Joe Rogan - Nazi Colonies in South America?

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the Joe Rogan experience you know the Russians got a bunch of him for their rocket probably hell the Egyptians did yeah the Egyptians were trying to create a delivery system to drop bombs into Israel and then ben-gurion started having these Nazi scientists tried to have them assassinated they were mailing the Mossad was no you familiar at this now the Mossad was mailing package bombs into Egypt and throughout Europe trying to kill these these German scientists and they were all German Nazi rocket guys that were working for idjit Egypt and Egypt wanted to go blow up Israel this is into the 60s so they're still trying to find ways to kill the Jews and they're like oh yeah we'll go work for you Egypt you know so it sounds crazy is how [ __ ] technologically advanced the Germans were so far ahead of us it's so amazing and it to this day you drive a BMW and you go whoa [ __ ] are on like a Chevy Malibu right now I'm like you drive a Corvette get a Corvette they're pretty [ __ ] badass it's on what you buy but I mean you mean there's German engineering in the 80s is [ __ ] phenomenal I mean if you drove a German car for the 1980s and an American car from the 80s it's like there's no comparison now I've a 1991 Porsche and it's a [ __ ] piece of engineering man it's a marvel of engineering it's not fast like a modern car but when you compare like the build quality and how they constructed it how it was put together in comparison to you know a [ __ ] Dodge Daytona from 1990 that's a hunka [ __ ] one of those today well unless you're gonna build a VBIED then you want it that's the only time you if you could blow it up again it's you the way you think is different you know thirteen year old child trafficking counterfeit money and yeah yeah do I it's will be will be in some country and I'll be walking by and I'll look at a car and be Ike that would make a great bomb yeah this sort of God it's real goes through my head you know yeah yeah well that's how the business works yeah yeah we'll grow up someday so when you're over there in Argentina and you're meeting with these people and you know that they're descendants of Nazis and they'll they bring out this grandfather's chest of things and war medals and all this jazz like what is this feeling like do you feel like these people got away with something and they kind of did but these aren't the people that did it but they're the descendants of the people that did it and they're still worshiping those people in some way yeah I I had um I had a lot of soul-searching trying to figure out what is that the appropriate thing what's the appropriate response what am I supposed to be feeling right now and I think I'm a pretty exposed person like I'm in tuned with what I feel and one of the hardest days we're in Chile and I interviewed this this man and this woman and they are both one of them is a second generation so she was born on the Colonia Dignidad on this compound as a Nazi separated from her parents she didn't know who her parents was I'm sorry I'm sorry she was brought there at like age 3 or 4 but she grew up there and she and they're separated from her parents didn't who her parents was her husband was a Chilean boy that was local and he heard about this new hospital that's that's built by dr. mangle a and how everybody has food there and he's a poor Chilean kid so he was able to get on to the the compound well the locals and the Germans aren't supposed to be together so he was kind of kept separated well because he was local they started testing him and group it got really violent and disgusting by the time he is a teenager he's being thrown out of out of windows having his bones broken being nursed back to health being set on fire being nursed back to health for like 10-15 years he finally talks his what will be his future wife into escaping with him and they sneak out on in a cheese truck because one of his friends when he was a Chilean kid grew up to be a police officer and nearby and he was able to get a letter out to them be like please come help us and they came in and do a health inspection and they hopped inside of this cheese truck and they got away so I'm I'm talking to this guy and he's telling me about the things that happened to him and I'm not gonna get into it I mean but they were the most horrible things that could happen to a little boy that you can imagine you know beyond rape beyond being burnt alive beyond being broken for for years and years and years and I'm shaking because I man I'm in Afghanistan and you know they threw some acid on some kids and I found those guys and killed those guys because that's what you do when you when you hurt little kids you know I got a soft spot for people that can't take care of themselves I can protect them something I think every real human isn't gonna let anything weak or them ever get hurt in front of them and so I'm shaking listen to this story you know and I was like um and I know I have to go back to Colonia Dignidad the next day and and put on like I'm a tourist guy hosting a Travel Show and that's was that's always our disguise to get in there was like how you know this is a beautiful Bavarian village you can come here that was the our little way in and I was just gonna go in and destroy that whole entire place that was my plan and the guys looking at me and he's like I see your anger you know and I was like yeah I'm gonna go hurt all of them he's like no you know no more pain I said okay what's going on he looks at his wife and he goes that's she saved me every time that I was burnt every time that's broken it was just love that's how I got out that's why we're alive today and we're gonna die of old age together with the woman that I fell in love with on this colony the only thing that matters is love and it's like god damn I like you but I still would go hurt all of those people you know so it's like so these people that were doing this to him what was what was their objective they wanted to understand I mean so the same test that Joseph Mengele was doing in Germany in 1943 he's now doing in Chile in 1953 he just has a different population to test they're not Jews they're Chulainn boys they're strong and they're wiry need less food they're not like the I'm using quotation marks the cockroach Jews that you just couldn't kill you know these were these were young strong Browns like these are their words verbatim that I'm using you know and it's like yeah I want to tear your guys faces out and you know stick soldering irons in your ear because you guys are so evil but not on the same as them so I was just real torn I didn't know what to do I just want to kill them all well son the worst aspects of human beings is that this desire to hurt people yeah that are weaker than you torture them and this is just coming into contact with that and then some guy who has this most beautiful response to it yeah you know I'm I love saving I got it I just want to die alone oh [ __ ] you're a better human than I so I never knew how to respond to these things I wanted to every time I'd see a new SS medal or I'd see you know like this the cross that they want for valor like crazy the equivalent of Medal of Honor z' these guys have in their parlors like these were Nazis you realize your grandpa yeah yes yes total pride swelling in their chest you know is like a crack in the face do you know how did mangle a died he died of old age old age he died on a beach in Brazil his Journal was found on the beach in Brazil [ __ ] yeah married a beautiful brazilian girl Wow mm-hmm Adolph Eichmann he got snatched by the Mossad in Argentina scores on ski he died of old age actually in nineteen in the 60s the Egyptians when they're trying to build that rocket program to annihilate the to annihilate Israel scores then she started working for the Mossad but he didn't really know it for they're paying him millions of millions of dollars to hold these parties for what he thought was the rise of the Fourth Reich whoa yeah so he was bringing in like crumb Mercedes and um crucial crucial steel crucian are steel crushed steel these massive billion-dollar corporations for the time he was hosting these soirees and talking and having other high-level Nazis that were still alive come in and he was just really being used by the Mossad to try to figure out who was facilitating this Egyptian rocket program so they've just were putting on these parties to kind of get everybody together so they could keep tabs on everybody and figure out who's who that's what the Mossad was doing yeah he was doing it with the intent of making the forthright yeah rising the Fourth Reich so the Mossad did this and then what did they do once they figured out who was who finally they I don't like this part because I like just getting killing bad people they figured out that the the big problem with the delivery system for the Egyptians in their missile program was the navigation system and they are trying to hire a whole bunch of these experts to come work for this program and they diplomatically kind of went behind the back and they got all of this really the only experts in the world they prevented them from going and traveling to and work for Egypt so they kind of diplomatically ended the the development of the delivery system for their their warheads so that's how they handled it after they poisoned some people and they sent some mail bombs and they kidnapped a guy and tortured him and killed him [ __ ] yeah real torture not not fake torture it's amazing how few people know about the Nazi escapees that went to South America it's it's amazing how when this this comes up it's it's relatively unknown I mean your show has done a lot to shed some light on it and I've read some articles about Nazis that escaped to South America but it's not common knowledge know it by design I mean when you're down there there is a there's a shroud of silence you you're not supposed to talk about these things the it takes a long time for me to get an interview with a guy it takes a long time for building repor I mean we're talking like we have some pretty high-level people working with me special-operations from every single branch to include the CIA Army Special Forces and we are pulling out every trick in the book to try to get these people to talk to us to include bribing them and the it's hard so they still don't talk about it to this day do you did you have to bring in german-speaking people yeah a lot of time Wow I mean what can be done I mean obviously there's not the same people right these are people that benefited from the people that went down there so you're talking about like third-generation removed yeah but what could be done the its kind of the damage is done right yeah but that's a lot of damage out what can be done as the ideas can die the ideas of fascism the ideas of racism the those those things we can kill right but are those ideas are those ideas being fostered and easier these communities I think it yes yeah they're being cultivated yeah cuz it like you experienced it yeah yeah I mean if I'm a walk white guy walking down the street I am I am a higher degree than the locals right you know like I can I can go and shop in some places that they can't I can go in and sit down and have a meal in some places that they can't I can I'm being greeted on the street good Morgan you know not not the brown dude next to me he's not and his kid definitely can't date the the blue eyed blonde girl at the high school that's not allowed so they basically create these little colonies yeah Yahtzee colonies in South America yeah did you google google Colonia Dignidad yeah did you you will have nightmares see dude I'm freaking out right now it's not it's crazy how many people got away with it that Joseph Mengele died on a beach that's poor sad Julian wife I mean that would hurts me because he's a guy like me just on the ops cuz he he's a special operations guy he was an SS he was he was a physical specimen especially for the time you know like we didn't understand I mean he was a very early on into one of the first real Nazis like this isn't okay all of Germany's going this way the Chancellor is Adolf Hitler this is where we're going I kind of just have to go along and you see some of that in the third and the 43-44 now it's okay we might be losing this war now it's not so invoke but when you got guys in like 1939 that are talking eugenics and you know higher calling for breeding and segregation early on you're like ah I don't like that guy gonna beat him to death with my hands but he's massive so it would be a pretty good fight yeah it was uh there we go reformed Nazi cult trying to what does it say Jimmy was the full feminazi cult what is the so that that's just a marketing thing because it's still the same place reformed Nazi cult trying to open its colony to tourism and where is this that's in Chile yeah I spent a lot of time there right there oh they made a movie about it so that's current day right there Jesus Christ later hoses range it's freakin gorgeous though it's I mean it is shangri-la yeah a German flag flying Wow they've tried to hide the Nazi things they've had I'd dinner right there look at them all I know I know that guy on the left do you really yep what's that bro we talked in the Burt rotisserie there he is right now Josie yeah so I had this guy with me Mike Simpson he is a he works in me a sheepdog responds he's a doctor he was a ranger that became a green beret that then went to medical school and then came back to special operations for the rest of the war and he's our director of training for sheep-bell response he was with me he and I both speak Spanish when we were down there but they didn't know that he was a doctor and they didn't know that we spoke Spanish and they didn't know that our translator that looked very Chilean could also speak German perfect German she translates for Porsche so they thought that they could have all these little conversations with the the stupid Harry handed Irish guy hosts from the tourism channel that and and they could get away well we understood everything they're saying so one of our tour guides was formerly a nurse in the hospital that they closed down and we stole one of their their little ID cards to get into that hospital and we stole a bunch of documents of them documenting them torturing little kids in the hospital in the hospital none of this made the air because it's it's there's so much litigation going on where all of these victims of Colonia Dignidad are suing via Bavaria and what time period are you talking about when they're torturing kids like when was this 60s to 90s and so this is essentially Nazis and the ancestors of Nazis carrying on those practices in secret yeah Jesus Christ it's crazy maybe isn't this isn't just people that got away with it and their ancestors and their and they evolved and changed so what do you do with that place you saw the pictures I mean that place is worth maybe a hundred million dollars and they bought that with Nazi money what do you do with that where does that go where does that go I don't know I Nazi money we're talking melted fillings from Jews mouths we're talking wedding rings off of Jews fingers they bought that land with that money and it's gorgeous Jesus Christ and they have a German colony there what I don't know I don't know what the right answer is I mean how does Chile feel about it Chile has been in a tough position because of the amount of power that they have had there nobody so in the in the 60s they were at behest of the president they were bringing in people that disagreed with the dictator and they were torturing them and they're getting that information and giving it back to the president well that went on for like ten years and so the the Nazis were doing that for yes okay for uhm oh my god I cannot believe whoever the dictator was yeah I'm so embarrassed I can reverse name right now because it's around the tip my tongue anyways but that information they also had so it not only the information went back to the president that he could use against his rivals but they also had it so they know all the dirt about everybody they know who is having sex with who who has a kid with who who went to this prostitute place who has a deal with the CIA who is working with the Venezuelans who's working with the Argentinians like they have all that dirt because they gave it to the president they have it too so they had been untouchable politically for you know 30 40 years because they had so much power because they had so much information because they had so much dirt on every single high-ranking person in South America Jesus Christ huh yeah it's been a trip year for me from that show and then straighten too hard to kill the show for the Discovery Channel from going then to point Africa like this year I don't even know I can't even [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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