller and smaller as it approaches you it technically never even touches you and the user can be selective with what it shrinks it can shrink people and clothes but not grass so you're saying out of all the shrinkie shrinky stands this one's the best one that does the shrinkie shrinking because it can never ever touch the user you can never even come close to the user no projectiles it's it's selective and a baby could use it imagine if like a full-grown adult could use this Honey I Shrunk the cars alternate cars would become a molecule it eventually reaches a point where you're so small nothing matters I've come so far and tried so hard I'm not saying just it's terrifying if you just yeah another one do you know what this is I don't know this is okay so you remember there's this guy his name is his name is Poochie and when he throws out his disks they give people stand so this is this is the boiling water stand that he used against Foo Fighters I thought that was a I thought that was like oh wow that was a sting yeah it's the perfect stand if you're gonna brew a hot cup of flour I didn't I don't know I was a Stan I thought that was just boiling water part six is my favorite fever dream yeah you know if you use it for like three seconds I can't trust you jailhouse law is terrifying and I love the arc Oh God jaws lock on all right the arc was good right but like I don't know the powers kind of just dumb it's short-term memory loss is terrifying yeah it'd be pretty terrifying to like lose your memories and stuff but if you're dealing with a genius like ultimate cars I mean 400 IQ but gets hit by a plane alright let's keep talking hey I'd say I was gonna put it in a anyways I know you want a tea but like just the way you're describing it I think it would sit pretty comfortably in like B if you touch the walls of the of whatever building it's in for the rest of your life or until the users defeated you can only remember five things going forward all right yeah but like that is awful you saw how like the user was defeated pretty easily I mean it you know really defend you is what I'm saying I mean sure it can't offend you but like let's put it this way the user did this and if there wasn't a puddle let's say you shoot six bullets at someone that's six pieces of information you forget about one of the bullets I a you literally become a dumb piece of poop but like this is one of those super situational stance like it only worked because it was in a prison dude think of vitamin C and how easy it is to get well we're not add vitamin C yet but I'm soon but even so I feel like fighting II's just better please please put it in a don't wanna I am the second smartest fan in Jojo please think about okay you can ruin someone's and again you don't even like the only reason she was still in a prison is because she worked there so hold on no no no none I'm reading this right off the wiki right and it says it can destroy someone's ability to think right yeah but if cars already stopped thinking how does it destroy it I'm not I can make any me this belongs nest I'm saying put it in a yeah but yeah put in the neck yeah hey now I'm okay with program do you need alright we have just made an equivalent exchange we are completely even no more complaining about Pearl Jam is he really 89 I think he might be 89 years old bohyun or after date is a stand that I don't like I don't get why people like I don't like that I don't get why people like the fight you know what the problem was this fight had the single best panel in the entire part it's the one where anesthesia he was like using diver down to steal money out of the cash register right and it had nothing else it was completely just in best handling as during heavy weather when you know poochie's doing his thing did we ever get so wait did we skip weather report wait what did we no way where is weather report where's oh no we lost weather report no I just did you have the text tool yeah yeah I do just just write him cuz he has heavy weather let's write him and s alright hold on hold on I am so sorry everyone I'll fix this right away how do we how do you remove fool all right hold on I'm gonna go into my folder and check if I actually have him like cuz that's insane my god yeah he's right there he's right there I just forgot to add them to the list well the report is so elusive this is happy to people before you know it's a shock Meister part 6 video when I forget like one of the main characters exists SSR a ah why wouldn't snails be a nest irritability like come on but you're not really a snail yeah I know I know we just thank you like let's be honest like that it's just so inconsistent alright we forgot weather report but you know weather report forgot weather report so it's okay what weather report Stan name yeah back to Bohemian Rhapsody um I mean I already took the liberty of moving it to F tears so you don't have to worry yeah because you can just invent I win man it makes me win that's literally how they beat him though yeah oh yeah yeah all right so do second best kid sky high sky high so here's the thing it's pretty powerful but kind of really situational because it depends on the number of right that are in the air I think its ability I think its ability specifically is controlling life like you can control animals and he just chose to control the rods no it's only the rods and the rods specifically so not anything you want oh then that's that's even worse than what I thought it was so yeah I was thinking maybe around deal honestly I think I don't know this is kind of again me going on my tangent [ __ ] I think if you wanted to make Riccio a better character have him inherit deals vampiric abilities the fight would play out the same have it to happen to like any of his children no nothing nothing about thing about imagine if Riccio was just a vampire his fight would play out the same because his ability just removes body heat and to win Joline sets herself on fire like jonathan did with vito and me you immediately just make this fight better well that kind of parallel right there is why he's like deals best kid in this part and it makes sense for his character because this character was like uh Pucci helped me up stupid put sky-high and II yeah I mean like I'm a hundred percent fine putting it there right so we're finally at the end of deals kids and we have underwear underworld on I love underworld you could recreate 911 with underworld if you wanted to okay the ground the ground remembers well I just love to give a commemoration to my monetization because it will not be on this episode but anyways anyways what we're we're talking about our stands the ground remembers it's probably like a beat irritability I was would say beat you you see moon a or be I was thinking be yeah I mean it's just like I don't know you take your 9.81 m/s^2 down and then just turn the direction someone I mean I guess it has like you could do a lot of damage but like I just I don't see it and you can turn people inside out I think it's more impressive ability as the inside-out one well since that's a b-tier Pixar movie it's beat here ah yes my favorite horse [ __ ] stand I just like the idea again I love the idea of notorious b.i.g just like zoom in to him just let you know oh my God we're done we're finally done is that is that is that it for part six as they always say you have to get through the worst to get to the best I I'm right we're gonna be finishing this at 1 a.m. okay but I mean compared to everything up to this point the other two parts are gonna be short part 7 part 7 and 8 short ok but no but this is what I mean they have like no stands in them it's just like yeah wait does oh yeah cause they spin and everything you have the spin and everything you have just one great massive story all coming together I mean let's just get into it [Music]
Channel: The Shuckmeister
Views: 499,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Shuckmeister, JoJos Bizarre Adventure, JoJo, JoJoke, Tier List, Stands, Part 6, Stone Ocean, Jolyne Cujoh, Emres, Weather Report, Enrico Pucci, Made in Heaven, Jotaro Kujo, Roo Righter, Anasui, Whitesnake, Stone Free, Avengers Infinity War, Thanos, Kiss, Stand Stats, mrmeatman, John Cena, Meti, xForts, jojo anime, jojo part 6, jojo portal, joestar inherited soul, jojo part 6 anime, jolyne kujo, shuckmeister, jojo ranking, jojo stand tier list
Id: gp8dpLCTlUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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