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good morning good morning if everybody can make it way towards their spots and you guys can all stand up good morning church good morning interns it looks like the interns make up the majority of the church good morning church you guys happy to be in the house of the lord come on it's good to be in the house of the lord you're in the right place today i'm really thankful to be here i love our church family and i know god has something very special for us this morning he has something special for us every morning but today he has something specifically for us and i believe that i don't think that this is just routine i think this is a chance for us to encounter the lord and maybe if church has become routine or a worship or the part of the service whatever happens let's just throw that out and let's really just encounter the lord we're not here just to sing some songs we're not here just to stand around we're not here because it's out of habit we're here because the king of kings is here we're here because there's freedom here we're here because we are the hope for the whole nation we are here because we have christ in us we are here because we get to encounter the presence of the living god and be the light outside these walls where people have no hope people have nothing to hold on to but everything that the media is portraying but we believe a different kind of truth amen we believe to what the word of god says we believe what the holy spirit says to us and so let's just pray and just thank the father and just in your own words god we just worship you this morning god we thank you so much that you are here lord god we thank you that your presence is here that your mercy is renewed god that in this world where everything is uncertain god we are certain of one thing that you are on the throne god that nothing has changed jesus that you are the king of yesterday today and tomorrow god that you know exactly what you're doing god we thank you jesus that you have not lost your power father we thank you god that your mercy is renewed god we thank you that your power is so great god i just thank you for every single person that is here lord jesus let our hearts be set upon you god let our hearts be just focused upon what you would like to say god i pray for every family god furby husband every wife god let us be more and more like you god let us fall in love with you jesus today this morning god more and more jesus jesus we magnify you in this place come on just in your own words just begin to magnify just begin to lift up the name of jesus in this place holy spirit i thank you that you're drawing all hearts unto yourself this morning i thank you holy spirit that this morning you're tugging the hearts father god the hearts of of those that maybe have questions that maybe have a of a need lord i thank you holy spirit that you are so faithful in this place so we just thank you lord for your goodness in our lives we thank you we remember this morning of the testimony that is upon our lives this morning we thank you for the blood and we thank you for the word of the testimony this morning and we thank you that your blood holds power we thank you for the blood that was shed upon the cross this morning we thank you for your body that was beaten and bruised for our transgressions for our healings we thank you lord and this morning we just choose to remember your goodness we choose to remember your faithfulness lord we magnify you who is worthy by our king jesus come on who is worthy but our lord the one who died and rose again three days later hallelujah church this morning more than anything may we just choose to remember the goodness of our lord and our savior jesus hallelujah are you guys excited are you guys expecting from the lord this morning amen hallelujah is beginning to lift up our own voice of worship our own voice of prayer this morning as we join together and exalt our king our lord jesus hallelujah amen [Music] come on [Music] you're about [Music] you said that you would fall on sons and daughters [Music] [Music] you're about to move [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] to to know your presence see your beauty [Music] you said that if we ask us [Music] [Music] [Music] to know your goodness [Music] [Music] to know your presence is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you oh [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] to know your presence [Applause] is [Music] to know your presence oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah i just want to know you jesus just to see your beauty and splendor as mine as i come oh just one thing i know you more [Music] my jesus [Music] i want to pray [Music] my [Music] i am [Music] let [Music] will roar [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my jesus [Music] i want to break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is forever [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] mountains [Music] foreign is [Music] thank you for your faithfulness jesus [Music] to my god i cannot remain silent when i think about your goodness when i think about what you've done in my life when i think about your faithfulness how you saw me through when i think about your goodness and how you showed it to me every day how when you showed up at the 11th hour god i choose to sing praise i choose to worship the enemy will not silence the enemy will not steal my praise for you alone are worthy you alone are exhausted up high head oh so that that is why we sing that is why we lift our hands because jesus defeated the grave jesus defeated the enemy he has given us the victory [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] we glorify your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] above all things my god you are my god you're splendor [Music] my god you are my god holy is the lord holy is [Music] [Music] oh we worship you [Music] can't have blessings [Music] is [Music] [Music] when we worship you is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] oh hallelujah glory and honor and forever [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever forever forever forever [Music] oh [Music] come on just the voices let the santa rise [Music] my soul [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] oh [Music] and honor and power to you god nothing compares to the promises and we thank you for it we thank you for the sacrifice lord we thank you for the presence lord we thank you for the for the feast that you're preparing for us god so self-willingly guide your laid yourself to rest for us to be able to retain the promises you give and we raise your name we exalt you god we praise you holy spirit we activate a great presence in here today we manifest lord what you bringing to us we thank you lord we praise you we pray over this message and everything you've got for us lord this morning and with the body and with the unity lord of your church we give you a shout we praise your name lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much worship team i don't know about you guys i can feel it on the back of my head um if you could find a couple people find two or three people new people preferably somebody you haven't met yet shake their hand thank you i'm going to thank the online viewers those of you guys tuning in from home from work from your hotel room if you're traveling wherever you might be i was recently in a service where there was an altar call and after an altar call there was a call for healing and we had a our team there and it was in a setting where it was two different languages we were ministering in one and they obviously those translators but these people were told to come out and for healing lay their hand on what part of their body needed healing and obviously because we couldn't unders speak the same language we were just having them do that and they'd come out and our team would pray for him and i remember one girl came out she had to be maybe eight nine years old and she had her hand on her stomach so i laid hands on her and we were praying for her and she and she started pushing my hand she said no no we got the translator she says the healing wasn't for her she came on behalf of her mother who wasn't able to come to the service so those of you at home in jesus name we rece may you receive what you're after receive the promises of the healing receive that touch you're looking for receive that restoration whatever it might be we believe that regardless of where you're watching from you can receive so what i wanted to share in giving is uh in the recent years as we were drawn into the father um you know i i we would tithe but we would tithe kind of based off of man that guy really did well kind of message you know it was like um and then in the last probably couple years it really came down to hey we really need to get really serious about this um and my form of seriousness became so i've got a board in the office where i you know i make notes of things i'm doing throughout the week and i just started jotting that number down you know you get paid you take whatever that percentage is you throw it on the bottom you're like okay here's that number some time goes back you get another check you add to it you add to it this new number i was embarrassed this number got so big at some point i was listening to a podcast and they were speaking on it and i was convicted we took it back to my wife and i was like hey we really gotta we really gotta cut the check on this one right i mean we it's been sitting for that long we do it we submit payment i kid you not within the next two weeks everything i had in my pipeline for my business dries up everything that i was like okay good we're going to be in a good position we're going to ride it everything's dried up um so what i really wanted to you know i could i could talk about the faith of what you know how we how we had to tap back in and had to go back to the board and at the end of the day we are taken care of right glory to god for that but what i what i wanted to say is what happened during that time because in that dry season there was a huge increase of faith right in that dry season because of the increase of faith there was an increase of gratitude because of the increase of gratitude there was an increase of revelation for us personally because of the increase of revelation came the fulfillment of joy then it continued to roll roll and roll and we just it continued to build character endurance strength and while it might have seemed like a season for us that we were just trying to get through there was immense immense amount of growth so what i want to do is i just i want to if if the uh buckets can come through i'm not sure where you guys are at but i'm gonna i'm gonna tie off with romans chapter five one through five and then we'll seal with prayer therefore since we have been made right in god's sight by faith we have peace with god because of what jesus christ our lord has done for us because of our faith christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing god's glory we can rejoice too when we run into problems and trials for we know that they help us develop endurance and endurance develops strength of character and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation and this hope will not lead to disappointment for we know how dearly god loves us because he has given us the holy spirit to fill our hearts with his love let's go into prayer and we'll close out holy spirit thank you so much for this message that you're going to present to us we thank you for the provisions lord we thank you for the business we thank you for what you continue to do and you continue to provide lord no matter our circumstance but we also thank you god for what you teach us during these moments god for when we give god to be able to just step out in full faith and just jump in the deep end and know that regardless of what return we may be expecting god yours is greater in a different sense in a different grace in a different form we thank you for it we bless you in jesus name amen [Applause] god is good amen eugene thank you for sharing that there's power in in testimonies like that amen two announcements real quick um first one kids bible school starts september 28th if you have kids between the ages of 5 through 12 bible school starts september 28th so just two weeks from now uh sign your kids up on church of so make sure parents you do that if you want your kids to be a part of this and second thing church conference is coming up september 24th through the 26th we're doing our annual church conference this is a birthday conference that we do when god started how many years now 28 28 years we're celebrating 28 years this september it's it's incredible and there's so much to be thankful to god for the friday and saturday service will be in english there will be interpretation to headphones into russian so if you need that interpretation make sure you grab some headphones with you and grab your smartphone we'll uh set everything up for you so september 24th through 26th and then on sunday we're going to have a combined service here together with uh both services hallelujah all right we have baby dedications if you guys brought your children to be dedicated please come on out come on out yes parents always wait for some other parent to get up first like i don't want to be the first to dedicate i'll come in second we're super polite come on up come stand here together we want to see these babies yes anyone else you guys are missing out we give gift cards this is awesome um introduce your baby please uh baby ezra baby ezra henry ari and benji awesome awesome come on this is good amen you know as i was thinking praying preparing a few things came to mind into heart number one that there's an enemy there really is an enemy out there and the bible tells us about him but something that encouraged me is that god is almighty and all-knowing do we believe that that god's almighty and all-knowing our enemy is not almighty nor all-knowing he's not almighty nor all-knowing but he has patterns and one of his patterns is to kill the next generation we see that in exodus we see that when jesus was born we see that so many times that the devil he has patterns in this pattern is to kill the next generation if we look around his pattern's repeating again the abortion the the the way the school systems are happening the devil is focused on killing the next generation because he always knows that god's a god of generations and god always prepares he he comes to john the baptist's parents and he lets them know that there's a child coming and this child is special moses's parents they saw moses and they knew that he was special in exodus i was encouraged this morning exodus chapter one we see this scene where it says and the king of egypt spoke to the hebrew midwives of whom the name of one was uh shifra and the name of the other pua and he said when you do the duties of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them on the birth stool if it's a son then you kill him but if it's a daughter then she shall live but the midwives feared god and did not do what the king of egypt said and commanded them and saved the male children alive in the next verse it says therefore god dealt with the midwives therefore god dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and grew very mighty the devil he's after our children he's after the next generation but it's such an honor and privilege to see kids born in christian families and it's our duty not to be afraid of the king not to be afraid of any kind of law but to grow our kids in the fear of the lord amen church can we rise up can we bless these children these babies and also the parents the reason we do this you know this isn't we're not baptizing these kids right now but we're bringing them to the lord to say lord they're your kids from the very get-go give us wisdom as parents give us wisdom to raise them in the fear of the lord so stretch your hands out let us pray for these families god we thank you we thank you so much we worship you jesus we give you the glory and honor lord god and we thank you that you are a god of generations we thank you that every single child here every family here lord god they're in your hands they're protected by you and we plead the blood of jesus over these children the blood of jesus over these families lord god that no weapon formed against them shall prosper i pray wisdom for these parents to raise their kids in the fear of the lord to raise their kids in the word of god we bless these families lord god we pray protection for them we pray lord god that you would do what you want to do in the lives of these children that these children would grow up to bring you glory to you be all the glory and all the honor and all the praise and everybody said amen come on can we give one more round of applause all right we have one more prayer to make how many of you excited that the september started school started an internship started so please welcome all the entrants step it up join me here at the front we want the church to know your name where are you from and um i'm jamie i'm from vancouver washington uh i'm titus callaway and i'm also from vancouver washington i'm vlada molchanova and i'm also from vancouver washington i'm sasha fadiva i'm from happy valley oregon i'm grayson lee and i'm from medford oregon i'm roberto espinoza from vancouver washington this is my home my name is nick torba and i'm from quarter lane idaho my name is david luke and i'm from california [Applause] my name is eric tashenko i'm from vancouver my name is mark zubenko i'm from here my name is philipp lupiga i'm from vancouver washington my name is zak i'm from russia my name is ben strock i'm from seattle washington my name is solana kopets and i'm from spokane washington hi my name is christina kupsu and i'm from seattle washington my name is kayla black and i'm from vancouver washington i'm selma lopez and i'm from portland oregon my name is lyanna sverryduke and i'm also from portland oregon my name is emily beaker and i'm also from portland oregon my name is nikita marchuk and i'm from ridgefield washington my name is julia cooper and i'm from denver colorado my name is leah ivanov and i'm from vancouver washington i'm sophia and i'm from here my name is angie pankertov i'm from here my name is jessica and i'm from vancouver washington hi i'm leanna krauts i'm from sacramento california my name is anita labiev and i'm from seattle washington hi i'm anastasia chiklanov i'm from denver colorado i'm anna topova and i'm from spokane washington my name is david jenish and i'm from vancouver washington amen come on church rise to your feet i want you to look very closely remember those beautiful faces um as a church as a church i believe we're called to minister to every young person that going through the internship as a church i believe we should show them how to serve as a church we should welcome everyone maybe in our houses for tea for fellowship but be willing to serve them you know what's the sometimes we teach how to serve but the best way to show them how to serve is to show as an example when jesus was trying to teach his disciples he took a bucket with water stood at his knees and began to wash their feet and they says you see me doing it you do the same thing sometimes it's worth if if god puts on your heart to bless someone one of those interests because they're in school full-time obviously they're not working full-time so they're going to have some bumpy roads with finances if god puts on your heart to bless someone be obedient if god puts on your heart to pray specifically for one or two students throughout the whole year be consistent in that prayer and you know what brings the joy it's when you see students come in in one way and come out in the other way and you look at it and like man it was worth it it was worth it it was worth it spending time it was worth it praying for it it was worth it sown a seed when we see lives changed amen come on stretch your hands right now and let's pray father god we're so thankful for this new generation that you raising up for your kingdom father god we're so thankful that we will see things happening we will see how your kingdom will be spread through each one of them and we we we praise you now father god we thank you that you are faithful that you will fulfill every promise in their life that you will keep them whole that you will keep them safe and you will provide for each one of them and we speak your blessing we speak your provision and we speak your destinies over this lives in jesus name in jesus name and everybody shout amen god bless you praise the lord it's always a joy to meet in the house of the lord because we know that in god's presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore praise the lord i'm excited this morning because god is in charge god is in control praise god and so um 13 years ago a friend of mine sent me a story and i want to read it this morning maybe some of you may have heard something about this story this story is about a preacher who one day stood up and started preaching to his congregation and he said if you gave me all the beer in this world i'll get it and pour it into the river and the church responded said amen and then he went on to say if you gave me all the wine in this world i would jump into the river and the church responded amen if you gave me all the whisk whiskey in this world i'll get the whiskey and pour it into the river and the church responded and said amen amen they were excited and then he go down with his sermon he sat down and the stood up and he said let's turn to hymn number 126. and the title over him was we shall drink from the river and the church exclaimed the work so he started we say we shall drink from that river praise the lord the bible teaches us not to be drunk with wine but to be drunk with the holy spirit how many need a drink from the lord jesus christ this morning hallelujah it's the drink of the spirit last june we went for a retreat up in turo washington and i took a picture let's have a picture up and i took this picture and so throughout last week the scripture kept coming to mind and then i didn't know what to do i thought maybe i needed to post this picture on my instagram and then as i was about to post this picture the holy spirit told me no don't post it and then ask ask the holy spirit so what is it about this picture and there are three things that the holy spirit revealed to me about this picture and when i was taking this picture i had no idea the holy spirit told me as we were gathered here this morning that there are three groups of people there's one group group of people that feel a soul they are walking in the valley and the second group of people feel as though they are climbing up the mountain and the third group of people is about those who are up in the mountain now this is a picture of mount said helens i'm sure most of you cannot see the peak of the mountain but it's up there it's covered in clouds and there are people who feel as though they're climbing up going to the summit of this mountain in their lives and so they can't see the top of the mountain because the peak is covered in clouds and there are those that are up in the mountain they can't see down because there are all these clouds covered around them the chapter of my sermon this morning is picks and laws and if you have your bible please turn with me to first samuel chapter 30. peaks and laws we're going to start reading from verse 1. we'll read from verse 1 to 11 and then 16-20 the bible reads three days later david and his men arrived home at their at their town of ziglad they found that the amalekites had made a road into the negev and zikland ziklag they had crushed ziklag and burned it down to the ground they had carried off the women and children and everyone else but without killing anyone when david and his men saw the ruins and realized what had happened to their families they wept until they could not whip no more david's two wives david's two wives he noam from jezreel and abigail the widow of neba from camo were among those captured david was now in great danger because all of his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters and they began to talk of stoning him but david found strength in the lord just to give you a context of what was going on here we know that in the life of david he has he had highs and lows and so here it so happened that king soul wanted to kill david on many occasions he wanted to have him cured and so it happened that david had gone to king akish if you read the prior chapters he had gone to king akish of gath and so david stayed there and at one time he wanted to be with the philistines the army of philistines and so the philistines didn't want to have him among them and they sent david away endeavour decided to return and as david was returning he found that the amalekites had taken his wives and children and so the men that he was with were mad at him and wanted to stone him they wanted to store him to stone him they wanted to kill him and so david in other versions the bible says that he was so deeply distressed now to be deeply distressed means that you experience an extreme affliction agony depression he was in an intense kind of a situation it was really hard for him now david when he was in that situation he decided not to turn to alcohol for him to have some relief david did not turn to having a pity party and oh having sorry upon himself no he refused to do that the bible says that david encouraged himself in the lord and as david did that and as he encouraged himself he found strength in the lord now this is what was like david was passing through the valley in his life he had the law in his life it was a hard situation and probably this morning you're filling a stall you're walking through the valley because all these things are happening around you david had a similar situation man wanted to stone him this is the david they were with when he defeated goliath but now this man wanted to stone him to death this was like david was facing a death sentence at the hands of his own man because they were mad at him because their sons and daughters were taken in captive now david also has his wife taken his wives taken in captive but this man turned against him it was a hard situation for him it was like passing through the valley and we read in psalms 23 where david says even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death this man we're about to stone him he says i will fear no evil for you are with me i will fear no evil even in the shadow of death i will fear no evil this was david facing this tough situation now let's have this that picture up again i want to ask you this i want to ask you this where in the picture do you see growth is it up in the mountain is it on the slopes of the mountain or is it in the valley where do you see growth growth is happening in the valley i want to tell you this that fruit is produced in the valley no fruit is produced up in the mountain and instead of washington fruit is produced in yakima valley and in all those towns that are in the valley that's where fruit is produced and so when you go through the valley of the shadow of death you begin to mean that's where growth takes place in your life that's where fruit is produced in the valley when you go through those storms of life when you go through you experience a law in your life that's where fruit is produced that's where growth takes place why do i say this because the bible tells us that david as he encouraged himself in the lord he received strength from the lord it was in the time of being low in the time of being in the valley that david began to experience strength character is formed in the valley character doesn't form up in the mountain character gets formed in the valley when you experience laws in your life that's where your patience is produced the fruit of the spirit that's where it is produced love joy peace you learn how to be patient when you're passing through a storm in the valley when you experience a law in your life that's where patience is produced that's where fruitfulness is produced both talks about the fruit of the spirit love joy peace fruitfulness patience steadfastness that takes place in the valley and david says when i walk through the valley i will fear no evil thyroid and i stuff they comfort me you see when a ship falls in a pitot in a ditch and the shepherd goes and retrieves the ship from the hole where it is fallen he uses a staff a staff is hooked at one end and so the ship had uses the staff to retrieve to pull the ship out of that hole and there's one thing that shepherds do when they retrieve the ship from the hall a shepherd usually embraces the ship he takes care of it dusting off all the dirt from the ship it's in the valley where you experience god's embrace it's in the valley that the shepherd the lord jesus christ comes to you comes to your rescue it's in the valley where jesus comes and wraps his hand around you and comforts you it's in the valley it is in those times when you feel low it's in those times when you feel low when your character gets formed in the valley how many want to experience the embrace of the lord jesus christ this morning i desire to feel the embrace the embrace of the lord jesus christ i desire to fill his presence right beside me because when i go through those laws in life when i go through those valleys in life i know that jesus will walk right by me i know that jesus will give me strength because when i encourage myself in the lord the lord will be there with me now david was alone that's why the bible says that he encouraged himself because nobody around him was happy with him they were all mad against him and so the bible says he encouraged himself in the lord if you are passing through a valley this morning you have somebody to talk to you have someone to talk to you can talk to the lord jesus christ you can talk to your mom you can talk to your family member you can talk to those that are in your life share what you're going through because the road in the valley is not to be walked along you need somebody to come right by you and so we have the savior the lord jesus christ because he has walked this way before he's there to come right alongside us he's there to take us in his arm and his arm will be around you and you experience the strength let's get back to our text there is something more that david did in verse seven it says then he say to a beater the priest bring me the effort so abiara brought it and david asked the lord shall i chase after this band of raiders will i catch them and the lord told him yes go after them you will surely recover everything that was taken from you so david yes 600 men set out and they came to the brook basil that 200 of the men were too exhausted to cross the brook so david continued to pursue with 400 men let's have the picture again there is the next thing that david did after he had encouraged himself in the lord he gained the strength and then he inquired of the lord he spoke with the lord and the lord told him to pursue the man who had taken the kids and the wives in captive now as david began to pursue the bible says that he started with 600 men now along the way 200 of the men got tired now this is like they were climbing up the mountain going up now this man as they were going to battle or to go after this man they got tired when they got tired david continued to pursue with other 400 men he continued to pursue with other 400 men now sometimes when you are climbing up you get tired how many have climbed mountains here you know what i'm talking about because when you're going up the mountain you don't do it alone you can do it alone but it's easier to go as a team it's easier to go as a team because teamwork is going to make the climbing easier teamwork is going to make climbing easier and so david did not pursue these raiders alone he went with 600 men so even though he went with 600 men 400 of men of them got tired on the way they go tired on the way but because david had gained strength from the lord the lord gave him strength to go after those who are taking the men and the ki mean the women and the kids captive he continued to go on he continued to go with a man even though others decided to get tired but he continued those who go tired it's like they couldn't see the end of where they were going because their destination was covered in clouds their destination was covered in clouds in other words their focus was on their tiredness they did not see beyond their tiredness you see when you gain strength in the lord and you have faith inside of you that becomes like the evidence the bestest of your going regardless of what you find along the way because you have the bestest inside of you of what you believe in that you get to the other side or you get to where you're going because you have faith it becomes the basis of where you're going that's where everything focuses on on the faith that you have inside of you regardless of what you experience on the way you may get tired on the way but if you gain strength if you have the patience if the fruit that fruitfulness has developed in you there is growth inside of you you'll be able to endure whatever comes your way because you have faith inside of you even when you grow tired you'll still pursue and go after that which the lord has set before you and along the way others may get tired but since you have faith inside of you you continue to go on you're still going on because faith is the evidence of things not seen it is the evidence it's inside of you because when the bible says that come faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god as you get tired he began to speak the word of god he began to speak the word of god and as you speak the word of god in your situation that faith builds up it gives you the strength to match on going up to where god has your destination going to your destiny because you have faith inside of you or faith inside of you i said because you have faith inside of you david had strength the strength was coming because he believed in someone paul says i know whom i have believed and i'm persuaded that he's able to keep that which i have committed to him if you believe in the lord jesus christ you get persuaded that jesus won't let me down you are persuaded that even though i experience this i get tired even though all the things that come my way i will pull through because jesus is my strength it's going to give me my strength it's going to give me strength to match on and this was a song i believe that david had as he was going up with a man other men of course they were singing but they got tired but he kept marching on he kept watching on i'm pressing on the upward way i'm pressing on the upward way i'm pressing on the upward way and new heights i'm gaining as i press on as it matches on to where the captures were and the bible says that when david got there he recovered everything that was stolen turn with me to in the same text verse 16. he says so he led david to them this was after they made uh let's go back to verse 11. he says along the way they found an egyptian man in a field and brought him to david they gave him some bread to eat and water to drink now let's skip to verse 16. this is the man they found an egyptian man and so he laid david to them and they found the amalekites spread out across the fields eating and drinking dancing with joy because of the vast amount of plunder they are taken from the philistines and the land of judah david and his men rushed in among them and slaughtered them throughout that night and the entire next day until evening none of the amalekites ex escaped except 400 men who fled on camels david got back everything the amalekites had stolen he rescued his two wives nothing was missing small or great son or daughter no anything else that had been taken david brought everything back he recovered all the flocks herds and these men drove them ahead of other livestock the splendor belongs to david they said you see when you summit the mountain you reach the mountaintop you reach the peak so when david recovered everything that was stolen from him i believe there was such a relief when he got there so even though those men he was with go tired along the way and so he carried on with the other man and so when we go back to our picture even though we don't see the top of the mountain because of the cloud cover there is need for us to continue to pursue to get to the peak of the mountain whatever mountains we face in lives these are situations that really put us down and we feel discouraged but when you get to the top of the mountain at the top of the mountain there is celebration because of the long journey and all the climbing that has taken place at the mountain that's where rejoicing takes place at the mountain that's where celebration takes place how many feel as though they're at the top of the mountains this morning praise the lord because when you are at the top of the mountain you can't stay silent i'm sure with all of you that have climbed mountains when you get to the top what a relief that you experience because you have you feel like you have conquered you've gotten up to the mountain and so there are all these cheers and celebration and everything because at the mountaintop that's where celebration occurs that's where celebration occurs even when you don't see the destination you still believe that you get there now when you are at the top of the mountain things can change the weather can change anytime you know that now when people get to the top of the mountain others do their little celebration and and then all of a sudden they decide to go down because they know that anytime at the top of the mountain situations may change the weather conditions would change maybe snow would start falling now when you get to the top of the mountain it's not time to relax because you still know that you have got some work to do you still need to go down there's still work to do there's still work to do now at the top of the mountain you are still covered by clouds because you're up on the peak of the mountain still covered in in clouds in hebrews chapter 12 the bible talks about a cloud of witnesses a cloud of witnesses these are men and women of faith those who have experienced faith those who have gone before us they have experienced faith the bible talks about abraham the bible talks about isaac the bible talks about samson all these men who did acts by faith and they conquered and so in hebrews says we are we are covered by all this cloud of witnesses they are cheering us up not to fail so when you get to the top of the mountain it is not time to relax it is not time to relax because you know that weather conditions can change any time and so the cloud surrounds you a cloud of witnesses in life or in our faith we are surrounded by this man of faith who have gone before us and they have conquered by faith because you know you still need faith to get down to the valley you still nev need faith to get down even when you get up in the mountain you still need faith and so they are cheering us up and i prophesy to you that when you get to the top of the mountain let your faith make you endure whatever weather conditions you may experience up in the top of the mountain because you will recover anything things that have been stolen from you you will recover you will not die but leave undeclare the works of the lord maybe you can get to the top of the mountain and suddenly you may feel that your body cannot carry you on from the top of the mountain you still need faith to carry you you still need faith to carry you and i declared to you this morning that you will not die but you will leave and declare the works of the lord you will live and testify of the goodness of the lord how god took you up to the mountain and you conquered how god took you up to the top of the mountain of the things that you experience in your life and you will testify and talk about his goodness you know sometimes people who are at the top of the mountain because they're covered with all this these clouds are covering them now those who are down cannot see what is going on at the top because they're covered in clouds they're covered in clouds at the top of the mountain now i'm using this illustration because i know that the holy spirit wanted me to communicate this to you that when you get to the top of the mountain it doesn't mean that all hope is lost because you still need faith to get down you still need faith to go down from the top of the mountain and so when you're covered in clouds those at the bottom are still looking up to you and they're waiting for you to testify you can't stay silent when you've been at the top of the mountain you talk about your experience you talk about what you've been where you have been and those below need to hear those who are ex you are going through the valley need to hear those who are climbing up the mountain need to hear need to hear you testify they need to hear you you can't stay silent when you've been in the presence of god you can't stay silent when god has come through for you you can't stay silent when you see the hand of god in your life you need to talk about it you need to testify that others would see and learn from your experience now the bible says as david went back to camp some men among them said something and this is very very crucial we need to get this we need to get this in verse 21 the bible says then david returned to the brook basil and met up with 200 men who had been left behind because they were too exhausted to go with him they went out to meet david and his men and david greeted them joyfully verse 22 listen to this but some evil makers among david's men said this they did not go with us so they can't have any of the plunder we recovered i'm going to read that again but some evil makers among david's men said they did not go with us so they can't have any of the plunder we recovered give them their wives and children tell them to be gone verse 23 but david said no my brothers don't be selfish with what the lord has given us he has kept us safe helped us defeat the hand of the raiders that attacked us who will listen when we talk like this we share and share alike those who go to battle and those who guard the equipment from then on david made this decree and regulation for israel it is still followed today how will they hear if we talk like this those men had gone with david and recovered everything that the lord had enabled them to recover they said because those 200 men who remain behind they can't have everything because they remained david warned this man they were up in the mountain rather they had gone to the camp and recovered everything they had seen the hand of god they had seen how god gave them strength for them to be able to recover everything but they turned around and told those who had remained behind that they can't have the things that they had recovered they would just be given their wives and children and david rebuked those men and he said how will they hear if you talk like that you see sometimes those of us that have seen god work in our lives sometimes we may say things that block even our message to those around us and so david said how will they hear if we talk like that how will they understand us if we talk like that church how will the community around us hear us if we talk like this even those that were tired this man in battle decided to remain behind even those among us how will they hear our message our testimony if we don't share that which we have experienced that which the lord has given us the victories that we have experienced in life how will others see god's hand if we talk like that let us be a people that testify and share freely that which god has given us the experiences that we have had let us share a message of love to those around us when we get to the mountaintop let us not grow weary and to those that are feeling weary weary i encourage you not to grow weary because soon you'll be reaping a blessing if you keep on pressing on god will bring restoration to you whatever has been stolen you will recover maybe your health may have been stolen you will recover maybe you know of somebody they will recover if you keep on pressing on if you tarry in god's presence if you stand in the gap for them they will recover they will recover because the god we serve is a god who hears us when we call upon him the bible says his ear is not too heavy that it cannot listen god listens to your prayers show your stand we all experience pigs and laws in our lives but it's only through the strength of the holy spirit that we can carry on it is only through this the experience of the spirit that god can give us strength to carry on david says i will lift up my eyes to the heels that's where my help comes from our help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth you may be in need of help this morning but i want to say this to you that your help is going to come from the lord the maker of heaven and earth the bible says believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover the bible doesn't say preachers or those who stand in the pulpit who lay hands on the sick it says believers so it's everybody every one of us if you believe in the lord jesus christ you can lay your hand on the sick and they can recover they shall recover that's what the bible says they shall recover if you know of someone who is sick stand in the gap for them believe god and they will recover maybe you need help this morning maybe you are sick in your body when i ask you to raise your hand and those around you will lay their hands on you and you will recover the bible says you will recover let's have those hands lifted so that those around you can see them they're all these hands someone there may those around them be there for them you will lay your hand on the sick and they shall recover or maybe you feel law in your spirit and you are saying i need some help i need strength you may raise your hand and those around you still they will stand with you in prayer hallelujah just lift those hands those around you can see them if you need help or prayer for anything you may need a job you may need healing or maybe you know of someone that needs healing you can stand for them this morning as we pray we serve a god of miracles the god who specializes in miracles the god who does wonders [Music] hallelujah let us all pray let us stand in the gap for our neighbors let us stand in the gap for our families for our aunties for our dads our uncles our moms those you know that may be sick this morning that i stand in the gap because the god we serve is able to touch them maybe you are watching online this morning you know of someone that is sick or someone that needs help you may stretch forth your hand and together we shall pray and the god we serve will answer the god who answers by fire that god will serve answers by fire and is gonna answer by the touch of the spirit the holy spirit fire the holy ghost fire and those that are sick will be healed that's the god we serve let's all pray hallelujah we thank you mighty god this morning we lift our voices to you lord because we know that god there is nothing too hard for you lord nothing is impossible with you lord with you all things are possible the god who does wonders the god who makes a way where there seems to be no way the god who gives strength to those that feel lo or those that need strength lord those that are passing through valley's law you are able mighty god to give them strength to carry on lord those that feel like their clan be mountains is life lord you give them strength to climb lord those that are at the mountaintop father they won't stay silent but they will testify of your goodness we thank you mighty father those that are sick lord we speak healing into their bodies in the name of jesus we speak to every cell in the body to line up with the word of god that by the stripes of jesus every one that is sick will be healed in jesus name by the stripes of jesus christ we declare healing this morning in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we speak forth healing into the body's lord let the healing power flow in the name of jesus holocaust fire touched everybody in the name of jesus that is sick in the body in jesus name we declare healing the healing tax of god upon every soul upon everybody in the name of jesus we thank you lord we thank you this morning hallelujah [Music] my heart [Music] my [Music] is [Music] i chose [Music] ready [Music] let me [Music] let me [Music] is [Music] heart's one desire [Music] is to be holy set apart for you i choose to [Music] ready to do [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] if [Music] my heart let me be [Music] is [Music] i choose to be [Music] i choose to be [Music] i choose to be [Music] ready to do [Music] as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil [Music] we thank you for that word god we thank you for that promise right now as a church we stand in prayer against the spirit of fear the spirit of fear in our city the spirit of fear may be that's even entered our home the spirit of fear that's trying to attack our life our heart our peace our faith we stand against the spirit of fear in jesus mighty name right now we break and bind that spirit you have given us authority lord to bind here on earth and it will be bound in heaven we bind the spirit of fear in jesus mighty name every fear that stimulates worry stimulates stress stimulates the fear of death the fear of sickness the fear of trouble the fear of hardship we break that fear in jesus mighty name we thank you that you have not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of peace we declare the spirit of peace over every believer over every home over our city in jesus mighty name we thank you for your authority god that you've given us as believers the authority you've given your church and we bind this spirit in jesus mighty name we pray especially for those that are afraid to be sick are afraid of covet are afraid of pneumonia are afraid of of of hardship or afraid to die we break that spirit in jesus mighty name that spirit over the hospitals that spirit over our region that spirit over the medical staff we break that spirit in jesus mighty name we thank you lord loose lose your peace over the city of vancouver lose your peace over our families in jesus mighty name right now we bind that spirit we bind that spirit in jesus mighty name i thank you lord for the power of your blood the power of your holy spirit we thank you that you reign over our life that you reign over our city that you reign over our homes we declare freedom we declare peace we declare joy we thank you god [Music] come on stand right now in faith over your family over your neighborhood in jesus name in jesus name [Music] in jesus name we declare freedom [Music] hallelujah [Music] if you're here today we want to give you an opportunity we want to pray for you as a church you know sometimes fear can have a place in our life rightfully so if we're if we're allowing sin or we're not walking right with god if we're not in peace with god the bible says that through jesus's blood we came into peace into right standing with god that gives us authority now to stand against the spirit of fear and anything else the devil tries to do against our life but if you're not in peace with god fear has a rightful place to be in your life you're right right now a lot of people that you talk to you can see fear in their eyes fear in their voice if you need to be made right with god today you don't do this by just lifting your hand if i invite you to do that or coming to the front and to pray it's your heart before god right now that no man can see surrendering to the lordship of jesus christ you are trying to lead your own life and right now you're going to surrender and say lord i want you to begin to lead my life i can't make my life work out i need you to just take it i need i need you to take it and begin to lead it become the lord of my life if you're here this morning and you want to make the decision to make jesus christ your lord not just a sunday hobby not just a worship song not just an amen at the end of a sermon but he needs to become your lord your leader the captain of your life the one who protects you the one who gives you everything that you need he needs to become your lord if you're wanting to make that decision today i just want you to raise your hand if you're here if you're watching online you can write us i want to make a decision to have the lord be my for jesus to become my lord but if you're here i want you to raise your hand there's even one person here with us this morning [Music] all right church i want us to pray together maybe there's a hand that is shy and lifted slowly or or just a little bit but i want us to pray right now lord i thank you so much for every single person that might be watching us online or here in the sanctuary we pray lord for the decision right now that they're making to surrender their life surrender themselves to you god we thank you so much for this moment it's a supernatural moment jesus you said that we must be born of the spirit holy spirit i thank you for your work right now convicting the heart of the sinner convicting them to lead them to repentance because you are good and we thank you for transformation right now we thank you for new lives being born right now we thank you for their will their plans themselves everything they are being overturned to you handed to you that you would become the lord the leader of their life we thank you for salvation right now as we are forgiven of our sin and your spirit gives new birth to that person right now in jesus mighty name we thank you so much for the work of the holy spirit the miraculous process of salvation taking place right now in jesus mighty name god that weight that sin that bondage being broken right now in jesus mighty name and new life being received joy being received peace being received freedom being received purpose being received right now in jesus name we thank you lord that you died for our sin and you paid a price that we would be free free from sin free from the sinful nature free from the curse of death and set apart for you and we declare right now every person surrendering every person certainly surrendering right now we thank you for that freedom we thank you for that freedom in jesus mighty name we bless lord we bless every person making that decision and we thank you so much lord for what you are doing in their heart in their life in jesus mighty name if you've made that decision right now in prayer or you're watching us online you have to write us or you have to at least come up that we can meet you and help take help you take the next step we don't want you just to make that a private decision and now walk privately we want to help you in your walk just as we heard in today's message you cannot go up that mountain and follow the lord by yourself he's placed people around you to help you do that and so we want you to come out and make that decision um we're so excited about every season we're in every season with god is a good season and so we're so thankful for our interns that are going to be starting right now we're so thankful for our kids that are starting school it's going to be a great year and also we have church conference in this new season of fall about to start we have church conference that we're so excited about i want to encourage you if you've made any other plans cancel them change them and and be here for that weekend we're going to start on a friday night at 7 p.m we're going to continue on a saturday night at 6 00 p.m and then sunday morning it's going to be a combined service we usually have two services on sunday but that sunday of conference weekend it's going to be one service it's going to be really really really packed but it's going to be powerful you know we always say every single year that we step into a new year that it's just the beginning and uh this is something that our pastor received something that has become kind of the heart of the church no matter where we are what season we're in it's just the beginning if you've been a part of the church for 10 years 20 years or just one or you just started coming you are just as much a part of what god is doing here than anybody that's been here longer than you and so we want to celebrate this conference we want to celebrate this conference that again and again and again it's just the beginning we've seen god's faithful hand we've seen god's goodness the fulfillment of his promises and prophetic words and and vision for our church but again we believe it's just the beginning whatever god has brought us to we're believing for that sanctuary to be finished we're believing for this building to be finished we're willing for another building to be purchased we're believing for a church in medford a church in yakima we're believing for things that god has told us to do and it's just the beginning you are a part of what god is doing here it's not one man it's not one team it's one church jesus is the head of this church we're gonna celebrate that weekend but we're gonna believe for what god is going to do in jesus mighty name amen we've got a city outside these walls of filled with many many people that don't know god that don't know his plan his goodness and what he's accomplished and that's why we're here and so we're going to remind ourselves this conference of everything god has done but more so of what we are yet to do and what's ahead of us the vision is it's much greater than any person here and we're believing for the the fulfillment of that vision year by year season by season together as a church in jesus name amen we want you to stick around after we end service right now and meet one another fellowship with one another our second service is starting in about half an hour also besides our kids bible school starting we have a russian school for kids that want to learn russian your children if they want to learn russian or need to learn russian you can sign them up for that russian school it starts tomorrow actually this it's every monday it starts tomorrow in the foyer you can sign them up and please do that have a great rest of your week we'll see you this tuesday at prayer in jesus name amen thank you for listening [Music] so so so you
Channel: Church of Truth
Views: 508
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p5fqz6H2mLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 56sec (6896 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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