Conference Sunday Morning | Launch Out Into The Deep

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] boy ball Connie [Music] all copy [Music] me Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] God how great [Music] come on hands lifted up in this place honoring Jesus giving him the praise today [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll sing downline how great you are [Music] somebody telling this morning he's great your soup come on get your eyes [Applause] [Music] and shootings of snail begin the street you're victorious who are you your drapes of peace Jesus we worship you in this place we were [Music] how great my god how great you are [Music] come on every hand lifted in this place let's put them on but give honor to cheese you are how great how great you are oh so great you are Lord my God how great you are how great all right oh you're great and light so great and mighty God my trade great and mighty is the Lord great and my holy yes about a night in a murder anybody oh we see new songs say I said it Saturday we Minister day and the small we mana sturdy him a news from the from the older flow arts that are grateful this morning hearts that are grateful for salvation hearts that are grateful for the precious moon hearts that are grateful for all the goodness that his mercy his mercy and His goodness follow us are the days of our lives we honor you Jesus we worship you know we do the fruit of our lips my songbook my [Music] Preedy Gus fool Huckabee Shakthi is nice for Slav Eastleigh smile you smile PG Gosport gotta be sharpie is this why you smile yes my [Music] [Music] - I'll be fine [Music] [Music] come as your all for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] which [Music] you we wash [Music] yesterday me asleep there is one language yes abnormal Asian there is one tongue cut automotive eating eat eat eat a light the children of God it says not seriously for the nation's all the tongues atheistic - this is the language of the spirit time datastage teacher you're standing rationally so to come starts be praying in the Holy Spirit achieve like a slow lap sauce for the blessing the Lord with a spirit [Music] Molly's do she pray in the spirit - muchas de chasse in the spear right now want you to strain and I ever miss that's boomers in this place you are aging this rivers this River authorities this that walk here Suvarna today she shot right now omen is to come pray in the spirit Allah possibly the developers Thomas Thomas Thomas what is the spirit mighty brick-faced see Brendan chuckles there isn't any miss Danaher sleep ribbon [Music] [Applause] Saturn Nestea Brenda cross secret [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it jeepers [Music] [Applause] [Music] necesita Kanimozhi LMS retire hunama sotol [Music] poor God by delivery is sweeper CSV who commanded out of the darkness for light to shine I'm sorry Onassis enlightened our hearts nicely - sick but to me it seems to me this is here darkness and in the shadows the light of God has shine how come we that is us Natori my cue ballad this book for dying without God Caterina idealist watch men who were in the darkness each a nice melt in the shadows of death after me this is us like a report by the nail on whom God command if I see how famous theater and shine with this life you must like the hallelujah hallelujah homeboy Oh God Eva over his ear news - Thomas reached has not grown tired to hear hero Roca his hand mystic receives the whispers has not grown weary to save he D be the only one to talk I'd be pleased to know spirit habits the unapproachable light guitar even if toys Ragini video impeded divorces no one from man could see he moves slow him be the gold he's your lava via the greatness of eternity hallelujah hallelujah Oh push no not have any money blame all of our attention be upon him with so mercilessly that Virginia wouldn't many all of our attention be upon him [Music] should I you fainted while you slam Shuai abortion smart either [Music] by sniper specialist in starrbooty roster device eliminate sir let us have this unending thirsty protectively Monsieur come to him with pain but I was the issue you born because those who seize every ship you for those who believed in him Oh must a young kid rewards rewards Lord is here ready [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] Oh holy we acknowledge your [Music] legally [Music] holy holy holy it in a modern eye your whole shader day out and I your holy God it's no one like you no one beside you no one and all you are you are holy holy holy holy holy [Music] Oh Oh [Music] we worship You Jesus you are worthy we believe that you are here in this place this morning Jesus that you are moving among us we worship You Jesus you are here moving in army come worship you worship you I working in this place I worship you [Music] moving army Oh [Music] I you are working I worship a miracle promised keep lying in the darkness [Music] touching everything I worship I will I was she here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just want to take a minute in her line is the same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even I don't see he's working [Music] he's working he never stops he never stops working he never stops he never stops working even when I don't see it if you're working even when I don't feel it you're lurking he never stops yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] do that stop get down you [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep mine in the darkness my god [Music] [Applause] you are here work in this place I worship you oh it's about Jesus you know you see see come on let your hands to behold the glory of Jesus in a small way Susan he is a displaced what's this [Music] why she [Music] precious Holy Spirit there got suddenly Dukes Italy we welcome you to this previous students about the mist coming with us Vegas is this this is your territory that's why I territorial this is your stage yesterday a sin this is your platform at the fire-pot forma come and have your way led tillage to the coaches Jesus masseuse we declare he was not shy to be Lord of our life goes for the messages you are Lord biggest sport you are Lord the gospel you are king did son we declare your lordship Lizarraga sports your Dominion by your private east over this house not a team DOMA in Jesus name by a masseuse and Jesus famous Susan thank you more specifically give God a shower [Music] [Music] if if you haven't been at the conference even your bill in the convenience and you came in this morning Suba tuturro and it feels a little hot because the Chukotka feel you know jumpy constitute pretty good Noga something happens stop police hold it when we taste God keep down we go sighing bogus want and more look at impulsive oh yeah done something happens when we are exposed for his glory Kodama purity what we want to be even more like you boys Chicago so please excuse your nationalist ease you need to sort of being a little loud stone system grumpy and being a little passionate on sleaze common stuff but Jesus deserves that [Music] Colossians chapter 2 as you're standing lisanna Tuareg lava just want to read this verse such a put idea that Steve for in Christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form above norm appetites upon a tapas party listener and in Christ you have been brought to fullness he is the head over every power and authority Eve no inmate upon that - kotora yes klava sakana chaste we've lost all the fullness of God Paulito Borgia is in Christ for Christian and today it's important because of what Jesus has done it was the still issues we can come before him with unveiled faces subcritical it's me with boldness and confidence nearly stupid and beholding the glory of the Lord in a Slavic a spot that is revealed in the face of Jesus creatively says this morning but right now we cannot with unveiled face beholding Lauria Missouri it's August for you it was God that double-booked who decided cut already see that all the fullness stuff suppleness I would dwell in his son Buddha provide he was seen in him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands video we have reasonably Sonia miracle Fortnum your whole South ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ simply shown them Greek oh no teleporting abri S&M Cristo now now we carry the deafness of Christ he paired with notions we are we are crucified to this world with wrath of amira we are dead to this world know that we are yet to say melt with the Greek eyes of Jesus is it really Susa having been buried with him in Baptism in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God who raised him from the dead brief patron and sleep Cristiano Eve nom V is service crea severe Lucille iboga Qatar was Chris Ely was not when you are dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision position of your flesh God made you alive with Christ he forgave us all our sin Vaska traveling north of a Greek arc AB rosani portavoz she as revealed misty Steve has canceled the Charlie of our legal indebtedness which stood against us and condemned us he has taken it away nailing it to the cross and having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross East River changeable saunas Leucippus anya cat rebel operative nuts even salvo our 3d it progressed dukkha Chris to see Luna chassis was day Vlasta but weird if Pizarro westerns is LaBeouf not V Mesa Boyle today we have victory sivanna's Papa de Jesus is the bread of life he saw Jesus as the source of life is the door unto salvation Suze Drita's passage Jesus is the great I am Zeus velika was revealed to Abraham durable as creator Brahma but now came in bodily form people softly became visible to man the blood she became an experienced all of this you and I now have authority you pity me and I want to take a moment Suzette my man and thank God for all that he has done systems villain in this last couple days 90 Pasadena scale with a youth conference small just the convenience in so many Salvador Dali techno Gaspar so many miracles not good to do so many people set free no Gallaudet so much the years of Jesus is here but almost a Sioux City is doing a work your deal it to the bottom as the church circuit I want us to pray right now just always just my knee give God thanks dolly bow give God glory dolly buggabugga darkness and and to pray for this generation it's a typically came here to encounter so that Peters it better want to end with this conference and you can choose any of them have gone home Nagas the queer Kelly Des Moines but that it would continue to stop at the Prudential a movement vision for the glory of God yes stop abortion with your green pray will see these formalities someone Lord God we thank you for your mercy Ludmila's for your grace we thank you for your love revealed in your son's the new both clueless times we thank you God for your working power look at that he disapproves see nubert ugly live jessica sciences you are faithful God data people you are saving to this besides you are healing today you are delivering today so much that we give you glory but they don't tests we give you honor them we give you praise we we raise up your name was Alicia manner cuts now we say you deserve the glory solving all the honours HST Lord we pray for this generation bonuses that was here in this house just like will is this and Lord for the fire that you have ignited that's what's not going to be some sort weekly sits up God that it would become as forest fire are going blood Lord we pray that there would be a move of God bullet reasonable in the schools school in the marketplaces in colleges the university civilians in neighborhoods coffee shops coffee shop look at what you have begun here what's the peanut sauce become a river that flows the fitness not letting Kaka this experience he says nope it is about Jesus name is Susan we bless every person Lisa blank a social in Jesus name ie means we also think for for everybody watching us live dr. boogie dreams of sick to smother the Holy Spirit pray that you attach to the mammalian system takus to see that you would meet their needs so the diffs theatre system in Jesus name is usman amen I mean amen I mean hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty God we serve can you say masseuse obscure see Jamie I want you to turn with your Bibles please to the Gospel of Luke just about clearly knew God's will keep Gospel of Luke chapter 5 Lukie peg lava we're gonna read the word of God William cheat I saw a Borgia we believe in God to raise up an army of 30,000 intercessor with the adjustable padded arm you treat City Charles and treats it teach each other turn every time we are in the harvest field forecast Alaska time we boutta me a seed notions around the world but it's the only primary that we will be able to send out stop with move with Salalah through social media she is my soui through CDs emailing to rouse the Warriors stop will put the match boy enough that you know what to pray for somebody snatch on my leads and how to pray for it kak melissa says if you want to be a part of this hostility to just with what ashati then i would ask that you go to our table booster lupus is lasagna the only those that really will pray don't get you deceit the booth my leads I want to tell you when wearing those harvested items not just like a dominating pile shots we feel the prayers that the same we choose to my little city if you want to be a part of that army its ability to be to chaste you come but they are then our ask that you go to our table in your photo shoot so we pass signals Tallulah's receive all the points for each pollution if she ate poop to the ground acid in your time with the Lord yeah brass just above a chambray me that you would join with me in prayer who CD nearly sometimes Malita me can somebody say Amen more sky to me pastor serving pasta Sergei I would ask yeah Papa Brazil that if you know of anybody in this house CB static about of Adam doe me that their hearts are burning evokes it's a Goliath for Evangelos Evangelos out say that you would send us up with masala will shake the nation's this shake finish we'd love to take them on six na minha it is key we're taking people from all over the world we build new gates of super Mira you become part of the team we say it each has to come on I send you out yep Isola was pray for the sick my leaders about later cast out there yourself to pray for the battle if you want to be a party to be just you I want you to go and see past she passed through city oh I want you to keep knocking on his door the girls get to ya hot chapati we'd love to take people who do this sound DJ sets of Adama can somebody say a man's gotta meet Luke chapter 5 I look keep that leg Lavoie are you ready for the word of God always so emotional the Bible says so it was be really good in agnostic as the multitude pressed about him to hear the word of God that he stood by the lake of Kennesaw el dinero t steal second image that was lucid Slava Borgia I want snail who wanna be nice an Oscar and saw two boats standing by the lake but the fishermen had gone from them and we're washing their nets movie don't want via Loki Sneha Sheena was really re beloved we Disney kuma Valley City then he got into one of the boats which was Simons and asked him to put out a little from the land very avid Maluku Kotori blossom Innova on priscilly wat witness be riga and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat a chef would shield na wrote is latke when he had stopped speaking he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch Dawson did his knowledge cheats cos awesome you know levy not Ruby knew is a kinky city swayed Aloha but Simon answered and said to him master we have toiled all night and caught nothing nevertheless at your word I will let down the net Simas Casali moveth we had not stopped Nick with Rudy Lisa not Ginny Chobani p'malee no pass slowly move tsukino said and when they had done this they caught a great number of fish and the net was breaking is the elephantine if I'm alive Ilocano story be it as I said unique player valise so they signaled to partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both the boats so that they began to sink it Alice not abolish mahadesh of the warlord stubble please sleep emoji me priestly in opponenet or below key touchstone you naturally tanu when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees saying depart from me for I am a sinful man Oh Lord movie differente semen pearler prepar Kelly enemies Suez Canal if we get me a gospel you but honestly Josh obviously for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken even uses a BL give or if she pushes steam at the end of a lower lip in appointment and so also with James and John the sons of Zebedee who were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon do not be afraid from now on you will catch man tangsuyuk we analyse video very similar is castle similarly shows me boy sir at me Buddhist Levite shall awaken so when they had brought their boats to the land they first took all and followed him II with the ship or below kinematic establish so it positively sunny can we thank God for His Word this is more important I read bogus evil slope of a tutor can we give God praise for his word this morning slightly bogus Eva Soler for those of you that take note that get to the loads apiece key I want you to write this down it's just a little sappy Sally the deep cries out gloopy now survive the deep cries out who be not survive the Bible says people like everything that we serve a God of covenant story Susan bogo's Elliot we serve a God of covenant with Susan bogos Arietta the God book has made a covenant with us feel Soviets mm annoying through the blood of Jesus Clovis oosa the meaning of covenant does not changes that means that you are bound to such a study pronouncing the Bible says that through the blood being a girlish Lucchino Squad has bound himself to use result even you are bound to him this doesn't seem that's why the Bible says that you are being purchased by it will be enriched the table here will be ransom table is scooped Liam you are not your own a nice boy that's why when I hear people say superglued you go down I'm gonna do what I wanna do to hurt you I'm gonna go where I want to go I do could that hurt you you missed it my friends I proposed to Moe do you miss the whole purpose of your life but still should say so is easy because when you understand covenant but security but you mind Savion you understand that you are bound to him - pretty much - deeply got something he is bound to you yes it's the boy Jesus there is us Kazan but we are wrong stormy I thought high in you and you and me there is something that has happened in your life please it means you don't go where you wanna go you don't speak what you wanna speak what he tells me is there anybody in this house that says I am in covenant with God you spoken the bible says people according to everything there is the season Samui a season a time for every purpose under heaven dreamy the sockets and Putnam but there are seasons in your life it's just one of a series that God has ordained jeopardy both past are there are times and seasons yes Freeman Isis on their God will release in your life after a book we did rushes in order to fulfill his purpose of we spawn it so a warning you see I love the Word of God loose of abortion I love to read it Yelich itachi well I love to understand a blip on your mind have you ever read a scripture in your lives you Danny mr. ashesh you've read a thousand times justice you should ask Italian and yet you read it just one invention tidy money day and it's like the Holy Ghost Critias glass you see in the Word of God be the choice of abortion in between every line mr. Costas Trotsky is the depth of Revelation but it will be not curvy there's a level of Revelation when you read it Yasuda venus convenient through the power the holy cross it is similar to the city thank you deeper they thought was clue take you people of us groups I was reading this story she tell it to his study and something struck me he start of zero means something just please like God open my clue my glossa I want to preach that to you you see just at the police Gazette oh yeah I don't know about you he astonished shut of us but I don't want to live my life and you let you proceed to cease I don't want to spend all my day to prostrate it's just living in the Lord play Xena I believe yeah video there God has a harvester year he made shots with little that you can't even think or imagine th the most please study this there's a call on your life please one unit when she is greater than you can even think of shipped Amash put its noisy to you last night's cassava children when David was called to the slide a Vida baby was about the legacy at the will of a poor folk singer Messiah would show through she knew da vida there's a harvest but God has called you to read a couple of books rather than you can even think it's a shut the most profitably imagine easily please studied we serve a God of promise miss Susan Bob Bobby shine how many believe that there are promises I said how many believe the promises God is gonna bring you into a little book video to us the promises of God are yes I wish on your da handyman yeah I mean the Bible says all things in your life in your posed to him city by the world solemn sway Selah this scripture at the Minster why I love it but she well you blew it is because it's a Kairos moment but I will say a time I met Kairos the Greeks had two ways of telling time okay I will advise me was Moses declarative Remini one was Kairos Bible Kairos one was Cronus I didn't bow Chronos are you with me son or daughter I don't hear you sue sue us I need you to be with disability some noisy Vanya are you here with this tap your neighbor hope if you saw Sarah okay you here this the creek that two ways of telling time curriculum thrown us from Cairo Cronos a Kairos Chronos was the sequential time Chronos ever but as premier partner but Kara no Kairos this was something that abolished otter that could not be explained studies Avila BC it was something in the spirit of allot of douchey it was a time in a ceaseless above rainy season where God was about to do something sinister demands your response to the up all of our here there is the moment in your life is my mission will bring you to a place will be chosen is a Kairos moment with my milk is a moment in your spirit on my metaphor so do the God is about to do something person answers to your life the logistic iris cannot be plan meets a supply need of it a Kairos moment iris my man is something God his old age to your side personal devotion something you're about to spin you're still up so we buddy God made you pay this visual aesthetic of Raymond Kairos moment by man Kairos is the moment that demands your respond to the table talk about theater have you ever felt because they may choose to it like you're standing on the lower well three of you there are moments in my life is my method my is easy they were Kairos moment he believed Kairos moment see you'll understand when God gives you a Kairos smoothly with my mystical book from dust my math God will use your enemies what with this place it was a good position news about my study to us those people that hated you Navy deliver people that tried to destroy you but Allison each stone Chicago use that with this position Cyrus Norma made the Kairos yes any moment I move your devil comes sorry how many how many how many how many feeling right now so choose three teach us there's a Kairos moment Kairos washes reasoning this scripture says it's a mystery Sonia covered either so it was dr. Weil and it came to pass don't pity while you go to King James degrees and it came yuck there's in your life that happen in your life in your life and it had to carry so but it had to pass stop righty the Bible says people companies and I love the scripture yellow-blue a mystery Isaiah 14:24 she tensed blood so Lord of Hosts the sworn saying that sport Pokemon as surely as I thought khaki I promise you so it shall come to pass is bullets and as I have purpose extroyer pass though it shall daki bouddhiste yeah I wanna tell you right now just cuz I don't see chase shall come to pass rock is Buddhist that word that's on the inside here look at that prophecy promise Tommy's dream I'm extracting the God birth within us shall come to us if you'll come to pass how those butit's you've cried but it's worse Diwali if you're storing you know you were saw why because but you've touched his food you suffered but his word is still bringing your delivery know slowly because these purpose will come to pass leave us please you've been through the fire who believes bug the entities word didn't allow you to be burned or someone you'd Oliver I'm scanning why she move because God says that was the book already my purpose my I'd say my plan one I feel like preaching to you this morning to sue some you Louie they look for breath if there's a smoker if he's deeply look at me you're going through to stop a-bra vocal any it is for a reason into the proceeding I'm gonna use it you lose your position you if I started to I shall come through did sighs keep gonna pray for people in the house of God it shall come to pass butit's you see BDD Jesus comes he says precoded and he steps into Peters life your voyage is Peter Peter didn't realize that enhances Navarre this was a Kairos smoked item I meant Kairos Jesus countless Esprit holy the Son of God sit bones the teacher who cheated a healer facility Redeemer her so much the Lamb of God disposes in appearance the Lord of lords he steps on the shore yet not bidding and he comes to the life of Peter pathologist Pietra the Bible says feebly agreed that he steps into the boat stone for its vodka Petra I saw something your video slaughter you see when Jesus says we discover it can I use your boat mostly I supposed to to law school sometimes we don't understand your significance when you put your mind vastness of what God is speaking to us about it now Susie's you see Peter Beattie builtin so a boat will be your local but Jesus saw a platform sous vide our platform oh I'm gonna say that you showed us kazoo Jesus his sous so a platform video platform Peter said you can have my Boy Scout too much bread more Lord cool but you see Jesus didn't see the bow of ET so Stevie the law he saw a platform without platform Oh see what I'm kind of preach this summer here not just cuz I nicked him so we sink your boat to do it justice significant is that Chima you speak that thing in your life is destroyed too much adjacent have any purpose he may think of it seriously I'm here to preach the same dish Thomas cuz I usually a bow maybe this one but God sees the platform oh Jesus that Peter so stop it if you give me your boy see the dust rotolo how they'll change it from above tells me you're that lucky and I'll turn it into a platter the platform to release the world but we saw we did sort of your lives for his reason Peter didn't realize yes as the mom this was more than above the somewhat this was a Kairos moment my man Kyra Jesus baby shoes cos no boat he's about to become my place your sign is my platform and the platform will release your desperate you thought Buddhists your paw vilaça will release your death somebody tobu dismissed you may be here to this world with pneumonia and you say God we're going to the book it's insignificant thing is that cheating you might think you're just a mother we do it just don't post um I might think you're just the house we just toasted is the husband whip roster moosh you just have a job we prosti meeting about two bodies mister boy both cross the goalless it's just the talent poor gonna brush turtle regardless no you don't see it a convenient I'll change your browser you too long and I'll make it my plaster onto my platform I can I use your bone yet supposed to do Lord cool can I use your book we're supposed to do Lord cool there are things in my life specialized reasoning that I never realized or any clicked on yeses about I thought it was a the Lord God saw a plateau free the platform oh Jesus is gonna use your sushi with his poison washer husband as his platform so you bought for Jesus was gonna use this was with the situation at the wat so he's gonna change it promised me that beareth lost and he's gonna make it his plan he's still it at the sway but for wait a minute but I see wait a minute see God's gonna use your fingers just supposed to talk my legs by the time he's done will become Spaniard they said of the blind man you gotta Leslie poem why is he blind but Simone see boy is this the sinner is father in the other side martini Jesus said neither Zeus Konya this blind man that supports is blind she point because he is being measured for the still manifest my glory previous by Osama here's his blindness first we will turn it into my plans video at the Nassau platform of Lazarus this day Kabuto what do you think he's become can I use your paw we're supposed to toilet cool can I use that thing that's going on yes we toss the police go to a Samia can I use that separation in your marriage we are supposed to each other is delayed your time Brockie can I use that pain but we I suppose it'll boil and I use those scars we expose it additional you only see your boat little Kavita slotko but if you give it to me this is a Tamiya how make it my plan a little soy port for me God's not looking both the east and your independence through IUDs IVC miss he's working for you to recognize each double Kairos mostly to my man Cairo you see we have many talented people on set people that can sing subtly more with people that can perform ever gonna be know what somebody please give it to God don't stick to me another do you have to lay down being on the ball shake the feet of Jesus Jesus do those sketchy swishes my ball a mile off but I give it to you at the TV keep your plan for a port for Peter daughter can I use your voice for suit or law school can I use your pork we're supposed to law school see the problem one problem Ebola the Bible stands biblically the when Jesus came to the public analysis Palazzo close key Peter wasn't there he was trying to wash up to his cell Emma God if you just let me wash my net focus to push the dust met with my city if you just let me clean this is a prostitute that's me a little brat you just let me sorry that many processes that are gossip about the posters you miss your supernatural and cows to sell his destination Peter Beattie but this is not just about the body nearest a latke this is about your desk letter to a Buddhist misty I know people yes now Luce they say God still got that book you've called me to the mission to preserve all my enemies you forty years later solidly its booster they're still in the church Anisha selfie they never went I need you can you buy cuz they were trying to clean up Italian sue black stuff that God never called keep praising me some of you here right now - this must be such a sin in your life yes that's a sin yes clear that you're trying to clean up the trumpet at least for me but I'm telling you it pleases you I do but by a masseuse you gotta come to him just as you are with us the pretty with a key key keeper yes you gotta stay gone that's the sketch boy I give you my boy that you care so long I give you this with you and you can see - ah - huh I see your passport a visa Lord I see a fairly let me send you especially a man young visa we're gonna give you my boat - the that you - don't break in your platform to say but for me make it your plan still at the same platform ah go ah ah City Guinness Guinness idiots the Bible says that the Sea of Galilee biblical historical Alaska was 750 feet below sea level we'll assume Sepideh south feet Nisha you learn Yamada it is the lowest freshwater lake on earth at the salmon is cassava da ROG and Samia fresh water flows through Java that you shot but it's the lowest place no it's a salmon is chemist whom I appreciate the oil rapido see Jesus came for Peter this is fish sauce a patron in the lowest place this is our Niska mystic a drum of 90s that living waters gonna flood up with it she'll always play some nice c'mere here this was this and you're not on fire even you got itchy something's happening I thought it was just you say to you you Bogota I'm coming to you Hazuki even in the Lord pour some of this key and it's nice that you could never put me politics that my alcohol for your book yep resources for the situation for your mouth is to make it possible to say in the morning play some of these guys to race you up baby but he might get the soy mochila shadowplay in the house of God it was the low place that's a bonus chemist Jesus his sous is preaching repair dude from the port of Peter is vodka Petra his boat devaloka became his practiced olive apart for me wait a minute but as d the Bible people yeah never tells us you gonna eat now what Jesus preached is us proper needle give me a second but doesn't he excuse me for a minute Amina but I'm a preacher no you're a polemic you can't tell me Jesus preach pretty much good news - super paella you don't tell me what is TV me least glory and you give any such thoughts guy at least give me his know what that gave us a PC email them to me but he see me play mail Lord let there be a place that I can squeeze down with my booze don't tell me Jesus is really super pine needles latkes and there were no no didn't yet was a PC but you see the video this wasn't about the sermon at the nebula properly dear it was about to call at the boiler oppressive here Peter I'm preaching to you do to be from the shallow place is a mill caste I'm preaching to you the propaganda to be from the bow is latke it's not my platform I applaud for me but I'm preaching to you in the shallow twist but the Milka misty but Peter the Builder I'm not just here to preach the proper address I'm here to call your list of a precise - you're desperate to discuss I'm preaching to yelu qi beer for what I have for you Grubin yeah Jesus a better launch out ad hominem launch out into the deep Libya luminol see video in church exactly you can hear the word the monster Slovak but be living in the shadow play you still hear the word you can hear the word your destinies in the day of some Buddhist nasubi Nia your purpose is in the device itself blue beam yeah why do we always want to live in the shallows MooMoo see items it's milky misty hear me I'm preaching to your honesty of I'm prepared oh I'm preaching to the other one those the three the glory of God vidiots of abortion they have to come out of the ground if we tea is not other they have to come from the shininess never eat asparagus but in order to see the focusable VD to spawn in you they have to launch out into the night of ripples Ruby no I want you to see it yes just evolve easily into the crowd not all the shallow milk is the team Rubina whatever you want to be on the shore whatever you want to stand on the shoulder that did you stay at the BT who whatever you want to be among the crowd that was a TD please it's not all you'll hear the world will sister slowly the world will come to you so beautiful it'll bless you no booger semi-gloss but that's the level that you got to go to this would have been a god difficulty book I give you my boat yeah there used to be so long how making your plaster lettuce a platform from this pot I'm going along I'm going deep deep of God go deep some fatigue loops there's a deeper place she was called the mystical almost MIT there are realms of God's glory yes mr. Slovak washing you've not tasted yet when he shouldn't probably you know have been in meetings it's 90 a bull versus Union where the glory of God has come down to stop abortion cedilla like a myth - man like a talk to man has seen it yeah video just descend on the please get solid knowledge a watch people smoke a clue jump party that we will pretty release classic throw down their crutches skedaddle a Castilian God healing for Casilla favorite books pass all and yet you sort of know recently Needham I came out one of the services yeah we're so is that all Susan read things that you incredible miracles I need a key really key to your son and I'm like God boy Oh what an awesome God you are a really key to my house like thank you see be witness what you did movies such as the Holy Ghost is not just a dog sitters come son sing you ain't seen then you chew on TV dog [Applause] watch me do the Dino how many's ready to go to people right now to be near somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] launch out into the deep I believe good B no C BT it's easy to say the coast Casati but when God said it's gonna come back demand more commitment no kick that ball good either boot three boy boy position you're gonna have to lay down your lines we're not Susie's it's easy to sing about it you compete about them but what about going deeper when it's not like she can hear about it what about going people spirit still is not made manifest look at that true that you please holiest we all say we want to go team secret if somebody loses but why do we live so close to the show but you don't like please kick milk amamiya's to save Christianity is the pasta Cristian stop you know it's 90 when I answered the call of God today a traitor please support I thought God was just you know well I've answered the call know what yet vital please of tonight's God spent the first few years the form yes kappa will create my burning every bridge the guy of sake most every way that I could get back Saeki Moscow Villeneuve stomach feel God's burnt them all sake I couldn't go back and you know clear the notes I was in a meeting yeah both susini the power God fell on me syllables and son I was laid in the flow Kelly Sean Apollo and as I was laid in the floor this on Apollo I saw a red line yo without cross to chew through and literally it was an open net about creativity and I saw me cross the red line is to build sheet of glass which of the Lord said to me he box Kazami there's no going back for you need the emotional loser there's no going back then you mostly loser I didn't know what that meant yeah it's not still does not but I do now not a period smile I see it today a visual to see what I've got nothing to go back to you I'm so far from the shore daily cause I'm having the baby today y'all could be not like God for the ball I'm out in the deep blue be near you see you gotta come to a play with my I see mr. Bosley's you gotta come to a place think about the pretty mr. bear is no plan B no apologies no backup plan do something small for him it's a Soviet launch out into the deep gloom you know Bible says God is spirit people I got his book too and those who worship must worship in spirit and in truth he still topically also there's lots of cookies Peter I'm calling your intuition not from the shallow place yes of preservation needs milk um yes I'm calling her into the deep yeah please Marty of Ruby knew your harvest is in the deep-fryer shuttle of grooving in your destiny is in the deep Buddhist disapproving hear everything I have shut up told her you were made to be the adorable beat I'm calling out to you don't presume Altamira he's gotta launch out into the blue --boom you though there's a deeper place where your life moves mr. foster system the problem was problem abla it was at the wrong time at the ball of knee praline anemia I gotta come down here for me another city Sudan why is it the God always calls you but some epoxy the place why it was at the wrong time he private never a Mia Peter fished all night not every batch of sewage and now Jesus says very soon worried that poor life could be no it's the wrong dreaming yeah you know my greatest harvest it's 90 my summer villa cassava my greatest breakthrough some we really keep reliever they came at the wrong time please leave me private every mamita but it was my wrong notable money prior neriman it was when I thought it could never happen even s'mores nah it was when the circumstances total I'm so yeah just to go aerial image is not your moment in you told my man and yet when God come looking at the book record he said this is exactly what I custom yonada to bring a Kairos moment in your life steam I meant Kairos Jesus Jesus fidelity soos I've been fishing all natural sooo not I'm cleaning up the marishi city I'm a past failure and my if you spend business mi soos : heater bottom launch out into the deep Grubin oh god I tried it once for cancer prevalence Lord I stepped out in faith and you fear it never happened please I saw launch we proud intervene oh here's the make or break what the polluted saline yet here is faith and it's critical mass what Avira Swahili he is the difference between those what resonates ahead reaper harvest let's do taming to represent out and those that stay in a shell eject us the youths of Milcah mestia god can give you a promise what was that for my be Sonia but if you will not take the step this if we need a little shock you can never bring it to pass and you can turn emotions the other Basha reason Peter said dr. Gordon the circumstance is wrong I'm sayin to stone you privately the atmosphere is really private now I've fished that all night watch of su notch he was a skilled fish to mobile speciality back you don't have partners if you don't have a successful business near to a partner of you must do specialty business the Bible says the odd part because Antonio Bonita vanish you don't have partners if you don't know how to do the body she see when you may tell he was successful especially but yet it well no one you spill you see VDT there are moments the God will say launch my mantequilla boxcars with the natural says don't is mister but it needs visa do you know where my bank balance that the lowest allow me accounts uh menisci God tells me to do more goddamn dearly Jim car garage you know when I started if you want to call out the blind yeah that's where you see the Peterson brothers cos all nevertheless no but thy word Passover to emo I hope it means when I hear that word when I hear it watch out boo boo is there anybody is ready to launch out into the deep of God moving the water how many wants increased don't watch the Machine yeah well ten of you this was procrastinating every class how many want or watch each double-booked you don't have to be humble bunny in other words me only me it's a false humility than you Bradish this let me tell you what I want you know still not be shown I want the UI how many stars this what God to increase them so they can do four stars [Applause] [Applause] you know the problem with harvest slightly problem was not we it takes you to your breaking point I know video first of our show my mentor Peter Loma you want me to finish preach ideas occurred you had just as a question properly I'm gonna go on eating some dice cuz people tell me all the tests eluded Sam you're going after God's gonna use me praise God of salbo I'm gonna see the glory of God stop epochal but then suddenly no part of knees up you see them in a year is going there a tiebreaking tangy mommy at the pity Loma I called it the rest are given yeah but I'm here coolest a key but here when God releases the supernatural at the book it was so much that said his destiny it'll take you to your breaking probably video testimony a Taurus PT a-- where God talks about overflow topically that is whiskey you better get ready for your face biggest rest of a severe unless the newest Peter Burton launch your net sake so city you went to the realm they were soul but there's so much you can't even contain the last image this but it's gonna take you to your place to be under my me at the PT Loma God I want more Souls super seduced do more gospel campaigns what you do see you might get a shot see God use me dispose of Mia I want to preach the gospel preventive Angela now you'll never hope she pissed that you can you do go from airport to I posted a portobello port place to place yesterday Mr obviously your wife in social your heart is New York illustrate detail why but you move because God is taking what's the break even on my mattress because the harvesters always pressing for vno clay in order for you to cross over T we Reseda better I'm trying to prepare you young hot obligatory to me for the harvester soldier sharply douche right now see chance you feel the breakthrough susheela's leave room I preach it away reduce chassis whenever you talk to men and women of a gordita salute me the guard is using in a minor way Kyle Bachus pose with scene live shot with them I talk we are seriously me give a real steamy they always talk to you about how nice she got covered out ahead iced a given you Peter Peter your nets are breaking place it your roots but you won't leave the hearty patty - I'm stretching you patty - aah - yah yah yah shouts in order for you to get the recipe for Chile's Covina Peter filter I've already arranged in your life still 20 divine connections synthesis acidity will not allow you to leave the house these are due to be a patina the Bible says if negative when Peters nuts would break sit in a chair Matsui does not say they broke mr. Stein pareve it says they were spread Christianity but got it already ordained Peter would have I want to say to you just cause Activia write this down sappy theater your tea write this down it's officially get it out Imam Segundo your revelation but why or kyrenia will become their break standard evening prayer even your revelations while you're climbing you will become steady simple even peanut butter launch out into the deep we believe it will be though I'm gonna give you a revelation yeah but your destiny is in the peaceful Buddhist is good but your revelation by your cannon he'll bring the harvest certainly too subtle see when you present BT like that we thank you launch out that we provide your family will receive it much they see me apologist your sons will receive well she's gonna be up all your daughters will receive the chit apologies your revelation shut convenient is their break for weekly bloody that's why when you worship I don't have a book line you're not just worshiping for you you propagate this this is nothing be released on your Scott stand on the Word of God Satan I study boys you say as for me it goes for though because when you say God is your relation to come that bridge in Easton believe them keep god almighty praise it's the deep that cries out goob enough survive where would we be clear by Mobilia if it wasn't for those that gone on before see when he checked Oprah she played Nami men and women the lay down his knee I know many of you are from Russia has done no Jesus I see you think of the people that died the way they act or merely that they lay down their lives in its reasoning for the sake is a avuncular do you think that you would be sad but he will just slowly with seriousness if it was apostasy we said Thornton is cos all I'm willing to launch acts against Italy Scooby though even if it cost is easy because there revelation I mostly eateth gravina became your bracelet or areevo Peter builder I feel the Holy Ghost choose to do Kazuto is Chuck's Peter Peter this was never about the variable Arabia this was about boo boo - list here this is put a shadow at the tadka king of the revelation and Ivania control your dishes down peter-patter you seized the zealot you launch that into the big wolf could be new you thought you were gonna see the monster to tarnish but I wouldn't let you use to lose the hub the young adult uppity - Ottawa but this was never about that agreeable arabia this was about to Kabul appraised value your boat vodka was just a shadow with the bottle Katie Nia the net Sitka was just the shadow bottle Katie I'm now going to cause like the periods estaba to win the source of the days of our Volusia is the church Beach second let me show you the power and I don't revelation because you see Lamar at Carignan on the day of Pentecost the NPD said it's when the Holy Ghost fell it was a soul flames of fire hope you me this was the sign from heaven most knocks their best burnable was birthing the charity so Turkey it had to be paid not a bullet patron it had to neither hear the French proper Madrid he stood up and he said since this guy and at all which the prophet Jonah okay mean he had to preach probably do it because his revelation see what clay vania had released his desk I know people still evil Buddhists 3,000 people CC Chileans pass these in one meeting Muslim Webre one meeting at least now okay to cry dr. Cristo hold up wait a minute wait a minute I see when I get to have it to deplete on the Yerba when I've worship Jesus is that book on you see Sousou I'm gonna look for Peter yeah my shoes Peter Peter Peter I just got a question mietek idea Navarro's how many fish were in the squad car liberal vodka 3000 conveniently citrus Parsley's how many fish was capable of what care if I know God it's just now bogging there were three thousand three t she Y HMO because what you press for now thought that she what is just polish will become your regulatory much convenient your revelation 12 in you become their prosthetic in prayer river it's time to launch out we please do be new I said it's time to launch our ability to be new if you believe it's reality that your praise with your hands along this perimeter Saluki possible yes [Music] come on with your hands all the power in the name gee I don't famous the break-up retention rate against me choosing break every chain break every [Music] the Super Bowl II sing my sister the Dogon what would be Spirit of God is speaking to people right now ceccolini could you teach us that you're living in the shadows wvlt of milk amidst your praise is in the shallow buses swallow middle worship is in the shadow of a clam is in the shallow our supposition as a whole this morning yes please we'll see what who your launch I didn't hear your question bye don't you mean God's trying to release the revelation for Coach it's we personal opinion that will become that breaketh understand you things in prayer even I don't know why and it's not what you move but while I've been preaching look at that proper middle I can't stop thinking you know violence that to me I checked on womanly people that died in Eastern Europe much Nick of is bastoche the Hebrew P for the sake of the gospel say you've Angela can you much for most people it started the Bible says in Hebrew people good intuitively clearly then look down shall you spotted and your me that he bade me yeah running a race got my bishops of population they're cheering for you I gotcha be they crying ah [Music] [Music] they see people and he be that leader just wondering mr. holder not aware he is the youth of their Kairos pop nucleon momenta Kairos they lay down their life and you polish it it's very easy so the weakest and here Alice needs somebody from Jesus at in Susa to those that we call the tech of all is well those that launched out into the deep that we believe could be known for some of them the ineptly discussed them their lifestyle if disease knee but their revelation no easier Vania became starlit or in prayer even I thank God you're gonna do Boca for every healing evangelistic are so even gillies this Selenia mighty men and women of God feel equals a budget they would not accept Catherine II said my sillies the car is not a miracle hopefully to the toilets I stand here yes I use this because their revelation each task Lavinia became my brace Solomon Prairieville there are young people now it's more the ludus is just there watching those mirrors what they did you decide they're watching people come out of Judea this kind of sense to our generation that's your book and God is still a God of miracles yes generated the truth Vancouver but your revelation will become launch out into the deep blue beetle Peter the otter what you do now studies just yellowish will be the platform of what what for myself [Music] we're gonna worship God said whimpering on Sebago I don't know how your normal sergo taco MOSFETs Chris nutribullet but I've come here for a number of resources our pleas are Sonia Scalia and I know that Pastor sir yes - the pastor still gay allow me to follow the holy cause well let me say we do pursue Toa how many feel the presence of God choose to pursue stable its constituent go eat Kamata since I've been here in your life the other mysterious reason figure in a shallow plan here with Malcolm St don't miss this Kairos Lee proposed idiot my met Clarence God it's just the ball park at the postal latke know yet it's my platform god it's just a homegroup poke at the proceed shaker God is just a business look at the bruster business no it's not for me god I want to hire both the other two prophets from that pain excessive boiling god I wanna wash it book your shot with it I'm trying to deal with it yup Italia see me dealing say bugger it yet I'll make that man yes dealer to see it catch it's about stabile harvest shuttin that you will not be able to continue smothers desire give it to me madam yeah stop trying to clean it out start bump meteor stop traveling meant to make your net presented a start the other dos a classy way give me your poor Daniel to a locum and I'll release your death Bushido Buddhist we're gonna begin to worship when I stop pecan yatza you know God did so many miracles are still studied yet Shilla people coming and testifying Ludovic Heidi Lisa gets to people with paralysis nerve damage in the friends near the media ballet esteem unite lead sir God was story both whistling loud God healing Bacchus sit down this morning is not a new trainee patron but I feel to release over this hi choose to repost another team Domo well shall we please don't hold back please dear juicer don't wait for the right time primal anemia don't wait to have it all information God said he'll be with you boxcar yeah boo the stubble we're gonna begin to worship will on yachts for several years it was this namishyami stood right here is the days Rubina some of you need to physically make that mientras las does Nafisi to ski with isla there are at least three families his dad might have a threesome easiest that your marriage the awash Brock there's something that happened in your master preservation blankie the brought you such pain the Prince of the coop oil God says bring me that Bogard pretty senior to walk there are young people here is Marty Lou these days this is your T of a Tsukuba now you need to step out from another witty come and say God it's cuz I'd walk 2018 but the addition we should not stay God God it 28 to walk that issue is not some God let my revelation was created which is improper evil you know the day I gave my life to Christ ninety day today are now so she's crystal as I laid on her for a shot on the pollo I never thought from Monica's Danny potable we will go around the world soap is a possum Amir that I would stand before a Buddhist a eyes government believe gisu dasomi multitude to period nauseous to mineral [Music] because when I came to here but I'm a scary shocking my nets were broke I sit here as a rapport with my boat my love my life my assist was a failure to pull a new spear [Music] took my name is sue sell my city cuz I believe you've moving on and I'll show you Michael yeah because it's Islam I'll show you that I'm always knows their Porsche past artist I can't take credit for everything you said Gustav for every soul for every miracle cuz they chewed on [Music] give him your book give him your dinosaur City I feel such Gloria but I just acoustic establish this we're gonna begin to worship when I simple on yachts I'm not giving you an altar call yeah any day you want prison for specific things there's something fishy I'm just saying kostik available Heidi here is the deep vodka bina bring him your boat that he was pretty really pretty city was a city say Lord I'm gonna wash out of Cupido let that revelation that shit'll why I come here break statistic brothers [Music] you're watching this at home there's a miser guarding here right now yes he was supposed to get the DOMA I grew up that I come to put my science is that same anointing is floating on you in the ship of my sinusoidal vas that same call is going out to you Natasha presume with your co-op this is a Kairos moment a mammoth Kairos sing it out [Music] don't be afraid to step out made that step two [Applause] yeah [Applause] Devo you are all this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beep-beep [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] deep cries ah [Music] I feel glory all over this way the lasagna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shots [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready God says adopted is more guarded because you're only seeing a measure we talk of a tear not limit it is the green shoots they are the green shoots we like when a plant comes through the swastika sorrow stuck God said I had to bring you round the conversation of greatness you know Bob justify to us crass Guevara because I was making you pregnant yakatori LT bad with something that is greater than yourself does the empty that emerges we started I've got you in the womb yeah sorry me rot we have a trainee and I'm preparing you yeah got old you back because since there will come a birthday III don't try that there will come a time really mm well you will birth all that I've done it you got the Rajasthan say as they're all that I place within you know specialty man it is coming and they do it and nothing will stop you sure than your scenario Lord make him a pioneer that's what pushed my pinata a pioneer Vigneron a pioneer in Europe [Music] [Applause] lord I speak over every person for tomorrow's acara ChaCha's is the Lord a sport their revelation ethnic Romanian will become another's breakthrough Kuwata prayer rhythm with your hands right now by the business I remember such as [Music] there's glory here right now the swallow Delos chess [Music] father led this anointing rest on every single present of Amazon opinion the Cardinal head for the top of the head to the soles of this I call every day freeze north what caused them to launch out that's what was an Iroquois ax [Music] God is speaking to some of you right now BOGO anything merumeci Chuck you gotta let some things go another cushy jacket elevation you gotta let go of something whether I push Sydney a continuation they're keeping you in the shallow place until it doesn't cost me alchemy mistiming God said I've called you into the deepest part in your vows will be Lord [Music] let it go I'll push steel bring me this for me when you see to your career [Music] [Music] [Music] gustas wait for it for it she'll surely come [Music] wait wait for it will surely come [Music] it's the deep crying out will be now survive Lavinia [Music] last night I preached today a proper Widow the David was headed to the vicar most screed his realistic and he played his heart beyond the grass hole gusta dr. Shah he worshiped picasa secret amidst so well dr. Shah that when sauce the castle was tormented he OB mucho by the devil the Avila that he called the unprincipled Aveda played aha he Gretna gusto but David was not I mean me about prison to play a heart he Gretna gusta he was called to be on Prison ball with say do you want to sing to you Bush press the page you will print the whisper pavía do it you won't just you Bush press tap it you will leave the bush we Steve [Music] fill it with the fire the Holy Ghost Nepal you will do have city [Music] you
Channel: Church of Truth
Views: 6,577
Rating: 4.8496242 out of 5
Id: 5yGA0Ku9ks8
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Length: 122min 6sec (7326 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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