The DEFINITIVE Smash Bros. Canonical Power Tier List

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[Music] no time power scaling it's when you take an idiot like this and this and say who would win it's piranha plant by the way now years ago I did this with the entire Super Smash Bros ultimate roster except for a few of them actually you know what I change my mind so to make up for the fact that didn't have all the characters and how I might have been wrong on a lot of things I decided to go all out this time not miss a thing and analyze all 82 characters no I'm not okay thanks for asking before I begin um uh you may recall [Music] uh yeah that's a lot of characters how did I research Arch it well I made a visual now I can handle all the characters I know it's just the ones I don't spend maybe over a 1,000 hours of gameplay how do I do it for the rest of the knowledge I needed to fill in I utilize the versus Battle Wick okay guys please let me explain what's wrong with it anyways I'm not crazy ah come on nobody thinks you're crazy Alan the website is overly pedantic it uses various games unrelated by author or story to confirm ridiculous Feats of Strength come on it helps me fill in the blanks for Niche series like Final Fantasy and it says I'm not a God yeah I think this website's trash as usual you're all wrong oh Jesus [Music] Christ scabi toilet hey it's Monica from doky doie Panic I'm sure you here to tell us something productive helpful maybe even inspiring well since we're talking about powerful characters I thought you could use a good Benchmark no way we're talking about you uh yeah it says here that I am able to manipulate reality and destroy a world wait what why is there an old Meme here this is what this is what I'm talking about this is stuff this stuff is ridiculous they just hate to see women winning hey I'm a reborn evil a plague that unleashes Darkness along the Earth sounds like my 11 a.m. bathroom break how about the time I turn okay okay I deserve a little bit of respect here I beat the hero of time congrats you beat the 12-year-old thece of Courage okay you know what we need to set some rules cuz it's going to get out of hand very quickly one I'm right you're wrong okay this isn't a rule but this time around I really did decide not to hold back I wanted to know every possible thing about each of these characters and make a completely informed decision about it no matter how ridiculous it got two what is a character this may seem like I'm going crazy I am but for example what Mario is this versions of Zelda Evolutions super forms powerups alternate personas so to make it simple characters are going to be ranked based on their upper and lower limits take Sonic and supersonic versus samis and her fully upgraded suit however if a character's new form is a totally different character I I can't include that don't worry it'll become obvious later you will be enlightened and three RPG characters yay they are going to get their full endg game abilities any sort of spell they could have they will have Pokemon can only be that Evolution up to level 99 and since summons in some games are sort of like spells then they can use those as well actually this is a good time to ask uh what am I doing about this guy I could play another 300 hours of his game Joker's real form is just a high school student Joker is a teenager but can enter this fantasy Wonderland where he becomes a superpowered superhero so um how do we exactly rate that well drum roll please because some characters bounce between dimensions on their days off we're going to consider momentos own Dimension and in fact allow Joker and all of his abilities to be fair game that's right he can do all the late game stuff he's used to doing like playing a perfect game of darts and while I have you here I don't care there is no possible way for me to do this in a way where I cannot spoil a character's entire game story and Legacy so you know what if you see a character on that screen hit the road hit the bricks I don't give a [ __ ] they're being spoiled there are no exceptions except alar because come on you got to respect that little [ __ ] with that laid out here are our tiers we have six only but they're split into higher and lower subcategories to really show the differences in power s is they are literally busted there's like no I cannot even fathom what they could and possibly will do a they bench press gods and handle Universal threats for breakfast B they could destroy a planet or two I'm not judging C and our largest TI superpowered super humans and magical users D tier you might be actually able to beat up some of these characters [Music] and welcome home little buddy alar is 1.9 cm tall he could fight infections even with an army of optimized Pikmin he's probably only going to make your footage wait before I go on what do I do about characters that don't exist ah my relationship status we have three characters here come on guys get out of here wait wait where's Robert look behind yourself so these guys don't make any sense because Mr gaming watch is not a character he's an amalgamation of The Game and Watch games into a character so I mean I bet he's a regular guy that moves at 500 frames a second but then we also have the Miis sure we could make a little bit of an argument but as a species do I respect them no oh yeah Rob technically Rob is canonically a toy in our real world and he doesn't have any in-game canonical appearance just gonna you don't even think about it don't even worry about it all right here we go we got some us representation look at you you did [Music] it we enter D tier the only tier that beats the only character that [ __ ] with ants which isn't really much to celebrate but it is commendable that the second place is um two kids who climb mountains for fun Ice Climbers they're talented kids they can climb a mountain but uh they cry if they fall a little animal crossing these are just regular people where their biggest strength feet is digging up rocks and getting stung by bees and Duck Hunt I mean it's two rabid animals somehow miraculously working together wait wait wait is that technically a third character being someone with the NES zapper offc screen in another plane of existence yeah okay but this is where the tier subcategories come into play as we can see it's still very normal but Hi D tier this is the last possible tier anyone watching this video could be placed in unless you're some outer worldly super beinging which if you're watching this uh eat my ass but regardless this is a tier where everyone in the audience could ask one question welcome to the segment would you win in a fight please put your thoughts down below to see if you could win against these characters so let's kick it off yep I could kill it the biggest strengths they have are they are pretty fit and they can swim through ink which could be a good defensive option next I think I could take Falcon in a fight come on he's actually overplayed with how strong he is he doesn't do anything he sits on his ass longer than I do daily he does show off some physical dexterity in hey that looks like a series that exists Mr Falcon saves a baby from getting hit by a train but wastes entire barely too much time flipping and doing a cartwheel weit trainers core is probably insane but I think I could win in a fight looks like you're not quite strong enough and the Star Fox gang well they did have Genetically Enhanced legs in Star Fox 64 plus they have quite a bit of weaponry and combat experience that is shown so I think I'd have to say I might lose okay you may think wait a second we're missing someone here but CTI is nothing to be laughing at they're no slouches here this is where we get into real magic users people who are super humans and no superhuman May compare to literally someone from New York nope I'm I'm serious these other characters have never really proven their combat skill but little Mech has in drove this is all thanks to the Citizen Cane of we games punchout in the punch out Universe we have foes that are world class boxers Mac also technically can beat Mike Tyson to put it in perspective but we also have these like superhuman characters like Mr Sandman just you know leveling a building or Don flamco who you know casually tosses a bull into the air did you know he has a transformation as well yeah this is the most grounded this video is going to be where Little Mac has difficulty however is range and the arms characters are walking weapons like what how do you just exist like this how do you fit through doorways go but what could overcome raw talent and training would you believe me if I said I'm lowballing this uh pirona plan is kind of boosted by um well we'll get to it but what holds him back well I'd say Mobility I did an empirical analysis on every time a piranha plant has appeared being able to be Mobile in games and no I don't say it you can't count Pou like it's a different it's not the same character I study Mario I know excuse me what is that could you explain to me what that is because I don't know maybe I'm crazy what is this could you tell me cuz I clearly don't know and now something that might surprise you listen Zelda in A Link Between Worlds does not do more than Mario in Luigi's Mansion she's only here because of the implied power the Triforce of wisdom has same for Sheik we never actually see Sheik do anything in Ocarina of Time and stuff is only implied they've literally proved nothing and still get away with being here wow I'm really excited to see what Steve can do I know Steve possesses a lot in terms of magic armor that is just indestructible and weapons that beat you know the Ender Dragon and other beasts of course but Steve possesses quite a bit in terms of equipment weapons magic armor but Lucas gets hit by a train and can survive explosions and all this other stuff too plus at the end of mother three we really get to see his true potential look at that and now now everybody's two favorite super soldiers they're Masters in combat both taking down armies and beasts all on their own but who takes it wait snake what are you wait no but if it was a nice ass competition it would slide a different way we'll talk about Samus in more detail bad but the fact that she's infused with alien DNA beats whatever super duper cocktail snake has in them I'm surprised she's not a little higher we just don't have a lot to go off of with zero Mission snakes games aren't based around very impressive combat but due to the sake of the metal gears in the game as well as the opponents he takes on he's more impressive than you think and actually can be compared to zeros Suit Samus in a lot of ways just as usual it's a lot of Weaponry as well as lack of examples compared to the tier we're about to get to because if there's one thing I know is that Pokemon and fighting games have a lot of [ __ ] a the medium tier is home to two archetypes Pokémon and fighting games it's not that any of these characters are weak it's just characters like Terry Ryu and Ken are capable of using magically enhanced powers to increase their stamina and strength alongside their combat experience while Little Mac could certainly go head-to-head with some of these guys he'd lose out on all of the other Goofy Goober [ __ ] they have at their disposal Ryu is lifting Boulders and is satui noada is demonstrated when buys and uses it and has enough power to destroy bangok Ryu could be higher but his potential is never explicitly shown and Ken's here because uh he's KU and Ken's here because they're on equal footing but what about Cherry Gogurt as far as I can tell King of Fighters also mixes martial arts with magic casting for many of the characters and Terry handles many of these types of opponents that could fall in intents and purposes being Street Fighter the real thing that boosts Terry is the ending to King of Fighters 2000 where several characters in their endings tank or deflect a satellite laser yeah well when you put it like that whatever's next got to be some of the all right get in [Applause] here this one's at least easy like we're going to assume their max level wild Pokemon except the guy who's obviously a trainer Pokemon loves saying stuff like this or this what do I do with that so the way these discussions go is we consider this Pokemon is as strong as this Pokemon and this Pokemon broke a mountain or leveled a city so we can sort of say maybe that they can do that too isn't this fun are you having fun by the way baby Pokémon they go down here you think snake can't take on Pichu really though I think all the Pokemon belong here if they're able to level buildings or multiple so if you thought that was impressive that's the Baseline welcome to high sea tier can you destroy a meteor can you destroy a city blast a space laser away from the planet that is what we're talking why is Lucina here okay Marth Lucina that one that one and that one they all have a wide breadth of skills especially Robin uh Robin throbin Robin do you know that I'm probably lowballing Robin so first off bingus Dingus and pingis they're fian users which I checked is a sword and not a drug yeah it's this one in melee and it does that well surprisingly that's actually pretty accurate to the lore because this thing is busted it can Pierce those who are immortal malal it can heal the user and can destroy dragons but a lot of these characters get boosted because of the meteor skill this is a spell that can be cast that literally summons a meteor so we can conclude that these characters can survive being hit by a meteor and often gobble them up like they're the chocolate bar okay well how about Corin I think I have some in my freezer well Corin is pretty normal as far as these guys go except having a super broken sword that beats an immortal dragon and if you were paying attention that's not even all the Fire Emblem characters how now we get to the point where things get really wonky Ike himself pretty unremarkable but when we factor in that at the end of his game he defeats but don't worry I saved the best for last just kidding he goes down here actually out of all the fire emblem characters he's shown off the least impressive Feats basically Fire Emblem characters are boosted based off the insane powers of the Dragons they end up beating oh these stupid ass bendy straws but the next two characters they handle threats even beyond that so before you say it um Pac-Man kills the undead and banjo kazui you probably like what all of these Fire Emblem characters kill a dragon yeah so do banj Kazi one of them's a balloon have you heard of toune force at its best it's the explanation of the physics that exist in cartoon universes at its worst it's [ __ ] banjuk kazui gets stepped on by a dinosaur they tank hits from a fan blade and grenades and they take down grunty who can survive being crushed by a boulder not to mention enduring earthquake sometimes it can sort of be invincible and Pac-Man yep he defeats both who can destroy giant walls in metal boxes he also apparently has this H why do you have that bjo is pretty strong but he would be no help without kazui so what does kazia have over all of these other fighting game characters well apparently we have these Jack enemies they're the Goombas of the Tekken Universe Jack 6 when faced with a medeor decides to please make a U-turn when safe this guy gets one shot by heihachi and kazia beats him by the way this is going to be a theme from now on other than that true Devil kazia clashed with auma and made a volcano explode I mean it's standard for a Mario character but for him that's pretty impressive you know I haven't said anything controversial in a while and I really need the attention don't judge me you're not a god woh ladies and gems I give you the god tally it's as simple as it it looks we keep tally when a character is a God I must have missed one I don't have the heart to tell you who it is though poena the goddess of light does not have a lot in the way of proving her strength Sakurai did say she'd be one of the few characters who'd survive gim's attack okay so she apparently could survive but what does that really mean like Sakurai you made the series you could say anything about pitan to be true but all we see is she gets possessed in kous uprising and pit faces her and then we have this short called polan's revolting dinner where she gets chased by vegetables and ears and it's like the only reason you're so high is because you're literally called a goddess that's all I'm going to say on it you're a fraud I don't care I will always love you you told her and now we reach the end of this tier with a question I'm sure many of you are interested in who is the strongest link it's Fierce Dee wait what's a dee again so young Link we see in Smash Bros melee and ultimate is an example of Sakurai just sneezing and accidentally making a new character like is this him before or after Majora's Mask that's the ultimate question he has fire arrows here so we're basically just going to round to Majora's Mask and that character has a main arsenal of a ton of masks which he changes his form with as well as the fierce Dey mask it does a few itty bitty things like destroy this Godlike creature that creates his own pocket dimension for one and for two crashes the moon into the planet but also these two they survive Point T link strength can lift up Boulders not to mention uh they take out demons that are comparable to strength of gods of creation they're handling foes of vast degrees with a weapon Arsenal that is just beyond anything I was doing when I was 12 years old I was just playing Roller Coaster Tycoon and drowning guests G was a drowning Hyrule and that's C tier only C tier surviving meteorites killing Immortal dragons surviving space lasers it's only the tip of the iceberg we have three more tiers to go and you may notice no room to put them so I've been waiting the whole video to do this you ready it's going to be very satisfying okay 3 2 1 not again all right here we go here is the lowest the Mario series can reasonably go yeah I've deceived you a lot of this Mario series goes here actually because um while a lot of them are strong in their own right they're only comparable to the higher characters in the Mario tier list and they ultimately fall below them because they aren't the ones performing their feet why think he's losing it I mean he never really had it he's never even been in the same Dimension as it can therefore iterate that they actually can survive those other characters don't you love this holding down meteors check withstanding Hellfire of course navigating a tornado surviving a point blank these guys commonly endure explosions falling from lethal Heights being electrocuted being at insane underwater depths or you know setting up shop near a black hole maybe you remember that the Mario Series has a character that reoccurs often times in the party and cart games uh and she's uh yeah but just like Pena I mean it doesn't really count for much she doesn't actually do anything to prove her power in terms of scaling and don't even get me started on the whole she created a new Galaxy at the end of Mario Galaxy thing because actually she was helpless to everything going on till Mario got the power stars and Bowser did everything so there you go I know large women tend to scare men and makes them insecure but this large woman deserves her spot up here for very good reasons still you're probably asking how they this guy this idiot this bulbous knows dweeb I don't even know why she's in the game how did they all get all the way up here well it's due to other characters in the series doing some actually insane stuff so for example uh Donkey Kong sure I know I hear you yeah this character ain't [Music] sh yeah and Rob Rob in his only Game appearance endures the same threats DK does so technically so beer this is where we find the Mario series it is uh not a joke that people genuinely believe that Mario Luigi could beat separo if they're a team individually but again these two only make it so high because they endure Bowser's powers and durability pretty much allow Mari Luigi to ascend to where they're at Galaxy alone has them battle against this Giga sized Bowser and the forces he sends at them Bowser edges up here because of his size manipulation and what he can destroy at that size pretty much effortlessly he punches Peach's castle around the planet and back to where he was this more or less explains why Mario Luigi get so why usually they beat Bowser but it's taken into account a lot of the situational stuff they have at their disposal Wario like I'm sorry he he's strong but I can't foresee him being what he's also able to cause earthquakes we have escaped the realm of reasonable and easy explanations now I have to list each and every possible thing this character will do to just demonstrate just the Absurd levels of power they have or you know they just happen to do one big [ __ ] thing that happens to explain why there's so goddamn strong so how about we level this out with a villain that's often compared to Bowser in terms of power hey that's me and I'm doing you a solid putting you up here be happy but I'm Immortal yeah so Wario I'm basically a reort god well at least I'm higher than the Fire Emblem characters yeah about that no not him why him you mean them wait there's two of them by lith May at first seem like your typical blue-haired Fire Emblem protagonist but there's a big difference I hate pistachio so this is a goddess she's in your soul get out of there you freak for whatever reason she gives you the power to turn back time and you have a Crest Not That Fire Emblem and eventually you fuse with [Music] her escaping a pocket Dimension and receiving a huge power boost anyways the main claim to fame is the sword of the Creator this bag of bones has been shown to beat a giant dragon who can survive an onslaught of missiles wait I thought we were talking about Fire Emblem yeah me too and I look at me I'm just the messenger anyways back to uh you oh gon's normal form isn't much of an interesting thing to write home about but his main power from AAR of time is the Triforce of power it allows him to lay waste to the entire Kingdom corrupt beings spawn monsters destroy his castle so he's not weak but we don't really see much communicated by it he could beat a lot of the characters in The tier below him but it's hard to say if he could do much more yes he can only be beat by the sword of Evil's Bane okay but it's like those iPhone videos you know let's drop them off into a black hole and's see what happens hey you okay buddy just leave me alone but okay who sits beside DK and bth two Pillars of Strength well at this point it all comes down to who's Tangled with the largest of land masses here are two characters with a lot of skin in the game wait isn't that three zener blade fans let me level with [Music] you all right we're done here [Music] [Applause] I truly did not know how to even begin talking about this characters uh character characters character you know what Sakurai spoiled it not me pyra and Mithra are the same character characters like pyro and Mithra in Zen Blade Chronicles 2 are called blades basically your sword is a Pokemon and they need to be utilized by a driver however in this game they happen to be the legendary egis blade one of the most powerful being able to grow and adapt as they sustain damage the only caveat is [Music] um you kill Rex you take care of them except they're also Immortal so they could technically come back if they have a driver I don't understand Xenoblade am I supposed to so what about them is powerful well one character named malos uh plot plot plot said he could wipe out one of these Titans are we talking like Shadow of the Colossus or Saturn's moon Titans Titans are the floating islands they live on the egis sank three continents to the cloud seiz bed three Titans destroyed yeah that's what she said OT this is also on top of the fact they have varied Elemental abilities and um can I level for a second like this character has given me so much turmoil they are the character that made me have to decide just how I even Define the word character because they have two personalities and they need to be utilized with Rex as a blade and also maybe they even have a third personality or Persona that is is them but it isn't them and if it was them then they would be absolutely busted and shoot up to S rank uh possibly uh so yeah uh for all you know what you guys can handle that one I tried I really did I really did I need a drink so believe it or not there's a character more naked than pyra I love Mewtwo it's so easy when you know it's just that classic ridiculous [ __ ] like Shrek ketchup or the buzz Lighty your bottle Mewtwo had a choke hold on the planet you had problems if you didn't see this movie here he completely mind controlled creatures across the planet ta psychokinesis force fields Shadow balls powers that over take all of the magic users on this tier list probably put on some clothes you [ __ ] but feed me the unrustable where's the garbage Alex all right so we have your favorite catchall Rock a meteorite in Omega Ruby and Sapphire Mega Rayquaza Baba bu is the meteor and Squidward this guy had a Pokemon so Deoxys was controlling the meteor apparently well guess what no Mewtwo that's not what you're supposed to do Mewtwo the weaker skewers Deoxys Deoxys is strong Mewtwo is strong baba boom he really wins the award 2 years running dudes will brag about their meal prep and it'll literally look like this a bower looks alone up there we should give him some company Mega Man and samis it's really cool to compare the two of them just to see how busted each of them are so they have weapons that nearly cover every Elemental status they both are incredibly fast have insane jump height resistance to cold or solar temperatures I mean they're insane it shocks me in my research that Mega Man's like one of the few characters where a lot of his powers are evident in his NES games where he's stopping time uh throwing out nuclear powered attacks and also creating black holes but between samis and Mega Man who's stronger samis just may be the strongest character in Smash Bros outside of character that crunch Gods between their legs under the suit she's a super soldier trained in Alien martial arts and possesses precognition meaning she already knew I said this sentence Samus obliterates armies of aliens I'm not even sure some of them want to be here in the first place like you don't know he just wants to get to his date she also defeats enemies that are just kind of gigantic huge Eldridge beasts you just don't get it it's not just a woman in a suit sure it's like that on the NES but this thing has evolved to be a living thing on its own and now may as well be magic with the amount of [ __ ] it has sure it squishes her into a Cheerio delicious but what kind of damage are we talking about well this character can freeze the entire surface of a planet she can survive the surface of a sun she has the power bomb which is just a little nuke she throws off time to time she fights beings that can destroy the planetary crust of a planet and the hyperbeam which just does a little spring cleaning of all your molecules and if Samus is here you know her foes also land up here as well due to his Feats of casually rafle coptering samus's ship have a little fire breath a laser blast incredible flying speeds it's no wonder he just holds planet's hostage you know the thing that takes him over the top though Nintendo Land look at my boy finally dark samis I think we all have enough lived experience to understand how a disgusting disease could take over an entire planet and if Samus didn't stop her that's probably what would have happened to the universe not to mention she just copies all of samus's abilities and fights samis at full power so I love gaming tropes they make broken characters for free we' made it a tier so of the characters we have left who's first in 2008 when they added this retr Cupid character to smash did I think he'd return only to take out several Gods on the 3DS wait you had that oh yeah sure rub it in you have a secure attachment Style just looking at this on rail shooter huh it's just a little Dingus going boom boom boom to like Hades Medusa god of fire yeah awesome he also fights poan who is Immortal also throw dark pit in there cuz they're the same this Choice was educated by the fact that pit fights characters who have the ability to move large planetary masses across the Galaxy we also have things like the three sacred Treasures he uses these to take down many of his foes I love how I have to spend an hour researching some characters and then you know just the stupid Angel has just all of this for whatever reason Victory so they want to fly high reach the heavens but if Lenas they're done for they can't move any higher on this tier list sort of a wreck situation except they're actually in Smash to give you a sense of what we're dealing with now okay so you know creating universes uh destroying them how about uh becoming one with them yeah NES in characters like him make it hard to make a tier list like this because we're told they do a lot and have a lot of power but the frame in which we get that information isn't exactly compelling do we have to look at pit again so his PK abilities they already have him being a pretty tough customer against most of the other tiers teleportation healing status ailment barriers but this is his only Game appearance mother to you know I'm a gamer cuz I said the Japanese name this is the only thing we have to go off of and due to the Sprite art and abstractly communicated events I elected to put him lower than maybe some people would is because it is said that he creates a universe in his own mind but like what does that actually mean add on top of that we have a certain text box that says he becomes one with the universe and he puts his mind into a robot to go to the past to fight this incomprehensible Godly being named gigas do you understand how this doesn't make any sense we don't even know what gigas looks like let alone is wait I got it you know I'm right but you know it's also Earthbound some dude floats down in the most impossible of locations just to get a picture of you for the credits so NES being here it might seem good uh sir I think you might have the wrong area wait what's that oh Jesus Christ it's him well like most of auror yama's Creations the luminary defeats a god his goal is aimed at destroying ancient evil sealed away until the very end of the game yep it's this thing you'd be right if you saw him and you compared him to the catier characters and be like you tell me he can't you tell me this guy can't beat him like yeah right well the true final boss Kosmos destroyed the creator of the universe it was only up to a past hero to seal him and now well the luminary has to deal with it so here we go hero is a reborn version of the legendary hero erri who was created by the god of creation who was defeated defeated by Kosmos is there context I'm missing here where this isn't that impressive because I don't know what to make of it it's time for the moment you've been waiting for salmon Belmont you're telling me Catholic Romanians eating m from the wall crunch Interstellar Travelers demonic space dragons super machines and literal Angels yeah yeah raise yourself Simon and RoR the entire series takes place in Dracula's castle where you fight the big dra himself so what I say knowing the answer Dracula's castle it's a dimension that Dracula created alongside everything inside it I really did this I'm really him cool great I'm stoked I'm Bram stoked so them just beating a nigh invincible and broken character is where we get a lot of these characters having a lot more power than you would have expected from them what's your work out in the 1600s beat an immortal demon okay so just please no judgment ah judgment the Death Note styled uh possibly non-cannon fighting game on the Wii is where the long and short is the villain of this game the time Reaper tries to destroy multiple timelines but can he Dodge these hands like okay Simon and RoR they're still pretty powerful in their own right can utilize all their abilities like disintegrating enemies with holy water stopping time oh yeah as well as defeating undead beings like death I mean it's pretty close to what everyone else is doing here okay sure yeah whatever okay okay where is he there he is dy hey this my guy hey another high schooler that beats up Gods behind the bleachers it's Mr John Persona himself in the real world he's nuts at batting cages gets perfect grades can steam like a lobster and hit on your mom but a single piece of chalk he's done for Bros built like a Korean Chopstick how's he this high in Persona characters will manifest their powers in an alternate Dimension parallel to the real world called the metaverse here the power of their will allows them to face off against monstrous beings dragons Gods a dick as well as you know beings that reshape reality destroy the perception of reality uh did I mention alter reality did I mention that what's more like his Persona abilities he can reflect and absorb damage he can use any sort of Elemental ability you could imagine also he has this Teensy tiny ability called Almighty that ignores all sorts of resistances and exceptions just don't tell any of the girls he's talking to in the real world that he's cheating or he will literally stop existing and you know they call it Final Fantasy but isn't there like 17 of them there is no possible way I can convey all of the MCO pools and red 13s Zachs and even the Geneva conventions does any of this make any sense to you people am I insane cloud is a soier at the start of the game with a lot of mental health issues but this somehow makes him strong apparently but he eventually does have access to spells that are called Materia so he has access to any sort of Elemental ability you want got your Fireballs got your meteorite you blasts he's pretty set up where he really ascends are his limit breaks and um is that a smudge or something you see summons in Final Fantasy do your typical iCal sort of video game raw level final allout gigantamax team blast you standing around you do a little cut scene and now you're back to standing around except these ones actually occur these are happening in the lore it is described as taking you to a pocket Dimension where what you see is actually happening so the Knights of the Round have King Arthur strike with Excalibur [Music] [Applause] and oh Jesus Christ or bahamat Fury that creates its own Dimension with stars meaning if you beat him you can beat an entire universe I really had to make a hard Choice here uh do I include this stuff and be wrong or do I not include this stuff and be wrong I can say a lot of words but what elevates [Music] cloud Destiny comes don't be intimidated Squidward try to imagine him and his underwear oh no he's hot so SEO at a base level he's actually no slouch extremely athletic a strong Soldier and has a bunch of magical attacks see the government doesn't control the weather it's just this guy can we move on now [Music] and the creators say that this is actually a real thing that occurs and they persist through so there you go that's that's where we're at that is where we're at and since we're here anyways you know I like to shoot straight with people Sor has the power to destroy multiverses just not in the way you expect he doesn't like Palm them just Kingdom Hearts is dumb that's all that really needs to be said huh folks can we move on pull yourself together you piece of [ __ ] no matter if I explain this if for the people that know I'm going to undere explain it and for the people that don't know I'm going to overe explain it okay let's see here heartless nobody's heart Realms oh my God what is stitch doing here honestly when reading all this stuff it is incredibly hard for me to stay absolutely Lucid when I'm reading these calculations and physics demonstrations all alongside lore tidbits where Mickey Mouse is banishing Pete to the shadow realm well again he has anything an RPG character could possibly do but he also has Summons of all your favorite Disney characters that wait what Sora also got some juicy new stuff in recent years as he's completed his quest Sora can rewrite time and space Sora can defeat those who have the ability to turn every Universe into nothing Sora can beat Death and has that's all just a lot of words but here's some gameplay I think an easier angle to this is to say that Goofy probably scales to seepo this is still not the dumbest thing I have to say in this video are we finished can we talk about something reasonable [Laughter] now seeing Sonic right now is like having your first meal in 14 hours and it's Burger King Sonic is an odd one but in his lore he has defeated Gods outside of time and space saved the earth a bunch w a skateboarding race but I hear you you might contest Sonic being all the way up here so there's this big planet thing from Sonic Frontiers it's kind of huge a little bit of a big deal Sonic kind of goes a Stern conversation could have worked too finally I get to talk about Sonic you know how exciting this is for me he can time travel travel Dimensions Escape Dimensions destroy people who make Dimensions but the thing that brings Sonic up is his speed he can travel at the speed of light at a minimum his top speed is you know I actually just mashed my number pad but I think that's an underestimate with Sonic it's actually incredibly easy to see his Feats because a lot of them are right in your face just like his attitude but if you remember I said Sonic was number three last time so what character took the spot over him so remember when I said you should hit the bricks if you see a character today we use our power to fa a god shul becomes a god specifically the god of creation he basically decides what happens to his reality at the end of the game even before this the monado has an artifact it's quite literally broken it gives him manado Arts that allow him to do what we've seen but literally has a skill hack that makes him a proficient fighter as he's using it shul has the power to change the future and I mean that literally he can see the future and change the events as they happen thus creating a new future so between being able to see what's going to happen to him and his crazy sword and his crazy powers of godliness I think shul should be up here shul isn't higher because he doesn't actually possess this power throughout the end of his game he decides to withhold it tell me your decision for the future of this world I won't decide the future should be decided by each and every person in the world but I still think there's an argument to be made for his abilities and what he actually possesses in his series and wow you know my friends are affording houses right now and this is what I decide to spend a month doing but our final two car characters are unlike many of the characters on this list for instead of me having to do hours upon hours of research citing sources and ensuring that I'm very accurate these two are no-brainers these two absolutely earn their spot without any question ladies and gentlemen Bayonetta and Kirby to say Bayonetta and Kirby are up here is as easy as breathing Bayonetta in any gameplay I post here overcomes insanely ridiculous things stop that whether it's fighting armies of cronies which by the way are stronger than most of this list take this thing that's the final bot nope that is basically the Goomba of this game and it's an angel or yo check this that that was the opening cut scene for the game hard just handling Godly beings in style take this thing that's the final boss um buffer real this time and it's the capital G God of this world you know Final Bosses they're impactful they're cool it's nice to get the final hit of that final boss and save the day [Laughter] [Music] but then in boo 3 there's Singularity who in the world of chaos is apparently slicing in up universes in the Multiverse and grinding them together like he's making a wagu beef burger and as much as I like to say that I came up with that analogy that is verbatim from the game Bayonetta with her combat skills alone overtake most of who come her way but when you mix in witch time and her summons that's what pretty much edges her over the top as a number witch her physical age is halted and she pretty much can survive all of eternity which time an ability slows down time for Bayonetta to the point where it's almost stopped so basically she can react to pretty much any character below her on this tier list there's only a few holdouts like shul Sonic maybe even samis but she would be able to overpower them with her skills alone I'm sure you know what happens now ladies and gentlemen I give you Nintendo and smash broses honest to goodness uncontested strongest and over powered character he's a little guy who gets attacked in his dreams he creates inexplicable clones of himself to dance with and he accepts his fate as a golf ball okay I know Kirby is strong but he can beat all of what these guys throw yeah and if you're new to these discussions you're probably like hold on Kirby that Kirby the one I jump off the stage in Super Smash Bros with how how is this possible how could he possibly do that don't these other characters survive meteors oh yeah but Kirby uses them to bat sepal planets and that's like just that's just barely it Kirby does so much and it's so not worth talking about because it it's so regular it happens so frequently so as you may know Kirby is only as strong as the villains he beats this is also true for metanite and King DDD they go in a tier far below him but Kirby sits at the top first and foremost draia there is evidence in guide books and character descriptions that she was so jealous of the real world that she turned the universe into a world of paint so there's one universal threat handled but let's say we don't count that we have magalor he created another dimension well I mean it's also that but that's the actual name after you defeat magalor with the master Crown the dimension collapses as you metanite and oh my God bandana Wadd D might be a tier and that was the most ridiculous thing I said in this video but yeah uh that's why those two make it to a tier themselves but Kirby has more examples of what he's done like I could go on let's see splitting pop star in the Megaton punch miname cacia also making a clay Galaxy that Kirby fixes Kirby pushing walls that are other dimensions Kirby beats Nightmare and marks Kirby and the Gang survive void ter a blowing up two galaxies it's funny that canonically the smallest characters make up the top and bottom of this tier list 25 hours of footage and here we are the final product this might be the most comprehensive tier list on this discussion ever and yet I don't feel like it's right I feel like in trying to make it so perfect I've basically whittel these characters down into EV into data and they've completely lost any semblance of who they actually are and even then can we really say it's accurate even in my research when you look at some character discussions you're going to find more material on characters that are more popular careful now do I want to live in a world where the strength of the Mario universe is communicated through one cut scene in Mario [ __ ] Power Tennis a ton of things characters do from Cur kby and Bayonetta to Bowser and Ryu are things that are done in the service of gameplay the story or more simply they just want something to be funny or cool ness's encounter with gigas is abstract but that's the point Bayonetta is just overpowered to look cool because it's fun I feel like a [ __ ] celebrity in this town is this really how we want to view our characters is this the right way to do this you can go further yeah I can probably do better Mario Luigi fight dreaming Bowser and Mario Luigi Dream Team where he has the power of 100,000 universes s tier oh and Pyro mythra's final form they're s tier just no comment oh and all the immortal characters they have to go in s cuz they can't be killed oh but NES NES can become the entire universe s tier Joker can go into your mind and kill you s tier Steve can carry a full inventory in netherite which weighs 6 billion kg EST here andar olar could climb into [Music] your I've killed your president actually he is just a YouTuber oh well your problem now should we revive [Music] him [Music]
Channel: RelaxAlax
Views: 408,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relaxalax, relax alax, alax, super smash bros, canonical power, canon, strongest, tier list, deathbattle, death battle, ranking, power, feats, kirby, sephiroth, power ranking, super smash brothers, super smash bros. ultimate, dlc, new
Id: bZRDLubScvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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