Kari Jobe - Forever (Live)
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Channel: KariJobeVEVO
Views: 56,613,922
Rating: 4.8809166 out of 5
Keywords: Kari Jobe, KariJobeVEVO, Kari Jobe Song, Kari Jobe Live, kari jobe music, Kari Jobe Performance, Kari Jobe forever, forever kari jobe, forever kari jobe live, forever, forever live kari jobe, Kari jobe forever live, The moon and stars they wept, The morning sun was dead, We sing hallelujah, the lamb has overcome, he is alive, one final breath he gave away, his perfect love could not be overcome, the, power, hell
Id: huFra1mnIVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2014
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