Joe Rogan: "Did The Nazi's Flee To Argentina?"

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I will say that once you buy one nice car I've been on that I understand that what are you going to get I don't know but no I'm not going to buy another one but pickup trucks on excited for my lease to run out so I can get a n yeah switch it up about a raptor sh I I'm too strikes me as an SUV SUV guy for sure a raptor you ever drive one yeah but I this what I look like I can't have a raptor how about a TRX you can't play Xbox all day and then get in a raptor yes you can dude dude gamer chairs customiz in car get a TRX we'll see what's a TRX it's a ram that has 700 horsepower oh those things are from the man those things are kind of nuts I'll show you I have one here do you really yeah I'll show you it's pretty awesome I have a Hennessy one that has a th000 horsepower what yeah it's ridiculous it's America that is pretty sick remember we [ __ ] Tesla I don't America America's obviously the best yeah real I remember being that thing driv around that na m you need a godddamn America that's it right there look at that [ __ ] how's America cars are they like are we good at making cars out that thing's the [ __ ] I love that thing I love that I drive that all the time I love it pickup would be nice actually they're great pickup wildly expensive speaking of Nazi mobiles yeah I went and saw a Nazi movie by myself really Saturday night uh zone of Interest what is that I don't know it's about oswit it's it's a is awesome it's all right where they live next to it's just it's just an ongoing like you're uncomfortable the whole time but I did go see it by myself which is a weird cuz like the movie people I saw at a draft house so you have like a waiter and the whole time they're like are you sh Shane hey what's going on I was like yeah I'm just here watching Nazis alone doing exactly what you thought I'd do on a Saturday night that's on brand it's very uncomfortable you watching this movie by yourself is on brand I I enjoyed it but it's they're right next to a concentration camp yeah they're at AZ they're he's the oh and they're living good yeah wow nothing happens though it's just unsettling for two hours a cool idea look at the building they're in yeah feeling you deserve the best in life the wildest thing that most people don't know about the Nazis is how many we brought over here yeah Operation Paperclip yeah get in here isn't Venezuela one of those countries they have a t of they have countries in arent or cities in Argentina where everybody's white everybody speak German AR entire soccer team is white dudes that's [ __ ] wild like y bro what do you guys I was talking to someone time gu it is far enough South that you would be white right maybe but also there's a lot of Nazis went to Argentina definitely yeah I mean Tim Kennedy had that TV show Finding Hitler where there was there's this conspiracy theory that Hitler moved to Argentina what is this Jamie this is oh they were uh they escap the rat lines were systems of Escape Routes for German Nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe from 1945 onward in the aftermath of World War II these Escape Routes made mly mainly LED towards Havens in Latin America particularly Argentina but also Paraguay Colombia Brazil Uruguay Mexico chile Peru Guatemala Ecuador and Bolivia as well as United States Canada Australia Spain and swi but a lot of them in Argentina and the Catholic Church helped them yeah they had this whole thing about it um where they went to these towns they're wearing leader hosen starting in 1947 some us what does it say the rat lines are supported by clergy of the Catholic Church starting in 1947 some page needed that's not true I mean it was a humanitarian they love is humanitarian they loved everybody I love starting in 1947 some us Intelligence Officers utilize existing rat lines to move certain Nazi strategists and scientists yeah like wner Von Brun the head of n the head of NASA yeah fullon Nazi good not that he's a Nazi saying bring don't hang him I know you're saying let's get our [ __ ] let's figure out space lemon you had a juice of lemon then he'll die juice a lemon well they also were competing because a bunch of them went to Russia as well yeah ah see so Russia had some scientists we had some other ones they can't have all the good Nazis not all the ones that make missiles you you can look a few things if you need to get a missile quicker yeah true that's true yeah well you have to you literally have to if these are the only guys that are making Rockets God damn can you imagine if they got the bomb first us the Soviets got it it would be rough it be negative we would have invad and Soviet Union be funding us right now funding Mexico they made UFOs oh yeah yeah they made flying saucers yeah see this is the type of [ __ ] I don't uh all the stuff it's like bro they were struggling well they also they also had a deep connection to the occult I know but it's like weird occult [ __ ] the Nazis yeah cuz they were going to kill themselves was suicide I think there was also a lot of like evil sentiment like they were they were trying to win you know and they were trying to there there's a lot of weird [ __ ] like I don't want to I I don't really know much about the Nazi occult thing but I know it's like very well documented they're heavily into the occult it also to me it seems a little I don't know it's like we attribute the most evil [ __ ] ever to them I think they were just a really really shitty country that was [ __ ] everything up like I don't know I don't think we need to add like they were satanists well they were definitely into a cult I mean there's other countries that did horrible [ __ ] too just what the Japanese did to the Chinese and the rape of Nan King yeah you read about some of that stuff dude yeah I think it's just surprising he like they were doing what horrific [ __ ] and the science experiments they would do they' give people blood transfusions from various animal animal and cut off Limbs and reattach them they did try figure try out prisoners they trying to figure it out no there's a lot of like scientific and medical Innovation that came out of that unfortunately really yeah yeah what uh what medical Innovation came out of the Nazi experiments I think they like learned some things unfortun what is it Simons what's the company Bayon bear out there bear did it yeah that's right was getting rowdy yeah yeah they they they tried some medication out on like 150 people wasn't it like something like that they all died Joseph mangle was the guy mango is science exper he twins oh God twins twin experiment yeah it'd be like if I [ __ ] cut this Twin's head off how are you feeling you [ __ ] idiot Jesus Christ dude they didn't even know about germs that was the there was the one guy who like blew the whistle on I forget the guy's name they have a they were Germans of course they the Nazis knew about germs but the guy who like discovered them there was a hospital attached to where they delivered uh they were like a morg and then they had where they're delivering babies so they would like put down a dead body and then just catch a baby out of a woman's vagina and like women were all dying and he was telling the doctors like you guys got to wash there's something on those dead bodies that's getting into women's like vaginas they're all like dude we're doctors our hands are clean we're gentlemen and then they the guy eventually like went nuts and then like like few years later like oh [ __ ] he was right because he was washing his hands the mortality rate went down like yeah who was that [ __ ] I forget his name that was way before World War II though way way way before not well in World War I Fritz hobber figured out how to make gas to kill people with gas and he's a same guy who figured out how to pull nitrogen out of the air so at the same time this guy is being wed for war crimes at the same time is being nominated for the Nobel Prize [Music] [Music] [Music] in oh
Channel: JRE Daily Clips
Views: 484,269
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Id: Qm1ZIZO0icE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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