The Attempt to Ban the Hunting of Mountain Lions

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the jogan experience it's a crazy time right now because there they are there is that measure out there I I don't I think it's a ballot measure but it's uh yeah where they're trying to they're calling they want to label lion hunting as trophy hunting and L there's a there's a guy there who's very passionate he's been doing a lot of good work his name is Dan gates with Colorado for responsable wildlife management for people listening don't know where to talk about we should say Mountain Line Mountain line yeah right well they say Mountain line bobcat and then links they throw in links which you can't hunt for anyways yeah it's not even to create this idea that yeah it's not even legal but they love putting this trophy hunting moniker out there because it's really easy to hate trophy hunting right which isn't even legal you can't even they make it I read this article from Colorado sun or something like that where it's like they want to eliminate people who kill mountain lions and just go cut their head off and just take the it's like who [ __ ] does that nobody does that but nobody does that people who don't know think oh my God that's despicable let's this we serve them some Mountain line well what the yeah what the what the aim here is that is the attempt to create a legal term the the the attempt to create trophy hunting as a legal term when you have a ballot measure both sides argue about the language like when when voters going what are they gonna read obviously you could write any ballot if you could just write the ballot initiative how you wanted to you'd win every time but people got to debate the wording that's what they did with the wolf thing did you did you read the wolf thing I never actually read it I couldn't even I couldn't even tell what was for wolves and what wasn't oh yeah it's like what the I don't even know which one I'm against it was like forcing it was it was should the state does the state need to implement a reintroduction uh Discovery effort or something like that and this is this they're trying to the debate comes around to can you say trophy hunting yeah in a ballot measure because if they can if you can set the precedent if you can use that it what a great tool because people are going to say oh I don't agree with that you know I don't agree with that kind of hunting right um which uh would have widespread implications because um as demonstrated here with this deer here uh there's a lot of parts of it that I don't throw away and I keep sitting around yeah so is this a trophy or is it an emblem or what the hell is it right but if I kept it does that mean that I'm now captured under your definition right right yeah what is trophy hunting yeah yeah and then the bringing in the Wolves thing is pretty wild because there's no precedent they really don't understand like there's precedent with obviously with Montana Idaho Frank Church Yellowstone but long term I mean we've only been since the 1990s yeah like there's a reason why they eradicated wolves it's I don't agree with it but when you have ranchers and you have all these people that they're living is based entirely on the stock that they have and whether or not they make money enough to keep their Farm running or not is depending upon how many animals they bring to Market and then you have wolves and you just bring in Wolves yeah well so there's a if if I got the tinf foil hat on they want to eliminate hunting I mean they they want to eliminate hunting and ranching so they don't care about ranchers losing their animals they would love people just to be 100% consumers relying on the government so they can control them they say here's your food here's what you're getting you're getting it from us you're not out there hunting it for yourself they hate Hunters if I was thinking about you know the governor of Colorado which is polus his husband is anti-hunting yeah it's he's an animal rights activist that's where all this is coming from so but if you look at the bigger picture Hunters they cannot stand Hunters are usually capable um confident uh you know they have a skill set you can't control people like that they want PE government wants people they can control that'll be afraid when they're supposed to be afraid wear this mask when we tell you get this shot when we tell you here's your you get your food from the store here here it is and hter I think there's certainly an element of that Hunters are the opposite of that yeah I think there's certainly an element of that but I think it really all boils down to people that love animals they I think I definitely detect that there's a complete disinterest in what Hunters think about it and they think that that for someone to come in and argue um by doing this Wildlife measure you're impacting like you would like this animal on the landscape for viewing pleasure mhm um I like certain animals on the landscape for hunting consumption eating whatever and there's a conflict here where by doing this you're going to lower by increasing your likelihood of having viewer pleasure you're having a a potentially really negative impact on my use of Natural Resources I think that they look at you as though you don't have a that you're ridiculous or evil or don't have a point in saying that you want to control um you want to limit predation on a resource you rely on and they they don't accept that as a reality uh it's it I I I haven't encountered a lot of like really really forceful wolf Advocates that are serious Hunters there is a there's a trend there mhm you know the thing that that that bothered me about the bothered me most about the Colorado reintroduction is that while the ballot measure was going forward wolves showed up on their own M I would have imagined even if I was on and and I'm not anti-wolf but uh when they showed up on their own I don't even know if it's legally possible I would have halted that whole thing because the social friction is so much less if they walk in on their own yeah Diane Boyd who is the Montana wolf specialist for many years um she even came to believe in hindsight that the the Idaho Montana reintroductions ultimately would have been unne ultimately were unnecessary and that you would have gradually achieved the same thing with Wolves walking in on their own and had a very different societal perception of what was going on people would look at it as a natural like a natural dis Bal a natural occurrence and not a government action right yeah but I think they wanted that pomping circumstance like polus was there I think when they released the wolf with a big stupid smile on his face yeah they they everybody else all the biologists all had this like what are we doing he was like Yay yeah they wanted right they wanted that you know and if they knew the truth of how nature balances itself it doesn't really Bal it over you Predators kill way too many prey animals because there is no tag limit they're not like for example they talk about trophy hunting Lions to or mountain lions to hunt in Colorado you have to take it's very regulated you take this test so you learn how to identify a Tom and a female you learn how to age a little bit you know based on the coloring you learned you know what size of track so there's you have to go through this before you hunt and the whole quota system the quot like yeah so the quota where I was in the unit I was hunting was uh 34 Lions every night after five you call in to see what the where we're at when I got there it was at 31 I was there for 6 days it was up to uh it was 34 was a limit it was up to 33 so one more lion could get killed and then it's done so it's not like what happens if like you kill at the same you're in the woods no signal and someone else kills too until it hits 36 it it could that's why you check there's 2 there's a window after five yeah so I think I think usually click in like a 24-hour clock or maybe they might have been immediate I don't know they have you have 48 hours to turn it in there and um but anyway point is you're not over harvesting you know the the estimate goes up to as high as 7,000 Mountain lines in Colorado probably may maybe 5,000 but in the whole state Hunters are allowed to kill 450 and they've been doing this and it's not like they're out there killing mountain lions cutting their heads off no regard for the numbers wiping them out it's so regulated you know you don't have to call and and uh report your deer and Elk but lions are like a whole another level as far as control and think about that quota system if you have a horrific snowstorm that pushes all kinds of deer and Elk out of High Country and like everybody in his brother like a perfectly timed snowstorm and everybody in his brother is just piling up Deering out they don't go uhoh shut it down yeah they sit back and go like wow yeah motherload what a harvest yeah with lions they would they would come in and go oh done yeah yeah but they got a it's a it's a perpetual motion machine where they've had these they've had a really healthy stable population uh minimum Harvest yeah that just goes on it's under 10% here the thing that we should talk about when when it comes to these uh reintroduction of predators which listen I I [ __ ] love wolves I mean if you look at out here I have all these photos of wolves longdistance photos of wolves I'm happy that they exist I think they're [ __ ] amazing they're probably my favorite on my wall in my living room they're probably my favorite animal I just think they're the [ __ ] coolest animal of all time I really do I just look in their eyes photos of them if I come across photos on my Instagram I'm always like holy [ __ ] look at that thing they're Majestic um but their numbers have to be baged and as uncomfortable as that sounds for people Wildlife biologists they have an understanding of the carrying capacity and the resources of the land they understand how many Hunters there are they understand how many that's how tags are allocated yeah it's not a guessing game yeah the way people need to understand this is like they've they've done this for a long time these people have you know painstakingly researched these numbers they know exactly what they're doing but when it comes to this game of reintroduction of animals the first step is they say there's a carrying Capac capacity for the amount of wolves this is the number when it gets to that we will agree to open up a season on Wolf hunting but every time that happens there's lawsuits and there's lawsuits to try to stop that hunt and then the Wolves get larger and larger and then you have larger and larger populations I was looking at a graph the other day where they showed reintroduction of wolves to the Yellowstone the amount of elk that existed and now the amount of wolves versus the amount of elk and it's pretty shocking it's a giant drop and they're so good hunting they're they're [ __ ] amazing but hunting wolves is insanely difficult it's really hard to do they're really [ __ ] smart they're really aware their senses are light years beyond what we can even physically imagine an animal to be capable of doing in our minds like we we know that deer could I remember I was watching an episode of your your show where uh bear winded you guys like [ __ ] 500 yards or something like it's incredible their noses are [ __ ] amazing their senses are amazing I don't think we really it's almost like looking at the size of the universe like you know it's 13 whatever billion light years across you don't [ __ ] that's that's just going in your head you don't the M the kind of power that the senses of a wolf have I don't think we can even really fathom it so our our thought is people are just going to go in there and wipe out the wolves like they did before that's just ignorance the way they wiped out at this point you can go and say that it's just that that's not the reality because after after the delisting in the in the northern Rockies after the D listing that didn't happen right right did they ever re their quotas yeah they reach quotas they every night not every night uh many nights I'll check and y'all get notifications like the I Got a notification whatever the hell 313 whatever it was unit had hit its quota region five hit its quota I'm talking about in Montana whatever region hit its quota at this point it's at this point we've hit at it is a stable there's a stable population of wolves across a big chunk of range that are managed as a renewable natural resources they that managed as a big game species there is no problem it still gets litigated all the time but the whole idea that they're going to be pushed back on the onto the esa on the endangered species list the state doesn't want that they the worst thing that could happen to the state right they're not going to shoot him into Oblivion right it's like we have wolves on the landscape and you could have the extremes of people that want to live in a world where there aren't any that's not realistic like you lost that fight you have extremes where people want to live in a world where there's as many as possible and there's no regulation on them which isn't extreme because we could live in that landscape but right now we're living in a landscape where there are wolves on the ground there's a healthy population there's hunting for them there's a a a a equilibrium emerging and it's very livable but in Colorado it's like you got Hunters that are if Hunters saw that there was a pathway to finding the extent of it they would probably feel a lot better but right now they're like we're going to lose 50% of elk we're going to lose 75% of elk this is going to get litigated it could be a 100 years from now we could have 90 years of full recovery objective there's still no regulated Harvest on wolves and they're apprehensive
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 669,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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