JoJo Stand Tier List: Steel Ball Run

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hey-ya hey-ya hey-ya hey-ya hey-ya hole okay now are you are you in the camp are you in the camp that it predicts the future are you in the camp that just says it encourages people so I think the stand itself can predict the future but it can only encourage cocoloco to like you choose the right course of action because I think with the the with the first a thousand meters when he's like just jump there I think Sian good will happen and a cow carcass was there like he liked the Stanton knew something was going on so I think the fact that can guide you on the most desirable path is great can't defend you but I think utility wise that's just a great ability D here I mean a lot of people want me to put it in s but like this is a DD R Dean you're not gonna enough love what's next oh oh here we go we have the human boom boom boom beaucoup beaucoup no rhythm no keyword no no no so this one is tomb of the boom oh god I hate this this is the worst arc in the entire part you know that's my steel ball run so great it has the worst arc at the beginning can we delete this as well we delete this this one should be an F like I really hate the stand this but that's just personal grievance okay let's be objective for a second and think of its you know strength oh we've got magnetism how scary it's not like we've covered it before or any yeah so is Metallica we put that food so is best ed but like the thing is this is so much worse because you have to share it between three people we put it in E even though it's a terrible art let's just put it in E because it does actually have an ability like oh lonesome me is stupid no this one is really dumb stupid dumb so how do you feel about e e yeah I think it belongs there I mean it's just broke right all right so beaucoup no rhythm Oh Keith day today is who's not Killer Queen levels of just ridiculous it's a very Western twist on something familiar the waterfall example I think is the best example oh oh yeah of course tusks act 4s yeah come on we all know we know what it is infinity from the gravity wells to the infinite spin everything is perfect we're talking exponential growth well infinity is ya know her infinity now out of all the stands you've said this is the most terrifying well you were busy running the steel ball run race I was learning the spin well it just worked so perfectly like the way it works up from each act into what it becomes like its gravity wells and black level destruction power so this would be wired it's to stand from that pork pie hat kid oh yeah okay present we were seeing black holes and I was like wait there's a black hole stand in port said no no I was alluding to like how scientifically tusks could work yeah wired kid it's just beach boy but terrible it's like the spongebob episode of hooky you yeah I'm good with thee because a lot of the early stands are bad God my bro my gosh my gosh it's the stand okay I know exactly where I want to put it where this isn't easiest here first of all you turn into a dinosaur and you have Dino ate dad I mean you could turn cars into a dinosaur yeah and then he could control them so here's the thing right people say oh this is Ferdinand stand and not Diego's but Ferdinand died that is true and the stand was still around it I'll be it through the corpse parts right so like you know this is Diego stand and Diego is best boy and it's kind of like Green Day where it's like once like a like a beaver turned into a dinosaur the beaver could I get a bunch of like birds and then the birds turn you back well birds are just avian dinosaurs but like think of all the ways it was used like it's just so versatile yeah and also like the fact that he's gonna just turn himself into a dinosaur it was awesome god I love funny Valentine versus Diego I think potentially that's tearing my favorite fight scene in the entire series yeah I love that fight because I think my favorite thing I was sad when Diego died because he was like so like meticulous during that fight he's like he's gonna get between those get rid of it make sure he doesn't like he can't get away you can't get away and then he died he'd even process he lost see now my only complaint about that fight was how they ended hot pants because I didn't feel like there wasn't any emotional weight to like how she died but like it flowed well and that's why it's so great yeah and I love when he's like on the railroad tracks you didn't even know he lost he was like I got him right yeah spoilers for part 7 by LOI well I usually don't give any spoiler or you're not told a big fat spoiler warning but see the only time I like to put spoilers or I'm like Jojo lien things because it's currently coming out but like this stuff's been around for years I just saw that you put the eyes of heaven dude yeah eventually so cream star I love how stupid it is but cream starters just awful so DT I mean yeah the fact that anyone the fact that anyone can use it makes a detail oh well that's what Valentine's your enemy can grab cream starter and just go like oh thanks for the okay it is a dt r stand but like hot pants for memories remember when apparently flesh can like you know fix a gaping wound just flesh okay what's next welcome to the true man's world with amanda is awesome oh my god he's actually like so awesome it's just reversed vine okay Wow is that a dead reference and no I I'm feeling like an AE to you does it does the I can't remember does the user retain knowledge of what happens in the six-second so I don't think the user does I'm pretty sure he doesn't cuz he just what uses the stopwatch to like you know reverse the six seconds or whatever I think that alone kind of puts it back to BC I'd say because it's the time guy well his watch was more of like a psychological thing so that he knew the time-reversal happened right then beat here yeah that's with underworld I feel like all the time based abilities should be like a nub of well this one is is reverse vine it's B I'm looking at underworld I'm looking at see moon and I'm like yeah man done belong to these guys I feel like it's less of the stand itself I feel like Ringo such a great minor antagonist yeah put him there there you go catch the rainbow is cool but what if it's not raining this is way too situational I don't know man I but I'd say like if it is raining its blasted so II definitely is pretty fair like think of how often it rains see I was gonna say D but then like think of often terrains dude it doesn't bring like ever oh my god it like storms all the time where I'm at I don't know where you are it rains like once every two weeks and this is before anything thing about this the user had this before the weather report was even the thing not not weather report the stand want to clarify this we're talking about the actual weather report here in a silent way where's echos so that would be in C C put it in beat yeah beasts good put in beat it's better than that goes the best part about it is when he takes the sound effects out of the manga and actually uses them for defense it's so good dude this is epic I just I just how do you feel I just made this video lose all credibility okay folks this is I think this is the tree soon it is sugar mountain spring or as I like to call a discount super fly cuz it like had the same thing or it could like suck people in and they become part of the tree like if you tried to escape super fly you know it's like old made but it's like it's like super fly it's like old made except this one's kind of terrible yeah but here's the thing though it's like judgment fly is just way more useful like damage reflection and you're trapped like I guess this one can it perhaps you cuz he takes I think I think it's like judgment where the user had like the enemy has to do something first in order for anything to happen like be like the enemy could just be like I respect you I'm not gonna take anything yeah and then you're fine so the other thing that made this stand interesting F definitely F though definitely F the only that made the stand interesting is that it had a corpse part that's luleå okay I was wondering and let me know if you know but like do you remember what happened to the rabbit's foot cuz like I just don't remember oh yeah so he sold it to you know I could have sworn he was wearing it later in the park oh he did he was I thought I thought you sold it to like the guys who were like I remember when they were trying to buy land and they're like I will solve for like three potatoes he's like we have 13 billion dollars got a rabbit's foot I mean I don't know I don't remember off the top of my head so if anyone wants to let me know you know just let me know oh boy I love this next one tattoo you what do you think of tattoo you it's basically just multi man smash so right if I have to go off the top of my head like right away it's like better than tomb of the boom because it's shared amongst people right so like I'm thinking maybe see see he's probably good for it yeah I think it's [ __ ] it's fine tubular bells is su Bueller no I'm trying to remember I if one of them popped something happened right so basically right it was still made out of metal so when it exploded it was kind of like a grenade with shrapnel going everywhere so that's what it is oh yeah like I don't know man it's just kind of balloons so like the problem I'm looking at dark blue moon I'm getting reminded of dark blue moon from this one yeah yeah I think that's fine is this twentieth century but this is 20th century bulb this one is an ultimate defense did someone say defend not oh okay okay okay story time all right so do you know the Pokemon chuckle well it just ever so happens to be my favorite Pokemon really the name of yours truly I'd say the only bad thing about the stand is that like you the user can't do anything and he gets the ultimate car stream in because of that yeah yeah so if he gets the ultimate car treatment candy defeat ultimate cars well the thing is he can't be defeated by ultimate goal a situation where it's like he can't defeat it but he can't be defeated and the other thing is like we did see a really creative use of this later in the part when he just straps a bomb to his chest and goes like I'm okay but you're not exactly so off the top of my head I'm saying nothing below a in the other does note says that the users voice magenta magenta is this really Mazal II and not mainly at all so talks like this apparently and I think that's so fitting for the ability it's so much less menacing I like the idea that it's just like you can't touch me I'm Gilbert Godfried immediately I'm thinking of like Iago from Aladdin all right put him in a RS I don't know I'm gonna put yeah yeah yeah Civil War is like the lock if you really just think about it there no no this is so much better than the lock it's it's definitely a better version of the lock we set the lock to deserve to be an e tier right yeah so also open my head I'm thinking like see see I mean it did kill Johnny and if you killed a man can yeah oh yeah the user comes back to life yeah so like there's there's no way it can't be anything lower than a C but I feel it's comfortable you for c and r is love training this or as love training needs something so love train is actually in this but ticket to right isn't because ticket to ride is actually considered a different stand you know associated with lucy cuz tickets right is just the frontiers right yeah okay this is this is a love train and even divorcee alone deserves s oh for sure i mean if you could break up someone and level you're definitely a nest here and the fact that you kill the user and then another another one just take comes you know what the true potential and power of d4c is it could put 36 cars on mars I thought that was because I made in heaven yeah whatever you know we're gonna ignore that chocolate disco chocolate disco is pretty dumb he's just a filler stand it's it's just like you can see the squares and yeah but it didn't take gyro long to defeat them I'd say D or e so I guess it is yeah he seems fine well the Train right how good are those tears they're terrible eve man we are really filling the lower tiers with this Part II ace it's in the game well what is ball breaker breaker what it's aging right it's like rapid so it utilizes the super spin right and that's how I know you spin I know it's it's the stand of the infinite spin but what is it that's aging right it ages people yeah basically what I'm thinking is it's like better than Grateful Dead since it doesn't have like that arbitrary weakness to ice or whatever and it can break through Love Train so that's good so I would definitely put it a little higher than grateful bit go ahead put it wherever oh alright so for me it's between like a and B so what are you thinking I'd say I'd say put it with Grateful Dead and uh-huh no I am NOT putting this and C oh oh oh B III didn't grateful that wasn't C is he C oh yeah yeah I remember why cuz yeah this one this is Grateful Dead with range so B's fine alright now we have the world in all camps please don't tell me you want me to explain where I want this F just kidding funnyman put them in a yeah it's basically star platinum or is basically the world we're almost an ogre all right before we hit the final part of this entire long series let's look at everything we've done so far alright puts under all into F because you made your equivalent exchange with me earlier I mean Cinderella deserved to be there from like the beginning and then oh no it's fine just throw Ticket to Ride no this is bad alright I'll be I'll be so keep in mind we're gonna make a part 2 of this series where we come back and order each tier on which is strongest I'm totally quote the part too good this one's good we're almost approaching two hours by the way I hope you know this god that's awful alright party [Music]
Channel: The Shuckmeister
Views: 620,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Shuckmeister, JoJos Bizarre Adventure, JoJoke, JoJo, Tier List, Stands, Part 7, Steel Ball Run, SBR, Johnny Joestar, Diego Brando, Lucy Steel, Gyro Zeppeli, Funny Valentine, Tusk, Ball Breaker, The Spin, Golden Ratio, Love Train, D4C, Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price, Western, Sandman, Scary Monsters, Za Warudo, Hot Pants, jojo stands, jojo stand tier list, jojo manga, tusk act 4, cream starter, shuckmeister, shuckmeister tier list, jojo ranking, jojo stand ranking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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